claire bangser 203.856.9387 experience MONDO BIZARRO, April 2013 - present Photographer + videographer for Cry You One social + environmental storytelling project Photo and video portraiture with media team producing web stories about land loss in Southern Louisiana. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC STUDENT EXPEDITIONS, June - July 2013 Photographer On-Assigment Leader, Italy and Greece Co-leading group of 19 high school students across Italy and Greece for 2.5 week expedition. FREELANCE DESIGN AND VIDEO WORK, March 2012 - present Graphic, web, +/or video design for wide range of clients including: Travel Shark, Yoga4Everybody, The Awesome Foundation, Recolor Your Palate, Mali Health Organizing Project, Sally’s Place, ServeSmart, NolaVie + OperationOF YOUNG AUDIENCES OF LOUISIANA, March 2013 - present After-school Photography Teacher Teaching photography to elementary + middle school students 4 days/week in New Orleans public + charter schools. BALYOLU, December 2011 - present Creative Media Director Writing, video production, mutlimedia storytelling + graphic design for social startup leading eco-tours in NE Turkey. THE HONEY ROAD NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPEDITION, July - Nov 2012 Photographer, videographer + digital storyteller Captured video, photo, audio, and written content on four month Young Explorers expedition across Turkey + the South Caucasus. Currently producing multimedia stories. RIDE SOMEWHERE FAR (BOOK), October 2011 - June 2012 Author + illustrator Wrote, illustrated + published DIY guide for student exploratory bike travel. THE WISE ROUTES PROJECT3DFLŹF&RDVW-XO\2FWREHU Co-founder + cyclist Designed + completed 1,800 mile bike tour, ongoing education-related blog + multimedia interview project. ASHOKA, Arlington, VA, June 2009 - June 2011 Senior Program Manager for the Young Champions of Maternal Heatlh Program Designed $2 million Gates Foundation-funded program, managed client relationships, successfully facilitated 15 international placements for Young Champions, organized conferences in Ghana + India, blogged frequently. education WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY IN ST. LOUIS, St. Louis, MO, August 2005 - May 2009 Bachelor of Arts, International Studies, minors in French and Fine Art SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL TRAINING, Mali, West Africa, Spring semester 2008 awards + Features skills CENTER FOR DIGITAL STORYTELLING, full scholarship to attend food digital storytelling workshop, March 2013 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WEEKEND RADIO, interviewed by Boyd Matson, December 23, 2012 CORNUCOPIA MAGAZINE,DUWLFOH0HOOLŹHG/LYLQJ([SORULQJ.DUVWKURXJK+RQH\'HFHPEHU NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WEBSITE, various photos + quotes featured, November 2012 - March 2013 ASHOKA.ORG, audio story featured, February 17, 2011 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY DEAN’S LIST, every semester, August 2005 - May 2009 MADELEINE ALBRIGHT AWARD, Washington University, 2008 CHARLES S. DANA CULTURAL AWARD, Staples High School, 2005 PROGRAMS: Mac OSX, Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Wordpress, CSS, 0LFURVRIW2IŹFH6XLWH6DOHVIRUFH &50 /LJKWURRP*,03PRVWVRFLDOPHGLDSODWIRUPV LQFOXGLQJ)DFHERRN7ZLWWHU ,QVWDJUDP7XPEOU3LQWHUHVW WKHJRRGROŎIDVKLRQHGSHQ CROSS-CULTURAL TRAVEL: over 30 countries including long-term stays in Mali, India, Ghana, Turkey + Georgia. LANGUAGES: )OXHQW(QJOLVK)UHQFKLQWHUPHGLDWH7XUNLVK%DPEDUD VSRNHQLQ:HVW$IULFD EDVLF6SDQLVK GEEKING: bicycles, bees, culture’s relationship to land, fermentation, maps, + the virtues of making things by hand.