PDF slides - Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church

Marriage & Sexuality
Session 10
Eternal Shepherd Lutheran Church
Pastor Chris Gibson
Sexual Identity Matters
What is sexual identity?
It is how a person labels
themselves by their sexual
Sexual Identity Matters
Here is where scientific research can be
Scientific research on sexual identity helps us to
deepen our understanding of the homosexual
experience, which can then help us in knowing
how best to help the one who struggles.
Sexual Identity Matters
A Three-Tier Distinction:
1. Same-sex attraction
2. Homosexual orientation
3. Gay identity
Sexual Identity Matters
Back to the Questions:
1. What role does emotion, cognition, and
2. Where does Christian sexual ethics come into
the picture?
3. How can we best minister to those who are
experiencing these?
Sexual Identity Matters
Let’s look at Scripture:
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried
away and enticed by his own lust.15 Then when
lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and
when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
~ James 1:14-15
Sexual Identity Matters
Let’s look at Scripture:
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried
away and enticed by his own lust (sinful desire,
sinful passion).15 Then when lust has conceived
(thoughts, will), it gives birth to sin (action,
behavior); and when sin is accomplished, it
brings forth death. ~ James 1:14-15
Sexual Identity Matters
Let’s look at Scripture:
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried
away and enticed by his own lust
(emotion).15 Then when lust has conceived
(cognition), it gives birth to sin (action); and
when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
~ James 1:14-15
Sexual Identity Matters
Let’s look at Scripture:
14 But each one is tempted when he is carried
away and enticed by his own lust (same-sex
attraction).15 Then when lust has conceived
(homosexual orientation), it gives birth to sin
(gay identity); and when sin is accomplished, it
brings forth death. ~ James 1:14-15
Sexual Identity Matters
A Progression:
1. Temptation based on emotion
2. Emotion becomes cognition
3. Cognition becomes action
4. Sin
5. Death
Sexual Identity Matters
Where does Christian
sexual ethics come
into the picture?
Sexual Identity Matters
Is it a sin to feel
attracted to the
same sex?
Sexual Identity Matters
When does it
become sin in the
Sexual Identity Matters
A Three-Tier Distinction:
1. Same-sex attraction (emotion)
2. Homosexual orientation
3. Gay identity (behavior)
Sexual Identity Matters
Moving on…
How does sexual
identity develop?
Sexual Identity Matters
Homosexual identity development
follows a similar path:
1. Identity dilemma (emotion)
2. Identity development (cognition)
3. Identity synthesis (action)
Sexual Identity Matters
Some things we know about
homosexual identity development:
1. Females & males develop differently
2. Christian development differs
3. It is fluid, even @ the synthesis
Sexual Identity Matters
Scripts Play an Important Role:
1. Scripts reflect the expectations of
our culture
2. There are sexual identity scripts
3. People look for scripts to make sense
of who they are
Sexual Identity Matters
The Gay Script Says…
• Same-sex attractions signal a naturally
occurring or “intended by God” distinction
between homosexuality, heterosexuality, and
• Same-sex attractions are the way you know who
you “really are” as a person (emphasis on
Sexual Identity Matters
The Gay Script Says… (continuing)
• Same-sex attractions are at the core of who you
are as a person
• Same-sex behavior is an extension of that core
• Self-actualization (behavior that matches who
you “really are”) of your sexual identity is
crucial for your personal fulfillment
Sexual Identity Matters
Two Major Problems with the Gay Script
• Discovery: “I discovered my same-sex
attraction, and that discovery defines me”
• Self-actualization: “I can make myself into
whatever I want to be”
Sexual Identity Matters
The “In-Christ” Script Says…
• Same-sex attraction does not signal a
categorical distinction among types of persons,
but is one of many human experiences that are
“not the way it’s supposed to be.”
• Same-sex attractions may be part of your
experience, but they are not the defining
element of your identity
Sexual Identity Matters
The “In-Christ” Script Says…
• You can choose to integrate your experiences of
attraction to the same sex into a gay identity
• On the other hand, you can choose to center
your identity around other aspects of your
experience, including your biological sex,
gender identity, and so on.
Sexual Identity Matters
The “In-Christ” Script Says…
• The most compelling aspect of personhood
for the Christian is one’s identity in Christ,
a central and defining aspect of what it
means to be a follower of Jesus
Sexual Identity Matters
Two Major Emphasis with the In-Christ Script
• Integration: rather than discovery; “My samesex attraction does not define my identity”
• Dependence on God: rather than selfactualization; “My identity is dependent on
God, not determined by me”