Middle Ages/Medieval Period & The Renaissance

Medieval and Renaissance Music
“Hearing” from The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry (late 15th century)
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Prelude 2: The Culture of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
Nothing exists without music, for
the universe itself is said to have been
framed by a kind of harmony of
sounds, and the heaven itself revolves
under the tone of that harmony.
—Isidore of Seville
The writer Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343–1400), as
depicted in a famous manuscript of his epic
Canterbury Tales (c. 1410).
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Prelude 2: The Culture of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
Spans nearly 1,000 years
Early Christian church and state
Most patronage (sponsorship) from the church
Most surviving music is sacred
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Prelude 2: The Culture of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
The Medieval Church
Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris
Universities were founded throughout
Construction of Notre Dame in Paris
Cities emerged as center of art and
culture as trade flourished
Literary masterpieces: Chanson de
Roland; Divine Comedy (Dante);
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
Crusades brought era of violence,
turmoil, and change
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Prelude 2: The Culture of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
The Arts in the Renaissance
Age of humanism
Voyages of Columbus,
Vespucci, and Ponce de
Invention of printing (c.
Realism in visual arts
Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci
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Prelude 2: The Culture of the
Middle Ages and Renaissance
Musicians in Medieval and Renaissance Society
Musicians were supported by public
institutions as well as aristocracy.
Employment in music-related fields
was abundant.
The merchant class emerged as a new
group of music patrons.
Most cultivated middle and upper
class were amateur musicians.
Music literacy increased due to the
invention of music printing.
The Concert (c. 1530–40)
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
Scene from the life of the Virgin, Giotto di Bondone (1267–1337)
Early Church Music
Gregorian chant
Latin text
Whitsunday Mass, Alleluia, emitte spiritum
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
Classes of Chant:
•  Syllabic
Psalm 94, Venite, exsultemus domino
•  Neumatic
•  Melismatic
Whitsunday Mass, Alleluia, emitte spiritum
Melismatic: many notes per syllable
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
– 3,000-plus surviving
– Oral transmission
– Early notation = neumes
– Scale patterns = modes
Manuscript illumination of Pope
Gregory the Great dictating to his
scribe Peter
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Early Church Modes
Ionian (major)
Aolean (minor)
Modal (old system) vs. Tonal (major/minor system used later)
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
The Mass
•  Two types of prayer in the daily
Offices and Mass
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
Life in the Medieval Cloister
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12. Sacred Music in the Middle Ages
The Music of Hildegard of Bingen
Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179)
In 1150 founded convent in
Known for miracles and
Works include collections of
visions and prophecies, music,
and scientific writing.
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
The Rise of Polyphony:
The Notre Dame School
Cathedral of Notre
Dame in Paris
Romanesque period
(c. 850–1150)
Notated rhythm and
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13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
Medieval Minstrels
Secular music in courts
Aristocratic artists
France: troubadours (south)
and trouvères (north)
Germany: Minnesingers
Women: trobairitz
Idealized love and chivalry
Secular songs sung monophonically,
with improvised accompaniment
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Anonymous: Sumer is icumen in
(Summer is come) (Listening Guide)
One of the earliest examples of
polyphony from England
Set as a round
Composed around 1250
Text in Middle English
Lower voices sing ostinato.
The original notation of the canon
Sumer is icumen in (c. 1250)
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
Music 013L Music Appreciation
13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
The French Ars nova
Ars nova
Machaut: Nesque on porroit . . .
Ars antiqua
Gregorian chant: Whitsunday Mass . . .
Guillaume de Machaut
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13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
Early Instrumental Music
Praetorius: Terpsichore, Volte (bas)
Central role in art music
reserved for vocal music
Instrumental music mostly
Soft (bas) or loud (haut)
Categorized by their use
(indoor or outdoor)
Praetorius: Terpsichore, Courante (haut)
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13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
Early Instrumental Music
Early stringed instruments included:
•  Lute
• Mandolin
• Vielle
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13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
Early Instrumental Music
Other soft instruments included:
Loud instruments:
Percussion instruments:
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13. Secular Music in the Middle Ages
Early Instrumental Music
Medieval organs:
– Large instruments
– Small instruments (portative,
– Use of authentic instruments
in recordings
Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man s Desiring
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14. Renaissance Sacred Music
We know by experience that song has
great force and vigor to move and inflame
the hearts of men to invoke and praise God
with a more vehement and ardent zeal. —John
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14. Renaissance Sacred Music
Golden age of the a
cappella style
Polyphony based on
principle of imitation
Harmonies based on
“sweeter” sounds of
thirds and sixths
Use of fixed melody
(cantus firmus) and
triple meter
Palestrina: Missa in Festis Apostolorum I, Agnus Dei
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14. Renaissance Sacred Music
Josquin des Prez and the Motet
Single Latin text
Marian motets (Virgin
Written for three, four, or
more voices
Cantus firmus
Josquin: Ave Maria . . . virgo serena
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14. Renaissance Sacred Music
Josquin des Prez and the Motet
Josquin des Prez (c. 1450–1521)
•  Called Josquin
•  Franco-Flemish origin
•  Italian career
Music 013L Music Appreciation
14. Renaissance Sacred Music
Josquin des Prez and the Motet
– Milan, Cardinal Ascanio Sforza
– Ferrara, Ercole d Este
– Rome, papal choir
Humanistic writing
Sacred and secular music
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Josquin: Ave Maria . . . virgo serena
(Listening Guide)
Renaissance motet
Combinations of voices and textures
Imitative vs. homorhythmic sections
Final couplet: simple texture, example of humanistic spirit
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
Music 013L Music Appreciation
14. Renaissance Sacred Music
The Renaissance Mass
The Ordinary or fixed portion of the mass was
set to music.
The five movements of the Ordinary are:
Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei
Originally sung in Latin, now the Ordinary is
recited or sung in the vernacular.
Settings of the mass are often based on fixed
voice or cantus firmus.
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
14. Renaissance Sacred Music
The Reformation and Counter-Reformation
Martin Luther (1483–1546): Reformation
Counter-Reformation (1530s–1590s)
Council of Trent
– Corruption of chant by embellishment
– Use of certain instruments in religious services
– Incorporation of popular music in Masses
– Secularism of music
– Irreverent attitude of church musicians
Pure vocal style that respected the integrity of the sacred texts
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14. Renaissance Sacred Music
Palestrina and the Pope Marcellus Mass
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
– (c. 1525–1594)
– Called Palestrina
Italian composer, organist, and
Sistine Chapel Choir
Wrote mostly sacred music
Music 013L Music Appreciation
Palestrina: Pope Marcellus Mass, Gloria
(Listening Guide)
Foreshadows the strict demands of the Council of Trent
Probably performed a cappella
Written for six voice parts
– Soprano (sung by boys or male falsettists)
– Alto (sung by male altos or countertenors—tenors with high voices)
– Tenor I
– Tenor II
– Bass I
– Bass II
Opens with a monophonic intonation
Choral sections are polyphonic.
Text is clear and audible.
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
Music 013L Music Appreciation
15. Renaissance Secular Music
Music in Court and City Life
Professional musicians:
courts and civic functions
Merchant-class amateurs:
played and sang at home
Lute, keyboard instrument
Women and music
Chanson and madrigal
Word painting
The Prodigal Son among the Courtesans
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15. Renaissance Secular Music
The Italian Madrigal
Chief form of
Renaissance secular
Text: short poem of lyric
or reflective nature
Italian courts
Music 013L Music Appreciation
15. Renaissance Secular Music
The Italian Madrigal
Music: sets text expressively
Instruments double or
substitute for the voices
Three phases of the madrigal
– First phase (c. 1525–
– Second phase (c. 1550–
– Third phase (c. 1580–
Marenzio: La bella ninfa mia
Music 013L Music Appreciation
15. Renaissance Secular Music
Arcadelt and the Madrigal
Jacques Arcadelt (c. 1507–1568)
Italian composer
Published book of madrigals in 1538 that included Il
bianco e dolce cigno (The white and sweet swan)
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15. Renaissance Secular Music
The English Madrigal
English further developed the Italian madrigal
•  – Musica transalpina, 1588
Simpler and lighter in style
Refrain syllables (fa-la-la)
Weelkes: Welcome Sweet Pleasure
Morley: Those Dainty Daffadillies”
Since singing is so good a thing,
I wish that all men would learne to sing.”
—William Byrd
Music 013L Music Appreciation
15. Renaissance Secular Music
The English Madrigal
John Farmer (c. 1570–1601)
Active in 1590s in Dublin
Organist and master of choirboys
at Christ Church
Published one collection of fourvoice madrigals.
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15. Renaissance Secular Music
Instrumental Dance Music
Period of growth in
instrumental music
Published music
Played vocal music
Did not specify
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15. Renaissance Secular Music
Instrumental Dance Music
Popular dance types:
Praetorius: Terpsichore, Courante
Praetorius: Terpsichore, Volte
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Susato: Three Dances
(Listening Guide)
Set of three rondes from the 1551 Danserye collection
– Instrumental dances published by Tielman Susato
(c. 1515–c. 1571)
Performed by a loud wind band
– Loud instruments included: shawm, sackbut,
cornetto, tabor, tambourine
Binary form (A-A-B-B)
– Repeated sections with added improvised
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Music 013L Music Appreciation
Music 013L Music Appreciation
15. Renaissance Secular Music
From the Renaissance to the Baroque
Texture of vocal works simplified
Rise of opera, cantata, and oratorio to follow
Development of purely instrumental forms
Gabrieli: Hodie Christus natus est
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Music 013L Music Appreciation