AP US History

E. C. Glass High School – School year 2014-2015
Mr. Salmon
Suggested APUSH books/aids for 2014-2015
1. Cracking the AP U. S. History Exam by the Princeton Review
2. 5 Steps to a 5 AP U. S. History Book by Stephen Armstrong
3. Barron’s Flash Cards (or any AP U. S. History Set)
Welcome to APUSH. During this school year you will study the development and growth of
American civilization. You will need to be focused and willing to work hard. This is a student driven
course. Your efforts will determine your lever of success. Your success in the classroom may lead to
college credit.
Below is your summer assignment. It will be due on the first day of school (Monday, August
25th). The purpose of this assignment is to give you a head start on the curriculum. You will have a great
deal of material to cover in order to be properly prepared for the AP Exam in early May. Use the
attached maps to complete parts 1, 5, and 6.
You will need to purchase a copy of Amsco’s “United States History, Preparing for the
Advanced Placement Exam” by John Newman and John Schmalbach (2006 or 2010). You may buy one
from one of my current students, or at Given’s Book Store on Lakeside Drive. You may also go to the
Amsco website and order online. This is a mandatory requirement for this class.
During the course of the year, you will be required to keep several notebooks. One will be for your
chapter outlines. For this, I recommend an 8x11 large spiral notebook, 200 pages or more. The other will
be to keep track of the different headings you will need to follow to successfully navigate this class. That
one should be an 8x11 3 ring binder, ½ to 1 inch. All summer assignment work should be done on loose
leaf paper and keep in your binder. You may contact me at any time at salmonge@lcsedu.net. This
assignment is due the first day of school, Monday August 25th.
1. Label the map of the original 13 colonies (Map # 1). Break the colonies into 3 regions, New
England, Middle, and Southern. Cite one political, religious, social, cultural, and economic
development that was unique to each REGION (not each colony).
2. Label the physical regions of the United States (Map # 2). You are looking for things like the
Atlantic Coastal Plain (not the East or Northeast). Shade each region using a different color, and
create a legend or key for this map.
On loose leaf paper, name the first 10 Presidents of the United States. You will use a separate
piece of paper for each President. Include dates of their terms of office, political party
affiliation, state they were elected from, their Vice-Presidents, and the years of their life. These
will be going into your “Traces” notebook, which you will keep up during the year.
Read the first 3 chapters in your Amsco book. At the end of each chapter, define or identify the
Key Names, Events, and Terms. Chapter 1 ends on page 13, Chapter 2 on page 36, and Chapter 3
on page 54. You have NO other written assignment from this book. Do not answer the multiple
choice questions, essays, or document questions. These may be done on 3x5 index cards, or on
loose leaf paper.
You are to create a timeline of events for the early colonial period. Starting date should be
1565, founding of St. Augustine Fl by the Spanish, ending date will be 1732 with the founding of
the last colony, Georgia! (You will maintain this all year.)
You are to create a colonial page, one for each of the 13 colonies. On each page put the
following: Date colony founded, reason for it being established, any significant people, names of
specific settlements (Jamestown, for example), origin of the colony’s name, and the current
state nickname.
Pick one book from attached reading list. Write a 1-2 page summary of what you read. Explain
what you felt impacted you the most from the reading. A second book and summary is worth
extra credit.
The Peculiar Institution – Kenneth Stampp
Progress and Poverty – Henry George
Looking Backward – Edward Bellamy
The Jungle – Upton Sinclair
How the Other Half Lives – Jacob Riis
New England Frontier – Alden T. Vaughan
Miracle at Philadelphia – Catherine Bowen
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee – Dee Brown
Silent Spring – Rachel Carson
After Tet: The Bloodiest Year in Vietnam – Ronald H. Spector
Watergate: Scandal in the Whitehouse – Dale Anderson
The Feminine Mystique – Betty Friedan
The Souls of Black Folk – W. E. B. Dubois
A Century of Dishonor – H. H. Jackson
Trail of Tears – John Ehle
The Gilded Age – Mark Twain
The Fifties – David Halberstam
Killer Angels – Michael Shaara
The Movement and the Sixties: Protest in America from Greensboro to Wounded Knee – Terry H. Anderson
Uncle Tom’s Cabin – Harriet Beecher Stowe
Divided Lives: American Women in the 20th Century – Rosalind Rosenberg
American Reformers 1815-1860 – Ronald Walters
Hiroshima – John Hersey
The Iran-Contra Connection – Jane Hunter
Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America – Roger Morris
Large spiral notebook – 200 sheets (recommended)
3 ring binder to be used EXCLUSIVELY for APUSH
Pen and pencils
Colored markers or pencils – Highlighter
Pocket dictionary (optional)
1 box of Kleenex or hand sanitizer (optional but 1 point extra credit)