Below is a list of how your lab notebook should look before you turn it in next week AP Biology Lab Notebook Check General Requirements * Your name, date, period, school, class on the front of your notebook * Your name, date, period, school, class on the title page * Table of Contents located on the first 3 pages of your notebook. * All pages of your notebook numbered on an outside corner. * Table of contents is up to date Labs * Summer Plant Data * Welcome back plant parade, data, graphs, Q’s * Pill bug lab o Background o Drawings o Part A – Procedure, hypothesis, data, graph o Part B Question, hypothesis, data, graph o REE PE PA Copy * Osmosis lab part 1 (make sure each part is clearly labeled in your notebook) o Pre-lab Q’s o Hypothesis o procedure o surface area data table & % diffusion data o graph * Osmosis lab part 2 o Pre-lab Q’s o Hypothesis o procedure o Data for your row o Graph for your row * Osmosis lab part 3 Below is a list of how your lab notebook should look before you turn it in next week o Pre-lab Q’s o Hypothesis o procedure o Data table with % mass change calculations & sample calculation o Graph * Osmosis REE PE PA ( combine all 3 parts – think about essential questions we are answering here. Purpose was to learn about how things cross cell membranes) Total _____/75 Comments: