(i.e., Compara una tradición de los Estados Unidos con una

AP Spanish and Culture
Summer Review Assignment
Profesor González
Dear students, welcome to the A.P. Spanish Language and Culture Class. I am excited about the opportunity to get to know
you, and I am looking forward to an exciting and productive school year.
Course Expectations:
The ultimate goal of the AP Spanish Language and Culture course is to develop student’s communication skills in Spanish.
The course will be conducted completely in Spanish. AP Spanish Language students must have a strong foundation in
Spanish built throughout your previous Spanish courses. It is also imperative that students feel highly motivated and
willing to devote the time required to achieve maximum success in the course. This course covers the equivalent of a
third year college course in advanced Spanish. It incorporates auditory, oral, reading, comprehension, grammar, and
composition (writing) activities.
None of the following assignments are due the first day of class, but it is highly recommended that you prepare yourself
as much as possible. The following assignments are an overview designed to familiarize you with the various skills which
will strengthened your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills in the target language:
Reading and Listening: The students are recommended to view and listen to Spanish programs, read magazines,
newspapers, and / or internet articles. Students must to be able to interpret charts and graphs in Spanish. All of
this will prepare you for the multiple choice section of the exam.
Grammar: Review all tenses studied in Spanish 1, 2 and 3.
(Present, past, future, conditional, commands, and subjunctive tenses) This will prepare you for the writing
sections of the exam. (Review Verb Packet)
Speaking: You must be ready to present (in Spanish) to the Class a two minute cultural presentation.
(i.e., Compara una tradición de los Estados Unidos con una tradición similar de un país hispanohablante.)
Ejemplos: Quinceañera vs Sweet 16 or Easter in the U.S. vs. Easter in a Spanish Speaking Country. Also, you will
be asked to respond to an e-mail from one of your teachers. These activities will prepare you for the informal
writing and presentation speaking parts of the exam (you will practice presenting everyday).
Writing: (200 WORDS, minimum)
You will be asked to write a persuasive essay on one of the following questions:
¿Es importante la educación universitaria para vivir el sueño americano?
¿Se debe celebrar una fiesta para las chicas de 15 años?
¿Crees que la cirugía plástica puede traer la felicidad a una persona? These activities will prepare you for the
informal and formal writing parts of the exam. (Guides to writing a powerful essay will be given).
Auditory: (20 second response) You will also be asked to answer a phone call. The caller will ask five questions
and you must respond to each question for 20 seconds without stopping. (This will prepare you for the auditory
section of the A.P. Exam).
Link to Practice Test: http://media.collegeboard.com/digitalServices/pdf/ap/ap-spanish-language-andculture-course-and-exam-description.pdf
Link to News in Spanish Speaking Countries: www.elpais.com / www.eluniversal.com.mx /
www.jornada.unam.mx / www.elmercurio.com / (suggested sites).
Also, please visit my website @ www.tinyurl.com/profe-gonzalez
I have great expectations of you.
¡Que Tengan un excelente verano!
Profesor González