Level One: Signature Row

Level One: Signature Row
Target Muscles
The signature series seated row offers the entry user the ability to practice the
correct sequence of activation and also if someone lacks a bit of pelvic control
(poor glute strength) then we can address this whilst still getting the movement
strength. The increments allows for simple load progressions.
trapezius, rhomboids,
Secondary Muscles:
biceps brachii, triceps.
Teaching Points
- Sit facing into the machine, adjust the seat height so the bottom of your
sternum is sitting just above the top of the seat
- Take hold of the vertical handles with a neutral grip, keeping the elbows
close to the sides
- Retract your shoulder blades, engage the core and keep spine straight
- Pull the handles back until you hands are by your side
- Keep the chest in contact with the pad throughout the movement
Be aware of: bringing
the chin to the sternum,
not keeping chest
against the pads, using
movement from the
back to help lift the
weight, not squeezing
all the way through the
shoulders at the end of
the movement.
Level Two: MTS High Row
Target Muscles
The MTS offers you the added demand of uni-lateral work, which will place
extra demands on the torso to stabilise against rotation forces. The exercise is Primary Muscles: latissimus
ideal for imbalances caused by injury or dominant one sided activity. For dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids,
brachialis, brachioradialis.
example, racket sports.
Secondary Muscles: pectoralis
major, posterior deltoid, biceps
brachii, triceps.
Teaching Points
- Adjust the seat so you can just about reach the handles
- Keeping the core engaged, spine straight, take hold of the handles with an
overhand grip
- Retract the shoulder blades
- Keeping the chest against the pads, pull back, leading with the elbows, until
your hands are just in front of the body
- The neck should stay facing forwards, maintaining spinal alignment
- Return weight to start, leaving a slight gap between the weight stacks to
maintain tension in the muscle being worked
Be aware of: bringing the
chin to the sternum, not
keeping chest against the
pads, using movement from
the back to help lift the
weight, not squeezing all the
way through the shoulders at
the end of the movement.
Level Three: TRX / Smith Machine Inverted Row
The TRX and smith machine row both allow for simple progression and match up
quite nicely to the opposite pattern of horizontal push. The exercises require lumbar
and pelvic control as well as good movement.
The entry level would be as close to standing upright as possible. As with the
horizontal push, gravity’s effect on the torso position is reduced the closer to vertical
the body is. Again the position allows for easy coaching of the exercise and allows
teaching of correct sequencing. For example, shoulders / back to move hands, rather
than pulling to move. Simple progressions are:
Knees bent
Leg straight
Leg Raised
Teaching Points
- Adjust the TRX to the appropriate length for you
- Take grip of the handles and lean back (the more horizontal you are the
harder the exercise)
- Engage the core, spine straight, ankles, hips and shoulders aligned
- Start with arms extended with an overhand grip
- Pull yourself up, through the shoulder blades, rotating the fists so the palms
face each other at the end of the movement.
- Pause and return to the start
- Lift yourself up, body staying engaged, all muscles engaged in one straight
line, until the handles are just above the chest
Target Muscles
brachialis, brachioradialis
posterior deltoid, biceps
brachii, triceps
Be aware of: knees,
hips, shoulders all
aligned during the
movement, full range of
movement, bringing the sternum to the bar and pushing the hips back
Level Four: Dumbbell Row
The dumbbell row incorporates uni-lateral training and creates a greater
demand on the torso due to anti-rotation muscular activity on the opposite side
to the dumbbell. Due to the horizontal position the classic single arm row
always creates demands on the torso that requires excellent core control.
Target Muscles
Primary Muscles: latissimus
dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids,
brachialis, brachioradialis.
A progression on the row could be to start with a 3 pt row, where the angle of
the body is 45 degrees rather than parallel to the ground.
Secondary Muscles: pectoralis
major, posterior deltoid, biceps
brachii, triceps.
Teaching Points
- Place the dumbbell on the bench
- Place one knee directly below the hip and the same side hand directly
below the shoulder
- The supporting leg should be bent and out to the side, with the foot on the
- Engage core, head facing the floor, straight spine
- Take hold of the dumbbell with the free hand, leading with the elbow row
the dumbbell up so it is in line with the chest
- Avoid rotation through the shoulders and hips
- Lower dumbbell until your arm is fully extended (avoid rotation through the
shoulders and hips)
Be aware of: rotation at the
shoulders (should stay aligned),
hips not aligned, spinal
alignment, head looking up,
elbows coming out to the side.