Tutorial Measuring at Picometer Accuracy

Measuring at Picometer Accuracy
Dennis Weise
International Conference on Space Optics
6. Oct. 2010
• Introduction
• Interferometry Basics
• Noise Sources in the Measurement Chain
• Specific Challenges for Inter-S/C Metrology
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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• Introduction
• Interferometry Basics
• Noise Sources in the Measurement Chain
• Specific Challenges for Inter-S/C Metrology
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Quantum Metrology in Space
Space-Time Anisotropy
LISA Pathfinder
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
Search for Anomalous
Gravitation using Atomic
Laser Communication
Formation Flying
Terrestrial Planet Finder
Cosmic Vision
SIM PlanetQuest
Matter Wave eXplorer of
Cosmic Vision
Fundamental Physics
Large Structures
International X-Ray
Gravitational Waves
6. Oct. 2010
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
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A “Picometer” is really not very much…
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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What does Picometer “Accuracy” Mean?
• Terminology
 “Accuracy”: deviation of the measured value from the actual value
 “Precision”:
deviation between the results of repeated measurements (“reproducibility”)
 Here, we look at detection of translation at picometer precision!
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Measuring at Picometer Accuracy
Dennis Weise
International Conference on Space Optics
6. Oct. 2010
• The “precision” to report generally depends on the applicable measurement time
 “Measurement Band”: sampling time – vs. – uninterrupted duration of measurement
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Time Domain Analysis
Allan Standard Deviation
• IEEE and NIST recommend to use the Allan Variance for specification of stability in the
time domain
 David W. Allan et al., 1966
 Mostly used in the context of clocks to characterize frequency fluctuations
fractional stability over integration time 
“two-sample variance”
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Frequency Domain Analysis
(Root) Power Spectral Density
• More common in the context of interferometry is an analysis in the frequency domain
 “Root Power Density Spectrum”
 The direct Fourier transform would yield an energy spectrum
(Parseval’s Theorem)
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Fundamental Limits
Translation of Macroscopic Objects
• The lateral extension of the “measurement beam” averages to some extent over microscopic
surface features
• The applicability of the term “translation” for bulk objects is fundamentally limited by the presence
of “thermal noise”
 Conversion of random (Brownian) motion into length fluctuations by mechanical loss
 According to the “fluctuation dissipation theorem” (Callen & Greene, 1952)
(typ. magnitude at room
temperature for Zerodur)
Length of (cylindrical) spacer
Cross Section of (cylindrical) spacer
Mechanical Quality Q
Mechanical Loss  = 1/Q
Young’s Modulus E [GPa]
3.1  103
3.2  10-4
6.1 
1.6 
Fused Silica
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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• Introduction
• Interferometry Basics
• Noise Sources in the Measurement Chain
• Specific Challenges for Inter-S/C Metrology
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Gaussian Beams
• Propagation of laser beams is generally described by decomposition into “HermiteGaussian Modes”. These fit particularly well with actual eigenmodes of
 Laser resonators with spherical mirrors
 Singlemode fibers
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Spatial Power Distribution
Propagation Phase
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
• At the output of an interferometric beam splitter, a photodetector delivers a signal
proportional to the light intensity of the superposed waves
 Finite bandwidth
 Energy conservation
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
• At the output of an interferometric beam splitter, a photodetector delivers a signal
proportional to the light intensity of the superposed waves
 Finite bandwidth
 Energy conservation
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Homodyne Interferometers
• Homodyne interferometers utilize a single (narrow linewidth) laser frequency
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Homodyne Interferometers
• Homodyne interferometers utilize a single (narrow linewidth) laser frequency
 Various beam routing possibilities, depending on the application
Multiple-Beam Interference
Optical Resonator (Cavity)
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Homodyne Interferometers
• Homodyne interferometers detect translation by observing variations in the light
intensity on the photodetector
 “Dark fringe” detection @ DC
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Heterodyne Interferometers
• Detection @ DC suffers from various environmental noise sources
 Typically @ acoustic frequencies: DC – approx. 100 kHz
 Heterodyne detection
of the beat signal
phase above this
frequency band
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Heterodyne Interferometers
• The initial phase of the utilized laser beams – and therefore  – is arbitrary and in
general unstable
 Phase comparison between Measurement Interferometer and Reference Interferometer
A successful comparison relies
on pathlength stability in the
Reference Interferometer!
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Phase Measurement
• The photodetection process converts photon flux into photo current
 Responsivity /Quantum Efficiency of photodiode substrate
 Heterodyne Efficiency / Contrast
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
Phase Measurement
• The detection of the beat signal phase is typically performed by “mixing it down to DC”
 Both analog and digital processing is common
 The “Phasemeter” clock defines the timebase
 “Quadrature” detection removes the amplitude ambiguity
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Optical Metrology – Interferometry
A typical Interferometric System
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• Introduction
• Interferometry Basics
• Noise Sources in the Measurement Chain
• Specific Challenges for Inter-S/C Metrology
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Laser Frequency Noise
• If the individual optical pathlengths are not equal, variations of the laser frequency
cause a variation of the measured phase
 Pathlength “matching”
‒ The laser phase noise of each laser shall reach all fiducial points of the measurement at the same time
‒ Symmetric setups
 Frequency-stable lasers
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Choice of Laser System
• The choice of laser system is driven by requirement for maximum “free-running”
frequency stability
 The choice laser wavelength  is a secondary criterion, and strongly restricted by available
laser sources
e.g. Innolight Mephisto
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Choice of Laser System
FBH/Astrium DBR Diode Laser
Innolight NPRO
Koheras DFB Fiber Laser
 In general it is necessary to improve the stability of the free-running laser by active
frequency stabilization
 In particular for metrology between 2 or more satellites/spacecraft!
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Frequency Stabilization
• Most common for “medium-term” stabilization of the laser frequency is Pound-Drever-Hall
locking to an Optical Resonator (Cavity)
 R. V. Pound (1946)
Best result achieved to date
 R. W. P. Drever, J. L. Hall (1983)
• Alternatives include
 Hänsch-Couillaud stabilization (1980)
‒ Comparatively low complexity
‒ Relies on polarization dispersion in the cavity
 Unequal Armlength Interferometer (!)
6. Oct. 2010
J. Alnis et al., “Subhertz linewidth diode lasers by stabilization to vibrationally and thermally
compensated ultralow-expansion glass Fabry-Pérot cavities”, Physical Review A 77, 2008.
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Frequency Stabilization
• For observation over very long timescales (days, weeks, months), stabilization to an
absolute reference could be more suitable
 Systematic drifts of cavities due to temperature, material relaxation, etc.
 Our future time will be “optical” (I2, Sr, Hg, Al, …)
Astrium GmbH Iodine Clock (2007)
Iodine Standard
ULE Cavity
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Frequency Combs
• The frequency transfer between frequency references and the application wavelength
can be accomplished by optical “Frequency Combs”
 Precise “rulers” at optical frequencies
 Available since  2000 (Hänsch, Hall, et al.)
 Mode-locked lasers with “carrier-envelope phase control” (fs pulse duration)
Frequency Comb at HU Berlin (Prof. A. Peters)
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Noise Sources
Differential Pathlength Noise
• Only non-common-mode pathlength variations result in
measurement noise
 Provide dimensional stability of the Interferometer Core
 Minimize impact of temperature fluctuations
‒ Low CTE spacer material
Structural Material
CTE [10-6/K]
SiC 100
CFRP (isotropic)
Zerodur (Class 0)
‒ Ultrastable optics integration
‒ Exploit symmetry for common-mode suppression
‒ Provide passive thermal shielding of the interferometer core
“Energy Separator Cubes”
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Differential Pathlength Noise
• Astrium is investigating the limits of CTE tuning of CFRP by Laser Dilatometry
 The ability to tune the CTE of CFRP – also to negative values – allows the development of
larger structures with low “System CTE” (e.g. for telescopes)
 Partner: XPerion Friedrichshafen
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Differential Pathlength Noise
• Quasi-static process control with sinusoidal excitation by radiative heat transfer
 Cycle times >> thermalization timescales
 Low pass transfer function for maximum suppression of environmental thermal noise
‒ Minimal conduction & convection
 Laser frequency noise can be monitored by comparison to a cavity-stabilized laser
Sample Length:
 11 cm
Temperature Variation:  1 K
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
 20 nm
 CTE:
1.8 x 10-7/K
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Noise Sources
Integration Technology
• Hydroxide Catalysis Bonding
 Creation of siloxane chains between (polished)
surfaces of materials containing silica
‒ Si, Zerodur, Fused Silica, ULE, granite, SiC, …
‒ Alkaline bonding solution (NaOH, KOH, Na2SiO3)
 Perfected by the University of Glasgow (H. Ward)
‒ Bond thickness approx. 20 – 100 nm
‒ Absolute beam placement accuracy < 10 µm
 Fully qualified for space application
‒ Utilized to integrate the OBI of LISA Pathfinder
‒ Baseline integration technology for LISA Optical Bench
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Integration Technology
S. Ressel et al., Applied Optics 49(22), p. 4296
• Adhesive Bonding
 Developed by Astrium GmbH as alternative
integration technology for Optical Systems
‒ Tunable curing times and less critical process offer
potential simplifications for some applications
‒ Space-qualified epoxy (Hysol)
‒ Bond thickness approx. 1.4 µm
 Qualified with respect to environmental loads and
dimensional stability
‒ Thermal cycling
 8x cycling between -20°C and 50°C @ 2K/min
‒ Shock and vibration testing according to ECSS
 Sine vibration: max. 75g @ 61Hz
 Random vibration: 23.5g rms
‒ Within our measurement accuracy, hydroxide and
adhesive bonded mirrors show identical pathlength
and pointing stability
 10 pm/Hz @ 10 mHz
 10 nrad/Hz @ 10 mHz
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Measurement Chain
• More general, noise in the “Measurement Chain” may be separated into the
following main contributions
 Pathlength Noise:
variations in the optical field “piston” on the detector
 Photodetection Noise:
noise in the “Analog Chain”
 Phase Measurement Noise: noise in the “Phase Measurement”
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Noise Sources
Photodetection Noise
• Ghost Beams/Stray Light
 Causes pathlength measurement noise, if its phase on the detector varies
‒ Ghost beams often are as stable as the reference beams
‒ Stray light is often not mode-matched well (low heterodyne efficiency)
 “Balanced Detection” suppresses “in-phase” noise on a dual-ended receiver
‒ Detect at both output ports of the beam splitter
‒ Determine both amplitude and phase of the beat signals
‒ Normalize the beat vectors to equal length before correction
Individual Phases
6. Oct. 2010
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
Balanced Detection
Normalized Correction
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Noise Sources
Photodetection Noise
• Ghost Beams/Stray Light – Example for normalized stray light correction
“Optical Bench Development for LISA”
ESA Contract No. 22331/09/NL/HB
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Photodetection Noise
• Shot Noise
 The photon flux is subject to Poisson statistics
 “Additive noise” is directly mapped to phase variations
 for synchronous phase detection
 relative to the signal amplitude
5 nW correspond to approx. 1 pm/Hz @ 1064 nm
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Photodetection Noise
• Amplitude Variations
 May also be described by an “additive noise” model
• Best practice: minimize by active stabilization
 Laser Intensity Noise (RIN) 
 Polarization Fluctuations
Power Stabilization
Polarization cleanup before Photodetectors
A RIN of 10-5/Hz corresponds
to approx. 1 pm/Hz
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Noise Sources
Phase Measurement Noise
• The phase measurement of the analog beat signal adds 2 main noise contributions
 A/D Quantization Noise
‒ Discretization by finite bit depth
 A/D Timing Jitter
‒ Non-synchronous sampling of the individual channels
‒ Impact of jitter is relative to sampling frequency!
 Further digital processing is free of uncertainties!
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Astrium Interferometer Performance
Phase Measurement Noise
FPGA Phasemeter
(10 kHz)
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Astrium Interferometer Performance
Photodetection & Phase Measurement Noise
FPGA Phasemeter
(10 kHz)
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Astrium Interferometer Performance
End-to-End Performance – Aluminum Board
FPGA Phasemeter
(10 kHz)
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Astrium Interferometer Performance
End-to-End Performance – First Results of Bonded Setup
FPGA Phasemeter
(10 kHz)
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Astrium Interferometer Performance
End-to-End Performance – First Results of Bonded Setup
FPGA Phasemeter
(10 kHz)
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Astrium Interferometer
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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LISA Optical Bench
Current Design Status
cf. Talk on Friday, 11:20
“Optical Bench Development for LISA”
Zerodur Baseplate
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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• Introduction
• Interferometry Basics
• Noise Sources in the Measurement Chain
• Specific Challenges for Inter-S/C Metrology
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Inter S/C Interferometry
• The physical separation of spacecraft linked by optical metrology over a comparatively
large distance involves specific challenges
 Optical link budget
 S/C pointing and line-of-sight dynamics
 Time keeping over the constellation
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Link Budget
• The receiving aperture is in general much smaller than the far field beam width
 Transmission of a Gaussian Beam  Reception of a “top hat plane wave”
 Dedicated and separated beam conditioning in TX and RX paths
 Shot noise is important!
 TX ghosts/stray light are important in monostatic systems
LISA Off-Axis Telescope
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Pointing Dynamics
• One of the most dominant noise sources on inter-s/c links is coupling of pointing
variations into the longitudinal signal
 Geometrical interpretation: “Phase Center Offset” from the desired fiducial point
 Results from a combination of alignment errors & optical (wavefront) errors
 Appropriate imaging optics in TX as well as RX paths!
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Pointing Dynamics
• “Differential Wavefront Sensing” (DWS)
 Very accurate acquisition of wavefront tilt (i.e. beam pointing) relative to the LO
 Spatially resolved phase measurement by use of Quadrant Photodetectors
 Tilt:
6. Oct. 2010
Quadrant Difference
Quadrant Sum
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Pointing Dynamics
• The “weak link” in the AOCS are thus usually the actuators (i.e. thrusters)
 µN Propulsion
‒ Field Emission Electric Propulsion (FEEP)
‒ RF Ion Thruster (RIT)
‒ High Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster (HEMPT)
 (In-orbit) calibration of the coupling coefficient
 Post-correction of the data on the basis of the
ultra-precise DWS pointing information
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International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Pointing Dynamics
• Example: DWS Correction
 Pointing instabilities occur not only between s/c!
“Optical Bench Development for LISA”
ESA Contract No. 22331/09/NL/HB
6. Oct. 2010
International Conference on Space Optics 2010
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Pointing Dynamics
cf. Talk on Friday, 12:00
“Picometer Stable Scan Mechanism for Gravitational Wave Detection in Space”
• Extreme demands on any beam manipulation mechanisms in the measurement path
 Pathlength stability 
 Pointing stability
 nrad
• Typical solution
 Piezo-based actuation principle
 Monolithic hinges
 Thermally compensated, isostatic support
Point-Ahead Angle Mechanism
6. Oct. 2010
In-Field Pointing Mechanism
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Inter S/C Interferometry
Line-of-Sight Dynamics
• The maximum beat frequency to be accommodated equals (at least) the Doppler shift
 Line-of-Sight motion of the respective s/c
• Constant Doppler shift “just” generates a constant frequency offset
 Varying Doppler shifts require a “tracking” Phasemeter
 Optical frequency plan to avoid zero-crossings
Astrium 8 Channel, RF DPLL Phasemeter
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• In order to achieve Picometer measurement precision, each individual noise contribution in your
Measurement Chain must be below a millionth of a cycle
 Employ heterodyne interferometry
‒ 1 – 10 MHz beat frequencies
 Ensure dimensional stability
Low CTE baseplate
Ultrastable, quasi-monolithic optics integration
Athermal, isostatic mounting of mechanisms
Passive & massive thermal shielding
 Active stabilization is better than post-correction
‒ Laser frequency stabilization
‒ Power stabilization
‒ Polarization cleanup
 Apply post-correction where stabilization reaches its limits
‒ Balanced Detection
‒ DWS detection of beam pointing fluctuations
 Optimize your Phase Measurement Chain
‒ Carefully select the laser powers on the detectors
‒ Care about the modematching of your beams
‒ Use the best ADCs with low timing jitter and high bit resolution
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Joep Pijnenburg, Harm Hogenhuis, Ben Braam, …
6. Oct. 2010
Karsten Danzmann, Gerhard Heinzel, Michael Tröbs, …
TNO Science & Industry
Harry Ward, David Robertson, Ewan Fitzsimons, Christian Killow,
Alasdair Taylor, Michael Perreur-Lloyd
Albert-Einstein Institute
Achim Peters
University of Glasgow
Claus Braxmaier
HU Berlin
“Untersuchungen zur Systemleistung alternativer Nutzlastkonzepte für LISA”
(DLR Contract No. 50OQ0701)
HTWG Konstanz
Hans Reiner Schulte, Martin Gohlke, Ulrich Johann, …
Luigi D’Arcio
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