1 3rd 6 Weeks Test Review 1. What are strengths and weaknesses

3rd 6 Weeks Test Review
1. What are strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
First plan for the government of the USA
No executive branch to enforce laws
Government can’t levy taxes
All states must agree to changes
2. Compare and contrast the Virginia and New Jersey plans:
New Jersey gave one vote to each state favoring small states
Three Branches of Government
Virginia plan had representation based on population
Virginia plan had 2 house legislature, New Jersey had one
The conflict between these plans was resolved by the Great Compromise.
3. Discuss the 7 principles of the constitution.
Popular Sovereignty – a government in which the people rule
Republicanism – model of government where the people elect representatives to vote for them
Federalism – power is divided between a central government and smaller government units like states
Separation of Powers – the division of basic government roles into branches
Checks and Balances – the branches of government keep an eye on one another; limits the powers of
the branches
Limited Government – everyone must obey the law; the laws apply to all not just some; rule of law
Individual Rights – personal liberties and privileges; liberties and freedoms that cannot be taken away
by government
4. Define:
a. Federalism – see above
b. Republic – country that uses Republicanism
c. Ben Franklin – “official peacemaker” of the Constitutional Convention
d. George Mason – leading Anti-Federalist
e. James Madison – read a lot to prepare for Constitutional Convention; Father of
Constitution; felt states had rights that the federal government could not violate
Separation of Powers – see above
g. Checks and Balances – see above
h. Individual Rights – see above
Limited Government – see above
Popular Sovereignty – see above
k. Political Party - a group of people that try to promote a point of view and influence
Shays’ Rebellion – government had huge debt, farmers were being taxed especially in
Massachusetts, the National Government was too weak to keep the peace
m. Whiskey Rebellion – uprising over taxes
n. Straight democracy – people vote directly on issues, not via a representative but
o. Presidential Cabinet – Close advisors to the President
p. Federal Judiciary Act – It established the Supreme Court
q. Trans-Appalachian West – States of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and
5. What is the purpose for each of the sections of the constitution?
Preamble – Introduce the Constitution
Articles – Contain a detailed discussion of the branches of government
Bill of Rights – First 10 Amendments to the Constitution; provide additional guarantees for individual
Amendments – Changes to the Constitution (includes the Bill of Rights)
6. What are the powers of the various branches of government:
Judicial branch can declare executive acts unconstitutional and interpret the laws
Legislative = House of Representatives and Senate; passes laws that deal with taxation
Executive = can veto a bill, make treaties, nominate Supreme Court Justices, appoint judges and other
officials, and is the Commander in Chief
7. Discuss the process of congress passing a bill, the President vetoing a bill, the congress
overriding the veto.
1. Once either House passes a bill, the other must pass it as well
2. Then it goes to the President who can either sign it into law or veto the bill
3. If the President vetoes the bill, congress can override a veto with 2/3 approval
8. What are the main details for the impeachment process.
The House brings charges against the president. The Senate acts as the jury. The Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court presides over the hearings.
9. What are the requirements for voting in the USA?
You must be an 18 year old citizen
10. What is the purpose of the Bill of Rights?
To insure that individual rights would be protected
11. How does the Electoral College work?
Electoral votes per state = # in the Senate + # in the House
12. What were the results of each of the first 19 amendments?
1st Amendment – Freedom of speech, right to petition, assembly and freedom of the press; “five
2nd Amendment – Right to own and use guns
4th Amendment – the police cannot search your house without having a good reason and a warrant.
5th Amendment – due process of law
6th Amendment – Speedy and public trial
7th Amendment – Trial by jury in civil cases
(5th, 6th, 7th Amendments – rights of citizens in the judicial process)
8th Amendment – Limits of Fines and Punishments
9th Amendment – People retain any rights not states
10th Amendment – Guarantees federalism as the system of government
11th Amendment – Lawsuits against States
12th Amendment – Election of Executive
13th Amendment – Slavery is abolished
14th Amendment – Civil Rights
15th Amendment – Right to Vote
16th Amendment – Income Tax allowed
17th Amendment – Direct Election of Senators
18th Amendment - Prohibition
19th Amendment – Woman gained the right to vote
13. What are some of the key checks and balances on the branches?
Legislative = makes the laws
Executive = implements the laws
Judicial = insures that laws are Constitutional
14. What are the key provisions of the Northwest Ordinance?
Under the Northwest Ordinance, once a territory had a population of 60,000 or more male
landowners they could elect a state legislature.
15. Why were Americans so afraid of a strong national government?
They had just broken free from a tyrant
16. What were the key parts of Hamilton’s financial plan?
Paying off war debt, raising government revenue, and creating a national bank
17. What challenges did Washington face in his presidency?
Economic problems, relationships with Native Americans, and foreign affairs
Felt that the USA should stay out of European problems
George Washington was the President of the Constitutional Convention and is the Commander in
Chief of the military.
The Constitution can be changed by the House and Senate passing an amendment that is then voted
on by each state and approved by ¾ of the States.
Impeachment = President is accused of an official crime
Tariff = Raises money for the government, tax on imported goods, encourages growth of American