Transition Here and Beyond - Overbrook School for the Blind

Front cover:
Overbrook School
for the Blind
Annual Report
[in the upper left corner]
Here and Beyond
[in the bottom right corner]
[There are two tiers of a total of seven pictures that are spread
diagonally from bottom left corner to upper right corner of the front
cover. Going left to right on the top tier: 1. a picture of flowering trees
in foreground with part of our main building peeking through from
the background, with the entire picture in sharp focus; 2. a female
student looking directly at the camera; and 3. a winter scene with
snow in the West Cloister Garden. Going left to right on the bottom
tier: 4. colorful foliage in soft focus; 5. a male student smiling at the
camera; 6. a different male student, performing in front of a
microphone; and 7. green grass and trees with the corner of a building
to the right—all pictures are in color.]
Inside front cover:
Vision Statement
The vision of Overbrook School for the Blind is to be a dynamic and
responsive educational organization, providing leadership as a local, national, and international resource,
inspiring individuals with visual impairments and other challenges to achieve their highest potential.
Mission Statement
The mission of Overbrook School for the Blind is to develop and deliver education that enhances the
options available for persons with visual impairments and other challenges so that they have the greatest
opportunity to experience active and fulfilling lives.
Table of Contents
Financial Report
Rotunda Circle
Gift Giving
[The background for the inside covers—at the front and back of the report— shows sections of a colorful
work of art done with fabric; the colors include pink, blue, yellow, orange, violet, and green.]
Message from the President and the Director
[There are two black and white pictures at the top of the Message page: 1. left side is a photo of the top of
the main building with foliage and sky in full view; 2. right side has the following caption: “President
Wheeler (right) and Director Kitzhoffer.” Both men are seated and wearing jackets and ties.]
Beyond These Walls, an extraordinary new movie about our school, follows three OSB students who are
featured on the cover of this annual report. The film shows Tashea, Franklin, and Douglas in relation to
their parents, other relatives, and friends; in relation to their sighted peers; to Overbrook School for the
Blind; and most especially in relation to themselves. It is also, and very importantly, about the journey
that their families are traveling with them. It is about their strengths, resilience, fears, sadness, and
happiness. It is about their transitions.
For more about the movie, please see Highlights.
The title and theme of this annual report, Transition: Here and Beyond, is in part inspired by the movie.
Both movie and report provide a glimpse of how our school encourages students to change and grow,
making the most of their time here, so that they have the greatest opportunity to experience active and
fulfilling lives here and beyond.
For our school and staff to help the students grow, change, and move forward, we ourselves must
continue on a similarly important transition path, sometimes keeping up with the students and other
times leading the way.
Our vision and mission statements remain as they have been, but we imagine and are working toward
improving upon the excellence for which Overbrook School for the Blind is known. We envision our
school and staff transitioning—by leading students and, very likely, other schools for the blind to use,
adapt, and apply what we are doing.
The transition vision encompasses expanding and diversifying our service area, growing our leadership
roles, especially in technology, and encouraging and supporting OSB education staff to continue their
great work both on campus and in surrounding communities. We will continue to improve the
accessibility and viability of our campus and all of its facilities. On behalf of all of our students—visually
impaired, blind, deafblind, and visually impaired with other challenges—we will maintain and build upon
the reputations of our school and staff as leaders in specialized education.
This all might seem overly ambitious, but it is not. Forward looking, yes, but eminently sensible and
For instance, we have a large and well-equipped campus, a solid financial foundation and a talented,
motivated staff and board. With additional funding, we can serve more students on campus and off.
Therefore, we look to expand and diversify.
More than ten years ago, we were ahead of the technology curve compared to most specialized and
mainstream schools. We are now building upon that foundation to assess and acquire newly available
specialized and mainstream technology that best serves the needs of today’s students. This, of course,
includes providing the appropriate training for teachers, paraeducators, and students. Additionally, we
continue to build, improve, preserve, and retrofit the campus to ensure maximum access to everyone.
Schools are all about transition. At Overbrook, we assist our students’ transitions through the early
phases of their lives while we transition the school to meet the ever-changing opportunities and
challenges of providing the best education for each child. Transition is not new to Overbrook. It is
something at which we have excelled and will continue to excel for future generations of students.
Warwick S. Wheeler
President of the Board of Managers
Gerald Kitzhoffer, Director
A passing from one condition, form, stage, activity, or place to another
—Webster’s New World College Dictionary
[Free standing quotation: “. . . any area of instruction
relates to transition in some way.” —Teacher]
[Free standing quotation: “No one ever told me I couldn’t do something because I was visually
impaired.”—Bob Ashbridge, class of 1967]
[There are four pictures for this section of the narrative: 1. two women working with a youngster who is
in good spirits and laughing; some readers will recognize that the women are therapists—a PT and an
OT; 2. a classroom scene with students using braillers and education staff in attendance; 3. an infant with
amazingly large eyes, who is looking at the camera and being held by a teacher, who is smiling and
looking at the infant; and 4. three young students who are in wheel chairs with one staff member per
student, smiling and interacting with the students.]
Transition is an inevitable and necessary part of everyone’s life, regardless of financial status, gender,
race, or ethnicity, whether the person is blind or sighted. From person to person, from circumstance to
circumstance, the details change, but the principle remains the same.
Imagine you’re the parent of an infant who cannot see the bright, stimulating mobile that is above the crib
and out of reach. What might you do to make the mobile accessible? Or you’re a young child or a middle
or high school student who can’t read print on paper or on the computer screen? What skills might you
develop that will help you to keep up with your sighted peers? What technology can be made available to
you? How do you continue to learn everything you need to know, all that you want to know, before you
graduate? For that matter, if you cannot see, how do you learn to walk from one class to another, how do
you take public transportation to go to work, visit friends, or just go out on your own?
A sampling of good news for parents and their children who are visually impaired includes the following:
Parents could lower the mobile and equip it to produce sound(s) when moved about, appealing to an
infant’s tactile and auditory senses. Young children as well as elementary, middle school, high school, and
school to work students, throughout all the school years, learn braille and the computer programs that
make it possible for them to access information on their own, holding themselves to the same
expectations that society has for their sighted peers. While doing all of this, they can work with
orientation and mobility (O&M) instructors to learn to travel safely and independently.
This is a lot of work for students, parents, and educators, work that has within it many transitions, much
potential for growth, and many opportunities. OSB’s Expanded Core Curriculum is designed to meet the
special needs of our students—who are blind or deafblind, or have low vision, and, perhaps have
additional issues—so that they can experience the well rounded, customized education that they desire
and deserve.
A well rounded education includes the traditional courses and activities experienced by their sighted
peers in public schools plus classes in such areas as braille, listening skills, concept development,
independent living, recreation and leisure skills, career education, technology, assistive technology,
sensory efficiency skills, ASL and other communication systems and devices, and orientation and
mobility, all in accordance with each student’s IEP (Individual Education Plan).
For families of infants who are blind or visually impaired (birth to three years in most counties, birth to
five in Philadelphia) OSB’s Early Intervention Outreach (EIO) program works off campus—in the families’
homes and communities.
In her professional capacity, one teacher sums up the EIO experience this way: “Each family is different,
needs are ever changing, and new referrals come to us all the time. All the families have the same basic
need—to learn to do everything they can to give their babies a good start in life; and all families are
different. We teach parents to teach their children during this protracted transition time, we help them to
become self advocates, and we have the pleasure of seeing them experience a new found empowerment.”
Although EIO offers a summer workshop for a limited number of families, for most of the infants who first
come to our school through the program, their first on campus experience happens, if they are admitted,
through the Early Childhood program.
What happens on the OSB campus as students enter the grounds for the first time, stay for a while
(sometimes a long while), and eventually move beyond OSB, taking with them what they have learned
and accomplished?
[Free standing quote: “I love this school. Overbrook School for the Blind gave me the strength to face the
challenges of the future.” —Jay Doudna, class of 1967 and co-recipient of the 2012 Alumni of the Year
[Three pictures: 1. a channel 6 (ABC) reporter interviewing a young student in the campus picnic area; 2.
a group of students standing in a classroom with their teacher and paraeducator; the students are
holding signs that say “Words Matter”; and 3. a staff member helps a student plant a tree while another
student and staff member look on.]
Here, at Overbrook School for the Blind, as at schools everywhere, the first day for a new student or
returning student who might have studied elsewhere is a staggering transition for her or him as well as
the student’s family and the OSB staff. Each student brings his or her unique needs, talents,
accomplishments, and dreams, which require staff—teachers and paraprofessionals especially—to
change or modify their approach to working with the class. We are a family—the OSB family—after all,
and just like a family that brings home a new born, or welcomes home a returning daughter or son, or
rescues a puppy, everyone makes adjustments, everyone’s life is changed, everyone experiences his or
her particular transition at the same time that the family experiences a common or cumulative transition.
Speaking about the transition from EIO to Early Childhood, as it is experienced by the student, a teacher
says that among the often heard comments from our students who have exited Early Intervention
Outreach and entered Early Childhood are I’m going to a big boys’ school and I’m going to my sister’s
The teacher adds, “They may not know the word ‘transition,’ but they do know that there is going to be a
change in their little lives.”
Taken together, the observations of teachers from Elementary and Middle School speak to the ways that
all programs ease the stress students experience when transitioning to the next program. Older students
welcome the incoming students into the new program, and O&M instruction might start ahead of time so
they can begin learning the route to the new classroom. A teacher who will be welcoming new students
touches base with the previous teacher to get an advanced feel for the needs of each new student.
Remembering that this kind of transition is experienced by parents too, the programs welcome them
with open house events that include tours of the new program, question and answer sessions, and slide
Talking about transition with the student and family in the IEP year during which the student turns 14 is
required. One teacher says, “For many families, it is the first time they have thought about their child
leaving OSB. We often see tears. Other families feel that age 21 is so far away that they can avoid the
The teacher continues, “We give the parents a survey, supplied by the Transition department. The
questions involve but are not limited to what the students like to do: do they like to work in groups or
prefer to work on their own? have they expressed hopes and dreams for the future? do they have an
interest or hobby that could lead to a career?”
Another teacher adds, “Pretty much any area of instruction relates to transition in some way. It all really
begins in Early Childhood and Elementary. Students have classroom jobs, pre-voc class, and on campus
work very early on. And the other areas, such as self care, O&M, communication, social skills, reading, and
mathematics of course start early. So, transition instruction really begins as soon as the child arrives at
One of the most obvious (in the best of ways) transition components on our campus is the activity
emanating from our White Hall transition apartments, where qualified young women and men from the
High School and School to Work programs concentrate on adult life skills. They take responsibility for
laundry, cooking, shopping, cleaning and in general managing their own lives with the kind of supervision
that supports and respects individuality.
[Free standing quote: “Some of my favorite memories: Living in the White Hall apartment, being
independent, working on transition. Good friendships and independence.”—Jude Vogelman, class of
2011. This quote is accompanied by a picture of Mr. Vogelman standing beside Director Kitzhoffer.]
[Free standing quote: “I built on the foundation provided by Overbrook staff.”—Mary Smith, class of 1952
and co-recipient of the 2012 Alumni of the Year Award. This quote is accompanied by a picture of Ms.
Smith, back to the camera, as she reads in braille the names of OSB donors on wall plaques. Her name is
just above the name that she is reading.]
[A third picture rounds out the Beyond section of the narrative: it shows Board President Wheeler and
Director Kitzhoffer flanking a graduate, who is in her graduation cap and gown and holding her diploma.]
What else happens in White Hall? According to Dael Cohen, Coordinator of Transition Services, “For
many, it’s their first separate place, away from the family. Each student needs to take responsibility for
his or her own budget and to socialize in an appropriately adult way with a roommate. And—this is very
important—they need to have fun!”
“We owe it to the students,” she adds, “to be realistic with them about what lies ahead. It is in sync with
our mission statement to develop and deliver education that enhances the options available for persons
with visual impairments and other challenges so that they have the greatest opportunity to experience
active and fulfilling lives.”
Through academics, life skills training, mainstream and access technology, and extracurricular activities
(notably music and sports)—all of which foster growth through our students’ many transitions—we
prepare them to move beyond the walls of Overbrook and to find their place in the world.
See Highlights on pages 8-10 for more about our sports and music programs.
Every year, there are more highlights to the life of our school, to the “here and beyond” transition
experiences of our students than can be imagined. What follows is an attempt to capture representative
on-going activities (music, sports, academics) as well as representative endeavors that are new (a
documentary movie and Transition Vocational Initiative).
A Movie, a Concert, three Students, their Families, and a School
[Picture caption: Franklin and his family. (They are seated at a table during the dinner that preceded the
showing of the Beyond These Walls).]
[Picture caption: at the screening in our auditorium of Beyond These Walls (1st row) Tashea (2nd from
left) with family members and Douglas (horizontal striped shirt) with part of his family.]
The movie, Beyond These Walls (BTW), is a documentary about three students, their families, the annual
OSB Holiday Concert of December 2011, and—through the students, the families, and the concert—it is
ultimately about all of the OSB extended family.
BTW was produced by 15 Villanova students under the professional mentorship of their faculty and
through Villanova’s Social Justice Documentary Film program. It features interviews and voiceovers of
OSB administrators and staff. But the stars of the movie are OSB students Douglas, Franklin, Tashea, and
their families.
They are all real people remembering a past that was sometimes confusing, working in the present to
create meaningful lives for themselves, transitioning day-by-day into their individual and familial futures.
The audience at the OSB campus premier was visibly moved by the loving determination of parents who
had to learn the best ways to help and motivate their children and by the children themselves who
continue to rise to the occasion. Tashea knows that her father requires her to be the absolute best that
she can be. Douglas’s parents expect him to be resilient and positive. Franklin, encouraged by his parents,
embraces his natural musical talent.
When information is available about future screenings of BTW, it will appear in the Towers newsletter and
on our website
[Stand alone quote: “I love numbers and problem solving.” —Current Student]
If you could visit our classrooms on a typical school day, you might be astonished that so much is
In a High School class, the students are studying Shakespeare’s Macbeth. They are reading the play at
home and then reading it together, acting it out with their voices, as they sit around a table. (These same
students, earlier in the semester, read the classic Holocaust memoir, Night by Elie Wiesel, and
corresponded with the author.)
Two other groups of students write to Marine Lance Corporal Blaise Vogelman, when he is stationed in
Afghanistan. (His mother is OSB’s Parent Liaison and his brother is an OSB alumnus.) The students share
some of the details of their lives with him, ask questions about his life, share Philadelphia stories, and let
him know that he is not forgotten. Lance Corporal Vogelman shares the letters with his fellow Marines
and when he returns stateside visits the students on campus.
In a Middle School classroom students are learning algebra, challenged and supported by an exacting and
supportive teacher. In an Early Childhood room, children are playing and having fun—writing their
names, printing their names, making decisions, and exercising motor skills.
School to Work and Elementary students, separately and in great detail, are learning about a pivotal time
in 20th century American history by honoring and studying the life and times of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Students in all of these classes use mainstream technology, adaptive technology, braille, large print, and
access technology as needed. As learners who are visually impaired, they have special needs, which we
recognize and help them to negotiate. They and their teachers are also special in the sense of
extraordinary, creative, and committed.
Transition Vocational Initiative
[Stand alone quote: “At first, TVI seemed scary. So much responsibility. But it was fun and I learned so
much.” —Current Student]
OSB’s White Hall transition apartments were put to additional use in the summer by the newly
established Transition Vocational Initiative (TVI), funded by Pennsylvania Bureau of Blindness and Visual
Services (BVS) under its Director David De Notaris.
From Sunday, July 24th, 2011, to Friday, August 5th, 2011, nine well qualified OSB students from the High
School and School to Work programs lived on campus, learning and polishing the kinds of skills that
everyone needs to become and remain gainfully employed.
With maximum freedom to learn by doing, and under the guidance of our education staff, the students
concentrated on vocational awareness, resumé building, and self-advocacy. They traveled on Septa and
met successful workers, alumni, and business owners. Of particular interest to the students were
successful workers and business owners who are blind or visually impaired and, often, OSB alumni. The
first TVI summer complemented Early Childhood’s 12-month program, Early Intervention Outreach’s
Summer Workshop, and the Extended School Year that benefits our Elementary, Middle School, School to
Work, and High School students.
All of this, of course, is in addition to the many transition opportunities and activities that we already
provide during the regular school year, especially through the White Hall Independent Living Program.
Music and Sports and So Much More
[Picture caption: Scene from 2011 Winter Concert. (Foreground: a student singing ; background:
sparkling lights and other students, in soft focus and against a black background.]
[Picture caption: Cheerleaders taking a well deserved break. (Three students in cheerleading uniforms
seated and smiling.]
[Picture caption: View of the goalball landscape. (In the lower left of the picture, one student who might
have just sent the ball to the other side or might be ready to defend his goal; in the upper right we see the
ball; this is photographed through the goal that is behind the student athlete.]
The musical and performance standards for all our concerts are very high, and the music program has
many facets, including, but not limited to classroom work, off campus performances, and bringing other
professional musicians to campus to perform for everyone, to interact with and instruct students, to
perform with them, and to bring additional joy to an already vibrant campus.
The concerts are inclusive. If you are a student who is old enough to be on the stage and you are willing to
work hard, to do your absolute best, there is room for you. Jim Palmer, OSB Music Teacher, and Chris
Sapienza, OSB Choir Director—as professionals who both “do” and “teach”—know the importance of
individual growth in everyone’s life, of changing for the better, of working to the best of your abilities,
and of the need for mentors.
Mr. Sapienza talks about the importance of growth for students and for staff. “Even when a student’s
changes are subtle,” he says, “as teachers we are affected by these changes and experience our own
transitions. We all have transitions in our lives. Here, at OSB, we’re finding them together.”
Mr. Palmer emphasizes that OSB’s environment has a unique role in the lives of our students. “It allows
them to truly blossom and excel in a manner that would not be possible in other educational settings.” He
points out that OSB offers a full range of activities—including music, sports, student government,
independent living, and work experience.
Like music at OSB, sports is fun, broadening, and carries the capability of being transformative. Take for
instance a recent graduate, who wanted to wrestle, but really couldn’t do it. He was welcomed by coaches
and team mates alike to try, and when that didn’t work, he became an assistant, working hard and taking
pride in his accomplishments.
Another young man, still a student here, came naturally to the wrestling squad. Talented, agile, and
strong, he discovered that he is better at this sport than he ever imagined.
Wrestling might be the sport for which we have been best known over the years, but it is not alone in the
central place it occupies in OSB’s past, present, and future.
The cheerleaders are phenomenal, not because they are blind or visually impaired, but because they excel
at what they do. Of course, like all the athletes at our school, they are mentored by experienced, dedicated
coaches, who work with them in addition to performing many other educational and mentoring duties.
All OSB coaches are teachers certified in visual impairment; and paraeducator assistant coaches have a
background in the sport they are coaching.
Swimming and track and field are major activities. An alumnus, with superb athletic skills, was a regular
winner at swim meets, but he and his team mates were double winners, because after Peter easily
completed his lap(s), he went to a corner of the pool deck and cheered everyone in the water. Runners of
various abilities are all winners in this inclusive atmosphere. Some are gifted athletes, others awesome
competitors; and all are transitioning, changing, improving in ways they might not have previously
In goalball everyone is equal because none of the athletes can see the ball. Whether blind, sighted, or
somewhat visually impaired, all players wear sleep shades that admit no light. A goal is set up at each end
of the gym, with opposing groups of three players facing the opposition while defending the goal. One
side serves the three-pound ball that has a bell inside by throwing it along the gym floor with as much
speed and power as she or he can muster. The audience is silent, and the defending team must discover
where the swiftly moving ball (as fast as 10-40 miles an hour) is, stop it from entering the net they are
defending, and send it back to the opposition. What a wonderful concentration and confidence builder in
addition to being a fierce workout.
“Here” the music program and sports program are all that they can be and more. The students grow
through the activities, transitioning through triumphs and setbacks as they prepare for all that awaits
them “beyond” Overbrook.
Operating Revenues 2011 – 2012
State and Local Tuition
Government & Grants
Gifts & Private Support
Other Income
Operating Expenses 2011 – 2012
Early Intervention
School Age
International Outreach
Overbrook Friedlander
These charts were prepared from audited financial statements and include Overbrook
Friedlander Programs, a separate corporation.
Volunteers by Events
[Photo caption: The Phillie Phanatic joined us for Fun Day! (The photo covers a page and a half in the
print edition and shows a tightly packed crowd of children and adults in our Rotunda with the guest of
Annual Report and
Development Mailings
Shirley Brotman
Lorraine Busch
Dolores Coombs
Nora Finnegan
Peggy Garrett
Kate Halus
Carmella Kitzhoffer
John Luttenberger
Jackie Schmidt
Fun Day
John Bott
Matt Farnsworth
Nicole Frances
Jonathan Horn
Valerie Howell
Jill Jacobs
Deb McAnney
Tom Marino
Sherrylynn Marshall
Brian Rafter
Claudia Setubal
Henry Smith
Ryan Vaughan
Leslie Walker
Joslyn Williams
Hands on Gardeners of Associated
Services for the Blind and
Visually Impaired
Evelyn Aguire
Lorraine Busch
Loretta Crim
Lavera Diggins
Peggy Garrett
Bruce Linsky
Arnold Mack
Marjory Russo
Fran and Lyle Sine
Rotunda Circle
The donors listed below have supported Overbrook School for the Blind with ten or more separate gifts
throughout the years. The consistent support of these donors has been vital to the school.
[The following photographs appear from here to the end of the report. They show various people in
different ways: 1. a smiling female student in the foreground; another student is partially seen to her left
in a wheelchair, and a third student in the background; 2. two students, wearing Phillies shirts standing
with the Philly Phanatic on the Phillies playing field; 3. a couple posing for the camera at the Prom; 4.
another couple smiling at each other (not posed); 5. a scene from the Winter Concert; student
participants are in the background and a staff member, with her arms raised and looking upward, is in
the foreground; 6. four Aquatic Center staff members posed in the entrance to the center; 7. three young
students enjoying being photographed; 8. Carolyn Friedman, who was Board President at the time,
flanked by Director and Mrs. Kitzhoffer; 9. a staff member looking toward the camera; 10. two smiling
students, walking with their arms linked; 11. picture of the front of the main building taken from across
the street (there is a person in the front, leaving campus); and 12. picture of part of the OSB chorus in
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Abel
Dr. and Mrs. Denis M. Abelson
Adelphia Lions of Philadelphia
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Khalida Ahmad
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Albertson
Mr. George Alesio
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Allen
Allen’s Iron Works
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Allodoli
Mr. Steve V. Amelang
Ms. Kathe Archibald
Armstrong, Doyle and Carroll
Aston Township Lioness Club
Ms. Elizabeth Baglivo
Dr. Kent Balls
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Balthaser
Mr. Robert Banks
Ms. Donna M. Barr
Mrs. Beth Anne Barr-DiFabio
Ms. Kathleen Barron
Ms. Laurie Beach
Mr. Tim Beadle
Mr. Frank Beam
Dr. Sylvia R. Beck
Bensalem Lioness Club
Bensalem Lions Club
Dr. and Mrs. William Benson
Ms. Audrey N. Berger
Mr. Edwin J. Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bich
Mr. James Billman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher I. Blackwall
Mr. Marshall J. Blalock
Mrs. Anne Wister G. Boenning
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph N. Bongiovanni III
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Boothby
Bowman & Company, LLP
Mrs. Lucy Boyle
Mr. F. Howard Braithwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brennan
Mrs. Marilyn Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Brindisi
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard I. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brookshire
Ms. Anita Brophy
Mrs. Shirley Brotman
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Brown
Ms. Kathleen Browne
Ms. Victoria J. Brunswick
Ms. Linda J. Bucher
Mr. Sidney Buck
Mr. John R. Bulger
Mrs. Maria J. Buonadonna
Ms. Barbara Burch
Mrs. Alicia Burton
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Caggiano
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gerald Callan
Mr. and Mrs. Erik S. Campbell, Sr.
Mr. Lawrence F. Campbell
Caplan Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Allister Cardozo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carfrey
Carpet Fair, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David Carr
Ms. Patrice Carr
Ms. Anita Carrington
Louis Casssett Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Castro
Chalfont Lions Club
Ms. Cathy Chase
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin J. Chisum
Mrs. Arlene Cicala
CIGNA Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Cleaves, Jr.
Clifton Heights Lions Club
Clinton Envelope and Paper Co.
Ms. Katherine Ann Clyde
Cobbs Creek Post
No.5426 – VFW
Ms. Carol Coe
Mr. Russell Coe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coffey, Jr.
Ms. Lisa A. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cohen
Ms. Dael Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cohen
Mrs. Joan Coll
Mr. Ernie College
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Collier
Ms. Louise S. Colwell
Miss Dorothy Connor
Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
Mrs. Dolores Coombs
Dr. Edward Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cosner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Crimi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Criscuolo
Daley & Jalboot Architects
Mr. Robert L. D’Anjolell
Mrs. Joanne Malatesta Davidoff
Dr. Lawrence R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
Dr. Thomas DeBerardinis and Ms. Lisa Galante
Mr. Ed Decker
Mr. Steven DeLair
Ms. Paulette Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. James R. DeMaioribus
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Demanop
Miss Catherine Deraco
Dr. and Mrs. Paul DeWeer
Mrs. Suzanne W. Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. DiCocco
Mr. and Mrs. Josip Didovic
Ms. Susan DiFabio
Mrs. Joan DiMarzio
Ms. Rita J. DiNatale
Mr. and Mrs. Louis DiSantis
Dolfinger-McMahon Foundation
Mrs. Cathy Domizio
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Donnelly
Dr. Larry A. Donoso
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dooney
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doudna
Mr. John Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dubin
Mr. Peter N. Durso
Mrs. Maria P. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Huy Lewg Ea
Eco Phones
Mr. Harish R. Edamadaka
Elizabeth Roe Dunning Club
Mrs. Maria V. Ernest
Ms. Lynette K. Evans
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fala
Mrs. Frances Fanelli-Acchione
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Farabaugh, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fegley
Mr. Jack E. Feinberg
Mrs. Anne L. Felten
Ms. Patricia Ferri
Mr. Richard Fidler
Mrs. Betty K. Fielder
Mr. Louis S. Fine V
Ms. Sandra Finkel
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Firth
Dr. Joanna M. Fisher
Mrs. Annabelle Fishman
Mrs. Mary J. Flack
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Mrs. Mary Ann Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. Fleisher
Mrs. Pat Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Frank
Mrs. Carolyn J. Friedman
Mr. Herbert A. Friedman
Mrs. Corinne Friend
Dr. William P. Furgiuele
Mr. Henry Furtak
F. W. Ward Company, Inc.
Galantino Supply Company, Inc.
Mrs. Mary K. Gall
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gardiner
Mrs. Peggy F. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gatta, Jr.
Ms. Simone B. Gavioli
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Genieser
Dr. Lars H. Genieser
Mrs. Elizabeth Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Geppert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gerhart
German Society of Pennsylvania —Women’s Auxiliary
Germantown Mt. Airy-Chestnut Hill Lions Club
Mrs. Helen L. Gibb
Mrs. Mary Ann Gimbel
Mr. Henry A. Gladstone
Glatfelter Company
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. David Goldberg
Mr. Charles A. Goldstein
Mr. George R. Goldstone
Ms. Channie Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Erik B. Granade
Granite Farms Estate Residents
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Griffith
Mrs. Marion Grochowski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.
Mrs. Catalina Hallowell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hallowell
Hammonton Lions Club
Haney Foundation Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harbage
Ms. Yvette Harris
Mr. and Mrs. John Hasson
Mr. Floyd Hatten
Mrs. Carol Havens-Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes
Mrs. Sarah S. Heckscher
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Hennessy, Sr.
Judge Louis G. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hoff, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hogan
Mr. Richard W. Hogg
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holland
Ms. Joanne Hollinger
Mr. and Mrs. James Hooper, Sr.
Mr. C. David Hoppman, Jr.
Hoxie Harrison Smith
Mr. J. Freedley Hunsicker, Jr.
Mrs. Lucy Hunter
Ms. Rebecca Ilniski
Independence Foundation
Mr. Errol W. Isaacs
Mrs. Gay G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson
Ms. Theresa Ann Johnson
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Jones
Mrs. Meredith S. Jones
Mr. William J. D. Jordan
Mrs. Susan N. Kamerling
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kasper
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kazanjian, Jr.
Mr. Thomas W. Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kehr
Mr. James A. Kelly, Jr.
Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kerr
Ms. Pattie Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. King
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitzhoffer
Mrs. Josephine Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klenk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Koehne
Miss Eleanor Kraczyk
Ms. Joan Kuchinos
Mr. Thomas L. Kuczynski
Langhorne Lions Club
Mrs. Deborah A. Laverell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Law
Mr. Paul O. LeCouter
Mrs. Bonnalyn Legg
Mrs. Lauri Leonard
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levering
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Levy
Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Dr. L. Clifford Lewis
Mr. Alan P. Lilholt
Lindley-Olney Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. Lisiecki
Mr. John S. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Loeb
Mr. Frank Lombardo
Mr. Armando Louro
Mr. Robert A. Lukens
Mr. John Luttenberger III
Mrs. Marilyn Lutter
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Mackie
Mrs. Louis C. Madeira
Main Line Italian American Civic Association
Dr. and Mrs. Morton Mandell
Mrs. Geraldine Manini
Ms. Helene Marano
Mr. Vincent Marchese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marsh
Ms. Grace Martinez
Ms. Tarra Mashburn and Mr. Tony DeFillippis
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Matarazzo
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mathew
Mr. and Mrs. George Matysik
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Maunder
Mr. Herman H. Maurer
Mr. David J. Mayo
Mrs. Catherine McCauley
Ms. Maria T. McCauley
Ms. Megan McCrea
Ms. Loretta R. McDonald
Mr. Thomas M. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGee
Ms. Jacqueline T. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McHale
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McHugh
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
Ms. Tracy A. McLaughlin
Mrs. JoAnn McNamee
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Melvin
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
Ms. Kim Michener
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Migatz, Sr.
Mrs. Jean Mignogna
Mr. Robert G. Miksit
Ms. Michele Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Scott V. Milo
Mrs. Anne F. Mitchell
Ms. Regina Montanaro
Mr. Leonard Moore
Ms. Daisy L. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Morgan
Mrs. Antoinette Moss
Drs. Mark and Marlene Moster
Mr. Gavin Murdoch
Mrs. M. Christine Murphy and Mr. Sidney D. Rosenblatt
National Soap Distributors
Mr. Salvatore R. Nazionale
Dr. Pathma Nelson
Nevilaires Chorus
Mr. William Newman
Newtown Lions Club
Mr. Richard G. Nolan
Dr. and Mrs. R. Barrett Noone
Northampton Township Lions Club
Dr. Susan I. Novoseller
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. O’Donnell, Jr.
Mr. Wesley S. O’Brien
Ms. Jean O’Brien Visser
Mr. Dennis O’Dea, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Onesti
Dr. and Mrs. Hayler H. Osborn
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Oslick
Mr. William Otto, Sr.
Overbrook School for the Blind
—Alumni Association
P. E. R. C.
Mr. Robert L. Penrose
Mrs. Geralyn M. Perry
Mrs. Pauline Perry
Philadelphia Filipino-American Lions Club
Philadelphia Foundation
Philadelphia Korean Lions Club
Philadelphia Law Enforcement Lions Club
Pica’s Italian Restaurant, Inc.
Mrs. Anna B. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. William Powell
Powers Craft Parker & Beard, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Price
Mr. Ralph W. Pries
Mrs. Janet Prostko-McCann
Mr. Louis Quay
Dr. and Mrs. Graham E. Quinn
Quintiliani & DeSalvo
Mr. and Mrs. Joselito Rabusa
Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson
Richlandtown Lions
Ms. Rosalie B. Riddell
Rising Sun Lions Club
Mrs. Anna I. Roberts
Mrs. Joan C. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Ian W. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rocco
Mrs. Joan Rogers
Mrs. Patricia A. Rogers
Mrs. Dorothy G. Rolph
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rotelle
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Rozmiarek
Mrs. Aurora Russek
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sabatino
Mrs. Jill B. Samberg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Sandlin
Dr. Lov K. Sarin
Ms. Theresa Savino
Mrs. Damaris Shiavi Schaeflein and Mr. Eric Schaeflein
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham R. Schaevitz
Miss Rose Ann Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Schattman
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Mrs. G. Lee Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Schwartz
Ms. Ann E. Seiberlich
Ms. Karen S. Serfass
Miss Carol Sexton
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Sharps
Mr. Joseph Shevenock, Jr.
Mr. John Shields
Mrs. Sylvia S. Shuman
Mr. Joseph Sickora
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle T. Sine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Skariah
Mr. and Mrs. Victor E. Skloff
Ms. Angela Smith
Mr. Gary P. Smith
Miss Mary J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smugeresky
Dr. David B. Soll
South Philadelphia Lions Club
Ms. Maria Southard
Mr. Paul Soven
Mrs. Andrea L. Spencer
Mr. Gregory Spessard
Mr. Richard Spinogatti
Springfield Lioness Club
Springfield Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Cary F. Staller
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stang
Stanton Door Company
Ms. Marjorie G. Stein
Mr. Richard J. Steven
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Stokes
Mr. George Strawbridge, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Supplee III
Swarthmore Lions Club
Mr. Walter B. Szamatowicz
Mrs. Harriette S. Tabas
Dr. and Mrs. William Tasman
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Tedesco
Mrs. Marcella A. Theodos
Mr. John A. Thomas
Mr. John R. Thomas, Jr.
Ms. Helen M. Thompson
Mrs. Jocelyn J. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard S. Thoresen III
Torresdale Tacony Mayfair Lions Club
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trolio
Mrs. Kathleen Y. Troncelliti
Ms. Elizabeth M. Trout
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner, Sr.
Unico Media Chapter
Mr. Theodore M. Utchen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Van Bernum
Mrs. Judith H. van Naerssen
Miss Marcella M. Vandenbord
Dr. James F. Vander
Verizon Foundation
Dr. George Vermeire
Mr. and Mrs. Darren J. Vogelman
Mrs. Patricia Wagner
Mr. Robert Waker
Mrs. Mary Beth Waldron
Mrs. Alice M. Ware
Warwick Foundation
Ms. Margaret K. Watson
WAWA, Inc.
Mr. Arnold M. Weiss
Ms. Victoria West
Mr. Kingsley W. Weston
Mrs. Joan L. Whartnaby
Mr. Warwick S. Wheeler
Whitemarsh Lioness Club
Ms. Angelia Williams
Mrs. Mary R. Williams
Mrs. Vivian Williams
Mrs. Edith Willoughby
Dr. Martin C. Wilson
Mr. Ralph G. Winderman
Dr. Melvyn A. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Wolodzko
Mr. Anthony G. Wright II
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Yates
Mrs. Angela Zager
Mr. Harris S. Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Albert W.
Zimmermann, Jr.
Cassandra Borden Trust
Anna Burk Bequest
Elon Dunbar Trust
Jessie and James Edward Trust
Haney Foundation Trust
John Synder Trust
Harry and Ada Walbert Trust
Joseph Lapsley Wilson Trust
Kate Worley Trust
Individual Gifts
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Abel
Ms. Elizabeth Adams
Mrs. Khalida Ahmad
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Albertson
Mr. George Alesio
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Allodoli
Mr. Steve V. Amelang
Mrs. Rita Ankenbrant
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Baer
Mrs. Margaret R. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Balthaser
Ms. Diane Bankes
Ms. Kathleen Bannan
Ms. Donna M. Barr
Ms. Michele Barrett
Mr. Theodore E. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Sherif Bastawros
Ms. Mildred Baylin
Ms. Laurie Beach
Mr. Tim Beadle
Mr. Frank Beam
Mr. George Beichl
Dr. and Mrs. William Benson
Ms. Gertrude Berkowitz
Mrs. Justine Binck
Mr. Randolph Blakeney, Jr.
Mr. John A. Bodalski
Ms. Marie Bonaventura
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Boothby
Mr. John M. Bouilland
Mr. F. Howard Braithwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brennan
Mrs. Marilyn Brennan
Mr. Bernard I. Brody
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brookshire
Ms. Anita Brophy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Brown
Miss Donna Brown
Ms. Kathleen Browne
Ms. Victoria J. Brunswick
Ms. Linda J. Bucher
Mrs. Maria J. Buonadonna
Mr. Thomas Burke
Mrs. Alicia Burton
Ms. Lorraine Busch
Ms. Heidi K. Cabibbo
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gerald Callan
Mr. John C. Capek
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Carbo
Mr. Allister Cardozo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carfrey
Ms. Anita Carrington
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Castro
Mrs. Gwen Chand
Mr. and Mrs. Radcliffe Cheston
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Chiovero
Mr. and Mrs. Hyuntae Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Cleaves, Jr.
Ms. Katherine Ann Clyde
Dr. Paul Coady
Mrs. Nancy Coates
Ms. Carol Coe
Mr. Russell Coe
Ms. Lisa A. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cohen
Ms. Dael Cohen
Mr. Ernie College
Mr. Roberto J. Conrique
Mr. John Constable and
Dr. Winifred Constable
Mrs. Dolores Coombs
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Cosner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Crimi
Mr. Peter Crippen
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Criscuolo
Ms. Leonarda Cruz
Ms. Mary C. Czachowski
Mr. Robert L. D’Anjolell
Mrs. Joanne M. Davidoff
Dr. Lawrence R. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Day
Dr. Thomas DeBerardinis and Ms. Lisa Galante
Mr. Ed Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan DeJonge
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian
Ms. Donna DeShazo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dettore
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Devereaux
Mrs. Suzanne W. Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Dibble
Ms. Robin Dickerson
Ms. Amy Didona
Ms. Danielle DiEgidio
Ms. Susan DiFabio
Mrs. Elsie E. Dilbeck
Ms. Rita J. DiNatale
Ms. Sandra Dobrowski
Ms. Denise Dofflemyer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Donnelly
Dr. Larry A. Donoso
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dooney
Mrs. Cathy D’Orazio
The Family of Eva Dougherty
Ms. Felicia Dougherty
Mr. John Dougherty
Ms. Rosemary Dougherty
Ms. Christina Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Doyle
Mr. Joseph T. Doyle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dubin
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Durkin
Mr. Peter N. Durso
Ms. Agnes Dutill
Mrs. Maria P. Dwyer
Mr. Harish R. Edamadaka
Ms. Kendall Edwards
Ms. Monica Egan
Ms. Janelle Eligon
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliott
Mrs. Maria V. Ernest
Ms. Debra A. Erthal
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fala
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Farabaugh, Sr.
Mr. Jack E. Feinberg
Mr. Richard Fidler
Dr. Joanna M. Fisher
Mrs. Annabelle Fishman
Mrs. Shirley S. Fishman
Ms. Amy Foglia
Ms. Luisa M. Foleno
Mrs. Carolyn J. Friedman
Mr. David Friedman
Mr. Herbert A. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Friedman
Dr. William P. Furgiuele
Mrs. Mary K. Gall
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Gallant
Mr. Robert B. Gallant
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Gardiner
Mrs. Peggy F. Garrett
Ms. Alicia Gaston
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Genieser
Dr. Lars H. Genieser
Mrs. Elizabeth Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Geppert
Mr. Fred Gerson
Mrs. Helen L. Gibb
Ms. Bernadette Giddens
Mrs. Mary Ann Gimbel and Miss Jennifer Gimbel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Glenn
Mr. John W. Goldschmidt, Jr.
Mr. David Goldstein
Mr. George R. Goldstone
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Graney
Mrs. Amy Green
Mr. Michael K. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. A. John Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hake
Ms. Carolyn Hall
Ms. Ivy Hall
Mr. Stephen Hamilton
Mrs. Naomi Harris
Ms. Nicole Hartzell
Ms. Angela Harvey
Mr. Floyd Hatten
Mrs. Carol Havens-Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Heim
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heinz
Ms. Megan Hessenthaler
Ms. Rhonda Hibbler
Ms. Adreania Hicks
Mrs. Clarice Hicks-West
Ms. Paulette A. Higgins
Mr. Harry E. Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hoch
Mr. Richard W. Hogg
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Holland
Ms. Joanne Hollinger
Mr. Richard Holt
Mr. and Mrs. James Hooper, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Huffaker
Mrs. Lucy Hunter
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan Indik
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ireland
Ms. Elizabeth Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Johnson
Mrs. Janet Johnson-Bey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Johnston
Ms. Donna Jones
Mrs. Meredith S. Jones
Ms. Crystal Jordan
Ms. Roselyn Kamaara
Mrs. Ellen A. Kane
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Ms. Anita Keenan
Ms. Jacqueline K. Keenan
Mr. Robert Keith
Mr. James A. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kerr
Ms. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. King
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitzhoffer
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Koehne
Miss Dana Koerber
Mrs. Sandy Koppelmann
Ms. Kathy Korsen
Mr. George M. Koser
Miss Eleanor Kraczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Fred T. Kraus
Mr. William Kretzschmar
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore F. Kulesza, Jr.
Ms. Donna Lantz
Mrs. Kelly Anne Lauer
Mrs. Deborah A. Laverell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Law
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Leavitt
Mr. Sang I. Lee
Mrs. Bonnalyn Legg
Mr. and Mrs. David Lengel
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Leon
Mrs. Lauri Leonard
Ms. Davida Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Levy
Mrs. Robert P. Levy
Dr. L. Clifford Lewis
Ms. Lisa Lisicki
Mr. John S. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Loeb
Mr. Frank Lombardo
Mrs. Marilyn Lutter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lynch
Dr. and Mrs. Julius Mackie
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Macon
Mr. and Mrs. James Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio M. Mangabat
Mrs. Phyllis Marino
Ms. Susan Mason
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Mathew
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Maurer
Ms. Michele McCallion
Mrs. Catherine McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott McCormick
Ms. Loretta R. McDonald
Mr. Thomas M. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGee
Ms. Jacqueline T. McGrath
Mr. and Mrs. James P. McHale
Mrs. JoAnn McNamee
Mr. Vincent McVeigh
Ms. Lorraine Medoro
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Messaros
Ms. Kim Michener
Mrs. Jean Mignogna
Mr. Robert G. Miksit
Ms. Ashley Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Scott V. Milo
Mr. Allen Model and Dr. Roberta E. Gausas
Ms. Kamila Monroe
Ms. Regina Montanaro
Mr. Leonard Moore
Ms. Daisy L. Morgan
Ms. Roseann Morrison
Drs. Mark and Marlene Moster
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mullaly
Ms. Marieann Mullin
Mr. Paul Napolitano, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn Nelson
Dr. Pathma Nelson
Mr. William Newman
Mr. Khanh Nguyen and
Ms. Lynn Ngo
Dr. and Mrs. R. Barrett Noone
Mr. Morris Novick
Mr. Wesley S. O’Brien
Ms. Jean O’Brien Visser
Mr. Dennis O’Dea, Jr.
Ms. Cheryl O’Donnell
Mr. David H. Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Onesti
Dr. and Mrs. Hayler H. Osborn
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Oslick
Mr. William Otto, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owens
Mr. James Palmer
Mr. Donald Parker
Ms. Marie Pasternak
Mr. Richard Patterson
Mr. Larry Paul
Mr. Robert L. Penrose
Mrs. Pauline Perry
Mr. Vincent Pierangeli
Ms. Tina Pilkauskas
Ms. Sandra M. Popper
Mrs. Anna B. Porter
Ms. Elizabeth A. Potemski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Price
Mr. Louis Quay
Ms. Erin Quinn and Mr. Kevin Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Joselito Rabusa
Mr. Gerald F. Reilly
Mr. Dante W. Renzulli
Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson
Ms. Rosalie B. Riddell
Mr. Charles P. Rioboli
Mr. and Mrs. Ian W. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Rocco
Mrs. Joan Rogers
Mrs. Patricia A. Rogers
Mrs. Dorothy G. Rolph
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Romano
Ms. Victoria Romano
Mr. Joseph Rose
Mr. Sidney D. Rosenblatt
Dr. David B. Ross
Ms. Donna Rossillio
Mrs. Jill B. Samberg
Mr. Christopher Sapienza
Mrs. Marie Sapienza
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Sapienza
Dr. Lov K. Sarin
Mrs. Damaris Shiavi Schaeflein and Mr. Eric Schaeflein
Miss Rose Ann Schaller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Ms. Agatha M. Scholl
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Schueler
Mrs. G. Lee Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanford Schwartz
Ms. Marie T. Seawright
Miss Carol Sexton
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
Mr. and Mrs. David Shiavi
Ms. Barbara Sicherman
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Siegle
Mr. Steven Simminger II
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle T. Sine
Ms. Jillian Smith
Miss Mary J. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smugeresky
Mr. Paul Soven
Mrs. Andrea L. Spencer
Mr. Gregory Spessard
Mr. Richard Spinogatti
Ms. Barbara R. Spund
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stang
Ms. Andrea Stein
Ms. Marjorie G. Stein
Mr. Richard J. Steven
Mr. Patrick Strain
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson
Supplee III
Ms. Danielle Sychterz
Dr. Janine G. Tabas
Ms. Ethel Terzian
Mr. John A. Thomas
Mr. John R. Thomas, Jr.
Mrs. Jocelyn J. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard S.
Thoresen III
Ms. Natalie Tidmarsh
Ms. Phyliss Tracky
Mr. Stan Trzaska
Ms. Colleen Turrisi
Ms. Marie M. Tursi
Mr. Theodore M. Utchen
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Van Alen II
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Van Bernum
Mrs. Judith H. van Naerssen
Dr. James F. Vander
Dr. Satya B. Verma
Dr. George Vermeire
Mr. Peter Virgili
Mr. and Mrs. Darren J. Vogelman
Mr. Clyde Volpe
Mr. Robert Waker
Mrs. Mary Beth Waldron
Miss Jennifer Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Washington
Ms. Deborah Weiss
Ms. Lucille West
Ms. Victoria West
Mrs. Joan L. Whartnaby
Mr. Warwick S. Wheeler
Ms. Angelia Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams
Ms. Lynne J. Williams
Mrs. Vivian Williams
Mrs. Edith Willoughby
Mrs. Peggy Wilson
Dr. Martin C. Wilson
Ms. Michelle Wilson
Mr. Robert W. Wilson
Dr. Melvyn A. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Wolodzko
Ms. Christine Wozniak
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Yoshioka
Mrs. Angela Zager
Mr. Stephen Zamsky
Mr. Stephen Zavatsky
Dr. and Mrs. Albert W. Zimmermann, Jr.
Lions/Lioness Clubs
Adelphia Lions of Philadelphia
Aston Township Lioness Club
Aston Township Lions Club
Bensalem Lioness Club
Bensalem Lions Club
Clifton Heights Lions Club
Hammonton Lions Club
Langhorne Lions Club
Media Lions Club
Middletown Lions Club
Northampton Township Lions Club
Northwest Lions Club
Oreland Lions Club
Philadelphia Filipino-American Lions Club
Philadelphia Korean Lions Club
Philadelphia Law Enforcement Lions Club
Richlandtown Lions
South Philadelphia Lions Club
Springfield Lioness Club
Springfield Lions Club
Swarthmore Lions Club
Whitemarsh Lioness Club
Associations, Businesses,
Corporations and Community Groups
Allen’s Iron Works
American Kitchen Machinery & Repair Co.
Armstrong Doyle & Carroll
AT & T Employee Giving Program
Becker’s School Supplies
Bux-Mont Transportation
Services Co.
Clyde’s Home Supplies
Cooke & Bieler, L.P.
Cooper Industries Matching Gift Program
Delaware Valley Council of and for the Blind
Dorrian Stucco, Inc.
Eagle Paper Company
Elektro Mechanx, Inc.
Elizabeth Roe Dunning Club
Epsilon Beta Chapter-—Delta Gamma Fraternity Bucknell University
F. C. Haab Company, Inc.
F. W. Ward Company, Inc.
German Society of Pennsylvania —Women’s Auxiliary
GIANT A+ School Rewards Program
Granite Farms Estate Residents
Merck Employee Giving
Middle Atlantic Blind Golf
National Soap Distributors
Nevilaires Chorus
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
P. E. R. C.
Philadelphia Fire Fighters & Paramedic Union
The Philadelphia Phillies
Vincent Pierangeli Plumbing & Heating
Powers Craft Parker & Beard, Inc.
Quintiliani & DeSalvo
Red Hot Mamas
Russell Roofing Company, Inc.
SAP Matching Gift Program
Shining Light Council No. 2
Sovereign Bank
United States Cold Storage, Inc.
Donors of Gifts in Kind
Dr. Sarah D. Appel
Ms. Donna M. Barr
Mr. Anthony Frank
Ms. Carol K. Frank
Ms. Contina Fripps
Mrs. Nadine Kombe
Ms. Michele McCallion
Mr. Ron Ness
Mrs. Lyn M. Perry
Philadelphia Korean Lions Club
Ms. Donna Rossillio
Ms. Brenda Ruggeri
Mrs. Jill B. Samberg
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schattman
Mr. George Silberman
Mr. Rob P. Sinclair
Ms. Angie Smith
Mr. David Snutes
Ms. Andrea Stein
Dr. Annie Steinberg
Suburban Transit Network, Inc.
True Vine Baptist Church
Mrs. Susan Vaughan
Wills Eye Hospital Lions Club
United Way Gifts to Overbrook
Mr. Steve V. Amelang
Mr. David E. Audus
Ms. Fredrica Bancroft
Ms. Donna M. Barr
Mrs. Bernadette M. Billetta
Mr. James R. Billman
Mr. Marshall J. Blalock
Mr. John J. Bott
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard I. Brody
Ms. Geraldine A. Brooks
Ms. LaChelle Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brookshire
Ms. Victoria J. Brunswick
Ms. Linda J. Bucher
Mrs. Sara Buonadonna
Mr. Eric Campbell
Ms. Monica A. Campbell
Mr. Andrew D. Coler
Mr. Guy A. Critelli
Mrs. Susan J. DiFabio
Ms. Deborah DiTomo
Ms. Jeanne Dougherty
Ms. Margaret Dougherty
Ms. Lynnette K. Evans
Ms. Tracey L. Fenstermacher
Ms. Maryann V. Finnegan
Mr. T. Kevin Fitzpatrick
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Mr. Jack R. Gallant
Ms. Bernadette D. Giddens
Mr. Randy M. Girer
Mr. Henry A. Gladstone
Mr. Erick R. Glenn
Mr. Anthony S. Glorioso
Mr. James E. Hackney
Mr. Vonette Hall, Jr.
Mr. Errol W. Isaacs
Mr. Ned A. Jenkins
Ms. Theresa Ann Johnson
Mrs. Raenita C. Jones
Mr. Ken Kelley
Mrs. Linda J. Kelly
Mr. Joseph P. Kenefic
Ms. Wanda I. Kinsey
Ms. Kathy Korsen
Mr. Thomas L. Kuczynski
Mrs. Carlesha T. Kyle
Mr. Alan P. Lilholt
Mr. Brian M. Lisiecki
Mrs. Jean E. Lisiecki
Mr. Armando H. Louro
Ms. Susan M. McCarrie
Ms. Marianne P. McCormick
Mr. Thomas M. McDonald
Mr. Hugh McHugh
Ms. Saneeka N. Macon
Ms. Trina A. Martin
Mr. Richard M. Mascitti, Jr.
Mr. Shaun R. Mason
Mr. Gregory Mattison
Mrs. Barbara Mehl
Mrs. Jean Mignogna
Mr. Frank R. Moore, Jr.
Mr. Michael A. Mullis
Ms. Paulette Myers
Mr. Zachary L. Nachsin
Ms. Karen Nickens
Mr. R. Andrew Nusbickel
Mr. Dennis M. O’Dea
Mrs. Shelley A. O’Donnell
Mr. Michael J. Parzanese
Mr. Joseph Phillip
Mr. Robert M. Procknow
Mr. Robert Proto
Mr. Gerald F. Reilly
Mr. Richard D. Rioboli
Ms. Annette Rodriguez
Ms. Margaret M. Rybnik
Ms. Patricia Sandlin
Mr. Thomas J. Sandlin
Mrs. Sandra G. Saunders
Ms. Angela Schiavello
Mr. Joseph J. Shevenock
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Mr. Paul T. Schwab
Mrs. Denaya K. Smith
Mr. Andrew G. St. John
Ms. Donna B. Sutherland
Ms. Lori L. Thomson
Mrs. Judith vanNaerssen
Mr. Shawn M. Wall
Ms. Shirlene D. Walthour
Ms. Margaret K. Watson
Ms. Elizabeth M. Wells
Mr. John J. Wenke, Jr.
Mrs. Cynthia R. Whaley
Ms. Angelia P. Williams
Mrs. Mary R. Williams
Ms. Tara L. Wingate
Mr. Mayer Wolf
Mr. Joseph A. Zeccardi, Jr.
United Way
Heart of West Michigan United Way
North Penn United Way
Philadelphia Combined Federal Campaign
United Way
United Way of Bergen County
United Way of Camden County
United Way of Delaware (State)
United Way of Gloucester County
United Way of Rhode Island
United Way of Southeastern Delaware County
United Way of Southeastern PA
United Way of the Bay Area
United Way of Tri State
United Way of Wyoming Valley
eScrip Supporters
Mrs. Khalida Ahmad
Dr. and Mrs. David Archibald
Ms. Kathe Archibald
Dr. Kent Balls
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brennan
Mrs. Maria J. Buonadonna
Ms. Margaret Burnet
Ms. Lois Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Caggiano
Mrs. Patricia Cautilli
Ms. Nancy Corley
Ms. Joan Cox
Ms. Anne Didomenico
Ms. Susan DiFabio
Mr. John Dougherty
Ms. Maggie Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Eisner
Ms. Judith Elliott
Ms. Maryann Flack
Mr. Harry Foster
Mrs. Kathryn Giannascoli
Mr. Christian Hammond
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Ms. Kathy Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitzhoffer
Mr. and Mrs. David Kuchinos
Mr. Lee Law
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leech
Mr. Chris Lowenberg
Ms. Kristine Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McHugh
Ms. Cynthia Murray
Mrs. Geralyn Perry
Mrs. Pauline Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Poulson
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Romich
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rubins
Mr. Mike Schattman
Ms. Christy Sfida
Ms. Kim Smith
Mr. John R. Thomas, Jr.
Ms. Carol Wallace
Ms. Debbie Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wurst
Mrs. Angela Zager
The Beneficial Charitable
Caplan Family Charitable Trust
Louis N. Cassett Foundation
CIGNA Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company
Foundation, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Harriet G. Fredericks
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Independence Foundation
Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc.
Nippon Foundation
Legacy Foundation
Prudential Foundation
Jessie G. Roman Charitable Trust
The Scholler Foundation
Ware Blue Grass Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
In Memory of Shirley Abney
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Linda Adacusky
Ms. Dael Cohen
Ms. Kimberly Michener
In Memory of Daniel Angeline
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Dante Angelini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Gary Apoian
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mrs. Emma Fala
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
In Memory of Ethel K. Arthur
Miss Mary J. Smith
In Memory of Robert Ballinger III
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
In Memory of Philip Barr
Ms. Patricia Bonner
In Memory of Robert Barrilli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Harry Bassler
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
Mrs. Anna Porter
Miss Mary J. Smith
In Memory of John Bayliss
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Aaron Bradley
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Ms. Marieann Mullin
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
Mrs. G. Lee Schultz
In Memory of Marie Brennan
Mr. William Brennan
In Memory of John J. Calabro
Ms. Patricia Bonner and Mr. Patrick Strain
In Memory of Justin Caldwell
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
In Memory of Alice Capodanno
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
Mrs. Anna Porter
In Memory of Rose Caponigro
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Ida Caratura
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bogan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cavallo
Mrs. Emma Fala
Ms. Janis Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Larussa
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Luciani
Ms. Roseanne P. McGarvey
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mazzuca
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Orsimarsi
Mr. Andrew L. Quirias
In Memory of Anna Castagna
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Janice Cerone
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
In Memory of Philomena Ciardi
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of Esther Cohen
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Ms. Jean O’Brien Visser
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
In Memory of Joan Conmy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Frances Copek
Ms. Patricia Bonner and
Mr. Patrick Strain
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kitzhoffer
In Memory of Jeffrey Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Acchione
In Memory of Vincenzo Criniti
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Catherine Cugini
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
In Memory of William D’Anjolell
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mrs. Jackie Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Colantuono
Mr. Frank D’Alonzo
Ms. Theresa R. Savino
In Memory of Daniel Darrian
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
In Memory of Joseph Devlin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanfillippo
In Memory of Brian Dickerson
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mr. Dennis Brookshire
Elizabeth Roe Dunning Club
Mrs. Peggy Garrett
Mr. William Hayes
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Ms. Jean O’Brien Visser
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Mr. John A. Thomas
In Memory of Joseph DiEgidio
Ms. Patricia Bonner
In Memory of Michael DiMaio
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Philomena
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Greenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Luciani
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy
Ms. Rosemary McGarvey
Ms. Patricia Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis T. Reale
In Memory of Isabel DiPrimio
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of Domenic Disco, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
In Memory of Mary Downs
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of Irving Drager
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Migatz, Sr.
In Memory of Steven Dranoff
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guglielmo
In Memory of Tim Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Migatz, Sr.
In Memory of Lottie Felton
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of William Ferriss
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of Wilbert Fidler
Bucknell University
Mrs. Margaret Rawlins
In Memory of Christopher Flack
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mr. Anthony J. Flack and Sons
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Ms. Karen S. Serfass
In Memory of Louise Follo
Ms. Terry Cappelletti
Ms. Theresa R. Savino
Mrs. Grace Stellabotte
In Memory of Marie Forgione
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Harry W. Foster
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Ms. Marguerite Bradley
Ms. Anita Brophy
Mrs. Nicole Campbell
Ms. Lucille Cugini
Mrs. Cathy Domizio
Ms. Christine Flail
Ms. Yvette Harris
Ms. Jennifer Hertrich
Mrs. Carolyn Lewis
Ms. Lisa Lisicki
Ms. Barbara Maiorano
Mr. and Mrs. William G. McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Minalga
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
Ms. Stephanie Reading
Ms. Shannon Reilly
Ms. Stacy Reynolds
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Shoop
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swier
Ms. Lucille West
Ms. Shana Whitman-Robarge
In Memory of
Thomas Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.
In Memory of Judith Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. John Caggiano
In Memory of Alfred Gontarek
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Robert Grasso
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Christine Groden
Ms. Nicole Sanfillippo
In Memory of Richard Heffner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Vought
In Memory of Marie Hibbler
Ms. Annie Mildred Boatright
Ms. Alberta A. Scott
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
—Kappa Omega Zetas Chapter
In Memory of Mary Hitchcock
Mr. and Mrs. David Bell
Ms. Patricia Bonner and Mr. Patrick Strain
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Mr. William Hayes
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
In Memory of Thomas Hogan
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
In Memory of William E. Huber
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of Ernest James
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Mary Jurasek
Mr. Stephen P. Bayus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Cozzi, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert V.
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent Kasper, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kasper, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kuhnle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mead
Ms. Joan C. Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Moffatt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Rapczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Santoro
Ms. Joan E. Schott
Ms. Donna Tieger
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Wagner
In Memory of James T. Keenan
Mr. Tom Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anastasia
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Andreades
Ms. Colleen M. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bunker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Casey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian D. Crane
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Cribbs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Den Bleyker
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. DeSantis
Mr. Mark C. Fair
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Fannon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Foster
Ms. Barbara J. Froggatt
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Galante
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hughes
Ms. Jacqueline K. Keenan
Mr. Edward M. Kent
Ms. Suzanne J. Levy
Mr. Christopher Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.
McGinn, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake McGowan
Mr. Richard L. McMonigle and Ms. Kathleen Chancler
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Medaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Moeser
Ms. Genevieve Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Norek
Mr. Anthony J. Romagnole
Mr. Seth R. Schneible, Jr.
Mr. David J. Schrenk
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Serpico
Ms. Bonnie Stellwagon
Ms. Ruth Stock
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Swiggard
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Turner, Jr.
Mr. Andrew T. Turney
Ms. Kathryn E. Turney
Mr. John A. VanLuvanee
In Memory of Jane Kenny
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Lavelle Kile
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Acchione
In Memory of Burleigh
Miss Mary J. Smith
In Memory of Grace Rose Lenzi
Mr. Anthony J. Flack and Sons
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Pizza
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
In Memory of Frank Leo
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Frances Levy
Mrs. Beth Anne DiFabio
In Memory of Frances Lewis
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of Eleanor Lodholz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sarlo
In Memory of Catherine “Kit” McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Alastair T. Crawford
Mrs. Joanne Davidoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ferrell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johnson
Mrs. Anna B. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Snyder
In Memory of Bernadette
Ms. Nicolle Sanfillippo
In Memory of William McMaster
Mrs. Peggy Garrett
In Memory of Marley McNeil
Mrs. Peggy Garrett
In Memory of Joseph Mangano
Mr. John Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bier
Big Dawgs Plumbing &
Heating, Inc.
Mr. Charles J. Boris, Jr.
Ms. Frances R. Boyer
Ms. Dolores Brandolo
Ms. Suzanne Butterly
Mrs. Helen F. Deery
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DiBerardino
Edward Don & Company
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Fahringer III
Mr. Alan Gubernick
Ms. Geraldine M. Gudnitz
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harwick
Ms. Dorothy Henry
Ms. Barbara Ann Herbetko
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Herzig
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Howitz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Ms. Sally Ann Lentz & Mr. Joel Goodman
Ms. Adriene Levick
Chai Tin Lim
Mrs. Mary G. Mahan
Mr. and Mrs. Silvio P. Marucci, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Medlock
Dr. Judith S. Miller
Morison Cogen, LLP
Ms. Kathleen O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Peterman
Ms. Mary Ann Roberts
Mr. Nicholas Russo
Ms. Nancy Schiro
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo C. Sessa
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Shields
Ms. Marie P. Van Fossen
Mr. Charles Van Fossen and
Ms. Winnie McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Viola
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
In Memory of Florence
Mr. and Mrs. Ted N. Wasserman
In Memory of Peggy Marks
Mrs. Shirley Kaplan
In Memory of Geraldine
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of Grace Martin
Mrs. Anna Porter
In Memory of Al Mazza
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of John Meagher
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Acchione
In Memory of Joanne Meehan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Migatz, Sr.
In Memory of Reverend Msgr. Francis Meehan
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of Lillian Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Gloria Morelli
Mr. Ben Acchione
In Memory of M. Christine Murphy
Mr. Steven V. Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Beamesderfer and Family
Ms. Kathryn I. Kullman
Mr. Colin Yarnell
In Memory of John Natale
Ms. Patricia Bonner
In Memory of Lillian
Pao-Ying Niu
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
In Memory of Linda Novak
Mrs. Margaret R. Bailey
Ms. Linda K. Barbour
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Billy
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cherry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cherry
Ms. Shelley Durbanis
Furry Friends 4H Club
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Grasse
Mr. John C. Heinrich
Mr. Stephen C. Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Hettrick
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hunter
Indian Valley Mennonite Church
Ms. Florence E. Jacob
Ms. Gloria Jacobs
Mr. Sea Kaplan
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Keeton
Ms. Elizabeth Landis
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lindenfelser
Mr. Kenneth Lodge
Ms. Alice Loper
Mr. and Mrs. Einar Lund
Ms. Patricia L. McGonigle
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Markov
Merrymead Farm
Messiah College Women’s Track and Field Team
Mr. Kerwin C. Nailor
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oswald
Mr. John W. Rex
Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan W. Rex
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sease
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Antimo Veneziale
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Viall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wagner
Ms. Nancy Walt
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wieand
Yunhui Wu
In Memory of Joseph Nunan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Dan and Patricia O’Hara
Ms. Ann E. Seiberlich
In Memory of Vincenzina Palermo
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sanfillippo
In Memory of Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Albert Passalacqua
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
In Memory of Cornashea Pelzer
Ms. Maria Angelopoulos
Mr. Armando Cruz
Federal Election Commission
Mr. Walter Ford
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McKeever
In Memory of Nicholas Pico
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Abraham Plotnick
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Alexander
Mr. Robert Baker
Ms. Robyn Zippilli
In Memory of Adelaide
Mr. and Mrs. John Caggiano
In Memory of Joseph Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. John Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Berzins
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Concordia
Mrs. Beth Anne DiFabio
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dorazio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hierdahl
Mr. Joseph Horning
Ms. Doris Kurash
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Love
Mr. and Mrs. Silvio P. Marucci, Jr.
The McKeogh Company
Ms. Mary A. Mullarkey
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander P.
Ms. Katherine M. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D.
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
Mr. and Mrs. Brian V.Slattery
In Memory of Gloria Rendall
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Migatz, Sr.
In Memory of Margaret Roberto
Mr. Anthony J. Flack and Sons
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
In Memory of Dr. Ernest Rosato
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
In Memory of Adelina “Dolly” Ruggieri
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D’Andrea
In Memory of Frank Russek
Mrs. Aurora Russek
In Memory of Jon Eric Saboe
Ms. Theresa Savino
In Memory of Paris Sadler
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
In Memory of Dorothy
Elizabeth Roe Dunning Club
In Memory of Clara Serago
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Joanne Severo
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
In Memory of Virginia Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Gloria Staller
Ms. Ethel Terzian
In Memory of Harry and Lillian Stueber
Mrs. Charlotte Weiss
In Memory of Michael Sweeney
Mrs. Fran Fanelli-Acchione
In Memory of Frances Szemes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Migatz, Sr.
In Memory of John Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Diana Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Frank Tokarski
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Sherri Tsoplakis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Margaret “Peggy” Urtz
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Mrs. Emma Fala
Mr. William Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Hocking
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Ms. Roseann McLaughlin
Mr. Gary Urtz & John, Alan & Michael
In Memory of Robert Vetra
Mr. Steven DeLair
In Memory of Rodney Visser
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Ms. Maryann B. Flack
Dr. Bernadette M. Kappen
Mrs. Catherine A. Schneck
Ms. Anna M. Sfida
In Memory of Paul Wasiluk
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Bertha Williams
Ms. Patricia Bonner
Early Childhood Sunshine Club
In Memory of Elizabeth Wrigley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeAngelis
In Memory of Lillian Wyer
Elizabeth Roe Dunning Club
Overbrook School for the Blind —Alumni Association
Mrs. Anna Porter
In Memory of Jeffrey Zaslow
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keen
Gifts to the School
Overbrook School for the Blind is a private, non-profit educational organization that qualifies for taxexempt contributions. Besides the most popular form of giving, the gift of cash directly to the school,
there are many ways for individuals, organizations, and corporations to support the school and its
programs, including:
A gift of cash made either directly or designated to the school through other agencies, such as
the United Way or the Combined Federal Campaign. Overbrook’s number with the United Way of
Southeastern Pennsylvania is 00816
A gift of cash, if made by an individual, may also qualify for a matching gift from the donor’s
A gift in memory of a relative or a friend
In-kind gifts of services, goods, equipment, or property
A gift of appreciated securities or real estate, outright or deferred
A gift of a life insurance policy, designating the school as beneficiary]
A charitable gift annuity, which in addition to helping the school, provides the donor or a designee
with a regular stream of income
A gift by will. Those who wish to make a personal bequest to the school may use the following
“I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Overbrook School for the Blind, a corporation duly organized and
existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the sum of ________dollars ($________). I
direct that this sum be applied to the general uses and purposes of the corporation under the direction of
its Board of Managers.”
For additional information about these methods of giving and other ways of supporting the school such
as donating used cell phones and shopping at Target, Giant, and Genuardi’s, please visit the support
section of or contact:
Development Office
Overbrook School for the Blind
6333 Malvern Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19151
Tel: 215.877.0313 ext. 264
Fax: 215.689.0401
Stay in touch with us on Facebook and follow our blog!
Inside Back Cover
Board of Managers
Warwick S. Wheeler
Vice Presidents
Robert L. D’Anjolell
Robert B. Gallant
J. Freedley Hunsicker, Jr., Esq.
Marjorie G. Stein
F. Howard Braithwaite
Elizabeth (“Pooh”) Gephart
Alumni Representatives
William Newman
Elizabeth Passanante
Parents Representative
John P. Dougherty
Joseph T. Doyle Jr., CFA
Carolyn Friedman
Peggy Garrett
John W. Goldschmidt, Jr.
Andrea Johnson
Richard Nolan
Robert L. Pratter
David B. Ross, Ed.D.
George Vermeire, D.O.
Angela Zager
School Director
Gerald Kitzhoffer
Photos by Dennis Brookshire
© Overbrook School for the Blind
Photo on p.15 courtesy of
The Philadelphia Phillies
Editorial Contributors
Dennis Brookshire
Maryann Flack
Robert Smith
Interior Cover Art by Tashea White
Back Cover
[School logo—white image of the outside of the main building on red
Overbrook School for the Blind
6333 Malvern Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19151
Fax: 215.689.0401