Jayme Hoag 9th Grade Biology Assessment Cell Structure and

Jayme Hoag 9th Grade Biology Assessment Cell Structure and Function Matching: Each is worth 1 point. Terms are only used once each, use them wisely! 1. Mitochondria_____ 2. Nucleus_____ 3. Chloroplast_____ 4. ER_____ 5. Golgi Apparatus_____ 6. Nucleolus_____ 7. Cell Wall_____ 8. Cytoskeleton_____ 9. Lysosome_____ 10. Cell Membrane_____ 11. Vesicle_____ 12. Vacuole_____ 13. Cytoplasm_____ a. Provides rigidity in plants and other organisms b. Where photosynthesis occurs c. Ribosomes are produced here d. DNA is held and replicated here e. This allows items in and out of the cell f. This causes plants to wilt g. Transports items around the cell h. Powerhouse of the cell i. Packages materials to go out or around the cell j. Stores, separates, and modifies proteins k. Jelly-­‐like substance in which all organelles are located l. Aides in structure as well as intracellular transport m. Breaks down unwanted material Multiple choice: Each of the following is worth one point each. 14. Which type of cell contains membrane-­‐bound organelles? a. Prokaryotic b. Bacteria c. Eukaryotic d. Archea e. None of the above 15. Which of the following can be found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? a. Cytoplasm b. Cell membrane c. Chloroplast d. Mitochondria 16. What is the “control center” in a Eukaryotic Cell? a. Mitochondria b. ER c. Vesicles d. Nucleus 17. DNA in a Prokaryotic Cell is in a loop a. Yes, it is located somewhere in the middle of the cell b. Yes, but it is in a nucleus c. No, it is in a double helix d. No, prokaryotes do not have DNA 18. What are the three shapes of Bacteria cells? a. Cocci, bacillus, and spirillium b. Round, flat, and oval c. Curved, straight, and bent d. Circular, square, and triangular 19. What organelle in a Eukaryotic cell is thought to have been engulfed years ago? a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Cell wall d. ER 20. What is the basic unit of life? a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Cells e. Organelles Short answer/essay. Please answer each question with as much as you can, only include relevant information. Each are only 10 points each 21. Explain the Endosymbiosis Theory, include any history, and current information you can recall. 22. Pick one organelle, explain its function and structure, and where in which cell it is found. Describe an analogy about the function of that organelle. 23. Draw a cell. Include and label the following: Cell membrane, Mitochondria, ER, Golgi Apparatus, Cytoskeleton, Nucleus, Vesicle, and Lysosome. Which type of cell is this? Extra Credit. Up to 7 points. You must write more than a sentence to get credit. 24. Pick any topic(s) that were not covered on the test, explain it and why you think it is important. KEY Matching: Each is worth 1 point. Terms are only used once each, use them wisely! 1. Mitochondria___H__ 2. Nucleus___D__ 3. Chloroplast__B___ 4. ER___J__ 5. Golgi Apparatus___I__ 6. Nucleolus__C___ 7. Cell Wall__A___ 8. Cytoskeleton___L__ 9. Lysosome__M___ 10. Cell Membrane___E__ 11. Vesicle__G___ 12. Vacuole___F__ 13. Cytoplasm___K__ a. Provides rigidity in plants and other organisms b. Where photosynthesis occurs c. Ribosomes are produced here d. DNA is held and replicated here e. This allows items in and out of the cell f. This causes plants to wilt g. Transports items around the cell h. Powerhouse of the cell i. Packages materials to go out or around the cell j. Stores, separates, and modifies proteins k. Jelly-­‐like substance in which all organelles are located l. Aides in structure as well as intracellular transport m. Breaks down unwanted material Multiple choice: Each of the following is worth one point each. 14. Which type of cell contains membrane-­‐bound organelles? a. Prokaryotic b.
Bacteria Eukaryotic Archea None of the above 15. Which of the following can be found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell? a. Cytoplasm b. Cell membrane c. Chloroplast d. Mitochondria 16. What is the “control center” in a Eukaryotic Cell? a. Mitochondria b. ER c. Vesicles d. Nucleus 17. DNA in a Prokaryotic Cell is in a loop a. Yes, it is located somewhere in the middle of the cell b. Yes, but it is in a nucleus c. No, it is in a double helix d. No, prokaryotes do not have DNA 18. What are the three shapes of Bacteria cells? a. Cocci, bacillus, and spirillium b. Round, flat, and oval c. Curved, straight, and bent d. Circular, square, and triangular 19. What organelle in a Eukaryotic cell is thought to have been engulfed years ago? a. Nucleus b. Mitochondria c. Cell wall d. ER 20. What is the basic unit of life? a. Protons b. Neutrons c. Electrons d. Cells e. Organelles Short answer/essay. Please answer each question with as much as you can, only include relevant information. Each are only 10 points each 21. Explain the Endosymbiosis Theory, include any history, and current information you can recall. Lynn Margulis developed the Endosymbiosis theory. It describes how multicellularity may have come about, one prokaryotic cell engulfing (eating) another. They then lived in a mutually symbiotic relationship, in which the mitochondria and chloroplast have been derived. It is thought that the engulfed cells slowly lost the ability to be free living with time. Studies support this theory because the DNA found in mitochondria and chloroplasts have been found to be extremely similar to that found in prokaryotic organisms. 22. Pick one organelle, explain its function and structure, and where in which cell it is found. Describe an analogy about the function of that organelle. Any organelle can be here along with a one sentence explaining its function, and one that explains its structure (where it may be found in the cell). Make sure that if it is only found in plants or animals that they put the correct cell. Analogies can be anything as long as it demonstrates the knowledge of the function. 23. Draw a cell. Include and label the following: Cell membrane, Mitochondria, ER, Golgi Apparatus, Cytoskeleton, Nucleus, Vesicle, and Lysosome. Which type of cell is this? Animal Cell Extra Credit. Up to 7 points. You must write more than a sentence to get credit. 24. Pick any topic(s) that were not covered on the test, explain it and why you think it is important. Any topic from Unit 3 on Cells. Can be outside information if they related it back to the unit. Must be facts. For full 7 points must have at one topic, explanation of topic, and why it is important to know. Partial credit will be given as follows: 1 point for the topic. 3 points for the explanation, 3 points for why it is important. 