Week 3 - Glen Oaks Community College

Week 3 (9/14, 9/16)
Read “Bigfoot Stole My Wife”
Watch The Twilight Zone: “I Shot An Arrow Into the Air”
Write a 5-minute response.
Continue with Appendix A.
Finish War-themed videos:
Billy Ray Cyrus “Some Gave All” official video
Scott Miller “Rain” official video
Write a response. Focus on similarities and differences between the two.
Assign Descriptive Paragraph. Due on Thursday.
*Hand in Journals.
Brainstorm the topic “Summer” for 2 minutes.
Freewrite for 5 minutes about the best or worst aspect of the Fall semester of college.
In groups, choose a paragraph from pages 57-62. Answer all questions, and then discuss
as a class.
Hand in Descriptive Paragraphs
Read On Impact by Stephen King (“The Best American Essays 2001” p 120).
Think about the most scared you have ever been.
Freewrite for 3-5 minutes about this event.
Discuss the text (p 453-454).
Freewrite for 2 minutes about prompt #2.
Begin Self-Confidence themed music videos:
Chris Ledoux “This Cowboy’s Hat” video made from live clips.
Write a response.
Begin text (p 63).
Discuss paragraph (p 70).
In groups, complete Exercise 1 #1-10 (p 70) and Exercise 2 Paragraph 1 (p 71).
Hand out Verb Tense Exercise for homework.
Assign Journal Entry for Tuesday.