JULY 2009 OVERVIEWS AND ANALYSES The trains of projectiles drawn by Montaut for the novel by Jules Verne, « From the Earth to the Moon », 104 years before the Apollo 11 mission Just a Few Words… ABOUT INFLUENCE REGARDING INFORMATION Three facts have to be noticed in July. The first one concerns the influence of the climatic and environmental deal. The information flows targeting specifically this area are not truly dominant, quite a contrary. Nevertheless, numerous other sectors take this topic into account. In this way, this issue acts as a factor of dynamics for the main “hot spots”. This fact would seem to demonstrate that an identical rule could be applied to information and to the political and geopolitical fields, the one which differentiates power and influence. The second fact is not unrelated to the previous assumption. It concerns the influence of the US domestic affairs regarding the international information flows. The third fact, albeit less visible, concerns the information coming from African countries, notably from English-speaking countries. Even if the measures are still modest, the information flows reveal that environmental issues and information technologies are considered when addressing actions related to development.n “Let’s make sure of the fact before inquiring about the cause. It is true that this way looks really slow for people who run straight to the cause and pass over the verity of the fact; but indeed, we shall save ourselves from the ridicule of avoiding the cause of the non-existent”.! L’histoire des Oracles, Fontenelle (1687) Contents 5 - Global Information Flows 7 - Climate & Environment 9- Society 6 - Economy & Geopolitics 8 - Sciences & Technologies 11 - Hot Spots 3 The Talisman,! Paul Sérusier! (1864 - 1927)! Orsay Museum! ©RMN! 4 In 1888, Paul Sérusier went to Pont-Aven (Brittany) where he met Gauguin. He painted this picture by following Gauguin’s advices. The point was no longer an imitation of nature, even by rendering the changing qualities of the light and of the colours as the Impressionists did.! From then on, the colours themselves and the way to fit them together prevailed.! Back home in Paris, Sérusier showed this painting to his friends, who were to be known as the “Nabis” (prophets in Hebrew). For them, it was like a revelation and so they called this painting “The Talisman”.! Global International Flows Overview Geopolitics: 47.77% - Economy: 28.20% - Society: 12.46% - Sciences & technologies: 5.94% - Climate & environment: 5.62% As expected, both prevailing fields relate to geopolitical and economic issues. Nevertheless, we notice that the information flows regarding politics and geopolitics are much greater than those about economic topics. It appears as a general tendency during the last 12 months, if we except March 2009 when both fields were almost equal: geopolitics, 36.60%; economy, 33.74% . This tendency highly reverses from the next month. Indeed, in April geopolitics represents 42.27% of the global information flows, then 46.68% in May, 49.92% in June, whereas economy represents 27%, 25.63% and 26.78% during the same months. The breakthrough of the information flows regarding society topics constitutes the notable event of the last 12 months. Below 10% until September 2008, they come to the fore with 16.76% in October 2008. They are over 20% between November 2008 and February 2009, and thus they are almost equal to the information flows regarding economy. Nevertheless, since March, those flows related to society pass again under the 20% mark, then decreasing steadily: 18.95% in March, 18.90% in April, 14.71% in May, 13.09% in May and 12.46% in July. 5 Information Flows Overview: Economy & Geopolitics Politics: 30.92% - International Relationships: 28.08% - Finance: 17.59% - World Economy: 10.13% - Industry: 8.09% - Security Defence : 3.87% - Europe : 1.31% The global tendencies are confirmed when observing the different segmentations which constitute the geopolitical and economic areas. Indeed, concerning the geopolitical area, the topics, which relate to politics and international relationships, are clearly over those which relate to financial and world economy issues, respectively 30.2% and 28.08% concerning the first ones and 17.59% and 10.13% concerning the others. By considering the last ten months trend, we notice that the information flows about finance and international relationships come to the fore during spring 2009. This fact can be linked with the G20 summit, on the second of April. From spring, this raise was not reconsidered. The flows regarding both topics kept growing, at the expense of topics related to world economy but not of those concerning politics. 6 During the last months, we can also notice the stability of the flows about security and defence, as well as the stability of the topics related to Europe - around 1% - and the relatively small part of the topics dealing with industrial issues, if we except an increase up to 10% of the international flows, in June. May we come to the following conclusion? In a background of world economic crisis, this most visible consequence of the financial crisis second wave, dated from the week of the 14th of September 2008, and facing as many questions as answers required by the public, did the political sphere surpass the financial and economic sphere, in the strictest sense? In any case, the map projection of the international information flows goes clearly this way. Information Flows Overview: Climate & Environment Raw Materials: 34.20% - Sustainable Development: 25.21% - Agriculture: 14.37% - Environment: 10.82% - Global Warming: 7.02% Bioenergy: 5.46% - Water: 1.91% - Biodiversity: 1.02% In July, the overview of the Climate and Environment information flows confirm the last 12 months results. Four topics clearly prevail: raw materials, environment, agriculture and sustainable development. Regarding this last topic, it is meant in a broad sense and not only in an environmental perspective. These information flows come from the World Bank, research centres focusing on development issues and several African media, among others. They all confirm that we set in the 3F triptych, i.e. Food, Fuel and Finance. In a global and convergent world, the observers, analysts and political decision-makers do emphasize the interaction and mutual impacts between poverty, climate change and impacts of the world economic crisis on development. In red, the ice-caps melting zone. ©By courtesy of NASA 7 Information Flows Overview: Sciences & Technologies ITC: 27.35% - Sciences: 24.31% - Physics & chemistry: 23.11% - Aeronautics & Space: 16.56% - Biotechnology: 5% - Nuclear: 1.89% - Nanotechnology : 1.78% If we except the scientific general information, three topics prevail when considering the international information flows: ITC, physics and chemistry, aeronautics and space. Nevertheless these results have to be qualified because of the current convergence dynamics. So, information concerning ITC, physics and chemistry can also contain sub-information related to biotechnologies or nanotechnologies, for instance. However the growing momentum of the information about ITC, physics and chemistry constitutes the most noteworthy fact for the last twelve months. This fact has more to do with massive releases about numerous researches, progresses and diverse applications than with a sudden breakthrough related to those topics. The amount of information about space for the 10 last months results from divers causes: the NASA communication offensive 8 which aimed to get the needed budgets to enable its Moon and Mars exploration programs, in particular human programs; the preparation of the first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11, both events obviously linked; just as much a proactive ESA communication campaign, in particular about its new astronauts’ presentation; the regular releases coming from the Chinese and Indian Space Agencies, which make no secret of their interest for Moon exploration. In addition, both air crashes of Air France Rio - Paris flight and of Yemenia airbus influence the information flows related to this field. Concerning ITC, physics and chemistry, we must notice the richness of the researches carried out in various fields and niches as well as the one of their applications, although theses researches seem mainly focused on medical and environmental fields. Information Flows Overview: Society Human Rights: 40.80% - Territories: 20.18% - Health: 20.07% - Knowledge: 10.96% - Globalisation: 3.78% - Education: 2.17% Foresight: 1.10% - Tourism: 0.37% In July, the tendency of the information flows related to Society topics is consistent with the ten last months tendency. The topics about human rights prevail. Those regarding health are never under the 20% mark (20.16% in January and 20.23% in February), although we must notice that the information concerning territories lightly exceed the health ones, in July. Unexpectedly, considering the last months, we don’t observe any peak of information related to health, in general, neither in April (beginning of the swine flu epidemic) nor afterwards. In May, compared with April, we even observe a decline: 25% of the flows in April against 21.9% in May. On the other hand, within the health area, the number of documents about the swine flu steadily increases, in absolute value as well as in percentage: 97 documents in April, i.e. 2.46% of the documents entered in the health segmentation database, 451 in May, i.e. 13.44%, 1461 in June, i.e. 42%, but only 551 in July, i.e. 24.6%. In spite of the current news, the swine flu epidemic does not result in a particular focus of the information flows, at least in the health segmentation. It doesn’t eclipse other topics addressed in this field. During the last months, another noteworthy event was the emergence of information flows dealing with topics related to territories and to knowledge, although to a lesser extent concerning the second one. Four factors explain this emergence: a massive inf or mation flow about infr as tructur es, transportation and logistics, coming from Africa; the information regarding the motor industry crisis; the surveys of territories’ inequality in view of the economic crisis F 9 Information Flows Overview: Society Migrant worker! by Tim Boucher! and of their capacities in the perspective of an economic revival; the documents dealing with the workers’ mobility, the migrants, once again in the view of the economic crisis. Despite the documents related to knowledge never pass the 10% mark, they bring in their wake information dealing with education. On the other hand, we notice that the information flows concerning globalisation and foresight remain low, within the society area at least, in July as during the last months. 10 Information Flows Overview: Hot Spots 11 Information Flows Overview: Hot Spots In July, a central mass draws attention when observing the proximity relationships map. We can observe a conjunction where not less than twelve 21st Century transformation areas and topics cross and combine. Six of them relate to climate and environment, three belong to the politics and geopolitics field and three are about economic matters. It concerns the following 21st Century transformation areas and segmentations.! Climate and Environment: global warming, environment, sustainable development, bioenergy, water, raw materials. Geopolitics/Politics:: international relationships, politics, security /defence. Economy : finances, world economy, industry. Within this mass, some segmentations show higher degree of aggregation than others. It concerns : 12 Security – Defence: conjunction with global warming, environment, sustainable development, raw materials, international relationships, politics. Global warming: conjunction with sustainable development, raw materials, security/defence, international relationships, politics, finance. Raw materials: conjunction with sustainable development, global warming, security/defence, finance, industry. Information Flows Overview: Hot Spots Finances: conjunction with raw materials, sustainable development, global warming, security/defence, industry. Sustainable development: conjunction with raw materials, global warming, security/defence, finance, industry. Politics: conjunction with environment, global warming, bioenergy, international relationships, security/defence. International relationships: conjunction with global warming, environment, sustainable development, security/ defence, politics. The lower degrees of aggregation concern: World economy: conjunction with water, bioenergy, environment. Water: conjunction with bioenergy, world economy. We must notice two “trails” in addition of this central mass. They are like completing this “nebula”, where the following segmentations combine, with high degrees of aggregation: “Europe”, “Health” and “Human Rights”. Europe: conjunction with global warming, sustainable d e ve l o p m e n t , r a w m a t e r i a l s , s e c u r i t y / d e f e n c e , international relationships, politics, finance and health. Health: conjunction with global warming, sustainable d e ve l o p m e n t , r a w m a t e r i a l s , s e c u r i t y / d e f e n c e , international relationships, politics, Europe and finance. Human Rights: conjunction with bioenergy, environment, international relationships, politics, world economy. We have to notice that the higher degree of proximity relationships occurs between the « Security/Defence » segmentation and the « Health » one, whereas the “Europe” segmentation and the “Global Warming” one show the closest proximity. Bioenergy and Human rights also show very close proximity. ! This map results from information flows, which clearly reveal that the « Climate - Environment » area, at least their segmentations, constitutes the factor of dynamics in the formation of this mass. Indeed, the topics raised can be as diverse as political, economic, dealing with defence, etc., they always involve climatic extensions with repercussions that extend to other segmentations such as education, health, human rights… These data are to be considered in the view of the «Climate/Environment» information flows, which globally are the lowest one in July 2009. So, we face an apparent paradox: very low flows on one hand, but a very high dynamics of aggregation on the other hand. We could formulate this observation as follows: the influence is not necessarily proportional to a massive information supposed to confer power. 13 Information Flows Overview: Hot Spots In order to complete this overview, the July background of the main brought to light current news has to be given. The American military budget that some people compare with the climate and environment-orientated budget, arguing that if global warming is becoming a factor of security risk, even according the army staff analysts, so it would be more relevant to grant budgets to the risk prevention than to weapons and means of military response in case of crisis. The American Senate works about “Moving America toward a Clean Energy Economy and Reducing Global Warming Pollution”, on the heels of the Waxman-Markey Bill. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) talks about making companies to do environmental reporting in order to let consumers know what kinds of risks — financial and otherwise — climate change may pose to the bottom line. Preparations for COP15, United Nations Climate Change Conference Copenhagen, December 2009. Diverse initiatives linking environment security and reconstruction in Iraq as well as in Africa, for instance. 14 July 2009: the US domestic affairs prevail beside issues related to climate change and to development. Neptune’s Horses, Walter Crane! Alte Pinakothek, Munich © International Focus - August 2009 The reproduction of all documents published in this review is authorized only upon request, in writing to contact@inter-focus.com. For specific copyrighted materials, permission should be obtained from the copyright owner prior to use. 15