MSU Aiken Village Preschool Curriculum Plan Mississippi State University, Early Childhood Institute Unit: Pumpkins and Scarecrows Age Group: 4’s Teacher’s: Georgia Graham & Caroline Fortner Date: October 21-25, 2013 Mississippi Early Learning Standards Approaches to Learning PA 4. Identify a problem or ask a question PA 5. Use a variety of strategies to solve a problem, reach a goal, or answer a question (e.g., work with others, use a variety of materials, experiment) English/Language Arts: LI 5. With prompting and support, interact with common types of texts SL 2. With prompting and support, confirm understanding of information presented orally, from read-alouds, or through other media by asking and answering questions about details Social Studies: FC 4. Identify some similarities and some differences in family structure, culture, ability, language, age and gender FC 5. With prompting and support, demonstrate responsible behavior related to daily routines (The art table) SI 1. Make observations, predictions, and ask questions about natural occurrences or events and slow tempos and simple elements of music DM 2. Respond rhythmically to different types of music (e.g, fast, slow) MD 1. With guidance and support, recognize measurable attributes of everyday objects such as length, weight, size, using appropriate vocabulary MD 2. With guidance and support, compare two objects using attributes of length, weight, and size Physical Development: SI 3. Use a variety of simple tools to make investigations SI 8. Describe similarities and differences in the environment using the five senses Creative Expression: MU 4. With prompting and support, identify fast Science: Mathematics: Social and Emotional Development: SD 4c. Accept assigned duties during play of classroom management routines (The art table) FM 2. Demonstrate fine muscle coordination using manipulative materials that vary in size, shape and skill requirement SC 3. With prompting and support, demonstrate appropriate behavior to respect self and others in physical activity by following simple directions and safety procedures Page 1 Pumpkins and Scarecrows 2 MSU Aiken Village Preschool Curriculum Plan Mississippi State University, Early Childhood Institute Vocabulary Unit Overview: 1. The children will dissect pumpkin and label its parts. 2. The children will recall all four seasons. 3. The children will follow 3 part directions in order to mix and pour our pumpkin pancakes. 4. We will explore books on similar topics that are written by different authors (and in different languages). 5. Measure height, weight, width, etc of pumpkins using both standard tools (a scale, ruler) and other objects. dissect seasons autumn recipe espanta pajaros review stuffing equator circumference estimate classify gourd imaginary pretend fiction Small Group Instruction Day Book Monday I Like Pumpkins by Jerry Smath Tuesday Wednesday Thursday The Scarecrow’s Hat by Ken Brown AM Samuel el Espanta pajaros AM If You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Numeroff PM Popcorn by Frank Asch Activity The last pages of this book include a pumpkin picture search and a few other math activities. The teacher will go over these activities with the small group, and then work with interested individuals in the math center. AM After reading the book, we will explore a few of the materials from the book: a piece of ribbon, a feather, and a rock. We will form a hypothesis about which one we think the “wind” would blow farther. PM Using a hair drier, we will test our hypothesis from this morning!! AM Margot’s mommy is coming to share a book about scarecrows that is written in Spanish!! PM How strong is a seed? Card 17 from Science Discovery Chest (Lakeshore) We will do this activity outside. It will be small or large group, depending on the level of interest. AM We will make pumpkin pancakes!! This will mean that we have to follow a recipe and directions (and be very careful and focused when we are working near the pancake griddle). PM We are going to pop popcorn! This is a great activity where we can use all five senses. After putting down a big piece of butcher paper, we will pop the popcorn directly on to the FLOOR!!! The kids love this one. Page 2 Pumpkins and Scarecrows 2 MSU Aiken Village Preschool Curriculum Plan Friday The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll Mississippi State University, Early Childhood Institute AM This is a longer book. We are going to try and get through the entire book, but may have to break it into sections. This is a great story about teamwork (accidental or otherwise). PM We will review what we have learned about pumpkins, discuss what they need to live, label the parts of a pumpkin, and go over the four seasons. Intentional Teaching Art Language/ Writing Math Music Nutrition/ Health Nature/ Science Outdoor Activities Mixing play dough is only part of the fun! We will use our hands (and arms) to make a variety of shapes and experiment with different tools. Writing letters in birdseed. This will require a little more cleaning than usual. We will roll up the carpet that is typically under the writing table. Using a shallow tub filled with birdseed, the children will take their fingers and write various shapes, letters, and words. Word cards: apple, tree, leaf, pumpkin, seed, scarecrow Have the children dictate pumpkin pancake (what ingredients do we use? What temperature should the griddle be on? How long do we cook them? Etc). We will count and sort pumpkin seeds, and compare them to other types of seeds. We will sort pumpkins based on their physical characteristics We will continue to chart the growth of our pumpkins in the garden. Using pieces of string, we will estimate the size of a pumpkin Guessing the weight of a pumpkin Everyday Discoveries, page173, “Five Round Pumpkins” Finger Frolics, page 59-61, “Cut into a Pumpkin” “Pumpkin Time” “This Little Pumpkin” “I am a Pumpkin” The teachers will help the children learn the fingerplays that go along with the songs we are highlighting this week. We will make pumpkin pancakes! This will require us to follow a recipe. We will notice how the texture of the batter changes when different ingredients are added or when it is heated. We will discuss how some materials are more easily moved by the wind than others. We will guess which of a group of materials will blow the farthest and record our answers. Using a hair drier, we will test our hypothesis during afternoon small group. Seeds are really, really strong! We are going to plant pumpkin seeds and then pour plaster of paris over the soil. What will happen to the seed?? Will it be able to break through such a hard material? After planting our pumpkin seeds, we will go on a hunt for super strong seeds on the playground. There are some spots where grass is growing through the concrete!! How did the grass seeds do that?? We are going to put at least one of the pumpkins that we experiment with this week outside in the garden. What will happen? Page 3 Pumpkins and Scarecrows 2 MSU Aiken Village Preschool Curriculum Plan Mississippi State University, Early Childhood Institute Center Enrichment Art Math Dramatic Play Music Sand/Water Blocks Science Manipulative Add pumpkin spice play dough Add play dough tools Add vegetable counting game Add small farm animals (for measuring and sorting) Add a child made pumpkin patch Add pumpkins and gourds Add bells and mallets Bedtime Business: Pajama Time (Blue’s Clues) Add small gourds to the sand and water table. Add tractors and farm accessories Add pine cones Add plant life cycle puzzle Add a variety of seeds with tweezers and magnifying glasses Add Lincoln logs Add geo builders Add seeds and tweezers Page 4 Pumpkins and Scarecrows 2 MSU Aiken Village Preschool Curriculum Plan Mississippi State University, Early Childhood Institute Resources: Resources: Additional Books: CDS Barn Dance! By Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault Bedtime Business (Blues Clues) Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 by Bill Martin Jr., Michael Sampson, and Lois Ehlert Pumpkin Day, Pumpkin Night by Anne Rockwell Picking Apples & Pumpkins by Amy and Richard Hutchings The Bumpy Little Pumpkin by Margery Cuyler Scarecrow by Cynthia Rylant It’s Pumpkin Time! By Zoe Hall “Pajama Time” “The Popcorn Song” by Gershon Kingley (found on Youtube) Chicka Chicka 1,2,3 by Bill Martin Jr. and Ray Charles More Singable Songs by Raffi with Ken Whiteley “Skin and Bones” Singing, Moving and Learning with Thomas Moore “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” Kiss Your Brain! By Dr. Jean Reference Books: “Seasons” All About Preschoolers by Debby Cryer (Kaplan) Science is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook (Gryphon House) Everyday Discoveries by Sharon MacDonald (Gryphon House) Finger Frolics by Rebecca Boynton, Colleen Kobe, Lois Peters Creative Curriculum for Preschool: Fourth Edition by Diane Trister Dodge, Laura J. Colker, and Cate Heroman (Teaching Strategies) Page 5 Pumpkins and Scarecrows 2