LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Pre-Planning Worksheet TAPS 1, 2 Content Area Reading, Writing, Language, Social Studies, Science Grade/Course 1 Unit of Study Patriotic Symbols Instructional Period Literacy and Social Studies Insert a standard(s) below (include code). HIGHLIGHT the SKILLS that students need to be able to do and UNDERLINE the CONCEPTS that students need to know. ELACC1RL1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text ELACC1RL3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details ELACC1W3: Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure ELACC1L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking (k. Prints with appropriate spacing between words and sentences) ELACC1SL2: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media SS1G2 The student will identify and locate his/her city, county, state, nation, and continent on a simple map or a globe. SS1G3 The student will locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface. SS1CG2 The student will explain the meaning of the patriotic words to America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) and America the Beautiful. List Behaviors List Content Determine DOK (what students should be able to do; focus on verbs) Ask, answer, describe, write, recount, demonstrate, identify and locate DOK Level (what students should know; focus on concepts) (align to instruction and assessment) Key details in text, characters, setting, and DOK Levels events in text. Appropriately sequence events 2 and 3 in a text including some details. Use conventions of standard English properly when writing and speaking. Topographical features of the Earth’s surface including student location. Meaning of patriotice symbols. Possible Aligned Activities and Questions TAPS 2, 3, 4, 5 DOK 1 Text to text connections, author comparisons, text to selfconnections will be made among teacher selected text set. Each teacher will do their own text set studies this week. Students will note narrative elements, compare and contrast different books. (Me On The Map, Non-fiction , Social Studies text and readers.) Describe Earth and compare globes and maps. Review Social Studies and read “Where We Live” unit. Create weather stories for our area including what we need to wear. A Globe and Looking at Earth worksheet. (A view from above) Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results DOK Ceiling 1, 2 and 3 Resources (on/offline) Safari Montage, Tumblebooks, BrainPop, Jr. Classroom texts and leveled readers. Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Water cycle. DOK 2 Students will respond to read aloud texts by teacher and independent in their Literacy Notebook. Create Land models. our continent and country DOK 3 Students will be able to diagram where they live in relation to their address, city, county, state, country, and continent. state, county and city. Create a map key for our area. Write about liberty. Create a drawing of the water cycle. DOK 4 Research project of the Earth’s surface where we live. Students will create a list of rules that could be posted in a Georgia State Park. Present and talk about these rules. DOK Level Possible Aligned Assessment Items/Tasks TAPS 2, 3, 4, 5 Modeled on Active Board and discussions as well as mapping discussions on graphic organizers. Maps and globes. Internet, Resources including but not limited to encyclopedias and other research materials that students choose. Resources (on/offline) Students will orally respond to text discussions and make connections to other text, self and the world. Teach nature/natural. Soil, trees and rivers are natural things. Students will journal responses in writing, illustrate and explain their response to texts. North America worksheet and USA worksheet Write three rules that could be put on a sign for saving land. Classroom and media center texts, Tumble Books. DOK 3 Students will create a book, “Where I Live,” providing their address, city, state, country and continent as well as a sentence explaining each level. Write and recite address State and county worksheet (2) Students will write about natural resources. Create a nature journal. Maps, globes, PowerPoint Presentation (The World). Construction paper, glue, pencils and crayons. DOK 4 Students will complete a project regarding the topographical features of the area in which they live. Have students cut out pictures of items that are made from natural resources. Students will make up their own sayings about the weather. Media Center research materials, internet. DOK 1 DOK 2 Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results AVID binders Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Standards (Primary) ELACC1RL1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text ELACC1RL3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details ELACC1W3: Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure ELACC1L1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking (k. Prints with appropriate spacing between words and sentences) ELACC1SL2: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media DOK (Ceiling) 4 Integrated Topographical features of the Earth’s surface including student location as well as ELA. SS1G2 The student will identify and locate his/her city, county, state, nation, and continent on a simple map or a globe. SS1G3 The student will locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface. a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, and Australia. b. Locate the major oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian. c. Identify and describe landforms (mountains, deserts, valleys, plains, plateaus, and coasts). SS1CG2 The student will explain the meaning of the patriotic words to America (My Country ‘Tis of Thee) and America the Beautiful. Essential Question/Enduring Understanding: KNOW/UNDERSTAND Language is a tool used to communicate with others. Language has power. Why are rules of conversation important? How can language be used effectively? How do literary and informational pieces differ? How are literary and informational pieces similar or alike? Why is it necessary to recognize the “main idea” in texts? How is research necessary in learning? TAPS 2, 3 KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS (Key Vocabulary) Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Vocabulary- Tier 1 Vocabulary Tier 2 Words using to teach Tiers 2-3 Academic vocabulary across content-areas Vocabulary Tier 3 Organize, instruct, assess, present hat, had, sad, sat, bat, bag, at, can, help, now HFW: in, no, too bothered, distance, form, attention, perform, supportive Bonus word: continent Content-specific, domain-specific North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Antarctica, mountains, plateau, plains, hills, rivers, valleys, oceans, natural resourse, season, patriotic, symbols Robust: escape, fright, nearby, cram, solution, strategy grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, periods, question marks, commas, vocabulary, context clues, word walls nouns, singular nouns/plural nouns, parts of speech, adjectives, personal, pronouns TAPS 2, 3, 5 Pre-assessment to Inform Instruction Sight word check list. Orally assess student knowledge of address, county, country and continent. Collaborative discussion regarding symbols and the president. Assessment for Learning or Assessment of Learning Writing: I am proud to be an American. Identification of symbols (student made notebook of symbols) Where I Live performance task. This includes knowledge of Social Studies content as well asTAPS writing and 2, 3, 4 presentation. Content DO Advanced Ready Can locate where they live, provide address and knows topographical features. Can identify the meaning of patriotic and symbols and provide examples. Can locate where they live on a map or globe and knows part of their address (i.e., city) Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Process Teach process of research. Research what constitutes a symbol and patriotism? Learn continent and oceans song, recite and write address. Can identify Product Where I live performance task and Research project. Water cycle drawing independently. Can independently write or orally express what characteristics of patriotic symbols. Where I Live performance task. Students will be able to articulate and follow the water Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Need Prerequisites Can identify patriotic symbols and provide an example. Is unable to provide address or locate where they live on a map or globe. Is unable to identify patriotic symbols. and explain symbols and patriotic. cycle. Will create a booklet of patriotic symbols. Learn continent and oceans song. Copy and recite address. Review symbols and meaning of a symbol. Where I Live performance task with assistance. Students will draw to represent different types of weather. Write describing words about symbols. TAPS 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 AVID Steps to Deliver the Lesson Using WICOR Engage (Hook, introduction to lesson concepts) ® Short vowel a, www.brainpopjr.com video. Mini-Lesson Understanding character traits Using graphic organizers Daily Oral Language http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plan/sample-mini-lesson-teachingwriting-conventions WICOR: Explore/Explain (teaching content all students need to know, understand and be able to do as determined by unpacked standard) WICOR: Identify meanings and details within a text, ask questions about meanings and details within a text, answer questions about meanings and details in a text. Define character, setting, major events, key details, identify characters, setting, and major events using key details. Describe characters, setting and major events using key details and discern which details are important. Choose an experience about which to write. Identify two or more events of the experience and sequence appropriately. Identify transitional words, details, transitions, closure and final thoughts. Identify key ideas from grade 1 topics and texts. Identify agreed-upon rules for discussion, recognize how others listen, how others ask questions on topic and how others move conversations along. Ask questions about key details from a text read aloud, information presented orally and through other media. Literacy Workstations (centers) • Practice rules and procedures for centers • Word families • Short vowel a cut and sort • Spelling words • Rhyming words-brain pop jr • Continue to test students on sight words CENTERS: Use center cards from text; computer, patriotic symbols book, read it, build it, write it center; leveled readers with teacher. Literature Study-Fiction VS. Non-Fiction-make a T-chart to illustrate Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 characteristics of both Conversations may include: Is this informational or narrative? Is this real or imaginary? Describe something you learned about …… End story early…have students discuss predictions of what may happen. Have students illustrate and discuss probable endings. What details supported that from the story? Does your answer make sense? What did the character do within the text that made you think he/she would do that? ELA Monday-short vowel a, word building by changing first or last letter. Read Sad, Sad, Dan, go over focus wall. Tuesday-Discuss informational writing and present informational texts. (Students will write Mock Writing Informational) Read The Van. Wednesday-Robust Vocabulary meaning. Talk about beginning, middle and end. Read People Movers. Thursday-Reach predictions and word order. Have students correct silly setences. Friday - Test Social Studies Monday-Play America and talk about the meaning of the words. Tuesday-Play America again and have students pick a part that they want to explain by drawing a picture and write the words of that part. (i.e., Amber waves of grain, etc.) Wednesday-Use text to go over symbols of our country pp. 174-179 Thursday-Continue study of symbols using text (Read to students about Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, etc.) Talk about freedom. Friday- Go over character ed words, freedon, symbols, patriotic, etc. Have students respond to the week by writing in journals (either ss journal or reflection journal.) Enrich/Elaborate (differentiation of process ) WICOR: Students will read varying levels of text within guided reading groups in literacy block. These will be based on reading levels pulled from reading running records, STAR reading assessments and teacher observation. Enhancement: Think/Pair/Share-students will complete Venn diagram comparing the text of at least two books we have read this week on Patriotic Symbols. They will share with the class their findings. Students will work from robust vocabulary for spelling test. Graphic organizers of varying difficulty and specificity will be used for different students. Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Expectations will be different for individual students in terms of length of pieces. Some students will be encouraged to focus on completing 1-2 sentences independently with correct capitalization and punctuation. Students will read varying levels of text. Students can respond verbally, within literacy notebook or by illustrating responses. Repeated and choral may be used reading is for emergent readers. Teacher will model the steps of the writing process-one step will be covered each day, with a published piece completed on Friday. • Students will brainstorm ideas based on their writing prompt • Students will put their ideas on paper in picture form - graphic organizer (rough draft) • Students will put their ideas on paper in sentences (rough draft) • Offer students the opportunity to make additions/correct all mistakes. • Students will revise their writing. Students will create their final piece of writing and will share with the class in the author’s chair. Students will create a visual image to accompany their work-an image of them as president. Guided reading with leveled readers in small groups Evaluation (Formative assessment) Students will create a book, “Where I Live,” providing their address, city, state, country and continent as well as a sentence explaining each level. Students will write why, “I am proud to be American.” Students will create a booklet of patriotic symbols with defining words. WICOR: Resources Safari Montage, Tumblebooks, BrainPop, Jr. Classroom texts and leveled readers. Maps and globes, Social Studies readers, Internet and Media Center. Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans LESSON PLANNING GUIDE D. L. Sims Elementary School – 2013-2014 Strategy 1: Create a rigorous system of teaching and learning Specific Results: Institutionalize Cycle for Results Action Steps: 1, 2, 3, 6 Performance Indicator: Teacher lesson plans