ANNUAL REPORT - Home of Guiding Hands

I think we would all agree that we are living in times that are so different than they
were only a couple of years ago. What we used to know as usual and customary is
a thing of the past. It is imperative that HGH, like all businesses, looks at how we
provide services and supports to individuals with disabilities. We must look to see
what we can do more effectively and efficiently to better meet the needs of those we
One of my favorite quotes is from W. Edwards Deming, an American statistician, who said,
“It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” The HGH Board of Directors,
Management Team members and stakeholders spent over six months this year developing
a Strategic Plan so that HGH could continue to meet the needs of our community and the
people who count on us every day. The plan was formally adopted by the HGH Board in
September and will provide the roadmap for us as we continue the vision our founders had
in 1967 when HGH began providing services! Out of our Strategic Plan came a new Mission
and a new Vision Statement for HGH…
Mission Statement
“…To improve the lives of those we serve…”
Vision Statement
“…To be recognized as the premier provider of a dynamic spectrum
of individualized services supporting persons with special needs…”
HGH is committed to breaking down barriers and to encouraging people with developmental
disabilities to fully integrate into our community and to enjoy all that San Diego has to
offer – it is America’s Finest City! We have our work cut out for us, but I know that our
dedicated staff, Board of Directors, Board of Governors, Volunteers, Supporters and You
will be there to support HGH as we navigate the numerous challenges in front of us!
We continue to be proud of our long history of accomplishments and are equally as proud
of the accomplishments achieved this past year. A few of the highlights include:
• Awarded East County Chamber of Commerce Nonprofit of the Year
• Assuming ownership of three community based homes for children and youth ages 8 –
22 with significant behavioral challenges
• Expanding services for children (from birth to three years old—Early
Childhood Development Services) supporting 100 – 120 families a
• Added services to an additional 80 families in need in our Respite
• Successful fundraising events that have allowed us to bridge the gap
between what we are paid for services and what it costs to provide
quality supports
In closing, I want to again assure you that I am dedicated to
accountability and efficiency. Every donor dollar and every
penny that comes into HGH is spent wisely, helping to
create the quality of life that we all strive for.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more
about HGH, my door is always open.
With warmest regards,
Mark R. Klaus
Executive Director
HGH Corporation
2012-13 Board of
President: Susan Havens
Vice President: Joan Stein
Secretary/Second VP: Mary Miller
Treasurer: Michael Harris
Immediate Past President:
James O’Grady
Maya and Dexter
hen you first meet three-and-a-half year old twins Maya and Dexter,
you would never know their pediatrician suspected developmental
delays at one year of age. Fortunately, new parents Charles and Carrie were referred to the California Early Start Program through the San Diego
Regional Center to receive early childhood intervention services.
Thanks to a multidisciplinary team of speech therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and an HGH Early Childhood Educator, the twins are
When Moji Afcari, one of Home of Guiding Hands’ Early Childhood Educators,
started working with Maya and Dexter, they were a few months shy of their second birthday. Maya needed help with her gross motor skills and both she and
Dexter had speech delays.
Moji used a combination of evidence-based curriculum, combined with playbased techniques and strategies, in order to provide early intervention services
tailored specifically for each twins’ development. The twins enjoyed playing
with chunky puzzles, crawling through mesh tunnels, jumping on a small trampoline, doing crafts with objects found on their nature walks, and reading from
picture books. Unknown to the twins, all of this fun was designed to help them
achieve age level development skills, so that they were on equal footing with
their like-age peers.
Today Maya loves puzzles, swings and books; Dexter is enamored with his monster trucks, helicopters and motorcycles. Their favorite outdoor activities are
going to the beach and playing at the local playground. This summer they started taking swimming lessons. Maya was a bit hesitant at first, but Carrie says
now she loves swimming and it’s hard to get her out of the pool! Most of all,
the twins are verbally communicating their needs, wants and desires clearly
and without hesitation. Language and communication delays are no longer a
“It’s so comforting to have these resources available. Carrie and I are so grateful
we learned about the Regional Center, and so glad we were able to work with
Moji and Home of Guiding Hands,” remarked Charles.
Home of Guiding Hands is fortunate to have expanded its scope of services to
the community since assuming operations of Supporting Alternative Solutions
in 2011. SAS brought progressive expertise in Early Childhood Development.
HGH now provides a continuum of services for all ages.
To learn more about the Early Childhood Development program at Home of
Guiding Hands, please contact Mary Moser-Cooper, Director of HGH Early
Childhood Development Services at (619) 938-3058 or email L
Nora Cole
Marcie Hanna
David Keltner
Debby McNeil
Linda Shipman
Ben Trovaten
John Vorhies
Executive Director: Mark Klaus
HGH Housing Corporation
anja & aquilla
2012-13 Board of
President: Dave Walker
Vice President: Stuart Scott
Secretary/ Treasurer: Susan K. Fike
Mike Fausett
Debby McNeil
Judith Shaplin
Executive Director: Mark Klaus
HGH Corporation
2012-13 Board of
Jim Allison
Michelle Beisner
Robert Carne
David Catalino
Carole Jean Close
Bob Daily
Cliff Diamond
Rick Doremus
Joe Drew
Mike Fausett
Susan Fike
Gary Fong
Gail Glutting
Chuck Hansen
Steven L. Hoefer
Roger Hueppchen
Ed Jarrell
Randy Jones
Glenn Kellogg, MD
Dick Marrs
Michelle Metter
Chuck Muse
Mark Ochendeszko
Stacey Poon-Kinney
Keith Richards
Evelyn Riddick
Stuart Scott
Judith Shaplin
Jim Stieringer
William Verbeck
Dave & Charlene Walker
Don & Ann Walker
HGH Mission Partners
These lists reflect support July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012. All efforts have been made to recognize all our donors, and
we apologize for any errors or omissions and extend our deepest gratitude for any support that may have not been
recognized. We also wish to extend our sincere thanks to all our in-kind donors and all volunteers who donated this
Ability Center
Mr. Allan Acton
Mr. Scot Adams
Ms. Bobbie Adams
Ms. Jan Adams
Ms. Joyce Adolph
AES Wind Generation LLC
Ms. Moji Afcari
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ain
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Alan
Mr. & Mrs. John Albini
Mr. Scott Alevy
Ms. Kim Allen
Alliant Insurance Services
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Allison
Alternative Insurance Solutions
Alternbern Family Trust
Dr. & Mrs. James Amberg
Americas Travel
Ms. Carol Amundson
Ms. Janet Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Andricci
Ms. Dora-Lee Arjona
Ms. Robin Arlin
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Aronoff
Art Pratt Foundation
Ms. Christa Asaro
AT&T United Way Employee Giving
Atonement Lutheran Church - Women
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Barnes
Barona Band of Mission Indians
Barona Resort and Casino
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Barrack Sr.
Ms. Grace Barrigan
Ms. Rose Barron
Bartell & Associates Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Basile
Mr. Koral Baumann
Ms. Lisa Becker
Ms. Michelle Beisner
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Vance Belliston
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Benito
Ms. Josephine Benson
Mr. & Mrs. James Benson
Mr. Stephen Beppler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berend
Ms. Laurie Berg
Ms. Teri Bertorelli
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Biddle, Jr.
Ms. Karen G. Binder
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Black
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Blair
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blough
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Blumberg
Ms. Eileen Bonifacio
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Borkat
Borrego Springs Bank N.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Boswell
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Bouman
Ms. Carole Brandon
Mr. Kyle Brandt
Ms. Marilyn Brayman
Ms. Mistie Breen
Dr. & Mrs. David Bremer
Mr. David Brenha
Mrs. Darlene Brenha
Ms. Tracey Bresler
Mr. Don Brew Jr.
Ms. Mary Bridge
Ms. Brenda Bridgett
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Broadway
Ms. Sarah Broadway
Dr. William Brock
Ms. Christine Brock
Mr. Arthur Brown
Ms. Lynnette Brown
Ms. Stacey Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bruders
Ms. Debbie Brugman
Mr. George Buck
Ms. Leann Buffington
Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation
Building Restoration Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Burbank
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Burrows
Burtech Pipeline
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Butcher
Mrs. Stephanie Butera
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buzard
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cababa
Mrs. Rachel Caldera
Mr. Sean Canfielu
Ms. Beverly Cannuli
Ms. Kimm Cardoza
Mr. & Mrs. John Carman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carne
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carney
Mr. Devin Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Carroll
Cathlyn’s Korean Kitchen TV Cooking Show
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Catron
Ms. Laurie J. Catron Esq
CECO: San Diego County Employees’ Charitable Organization
Centennial Ladies Encampment Auxilliary
Centurion Counsel Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cerillo
Mr. Marc Channick
Ms. Georgia Charpentier
Ms. Kathleen Chavez
Ms. Penelope Chen
Mr. Peter Chenard
Ms. Virginia Chronic
Chula Vista Presbyterian Church
Mr. & Mrs. Don Cislo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cislo
Mr. Ron Clagett
Mrs. Ronda Clark
Ms. Lynn Clemens
Mrs. Jean Close
Ms. Bridget Cobbs
Dave Cohen
Coldwell Banker
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cole
Collier Enterprises
Ms. Rhonda Colson
Mr. Blake Comfort
Community Service Association San Diego City Schools
Mr. Frank Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Conlon
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cook
Ms. Renee Cook
Ms. Seanette Cope
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Coppes
Ms. Mary Cormier
Ms. Doris Cornejo
Mr. Gary Correia
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Coughlin
Mr. Jay Coulter
Ms. Janet Cowan
Cox Communications
Ms. Madeline Crandall
Ms. Elisia Cresap
Ms. Carol Crisp
Ms. Jeri Crockett
Cubic Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Custis
Ms. Angelica Dahmen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Daily
Ms. Joy Dakin-Schwalm
Mr. James Dalessio
Mr. Sumner Darman
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Darr
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Delsen
Delsen & Company LLP
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Delvecchio
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dender
Ms. Lisa Derosier
Mr. Harim A. Skipper Deyo
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Dialon
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Diamond
Diane Lindfors Learning Center
Ms. Sandra Didisse
Dixon Golf
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Dominguez
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Doremus
Doris N. Smith Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Drew
Mr. & Mrs. James Duff
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Dunning
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde B. Durst
Durwood and Jean Overby Trust
Mr. Jim Dyjak
Earth Dynamics
Mrs. Christie Edelson
Mr. Jeffry Edgar
Edison International Employee Contribution Club
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Edmonds
Edward Edward Saul Estate
Mrs. Louise Bichler Edwards
Eicher Trust
Mr. Russell Ek
El Cajon Grading & Engineering Co. Inc.
El Capitan Rebekah Lodge #352
Ms. Charlene D. Elam
Ms. Jolene Elconin
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emerson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Emerson
Emerson Network Power
Encinitas Coin & Jewelry
E-Scrip Rebate Program
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Espinosa
Estate of Geraldine Frances Ladd
Mr. Mel Etter
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Evans
Mr. Denni Evans
Ms. Kristen Eveland
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Fallon
Family Of Cindy Townsley
Ms. Kelly Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fausett
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Feffer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Feldman
Mr. Tim Fennessy
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Fenster
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Fike
First American Trust
Mr. Robert L. Fisk
Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Fitzsimons
Ms. Roxanne Flagg
Mr. & Mrs. John Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Graham K. Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fletsch III
Ms. Monica Flores
Fluor United Way
Mr. Gary Fong
Mr. & Mrs. W. Wayne Ford
Mrs. V. Gwen Forrester
Mr. Vincent Fortney
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Fredrick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frelke
Mr. & Mrs. Lyle F. Gabrielson
Ms. Carolyn Gain
Ms. Jaime Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon Garcia
Ms. Fern Gates
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Gaynor
Dr. & Mrs. David Geffen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gelsomino
Mr. Marcel Geoffroy
Mrs. Theresa Georgi
Dr. Toni B. Georgiades
Mrs. Margaret Gerfin
Ms. Helen Gibb
Ms. Susan Gibeault
Ms. Chantell Giblin
Mr. Scott Gilford
Ms. Karen Gilley
Giving Back Magazine
Goodrich/Rohr Employees’ Willshare
Ms. Susan Glutting
Ms. Gail Ann Glutting
Mr. Jeff Goecke
Ms. Kristin Gonzales
Mr. Carl Gott
Mrs. Odie Goward
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Granstedt
Mr. Chris Grassa
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Gray
Great News Cooking
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Greene
Ms. Jolinda Grey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Griesgraber
Ms. Elizabeth Grillo
Mr. Douglas Grosmark
Grossmont Escrow
Grossmont Healthcare District
Gustave P. Klaas Trust
Mr. Bruce Haight
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Halleland
Ms. Susan Halstead
Mr. & Mrs. Su-taik Han
Mr. Kenneth Hanifan
Hanken Cono Assad & Co. Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hanna
Ms. Nicole Hannah
Harbor Investments Co.LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Harley
Mr. John Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harris
Mr. David Harris
Ms. Sally Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Haulman
Mrs. Judith E. Hauser
Ms. Susan Havens
Ms. Jackie Havighurst
Mr. Wilson Hayes
Ms. Molly Heck
Mr. John Heekin
Helix Water District
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Henton
Mr. Craig Henton
Mr. & Mrs. Brent R. Heramb
Mrs. Doris Heramb
Heramb Charitable Foundation
Ms. Wendy Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Herris
Ms. Paula Heye
Ms. Paige Hilgers
Mr. Richard Hill & Mr. Raymond Annis
Mr. William S. Hinkle
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton Hinman
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hinman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hinman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Hoefer
Mr. Bernard Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hofstee
Ms. Margaret Hogan
Ms. Virginia Holt
Holy Trinity Church
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hood
Mr. Rob Hoover
Ms. Caroline Hornblower
Dr. & Mrs. Brent Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Howell
Ms. Teresa Howes
Ms. Patty Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Roger & Margaret Hueppchen
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Husson Jr.
Mr. Frankie Husson
Ms. Rosemary Hutzley
Incarnation Women of the ELCA
Ms. Nicholas Isabella
J.T. Trily Quality Builder
Ms. Mary Kay Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Jacobson
Ms. Colleen Jadrnicek
James and Evelyn McCawley Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Armand Jocosing
John & Jennie Newton Foundation
Mr. Dan Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson
Mr. Dennis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Johnson
Ms. Teresa Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Johnson
Mrs. Ethne V. Johnson
Ms. Diane Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jones
Ms. Patricia Jones
Ms. Mary Jung
Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Vickie Kalinoski
Ms. Joan Kanter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kaser
Dr. Marilyn Kaufhold
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Kaufman
Mr. David Kaufman
Mrs. Peggy Keane
Ms. Jenn Kebely
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Kellogg
Mr. David Keltner & Mrs. Sharon McQueen
Mrs. Audra Kelty
Ms. Megan Kempiners
Ms. Ban Keriakos
Mr. Bryan Keuler
Kineticom Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Roger King
Ms. Kathryn Kirigin
Kiwanis Club of Alpine
Mr. Mark & Angie Klaus
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Knight
Knights of Columbus #11127
Knights of Columbus #13007
Knights of Columbus #8879
Ms. Kathy Koenig
Mrs. Carolyn F. Koepke
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Koering
Mrs. Gail P. Korshus
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kramer
Ms. Pearl Kugel
Mr. Jasper Kump
Mr. Ed V. Kwok
Mr. & Mrs. Jim La Crosse
Ms. Victoria LaBruzzo
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Laff
Ms. Georgia Langhorst
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Langley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Lanning
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lareau
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larson
Ms. Jackie Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Art Last
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lau
Mr. Robert Lavoire
Ms. Anne Lawrence
Mr. Lance Lay
Mr. Kurt Lembach
Mr. Paul E. Len
Lenore L. Bass Family Trust
Ms. Michelle Leslie
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Levine
Ms. Lourdes Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lewis
Ms. Cathy Lindsey
Local Indep. Charities of America
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lodge
Ms. Helen Long
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lord
Mr. Marvin Love
Ms. Amy Loveless
Mr. Travis Lucero
Mr. S. Lumsden
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. William MacLeod
Mr. Marc Madison
Madison Appraisal Services Inc.
Ms. Rose Magalski
Mr. Kevin Mahoney
Mr. Steve Manley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Maracin
Mr. Andrew Mardock
Mr. Paul Mariano
Mr. Gary Mark
Dr. Michael Markopoulos
Ms. Casey Marquand
Marrokal Design & Remodeling
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Marrs
Mr. Dan Marrs
Marrs Maddocks & Associates
Mr. Charles Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCarthy
Ms. Debby McDowell
Mrs. Maxine McGlothlin
Ms. Katherine McGlothlin
Mr. Ben McGrath
Ms. Phyllis McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McGuinness
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony McIvor
Mr. & Mrs. John McMahon
Mr. & Mrs. John McNear
Mrs. Debby McNeil
Mr. Justin McNeill
Mrs. Lynn McNeill-Smith
Means & Associates LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Art Meneses
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merriam
MGM Resorts Foundation
Michael Collins Jewelers
Michael S. Berg Attorney at Law
Mrs. Beverly Michalek
Mr. & Mrs. Dell L. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Miller
Ms. Laura Miller
Mrs. Mary Miller
Mr. David Mittleholtz
Mrs. Aline W. Molenbeek
Ms. Vernice Monaco
Ms. Marie Mongiardo
Ms. Marcia Montag
Ms. Jane Moore & Mr. Drum Macomber
Mrs. Anna Morales
Ms. Charlene Moran
Dr. Paul J. Morello
Ms. Mary Moser-Cooper
Ms. Lynn Mues
Mr. Mark Muir
Ms. Mollie Mullen
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Murphy
Ms. Christina Murphy
Mr. Matthew Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Muse
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Myatt
Ms. Janis Naiman
Mr. Charlie Nares
Ms. Ferne M. Neal
Network for Good
Mr. & Mrs. David Neumann
Mr. James Newell
Nicholas K Cates Rev Trust
Mr. Chuck Nichols
Mrs. Marilu Norden
Ms. Mary Noriega
Mr. Jim Norr
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Nunez
Mr. William Nunns
Mr. & Mrs. Dale O`Dell
Mr. & Mrs. James O`Grady
Oak Tree Philanthropic Foundation
Oaktree Capital Management
Oceanside Odd Fellows Lodge #346
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ochenduszko
Mr. Mark Oetjen
Mr. Lowell O’Grady
Ms. Erin Oleno
Mr. & Mrs. Ken O’Neal
Ortiz Corp.
Ms. Melissa Osborn
Mr. Jaime Osorio
Ms. Rosemary Otto
Mr. Richard Paisner
Mr. David Palmer
Ms. Mariella Palmer
Ms. Linda Palmer
Mr. Marcus Pankey
Paradise Valley Federal Credit Union
Park View Travel Inc.
Mr. Stephen Parks
Ms. Ana Parra
Ms. Evelyn Passmore
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Patsko
Ms. Karen Pearlman
Ms. Irene Pecenco
Mr. Ronnie Peel
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne D. Peleti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Perkins
Ms. Cynthia Pernicano
Ms. Cathy Perry
Dr. Raymond M. Peterson
PG&E Corporation Campaign for the Community
Ms. Stephanie Phillips
Mrs. Nancy A. Pollacek
Mr. William J. Pollacek
Ms. Stacey Poon-Kinney
Ms. Anne Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Price
Ms. Karen Provencio
Mr. Nick Puno
Qualcomm Matching Gift Program
Quick Dry Flood Services
Quidel Corporation
Mr. Charles Rainey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rakowski
Mr. Rod Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ratzlaff
Raymond E. Ehly Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reaves
Ms. Eryn Redmon
Mr. Darren Reinig
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reller
Dr. David Repp DDS
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Reuter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Revetta
Ms. Dawn Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Riddick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Riggin
Ms. Nedra Ritter
Ms. Carolyn Robak
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Robbins
Ms. Nancy Rodieck
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Rominger
Ms. Kathleen Romito
Mrs. Diane M. Romito
Mr. Bob Rosen
Mr. Farryl Rosenberg
Ms. Rhoda Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. David Ross
Rotary Club of La Mesa
Rotary of El Cajon
Mrs. Neva Rousselot
Rowling & Associates
Mrs. Margaret A. Ruiz
Ms. Sarah Ruiz
Mr. Randy Rundle
Ms. Katharine Ruskofsky
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Sachoff
SagePoint Financial Inc.
San Diego Alumnae Association of Alpha Delta Pi
San Diego Council of AT&T Pioneers
San Diego County Credit Union
San Diego County Credit Union
San Diego Foundation
San Diego Parrot Head Club Inc.
Ms. Greta Sandberg
Mr. & Mrs. Don Schempp
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schuh
Mr. Evan Schumacher
Ms. Megan Schuster
Mr. Gary Sciarappa
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Scott
Mrs. Joy G. Seabright
Sempra Employee Giving Network
Seniors’ Choice
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Septimus
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shaplin
Mr. & Mrs. David Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Shellhammer
Sheri Liebert Designs Inc.
Ms. Penny Shidner
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Shipman Jr.
Ms. Suzanne Short
Ms. Lyda Shuger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shugert
Ms. Maureen Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sipe
Dr. & Mrs. Cody Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Smith
Mr. Ben Smith
Mr. Steven Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Smith
Mr. Walter A. Smith
Ms. Brenda Smoot
Mrs. Rose Snow
Ms. Pamela Rose Snow
Mr. Michael Spinato
Mr. Stephen Spinella
St. Andrews Lutheran Church
Mr. & Mrs. Foster Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Stangel
Mr. Jerry A. Stangel
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stedwell
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Stehly
Ms. Joan Stein
Ms. Joan Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Stensrud
Ms. Mary Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. James Stieringer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Stine
Mr & Mrs. Bill Stock
Mr. Sean Stokes
Ms. Kimberly Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Stone
Ms. Irene Stone
Mr. David Stutz
Mr. Sidney A. Stutz
Mrs. Mary Sullivan
Mr. Jim Summers
Sunset Lodge #328 Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Superior Care Pharmacy
Mrs. Carolyn L. Swafford
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Swartz
Ms. Heather Swink
Sycuan Casino
Mr. Daren Moore & Mrs. Edna Taylor-
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Tennebaum
Mr. Andrew J. Thacher
The Arc of San Diego
The Bill and Norma Verbeck Foundation
The Billingsley Foundation
The Heller Foundation
The Kerr Family Foundation
The Stephen and Lynne Doyle Family Foundation
The Thursday Club
The Trails Neighborhood Eatery
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thoma
Thomas C. Wright Foundation
Ms. Sarah Thompson
Mr. Michael Thompson
Ms. Alyssa Thurston
Tom Anderson Guitar Works
Ms. Megan Tomlin
Torrey Pines Bank
Mr. & Mrs. David Townsley
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Townsley
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Travers
Mr. David Trevino
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin A. Trovaten
Truist-United Way
Ms. Laurie Tucker
Mr. T. Tucker
U.S. Trust Private Wealth Management
Union Bank of California
United Way California Capital Region
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
United Way of San Diego County
Ms. Ally Van den Herik
Dr. & Mrs. David VandenBerg
Mr. & Mrs. Marcia Vanlandingham
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Vaughn
Video Fact Documentation Service
Viejas Enterprises
Mr. & Mrs. John Vorhies
Mr. & Mrs. David Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Walton
Mr. & Mrs. John Warren
Mr. Stan Watson
Mr. Ray Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Welland
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Wells
Ms. Linda Wells
Mr. & Mrs. James Wells
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Ms. Sheryl Whitcomb
Ms. Linda Whittaker
Mr. Jason Whittaker
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Wiesner
Mr. & Mrs. Guy F. Wilcox
Mr. Wade Wilde
Ms. Wendy Wildey
Mr. Daniel Williams
Ms. Laura Williams
Ms. Jennifer Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wilson
Mr. Zachary Wilson
Dr. Nina J. Winn
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wojdowski
Mrs. Vonne Wolf
Dr. & Mrs. Howard Wolfinger
Women of the ELCA - St. Marks Lutheran Church
Mr. Chad Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Wood
Mr. John Wood
Mr. Tom Woolway
Mr. Tim Wray
Ms. Jill Wray
Ms. Yuo-Sheng Wu
Mr. Steve Wutzke
Ms. Chong Suk Yim
Ms. Kathleen Zaleski
Ms. Monica Zech
Zenith Insurance Company
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Zhivago
Mrs. Joan I. Ziemann
In Memoriam Gifts
Bobby Berman
Craig Georgi
Roy Heramb
Dean Hodges
Jerry Keane
Herbert Krummel
Dorothy Lodge
Helen Powell
Jack Reynolds
Byrl Robinson
Gus Sciortino
Doris Smith
Betty Whitfield
In Memoriam
HGH clients:
Bruce Bonny
Richard Harley
Steven Luby
Neta Moe
Donny O’Dell
Baby Tina
Gerald Van Noy
The Day God Took You Home
In Loving Memory of Tina
January 14, 2011-January 2, 2012
Always In Our Hearts & Never To Be
In tears we saw you sinking, and watched you pass
away. Our hearts were almost broken, we wanted you
to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, so peaceful,
free from pain, how could we wish you back with us, to
suffer that again. It broke our hearts to lose you, but
you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the
day God took you home.
Salute to Our Grant-Makers
HGH is grateful to the following funders that awarded grants July 1,
2011 through June 30, 2012
Alpine Kiwanis Club
Art Pratt Foundation
The Billingsley Foundation
Build A Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cislo
Community Service Association San Diego City Schools
County Employees Charitable Organization-CECO
The Heller Foundation
Oak Tree Philanthropic Foundation
Quidel Corporation
Rotary of La Mesa
Rowling & Associates- Sheryl Rowling
The Sundt Foundation
The Thursday Club
abilities and their families that we currently serve. Previously, transportation to and from Adult Day Programs
was provided to over 100 disabled adults through a contract with the San Diego Regional Center.
Transportation Services
e are pleased to announce that Home of Guiding Hands assumed the operations of the
Charles I. Cheneweth Foundation (CICF) on
July 1, 2012. CICF provided transportation services to individuals with severe and profound mental and physical
disabilities. This merger allows HGH to add daily fixed
route transportation to the services we offer to the over
800 individuals with developmental and intellectual dis-
CICF was established in the memory of Charles Cheneweth, who worked to expand the safety net for people with developmental disabilities in an effort to improve their quality of life and to bring together people
from all over San Diego with the same passion. At HGH,
we share the same passion that was the guiding force
for Mr. Cheneweth.
Funding for this specialized service is provided by the
San Diego Regional Center. For more information, please
contact HGH Transportation Coordinator, Matt Dunn at
(619) 741-4242 or L
Employees of
the Month
Terri Andricci
Maria Ballow
Rose Benson
Eileen Bonifacio
Workinesh Bosset
Three Generations of HGH Supporters
Charlet Dahl
Jack Nath
Dawn Pinard
Shawna Sigler
Anna Stark
Employee of the Year 2011
38th Annual Heart and Hand Gala
hree hundred guests attended the 38th Annual Heart and Hand Gala
on Saturday, June 16th at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. Presenting sponsor Grossmont Healthcare District was recognized for their support and
generosity to Home of Guiding Hands throughout the years. The Blumberg
and Delsen families were honored for their ongoing dedication to San Diegans
with developmental disabilities.
Other major sponsors included the Bill and Norma Verbeck Foundation,
American Airlines, Delsen & Company LLP, The Law Office of Isaac Blumberg,
Emerson Network Power, San Diego County Credit Union, Barona Resort and
Casino, The Bloom Family Foundation, Viejas Band of Kumeyaay Indians, and
Union Bank.
This year’s 1940’s New York nightclub theme was “Meet me at the Copacabana.” Guests had the opportunity to purchase cigars and raffle tickets from
roaming Cigar Girls, sample martinis and cosmos donated by St. Petersburg
Vodka, and take fun snapshots in the photo booth. HGH was excited to introduce BidPal, an electronic bidding device, to all event attendees. BidPal was a
huge hit and significantly increased event profits!
“During the entire year of very hard work by everyone in our Gala Committee
it was amazing to experience so many sponsors and donors open their hearts
in support of HGH. Then it was even more rewarding to see each and every one in attendance bid high on our donations, making this Meeting at the
Copacabana the most successful fundraising event for HGH in recent years.
Our hearts are overjoyed, and it motivates us to do our best to surpass our
fundraising in 2013” said co-chairs Luis and Marsha Nunez. We are thrilled to
announce that we raised nearly $95,000. 100% of the proceeds go directly
towards the programs and services for the 800 children, adolescents, adults
and their families we support on a daily basis. L
Sarah Broadway
Development Coordinator
Anna Stark
House Manager
employed with HGH
since November 13,
2006, was selected as the August 2011
Employee of the Month. The goal of
this program is to recognize and reward
an employee monthly who has gone
“above and beyond the call of duty”
and/or an employee which exemplifies quality services and support to
individual(s) and/or Home of Guiding
Hands. The following characteristics,
among many others, were stated about
Anna and her work ethic:
• Wonderful supervisor; great role
model; very dedicated; very friendly and
very efficient
• Handles all situations with complete
• Continuously plans activities and
outings for the people she serves
• Provides handmade items for the
people she serves.
Congratulations Anna! L
HGH Financials
Financials reflect fiscal year 7/1/2011 through 6/30/2012.
Contributions, Grants & Special Events 6%
Other Income/Investment Return 0%
HUD Rental Income 1%
Salaries & Related Expenses,
Admin & FR 7.63%
$13.7 million
Program Rev. CLP,
AFHA, Life Planning 2%
Program Rev. Early
Childhood Dev. 2%
Facility Costs 6.3%
Supplies 4.6%
Interest 2.3%
Program Rev.
Respite 8%
Program Rev.
Residential CCL 13%
$13.4 million
Program Rev.
Residential ICF
HGH again is proud to
report that 87 cents of
every dollar generated
this year directly
supported HGH’s
programs and services!
Other 2.3%
Depreciation &
Amortization 1.7%
Salaries & related
expenses Program
& Travel 4%
Services 2.9%
In-Kind 1.3%
Special Events 0.7%
Kim, Shawn, and Moji addresses
the crowd at the 8th Annual
Developmental Disabilities Provider
Network Legislative Forum in April
LivHome and Mark Grant support
HGH. Mark Grant shared some
inspirational thoughts from his
life and how we can all overcome
challenges in our own lives.
Molly and Santa at the Holiday
Party at Airtime in Spring Valley.
Lowe’s of Santee selected HGH as
“Lowe’s Heroes” in October, and gave
one of our homes a beautiful front yard
The Delsen/Blumberg families were
honored at the 38th Annual Heart
and Hand Gala.
Parents, children and educators have
fun at our Parent Play Group.
Having fun at the 2nd Annual Randy Jones 5K Walk for
Independence which raised over $21,000. Over 400
people attended the event.
Participants at the 29th Annual Pro-Am Golf Classic
Tournament showed their support for Craig Georgi.
1825 Gillespie Way, Suite #200
El Cajon, CA 92020
The Mission of Home of Guiding Hands is to
improve the lives of those we serve.
Find us on
Non-Profit Organization
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Permit No. 10
Santee, CA
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Stay Connected! Sign up for our monthly
e-newsletter on our homepage.
September 28, 2012
Sycuan Resort
For more information, please
contact Rachel Wood, Events
Coordinator, at (619) 938-2854 or
Randy Jones
5K for
39th Annual Heart
& Hand Gala
June 1, 2013
Hotel del Coronado
February 18, 2013
Santee Lakes