Quick review of surface winds 90°N (North Pole) H L Polar Easterlies 60 °N Westerlies 30 °N H Surface Ocean Circulation Trade Winds NE Trade Winds ITCZ L 0° (Equator) Trade Winds What Goes Around Comes Around SE Trade Winds H 30 °S Westerlies L 60 °S Polar Easterlies H 90°S (South Pole) WindWind-driven ocean circulation • circulation of the upper water am tre t North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre Caribbean Sea Ca na ry lf S Gu rre n N orth Mediterranean Sea 30°N Subtropical Gyre South Atlantic West Wind Drift East Wind 60°S Drift Benguela Curr ent 30°S Eq. Countercurrent l C urrent ria u ato S . Eq masses is set in motion by the energy of the prevailing winds • as wind blows across ocean surface, air molecules collide with water molecules • winds • currents – inefficiently transfers energy from air to water – water moves at only about 33-4% of the wind speed N. Equatorial Current 0° (Equator) Bra zil C urr e nt Gulf of Mexico rent ic C ur A tlant Cu 60°N Global ocean surface circulation • gyres are large, circular, horizontal current systems – caused by west west--moving ocean currents in the trade winds, easteastmoving ocean currents in the westerlies and deflection of ocean currents by the continents – the subtropical gyres transport warm waters poleward along the western edges of the ocean basins, and cool waters equatorward along the eastern sides • Notice how the currents roughly correspond to the wind directions, especially in the regions of the subtropical gyres. 1 Ekman Spiral change in direction and current velocity with increasing depth Ekman theory prevailing wind • The prevailing winds create a drag (wind stress) on the ocean surface. • The momentum gained at the surface • • • • is transferred deeper, but energy is lost with increasing depth. depth. The Coriolis effect deflects the moving water at each level. A decrease in current speed coupled with continuous deflection with increasing depth creates a theoretical spiral of moving water called the Ekman Spiral. Spiral. Adding all the vectors (magnitude and direction) of the Ekman Spiral yields a net current direction that is ~90o to the prevailing wind. This composite current is called Ekman Transport. surface current ( ~45° to the prevailing wind) Ekman Transport = composite of Ekman Spiral; o ~90 to the prevailing wind • The surface current is ~45o to the prevailing wind, due to Coriolis deflection. • Flow velocity decreases exponentially with depth, all the while being deflected by Coriolis – The depth where the direction of flow is opposite to that of the surface, and the velocity is only about 4% of the surface flow, is called the “Ekman “Ekman depth.” depth.” – Ekman transport affects a surface ocean layer with a typical depth between 5050-150 m • Ekman transport controls the motion of the surface ocean. – divergence: upwelling – convergence: downwelling Ekman transport on Earth Ekman Transport ~90o to the prevailing winds Ekman transport Ekman convergence & divergence 90°N 90°N H L (North Pole) (North Pole) • Pressure gradients Polar Easterlies 60 °N 60 °N divergence Westerlies 30 °N 30 °N H Trade Winds convergence • NE Trade Winds ITCZ L divergence 0° (Equator) 0° (Equator) Trade Winds SE Trade Winds convergence • H 30 °S 30 °S Westerlies L Polar Easterlies 60 °S H 90°S (South Pole) to the right of the prevailing winds in the N. Hemisphere, to the left of the prevailing winds in the S. Hemisphere divergence 60 °S 90°S develop in the ocean because the sea surface is warped into broad mounds and depressions with a relief of about one meter. meter. Mounds on the ocean’s surface are caused by converging currents, currents, places where water sinks (or downwells). Depressions on the ocean’s surface are caused by diverging currents, currents, places from where water rises (or upwells). (South Pole) 2 phytoplankton pigment divergence of water masses results in upwelling and high productivity in subpolar waters convergence of water masses causes near-surface waters to pile-up in the subtropics divergence of water masses results in upwelling and high productivity at the equator convergence of water masses causes near-surface waters to pile-up in the subtropics divergence of water masses results in upwelling and high productivity in subpolar waters 3