Broadcaster - Concordia University, Nebraska

Fitting inand
at Concordia
a Visit 819
100th Commencement
m a g a z i n e o f C o n c o r d i a U n i v e r s i t y, N e b r a s k a
winter 2010 volume 86 no. 2
With thankful hearts
From the president
brian l. friedrich
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
(Lutheran Service Book, 805)
This hymn verse concluded the On A Mission campaign celebration on the evening of October
18. We gathered that day to praise our great and gracious God for the incredible outpouring
of $63,289,476 of support received by Concordia from 14,505 donors during the seven-year
campaign. The campaign was the largest and most successful fund and friend raising initiative
in the history of the University.
In the midst of all of the campaign’s numbers, the most important number is one.
There is one source of all that has been given: God, our heavenly Father, who has created all,
provides for all and gives all that we need to support this body and life.
There is one reason for On A Mission: our students. Through the campaign 71 new endowments
were established to provide financial support for students. The Health, Human Performance
and Athletic Center provides needed classroom, workout, competition and office space
for our students, faculty and staff. Tuition is 10-15 percent lower than it would be without
the outpouring of gifts for scholarships and operations.
Finally, there is you, the one whom God worked through during this amazing campaign
to provide for the needs of Concordia, her students, faculty and staff. We are humbled, amazed,
inspired and, above all, thankful for God’s goodness to us through you! Our hearts are filled with
gratitude for the growth your gifts have provided to enable us to better serve students to learn,
serve and lead in church and world.
Many, many thanks, dear friends, for your partnership, your stewardship, your prayers and your
tangible encouragement during the past seven years! We are On A Mission for our students with
you by God’s blessing and at His direction.
Brian L. Friedrich
president and ceo
Concordia University, Nebraska
Broadcaster Staff
Editor & Photographer
Dan Oetting ’87
graphic designer
Karen Chittick ’05
contributing writers
Coryn Berkbigler
Jan Koopman co ’69, GR ’75
Kristy Plander ’00
Rosanne Reese
Scott Retzlaff
Director of marketing & communication
Aaron Roberts
University Administration
president & CEO
Rev. Dr. Brian L. Friedrich
Dr. Jenny Mueller-Roebke
Associate Provost
Dr. Lisa Ashby
vice president for finance & operations
David Kumm
vice president for institutional advancement
Peter Kenow
Vice President for Enrollment Management,
Student Services & Athletics
Scott Seevers
Board of Regents
Rev. Dr. David Block, Mesa, Ariz.
Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Seward, Neb.
William Hartmann, Seward, Neb.
Dr. Vance Hinrichs, Lincoln, Neb.
Barry Holst, Kansas City, Mo.
Mike Klintworth, Seward, Neb.
James Knoepfel, Fremont, Neb.
John Kuddes, Leawood, Kan.
Lyle Middendorf, Lincoln, Neb.
Timothy Moll, Esq., Seward, Neb.
Dr. Frederick Ohlde, Hortonville, Wis.
Dr. Ronald Pfeiffer, Memphis, Tenn.
Dr. Andrew Smith, Dallas, Texas
Rev. Russell Sommerfeld, Seward, Neb.
Max Wake, Lincoln, Neb.
Rev. Karl Ziegler, Bellevue, Neb.
University Contacts
800 535 5494
fe atures
4 Growth and gratitude
Concordia celebrates the successful conclusion of the largest
fundraising effort in school history.
8 Beck brings wire service background to Concordia
Tobin Beck spent nearly 30 years trying to tell stories fairly and
pushing for quality writing. All on deadline. Turns out that’s not
a bad warm-up for being a professor.
10 Unforgettable in Spain
Performing for enthusiastic audiences and connecting with the
emerging Lutheran church in Spain created an unforgettable
experience for students in the University A Cappella Choir.
12 Lessons from a stingray
What started as a trip to the beach near her California home
for senior Carolyn Chrzan turned into a journey of discovering
God’s purpose and His love.
15 Faculty & Staff
18 Campus Scene
24 Athletics
34 Alumni
37 Alumni notes
40 Honor roll of donors
alumni & University relations
institutional advancement
undergraduate admission
& campus visits
Catching up with Concordia
Save a browser bookmark for and visit
Concordia’s site for the most recent university news.
Past issues of the Broadcaster are also available online.
college of graduate studies
Comments and story ideas welcome
career services
center for liturgical art
Carolyn Chrzan ’10 is studying middle level education
at Concordia. Her faith-filled return to health is told
on page 12.
The Broadcaster is published by the
marketing and communication office
of Concordia University, Nebraska to
more than 40,000 alumni, faculty, staff,
pastors, businesses, parents and friends of
the university in all 50 states and over 15
foreign countries.
Send comments and story ideas for the Broadcaster
to For alumni wishing
to submit a class note, see the submission guidelines
on page 39.
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Growth and gratitude
The On A Mission campaign concludes
The most ambitious fundraising campaign in
Concordia University’s history, On A Mission,
has concluded. The seven-year campaign
exceeded its $60 million goal by more than five
percent. Total gifts, pledges and deferred gift
declarations equaled $63,289,476. Of that total,
slightly more than $40 million was given in gifts
and pledges to support operations, scholarships,
capital construction and endowments now. The
remaining $23 million will benefit students in
the future when estate gifts and trusts mature.
“No words can express adequately the depth
of my thanks and appreciation for the many
and sacrificial gifts given,” said Rev. Dr. Brian
Friedrich, Concordia’s president. “It is especially
notable that during the past fiscal year, gifts to
support university operations and scholarships
exceeded the previous year’s totals. In the midst
of the worst economic environment in the
United States in nearly 70 years, people gave
even more to support our students.”
The landmark campaign concludes as
Concordia’s enrollment for 2009-10 is the
second largest total ever for the school: 1717. A
commitment to students was the foundation
of the On A Mission campaign. Seventy-one
new endowments for student scholarships were
created through the campaign.
The impact of the 14,505 donors involved in
the campaign, 1,201 of whom were first-time
givers, can be seen tangibly on campus. The
most obvious is the completion of the Health,
Human Performance and Athletic Center. The
new facility serves not only the student-athletes
on campus, who make up 51 percent of the
undergraduate students enrolled, but also health
and human performance majors, fans and the
public through hosted events. The hhpac also
is the new home for the university’s Health and
Human Performance Department and its classes.
For the past ten years the department had
been housed in the home of former Concordia
Some of the funds generated through the On
A Mission campaign were used to retire the
debt on the Thom Leadership Education Center
10 years early. Retiring the debt on the tlec
eliminated $6 million of long-term capital debt
for the university. Additional blessings related
to the campaign can be seen in books for the
music library, science lab equipment and the
Casavant Frères organ that was brought to
Concordia. The organ is a 3-manual instrument
with more than 2,000 pipes. “It is the best
instructional organ in the state in terms of its
versatility and tonal design,” said Dr. Jeffrey
Blersch, university organist.
“Contributions from a broad base of donors
not only let us meet a very ambitious goal,
but also to surpass it,” said Pete Kenow, vice
president for institutional advancement.
“Looking back on this, two things are clear:
First, support like this is a wonderful affirmation
of the mission of Concordia. God worked in the
hearts of many people. Second, this campaign
was blessed by Him. Truly blessed.”
feature Paying it forward
Although fundraising campaigns are often summed up in dollars and
cents, it is those leading, those giving and those receiving who truly
demonstrate God’s provision and the blessings He has provided.
Putting a plan in motion
Dr. Doug Tewes
(left) Angel Gillespie, a junior from
Lees Summit, Mo., received one
o f th re e s ch o l a r s h i p s from the Ed
and Lorraine Steinbacher Scholarship
Endowment, established as part
of the On A Mission campaign. (right)
Dr. Doug Tewes speaks at the dedication
of the Health, Human Performance and
Athletic Center. Tewes served as one of the
campaign’s chairmen.
Seven years ago, Dennis Meyer ’70, Dr. Fred
Ohlde ’66, and Dr. Doug Tewes ’83 agreed to
serve as campaign co-chairs. When few could
conceive of Concordia achieving a $60 million
campaign, these alumni helped to make it
happen. Through their vision and dynamic
leadership, the campaign surpassed its goal.
“It was imperative that the On A Mission
campaign succeed,” said Tewes. “If Concordia
was going to secure its place as one of the finest
liberal arts institutions in the Midwest and as
a place where men and women can learn in an
environment where Christ is central, this needed
to be seen through,” said Tewes. “Fred, Dennis
and I took our commitment to leading this
campaign very seriously.”
Tewes points to the cost of higher education
that makes it impossible for most students
to attend without some sort of financial aid.
The endowments created as part of the On A
Mission campaign play a crucial role in fulfilling
that need. “Endowing the education of students
at Concordia is simply an investment that makes
sense,” said Tewes. “When we endow students
to learn in an environment that teaches
Christian servant leadership, we help fulfill our
mission as Christians to spread the Gospel
of Christ wherever God calls us to serve.”
Tewes’ prayer is that many more people will
become part of the support structure
for Concordia.
Answering the call
Rene and Matthew Hodges
Rene Dinkel ’04 Hodges learned from her family
the importance of giving to others and giving
back to institutions from which she benefited.
“I feel that I have been blessed in my life,” said
Hodges, “and giving to Concordia is one way
I can pay these blessings forward to others.”
A 2004 graduate in secondary education,
Hodges and her husband, Matthew, who also
attended Concordia, are representative of the
young donors who came together to make
On A Mission a success. Rene is a counselor
at Pound Middle School in Lincoln. She grew
in faith during her time at Concordia and
wants that same experience for future students.
“Whether our donation helps to recruit future
students, retain qualified faculty or improve
facilities, I hope that others are impacted in a
positive way, just as I was while
at Concordia.”
Rene strongly believes that God blesses and
equips each of us uniquely to meet the diverse
needs of the church. “As His children, we just
need to assess our gifts and trust God to use us.”
She encourages others to see how God can use
them to benefit Concordia. “God is able to do
things we can’t imagine with even the smallest
gifts of time, talent or financial resources.”
Receiving the blessings
Angel Gillespie
Angel Gillespie is a nontraditional student who
never thought she would attend Concordia.
After graduating from high school in 2001, she
attended Emporia State University for one year
before moving home because of finances. She
worked at the district courthouse for four years
before deciding to return to school.
She enrolled at Central Missouri State
University in the secondary education program,
but she knew the fit was not quite right. During
her year at cmsu she became convinced that
her calling was elsewhere. “God made it very
clear to me that I should be a dce. The big
hang-up for me was the money. I prayed about
it continuously, until one day I just said, ‘Fine
God, if you want me to go, you come up with
the money!’ and I left it at that.”
Gillespie applied to Concordia figuring that
she would have to work her way through school.
“To my amazement God provided enough
scholarships and loans to cover everything,” said
Gillespie. “The scholarships made it so I could
go to school and focus 100 percent on my classes
and building relationships with the people here.”
She received one of three scholarships from
the Ed and Lorraine Steinbacher Scholarship
Endowment. The endowment was established
as part of the On A Mission campaign to
provide funds for Concordia students preparing
for full-time church work careers in the lcms.
“I wasn’t blessed with wealth,” said Gillespie,
“but I try my best to use the many other things
God has given me to help others. I am very
grateful that my donors are doing the same
for me!”
(left) Donors and friends of Concordia
gathered to celebrate the dedication of
the hhpac. (right) Dennis Meyer, one
of the leaders of the On A Mission campaign,
his wife, Bonnie (to his left), and Virginia
Heidemann CO ’60 GR ’60 Hughes attend
the dedication ceremony. More than $63
million was raised through the contributions
of 14,505 donors.
feature Beck brings wire service background to Concordia
A picture of a demolished water tank truck sits
in Professor Tobin Beck’s office. It’s a picture that
reminds Beck that God has a plan for his life.
As a young, city editor for the Sidney (Neb.)
Telegraph in 1978, Beck was called to cover the
story of a train car carrying phosphorous that
had derailed and was on fire. After covering the
incident and the resulting evacuation, Beck and
his photographer were resting against a water
tank truck at the scene before heading home.
Within a few minutes of them moving away
from the truck, the railroad tanker blew, sending
its wheel-and-axle set through the truck. “If I’d
have stood there for a few more minutes, I’d
have been splattered all over western Nebraska.
I look at the picture from time to time and
think, “Wow. What did you have in mind,
Lord?” Listening for God’s direction is also what
eventually brought Beck from the world
of journalism to Concordia.
“I went into journalism in the first place
because I like to write, and I like tackling
complex issues and trying to explain them,”
said Beck, who spent 27 years at United Press
International. “Working for a wire service I
learned several disciplines: to size up a situation
and write quickly, to examine issues and
present them objectively and to be concise but
thorough.” Because of upi’s financial challenges,
Beck found himself dealing with more than just
the news. The challenge was keeping focused
on quality: doing quality work and managing
staff to do quality work despite often very
negative circumstances. “During my upi career,
Conference photo by Patrick Mazur.
(facing page) Tobin Beck joined the Concordia faculty in 2008 to teach global studies and journalism courses. (left) Beck keeps a photo of a demolished water tank truck from
1978 in his office. It was taken by Tom Brossart when he and Beck, both working at the Sidney Telegraph, were covering a train derailment near Sidney, Neb. (right) Beck shares
the dais with Helen Thomas, a friend and long-time White House correspondent, at George Mason University’s Washington Conference on Journalism and Media in July.
I only had to fire three people for cause, but I
personally had to lay off some 200 people. It’s
very hard to set standards and lead staffers to
emotionally invest themselves in a place and
then turn around and lay them off.”
On the positive side, it was during his time
at upi that Beck met his wife, Ellen. He hired
her as a state editor for South Dakota when
he was Plains Region editor, but it wasn’t until
Ellen transferred to a different region they began
dating. Beck proposed in true journalist style,
sending Ellen his proposal via the company
teletype message circuit. “The message came up
on printers and computer screens that others
around the company could see. Ellen was busy
writing a broadcast sports report and didn’t see
the message until staffers in the Chicago bureau
started asking her what she was going to do.”
During his years at the upi, Beck covered a
variety of events from college and professional
sporting events to space shuttle launches from
the Kennedy Space Center at Cape Canaveral,
Fla., the Vaughn-Ueda Awards (Japan’s version
of the Pulitzer Prizes) in Tokyo, and Hurricane
Andrew in Florida.
When the upi folded in 2005, Beck moved
into the academic world, taking positions as an
adjunct professor at George Mason University
in Fairfax, Va., and at American University in
Washington, D.C. Beck comes from a family
of teachers and has a strong tie to Concordia.
His father, Theodore Beck, taught music at
Concordia from 1953 until 2002, and his grand-
father, Albert Beck, was a student at Concordia
in River Forest, Ill., and then taught music there
for 48 years until his death in 1962. Beck grew up
in Seward and attended Concordia High School.
“I’d always wanted to try teaching, and I often
thought about what I would teach students so
that they’d be successful journalists once they got
into the working world since I had been there
and knew what worked.”
In the classroom, Beck draws from his
experience to show students how to use and
develop their critical thinking skills, how to
look at an issue to determine what it’s
about, how to check sources to determine if
information is factual, how to separate fact
from opinion and how to discern bias and
prejudice. But the teaching doesn’t stop with the
journalistic skills. Beck wants students to bring
their faith to the table.
“I talk about what it means to have a Christian
world view, dealing with people as Christ would
have us deal with them based on Scripture, and
about the various world views that people around
the globe may have.
“As a journalist I often thought about
Martin Luther’s explanation of the Eighth
Commandment, to ‘put the best construction
on everything.’ Not to gloss things over
inappropriately, but to be honest and fair
and make sure in the reporting of stories that
all relevant sides were told in a way that was
accurate and in proper context.”
feature Unforgettable
in Spain
A Cappella Choir makes special
connection with audiences in Spain
Singing in cathedrals, touring the countryside
of Spain, competing against international choirs
and being showered with applause—such was
the life of the University A Cappella Choir this
summer as it spent three weeks touring Spain,
Austria and Italy.
“The concerts were amazing experiences,” said
Dr. Kurt von Kampen, director of the choir.
The choir was called back for multiple
encores by the enthusiastic Spanish audiences
each evening. After the choir’s first concert in
Madrid, word of mouth increased the number
 feature
of attendees by hundreds on the second evening.
The choir responded with what Jon McDaniel,
a senior from Cypress, Calif., described as the
best concert he has been a part of in his three
years of singing in A Cappella. “The audience
members clapped along and cried, and we got
lots of kisses from the Spanish ladies,” he said.
Spain was chosen in part as a tour destination
due to the emerging work of Iglesia Evangélica
Luterana Española, a Lutheran denomination
recognized by the Spanish government in 2004.
In a country that had no Lutheran church body
Photos by Nancy Middendorf and Holly Peterson ’11.
for 500 years, the iele is at times considered
a fringe element. The concert events were
opportunities for iele members to connect with
the community through music and share
a message of faith.
For the Lutheran missionaries at work in
Spain, the chance to see a choir representing their
faith was moving. They were overwhelmed with
the attendance at the concerts and the warm
reception of the people to the choir and iele.
Alexandra Keinbaum, wife of a missionary
in Sant Sadurni, expressed her thankfulness:
“My husband and I, we have been really
touched in our hearts by you. Thank you very
much for all the joy and happiness that you
have brought to us.”
(facing page) Juniors Chase Reihmann, Marengo, Iowa, and Michael Palomaki, David City, Neb., lead a line of hotelbound University A Cappella Choir members while in central Toledo. 1 The choir poses in front of a fountain in
the Plaza de España in Sevilla. The choir gave an impromptu mini-concert on a stairway behind the arches shown
in the rear of the photo. 2 Katelyn Wollman, a senior from Abingdon, Md., translates for President Brian Friedrich at
a worship service on July 5. Wollman is minoring in Spanish. The officiants of the service were Pastor Gustavo from
the Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Española, an lcms mission partner, and Brent Smith, lcms regional director for Eurasia.
3 Rebecca Kaaz is silhouetted in front of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
The time in Sant Sadurni was a highlight
for many reasons. The A Cappella Choir joined
voices with the local city choir for a concert
that included a song written by missionary
Santiago Keinbaum with music by von Kampen.
They also participated in a worship service
with the local congregation, Lutheran leaders
from Germany and Lithuania, and interested
townspeople, providing music and enjoying
worship in another language.
“It was the ultimate experience to sing with
all of my fellow choir members, changing and
warming the hearts of those who came to hear us
with the ultimate focus of praising our Heavenly
Father,” said McDaniel. “This trip was truly a
blessing; one I will never forget.”
feature 
Chrzan poses with two children from a church
in Asunción, Paraguay. Chrzan made the trip
to South America as part of an Athletes In
Action mission trip.
Lessons from
a stingray
Photo courtesy Athletes in Action.
‘I needed someone to tell me my heart was still beating’
There was a point when she didn’t know if she
would live. Later, the doctors said she might not
be able to keep her foot. Some would say the
fact Carolyn Chrzan played soccer again this fall
was nothing short of a miracle, but it hasn’t been
an easy journey.
A week before the 2008 soccer season was
to begin, a stingray at a beach near her home
in California stung Chrzan in her foot. The
pain continued to get worse, sending her to the
emergency room the next morning.
A couple of days later, she woke up in the
middle of the night and felt like her heart had
stopped. Her family rushed her to the er, and
she was admitted into the hospital.
“I was really scared, and every five minutes I
needed somebody to tell me that my heart was
still beating because I didn’t have any sensation
of it…My pastor came and was reading the Bible
to me. There was this 12-hour period where I
wasn’t sure if I was going to make it or not.”
The doctors sent her home after five days with
strong antibiotics that were supposed to fight the
stingray infection but also had side effects that
made Chrzan sick. She tried to come back to
school but eventually had to return home when
her foot did not get any better. She started a
second round of treatment, found that she might
have a bone infection and started searching for
a doctor who was willing to perform surgery. “It
was a long, stressful process, but we finally found
this guy from Beverly Hills who was really good.
When we found him, it was just a big blessing
because he cared about helping me get better.
He did the surgery, and they told me he saved
my foot because there was all this infected tissue,
and my foot never would have healed.”
After the surgery, things finally started to turn
around for Chrzan. She said the time was still
difficult because she felt very sick and was in a
lot of pain.
“I hated it, but I got through it. I definitely
had a lot of time to sit and pray, and pretty soon
I was starting to walk again, and my foot was
starting to close up finally. About six weeks later,
I got the iv taken out of my arm, and my foot
was pretty much healed. I was able to do stuff
again, like running.”
When she returned to school and the team
during the spring semester, teammate Annika
Norz said Chrzan was all the more thankful
for the ability to be on the soccer team.
“She had a huge appreciation for being able
to play soccer,” said Norz. “A lot of times,
feature 
we just take that for granted because we go
to practice every day, but when she didn’t have
that she just gained a huge appreciation for it.”
This past summer, Chrzan went on a mission
trip to Paraguay through Athletes in Action, the
sports division of Campus Crusade for Christ.
The trip involved playing soccer against local
teams and sharing the Gospel through the sport.
She shared her testimony twice during the trip,
and she said a big part of her story was her
experiences with the stingray injury.
“I had a feeling that was God’s plan. I just
wanted to cry and be like, wow, there’s light that
comes out of darkness.”
Through her testimony, Chrzan explained how
God had combined her love for Christ with
her love of soccer. She also was able to relate
to people because of the suffering from the
stingray injury.
“I thought, ‘How am I going to share with
them?’ I prayed about it, and I shared the one
thing I had to relate to them, and it was physical
pain and suffering. So I shared the whole
stingray thing and how I was afraid that I was
going to die, and it made me realize that nothing
in this world could heal me or was worth it. It
made me turn to Jesus, and through Him there’s
a promise of life without suffering and a life
without pain.”
 feature
These experiences have also influenced Chrzan
on the soccer field.
“She really took some steps to integrate her
faith into her sport,” said head coach Rob
Giesbrecht. “She plays with a greater sense
of freedom now, and she’s playing very well.
“I think its been good for her to do the
mission trip. I think the injury and the severity
of the injury really made her think about how
special this opportunity is, and she wants to
make the most of it. I think there’s a greater
urgency she has now to make this as special as
it can be.”
During the fall soccer season Chrzan was
diagnosed with compartment syndrome, a
compression of the nerves and blood vessels. She
continued to play soccer, however, and took her
injuries in stride.
“I’ve kind of come to a point where I see that
suffering is, a lot of times, God disciplining you
out of love, just bringing you closer to Him,
reminding you that you do need Him. I’d rather
have gone through that and be where I am now
with my life. I definitely think suffering can be
a gift.”
-- Story by MaryLou Andrews, originally
for the Sower
Foot photo courtesy Carolyn Chrzan
Chrzan poses with two children from a church in Asunción, Paraguay. Chrzan made the trip to South America as part of an Athletes In Action mission trip. (left) Chrzan, a forward for the Bulldogs, loiters near the
goal of Dakota Wesleyan University in a match on Oct. 24. Chrzan is a three-year team mvp for the Bulldogs, an naia Scholar-Athlete and a 2009 first-team all-gpac honoree. (middle) A middle level education
student, Chrzan is looking forward to beginning her teaching career. (right) Chrzan’s injured foot two weeks after the stingray attack.
mba program welcomes first students
“A banker, a doctor and a non-profit
director walk into a classroom....”
What sounds like a set-up for a
punchline was actually just the newest
graduate program at Concordia. On Oct.
5, the banker, doctor and non-profit
director took their seats with 20 other
students in pursuit of a Master of Business
Administration degree.
“It’s exciting to see a wide variety of
students attracted to the new program.
The class discussions are very dynamic,”
said Kristy Plander, mba associate
program director.
Donald “Bud” Olsson, a vice-president
at Mutual of Omaha Bank, has the
distinction of being the first student
to complete an mba class, an online
course in July.
Olsson said, “One of my goals is
to finish what I started 35 years ago.”
Olsson’s undergraduate degree is in
forestry, and he had full intentions of
getting an mba to go into the business
side of forestry, but life and a full-time
job offer at a bank intervened.
The new program, designed to
accommodate the schedules of working
adults, takes two years to complete.
Students attend core classes one night
per week at Concordia’s year-old campus
in northwest Lincoln and take emphasis
classes through video conferencing or in
an online setting.
Plander said students are attracted to the
university’s academic reputation and the
program’s flexibility.
Students customize their mba degree
with one of 12 emphasis areas. This
variety is made possible by a partnership
with Concordia University Wisconsin.
For more information
Kristy Plander, mba associate program director, talks with students
during a Monday evening course in business ethics.
MBA emphasis areas:
Aging Studies
Corporate Communications
Environmental Studies
Health Care Administration
Human Resource Management
International Business
Management Information Systems
Public Administration
Risk Management
Faculty & Staff Notes
Mathematical Modeling with Excel by Dr.
Brian Albright, assistant professor of
mathematics, has been published by Jones
and Bartlett, the seventh largest college
publisher in the United States.
Tobin Beck, assistant professor of global
studies, presented and was on the advisory
board for the Washington Journalism
& Media Conference hosted by George
Mason University in July.
Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, professor of music,
performed a recital at Lord of Life Lutheran
Church in Plano, Texas, was one of two
featured performers at the biennial
convention of the Association of Lutheran
Church Musicians in Milwaukee, Wis., was
guest organist and composer in residence
for the annual Fall Festival of Hymns held
at Concordia University, Irvine, and was
the guest organist for the final worship
service of Concordia Lutheran Church,
Cincinnati, Ohio. Blersch also presented his
workshop “Preach While You Play: Steps
Toward Effective Hymn Leadership” to the
aclm convention, Dallas-area organists and
musicians of the Iowa-West District at St.
John Lutheran Church in Storm Lake, Iowa.
Blersch was commissioned by Concordia
Publishing House to write a hymn tune to
a text by Rev. Stephen Starke titled “The
Holy Word of God Endures Forever” to
be used in Reformation services and to
celebrate the release of the new Lutheran
Study Bible.
award for active composers in the early
and mid stages of their careers from
the American Society of Composers,
Authors, and Publishers. Chang composed
three recent works accepted for
performance at multiple international festivals
and conferences.
James Bockleman, associate professor
of art, presented “A Sidelong Glance:
Recent Work on Paper” at the University
of Nebraska-Omaha in October.
Dr. Bruce Creed and Professor Lynn
Soloway led a 10-day study tour to Turkey
along with 14 students in May. The group
visited the sites of some of the earliest
Christian churches, St. Paul’s birthplace,
the Silk Road and Istanbul.
Dr. Ron Bork, dean of the College of
Education, was appointed Nebraska
state representative to the Association
of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for
Teacher Education, a national organization
of teacher education institutions. As
state representative he will be the liaison
between the national organization and the
eleven independent state institutions.
Dr. Robert Fiala, emeritus professor
of history, had his photographs featured
in William Li Chang’s “Using Feng Shui
to Create a Positive Corporate Reputation”
in Corporate Reputation Review. Fiala also
had his photos used in publicity materials
for Kim Echlin’s recently published novel
dealing with the Pol Pot era,
The Disappeared.
Jen-Kuang Chang, adjunct instructor
in composition, received the ascaplus
campus scene 
See you in New Orleans
Concordia preps for 2010 National
Seth Boggs, Concordia graphic design instructor, created the
core design materials for the 2010 National Youth Gathering.
Part of the design process included a tour of New Orleans
with a photographer whose images were incorporated
within Boggs’ designs.
Dr. Renea Gernant, professor of
communication and theatre, presented
her paper, “Spiritual Support and Endof-Life Caregiving,” at the 2009 Aging
with Passion and Purpose Conference
at the University of Nebraska-Omaha.
Gernant also presented her paper, “Animal
Assisted Therapy and Client-Caregiver
Communication with Older Adults,” at the
International Society for Anthrozoology/
Human Animal Interaction conference in
Kansas City, Mo.
Dr. Elizabeth Grimpo, assistant professor
of music, accompanied University of
Nebraska-Lincoln trumpet professor Darryl
White in a concert of twentieth-century
music for trumpet and piano at Kimball
Hall on the UNL campus.
Dr. Joel Helmer, associate professor of
geography, traveled to Puerto Rico for the
annual National Conference on Geography
Education where he accepted the Higher
Education Distinguished Teaching Award
from the National Council for Geographic
Education. Helmer presented a poster,
developed in collaboration with Concordia
students, at the conference. Helmer was
 campus scene
When the 20,000 attendees of the 2010
National lcms Youth Gathering descend
on New Orleans in July, the work of
Concordia alumnus and graphic design
instructor Seth Boggs will be everywhere.
Boggs has been working since 2008 on
the visual impact of the event.
His first task was to develop the identity
mark and overall brand for the event.
His design of an outlined cross with the
“We Believe” theme incorporated has
already been splashed on the website,
letterhead, posters, registration materials,
buttons and clothing. He is in the midst
of a cover for the Gathering Bible and
the entire Gathering Guidebook given to
each participant. This winter, Boggs will
also complete hundreds of square feet
of signage of all sizes for the convention
center and the Louisiana Superdome.
“New Orleans is full of beautiful
architecture and saturated with visual
texture, and I’ve been trying to capture a
historic feel mixed with a youthful energy,”
said Boggs about his design. “The conversations with local people and
the opportunity that this event presents for
them as well as the participants has certainly
influenced me.”
During the event, Boggs will also be
busy as the onsite art director for daily
“I have been blessed by the opportunity
in so many ways,” said Boggs. “It is just
great working with people who are so
passionate about doing His work.”
also the guest lecturer for the Geography
Seminar at the University of Nebraska,
School of Natural Resources.
Legal Investigations. Huntington gave an
invited presentation at the Crime Scene
Reconstruction Conference in Kearney.
Huntington also spoke on forensic
entomology to the University of Nebraska
Medical Center Molecular Diagnostics
Group and to a Kaplan University criminal
investigations class.
Dr. Joseph Herl, associate professor of
music, had two compositions accepted
for publication by Concordia Publishing
House, “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”
and “While with Ceaseless Course the Sun.”
Rev. Dr. Paul Holtorf, associate professor
of theology, participated as a respondent
during The Bible and the American Future:
A National Theological Conference held
at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church,
Lincoln, Neb. He responded to a lecture by
Robert Jewett, professor of New Testament
emeritus at Garrett-Evangelical Theological
Dr. Tim Huntington, assistant professor
of biology, was promoted from member
to diplomate within the American Board
of Forensic Entomology. He recently
published an invited book review of
Forensic Entomology: An Introduction in
the Journal of Medical Entomology and
co-authored the chapter “Perceptions and
Status of Forensic Entomology” in Forensic
Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in
Music and more
Boggs won’t be the only one from
Concordia packing his bags for a trip to
New Orleans. For the third time, Dr. Kurt
von Kampen will direct the honor choir,
and Dr. Jeffrey Blersch will arrange music
for the choir and symphony.
Dr. John Jurchen, assistant professor of
chemistry, and Dr. Brent Royuk, professor
of physics, presented at the Two Books
One Truth Conference at Concordia
University, Irvine in May. Jurchen’s
presentation was titled “Imaginary Lines: S.
J. Gould’s noma Principle and a Christian
understanding of Theology and Scripture,”
while Royuk spoke on “Ideological
Approaches to Science and Religion in a
National Poll of lhs Science Teachers.” Dr.
Joe Gubanyi, professor of biology, and Rev.
Dirk Reek, assistant professor of theology,
also attended the conference.
Rev. Dr. Kevin Kohnke, associate
professor of family life ministry, defended
his thesis, “Improving Comfort about Sex
Communication between Parents and their
Adolescent Children: A Psycho-Educational
Sexual Topics Communication Program,” at
Youth Gathering
Behind the scenes, Concordia’s
computing services department will
design and process the evaluation surveys
given to every participant. The numbercrunching offers vital information to the
planners of each triennial event.
Dozens of Concordia students are
expected to be part of the corps of
volunteers needed to run the event or
to serve as leaders within youth groups
from their home churches. Numerous
Concordia faculty and staff will likewise
be among those chaperoning youth or
otherwise serving as volunteers at nyg.
A cadre of admission counselors
will also be on site to meet the youth
interested in a Concordia University,
Nebraska education.
Find out more at
Denver Seminary, earning him a Doctor of
Ministry in marriage and family counseling.
He also was the keynote speaker for two
events, “Planting Seeds of Faith in Families”
and “What Matters to Families,” conducted
by the Iowa District West.
Dr. Andy Langewisch, professor of
business administration, will be Concordia
University, Nebraska’s advisory delegate to
the 2010 The Lutheran Church—Missouri
Synod convention in Houston, Texas, on
July 10-17, 2010.
Dr. Mark Meehl and Rev. Dr. Paul
Holtorf led a trip to Israel for 13 days in
June. They traveled through Nazareth,
Galilee, Bethlehem and Jerusalem.
Bryan Moore, assistant professor of
communication and theatre, presented
two papers at the Association for Theatre
in Higher Education/American Alliance
for Theatre and Education Conference in
New York City. Moore chaired the panel
“Look Before You ‘Cross’: Cultural Intentions
and Expectations in Contemporary
Performance.” He also presented a paper
titled “Out of the Comfort Zone: Using
Amy Royuk, a 2001 alumna, is the instructor for a dual credit Spanish class at Lincoln Lutheran High School. Students
in Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 at Lincoln Lutheran can receive dual credit for Concordia’s Spanish 101 and Spanish 102.
Concordia’s dual credit program expands
Concordia has almost tripled the number
of participants in its dual credit program,
up from 29 last year to 110 this year. Dual
credit offers high school students the
opportunity to take Concordia classes
at a reduced tuition rate without having
to leave their high school campus.
“I was a dual credit psychology
instructor at a Lutheran high school
in Missouri for about 15 years,” said Dr.
Bernard Tonjes, Concordia’s liaison
Study Guides to Make Culturally and
Socially Uncomfortable Themes Accessible.”
Dr. Charles Ore, professor emeritus of
music, performed one of his compositions,
“The Seventh Trumpet,” for members
attending The International Trumpet Guild
Convention in Harrisburg, Pa. in May. The
concert featured outstanding new works
for trumpet and organ chosen from an
international roster.
Dr. Jerrald Pfabe, professor of history,
received an award of commendation
from the Concordia Historical Institute
for his article, “Was It Foretold?: Theodore
Graenber, Millenialists and the World Wars.”
Peter Prochnow, assistant professor of
music, was named musical director for
the Florida Georgia District Educator’s
Conference. Prochnow also performed at
two worship services at St. John’s Lutheran
Church in Decatur, Ill., with contemporary
Christian artist Brandon Hahs.
Lynn Soloway, professor of art, conducted
a still life and figure drawing workshop
at the St. Benedict Center in Schuyler,
Neb. The three-day workshop included
studio work, reference presentations and
for the dual credit program. Tonjes,
who describes himself “a bit of a zealot”
for the program, has helped increase
the types of courses offered. Most of
the major areas of the general education
requirements are now being offered.
The program builds relationships
with high schools and teachers, explains
Tonjes, and gives students an opportunity
to get a leg up on college. “What’s not
to like?” he asks.
critiques of the finished artwork. Soloway
also completed a Center For Liturgical Art
commission for the Lutheran Interparish
School in Williamsburg, Iowa. The 40” x
60” mixed media drawing includes verse
inscriptions from Mark 10 and depicts Jesus
and children.
Dr. Daniel Thurber, dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences and professor of English,
conducted English language workshops for
undergraduate and graduate students, as
well as area teachers, at Nantong University
in Nantong, China, near Shanghai.
Dr. Kurt von Kampen, associate professor
of music, composed a piece of music
for Christ Lutheran Church in Lincoln
for their 60th anniversary celebration and
the dedication of their new school.
William Wolfram, emeritus professor of
art, had a gallery named after him at the
lcms International Center in May. The
grand opening exhibit, “Regarding the
Cross,” won the top Honor Award in the
2007 International Religious Architecture
and Art competition by the Interfaith
Journal on Religion, Art and Architecture.
Dr. Kurt von Kampen cues the musicians in the choir loft during at a Christmas at Concordia concert.
Christmas at Concordia
More than 200 student musicians helped
audiences celebrate the Savior’s birth during
Christmas at Concordia concerts on Saturday
and Sunday, Dec. 5 and 6, at St. John Lutheran
Church in Seward.
“There is something very special about the
annual Christmas at Concordia concert,”
said Dr. Kurt von Kampen, director of the
University A Cappella Choir and Concordia
Male Chorus.
“In my years at Concordia it has developed
into a most powerful telling of the most
important story ever told. The student
musicians feel it. The professors feel it. Many
have said that it has become an essential part
 campus scene
of their preparation for the celebration
of the birth of Christ.” Along with the ensembles directed
by von Kampen, the University Symphonic
Band, Concordia Handbell Choir, Concordia
Women’s Chorale and the Brass Ensemble
participated. Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, university
organist, and featured student soloists
also performed.
During the concerts Scripture readings
were woven with Christmas music from around
the world. The program included traditional
holiday hymns, audience participation and
pieces composed or arranged by members
of the music department.
1 The Male Chorus and the Women’s Chorale
join together.
2 Andrew Schultz directs the University
Symphonic Band.
3 The University A Cappella Choir sings “Rise
up, Shepherd!”
4 A table of handbells is prepped before the
2009 Christmas at Concordia concert.
5 Trumpeters Tim Rehbein (left) and Bob Cody
(right) perform for the sold–out Christmas at
Concordia concert.
6 Freshman Andrew Van Velson, North Platte,
Neb., of the University A Cappella Choir helps
surround concert goers with voices celebrating
the Christ child.
campus scene 
Writer visits Concordia as her play
premieres in Weller Hall
Melissa Leilani Larson, the playwright for a new
stage version of Jane Austen’s Persuasion, discussed
her script and writing process with Concordia
students on Friday, Nov. 13. The session was a
warm-up for the first time Larson herself would see
the play on stage. Her play had its premiere run in
Weller Hall over two weekends in November.
“What a great chance to meet and talk to a living
playwright and artist,” said Bryan Moore, assistant
professor of communication and theatre and the
play’s director.
Larson commented that she was both excited
and nervous about seeing her adaptation on
stage for the first time. She attended two evening
performances and afterwards took questions from
the audience. She plans to revise her play, which
has already gone through more than 26 drafts, after
seeing it “on its feet” at Concordia.
(top) Playwright, Melissa Leilani Larson, discusses her creation
process with Concordia students. (bottom) Senior Melanie
Maxson, Colorado Springs, Colo., and junior Kevin Ray, Little
Rock, Ark., trade dialogue in the play’s lead roles.
Concordia’s aiga award winners are (front
row, left to right) Amber Konz, Lacey
Brozek, Chelsea Karmann, Alyssa Belgum,
Kara Koehler and Lacey Leffers, (back row,
left to right) Brett Baller, Rachel Dermody,
Valerie Schick, Adam Birt,
and Becky Kohmetscher
BRING ON THE BELLS Bryce Tellman, a sophomore
from New Salem, N.D., rings some of the lowest notes
and biggest bells for the Concordia Handbell Choir,
one of two handbell groups at Concordia. The choirs
give concerts at the end of each semester and take a
prominent role in the annual Christmas at Concordia
concerts. According to Jessica Kite, conductor of
Concordia’s handbell choirs, the groups master new
techniques every year. “When bells first started to
become popular about forty years ago in America, it
was straight ringing,” said Kite. “Now, there are multiple
techniques, and they are always coming out with new
ones.” For those able to attend a Concordia handbell
concert, Kite advises to watch and listen carefully. “It is
interesting to see how active the ringers are switching
between bells and how the sounds are made.”
Student artists
Juniors Valerie Schick, Meadow Grove, Neb., and
Adam Birt, Longmont, Colo., earned multiple
awards at the annual design competition of the
state chapter of the American Institute of Graphic
Arts. Birt brought home two silvers and a bronze,
while Schick walked away with one of each.
In all, eleven art students from Concordia were
recognized Friday, Nov. 6, at the event held at
Bemis Underground in Omaha.
The annual competition is judged by professionals
from across the country. Concordia’s art department
encourages participation in such competitions to
expose students to additional critiques of their
work and as a step toward becoming professional
artists and designers.
Ryan Dauss, a secondary education student from Anderson, Ind., helps a sixth-grader staying at People’s City Mission with her math homework.
Concordia students help at People’s City Mission
Concordia’s teacher education students may be
aiming for careers spent in the classroom, but
that’s not where they are learning all they need
to know about teaching. This fall, for example,
students in Assistant Professor of Education
Amanda Geidel’s Psychology of Exceptionality
and Teaching Diverse Learners course got out
of the classroom and provided after-school
tutoring and supervision for an activities
program at the People’s City Mission in Lincoln.
“The pcm, while not a school, offers students
who are going to be teachers a chance to work
with children from very diverse backgrounds
in a unique setting,” explained Geidel. And
while some students were initially nervous
about the assignment and wondered about
being in a non-school setting, many decided to
continue volunteering their time after their class
requirements were met.
“The most worthwhile part about working
at the mission has been just knowing that I am
a positive influence on these students,” shared
Emily Parrish, a sophomore from Auburn, Neb.
“A lot of them don’t have a consistent, positive
role model, and I like being that for them.”
The pcm was founded in 1907 by a number
of churches in the Lincoln area. It was the city’s
first provider of services to people needing help
with food and shelter.
“People come to pcm from all walks of life,
from refugees, former nurses, teachers and
stay-at-home moms to recovering addicts,
women fleeing domestic violence and families
left homeless after years of steady work,” said
Renita Tyrance, director of family shelter at the
mission. “Our mission is to feed and shelter the
homeless and impoverished, while sharing the
good news about Jesus Christ, thus promoting
human transformation.
“We simply would not be able to offer these
services to our families without the partnership
with Concordia. ‘Thankful’ doesn’t come close
to capturing our gratitude. Our lives and the
lives of our families have been enormously
enriched by the caring, loving and laughing
of Concordia students.”
scene 
(above) Nadine Feser, author of the book, En-Kata, A
Time for Singing, translates for the Maasai group during its
performance. Next to Feser stands young Mathayo taking
his turn in front of the group. (inset photo, left) Concordia
senior Emily Moyer wears a shanga, beaded neck jewelry,
shared with her by a member of the visiting Maasai group.
(middle) Concordia students gamely join in the singing
and dancing. (right) Isack was one of three men in the
nine-member group. The touring members ranged in age
from a young boy to a grandmother.
 campus
campus scene
Concordia welcomed a Christian choir of nine
Maasai to campus in September. The singers are part
of a large community choir in a remote region of
Tanzania. They were on tour in America sharing their
songs and testimony.
The group taught an enthusiastic group
of Concordians traditional Maasai dances and songs
in Maa and Swahili.
“The Concordia students had a ton of fun,” said
Coryn Berkbigler, the Concordia staff member who
teamed up with the Student Activities Council to
bring the group to campus. “The En-Kata group
members really enjoy sharing their culture, and
their testimonies are so real. It was exciting to hear
them express their faith in our God. And by the end,
everybody was dancing.”
The Maasai, among the most distinctive and wellknown of ethnic African cultures, have traditionally
used music and dance to communicate and share
truths throughout Maasai clans. The choir toured
to raise funds toward the construction and operation
of a school in Orbili, Tanzania.
campus scene 
 athletics
campus scene
for top
NAIA honor
In June Dani Hoagland of Concordia University,
Nebraska was named the 2009 female recipient
of the A.O. Duer Award. The award is presented
annually to a junior female and male studentathlete in any National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics sport who has
excelled in character, playing ability and
scholarship. Since 1967, the A.O. Duer Award
has been presented in honor of the late Al
Duer, former naia executive director. Duer
was responsible for the naia’s role as the first
collegiate organization to be fully integrated.
Concordia is one of only two schools
in the naia to claim three Duer award winners.
Hoagland joins fellow Duer winners Kregg
Einspahr ’82 and Andrew Walquist ’06 as
Concordia recipients of the prestigious award
Hoagland, who calls Rushville, Neb., home,
was selected by the naia Council of Faculty
Athletics Representatives from a field of
nominees who attend naia member institutions.
Candidates must achieve a minimum grade
point average of 3.75 on a 4.0 scale. Concordia
will receive a $1,000 scholarship award from
Daktronics in Hoagland’s name.
“Dani’s teammates realize that she strives
to lead by example and that she will work hard
in every aspect of life,” said Rachel Miller, head
volleyball coach at Concordia. “She has been
an absolute joy to coach.”
Off the court Hoagland has collected
many academic awards for her outstanding
performance in the classroom. Among these are
the Pflieger-Olson Scholar-Athlete Award and
the naia Scholar-Athlete Award, and she was
a 2008-09 espn the Magazine Academic AllDistrict selection. Majoring in biology,
she maintains a rigorous class load, works
on campus in the science building and shadows
the team physician in the Seward Memorial
Clinic. She is studying for the mcat and plans
to become a physician.
Top dog
Concordia is the all-time leader in scholar-athletes
Concordia saved two surprises for the October dedication of its
newest building, the Health, Human Performance and Athletic Center:
one was artistic, the other mathematical. Concordia unveiled a massive
bulldog sculpture and also announced that the school was the all-time
leader in Daktronics-naia
Scholar-Athletes. Concordia’s
s t u d e n t- a t h l e t e s h a v e
received academic honors
from the National Association
of Intercollegiate Athletics
573 times.
Thanks to a gift from Ray
and Anita Hacker, the newly
debuted 500-pound bronze
bulldog now stands as the
centerpiece of the hhpac
entry lobby. Named “The
Champion,” the bulldog statue
rests his front paws on three
books, fitting symbolism
for the day’s other news.
“It was a real treat
to do the math and learn that we were the all-time leaders
in scholar-athletes,” said Grant Schmidt, Concordia’s athletic
director. The top four schools in all-time Daktronics- NAIA ScholarAthletes are from the gpac, and four other conference schools are
in the top twenty. In all, the naia has nearly 300 member schools.
Gracie, a Concordia mascot, waits at the arena floor entrance with President Brian Friedrich and fall
sport athletes prior to the dedication ceremony for the Health, Human Performance and Athletic
Center on Oct. 10.
A banner year for cross country
at Concordia
Bulldogs finish second at nationals
The Concordia cross country men’s team finished
second overall at the 2009 naia Cross Country
Championships Nov. 21 in Vancouver, Wash. This
was the highest finish in school history for a men’s
squad. The Concordia women’s squad placed 20th.
The veteran men’s group, fresh off winning
a conference championship two weeks earlier,
approached the race with relaxed confidence.
“It’s important that they had been there before
and had the experience, so they can feel confident
and prepared,” said Dr. Kregg Einspahr, cross
country coach.
It doesn’t hurt to have a roll of duct tape handy
either. Morning rain had soaked the course, and it
was pretty clear things were going to get muddy.
“We changed our spike length and we duct
taped their shoes to their feet,” said Einspahr. “That
actually helped quite a bit. Afterwards we saw spots
in the race where the mud had sucked the shoes
off other runners.”
As the mud-streaked Bulldogs crossed the finish
line, it was clear they had turned in season-best
efforts. “As they cross we add things up in our head.
It was looking good,” said Einspahr. “Second in the
naia nationally is a tremendous finish for our guys.”
Dana Schmidt and Zach Meineke earned
all-American honors to lead the Bulldog men.
Schmidt finished the 8,000-meter race in seventh
place overall with a time of 25 minutes and 25
seconds, and Meineke was a step behind him
in eighth place at 25:26.
David Goeglein finished in 33rd overall with a
time of 26:00, and Luka Thor was 50th at 26:15.
Tyson Billings was 68th at 26:26, Jon Grotefendt was
72nd at 26:28, and Colin Morrissey was 75th with a
time of 26:31.
Malone University, with four runners in the top
20 finishers, took first place with a men’s team score
of 44. Concordia’s team point total was 166.
The Concordia women finished with a team score
of 459 to capture the 20th spot. This was the 16th
straight year the Concordia women have finished
in the top 20 at nationals. Jena Schwalenberg
finished the 5,000-meter race in 36th with a time
of 19:20 for the Bulldogs. Ann Hershberger was 91st
at 20:05, and Dana Kluthe was 100th at 20:11. Other
finishers for the Bulldogs included Rebecca Mol
in 115th at 20:25, Alicia Marteney in 117th at 20:26,
Emilie Bourret in 138th at 20:39 and Hannah Ferry
in 181st at 21:28.
 
Photos by Ricky Gross ’11
(top) The 2009 national runner-up team and coach Kregg Einspahr pose with their
awards. (front row, left to right) Luka Thor, Dana Schmidt, Colin Morrissey, Tyson Billings,
Jon Grotefendt and Zach Meineke (back row, left to right) Coach Kregg Einspahr, Matt
Trampe, Zane Grabau, Keegan Bloomfield, David Goeglein and Josh Meyer. (middle) Jena
Schwalenberg and Alicia Marteney race to the front of the pack during the first 100 meters.
(bottom) Dana Kluthe and Ann Hershberger in mid-race form. (facing page) All-Americans
Dana Schmidt and Zach Meineke press hard in the final meters of the race.
Hall of Fame honors awarded
A packed house filled the Thom Leadership
and Education Center auditorium for Concordia
University, Nebraska’s Hall of Fame induction
ceremony Oct. 9. The 2009 class included two
teams and three individuals. The teams were
the 1991-92 women’s basketball team and the
1954 men’s tennis team. The individuals were
Arthur Bangert, Mark C. Halldorson and Stacey
Davis Miller.
The 1991-92 women’s basketball team went
23-13, qualified for the school’s first-ever naia
Division II National Tournament and finished
the season ranked 20th in naia Division II. This
team finished third in both the National Small
College Athletic Association Tournament and
the Bahamas Tournament. The squad also won
the Concordia Invitational Tournament each
year. Individually, Lynda Beck Staehr earned
First Team naia Division II All-American honors
as well as nscaa All-American honors. Traci
Leggett Sievers was also named to the nscaa AllAmerican team and the naia All-District team.
Trish Kindle Pinneo was the cit Most Valuable
Player, and she also earned niac Honorable
Mention and naia All-District Team honors.
Lisa Parrott was named to the naia All-District
Team as well as the nscaa All-Tournament
Team. The team was coached by Carl Everts and
Trish Croghan.
The 1954 men’s tennis team at Concordia
boasted a 10-1 season record. During a time
period when there was no recruiting, this squad
defeated Creighton twice, won the Central
Church College Conference Championship and
dominated conference play throughout
the season. The squad was coached by Dr. Walter
Andrew Peter Juergensen.
Arthur Bangert participated in football and
track during his time at Concordia. He began his
college football career as a senior at Concordia
High School and was the first four-year letterman
at Concordia. Bangert was also named to the AllConcordia Team in football. He turned down an
offer from the Philadelphia Eagles football team
to pursue a career in teaching.
Mark C. Halldorson earned all-conference, alldistrict and all-region baseball honors in both of
his years at Concordia. He was a member of the
.400 Club in both seasons, hitting .435 during
his junior year and .453 in his senior year to rank
13th nationally. He was voted team mvp both
years and ranked in the top 20 nationally in runs
scored per game, hits per game, batting average,
on-base percentage and fielding percentage
during his time at Concordia.
Stacey Davis Miller excelled in basketball
and softball in her two years at Concordia. In
basketball, she was named mvp of the Concordia
Invitational Tournament both years. In 1998,
she earned naia All-American Honorable
Mention and Omaha World Herald naia First
Team honors. The Omaha World Herald also
recognized Stacey as the basketball Player of the
Year in 1998. On the softball field, Miller hit .493
and .570 in her two seasons for the Bulldogs. She
was an all-conference selection both years and
earned niac Player of the Year honors in 1998.
She was a member of the Omaha World Herald
All-Nebraska Team as well as the naia Great
Plains All-Region Team in 1998.
(below) Athletic Hall of Fame award winner, Arthur Bangert, acknowledges the applause of fans and fellow awardees during half time of a cold
and snowy Homecoming 2009. During his time at Concordia, Bangert was named to the All-Concordia Team in football.
Women’s Soccer Sophomore Mallorie Blanck celebrates her game-winning goal against Morningside College on Sept. 19. Blanck’s goal came with fewer than ten seconds left and was her third
of the day. Men’ s Soccer Freshman Todd May pushes the ball up-field in an Aug. 30 match against Benedictine College. Football The Bulldogs celebrate an 11-yard touchdown run by sophomore
Darius Smith in their 28-12 homecoming victory over Dordt College on Oct. 10.
Sports wrap-up
The Concordia women’s golf team opened the 2009
season with a first-place finish at the Concordia/
Doane Invitational led by freshman Makenzie
Deutschman. The Bulldogs also finished third
at the Doane College Invitational and competed
in two conference qualifiers, finishing ninth in
each. On the men’s side, the Bulldogs finished in a
tie for eighth place at the first gpac qualifier, fourth
at the Hastings College Invitational and fifth at
the Doane College Invitational. The Bulldog men
were led by senior John Zilm.
Women’s Soccer
The Concordia women’s soccer team finished the
season with an improved record of 7-10-2, winning
five of 12 conference matches. Despite more than
half the team being underclassmen, it recorded
first-ever wins over both Hastings College and
Nebraska Wesleyan. However, it fell in the first
round of the conference tournament to Dakota
Wesleyan. Junior Carolyn Chrzan was recognized
as a first team All-gpac selection, junior Sarah
Hoffmann was recognized as a second team Allgpac selection and sophomore Mallorie Blanck
made the conference honorable mention list.
Statistically the Bulldogs were led by Chrzan, who
tallied ten goals on the season.
Men’s Soccer
The Concordia University men’s soccer team
completed the 2009 season with a record of 4-13-1
overall and 2-9-1 in the gpac. The Bulldogs earned
wins over York, Sterling College, Midland Lutheran
and Dakota Wesleyan in 2009. Concordia suffered
some heart-breakers with five losses by one goal
and four losses in overtime or double overtime.
The defense and goaltending were solid, allowing
only 34 goals on the year; however, the season was
an offensive struggle. The Bulldogs scored just 16
goals in 18 games and were held without a goal in
six games during the year. The Bulldogs were led
statistically by junior George Lara, who had five
goals on the season. Lara and freshman Todd May
made the gpac honorable mention list.
The volleyball team was the first sport to use the
new Health, Human Performance and Athletic
Center. The Bulldogs concluded regular-season
play with a record of 11-22 and won three of 16
conference matches. The team made it to the
conference tournament but lost in the first round
to Dana College. Senior Dani Hoagland and
junior Chelsea Vaudt led the team in regularseason kills with 290 and 276 respectively.
Transfer Nicolette Ethofer had 388 digs, while
junior Lauryn Nyhoff was close behind with 322.
Hoagland earned all-conference second team
honors. She is a four-year starter and three-time
all-conference player.
First-year head coach Vance Winter’s Bulldogs
showed improvement, posting a 3-7 record.
The football team faced tough competition
as two conference schools went undefeated in
regular-season play. Sophomores Jerrod Fleming
and Ben Klein both earned conference honors,
and each was named defensive player-of-theweek. Statistically, Klein led the team with 36
solo tackles, and Fleming was credited with 30.
Concordia had 14 players earn conference honors.
Jerrod Fleming and Preston Harris were named
to the gpac Defensive Second Team. Nate Sindt,
Josh Weber, Ben Klein, Derrick Woods, Jamarcus
Walker, Aaron Hannemann, Alex Neiderklein,
Dustin Ehlers, Matt Ridge, Austin Freudenberg,
Daniel Crowe and Derek Rodine were all
honorable mention selections.
Concordia’s new competitive dance team
formed under the leadership of coach Jacqueline
Winchell. Practices began in August, and the
team of eight women is a feature at Concordia’s
home football and basketball games. The team
is preparing for a national dance competition,
the upa AmeriCup Dance Championship, in
Minneapolis, Minn., from Feb. 18-21.
athletics 
Thanks to Stan
One of Concordia’s longest serving employees
makes time for retirement
When Stan Schlueter was hired at Concordia
in May of 1966, he didn’t expect to stay very
long. “I told my dad, ‘If anyone stays here
longer than two years, they’re crazy,’” he said.
More than 40 years later, on Sept. 1, 2009,
Schlueter bid goodbye to his now beloved
“It’s just a good time,” he said. “It’s the right
time for me and Concordia. It’s time to work
some new people in and get some new ideas.”
Schlueter’s role through the years went well
beyond his official title of athletic equipment
manager. He was a carpenter, electrician, tailor,
budget manager, trainer for many years, and
most importantly, a role model to the young
men and women who crossed his path.
Dr. James Juergensen hs ’58 co ’62, associate
dean of the School of Education at Concordia
University Wisconsin, is a long-time friend
of Schlueter. Both grew up in Seward, and
Schlueter’s mother was even Juergensen’s Cub
Scout den mother. “Stan has served so many
student-athletes at Concordia over the years,
literally in the thousands, and has been a
great model of what it means to be a servant
leader. His patience and caring, and his expert
knowledge of his field have inspired confidence
in everyone associated with him.”
That caring has been felt by generations of
Bulldog athletes. Scott Wiemer, athletic director
for Annapolis High School in Dearborn Heights,
Mich., met Schlueter in the fall of 1974 when
Wiemer joined the Bulldog football team. When
he arrived on campus he knew no one and was
feeling out of place as he took care of football
camp preliminaries. Schlueter helped put him
at ease. He greeted each of the young players
getting fitted for a helmet and pads with a smile
and acted as if they were old friends. “Stan was
always there and always able to put things
in perspective. He set the tone that created
the feeling of having a Concordia family.”
When Schlueter is asked about the many
jobs he has had to do over the years, he just
shrugs and explains that he did what needed
to be done.
Hunting and spending time with his grandkids
are things Schlueter is looking forward to in his
retirement. He will miss the people. “The best
part of the job always has been the people: the
students and the coaches,” he said.
Concordia, along with the Schlueter family
and friends, celebrated Schlueter’s career in
September. Grant Schmidt, Concordia’s athletic
director, presented Schlueter one final work
order. He was asked to install the sign for the
street named in his honor.
“God has blessed my family through its
association with Concordia,” said Schlueter
before those gathered. Stan’s father, Leonard,
worked in Concordia’s business office, and Stan’s
siblings, wife and children attended. As for his
legacy, Schlueter urged Concordia to continue
its mission and for co-workers to “keep it going.”
“It’s important to educate these young people
in a Christ-like manner,” he said.
feature 
to the
When the Bulldog wrestlers took to the mat
for their intra-squad dual on Nov. 5, it was the
first time a Concordia athlete had donned a
singlet since 1978.
“Building a program is a long, hard process,”
said Doug Reese, head wrestling coach. “It starts
with recruiting the right type of athlete and
selling them on our vision.”
This year’s team, all freshmen, began
conditioning during the second week of school.
Actual practice, however, had to wait until the
delivery of the new mats in October. As boxes of
singlets, head gear, warm-ups and mat tape piled
up in coach Reese’s office, so did the excitement.
“Man, I wanted to wrestle the day I arrived
on campus,” said Logan Shanks, a 125-pounder
from Big Rapids, Mich. “I’d been waiting for this
moment all summer.”
During the first week of October the squad
held its first practice on the mat—the kind
Shanks and his teammates were looking forward
to—with takedowns, not just hill climbs and
timed miles.
Amidst the enthusiasm, coach Reese counsels
patience. “We need to grow as collegiate
wrestlers, said Reese, “to be stretched and
to be physically and mentally challenged.
We are progressing. I have to remind myself
that this is not a sprint but a marathon.
We need to be patient over the course
of the process.”
 feature
Freshman Brandon Starkey holds off his charging teammate George
Gulesian with a front headlock during the intra-squad dual held Nov. 5.
Later in the month, Starkey would become the first Bulldog wrestler to
qualify for the naia National Wrestling Championship tournament.
Schmidt gets win 400
Concordia’s basketball program reached two
milestones during an early November road swing
in Missouri. On Nov. 5 the Bulldogs defeated
Concordia Seminary 86-55, taking head coach Grant
Schmidt’s career winning total to 400. Two days
later, Concordia, an naia Division II team, defeated
Robert Morris University, the No. 1 ranked team in
naia Division I.
“I am very proud of what our team accomplished,”
said Schmidt. Schmidt entered the season with a 398-234 career
record and a .630 winning percentage, placing him
13th in the naia top 25 winningest active coaches list.
Schmidt, in his 20th year as head coach, has developed
a strong basketball tradition at Concordia.
“Reaching a milestone like winning 400 games is a
credit to our players over the years,” said Schmidt. “You can’t reach that mark without great tradition
and great kids. We’ve been blessed to have both
of those things. This is dedicated to all the teams,
players and coaches who have helped to make 400
wins possible.”
The 1983 Concordia graduate coached four years
at Valley Lutheran High School in Phoenix, Ariz.,
and was an assistant for two years for the Bulldogs
before becoming head coach in the 1989–90 season.
Schmidt has twice been named the Omaha WorldHerald college coach of the year (1992, 2005). The
Lincoln Journal Star bestowed the same honor on
Schmidt in 1992.
Coach Schmidt talks with players during a
timeout at the season opener against York
College, Nov. 6.
athletics 
Reinhold Marxhausen greeted well-wishers at an event at the Rivoli Theatre celebrating his life
and work.
Celebrating Marx
(top) Dorris Marxhausen (wearing black) and others welcome Reinhold Marxhausen,
better known as Marxie or Marx to his colleagues and friends. (middle) Former art
chair Michael Strand and emeritus professor William Wolfram display a drawing
of Marxhausen by emeritus professor Richard Wiegmann that was given to the
Marxhausen family at the Rivoli event. The drawing is done in a style similar to
drawings Marxhausen completed in the 1970s as part of his project with elderly at
a rest home. A film about Marxhausen’s original project and the profound reactions
of the rest home residents was shown as part of the evening’s celebration.
Reinhold Marxhausen, artist and longtime Concordia University
professor, was celebrated at an event in the Rivoli Theatre, Seward,
on May 24.
Michael Strand, former chair of Concordia’s art department, was
one of several who spoke of Marxhausen’s impact. “Fresh out
of graduate school, I thought I knew everything about art,” said
Strand, describing his introduction in the 1990s to Marxhausen’s work
and perspective. “And then I came across this teacher from Concordia
and all of his work, and I realized I knew very little about art. Learning
about him, what was so amazing to me was how simply he looked
at things, and there is incredible genius in that.”
Marxhausen’s perspective on art was relived during the celebration
through the showing of “Findings,” a 1975 documentary film about
Marxhausen’s work produced by Banker’s Life and Nebraska net.
Portions of two other films Marxhausen helped develop, “A Time to
See” and “Timelines,” were also shared as part of the celebration.
Marxhausen became a recognized painter, sculptor and
photographer in the Midwest in the latter part of the 20th century.
From 1951 until 1989, he was a professor of art at Concordia. Among
his most noted works are two large murals in the Nebraska State
Capitol Building.
The gathering was sponsored by the Seward Chamber of Commerce
in cooperation with Concordia University, family and friends.
(left to right) Rev. Edward and Marilyn Bertram, James Miller, Mike Pomerenke, Virginia Kohtz, Tasha (Obermueller) Fingerlin, Judith (Werth) and Rev. Gerald Roggow.
Honored alumni
The Concordia University, Nebraska Alumni Association honored four
individuals and four couples with awards as part of Concordia’s 2009
Homecoming, Alumni Reunion and Family Weekend.
Honorary Alumni
Rev. Edward and Marilyn Bertram of Etowah, N.C., are both graduates
of Concordia College, Fort Wayne, Ind. Marilyn earned a teaching
certificate from Concordia, Seward. Edward continued his education
at Concordia Seminary and Washington University in St. Louis, Mo.
The Bertram’s served as missionaries to Taiwan. After returning to the
United States, Edward worked in both the private and public sectors.
Most recently, he has held the position of senior principal gift officer
for the “Fan into Flame” campaign of the lcms World Mission.
Lay Worker of the Year
James M. Miller of Brookfield, Wis., earned a bachelor’s degree in
education at Concordia in 1970. He began his career at St. Paul Lutheran
School in Fort Worth, Texas, and also has held many positions in
development. Miller currently serves as Children’s Hospital and Health
System of Wisconsin Foundation President and ceo.
Friend of Concordia University, Nebraska
Mike Pomerenke of Carmel, Ind., has been in public education for over
25 years after graduating from Concordia in 1981. For the past 22 years
he has led in various administrative roles in Washington Township, Ind.,
presently as principal of Allison Elementary School.
Church Worker Alumna of the Year
Virginia R. Kohtz of Seward, Neb., has spent almost fifty years
working with young people. Kohtz attended high school at Concordia
and earned a bachelor’s degree in education in 1961 and a master’s
degree in 1973. Kohtz taught at St. John Lutheran School for 38 years,
retiring in 2005. She remains involved at the school, in the church
and in the community.
Young Alumna of the Year Award
Tasha E. Fingerlin of Aurora, Colo., has distinguished herself as a
scientist and teacher since graduating with high distinction from
Concordia in 1997. Fingerlin then attended the University of Michigan,
earning a master’s degree in biostatistics and a doctorate in epidemiology.
Presently, Fingerlin is an assistant professor in the departments of
epidemiology and biostatistics and informatics at the Colorado School
of Public Health of the University of Colorado Denver.
Lifetime Service
Rev. Gerald W. and Judith A. (Werth) Roggow of Enid, Okla., have
served in education and in pastoral work for more than 45 years.
After meeting at Concordia and graduating in 1963, the Roggows
taught at several Lutheran schools. Gerald completed a master’s
degree in elementary administration from Concordia and a Master
of Divinity from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. Presently
retired, the Roggows are involved at First Lutheran Church in Pond
Creek, Okla.
Church Leadership in Outreach
Eric J. and Karin L. Semler have been involved extensively in mission
service in Asia. Eric earned a bachelor’s degree from Concordia in
1994 and student taught at Hong Kong International School.. Karin
graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul, Minn., in 1993. They
are now serving in China at Concordia International School Shanghai.
Partners in Mission and Ministry
Martin E. and Zella Schmidt of Tai Tam, Hong Kong, have spent
more than 25 years involved in teaching and human care service in
Hong Kong. After completing a bachelor’s degree in education at
Concordia in 1990, Martin accepted a call to teach at Hong Kong
International School. He received his masters from Concordia in 1991.
He now serves in a ministry-share position, both teaching at hkis and
encouraging human care projects in several Asian countries through
the lcms World Mission.
alumni 
You’re invited!
Jan. 23, 2010–Winter Fan Appreciation Day
in the Arena of the Health, Human Performance and Athletic Center
Enjoy men’s and women’s basketball
vs. Briar Cliff, a demonstration by our new competitive dance team and some great Bulldog prizes and treats.
Jan. 29-30, 2010–Concordia Invitational
Tournament hosted by Concordia Wisconsin
An alumni reception will take place on Saturday.
Find out more at
Feb. 5, 2010–Bulldog baseball vs. Northwestern
College at the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Minn.
Come for a doubleheader and stay for an evening
tailgate supper in the skybox. Join fellow alumni
for a winter break and bring your kids! Register
May 6-8, 2010–Concordia College Class of ‘60 50th Reunion Celebration
Rejoin classmates for your 50th. Takes place the
weekend of graduation.
June 3-16, 2010–Alumni and Friends Germany Tour
There still is room! Almost 60 alumni and friends
will tour Luther-lands and attend the Passion Play in
Oberammergau. The registration deadline is Feb. 1.
July 10-17, 2010–LCMS Synodical Convention
in Houston
Look for the Concordia Nebraska alumni gathering
at the lcms Synodical Convention (Houston, Texas)
July 17-21, 2010–National Youth Gathering
in New Orleans
Join us for an alumni get-together at the National
Youth Gathering (New Orleans, La.)
July 21, 2010–Tour in conjunction with the International Lutheran Laymen’s League Convention
Travel from Omaha to Concordia’s campus and
the James Arthur Winery prior to the International
Lutheran Laymen’s League Convention in Omaha.
Oct. 1-3, 2010–Homecoming, Alumni Reunion
and Family Weekend
Plan now to return to campus and to reconnect with
your classmates. Graduates of the natural sciences,
math and computer science departments are especially
invited to this year’s homecoming celebration.
Oct. 1-3, 2010–Concordia High School
Class of ’60 Golden Reunion Return to Seward for homecoming weekend
to celebrate your 60th.
For more information contact the alumni office
at or 800-535-5494, ext. 7408.
 alumni
19 50s
Paul Walther HS ’49 CO ’54
of Belleville, Ill., was elected
to the position of secretary
for the International Lutheran
Laymen’s League.
19 60s
In November Bonnie Meier Geisert
’63 had her third novel, Prairie Winter,
published by Houghton Mifflin
Books for Children. Her books reflect
the experiences of her childhood
on a South Dakota farm. Bonnie,
who lives in Galena, Ill., retired from
teaching in 1994.
Former Seward Concordians
gathered aboard the Holland
America MS Volendam during the
first week of July. Pictured are
former professor Marjorie
Meyer, Teresa Nelesen, widow
of Professor James Nelesen, Esther
Kohler ’63 Heindel, Lorraine
Graumann ’61 Koch, Ruth Kieffer
’65 Dietrich, Sandy Miller ’68
Hardies, Sue Tarr ’93, Betty Sprehe
’69 Kruse, David Kruse ’66 and
Judy Huebner ’68 Carlson. Willa
Brinkmeyer ’71 and June Duchow
’60 Ring also were aboard but are
not pictured.
Rev. David Bueltmann ’64 was
re-elected as president of the
lcms Central Illinois District at its
convention in July.
Stan ’64 and Paula Mueller ’63
Wehling celebrated their 45th
wedding anniversary with their
extended family July 1-3 at the Kansas
District lcms Retreat Center near
Herington, Kan. Pictured (right to
left) are Joel ‘92 and Rachel Wehling
‘90 Symmank and their children
Ethan, Luke and Micah; Andrew ’88
and Miriam Roggow ’87 Wehling
and their children Daniel, Katie and
Caleb; Stan and Paula Wehling; Sam
’96 and Lois Wehling ’96 Eatherton
and their children David, Rebekah,
Hannah and Ruth; Charles ’92 and
Deborah Wehling ’93 Gebhardt
and their children Bethany and Macy.
Larry Noack HS ’61 CO ’65
retired in August from sil
International and Wycliffe Bible
Translators after 26 years of service
for those organizations. His wife,
Bonnie Moeller
’66 Noack, retired
in June after serving
as the Minister of
Music for 24 years
at Cross of Christ
Lutheran Church
in DeSoto, Texas.
Larry and Bonnie have five children
and nine grandchildren. They
presently reside in Dallas, Texas.
Linda Marquardt ’72 Witham
recently became the first female
president of gama International,
a worldwide association serving
thousands of field leaders in the
insurance and financial services
industries. Her election as president
was featured in the cover story of
the gama International Journal’s
May/June 2009 issue.
Rev. Dan Gilbert ’73 was re-elected
as district president at the lcms
Northern Illinois District convention.
Wendy Paape CO ’81 GR ’05
Snell was awarded the Air Force
Association Teacher of the Year. She
also received the Wyoming Teacher
of the Year for Math and Science
award. Snell currently teaches seventh
and eighth grade at St. Mary’s
Catholic School
in Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mark ’87 and Rachel Hetz ’92
Hoffman rejoiced at the birth of
Matthew Anton on June 8.
(left to right) Gary ’68 and Judy
Roschke ’69 Hart; Wayne ’69
and Jeannine Chastonay ’69
Johannes; Charles and Cindy
Record ’69 Meek; and Tom ’67 and
Martha Krueger ’69 Mueller had
a mini-reunion at the Hart home in
Scottsdale, Ariz., in July. In the fall of
1966, Judy, Jeannine, Cindy and Marti
were assigned to off-campus housing
in the basement of Mr. and Mrs.
Keller’s home because there were not
enough dorm rooms.
They became known as the Keller 4.
The foursome had not been together
since 1968.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln
announced that journalism professor,
Charlyne Radke ’67 Berens, has
been appointed interim dean of
the College of Journalism and Mass
199 0s
Thad ’91 and DeAnn Thimjon ’90
Warren welcomed their daughter,
Joyah Faith, on April 10.
’92 Shane
was the
recipient of
the 2009-10
Golden Apple
Award for excellence in teaching.
Shane teaches first grade at Whitney
Elementary School in Whitney, Texas.
She resides with her son, Grant, in
Clifton, Texas. She has been teaching
for 17 years.
Leland and Krisha
Niemoth ’95 Uden
celebrated the birth
of their first child,
Abigail Grace, on
Feb. 11. The Udens
currently reside in
Kenesaw, Neb.
Rev. John M. Standley ’96 was
elected district secretary of the lcms
California-Nevada-Hawaii District.
Rev. Standley has served as pastor
of Cordova Lutheran Church
in Rancho Cordova, Calif., for the
past nine years.
Rev. Paul Beisel ’97 and wife, Amy,
welcomed Theodore John into the
family on Sept. 15, 2007. Theodore
joined siblings Martin, Elizabeth and
Susan. Paul has served Concordia
Warsaw, Ill., and
Messiah Lutheran,
Keokuk, Iowa,
as sole pastor
since 2002. He
finished a Master
of Sacred Theology degree in 2004.
Paul is also an adjunct instructor for
John Wood Community College in
Quincy, Ill., teaching courses in world
religions and the Bible.
John Jurchen
’97 and wife,
Kristy are
thrilled to
the birth
of Bethany
Marie on
Aug. 4.
Scott Manke ’97 is now a published
lyricist. Manke and Olivia Gritten,
a young Australian singer and
on eight
songs, two of
which are on
her recently
album, Words After Midnight.
Rev. Dr. Ben Mayes ’97, husband of
Rebecca ’98 Gerdts Mayes, earned
a doctorate in historical theology
from Calvin Theological Seminary
in Grand Rapids, Mich., in May. Ben
is an editor
at Concordia
House and is
responsible for
a new series of
Luther’s Works
and for Johann
Gerhard’s Theological Commonplaces.
alumni notes 
Keith and Shawna Voelker ’97
Spiehs of Washington, Kan.,
celebrated the adoption finalization
of their
twins, Riana
Lynae Minne
and Aiden
Gregory, in
They were
born Dec. 8, 2006, and joined Keith
and Shawna’s home in February 2007.
Siblings Hananiah and Azariah rejoice
in heaven. Keith is a math teacher
at Linn High School, and Shawna is
currently a stay-at-home mom.
Emily Dittmer ’98 McCullough
was named Elementary Teacher of
the Year in the Rockwood (suburban
St. Louis) School District in May and
received the Emerson Excellence in
Teaching Award in November.
20 0 0s
Rev. Micah Gaunt ’00 and Dawn
Cornelius-Gaunt ’99 welcomed
Beatrice Robbin Marie on March 23.
Pastor Gaunt serves at Bethlehem
Lutheran Church, Ravenna, Neb.
Dustin and Erinn Keithley’04
DeGroot were united in marriage
on March 28, in
North Plains, Ore.
The couple lives
in Hillsboro, Ore.,
and Erinn works
for the Concordia
Foundation as
a development
Matt GR ’07 and Kim Walquist ’01
Schleicher rejoiced at the birth of Ian
Matthew on May 7. Matt is assistant
principal at Concordia Lutheran High
School in Tomball,
Texas, and Kim
is a stay-at-home
mom after
teaching middle
school for three
years at Trinity
Lutheran in Spring,
 alumni notes
Chuck and Cheryl Mueller ’02 Ferry
the birth of
Caitlin Ann
on Aug. 23.
She was
home by
big brother
Caleb. Chuck
Concordia Seminary in St. Louis
in 2008 and is in his second year
of ministry as pastor at St. Mark’s
Lutheran Church in West Bloomfield,
Mich. Cheryl is enjoying being a stayat-home mom and serving as music
director at the church.
Benjamin ’03 and Sondra Wildauer
’03 Brakenhoff
were married on
Jan. 2, 2004. For
the past several
years the couple
has served as
camp ministers in
Lutheran camps
in Arizona, Kansas
and Texas. They
are presently living
in Litchfield, Ill., where Ben is working
in construction. Sondra is a stay-athome mom of their three sons: Josiah
Nahum, Gideon Nathanial and Caleb
Carrie Jeanne Miller-DeBoer and
Silas A. DeBoer ’03 were married
on Aug. 8 in Norman, Okla. Silas
currently is working towards a
doctorate in communication at the
University of Oklahoma. Carrie is
a doctoral student in the Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology, Zoology
Department at the University
of Oklahoma.
John and
McCall ’03
rejoiced at
the birth
of Zachary
David on Sept. 10, 2008. Zach
was welcomed home by big sister,
Amelia. The Ptacniks live in Yuma,
Colo., where John works as a grain
merchandiser, and Anne is a stay-athome mom.
Carson C. Muth ’04 and Natalie
Newman were married in Detroit
Lakes, Minn., on Aug. 16, 2008. The
Muths met as students at Palmer
College of Chiropractic in Davenport,
Iowa. They moved to Grand Forks,
N.D., in May 2009 and opened Plains
Chiropractic & Acupuncture.
James Marriott ’04 accepted a call
to serve at Trinity Lutheran Church
in Lisle, Ill.
Ruth Thompson
’04 completed her
first marathon with
a time of 3 hours, 37
minutes. She took
first place in her age
division and was
the fourth female
finisher overall.
With her time she qualified for the
April 2010 Boston Marathon, in
which she plans to run. Thompson
currently resides in Collinsville, Ill.
Bruce ’04 and Sarah Jurchen
’03 Wall accepted a call to serve
as missionaries in Latin America
through lcms World Mission. Bruce
will serve as the area facilitator for
Peru and the Caribbean, and Sarah
will be a missionary to Panama. They
will reside in Panama, and Bruce will
work at the lcms World Mission
regional office in Balboa, Panama.
Anna Doering ’06 is currently in the
physician associate program at Yale
University. She was selected as
a fellow with the Down’s
International Health Student
Fellowship at Yale.
For her fellowship she will be
traveling to Kenya for 10 weeks
to conduct research on the impact
of support group involvement
on antiretroviral therapy medication
adherence among hiv positive
women. Doering is from New Haven,
Three of Concordia’s alumni
graduated from Creighton
University’s doctor of physical
therapy program in May 2009. In
the picture
are (left
to right)
’06 Kern,
’06 and
Krieger ’06. Currently, Kern is
practicing in Omaha, Neb., Walquist
is practicing in Connecticut, and
Krieger is practicing in Phoenix, Ariz.
Nick ’06 and Natasha Otjen ’06
Onnen of Hastings, Neb., both
graduated in July with master’s
degrees in curriculum and instruction
from the University of Nebraska at
Kearney. Both teach at Zion Lutheran
School in Hastings, Neb.
Annie Wood ’06 was recognized
by the College Sports Information
Directors of America for her eleven
award-winning publications. Among
her awards was a “Best of the Nation”
award for her 2008 Nebraska football
and 2009 Nebraska baseball posters.
Wood is a graphic designer at the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
athletic department.
Luke ’07 and
Chelsea Walling
’06 Miller
welcomed the
birth of Lucea
Grace on June
16. The family
currently lives in
Effingham, Ill.
Greta Wendelin ’07 received the
E.C. Buehler Outstanding First Year
Instructor Award in 2008 for The
University of Kansas in Lawrence. She
is currently a doctoral student there.
Kevin Liess and Chelsey Bartels ’07
were married
on July 11. The
couple resides
in Grand Island,
Timothy Leech ’07 and Beth
Christensen ’03 were united in
on July 4 in
Colo. They
now make
their home
in Orlando,
Fla., and
teach at
Beth teaches English, and Tim teaches
history and theology.
What’s a
great way to share a
Concordia memory?
Hannah R. Pieper ‘09 has been
accepted into the master’s degree
program in human development
and family science with an emphasis
in gerontology at Oklahoma State
Remembering Loved Ones
In Memoriam
Dr. Herman L. Glaess ‘46
Gerhardt Meyer HS ’44 CO ‘47
Louis H. Heider HS ’33 CO’48
Orville Veit ’50
Orval Aufdemberge
Rev. Edwin H. Cook ’61
Melvin Bremer HS ’58
James A. Feldscher ‘67
Allard D. Warneke CO ‘61 GR ‘85
About Alumni News
Concordia welcomes news of alumni accomplishments and other
milestones in the lives of alumni. It is preferred that alumni news be
submitted directly by the featured alumni rather than a third party
so accuracy may be verified. When submitting a death notice, please
send a copy of the obituary, if possible, and include the names and
class years of any survivors who attended Concordia in Nebraska. All
submitted items may be edited.
Send submissions to or, by post, to Concordia
University, Nebraska, Alumni News, 800 North Columbia Avenue,
Seward, Nebraska, 68434.
Photos are welcome, whether printed or digital versions. Photos will
not be returned. When possible, please send your photograph as a jpeg
attachment along with your e-mail submission of news. A submitted
digital photo should have a minimum of 1200 pixels on its longest
side. We encourage photos with the alumni in the picture. Please
note that sending an image does not guarantee its publication. Please
submit items for the summer 2010 issue by May 1.
Pass it along.
Talk with young people you think could
be future servant leaders in the church,
community and world. Tell them what
Concordia meant in your life and invite them
to find out more.
You can also help by
• Assisting prospective students
to plan a visit to Concordia
• Bringing a student with you
to campus for homecoming
• Sharing the name of the student
with us at
alumni notes 
Concordia Support by Class
Annual Report
& Honor Roll
The following list includes gifts from July 1, 2008
to June 30, 2009 and does not include pledges.
High School
1929 50%
1933 50%
1938 67%
1939 75%
1940 29%
1941 50%
1942 25%
1943 33%
1944 44%
1946 48%
1947 35%
1948 50%
1949 55%
1950 61%
1951 54%
1952 50%
1953 46%
1954 59%
1955 49%
1956 40%
1957 26%
1958 30%
1959 33%
1932 25%
1935 40%
1936 100%
1937 20%
1938 20%
1939 33%
1940 43%
1941 43%
1942 33%
1943 46%
1944 50%
1945 54%
1946 50%
Honor Roll of Donors
Fellows of the Society
Gifts of $10,000 or More
Anonymous (9)
Edward Amann Estate
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Foundation
Ms. Linda Anderson
Mr. Clayton Andrews
Mrs. Alois Bader
Hattie Bartels Estate
Walter & Ella Bartels Estate
Ruth Bauer Estate
Margaret Bereuter Estate
Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Blanco
Ms. Verna Blanke
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Bohlen
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Borchers
Carol Brauch Estate
Mrs. Robert Cade
Cattle National Bank & Trust Co.
Compass Group, USA Division
Mr. & Mrs. John Craemer
Dorothy Davidson Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Dassow
Mr. & Mrs. John Dinkel
Rupert Dunklau Foundation, Inc.
Alice Eberhard Estate
Gilbert & Marie Finnigsmier Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Friehe
Gainesville Community Foundation
Mrs. Wilhemina Giesman
Wilma E. Gosch Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grant
Grateful in Wyoming
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Hacker
Mrs. Alice Hamburg
Dr. & Mrs. Vern Harnapp
Mr. & Mrs. William Hartmann Jr.
Orvil Heitmann Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Holst
Drs. Jeff & Erin Huebschman
Hughes Brothers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Joeckel
Jones National Bank & Trust Co.
Mrs. Paul Kaldahl
 annual report
Mr. & Mrs. William Kernen
Kiewit Companies Foundation
Benjamin Kouhns Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuddes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerrod Lambrecht
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Lange
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Laughlin
LCMS Foundation
Ms. Shirley Liesener
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Lillich
Lindner Painting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Luebbe
Lutheran Community Foundation
Ms. Kristi Matus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCourt
The Meinders Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Meyer
Mr. Wilfred Mueller
Lester R. Muller Estate
Nebraska Humanities Council
Nebraska Independent College Foundation
Melvin A. Nienhueser Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Oppel
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Owens
Pacific Hills Lutheran Church Foundation
- Omaha, NE
Arthur amd Emma Parpart Estate
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Pooker
Drs. William & Judith Preuss
Marvin Quitmeyer Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rapp
Ms. Betty Reichert
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Riffel
Dr. & Mrs. John Roehrs
Mr. & Mrs. William Roehrs
Mr. Elmer Schardt
Frederick E. Schmid Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schoening
Dorothy Schoknecht Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Siepman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Smith
Mrs. Edward Steinbacher
Mr. & Mrs. William Stock
Dr. Martin Stork
Mrs. Wayne Tanderup
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Thom
The LeRoy Thom, Jean Thom
& T-L Foundation, Inc.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Nebraska Region
Mr. & Mrs. Del Toebben
Mr. & Mrs. David Witham
Mrs. Hugh Wright
Sower Association
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Anonymous (1)
Mr. Rex Becker +
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Bettmann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bliss
Mr. Robert Brewer
Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation
Mrs. Marguerite Christman
Concordia University Guild - Seward, NE
Mrs. Charles Diek
Wilbert G. and Gertrude M. Eggers Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Everts
Fountain Of Life Lutheran - Sun City, AZ
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Brian Friedrich
Ruby M. Friedrich Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Gerler Jr.
Mrs. Eric Goeglein
Herbert E. Grabau Estate
Mr. Scott Grau
Dr. Mary Gundelach
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoelz
Dr. & Mrs. James Holste
Mr. & Mrs. C. G. Holthus
Mr. Milton Holtzen
Mr. Morris Huelle & Mrs. Velma Krueger Huelle
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Irmer
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Kleine
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Koepke
Mrs. Loraine Kohlwey
Mr. & Mrs. David Koshinski
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kotil
Mr. Elmer Krause
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lillich
Mr. & Mrs. Dick O’Dell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oetting
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Owens
Meta P. Panning Estate
Helen E. Pingel Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rasmussen
Hannah Schild Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Terry
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Tewes
Mr. & Mrs. James Tobaben
Mildred I Toensing Estate
Mr. Edwin Wergin
Wheat Ridge Ministries
Mr. Ward Wolfram
Associate’s Club
Gifts of $1,000 to $4,999
Anonymous (9)
Ethel S. Abbott Charitable Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. William Allmen Jr.
Andrews Van Lines, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Anschutz
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Aschbrenner
Mr. Ted Augustin
Mrs. Olga Baack
Miss Viola Bahls
Mr. & Mrs. William Bartels
Mr. Walter Bartels
Mr. Kenneth Bartels
Mrs. Nylene Bartels
Mrs. Guiomar Barth
Dr. & Mrs. Ernest Baughman
Drs. Rodney & Kim Becher
Ms. Jan Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Becker
The Robert Bedacht Foundation
Mrs. Alice Beethe
Mr. & Mrs. John Behrendt
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Bellin
Congressman & Mrs. Douglas Bereuter
Allen C. Berndt Foundation
Drs. Marvin & Shirley Bergman
Mrs. Ardis Bergquist
Mr. Chad Bettmann
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bettmann
Mr. Daniel Bettmann
Mr. Deric Bettmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bickel
Ms. June Bierstedt
Ms. Barbara Blanco
Mrs. Karen Blank
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Blank
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Blanke
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Blase
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Blobaum
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Blomenberg
Mr.+ & Mrs. James Blomenberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Blomenberg
Rev. Richard Boche
Mr. Byron Bockelman
Prof. & Mrs. James Bockelman
Ms. Katherine Bolland
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Borchard
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Bork
Miss Lillian Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Kurth Brashear
Dr. & Mrs. P. Stanley Brassie
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Brink
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Brommer
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Brott
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Brott
Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Brumbaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Burger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burnham
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Butterbrodt
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. R. John Buuck
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Castens
Dr. & Mrs. Curt Cattau
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin Cattau
Cessna Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chaffee
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Chance
Ms. Rosalyn Chmelka
Mr. & Mrs. Winsor Cho
Frances C. Christensen Estate
Mr. & Mrs. M. R. Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Classen
Dr. Doris Clatanoff & Mr. Duane Clatanoff
Concordia Publishing House
Concordia University System - St. Louis, MO
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Condos
Cornerstone Bank
Covidien Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Craig-Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Daake
Prof. & Mrs. Gilbert Daenzer
Elsie F. Dahlkoetter Estate
Mr. & Mrs. John Davis
Daws Inc.
Mr. Raymond De Bower
Dell Direct Giving Campaign
Mrs. Eldred Dierker
Mr. Ronald Dittmar
Rev. & Mrs. David Dobbertien
Dr. & Mrs. Warren Doerfler
Paul Droemer Estate
Mrs. Judy Duda
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Duensing
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Dumke
Chris and Gail Effken
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Einem
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Einspahr
Dr. & Mrs. Kent Einspahr
Dr. & Mrs. Kregg Einspahr
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Elbers
Mr. & Mrs. David Endorf
Ms. Gail Endorf
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Endorf
Mrs. Nancy English
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Ernstmeyer
Fabric Fair
Faith Lutheran Church - Seward, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Faszholz
Mrs. Eugene Ferg
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Fike
Mrs. Marie Finnigsmier +
First Data Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Junior Fischer
Mrs. Hubert Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fliege
Foundation of the Nebraska Society of CPA’s
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Frerking
Mrs. George Friesen
Mr. & Mrs. Quinton Fur
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gard
Dr. & Mrs. Leon Gebhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gehring
Mr. Gerald Geiselman
Rev. & Mrs. Charles A. Gierke
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Gierke
Rev. & Mrs. Dan Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. J. Paul Glahn
Mr. & Mrs. John Glanzer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Glawatz
Dr. & Mrs. Eldon Gleichman
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Golnick
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Collinsville, IL
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church - Elgin, IL
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grabbert
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Grages
Mr. Thomas Green
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Delmer Gremel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Grohs
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Grothaus
Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Guetersloh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hackmann
Miss Lucile Hahn
Mrs. Faye Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Haman
Mr. & Mrs. George Hammersmith
Miss Elly Hardekopf
Mrs. Richard Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. James Hartwig
Ms. Sandy Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Heidemann
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Heitschmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Helms
Mr. & Mrs. Don Henning
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Henning
Dr. Robert Hermann & Mrs. Julie Johnston
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Herring
Dr. Herman Hiesterman
Rev. Joel Hiesterman
Dr. Mary Hilgendorf & Mr. Duane Hilgendorf
Mr. Patrick Hofer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hoger
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Holle
Mr. & Mrs. Kendell Holthus
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Holtorf
Mr. DuWayne Holtzen
Mr. Ryan Hrdlicka
Mr. Theodore Huebner
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Huebschman
Mrs. Virginia Hughes
Ms. Amanda Husberg
IBM Corporation
Immanuel Lutheran Church - David City, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. K. Kirk Jamison
Mrs. Charlotte Jans
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Janzow
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jerke
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wyn Johnson
Mr. Kurt Jostes
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jungemann
Mr. Lon Jungemann
Mr.+ & Mrs.+ Lloyd Jungmann
William A. Kahre Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Eldor Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Kamprath
Mr. Donald Kamtz
Ms. Laura Kenow
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kenow
Kiewit Building Group, Inc.
Kingery Construction Co.
Dr. & Mrs. John Kinworthy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Klintworth
Mr. & Mrs. William Kloeber
Mrs. Bradley Knudsen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Koch
Mr. & Mrs. James Koepke
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kohlwey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kolterman
Mr. Bruce Korte
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Kraft
Dorothy Kratzer Estate
Mr. & Mrs. David Krenz
Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Krieser
Rev. & Mrs. Larry Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Kuehn
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Kuhlman
Ms. Olga Kuhlmann
Mrs. Raymond Laabs
Art & Clara Lange Estate
Dr. & Mrs.+ Thomas Langevin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Langewisch
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lase
Paul & Sandy Lawin
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazarchic
Mr. & Mrs. Ranney Leek
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Lewer
Mrs. Hilbert List
Mr. & Mrs. Alva Lohse
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Loseke
Mr. William Luebbe
Mr. Arnold Luedders
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Luedders
Lutheran Foundation of Texas
Lutheran Good Samaritan Society
Prof. & Mrs. James Mackie
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Markin
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Martindale
Mr. Matt Marty & Mrs. Kayla Luehmann-Marty
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald McClellan
The Medtronic Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Meehl
Miss Marjorie Meier
Mr. & Mrs. John Meinders
Dr. & Mrs. Darrel Meinke
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Mertins
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Metschke
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mettenbrink
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. David Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Meyer
Mrs. Norma Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Stan Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Miner
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Minster
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Ray Mirly
Modern Methods, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moeller
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Moll
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moore
Dr. Russell Mosemann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mueller
Mrs. Viola Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Naber
Mrs. Vilma Nathan
Nebraska State Reading Association
Mr. Roger Neit
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Neujahr
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Rev. & Mrs. Louis Nuechterlein
Dr. & Mrs. Stan Obermueller
Mr. & Mrs. Rod O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Oetting
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Oetting
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Larry Oetting
Mrs. Elton Ohlman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ohlmann
Ms. Jean Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Elton Oltjenbruns
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Otten
Pacific Hills Lutheran Church - Omaha, NE
Mrs. Edward Parker III
Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Paulsen
Rev. & Mrs. J. Robert Paulson
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Patricia Peters & Mr. Scott Peters
Mr. & Mrs. William Peters
Mr. Norman Petersen
Dr. & Mrs. Jerrald Pfabe
Mrs. Arnold Pfeiffer
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Pfeiffer
Prof. & Mrs. Robert Pflieger
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Pflieger
Mr. Tim Pflieger
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Plamann
Mrs. Merlin Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Pomerenke
Rev. & Mrs. Norman Porath
Mrs. Ruth Pralle
Rev. & Mrs. Matthew Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Probasco
Mr. Gene Quade
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rakos
Mr. Stephen Ratz
Mr. & Mrs. John Rehberg
Mr. & Mrs. Twane Reker
Mr. Duane Renken
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Rhode
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Robertson
Mrs. Loretta Rodenburg
Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Roggow
Dr. & Mrs. Don Rohren
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rolfsmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rolfsmeier
Mr. Richard Rossing
Rotary Club - Seward, NE
Mr. & Mrs. William Roundey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Royuk
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rozek
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Rulon
Runza, Inc.
Mrs. Dolores Sander
Mr. & Mrs. William Sandman
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schaff
Mr. & Mrs. Arlan Schellhorn
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Schluckebier
Mr. Stanley Schlueter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmid
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schmidt Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Schmidt
Mrs. Lorna Schmieding
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scholz
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Schomacker
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schram
Mr. & Mrs. M. Daniel Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. James Schroeder
Rev. & Mrs. Wayne Schroeder
Mrs. Willard Schultz
Miss Janice Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Les Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Schwan
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Seaman
Mr. & Mrs. Waldemar Seefeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Seevers
Dr. & Mrs. Brandon Seifert
Mrs. Neal Sell
Dr. & Mrs. Norman Sell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Senkbeil
annual report 
Seward Physical Therapy Service, P.C.
Ms. Linda Sims
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Sirek
Dr. Londa Borer-Skov & Mr. Luther Skov
Mr. & Mrs. Norval Skov
Mr. Lawrence Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lucas Smith Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smothers
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Sparenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spitsnogle
Ms. Lynda Staehr
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Staub
Mrs. Roland Stelzer
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Stenehjem
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillahn
John and Lydia Stohs Estate
Ms. Annetta Stork
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Strauch
Mr. & Mrs. Wally Streuter
Mrs. Lois Struve
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Stuewe
Mr. & Mrs. Gale Suhr
Dr. & Mrs. John Suhr, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Swanson
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Sylwester
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Taube
Mrs. Caroline Terrass
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thies
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Timm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Timm
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Trautman
Tri-Co Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Troester
Mrs. Marlene Troester
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Urban
Dr. & Mrs. Van Vahle
Dr. & Mrs. Darrell Van Luchene
Dr. & Mrs. A. Paul Vasconcellos
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Vincent
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Visser
Wachovia Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Wacker
Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walter
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Orville Walz
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Warneke
Mrs. Natalie Wehrman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wehrs
Mrs. LaVerne Weimer +
Mr. & Mrs. K. Mark Weinrich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wenck
Mrs. Gordon Wendling
Dr. Mira Wiegmann & Prof. Richard Wiegmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Wiesehan
Dr. & Mrs. Dudley Wiest
Willmar Electric Service
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Williams
Rev. & Mrs. Lloyd Willweber
Mr. Lloyd Windfield
Rev. Dr. & Mrs.+ Melvin Witt
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Theodore Wolfram III
Prof. & Mrs. William Wolfram
Mr. & Mrs. L. K. Wolter
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Woodburn
Mr. J. Paul Woodburn
Mrs. Lucille Woodring
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Woolery
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Young
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Zabka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ziegler
William Zimmerman Estate
Robert & Dorothy Zink
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Zobel
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Zobel
Builder’s Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Anonymous (3)
Acxiom Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Albert
Mrs. Irma Alpers
 annual report
Mr. Edward Amann +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Anschutz
ARAMARK Management Services
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Arcement
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Aufdemberge
Dr. & Mrs. Ted Aufdemberge
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baack
Mr. John Baden
Ms. Debra Daberkow Baker
Dr. Jennifer Baker & Mr. Paul Baker
Mr. Alan Baldwin & Mrs. Janet Cheney-Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Bangert
Mr. & Mrs. V. Bartels
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bartholomew
1st Lt. & Mrs. Jose Beaton
Mr. Kevin Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Beckmann
Dr. & Mrs. Floyd Behrens
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Bek
Mr. & Mrs. M. Andrew Berkbigler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berkbigler
Mr. Clarence Berndt
Rev. & Mrs. Edward Bertram
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Beune
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Bisping
Rev. & Mrs. Matthew Blackford
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. David Block
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Block
Mrs. Rebecca Bockelman
Rev. Melvin Boehlke
Boeing Company
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Boettcher
Mr. & Mrs. John Boll
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Bollmann
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bowen
Dr. Vicki Boye
Ms. Ruth Brammeier
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brandt
Mr. Ralph Brauer
Ms. Pauline Braun
Lt. Col. Herman Bretzer
Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Brinkmeyer
Mr. Ron Brown & Mrs. Molvina Carter
Mr. & Mrs. John Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Buerck
Roland and Claire Bunge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cheney
ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program
Christ Lutheran Foundation - Lincoln, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Condas
ConocoPhillips, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Creedon
C-Tec, Inc.
Mr. Carl Dantzler
Rev. Garry Dassow
Mr. & Mrs. Ron de la Motte
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Deitemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Delventhal
Mr. & Mrs. Nickey DeRose
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Devantier
Drs. David & Grace-Ann Dolak
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dollase
Dow Corning Corporation
Mrs. Jack Drews
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Dull
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dunklau
Prof. & Mrs. Donald Dynneson
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Eberhard
Rev. & Mrs. James Eggert
Ms. Ann Eggold
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Eickmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Einem
Mrs. Tedi Ellison
Emanuel Lutheran Church - Milbank, SD
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Emmons
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Engelbart
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall England
Mr. & Mrs. David Erbach
Mr. & Mrs. Len Ermold
Mrs. Cornelius Esslinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Evans Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Faszholz
Erlene Fett
Rev. & Mrs. Steven Fick
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Forke
Mrs. Ervin Freudenburg
Mr. & Mrs. David Frick
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gaede
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron L. Gard
Rev. & Mrs. Leonhardt Gebhardt
Mrs. Edith Geisler
Mr. & Mrs. David Geisler Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gengenbach
Dr. & Mrs. John Gerber
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Gerken
GFWC Seward Woman’s Club
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Gierke
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Glanzer
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Glock
Dr. Eunice Goldgrabe
Mr. & Mrs. John Gossin
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Grauer
H & S Plumbing
Rev. & Mrs. Loel Haak
Mr. Erwin Hackbart
Mr. Kevin Hagemoser
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Hanschke
Mr. James Hardt
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Harman
Mrs. Erwin Harmening
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan Harms
Mrs. Don Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Hayek
Mr. & Mrs. Orlin Heck
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Heider
Mr. Harold Heins
Dr. & Mrs. David Held
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Held
Dr. Erich Helge
Rev. & Mrs. David Helmer
Mrs. Glo Hennig
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Herl
Mrs. Arthur Herpolsheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hinkle
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hinrichs
Dr. & Mrs. Vance Hinrichs
Ms. Priscilla Hinsch
Mr. & Mrs. Newell Hoback
Mr. Steve Hoffschneider
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Holtorf
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Holz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Huckfeldt
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Huffman
Huffman Engineering Inc.
Mrs. Elaine Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Jacobsson
Ms. Linda Janssen
Rev. & Mrs. Frank Janzow
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Jarrett
Dr. Jean Jones & Mr. David Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jorgensen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Joseph
Mrs. Deborah Kadera
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Kamprath
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kautz
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Kerbel Jr.
Dr. Jane Kercher
Mr. Kevin Kisker
Mr. Friedrich Klaus
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Knapp
Mr. & Mrs. James Kniep
Mrs. Dale Knop
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kohlwey
Mr. Howard Krieser
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Krone
Mr. & Mrs. James Laddusaw
Mr. Les Lance & Ms. Linda Birkes-Lance
Mr. & Mrs. David Lange
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Langhoff
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Lemke
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Limmer
Lincoln Turf and Tractor
Mrs. Don Lippert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert List
Rev. & Mrs. Walter C. Loeber
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Lucas
Prof. Lynn Soloway & Mr. Allen Luebbe
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Luebke
Mr. & Mrs. Merlyn Lutter
Mr. & Mrs. David Lutz
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Maehr
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Malzahn
Mr. & Mrs. Hersey Mangels
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Manning
Drs. Paul & Janice Massmann
Mr. Donley Matthias
Miss Holly Matzke
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Meinzen
Memorial Health Care Systems
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Courtney Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Meyer
Ms. Doris Meyer
Lee Roy E. Meyer Estate
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Meyer
Mrs. Ruth Meyer
Dr. & Mrs. Jack Middendorf
Miss Dolores Mielke
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Miesner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moderow
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Morlok
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Mueller
Mr. Douglas Murray & Ms. Joan Miller-Murray
Rev. & Mrs. Dan Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Navis
Nebraska Eastern Reading Council
Nelnet, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. William Niebergall
Laura A. Niemeier Estate
Mr. Curtis Nierman
NIFCO Mechanical Systems, Inc.
Miss Cathy Nightlinger
Total Giving by Source
Faculty & Staff 2%
Estate Gifts 22%
Alumni & Parents 17%
Regents &
Board 9%
& Foundations
Friends 22%
Churches & Church Organizations 1%
Concordia moves up
in U.S. News & World Report rankings
Concordia moved to No. 16, up two spots, in the Midwest baccalaureate category of U.S.
News & World Report’s 2010 America’s Best Colleges rankings this fall. Concordia continues
its upward move in the rankings in recent years and maintains its spot as the highestranked Nebraska school in its category.
“We are very pleased to once again be listed among the top
baccalaureate universities in the Midwest,” said Rev. Dr. Brian L.
Friedrich, president of Concordia. “The rankings highlight the
excellence and value of Lutheran, Christian higher education
available at Concordia University, Nebraska.”
Criteria evaluated in the rankings included academic
reputation, retention and graduation rates, faculty resources,
student selectivity and alumni support.
Based on its first-tier ranking and an overall score of 69,
Concordia also compares well to schools in other categories
and regions. Concordia Nebraska continues to be the topranked school in the Concordia University System.
Mrs. Lucille Norem
Northrop Grumman Foundation
Prof. & Mrs. Tim Ohlman
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ohlrich
Mrs. Ernest Oppliger
Mr. & Mrs. Clemens Otten
Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Otten
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Parkhurst
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parton
Peace Lutheran Church - Columbus, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Perry
Mr. Philip Perschbacher
Mr. Victor Peter
Mr. & Mrs. David Petrie
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pettit
Phillips, Spallas & Angstadt LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pinnt
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Plander
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Pohl
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Pohlman
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pomerenke
Mrs. Harold Pooker
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Pooker
Rev. Jonathan Priest
Mrs. Eugene Prochnow
Dr. Steve Pu
Miss Michelle Quinlan
Mr. & Mrs. George Regas
COL. & Mrs. K. Luke Reiner
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Reiners
Mr. & Mrs. Lon Renner
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Rensner
Mrs. Vernon Retzlaff
Mr.+ & Mrs. Arnold Richert
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rinker
Mr. Gerald Rinne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rodenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Rodine
Dr. Jenny Mueller-Roebke & Mr. Stan Roebke
Mrs. Ruby Rolfsmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Roth
Mr. & Mrs. Noel Ruhter
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Sander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanders
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Sandfort
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Santel
Ms. Margaret Schafer
Mr. Max Schamber
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Milton W. Schmidt
Rev. & Mrs. Ralph Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schnackenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Schuessler
Mr. & Mrs.+ Eldon Schulz
Gerald and Bonnie Schulze
Mr. & Mrs. William Schwab
Mr. & Mrs. Ryne Seaman
Dr. & Mrs. John Seevers
Seward Arts Council
Seward Jr. Women’s Club
Mr. Phillip Shelp
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Siffring
Sinclair Hille & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Roger Sitkins
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Skov
Dr. & Mrs. Neil Skov
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Sloup
Dr. & Mrs. Elmer Smith
St. Matthews Lutheran Church
- Cedars Bluff, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Staebler
State Farm Companies Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Steinbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Steiner
Mr. Daniel Stelling
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Stepanek
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Sterkel
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Streuter
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Strohschein
Mrs. Margaret Swetnam
Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth Sype
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tegtmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Tewes
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Tewes
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Thur
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Tieman
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Timm
Mrs. Lorine Timmermann
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Toepke
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Tonjes
Mr. & Mrs. John Tracy
Trinity Lutheran Church - Atchison, KS
Mr. Gerald Uhlig
Union Pacific Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Varner
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Voelker
Mr. Ryan Voelker
Dr. & Mrs. Erich von Fange
Rev. & Mrs. Marion Von Rentzell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wachs
Miss Kathryn Wall
Mrs. Mildred Wallace
Rev. & Mrs. Randy Walquist
Mr. J. Scot Walter & Mrs. Dianne Hobratschk
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Walther
Dr. & Mrs. John Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Arlan Warneke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Webster Jr.
Mr. J. P. Wehrman & Ms. Lynn Wake
Wells Fargo & Co. Matching Gift Program
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Werth
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Clare Wiltse II
Windstream Corporation
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Winters
Rev. & Mrs. Wayne Woolery
Mr. & Mrs. James Yagow
Mrs. Jo Young
Ms. Janice Yung
Rev. & Mrs. Karl Ziegler
Mrs. William Ziehr
Mr. Richard Zwemke
Leader’s Association
Gifts of $250 to $499
Anonymous (8)
Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Adams
Ms. Susan Adam
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Aegerter
Ms. Jamie Ahrens
Mr. Victor Alber
Ms. Doris Alberg
Ms. Cheryl Allmen-Vinnedge
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Amey
Ms. Jeannie Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Andrews
Anheuser-Busch Company, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Apetz
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Balsters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Balzer
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Banahan
Mrs. Kathy Bartels
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Battaile
Mrs. Harold Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Beichley
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Bentz
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bergt
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Berlin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Betten
Rev. & Mrs. Burnell Beyers
Rev. & Mrs. Kenton Birtell
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Blatnik
Rev. & Mrs. Harold Block
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Boche
Mr. David Bode
Dr. Martha Boelter
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Boerger
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bohl
Mr. John Boldt
Mrs. Armond Borchardt
Ms. Corlee Bosch
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Bostelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Brase
Ms. Ruth Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Bredow
Ms. Marjorie Bredow
Ms. Norma Brengman
Mr. & Mrs. James Bresee
Mr. & Mrs. John Briggs
Dr. & Mrs. Harold Brockberg
Charles & Linda Brockmann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brod
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bruhn
Rev. & Mrs. Scott Bruick
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brunkhorst
Mrs. Leta Brunkhorst
Rev. & Mrs. David Bueltmann
Mrs. Helen Bunge
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Byer
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Carlow
Caterpillar Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Cattle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chapin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cheney
Mrs. James Christensen
Dr. & Mrs. Carl Christian
Ms. Janet Cloeter
Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Cloeter
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Contreras
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Cooksey
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cordes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Costley
Mrs. Beverly Creed
Drs. Bruce & Stacy Creed
Mrs. Hilde Cross
Ms. Peggy Dankert
Mr. Lynn Degenhardt
Mrs. Rose Detloff
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dettling
Mr. & Mrs. E. Paul Dieckhoff
Mrs. Esther Dirks
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dittmer
Mr. & Mrs. Omar Dittmer
Ms. Gladys Doctor
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Doerr
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dowding
Down Under Pottery
Mrs. Dorothy Ebner
Pastor & Mrs. David Ebs
Mr. & Mrs. James Edwards
Miss Karla Einspahr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eisenbraun
Elite Custom Technology
Mr. Norman Endorf
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Endorf
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Epke
Drs. Mike & Alice Epstein
Eric Giebler Photography
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Ernstmeyer
Mr. Lon Erwin
Mr. & Mrs. James Everts
Faith Lutheran Church - Woodland Park, CO
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Falk
Mr. & Mrs. DuWayne Federwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Felker
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Fett
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fillman
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Fink
Mr. & Mrs. David Fitzpatrick
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flandermeyer
annual report 
Enrollment hits 1717, second highest mark in school history
Concordia’s 2009-10 enrollment is the second largest ever
for the school. A total of 1717 students were enrolled as of Sept. 21,
census date for the school. Concordia has seen increases in each of
the last three years.
University administration points to affordability and a growing
sphere of academic programs as key reasons for the growth.
“In the past few years, we have expanded programs, enhanced
scholarship funding, improved our facilities, including the
completion of phase one of the Health, Human Performance
and Athletic Center, and this year we implemented only a 2.5
percent tuition increase, our smallest since 1989,” said Rev. Dr. Brian
Friedrich, president of Concordia. “Our enrollment increase shows
the result of our commitment to doing everything possible to offer
students affordable, excellent, Lutheran Christian higher education.”
The largest number of new students, 197, came at the graduate
level. Concordia’s first class of Master of Business Administration
students took their seats at Concordia’s Lincoln campus in October.
The program, developed with sister school Concordia University
Wisconsin, is designed to offer working professionals an accelerated
track of both face-to-face and online classes to earn their degree in
two years.
Concordia also expanded its post-baccalaureate offerings for
those who wish to enter the education field or continue education
studies en route to a master’s in the field. Certification in early
childhood education is one of the programs now available. A
new program has also been created for those who already hold a
bachelor’s degree and would like to switch to teaching at the high
school or middle school level.
Enrollment news was also good for the undergraduate level. This
year’s freshman class showed a 15-student increase from last year’s.
The freshman class profile also showed higher act average scores,
up a point, and sat average scores, up five points. Twenty-four
percent of this year’s freshman class also graduated in the top 10
percent of their high school graduating classes.
Drs. Kenneth & Karen Follett
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Fortmeyer
Mr. John Franck
Mr. & Mrs. Arlyn Franzen
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Franzen
Mrs. Alfred Freitag
Mr. & Mrs. Art Frese
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Freudenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Freudenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Frieden
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Friedrich
Friends of Seward Library, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fuchs
Prof. Betty Galen
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Gamble
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gaunt
Mr. & Mrs. David Geidel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Geisler
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Geisler
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Gerdts
Rev. & Mrs. Oscar Gerken
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Germeroth
Giddings & Lewis Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Goings
Mrs. Luverne Golz
Rev. & Mrs. Jeremy Gorline
Mrs. Doris Gorrell
Mrs. Madora Gotsch
Mr.+ & Mrs. H. Lee Graff
Mrs. Meurice Graff
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grass
Mrs. Adelbert Grau
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grefe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Griffing
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Grillot
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Grohn
Rev. & Mrs. Terence Groth
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Gubanyi
Mrs. Alice Gunderson
H. B. Fuller Company
Miss Carol Haak
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Haase
Dr. John & Janis Haggstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Vic Hammer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hansen
Mr. John Harer
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Hasseldahl
Mr. Victor Heggemeyer
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Heibel
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Heidorn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heidtbrink
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Koehnke
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Kohlmeier
Mr. & Mrs. David Koopman
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Koopman
Martin and Peggy Koopman
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard Korbitz
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kraayenbrink
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Kramer
Maj. & Mrs. Glen Krc
Ms. Beverly Kressler
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Krieser
Mr. & Mrs. Emil Kriewaldt
Mrs. Phyllis Kroeger
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kruse
Rev. & Mrs. David Kuhnle
Mr. & Mrs. David Kumm
Dr. & Mrs. Lyle Kurth
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Kurth
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kym
Dr. Johnathan & June Laabs
Mrs. Walter Labahn
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lail
Mrs. Vera Lange +
Mr. & Mrs. DeVon Lark
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Lebo
Lee’s Refrigeration
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Leupold
Mr. & Mrs. William Lochmann
Mr. & Mrs. George Locke
Mr. & Mrs. John Lottes
Marlin and Rita Luebbe
Mrs. Margaret Lukas
Lutheran Collegiate Music Association
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Maier
Ms. Janette Marcus
Mrs. Melvin Marschel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Marschman
Miss Michelle Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martin Jr.
Mr. David Mauch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCarty
Mr. & Mrs. John McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Malverne McGee
Mr. Brian McNally
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Meier
Mr. Donald Meier
Mr. & Mrs. John Meier
Merrill Lynch Matching Gift Program
Mrs. Mark Meschke
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Metzner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Meyer
 annual report
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heidtbrink
Mr. Larry Heinert
Mr. & Mrs. Iddo Heinicke
Rev. & Mrs. Dwight Hellmers
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Helmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Helmer
Mr. & Mrs. DeWayne Hempelmann
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hencye
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hentzen
Mr. Vernon Herzberg
Mr. & Mrs. John Herzig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hiam
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hicks
Mr. Paul Hillmann
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hinman
Mr. & Mrs. Mel Hintz
Hitz Music DJ Service
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hoerauf
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Glennis Holtmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Holtzen
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Holz
Dr. Michelle Reeb Homp & Mr. Gerald Homp
Alvina L. Hoops Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Otis Howard III
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Huebschman
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hunter, II
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Jagels
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jagels
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Janzow
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. E. Jerry Jenson
Mr. Kenneth Johnsen
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Johnson
Dr. Carl Jorgensen
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Kahler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kalbfleisch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kamprath
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kamprath
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Karloski
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Keseman
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Kesse Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kierstead
Kirby Roth Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kirchner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kleindienst
Mr. & Mrs. John Knight
Mr. Richard Knudsen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Koch
Mr. Rodney Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Koehler
Rev. & Mrs. Glenn Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer
Mr. Roland Meyer
Mr. Victor Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Meyerhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Michel
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Millard
Mrs. Helen Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John Moentmann
Mr. & Mrs. John Mohrhardt
Rev. & Mrs. James Moll
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Molzer
Daniel Moravec & Carol Teinert-Moravec
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Morlok
Mr. & Mrs. Don Morner
Mr. Leslie Morris
Mrs. Metford Mountford
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Mueller
Mr. Jack Mueller
Miss Kathleen Mueller
Mr. Lloyd Mueller
Ms. Martha Mueller
Rev. Peter Mueller
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Mundt
Dr. & Mrs. Willis Mundt
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Neidhold
Dr. Roberta Nelson & Prof. David Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Nelson
Mr. Lyle Nelson
Mr. Paul Neukirch
Dr. & Mrs. George Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nieting
Mrs. Phyllis Nordhausen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Norton
Mr. John Nuechterlein
Mr. Robert Nuttelman
Miss Megan Obermueller
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ockander
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Oetting
Mr. Jason Oetting
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. David Olson
Mr. Drew Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Olson
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Ore
Orr Psychotherapy Resources
Mr. & Mrs. Tobin Ortstadt
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Osten
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Otten
Our Savior Lutheran Church - Newton, IA
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Parde
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paris
Mr. Arthur Paulus
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Pavel
Mrs. Patricia Penrose
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Penrose
The Pentair Foundation
Mr. Daniel Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Peter
Mr. & Mrs. Daryle Peters
Ms. Bernice Pfingsten
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Pfluger
Pioneer Community Investment
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Ponivas
Mrs. Ruth Poppe
Praire Life Health Center
Mr. Reuben Pralle
Mr. & Mrs. John Prim
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Prochaska
Procter & Gamble
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Puls
Mr. & Mrs. Delmar Quade
Mr. Thomas Raabe
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ragoss
Rev. & Mrs. Thomas Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rathe
Mr. Zachary Rathje
Mr. Robert Rathmann
Mrs. Shirley Rauscher
Raytheon Company
Redeemer Lutheran Church - Atwood, KS
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Reetz
Mr. Matthew Reid & Mrs. Erica Hennig-Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Reiner Sr.
Miss Carol Reiners
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Renn
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Renzelman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rich
Mr. & Mrs. David Richterkessing
Mr. Don Richters
Richters, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rikkels
Mr. & Mrs. William Robinson Jr.
Mr. Rodney Robison
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Rohmaller
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Rolfsmeier
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rottman
Dr. & Mrs. Brent Royuk
Mr. & Mrs. W. Albert Rubke
Rev. & Mrs. Roger Ruff
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rugenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Rutz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Salchow Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Saner
Mr. & Mrs. James Sanft
Mr. & Mrs. James Sauder
Ms. Janet Sauer
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Scharen
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Scheid
Miss Mary Schinnerer
Ms. Carolyn Schipporeit
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Schleef
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schleiger
Dr. & Mrs. D. L. Schmidt
Ms. Laurie Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Schmieding
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schnitker
Miss Ellen Schoenbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Schroeder
Mrs. Lois Schuetz
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Don Schultz
Ms. Jolene Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schutte
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Schwarz
Mrs. Mark Seboldt
Mr.& Mrs. Mark Seevers
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Seevers
Mrs. Jean Selle
Mr. & Mrs. John Senechal
Dr. Leah Serck
Seward County Treasurer
Seward Dairy Queen
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Shaffer
Mrs. Lola Sievers
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Siffring
Mrs. Bernie Sirek
Mr. Devin Smith & Mrs. Michelle
Rev. & Mrs. Russell Sommerfeld
Ms. Rosalie Soodsma
Mr. Elmer Sorensen
St. John Lutheran Church - Alta, IA
St. John Lutheran School - Seward, NE
St. Johns Ladies Aid - Hastings, IA
St. Paul Lutheran Church - Strasburg, IL
St. Paul Lutheran Church - Orchard, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stadie
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Stavnes
Mr. & Mrs. John Steffens
Rev. Dr. Alan Steinbach
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Steinbach
Ms. Gretchen Stelling
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stichka
Mrs. Trudi Stigge
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Straub
Mr. John Strutt & Ms. Audrey Jonas-Strutt
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stuckwisch
Mr. & Mrs. John Stucky
Dr. & Mrs. Ross Stueber
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stults
Suhr & Lichty Insurance Agency
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan, Jr.
Miss Candice Suttie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swan
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Sylwester
Miss Nancy Tagge
Mr. & Mrs. David Teasley
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Temme
Mrs. Arlene Teut
Ms. S. Kay Thaden-DeBoer
Mrs. Priscilla Thate
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Thiel
Miss Ruth Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. John Tiedemann
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Timmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Timmerman
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Topel
Town & Country Quilters
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Troester
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Tschopp
Ms. Cynthia C. Tubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Uden
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Uffelman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Unger
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Unick
Mrs. Gertrude Vahlkamp
Verizon Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Von Bargen
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Von Seggern
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Voss
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Wagner
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Wall
Mr. & Mrs. George Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Walther
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Watson
Wayne’s Body Shop
Weathercraft Co. of Lincoln
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Weber
Mrs. Lewis Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Weeder
Mr. & Mrs.+ Jon Weerts
Mr. & Mrs. David Wegener
Mr. & Mrs. William Wegner
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wehling
Mr. & Mrs. William Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. James Welch
Mrs. Russell Wenck
Ms. Elaine Wendt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whatley
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis White
Mr. Leon Wiese
Mr. Mark Wilke
Dr. John Willhardt
Wimmer’s Meat Products
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wissing
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Witt
Rev. & Mrs. Henry Witte
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wofford
Mrs. Elaine Wolf
Women’s League of St. John Lutheran Church
- Topeka, KS
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Wooster
Mrs. Loretta Wuerdeman
Dr. & Mrs. Woody Ziegler
Zion Lutheran Church - Juniata, NE
Zion Lutheran Women’s Mission League
- Terra Bella, CA
Mrs. Dona Zrust
Mr. Allen Zum Hofe
Two Minute Club
Gifts of $123 to $249
Anonymous (3)
Rev. & Mrs. Rodger Abatie
Rev. & Mrs. Stan Abraham
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Adam
Miss Velma Adam
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Ahlers
Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Ahrens
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Albers
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Allwardt
Anderson Construction & Design
Mr. Terry Annable
Mr. & Mrs. James Armbruster
Dr. Lisa Ashby
Mrs. Helen Aupperle
Awards Unlimited, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Baacke
Dr. Marian Baden
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bader
Mrs. Albert Baldinger
Ms. Sandra Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bauer
Rev. & Mrs. Brad Beckman
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Beikmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gabor Beke
Dr. & Mrs. Daryl Bell
Rev. & Mrs. David Bergquist
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bergt
Rev. & Mrs. Tim Berner
Ms. Pamela Bernreuter
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Betts
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bierman
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Bimler
Dr. & Mrs. Alan Birtch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Biskupski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bittfield
Mrs. Waldemar Bloch
Mr. & Mrs. George Bluma
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blunk
Mr. Benjamin Boche
Ms. Ruth Boerger
Mrs. Sigmund Bohnet
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Boll
Mr. & Mrs. John Book
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Borchers
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Borchert
Sources of Income
Gladys M. Bork Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowser
Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Brackman
Mr. Ronald Brandhorst
Dr. & Mrs. William Braun
Mr. & Mrs. William Braun
Ms. Kim Brockmann
Mrs. Marjorie Brockshus
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Brodin
LTC John Bruder & Ms. Rise Foster-Bruder
Mrs. Loralee Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buesing
Mr. & Mrs. Byron Buhr
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Buhr
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Bundschuh
Mr. Russell Burcham
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Burgdorf
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Burger
Mr. & Mrs. James Canning
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cario
Centennial Lutheran LWML - Superior, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cholcher
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chrisman
Mr. & Mrs. L. Wayne Christensen
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Clausen
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Claycomb
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cloeter
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Coffman
Mr. & Mrs. F. Paul Colba
Concordia Bookstore
Concrete Works, Inc.
Crete Glass Company
Crocs Company
Ms. Margie Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dahl
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Dahlkoetter
Ms. Nancy Daniels
Daniels Woodcarving Co., Inc.
Rev. & Mrs. J. Bart Day
Mrs. Elda Deardoff
Maj. Gen. & Mrs. Oscar Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin DeGroot
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy DeHaven
Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Deke
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Diekmann
Mrs. Brian Dietrich
Mrs. Joe Divis
Mr. & Mrs. Koy Domann
Mr. & Mrs. Devin Doremus
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Droegemueller
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Duchek
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Duensing
Mr. & Mrs. James Duitsman
Rev. & Mrs. Lawrence Eatherton
Dr. & Mrs. William Ebel
Mrs. Jane Ehlers
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Eilers
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Einspahr
Mr. & Mrs. James Eller
Emmanuel Lutheran LWML - York, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ernstmeyer
Mrs. Yvonne Eschmann
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Etue
Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Eulert
ExxonMobil Foundation
LCMS Subsidy 1%
Federal & State Aid 2%
Gifts & Grants 16%
Endowment Support 6%
& Fees
annual report 
Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Fangmann
Mr. & Mrs. William Fecht
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Feilmeier
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Fiala
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filter
Rev. & Mrs. Henry Fingerlin
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Fischer
Mrs. Arlene Flagel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foley
Mrs. June Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Freidenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Frese
Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Freudenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Frey
Mrs. Rolland Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Fugitt Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gable
Mr. Kevin Garbers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Garner
Mr. William Gastler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gebhardt
Mr. & Mrs. John Gerety Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Gerkensmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. David Germeroth
Dr. Renea Gernant
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gesell
Rev. & Mrs. Jeff Geske
Mrs. Arnold Gierke
Rev. & Mrs. John Gierke
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Giru
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Glandorf
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gloystein
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Goehner
Dr. Darryl Goehring
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gohl
Mrs. Edythe Gohr
Rev. & Mrs. Scott Goltl
Dr. Elmer Gooding
Rev. & Mrs. Mitchell Gowen
Mr. Bo Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Grasz
Mr. Wayne Gray
Greenbrier Rail Services
Mrs. Delores Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Greunke
Mrs. Lyle Greunke
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Grothaus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gruber
Miss Jennifer Grundmeier
Ms. Victoria Grundmeier
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gudgel
Mr. & Mrs. James Guebert
Mrs. Norman Gutz
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gythiel
Mr. & Mrs. W. Ross Hadle
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Don Hahn
Joseph H. Hahn Estate
Rev. & Mrs. Phil Hannemann
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hansen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hardt
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Harney
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Harnisch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harp
Rev. & Mrs. Matthew Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Hass
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Hauser
Ms. Jean Hausmann
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hay
Ms. Irene Heider
Ms. Lynn Heidorn
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Heidorn
Governor & Mrs. Dave Heinemann
Mrs. Norma Heinicke
Dr. & Mrs. William Heinicke
Mr. Christopher Heins
Miss Jennifer Heins
Ms. Lucille Helmbrecht
Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmreich
 annual report
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Hendrickson
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Henny
Rev. & Mrs. Rudy Herbrich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Herrmann
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Hesterman
Mrs. Jo Ann Heupel
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hight
Mr. & Mrs. James Hillmann
Mrs. John Hingst
Mr. Mark Hockemeier & Mrs. Jodi Groeteke
Mr. & Mrs. W. John Hoener
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hofman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hofts
Mr. & Mrs. David Hohbein
Mr. & Mrs. R. Leroy Hohle
Holiday Inn
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holle
Mr. & Mrs. Verlin Holle
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Holsapple
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Holste
Mrs. Lloyd Holsten
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holtmeier
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Holtz
Mrs. Harvey Holtzen
Dr. & Mrs. LeeRoy Holtzen
Rev. & Mrs. Merlin Holtzen
Mr. & Mrs. Kirt Holzkamp
Mrs. Deborah Hoogestraut
Mr. & Mrs.John Hoover
Mrs. Michele Hosmon
Hospira Matching Gift Program
Mr. Eugene Howat
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hubner
Mr. Ken Huebner
Mrs. Lois Huebner
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Huebner
Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes
Dr. & Mrs. David Hult
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Hunter
Mr. Henry Iburg
Mrs. Norma Jacob
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Janousek
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jastram
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jedele
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jensen
Mrs. Irma Joern
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Johnk
Mrs. Adeline Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Burrell Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Jopp
Mr. & Mrs. James Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. David Jungmeyer
Rev. & Mrs. Arnold Jurchen
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Kalkwarf
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kammerlohr
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kard
Dr. & Mrs. William Karpenko II
Mr. Milton Kasper
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Kauss
Mrs. Lawrence Keiser Jr.
Mrs. Carol Kell
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Kellner
Mr. Steven Kellogg
Rev. & Mrs. James Keltner
Mr. & Mrs. David Kertz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kielian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark King
Mr. & Mrs. Serle Kirchner
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Knippenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Knueppel
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Knuth
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Koch
Drs. Karl & Sara Koelling
Mr. Charles Kohlmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Kollmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kolsrud
Mr. & Mrs.+ Leon Koopman
Dr. & Mrs. John Kovac Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kim Kowalewsky
Dr. Glenn Kraft
Mr. & Mrs. David Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. John Kratzenstein
Mr. Kenneth Krause
Mrs. Dorothy Kreick
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Krueger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Krueger
Mr. Elmer Kruse
Ms. Faye Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kuca
Mr. Aaron Kuehn
Mr. & Mrs. John Kuehn
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kuhlmann
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Kuhlmann
Mr. & Mrs. La Vine Kumm
Mr. Dennis Kunkel
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lambrecht
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Landskroener
Mrs. Darrol Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Jair Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Leckband
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Leggott
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lewer
Dr. & Mrs. Vern Liermann
Mr. & Mrs. David Lietz
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Limback
Lincoln Orthopaedic Center
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lindner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Loeber
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Luehrs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luetjen Jr.
Lutheran Music Missions
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lutz
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Don Mac
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Magnus
Mr. Peter Magnuson
Rev. & Mrs. Merle Mahnken
Mr. & Mrs. Brendel Maier
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Malkin
Mrs. Lois Marks
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marquardt
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jedidiah Maschke
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Matzen
Mr. & Mrs. Romney Mawhorter
Mrs. Carolyn McCaleb
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard McCarty Jr.
Rev. Gary McClellan
Mrs. Kenneth McFarlin
Mr. & Mrs. Lane McKown
Mr. & Mrs. Loren McKown
Mr. Donald McLaughlin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McMurtrie
Mr. Russell A. Mears
Mrs. Paul Meehl
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Meier
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Meier
Mr. & Mrs. John Meiller
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Melcher
Mr. James Menendez
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Menzel
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Merker
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Merz
Miss Ellen Mettenbrink
Mr. & Mrs. Joel D. Meyer
Miss Kay Meyer
Mr. Mark Meyer
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Meyr
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mielke
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Miesner
Ms. Bernice Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Minchow
Miss Susan Mittelstaedt
Ms. Ruth Modr
Mrs. Betty Moeller
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Moerbe
Ms. Patricia Moss
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mosto
Dr. & Mrs. Russell Moulds
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mrosko
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church - Omaha, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Mueller
Ms. Angela Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Myhre
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Naber
Rev. & Mrs. Delton Nack
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Nathan
The Nebraska Arts Council
Nebraska Womens Amateur Golf Association
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Don Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nelson
Mrs. Emily Neujahr
Mr. Louis Niedens & Mrs. Linda Hoover
Mrs. Frederick Niedner
Mr. Steven Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Orville Nieman
Mrs. Loretta Niemann
Ms. Charlette Niemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Niermann
Mr. & Mrs. Dalton Noack
Mr. Don Nolte
Ms. Linda Norton
Mrs. E. Walt Nun
Ms. Rebecca Oerman
Oklahoma District - LCMS
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Opel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Orlowski
Mr. & Mrs. George Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Otten
Pallat & Schaefer Contracting
Mr. & Mrs. David Pedersen
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Pelton
Types of Gifts
Campaign Progress as of June 30, 2009
Current Gifts
Bequest Gifts
Deferred Gifts
2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009
Mrs. Janice E. Pena
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Peregoy
Dr. & Mrs. Carroll Peter
Mr. Denis Peters
Mrs. Karl Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Peters
Mr. Gene Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Klint Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Petzoldt
Mr. & Mrs. Kelby Pflughaupt
Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Pierce
Rev. & Mrs. Roland Pillack
Mrs. Jenny Pinkall
Mr. Steve Plamann & Ms. Beth Vosoba
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pomerenke
Poppe Mortgage Services, LLC
Rev. & Mrs. Mark Press
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Preston
Dr. Tim Preuss & Mrs. Deborah Lang-Preuss
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Priebe
Mr. Robert Prieskorn
Mr. Leslie Proctor
Mr. & Mrs. Arlen Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Quinn
Mrs. Gerald Radke
Dr. Marjorie Raess
Mrs. Judith Rafert
Dr. Paula Blomenberg & Mr. Charles Rager
Rev. & Mrs. George Rakos
Mr. & Mrs. Don Range
Redeemer Lutheran Church - Lincoln, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Reed
Rev. & Mrs. David Reed
Ms. Nell Reinap
Mr. & Mrs. Mickie Reinertson
Mr. & Mrs. George Rhoden
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rice
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Richter
Mr. Richard Ricketts & Ms. Adelle
Koslowske Ricketts
Miss Amy Rieker
Mrs. Lawrence Ring
Mrs. Leora Roberts
Mrs. Melissa Rock
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Rodenbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Derron Rolf
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Roseman
Mr. Paul Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rost
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Roth
Mr. Rudy Rouse
Mrs. Ester Rowoldt
Mr. & Mrs. James Rude
Rev. & Mrs. Randy Russell
Sack Lumber Company
Mr. & Mrs. David Samuelson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sandor
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Schade
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schamber
Miss Helen Schamber
Mr. & Mrs. John Schamber
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Schaus
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schedler
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer
Ms. Lila Scheer
Mrs. Robert Scheffel
Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Schelp
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schick
Rev. & Mrs. John Schinkel
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schlapkohl
Rev. & Mrs. John Schleicher
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Schleicher
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Schleif
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schlichtemeier
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schlichting
Mr. & Mrs. Orlyn Schlie
Mr. Jon Schlomer
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Schluckebier
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Schlueter
Rev. & Mrs. Charles Schmidt
Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt
Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. George Schmidt
Rev. & Mrs. James Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Schmidt
Rev. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schmidt
Rev. & Mrs. Scott Schmieding
Miss Rebecca Schnackenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schneider
Rev. Walter Schoedel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schoenherr
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Schroeder
Ms. Linda Schroeder
Dr. W. Christopher Schroeder
Mrs. George Schroll
Ms. Carolyn Schuette
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schulz
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schumacher
Rev. & Mrs. Steven R. Schumacher
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Schwanke
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schwartz
Rev. & Mrs. Roger Sedlmayr
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Seevers
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Selby
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Sell
Mr. & Mrs. H. Edward Senasack
Servicemaster of Seward
Seward Lumber
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sherman
Mr. Timothy Shewmaker
Dr. Portia Shields
Mr. & Mrs. Marwan Siagian
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Signor
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Silva
Ms. Laura Simon
Dr. Carolyn Sims+ & Mr. Lynn Sims
Dr. & Mrs. Craig Slepicka
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Sloup
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Smallwood
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Smetter
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Smith
Mrs. Hulda Smith
Ms. Joy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Sneller
Ms. Deloris Sombke
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sombke
Mr. David Sperling
Sports Express
St. James Lutheran Church - Lafayette, IN
St. Paul Lutheran Church - Fairview, KS
St. Peter Lutheran Church - Orchard, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stamp
Mr. & Mrs. Allyn Steffens
Miss Maxine Steil
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Steinbrueck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steinbrueck
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Stoltenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Storck
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Storck
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stresman
Rev. & Mrs. David Strohschein
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Sukstorf
Mr. & Mrs. David Swearingen
Mr. Jim Sylwester
Ms. Lynette Tegtmeier
Rev. & Mrs. Harry R. Theiss
Ms. Donna Thies
Mr. & Mrs. John Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Thorp
Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Tieken
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Tietz
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Tietz
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Tilford
Mr. & Mrs. Stacy Timm
Ms. Marcine Todd
Dr. & Mrs. Dominick Toulouse
Trinity Lutheran Church - Foster, NE
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Troester
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Tubbs
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Turley
Ms. Diane Uhlig
Union Bank & Trust Co.
U-Stop Convenience Shop
Mrs. Arlene Van Scharrel
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Vest
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Voelker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Voeltz
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Volzke
Mr. & Mrs. LeMoyne Waak
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Wachsmann
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Warneke
Mr. Jeffrey Warneke
Miss Julie Warneke
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Warneke
Mrs. Karen Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Wassman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waterman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Weber
Mrs. Deborah Wedde
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Wedepohl Jr.
Mrs. Helen Wegehaupt
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Wegehaupt
Miss Peggy Weidler
Mrs. Evelyn Wellman
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Welte
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wendt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Werner
Mr. Michael Werner
Mrs. Kathy Kelling Werning
Mr. & Mrs. John Westrem
Mr. Jacob Wiegmann
Wild Chiropractic Center, P.C.
Mr. Richard Will
Ms. Carol Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James Winckler
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Winter
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Witt
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Witte
Mr. & Mrs. James Wogahn
Rev. & Mrs. Richard Wolfram
Mrs. Ervin Wollberg
Rev. & Mrs. Michael Wollman
Mrs. Eldred Woltemath
Mrs. Darla Rein Wolters
Mr. & Mrs. John Wood
Mr. Charles Worm
Mr. Steven Wright
Mrs. Willard Wurm
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wutke
Rev. & Mrs. Bill Zastrow
Rev. & Mrs. Scott Zeckzer
Miss Jarianne Zickuhr
Rev. Robert Ziegler
Zion Lutheran Church - Claflin, KS
Zion Lutheran Church - Cologne, MN
Zion Lutheran Church - Hubbell, NE
Zion Lutheran Church - Plainview, NE
Dr. & Mrs. Rudy Zoch
Mr. & Mrs. James Zwar
Nebraska Association of Congregations
for Concordia (nacc) 2009 Donors*
Amherst - Trinity
Arapahoe - Trinity
Atkinson - Immanuel
Auburn - Trinity
Beatrice - St. Paul
Beemer - St. John
Bloomfield - First Trinity
Blue Hill/Rosemont - Calvary
Cairo - Christ
Cambridge - St. Paul
Chester - St. John
Columbus - Christ
Columbus - Immanuel
Columbus - St. John
Cordova - St. John
David City - Redeemer
Daykin - Immanuel
Deshler - St. Peter
Elk Creek - St. Peter
Elkhorn - Lord of Life
Falls City - Christ
Falls City - St. Paul
Franklin - Grace
Fremont - Good Shepherd
Fremont - Trinity
Goehner - Holy Cross
Grand Island - Grace
Grand Island - Peace
Grand Island - Trinity
Grant - Zion
Gresham - St. Peter
Gretna - Good Shepherd
Hebron (Friedensau) - Trinity
Holdrege - Mt. Calvary Holstein - St. Paul
Hubbell - Zion
Imperial - Zion
Jansen/Harbine - Zion
Juniata - Christ
Juniata - Zion
Kenesaw - St. Paul
Kearney - Holy Cross
Laurel - Immanuel
Lincoln - Calvary
Lincoln - Christ
Lincoln - Faith
Lincoln - Good Shepherd
Lincoln - Holy Savior
Lincoln - Immanuel
Lincoln - Messiah
Lincoln - Redeemer
Lincoln - Trinity
Louisville - Immanuel
Malcolm - St. Paul
Merna - Immanuel
Milford - Good Shepherd
Minden - St. Paul
Norfolk - Grace
Norfolk - Christ
North Bend - St. Peter North Platte - Beautiful Savior
North Platte - Our Redeemer
Omaha - Divine Shepherd
Omaha - King of Kings
Omaha - Pacific Hills
Omaha - St. Mark
O’Neill - Christ
Orchard/Venus - St. Paul
Ord - St. John
Pawnee City - Zion
Pierce - St. John
Pierce - Zion
Platte Center - Grace
Pleasant Dale - Bethlehem Ponca/Martinsburg - Trinity
Ravenna - Bethlehem
Roca - Faith of our Fathers
Ruskin - St. Mark
Schuyler - Immanuel
Schuyler - Trinity
Scotia - Zion
Seward - St. John Shelton - Zion
South Sioux City - Hope
St. Paul - Christ
Tecumseh - St. John
Tilden - Immanuel
Wahoo - Our Redeemer
Walthill - Trinity
Wauneta - St. Paul
Wausa - Golgotha
Wayne - Grace
Wilcox - St. John Wisner - St. Paul
York - Emmanuel
*2009 nacc donations are still being received
throughout the year and will be noted in next
year’s Annual Report.
annual report 
We’re Coming to See You!
Chamber Choir Tour – Feb. 4-8
Santa Rosa, San Rafael and Fremont, Calif.
800 North Columbia Avenue
Seward, Nebraska 68434
Preparing Servant Leaders for Church & World
Visit for the most recent
schedule and ticket information. Opening games
and major meets or tournaments are listed below
for athletics.
4-6Indoor Track & Field at NAIA National Championships, Johnson City, Tenn.
January 2010
9Wrestling at Quality Inn Open, Hastings, Neb.,
9 a.m.
5IMPROVables Performance, studio theatre, Music Building, 7:30 p.m.
Spring Term begins
Opening Service, Weller auditorium, 9:30 a.m.
15-16 Track & Field at Doane Field Plus, Crete, Neb.
15-16Track & Field at Holiday Inn Classic, Devaney Center, Lincoln, Neb.
15-17 Sleet & Sun Forensics Tournament
Concordia Blue Daze Visit Day for prospective students; see for more information
19Wrestling dual vs. Northwestern College, 7 p.m.
29-30W/M Basketball, Concordia Invitational Tournament at Concordia Wisconsin
30Wrestling at gpac Championships, Sioux City, Iowa
30Track & Field at Adidas Classic, Devaney Center, Lincoln, Neb.
Baseball vs. Northwestern College in the Metrodome, Minneapolis, Minn., 2 p.m.
4-6Wrestling at naia National Championships, Oklahoma City, Okla.
University Symphonic Band Concert, St. John Lutheran Church, Seward, 3 p.m.
10-16W Basketball at naia National Tournament, Sioux City, Iowa
Spring JazzFest, Weller auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
30-May 2 Softball at gpac Tournament, Sioux City, Iowa
1IMPROVables Performance, studio theatre, Music Building, 7:30 p.m.
Softball home opener vs. Dordt College, 5 p.m.
25-27Rabbit Hole, studio theatre, Music Building,
7:30 p.m.
Concordia Blue Daze Visit Day for prospective students; see for more information
7Track & Field hosts Concordia Twilight Meet
Baseball home opener vs. Northwestern College,
5 p.m.
26-27M Tennis at CIT, St. Louis, Mo.
Handbell Concert, Music Building, 3 p.m.
6-8 Baseball at gpac Tournament, Mitchell, S.D.
Baccalaureate Service, St. John Lutheran Church, Seward, 7:30 p.m.
Commencement; Health, Human Performance and Athletic Center, 10 a.m.
28 University A Cappella Home Concert, St. John Lutheran Church, Seward, 3 p.m.
8Track & Field at Nebraska Open, University
of Nebraska–Lincoln
30Way of the Cross devotional event, 5 p.m.
15Track & Field at Doane Open, Crete, Neb.
2-5Easter Break
Chamber Choir Concert, St. John Lutheran Church, Seward, 3 p.m.
Concordia Blue Daze Visit Day for prospective students; see for more information
Schumann Recital, Music Building, 7 p.m.
25-27 A Good Man is Hard to Find, tlec auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Concordia Blue Daze Visit Day for prospective students; see for more information
13-21 Spring Recess
5-6Track & Field at USD Invite, Vermillion, S.D.
23-March 2W/M Basketball at GPAC Tournament
1Track & Field at gpac Championships, Hastings, Neb.
5-6Track & Field at Husker Invite, Devaney Center, Lincoln, Neb.
20Track & Field at GPAC Championships
18-22Osten Observatory Open House, 8 p.m. each evening
10-16M Basketball at naia National Tournament, Lookout Point, Mo.
1Maundy Thursday Service, Weller auditorium,
9:30 p.m.
20Wrestling at naia North Regional Championships, Jamestown, N.D.
18Male Chorus and Women’s Chorale Concert,
St. Gregory the Great Seminary, 4 p.m.
21-23Track & Field at naia National Championships, Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, Ind.
9-11 One Act Play Festival, studio theatre, Music Building, 7:30 p.m.
Know students who
should consider
Concordia for college?
16-18One Act Play Festival, studio theatre, Music Building, 7:30 p.m.
Let us know about them
For details, see
Spring Honor Recital, Music Building, 7:30 p.m.
Gathering of the Talents
10Track & Field hosts Concordia Invite
Invite them to visit
University Symphonic Band and University-
Community Band Concert, Seward High School,
3 p.m.
Concordia Blue Daze are visit days for
prospective students and their families:
Academy for Excellence
Jan. 18 • Feb. 15 • Mar. 26 • Apr. 23
For details, see