John Geake’s Discussant Comments Brain, Neuroscience and Education SIG AERA Montreal April 2005 63.050 Invited Paper Session Developmental Neuroscience: Directions and Implications for Educational Research 1605 – 1805 Thursday 14th April Salle de Balle Est, Le Centre Sheraton Chair: Dr George Hruby, Utah State University Keynote contributors: Dr Bill Greenough, University of Illinois How brains acquire information in development and learning Dr Liz Spelke, Harvard University Core knowledge and conceptual change: Number and arithmetic Dr Lisa Freund, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development The neurobiology of social interaction and its affect on early learning Dr Usha Goswami, University of Cambridge, UK Phonological awareness and reading: Can we use ERP to predict literacy? Discussant: Dr John Geake, Oxford Brookes University, UK Discussant Comments: As an educator who has recently become a cognitive neuroscientist, I found these four papers to be of considerable interest. In Oxford I convene a Forum of cognitive neuroscientists and educationists which is particularly concerned with implications of neuroscientific research for educational practice. In this endeavour we strongly believe that this should be a two-way street, i.e., that educationists should propose questions for neuroscientific research projects as much as seek implications for education from extant experiments which might not have had any educational rationale in their original formulation. Consequently, in seeking educational applications of neuroscientific work, the approach of Michael Fullan to educational change: “Ready, Fire, Aim”, seems to have much to recommend it. For educational neuroscience to acquire professional credibility on a par with other more established areas of education, there seems to be virtue in taking action, both experimental and pedagogic, lest the meetings of this SIG become limited to talk-shops. To such an end, all four of these papers were rich in potential educational implications. Child development is a topic of great salience for both educators and clinicians, not to mention parents. Development has certainly been one area of the Oxford Forum’s focus, and last July we held a conference for educational psychologists in the UK which featured several presentations of research into early child development of memory. Here at this SIG Invited Paper Session, all four papers were information rich, and 20 minutes was obviously quite an inadequate presentation time for the audience to fully benefit from the considerable knowledge of the presenters. As teachers we engage in professional reflection on our successes and failures, and Liz Spelke laid extensive data of children’s arithmetic development on the table to inform such professional reflection. In a previous session of this SIG, George Hruby articulated a range of paradigms within which educators might attempt to interrogate cognitive neuroscience. I would argue that such paradigms entail implicit models of brain functioning, and Usha Goswami’s paper presented explicit data which could be used to challenge or support the robustness of these various implicit neurological models. Needless to say there is no end point to such enquiry, and Lisa Freund’s presentation reminded us of the essential scientific regress: the more we discover the more we find to discover. As a most important case in point, Bill Greenough drew attention to the relatively neglected contributions of astrocytic processing to brain development and function. These, it might be reasonably conjectured, will play critical roles in interpreting future data on neural connectivity, e.g., the effective bandwidth of inter-modular information transfer. All four papers demonstrated the centrality of neural connectivity in understanding how functional modularity contributes to learning. We could hope that future DTI (diffusion tensor imaging) analyses might shed some much needed light on how distally distributed networks synchronise to produce educational outcomes. [AT ABOUT THIS POINT THE SESSION HAD RUN OUT OF TIME AND HAD TO CLOSE] In addition to the salient content, which I won’t rehearse, each paper made many points of contact with the wider research literature, and with several of the papers presented at earlier sessions of this SIG. Bill Greenough’s opening remark, that brain development is dynamic, i.e., nonlinear, cannot be re-emphasised too often. Perhaps at some future AERA conference our SIG could hold a combined session on nonlinear dynamical models of brain function with the Chaos and Complexity in Education SIG? However, at this AERA, the papers of the CCE SIG which I attended consisted mainly of post-modern solipsisms (complexity in its non-scientific usage), and thus were quite bereft of any mathematical modelling, or applications to cognition. Another unfortunate example of research being misinterpreted outside of the science community is seen with some of the takes on Bill Greenough’s pioneering work on the comparative effects on brain development of enriched vs. impoverished environments. Advocates of infant hot-housing fail to equate an enriched laboratory environment with a normal non-lab environment for rats. The effects of a truly impoverished human environment, e.g., Romanian orphanages, are all too tragic, but in a normal home there is more than enough perceptual and physical stimulation for a young infant, e.g., the contents of the kitchen cupboard, without the imposition of flash cards, or even Toys-R-Us. Consistently, precocious intelligence can be explained by a relative advance in neural maturation, a point also made by Lisa Freund. This connects with the growing VBM (voxel-based morphometry) literature (e.g., Richard Haier’s lab) on grey matter correlates of IQ, which has implicated not just the prefrontal cortex but also other cortical areas, as well as the cerebellum. More specifically, Tuesday’s SIG session paper by Jodene Fine, University of Texas, reported reading deficits predicted by differences in structure of the corpus callosum. However, Bill Greenough’s main thrust was that it’s not just the grey matter that matters: in fact, for development, astrocytic and capillary plasticity might be of greater importance. Implications abound. To mention but two: the construction of fMRI activation maps is usually dependent on the correlated BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) response, i.e., a neuronal-driven capillary plasticity. However, in a clinical setting, diagnostic fMRI might be significantly compromised if the aetiology involves pre-dilated capillaries within the region of pathology (i.e., there would be no change in BOLD signal, and thus no fMRI activation in the very region of interest). A similar problem could arise in educational neuroscientific research when employing repeated fMRI to seek neural correlates of learning. By Hebbian models, learning enhances neural efficiency, but such increased neural efficiency might actually decrease the BOLD signal in the cortical area which is most important. Second, the so-called brain-based intervention of brain gym assumes a direct causal link between certain physical (somatic) activities and the stimulation of specific brain areas. In a dynamic system with feedforward and feedback, and where the circulatory system in the brain is fractally pervasive, such an assumption seems quite untenable. Liz Spelke articulated a most fundamental question for educational neuroscience: given the evolutionary trajectory of the human brain (reviewed by Jeremy Genovese, Cleveland State University, in an earlier roundtable session), how does our brain appropriate evolved functions to undertake symbol processing? In the case of arithmetic, it is clear that human infants, along with other mammals and birds, have a sense of the numerosity of small groups of objects. How then, thanks to education in part, do we move on to a complete decimal system of computation, and beyond? And why do some children seem not to get it as readily as others? Such individual differences are not apparent when comparing young girls and boys, yet, as Larry Summers recently and controversially asked, why after decades of affirmative action programmes do we still find in engineering and physics faculties an unchanged ratio of men to women about 12 to one? Clearly this is a question of how development interacts with education? Liz Spelke’s work sets a basis for such an enquiry. Her model of children’s arithmetic development seems similar to that of the Maths Recovery programme of Bob Wright, Southern Cross University, Australia, which has been employed in both Australia and in the UK with significant positive effect. Moreover, there is a large research programme at the University of Oxford on cross-modal information processing, and Liz Spelke’s cross modal data adds to those findings that afferent information activates cortical regions associated with other modalities en route to being abstracted for higher-order processing. My take on this, following the dynamic workplace model of brain function of Dehaene and Changeux, is that the popular brain-based notion of VAK learning styles is mistaken: there might be acuity-based perceptual preferences for visual, auditory or kinaesthetic perception, but not for learning per se, most of which (obvious exceptions not withstanding) is independent of modality. Lisa Freund‘s overview of the emergent field of educational neuroscience highlighted its interdisciplinary progress (cf. previous SIG session paper by Michael Atherton), to be continued by this SIG together with non-AERA groups such as the newly formed International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES), Harvard University, the Centre for Neuroscience and Education, University of Cambridge, UK, and the Oxford Cognitive Neuroscience Education Forum. Lisa Freund also drew attention to serious challenges to such progress arising from the absence (both theoretical and actual) of a normative database of brain development. Although we can attribute development to changes in variables such as cortical volume increases in prefrontal cortex, due in large part to axon thickening through mylenation, as per Bill Greenough’s paper, resulting in faster connectivity with better signal to noise ratios, inter-individual variance seems too high for this to become more than an in-principle account at present. For example, there is good neuroimaging evidence for a frontalparietal circuit that underpins spatial reasoning, an attribute in which males seem to be generally advantaged. Interestingly, probability maps of sulci variability show that the largest variance for males is in the inferior parietal lobe, but how such variability contributes to advantageous spatial functioning, and how this develops, are important research questions for the future, as Lisa Freund recommended. Such research would have particular salience for education, because without such a developmental data base, neural-based predictions of learning difficulties, e.g., ADHD, are not possible. Moreover, a greater understanding of brain development should inform our understanding of the contribution of social interactions, especially parenting. For children with relatively immature frontal cortices, and therefore limited executive functioning, it seems critical for parents to provide the extrinsic regulation necessary for the development of emotional responses (cf. previous SIG session paper by Kathryn Patten and Stephen Campbell, Simon Fraser University). As an anthropological footnote, Australian tribal aboriginal parents are held responsible for their children’s behaviour until the children are initiated as adults, at around age 12 years. Usha Goswami took up the issue of individual differences in the context of how the brain appropriates evolved functions for the development of symbol system processing, as per Liz Spelke’s paper. A pre-literate lexicon of 14,000 words would seem to place some burden on long-term memory, not less when it needs to be transformed into literacy. Usha Goswami demonstrated how a scientific dissection of an educational enterprise – learning to read – could be mapped on to neurophysiology (cf. previous roundtable paper by Deborah Jensen, Rice University), in this case, mapping the phonemic patterns involved in reading on to auditory afferents and consequent ERPs as patterns of brain function. This is potentially informative as such a phonological lexicon is not explicitly employed in education. Interestingly, the risetime of the auditory signal is a good predictor of reading variance, e.g., the N100 in the brains of dyslexic children. I wonder if this is an indication of continual novelty of what should be familiar sounds, which in turn affects access to lexical memory, similarly to the way in which children who are poor at arithmetic fail to see that, for example, 19 + 3 calls on the same number facts as 9 + 3? Excitingly, Usha Goswami’s work has potential informative links with models of culturally-specific symbol learning in the fusiform gyrus, and research into musical and linguistic prosody, as well as providing a step towards the establishment of that much-needed database of children’s brain development.