Course Package
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Prefix & Number PHY 112
Purpose of this submission:
Course Title: General Physics II
New Change/Updated Retire
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Title Course Number
Format Change Credits
Prerequisite Competencies
Does this course require additional fees? No Yes If so, please explain. Lab Fee
Is there a similar course in the course bank? No Yes (Please identify)
Articulation: Is this course or an equivalent offered at other two and four-year universities in Arizona?
No Yes (Identify the college, subject, prefix, number and title:
PHY 112 (3) & PHY 114 (1) (ASU), PHY 112 (NAU), PHYS 182 and PHYS 103 (UA)
Is this course identified as a Writing Across the Curriculum course? No Yes
Description of Possible Course Assessments (Essays, multiple choice, etc.)
Exams standardized for this course? N/A
Other (Please specify):
Where can faculty members locate or access the required standardized exams for this course
1. Homework problems
2. Quizzes and/or exams, including a final exam
3. Lab reports/quizzes/presentations
4. Demonstration of skills in the laboratory
5. Application of the scientific method in the laboratory
Are exams required by the department?
No Yes
If Yes, please specify:
Student Outcomes: Identify the general education goals for student learning that is a component of this course.
Check all that apply:
Communicate effectively. a.
Read and comprehend at a college level. b.
Write effectively in a college setting.
Demonstrate effective quantitative reasoning and problem solving skills.
Demonstrate effective qualitative reasoning skills.
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Method of Assessment a. Homework, quizzes, midterm exams, and final exam b. Lab reports, scientific reports/presentations
Lab experiments, homework, class exercises, quizzes, midterm exams, and final exam
Homework, class exercises, quizzes, midterm
Course Package exams, and final exam
Apply effective methods of inquiry. a.
Generate research paper by gathering information from varied sources, analyzing data and organizing information into a coherent structure. b.
Employ the scientific method.
Demonstrate sensitivity to diversity a.
Experience the creative products of humanity. b.
Describe alternate historical, cultural, global a. Lab reports, scientific reports/presentations b. Lab experiments demonstrating the proper use and handling of lab equipment and a clear understanding of laboratory procedures and safety principles
Laboratory projects, individual or group scientific reports/presentations perspectives.
Office of Instruction Use only:
CIP Code:
ONET Code:
Minimum Qualifications:
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Initiator: Russell Cox; Farah Farah, Marko Rucnov
Date of proposal to Curriculum Sub-Committee: 12/07/2012
Effective Semester/Year Fall 2012 Spring Summer
Prefix & Number: PHY 112 Full Title: (100 character limit)
General Physics II
Short Title: (30 character limit)
Gen. Phys. II
Catalog Course Description: General Physics II is a continuation of PHY 111 with an emphasis on electricity, magnetism and light.
SUN Course Number: PHY 1112
Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisite(s) PHY 111
Co-requisite(s) PHY 112L
Lecture Hours: 3 Lab Hours: 3
1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of fundamental principles of electricity, magnetism and light.
2. Develop and use models that closely represent actual physical situations.
3. Apply problem-solving techniques in terms of logic, efficiency, and effectiveness.
4. Solve problems beyond the level of plug-in type problems (practical engineering and science problems.)
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Competency 1: Solve problems involving electric charges and electric fields.
Objective 1.1: State the magnitude and sign of the charge on an electron and proton and also state the mass of
each particle.
Objective 1.2: Apply Coulomb's law to determine the magnitude of the electrical force between point charges
separated by a distance r and state whether the force will be one of attraction or repulsion.
Objective 1.3: State the law of conservation of charge.
Objective 1.4: Distinguish between an insulator, a conductor and a semi-conductor and give examples of each.
Objective 1.5: Explain the concept of electric field and determine the resultant electric field at a point some distance
from two or more point charges.
Objective 1.6: Determine the magnitude and direction of the electric force on a charged particle placed in an electric
Objective 1.7: Sketch the electric field pattern in the region between charged objects.
Objective 1.8: Explain electric flux.
Objective 1.9: Define Gauss’s law.
Objective 1.10: Solve problems by applying Gauss’s law.
Objective 1.11: Explain what is meant by an electric dipole and determine the magnitude of the electric dipole moment
between two point charges.
Objective 1.11: State the operational definitions of coulomb.
Competency 2: Solve problems involving electric potential and electric energy.
Objective 2.1: Write the definitions of electric potential and electric potential difference.
Objective 2.2: Distinguish between electric potential, electric potential energy and electric potential difference.
Objective 2.3: Draw the electric field pattern and equipotential line pattern that exist between charged objects.
Objective 2.4: Determine the magnitude of the potential at a point a known distance from a point chargeor an
arrangement of point charges.
Objective 2.5: State the relationship between electric potential and electric field and determine the potential difference
between two points a fixed distance apart in a region where the electric field is uniform.
Objective 2.6: Determine the kinetic energy in both joules and electric volts of a charged particle that is accelerated
through a given potential difference.
Objective 2.7: Determine the magnitude of the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor.
Objective 2.8: Determine the energy and the energy density stored in a capacitor.
Competency 3: Understand capacitance, dielectrics, and electric energy storage.
Objective 3.1: Explain the term capacitor.
Objective 3.2: Determine capacitance.
Objective 3.3: Determine capacitance in series and in parallel.
Objective 3.4: Calculate electric energy storage.
Objective 3.5: Discuss dielectrics.
Objective 3.6: Explain the molecular description of dielectrics.
Objective 3.7: Determine the equivalent capacitance of capacitors arranged in series or in parallel or the equivalent
capacitance of a series-parallel combination.
Objective 3.8: State the operational definitions of the ampere
Objective 3.9: Determine the charge on each capacitor and the voltage drop across each capacitor in a circuit where
capacitors are arranged in series, parallel or a series-parallel combination.
Competency 4: Distinguish between different types of electrical currents.
Objective 4.1: Explain how a simple battery can produce an electrical current.
Objective 4.2: Define current, ampere, emf, voltage, resistance, resistivity, and temperature coefficient of resistance.
Objective 4.3: Write the symbols used for electromotive force, electric current, resistance, resistivity, temperature
coefficient of resistance and power, and state unit associated with each quantity.
Objective 4.4: Distinguish between conventional current and electron current
Objective 4.5: Determine a wire's resistance at room temperature and some higher or lower temperature.
Objective 4.6: Solve simple dc circuit problems using Ohm's law.
Objective 4.7: Use the equations for electric power to determine the power and energy dissipated in a resistor and
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
calculate the cost of this energy to the consumer.
Objective 4.8: Distinguish between the emf and the terminal voltage of a battery and calculate the terminal voltage.
Competency 5: Describe DC circuits.
Objective 5.1: Know the symbols used to represent a source of emf, resistor, voltmeter and ammeter and how to
interpret a simple circuit diagram.
Objective 5.2: Determine the equivalent resistance of resistors arranged in series or in parallel or the equivalent
resistance of a series-parallel combination.
Objective 5.3: Use Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's rules to determine the current through each resistor and the voltage drop
across each resistor in a single loop or multi-loop dc circuit.
Objective 5.4: Calculate the time constant of a RC circuit. Determine the charge on the capacitor and the potential
difference across the capacitor at a particular moment of time and the current through the resistor at a particular
moment in time.
Objective 5.5: Describe the basic operation of a galvanometer and calculate the resistance that must be added to
convert a galvanometer into an ammeter or a voltmeter.
Objective 5.6: Describe how a slide wire potentiometer can be used to determine the emf of a source of emf.
Competency 6: Define magnetism.
Objective 6.1: Draw the magnetic field pattern produced by iron filings sprinkled on paper placed over different
arrangements of bar magnets.
Objective 6.2: Determine the magnitude of the magnetic field produced by both an ion, straight current carrying wire
and a current loop. Use the right hand rule to determine the direction of the magnetic field produced by the current.
Objective 6.3: Explain what is meant by ferromagnetism.
Objective 6.4: State the conventions adopted to represent the direction of a magnetic field, the current in a current
carrying wire and the direction of motion of a charged particle moving through a magnetic field.
Objective 6.5: Apply the right hand rule to determine the direction of the force on either a charged particle traveling
through a magnetic field or a current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field.
Objective 6.6: Determine the magnitude and direction of the force on a current carrying wire placed in a magnetic field
and a charged particle traveling through a magnetic field.
Objective 6.7: Determine the torque on a current loop arranged in a magnetic field and explain galvanometer
Objective 6.8: Explain how a mass spectrograph can be used to determine the mass of an ion and how it can be used to
separate isotopes of the same current.
Objective 6.9: Describe the magnetic field due to a straight wire.
Objective 6.10: Calculate the force between two parallel wires.
Objective 6.11: Calculate the magnetic field of a solenoid and a toroid.
Objective 6.12: Discuss magnetic materials—ferromagnetism.
Objective 6.13: Discuss electromagnets and solenoids.
Competency 7: Use Faraday's Law to solve problems of electromagnetic induction and waves.
Objective 7.1: Write the equation for the voltage across the inductor.
Objective 7.2: Distinguish between resistance, capacitive reactance, inductive reactance and impedance in a LR or LRC
circuit. Calculate the reactance of a capacitor and/or inductor.
Objective 7.3: Use a phasor diagram to determine the phase angle and total impedance for a LR, LC or LRC circuit.
Objective 7.4: Determine the rms current and power dissipated in an LRC circuit. Determine the voltage drop across
each circuit element and the resonant frequency of the circuit.
Objective 7.4: Give a non-mathematical summary of Maxwell's equations.
Objective 7.5: Describe how electromagnetic waves are produced.
Objective 7.6: Draw a diagram representing the field strengths of an electromagnetic wave produced by a sinusoidally-
varying source of emf.
Objective 7.7: State the names given to the different segments of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Objective 7.8: State the approximate range of wavelengths associated with each segment of the electromagnetic
Objective 7.9: State the equation that relates the speed of an electromagnetic to the frequency and wavelength and
use this equation in problem solving.
Competency 8: Solve problems involving AC circuits, inductance; and electromagnetic oscillations.
Objective 8.1: Understand AC circuits.
Objective 8.2: Explain AC circuits containing only resistance R, inductance L, or capacitance C.
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Objective 8.3: Explain LCR series AC circuits.
Objective 8.4: Write the equation for the voltage across the inductor.
Objective 8.5: Distinguish between resistance, capacitive reactance, inductive reactance and impedance in a LR or
LRC circuit. Calculate the reactance of a capacitor and/or inductor.
Objective 8.6: Use a phasor diagram to determine the phase angle and total impedance for a LR, LC or LRC circuit.
Objective 8.7: Determine the rms current and power dissipated in an LRC circuit. Determine the voltage drop across
each circuit element and the resonant frequency of the circuit.
Objective 8.8: Calculate resonance in AC circuits
Objective 8.9: Perform impedance matching.
Competency 9: Solve problems involving reflection and refraction.
Objective 9.1: Distinguish between mirror reflection and diffuse reflection.
Objective 9.2: Draw a ray diagram and state the characteristics of the image.
Objective 9.3: State Snell's law and use it to predict the path of a light ray as it travels from one medium into another
Objective 9.4: Explain total internal reflection. Use Snell's law to determine the critical angle as light travels from a
medium of higher index of refraction into a medium of lower index of refraction.
Objective 9.5: Draw ray diagrams to locate focal points and positions of images produced by mirror.
Objective 9.6: Explain dispersion
Competency 10: Solve problems involving lens and mirrors,
Objective 10.1: Distinguish between a convex and a concave mirror. Determine the principal focal point of each type of
spherical mirror
Objective 10.2: Draw rays diagrams and locate the position of the image produced by an object placed a specified
distance from a concave or convex mirror
Objective 10.3: Use the mirror equations and the sign conventions to determine the position, magnification and size of
the image produced from a spherical mirror.
Objective 10.4: Distinguish between a convex and a concave lens.
Objective 10.5: Use the thin lens equations and the sign conventions to determine the position, magnification and size
of the image produced by an object.
Objective 10.6: Distinguish between spherical aberration and chromatic aberration and explain how each type of
aberration can be corrected.
Competency 11: Discuss the wave nature of light; interference.
Objective 11.1: Discuss Huygens' principle of diffraction
Objective 11.2: Discuss Huygens' principle and the law of refraction
Objective 11.3: Use the conditions for constructive and destructive interference of waves to explain the interference
patterns observed in the Young's double slit experiment, single slit diffraction, diffraction grating, and thin film
Objective 11.4: Use the wave model to explain reflection of light from mirrors and refraction of light as it passes from
one medium into another.
Objective 11.5: Solve problems involving a single slit, a double slit and a diffraction grating and angular separation
when the other quantities are given
Objective 11.6: Solve problems involving thin film interference.
Objective 11.7: Use the wave model to explain plane polarization of light, polarization by reflection and polarization by
double refraction.
Objective 11.8: Calculate the angle of maximum polarization for reflected light.
Objective 11.9: Explain how the phenomena of x-ray diffraction can be used with either to determine the distance
between the atoms of a crystal or the wavelength of the incident x-rays. Use the Bragg equation to solve word problems
involving x-ray diffraction.
Competency 12: Solve optical instrument related problems.
Objective 12.1: Identify the major components of the human eye and explain how an image is formed on the retina of
the eye.
Objective 12.2: Explain how a magnifying glass can be used to produce an enlarged image and solve related problems
Objective 12.3: Explain how two convex lenses can be arranged in order to form a telescope or a compound telescope
and solve related problems.
Objective 12.4: Describe the factors that affect resolution of an image and limit the effective magnification of a
telescope or microscope.
Objective 12.5: Discuss diffraction by a single slit.
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Objective 12.6: Calculate the intensity in single-slit diffraction patterns.
Objective 12.7: Find the resolution for telescopes, microscopes and the human eye
Objective 12.8: Explain how the Michelson interferometer can be used to determine the wavelength of a
monochromatic light source and solve problems to determine the wavelength of the light from the source
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)
Course Package
Current edition
College Physics, latest edition
(text or eBook)
Wilson, Buffa, Lou
Addison Wesley
Title Lab handouts at instructor’s discretion
Access to Mastering Physics online courseware is required for this class with or without eBook.
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 10/07/11)