Dynamics for Today's Market

TWM MD 6.22.10
Dynamics for
Today’s Market
The TWM Approach to
Tactical Allocation
new parameters
“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist
expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”
- William Arthur Ward (1921-1994)
World financial markets have transformed greatly
and society is now more complex, but people and
money are still the same: People still worry and
make many financial decisions based on emotion.
Extra care is demanded in today’s
market climate, which requires a more
active approach than conventional buy
and hold strategies.
The key is being able to recognize
impending trends as early as possible:
you must be able to observe change
is coming, and prepare for its arrival.
Many investors simply invest through
predetermined allocation programs,
hoping the market will conform to
their goals, thus surrendering control to the market.
At TWM we take a dynamic approach to investing in an effort to profit regardless
of what direction markets are going. We believe you should adjust to changing
market conditions, instead of just trusting your future to set allocations.
Meeting the challenge by setting the standard
for investment management.
Our focus is three-fold: strategy variation, prudent risk
management, and adaptive neural network technology.
A true tactical approach requires the ability to effectively
and successfully take advantage of short term weakness
in a longer term trend. TWM investment programs provide
a wide variety of investment solutions to suit various
portfolios and strategies - each is designed to stand
alone, or be used as a building block in a complete
investment portfolio. We can also combine our programs
with those offered by leading external money managers.
Our propriety system technology adjusts dynamically to
the markets, with portfolio model parameters adapting to
ever changing market conditions.
TWM MD 12.10
Today brings a new paradigm for investing.
In today’s turbulent economy, it’s important
to analyze information, understand human
tendencies, and know how to protect the
wealth you’ve accumulated.
A New Paradigm Meets the New Standard
üExtreme Variation
üPrudent Risk Management
Adaptive Neural Network Technology
Successful investing is more complicated than ever before, and action in one area can impact other
areas. Small stocks are often highly correlated with large and mid cap stocks, and in today’s global
markets, what happens with the stocks and bonds of one country is often highly correlated with what
is happening in another country. TWM models and strategies, and our approach to risk management
successfully factor in these concerns, as we customize your portfolio to fit your needs and goals.
Tactical Management Models
The key to our investment philosophy is strategy variation.
To many, diversification means investing in or trading various non-correlated markets. We don’t use this type of
shotgun approach. The problem: even assets defined as diverse can all move down at the same time. Instead,
we build a well planned portfolio of markets, and our programs trade multiple strategies based on different
underlying premises.
Each model is built from a variety of ETFs, index funds, and other mutual funds. Client portfolios are then
designed by combining the models, based on the needs of the individual client.
new standards
The best opportunity for maximum returns with minimum risk.
solid approach
“True diversification is being invested in different markets
and applying different methodologies to invest in each of
those markets.” - Matthew Tuttle
Tuttle Wealth Management provides three
levels of tactical investing, each backed by
proprietary dynamically adaptive technology:
● Foundational, actively managed tactical
portfolio models ranging from moderate
volatility and risk to high risk - high reward
● Specialized strategy models for customizing
individual client portfolios based on
segregated time horizons.
● Counter-trend strategy models seek to buy
into weakness and sell into strength.
Regardless of your lifestyle needs or where you are on the
retirement timeline, there is generally a place for having a portion
of your assets seeking greater growth through properly managed
risk. It’s reassuring to know the managers watching your money
not only know the markets, they know what drives the markets.
Risk Management
Our approach is to trade a basket of systems and markets; our risk
management algorithm matrix holds everything together. Every effort is
made to minimize risk throughout each type of economic environment.
The models may go through significant periods holding a large percentage
in cash. Each model seeks to provide above average returns with greatly
reduced risk. Because different strategies perform differently at different
times, our approach can strive to produce superior results consistently.
We believe that an investment strategy can only be successful in the long
term when following disciplined defined strategies in both bull and bear
market conditions. Mechanical methods should be folIowed 100% except
when illiquid or extreme events occur; it is important to retain the flexibility
to override the systems. These overrides may either positively or negatively
affect returns.
Our program is not static and will be changed over time.
In addition many of our systems are self-adaptive in nature
and will automatically adjust to market conditions.
In the event of lengthy declines, our risk
management philosophy strives to keep
these models out of the market entirely,
Our research will be conducted and approved by our Investment Policy
Committee which consists of Matthew Tuttle and outside systems
consultants. These may include the dynamic elements of our trading
program. Research might also include markets which did not exist when
the program was started or markets that were not liquid enough to trade
or had a history sufficient to meet our analysis requirements.
risk averse
twm management
Matthew Tuttle is a Certified Financial Planner™ professional and
president of Tuttle Wealth Management.
The Stamford, CT based company was founded on the philosophy
of designing innovative absolute return investment strategies and
comprehensive wealth management, for helping clients create a
business plan for life.
Matthew is a familiar face among the financial media. In addition to speaking at
accounting and trade association meetings across the country, he is a frequent guest
on Fox Business News, BusinessWeek TV and Channel 12 News, and has been
interviewed on both CNBC and Fox News. Matthew has appeared numerous times on
CNNfn, notably on the Your Money Show and Dolans Unscripted with Ken and Daria
He is the author of How Harvard & Yale Beat the Market and Financial Secrets of my
Wealthy Grandparents. In addition to his books, Matthew has contributed timely articles
to a variety of financial publications, including the CPA Journal, Pennsylvania CPA
Journal, TAXPRO Journal, Accounting Crossing, the Fairfield County Business Journal,
the Stamford Senior Flyer, and over 25 other publications nationwide. He also is a
frequent contributor to Forbes.com, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC.com, SmartMoney,
and Dow Jones Newswires. He has been quoted in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Money
Magazine, USA Today, the Star Ledger, Bankrate.com, the Christian Science Monitor,
and the Journal of Financial Planning. In addition, Matthew has been profiled in the New
York Times, Stamford Advocate and Greenwich Time.
An experienced educator, Matthew teaches personal finance to consumers as an adjunct
professor at Norwalk Community Technical College. He instructs through the Continuing
Education centers of the Westport, Stamford, Darien, Greenwich, and Katonah districts,
and the 92nd Street YMCA. He has also provided continuing education instruction to
CPAs at Baruch College, the CPA / LAW Forum and through the CPA Report.
He has received the Fairfield County “40 Under 40 Award,” given annually to 40
executives who demonstrate extraordinary leadership qualities plus a strong ongoing
commitment to professional development, and have made outstanding accomplishments
in their fields.
In addition to his books, Matthew has written two chapters for the Life Insurance Answer
Book, the desk reference guide for life insurance agents. He has also contributed to the
Wealth Management Manual.
Confirming his expertise, he is a sought after expert witness in court cases dealing with
financial planning matters.
Matthew has an MBA in finance from Boston University.
TWM MD 12.10
Murray A. Ruggiero, Jr. is a systems developer for Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC.
He is one of the world’s foremost experts on the use of inter-market and trend analysis in
locating and confirming developing price moves in the markets. Murray has been called the
Einstein of Wall Street by those who know the value of his amazing work.
Both his personal and work history reflect his attention to mathematics. After earning his college
degree in astrophysics, Murray began working on neural net and artificial intelligence
(A.I.) systems for applications in the investment arena. He was subsequently awarded a patent for the process of
embedding a neural network into a spreadsheet. Murray’s reputation as a system developer expanded quickly;
it wasn’t long before some of the most powerful names in the investment world began coming to him for help.
John L. Murphy, known as the Father of Intermarket Analysis noticed Murray’s work during the early stages, and
on several occasions invited the young analyst to appear on his CNBC television show. Murphy has remained
one of Murray’s staunchest supporters, openly applauding the practical applications of his work. Business Week
magazine featured Murray as one of the nation’s leading experts on applying neural networks to finance and
Dozens of high profile traders and professional money managers seem to agree, as they consult Murray on a
regular basis in the areas of analysis and systems development.
He has been a contributing editor of Futures magazine since 1994. Murray has written over 150 articles, and has
been featured on the cover of Omega magazine and other prestigious periodicals. Murray’s first book Cybernetic
Trading revealed details of his market analysis and systems testing to a degree seldom seen in the investment
world. Reviewers were universal in their praise of the book, and it became a best seller among systems traders,
analysts and money managers. He has also co-written the book Traders Secrets, interviewing relatively unknown
but successful traders and analyzing their trading methodologies.
Dean Kasparian is a market analyst and consultant for Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC.
A veteran of the investment industry, Dean has devoted over 20 years to the science and study of quantitative
market analysis, using a proprietary system and approach to market strategies and tactical asset allocation.
He has acquired and honed a unique blend of skills; not only does he have proven software development
expertise, his experience with both trading and investing has given him a deep understanding of the financial
Dean is the founder and CEO of Sierra Analytics, and Vice President of Online Advisors. In 2005, Dean was
recruited to PerTrac Financial Solutions (formerly Strategic Financial Solutions) as Chief Operating Officer.
PerTrac is the world’s leading asset allocation and investment analysis software for money managers, hedge
funds, or family trusts.
In 1988 Dean became Director of Development for AIQ Systems, helping to create and establish the industry
standard for Artificial Intelligence screening technology. Track Data Corporation of New York purchased of AIQ
Systems in 1994, and Dean was appointed Division President. The company won multiple awards for financial
software during his tenure, including Best Trading System. Other areas of specialization included general market
timing, trading system development tools, and group / sector analysis techniques.
He has provided market analysis for a number of companies, and has appeared as a regular on The Advisors
television show and the Wizard of Wall Street radio program. Dean has also appeared frequently as a guest
on many local and national financial television and radio programs, and is a featured presenter on the national
lecture circuit, speaking on technical analysis, market timing, and designing and testing trading systems,
Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC
1 Stamford Plaza
263 Tresser Boulevard
9th Floor
Stamford, CT 06901
Phone: 1-800-462-1655
Email: mtuttle@tuttlewealth.com
Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC is an investment advisor registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
You should not assume that any discussion or information contained in this brochure serves as the receipt of, or as a
substitute for, personalized investment advice from Tuttle Wealth Management, LLC. It is published solely for informational
purposes and is not to be construed as a solicitation nor does it constitute advice, investment or otherwise. To the extent
that a reader has questions regarding the applicability of any specific issue discussed above to their individual situation,
they are encouraged to consult with the professional advisor of their choosing. A copy of our written disclosure statement
regarding our advisory services and fees is available upon request. Our comments are an expression of opinion. While we
believe our statements to be true, they always depend on the reliability of our own credible sources. Past performance is no
guarantee of future returns.
TWM MD 12.10