SABER/CONOCER and PEDIR/PREGUNTAR Pattern: Saber and Conocer can both mean “to know,” but they have fundamental differences. Pattern: Pedir and Preguntar can both mean “to ask,” but they have fundamental differences. The Basics Saber is generally used to express knowledge of facts. Conocer is generally used to express familiarity or acquaintance. Pedir is generally used to make a request. Preguntar is generally used to ask a factual question. Examples Notice the differences between the English translations of the verbs saber and conocer, as well as the differences between pedir and preguntar. Tú sabes español. Tú conoces a Hillary. You know Spanish (factual knowledge). You know Hillary (you are acquainted with her). Ella pide ayuda. Ella pregunta qué hora es. She asks for help (request). She asks what time it is (factual question). Note: Pedir can be translated as “to ask for.” However, it is a transitive verb and does not require the use of the preposition por. That is why the sentence above is Ella pide ayuda, NOT Ella pide por ayuda. Conjugation Saber is irregular in the yo form: Saber sé sabemos sabes sabéis sabe saben Conocer is also irregular in the yo form: Conocer conozco conocemos conoces conocéis conoce conocen Pedir is a stem-changing verb (e-i): Pedir pido pedimos pides pedís pide piden Preguntar is a regular -AR verb: Preguntar pregunto preguntamos preguntas preguntáis pregunta preguntan