Minority definitions The 1919 League of Nations Polish Minority Treaty (aka “Little Treaty of Versailles”) between the Allied nations and Poland worked out the first definition of “minority”. Definition: "group of persons of different race, religion or the language than the majority living within the state. These minorities are of two kinds: a) those who are the citizens of a foreign state, b) those who are the citizens living within the state”. (see de Varennes 2001) Collection of Advisory opinions, The Greco–Bulgarian “Communities” case, 31st July 1930, Publications of The Permanent Court of International Justice, Series B nr 17. This definition referred only to a contract between Greece and Bulgaria, however its universal character determined its inclusion in the general minority protection system: Definition: “A community is a group of persons living in a given country or locality, having a race, religion, language and traditions, and united by the identity of such race, religion, language and traditions in a sentiment of solidarity, with a view of preserving their traditions, maintaining their form of worship, securing the instruction and upbringing of their children in accordance with the spirit and traditions of their race and mutually assisting one another.” United Nations Sub-Committee for Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of National Minorities (1950): Definition: “the notion of minority refers only to social groups, which are not predominant in the state of the groups’ residence, which want to support their ethnic, religious or linguistic traditions and the features distinguishing them from the rest of the society.” It also emphasized that they had to be loyal to the country they lived in. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – CCPR (1966), Article 27 www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx “In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities exist, persons belonging to such minorities shall not be denied the right, in community with the other members of their group, to enjoy their own culture, to profess and practise their own religion, or to use their own language.” offers no definition For the Capotorti definition (1977), see notes, LHR Paradigm #25 MINORI (1992) – the UN Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/Minorities.aspx offers no definition refers to CCPR art. 27, and expands on it European Commission for Democracy thru Law (Venice Commission) an advisory body to the Council of Europe, drafted a definition of minorities in 1991. It was part of a draft protocol which was never adopted but is often referred to: Definition: “national minority” is defined as “a smaller group in number than the rest of population, which being citizens possess also ethnic, religious or linguistic features which are different from characteristic features of population, and which they will keep regarding their own culture, tradition, religion and language.” Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities www.coe.int/en/web/conventions/full-list/-/conventions/rms/090000168007cdac OHCHR discussion of “Minorities under international law” www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Minorities/Pages/internationallaw.aspx refers to Capotorti refers to MINORI no accepted definition keeps options open