Piedmont Unified School District Model School Library Standards Self-Assessment Standard 1: Collaborative Program Planning and Teaching Element a. Promotion of collaborative program planning and teaching Not Meeting Standard Developing No consultation occurs The teacher librarian and between classroom teacher the classroom teacher and teacher librarian. discuss unit planning. General research projects are conceptualized. Effective Innovating The teacher librarian and The teacher librarian and the classroom teacher the classroom teacher collaboratively plan and collaboratively plan, teach units. Students teach, and evaluate units. are encouraged to use a Research projects are variety of information inquiry or problemsources. Research projects based. Students present are individualized. their findings using a variety of formats, such as multimedia or oral presentation. b. Integration of Classroom projects do not Library materials The library is an extension Through collaborative information literacy with reflect the use of research supplement classroom of classroom activity. The planning and team classroom program skills. content. The teacher teacher librarian teaches teaching, information librarian teaches students information literacy skills, literacy skills are locating skills. extending beyond location integrated into students’ skills toward critical daily work, especially in thinking and evaluation. the areas of inquiry and problem-based learning. Element Not Meeting Standard Developing Effective Innovating c. Expertise in multiple Strategies are not varied in Teacher librarian has learning strategies to the delivery of curricula. a basic understanding effectively support of learning styles and implementation of considers different curricula strategies in unit planning. Teacher librarian is knowledgeable about multiple learning strategies. Lessons contain two or more strategies to address varying needs. Teacher librarian is well versed in learning strategies, such as differentiation, multiple intelligences, and other brain-based theories. Individualized strategies are inherent in all facets of teaching and learning. d. Designing inquiry and Inquiry and problem-based Open-ended questions are With classroom teacher Students independently problem-based learning learning opportunities are presented for students to and teacher librarian develop their own opportunities not discussed or planned. research. The classroom guidance, students develop questions to research. teacher, with assistance their own questions Research extends from the teacher librarian, to research. Graphic beyond the school to chooses student resources organizers are used to access primary source for the study. classify and organize information, such as information. Students interviewing experts. choose materials and Reflection and authentic Internet resources for their assessment are built into unique project needs. the project. e. Adapting the Curriculum is delivered Some instruction is The teacher librarian Students follow curriculum and without consideration for adapted for individual assists teachers and individualized approaches programs for students individual needs. students. students to recognize their to projects, so as to with special needs strengths and uses varied maximize success in strategies and resources learning/ teaching. Varied to meet their needs. Units teaching approaches are are designed with the present in every lesson. needs of individuals in mind. Standard 2: Educational Leadership Element a. Establishing rapport with students, staff and community. Not Meeting Standard Teacher librarian is aloof and reserved with staff, students and community. Developing Teacher librarian is enthusiastic; s/he encourages student use of the school library and its resources. Reports on the program are given to the principal. Some collaborative/ cooperative activities take place with teachers and classrooms. Effective Teacher librarian provides a warm, inviting atmosphere. School staff is informed of school library news at staff meetings and through newsletters. Teachers collaborate regularly with the teacher librarian. Innovating Teacher librarian communicates regularly with the community through newsletters, web pages, and at parents’ club meetings. Promotional activities encourage students, staff and parent community to use the school library. Teachers collaborate regularly with the teacher librarian. b. Keeping current with Teacher librarian does not Teacher librarian attends Teacher librarian applies Teacher librarian conducts recent developments in participate in professional professional development knowledge acquired at action research to set curriculum, instructional development sessions. sessions to obtain updated staff development sessions goals, attends specific strategies, and knowledge, and then to improve school and workshops to acquire information technologies reports findings to library practices. specialized knowledge, colleagues. and assists others in implementing new initiatives in curriculum, instructional strategies, and information technologies. Element Not Meeting Standard Developing Effective Innovating c. Integration Does not integrate of resources and multiple resources to technologies with specific deliver the curriculum. curricular areas. Classroom teacher consults with teacher librarian on the choice and use of resources in unit planning Teacher librarian and classroom teacher collaboratively select resources and technology to enhance the delivery of curriculum objectives. Teacher librarian and classroom teacher design authentic learning opportunities. Students use resources and technologies to acquire information, analyze knowledge, and present findings. d. Leadership Teacher librarian does Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian is on opportunities within the not seek leadership involved in committees at involved in committees at policy committees at the school and district opportunities. the school and community the district level. district level. levels. e. Professional/ personal Teacher librarian does Teacher librarian attends Teacher librarian attends Teacher librarian is growth opportunities not engage in growth training on resources and local, state, or national involved in publishing (lifelong learning) opportunities. materials purchased for the conferences, and keeps or is a presenter at library program. abreast of the latest local, state, or national information literacy and conferences and collection information workshops. by reading professional journals. f. Development, Teacher librarian Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian is part Teacher librarian is implementation, and is not involved in aware of school-wide of the planning process an integral member of evaluation of school-wide the development, initiatives and contributes of school initiatives. the school professional curricula implementation, or to implementation. Acquires materials to development team, evaluation of school-wide promote and support contributing to the curricula. school-wide needs. development of schoolbased initiatives. Element Not Meeting Standard g. Expertise in the Teacher librarian is effective use of resources unaware of the potential use of print or electronic resources. Developing Teacher librarian and classroom teacher develop units around particular resources. Effective Teacher librarian and classroom teacher collaboratively design activities that incorporate differentiated resources. Innovating Teacher librarian is versed in the principles of differentiation, collaborating with the classroom teacher to design units incorporating all appropriate resources in order to maximize learning for all students. Standard 3: Library Management Element a. Personnel management b. Organizes physical space Element Not Meeting Standard Clerical duties; such as shelving, repairs and processing, are completed exclusively by the teacher librarian. Developing Teacher librarian works with assistant and volunteers to complete clerical library duties. Effective Innovating Teacher librarian Teacher librarian draws collaborates with assistant, upon the unique talents of volunteers and student the assistant, volunteers helpers to support and student helpers to the learning/teaching enhance the learning/ functions of the school teaching function of the library. school library. Teacher librarian Teacher librarian Teacher librarian Teacher librarian creates demonstrates poor use of organizes physical library organizes the physical a student-centered space the physical space. into logical spaces; such as space to provide for that enhances interest in study tables, non-fiction, optimal flow. Displays reading and encourages reference, etc. Library encourage reading. teaching/ learning. collection is clearly labeled. Not Meeting Standard Developing Effective Innovating c. Provides intellectual access to information No assistance is provided Teacher librarian assists to locate relevant and students and staff with current material. basic reference questions and location of materials. d. Selection procedures Teacher librarian is and policies unaware of professional selection procedures. e. Collection development Collection is dated, disorganized, or in dissaray. Element Not Meeting Standard Teacher librarian integrates information literacy curriculum into the learning process. Subject bibliographies and lists of Web resources are created for staff and students. Teacher librarian regularly provides readers’ advisory to students, teachers, and families. Teacher librarian is Resources are chosen Teacher librarian aware of district selection to meet curricular and collaborates to revise policies, and applies the recreational needs. district development criteria when selecting Specialized aids, such as policy that clearly outlines resources. journals or online reviews goals for collection are integral in the selection development, based on process. the school’s educational needs. Collection is up-to-date Collection is balanced Selection is based on and weeded. and meets curricular and the best format and best recreational needs. materials available to develop the collection to meet the needs of all students. Developing Teacher librarian helps students and staff with research questions using specialized tools such as databases and Internet search engines. Reference interviews are conducted to assist patrons’ searches, or for readers’ advisory. Effective Innovating f. Budgeting considerations School library budget is School library budgets Teacher librarian keeps not established. Teacher are established and accurate and timely librarian’s records are very managed by the Teacher records of all budget simple or non-existent. librarian. Teacher librarian expenditures. Teacher keeps simple records librarian responds of expenditures. All to teacher requests. purchases do not correlate Purchases are based on to assessed-need. assessed-need. Teacher librarian anticipated collection needs based on curriculum. Teacher librarian is actively involved in grant writing to enhance library resources. Standard 4: Technology Integration Element a. Evaluation of digital resources. b. Ethical use of the Internet and databases Element Not Meeting Standard No selection aides are employed for acquisition of electronic resources Developing Teacher librarian consults limited sources for information regarding acquisition of electronic resources. Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian unaware of the ethical communicates relevant implications surrounding policy regarding the Internet. acceptable Internet usage to students and staff. Effective Teacher librarian consults a variety of online and print review journals and tools. Innovating Teacher librarian contributes to reviews of digital resources. Teacher librarian teaches students about ethical issues such as plagiarism and copyright. Teacher librarian assists teachers in designing activities that generate original student outcomes. Teacher librarian discusses strategies to combat plagiarism and other ethical issues, and promotes access to information sources, while providing students, teachers and parents with skills to critically evaluate information. Not Meeting Standard Effective Innovating Developing c. Authoring tools, such as word processing, presentation and multimedia applications. d. Effective use of information and communication technologies e. Use of the online catalog (OPAC) Element Teacher librarian is unaware of the use of computer-based authoring tools. Teacher librarian is unaware of the potential uses of information and communication technologies. Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian is versed Teacher librarian is versed versed in the use of word in the use of presentation in various multimedia and processing tools. tools. web 2.0 tools. Teacher librarian and classroom teacher develop units integrating web content. Teacher librarian and classroom teacher collaboratively design activities leading to multimedia presentations of student findings. Not Meeting Standard Developing Effective Teacher librarian is a leader in educational technology applications. Teacher librarian and classroom teacher design authentic learning opportunities. Students present findings in varied multimedia and web 2.0 formats. Teacher librarian does Teacher librarian is Teacher librarian is well Teacher librarian not instruct the use of the familiar with the basics of versed in the functions of augments OPAC content school’s OPAC. the OPAC, and can assist the OPAC, and instructs and design to deliver students and staff in basic students and staff with better access to students, searches. advanced features such as or communicates Boolean searches. improved OPAC design to the school’s Tech Coordinator. Innovating f. Participating in the planning of future information networks Teacher librarian is not Teacher librarian submits Teacher librarian is a involved in the process of input for the school’s member of the school’s acquiring technology. technology plans. technology committee and contributes to the school’s technology plan. Teacher librarian conducts research on future student, staff, and community technological needs. These findings are presented to the administration and community to gain support.