Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014

Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014
1. A chemical bond forms as a result of the attractions between what?
2. What is the result in potential energy between atoms that form a chemical bond?
3. Explain how the octet rule applies to atoms that form a chemical bond?
4. What is a cation.
5. Describe what happens for an anion to form.
6. Explain how an ionic bond forms.
7. Describe what happens for a covalent bond to form.
8. What is the difference between an ionic substance dissolving and a molecular substance dissolving?
9. Name the type of bond involved for each of the following. (Ionic or Covalent)
carbon dioxide!
CaCl2! !
SrBr2! !
N2O! !
HgCl2! !
10.Show the difference between a polar bond and nonpolar bond by sketching and labeling hypothetical
examples of each.
11.What is electronegativity?
12.Consider a polar covalent bond between selenium and oxygen. Label the charged ends of the bond.
13.Rank the following in order of electronegativity? N, Mg, O, P, K, Fe
14.Describe how a metallic bond forms.
15.Which substances have low melting and boiling points? (Ionic, Molecular, Metallic)
16.Draw a diagram and explain why ionic substances are brittle.
17.What are metallic substances malleable and ductile instead of being brittle?
18.When can the following types of substances conduct electrical current? (Ionic, Molecular, Metallic)
19.Two shared electrons forms how many covalent bonds?
20.How many electrons are shared between atoms in a double covalent bond?
21.How many covalent bonds will a fluorine atom typically form?
22.What is a polyatomic ion?
23.Draw the Lewis structure for a nitrogen atom.
24.Draw dot structures for the following (both ways): NH3
CF4 SBr2 N2 HCN C2H2 SO3
25.Name the shapes for the above molecules (except for C2H2)
26.How many bonding electrons are in the SO3 molecule?
27.How many unshared pairs of valence electrons are associated with the sulfur atom in the SBr2
28.How many electrons are shared between the two carbon atoms in the C2H2 molecule?
29.What type of bond is usually associated with substances that have low melting points?
30.Describe the type of chemical bond associated with a compound that does not conduct electricity
when solid but does conduct electricity when dissolved in solution.
31.A substance that conducts electricity when in the solid state most likely involves atoms (bonded
together) from which section of the periodic table?
32.Pure water does not conduct electrical current. What conditions allow electrical current to travel
through water?
33.How many electrons are shared between atoms that form a single covalent bond?
34.Six electrons shared between two atoms forms what type of bond?
35.How many covalent bonds will a nitrogen atom typically form?
36.What type of bond is associated with highly charged positive and negative atoms?
37.What type of bond is associated with the sharing of electrons?
Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014
38.What type of bond is associated with the gain and loss of electrons by the bonded atoms?
39.Which type of bond results in molecules?
40.What is electronegativity. Locate the elements with the highest and lowest electronegativities on the
periodic table. Which is higher in electronegativity: O, N, P, S?
41.What is ionization energy? Locate the elements with the highest and lowest ionization energies on
the periodic table. Which is lower in ionization energy: Na, Cs, Be, F?
42.Define atomic radius. Locate elements with the highest and lowest atomic radii on the periodic table.
Which is the smallest atom: B, F, I, Sr?
43.Describe the group and period trends for the above periodic properties.
44. NaF!
45. K2O! !
N2O! !
FeS ! !
(NH4)3PO4 !
MgCrO4 · 5H2O
HBr! !
Write formulas for each of the following.
Aluminum oxide!
Potassium bromide! !
Potassium permanganate!
Sodium sulfite!!
Zinc sulfide! !
Carbon tetraiodide! !
Sulfur dioxide!!
Phosphorous(V) chloride!
Nitrogen monoxide! !
Copper(I) chloride! !
Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014
76. Copper(II) nitrate!
77. Ferric sulfate! !
78. Plumbous hydroxide!!
79. Lead(II) acetate trihydrate _______________________
80. Hydrochloric acid! !
81. Sulfuric acid! !
82. Sulfurous acid!!
83. Hydrosulfuric acid! !
84. Carbonic acid!!
85. Oxalic acid! !
86. What are the definitions for “mole”?
87. Why is a mole used in chemistry?
88. How many particles are in a mole?
89. What is the volume of 1 mole of any gas?
90. What is the molar mass for CuSO4 · 5H2O?
91. What is the molar mass of CaCO3?
92. How many molecules of H2 are in 3.8 moles of H2?
93. How many moles of C6H12O6 are equal to 1.55 x 1024 molecules of C6H12O6
94. How many grams are in 1.6 moles of calcium carbonate?
95. How many moles of carbon tetrafluoride are in 45.65 g of carbon tetrafluoride?
96. How many molecules of carbon tetrafluoride are in 65.80 g of carbon tetrafluoride?
97. (150 g) of Ca(OH)2 contains how many formula units?
98. How many moles are in 76.5 L of CO2 gas at STP?
99. How many L of CO2 gas at STP equal 3 moles?
100.How many grams of CO2 are in 4.5 L of CO2 at STP?
101.(15 g) of H2 gas is equivalent to what volume at STP?
102.Dissolving 12.55 grams of lithium chloride in 1 liter of water will result in what number of ions in
103.How many moles of ions are in a solution that contains 6.5 grams of dissolved magnesium nitrate?
104.(1.75 x 1023) ions are known to be in a solution of potassium iodide. What mass of potassium iodide
is dissolved in the solution?
105.Dissolving 9.45 grams of sodium hydroxide in 250 mL of a solution will result in what molarity?
106.What mass of H2SO4 is in 0.35 L of an 9.4 molar H2SO4 solution?
107.How many moles of Mg(C2H3O2)2 are in 25.5 mL of a 0.212 M solution?
108.How many liters of 0.095 M NaOH solution are needed to have 0.60 moles of NaOH?
109.How many mL of 1.65 M solution are required for 17.5 g of Mg(C2H3O2)2?
110.Calculate the percent composition for each element in aluminum iodide. ...then calculate the mass of
aluminum that can be recovered from the decomposition of 155 grams of aluminum iodide.
111.(0.916 grams) of iron is heated in air resulting in an iron oxide product with a mass of 1.178 grams.
What percent of each element makes up this compound.
112.Define empirical formula.
113.Circle each formula below that is an empirical formula. Write the empirical formula for any formulas
below that are not empirical formulas.
SF4! !
C2N2! !
Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014
114.Calculate the empirical formula for compound found to contain 60.98% arsenic and 39.02% sulfur.
115.A pure sample of mercury oxide produced 20.3 grams of mercury and 1.7 grams of oxygen. What
oxide of mercury is this? (Hint: calculate the empirical formula)
116.A molecular compound having a molecular formula mass of 78.11 g/mol is found to contain 92.3%
carbon and 7.7% hydrogen by mass. Calculate the molecular formula.
117.(30.0 grams) of a compound containing sulfur and chlorine is found to contain 14.2 grams of sulfur.
Calculate the molecular formula for this compound if it is known to have a molecular formula mass of
135.04 g/mol.
*Indicate the type of chemical reaction for each of the following.
*Write balanced formula equations for each reaction that occurs.
*Indicate the reason for reactions that do not occur.
118.Magnesium reacts with oxygen.
119.Sulfur dioxide reacts with water.
120.Potassium oxide reacts with water.
121.Cesium chloride is electrolyzed.
122.Barium carbonate is heated.
123.Magnesium peroxide is heated.
124.Hydrogen peroxide decomposes when catalyzed by MnO2.
125.Solid zinc metal is added to a lead(II) nitrate solution.
126.Aluminum is added to aqueous sodium nitrate.
127.Magnesium is added to aqueous sulfuric acid.
128.Bromine is added to aqueous calcium chloride.
129.Fluorine gas is bubbled through a cesium chloride solution.
130.Aqueous sodium hydroxide is added to aqueous copper(II) sulfate.
131.Solutions of hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate are mixed.
132.Sodium chromate solution is combined with aqueous ammonium nitrate.
133.Propane (C3H8) is burned in excess oxygen.
134.Methanol (CH3OH) is burned in limited oxygen.
135.Calcium metal burns in air.
*for each of the following ...
*Indicate the oxidation number for each element.
*indicate if the reaction is a redox reaction or is not redox reaction.
*for any redox reactions, indicate which element is oxidized and which is reduced.
*””, indicate which element is the oxidizing agent and which is the reducing agent.
*””, indicate which elements lose electrons and which gain electrons.
136. Si + 2 F2 → SiF4
137. 2 Na + 2 H2O → 2 NaOH + H2
138. HNO3 + HI → NO + I2 + H2O
139. Zn(NO3)2 + 2 KOH → Zn(OH)2 + 2 KNO3
140. S 2- + NO3 1- → S + NO
141.What is a catalyst?
142.What happens to the oxidation number of an element that is oxidized?
143.What happens to the oxidation number of an element that is reduced?
144.What happens with electrons for an element that is oxidized?
145.What happens with electrons for an element that is reduced?
146.What is an oxidizing agent?
147.What is a reducing agent?
Pre AP Chemistry Study Guide Final Exam 2013 2014
148.4.50 moles of ethane (C2H6) combust in excess oxygen. How many moles of carbon dioxide are
149.If 1.01 moles of ethane are used in the reaction in the previous question, what volume oxygen at
STP react with it?
150.What mass of sulfuric acid would be required to react with 0.075 moles of calcium hydroxide in the
following reaction?
H2SO4 + Ca(OH)2 → CaSO4 + 2H2O
151.Iron is produced from the following reaction. How many moles of carbon monoxide are needed if 4.0
X 103 grams of iron(III) oxide are available?
Fe2O3!+ 3CO → 2Fe!
+ 3CO2
152.In the reaction in the previous question, if 8.48 x 1025 formula units of iron(III) oxide is used, how
many moles of carbon dioxide gas will be produced?
153.Lithium hydroxide can be used to remove carbon dioxide from spacecraft through the following
reaction. If the average human discharges 1.266 x 1025 molecules of carbon dioxide each day, how
many grams of lithium hydroxide is needed for each person per day aboard the space shuttle?
2LiOH!+ CO2 → Li2CO3 + H2O
154.What mass of lead(II) iodide can be recovered if 886.5 grams of potassium iodide reacts with an
excess of lead(II) nitrate in aqueous solution?
155.How many hydrogen fluoride molecules can be produced from the reaction of ammonia with 7.10
grams of fluorine gas?
2NH3! + 5F2 → N2F4!
+ 6HF
156.When excess iron(III) oxide reacts with 4.03 x 1025 molecules of carbon monoxide, how many moles
of iron are possible to recover?
Fe2O3!+ 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2
157.How many iron atoms would you expect to recover from the reaction of 3.45 X 1024 formula units of
iron(III) oxide (use the previous equation)?
158.What volume of 0.35 M Na3PO4 would be needed to fully react with 75.0 mL of 0.80 M BaCl2
according to the following balanced chemical equation?
2 Na3PO4 (aq) + 3 BaCl2 (aq) → 6 NaCl (aq) + Ba3(PO4)2 (s)
159.How many grams of sodium chloride would be produced from the complete reaction of 45.5 mL of
0.35M sodium phosphate solution?
160.What mass of barium phosphate can theoretically be produced from the reaction of 10.35 g of
Na3PO4 and 12.49 g of BaCl2 according to the following balanced chemical equation? Which is the
limiting and which is the excess reagent?
2 Na3PO4 (aq) + 3 BaCl2 (aq) → 6 NaCl (aq) + Ba3(PO4)2 (s)
161.Calculate the percent yield for the recovery of 2.3 grams of sodium chloride from the reaction of
0.0159 moles of sodium phosphate?