Name__________________ A B C D E F G Biotic Potential of a Sugar Pumpkin Burgess Purpose: • to demonstrate exponential growth of a population by determining the biotic potential of a sugar pumpkin • to infer what would happen if biotic potential were reached in any ecosystem • to reinforce the effects of limiting factors Procedure: • Working in groups of 2-4, count the seeds in the pumpkin. • Calculate biotic potential after 5 generations Total seeds on 1 plant :__________ Estimate: 1 plant per seed and 10 pumpkins/plant Biotic potential for Generation 1: # pumpkins/plant X #seeds/pumpkin = population size for that generation Calculate for 4 generations. Add all generations together to get TOTAL population size. You will need to use exponents to compute this. Generation: Population Size 1 2 3 4 1 Results Graph the growth of the population of the pumpkins by generation (generation on x axis and population growth on y axis) on a piece of graph paper. You can also use the computer to make your graph. Be sure to label your graph completely (axes, axes labels). The graph MUST be neat and colored. 1- What are the limiting factors for your organism? Will your plant ever reach its biotic potential? 2- What shape curve is shown by this unchecked growth? 3- What population/s show/s this type of curve so far? Submit for grade: 1- This completed and neat lab packet. 2- Your neat and labeled graph. 2