Grading Rubric – Excel Chapter 2 ITL Name: Professor: Tan Notes: Description Part 1 Saved as “Lab 2-1 Part 1 Electry Auto Start Financial Needs” Concourse Theme applied Column width of A to 10.00 and the rest of columns to 14.00 Row height of 3 to 36.00 and row 10 to 30.00 Worksheet title & subtitles are centered and merged Apply Title cell style; light blue background color Thick box border around A1:A2 Column & row titles in row 3 and columns A through F Heading 3 cell style; centered and italicized Cell references for starting balance of February through June All the formulas are entered correctly The AVERAGE, MAX, AND MIN functions are used correctly Thick box border around range A10:F12 Accounting number format applied to range B4:F4 Comma style format applied to range B5:F9 Currency format with a floating dollar sign applied to range B10:F12 Negative numbers are in parentheses Sheet tab renamed; Light blue color Document properties entered TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS: YOUR SCORE: _______________ Pts Your Score 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 1 1 0.5 2 1 0.3 0.5 0.5 1 0.3 0.3 10