Electronic Cow Eye Dissection Lab Guide part 1

Electronic Cow Eye Dissection Lab Guide part 1
1. What are the structures of the eye and how do they function?
2. How does “structure fit function” in the eye?
PURPOSE: (Write what you believe the purpose of this electronic lab activity is)
Step 1: Observing the Cow Eye
1. What is one major difference between a cow’s eye and a human eye?
2. What is the white part of the eye called? ___________
3. What is the blue part? ____________ Is it normally blue? Why or why not?
Step 2: Examine the Muscles
1. How many muscles does a cow’s eye have? ____________
2. How many muscles does a human’s eye have? __________What does this change?
Step 3: Removing the fat
1. What does the fat do? ________________________________________________________
2. Which tool should we use to remove the fat? ____________________
Step 4: Cutting the Cornea
1. What does the cornea do? It _____________ the eye. Light _____________ when it hits the
2. Where do we make our first incision? _____________________________
3. What comes out? __________________ ____________________
4. What does this liquid do? (Two functions)
Step 5: Cutting the Sclera
1. Where do we make our 2nd incision? ______________________________________________
2. What tool do we use to cut after we have made our starting incision? _____________________
3. What is the crunching sound we hear when the scientist cuts the cornea with the scalpel?
Step 6: Removing the Iris
1. What is the iris? ____________________________________________________________
2. What does the iris also contain? _________________
3. What is the pupil? ___________________________________________________________
4. How does the iris/pupil change in response to light?
5. What did the scientist use to remove the iris from the top half of the cow eye? _____________
6. What is a major difference between a cow’s eye and a human’s eye?
Step 7: Removing the Lens
1. What is the jellylike substance around the lens? _________________ ___________________
2. Why is it clear? _____________________________________________________________
3. The ____________________ ___________________ is a mixture of protein and
4. What is the fluid’s function? ___________________________________________________
Step 8 and 9: Looking through the Lens
1. The lens can be compared to an _______________ because it grows layers every year.
2. The lens’ job is to help ________________________________________________________
3. The lens acts like a ____________________
Step 10 and 11: Observing the Retina
1. Where is the retina located? __________________________________________________
2. The ______________ is attached to the back of the eye at just one spot. Because there are no light
sensitive cells at that spot, you can’t see anything that lands in that place on the retina. This is what is
called your ____________________. At the blind spot, all the nerves from the retina join to form
the ______________________.
Step 12: Observing the Optic Nerve
1. What does the optic nerve look like in this video? ____________________________________
2. The optic nerve carries _______________ to the brain.
Step 13: Observing the Tapetum
1. What is the shell-like layer at the back of the cow’s eye? ______________________________
2. Do humans have this layer? _________________
3. What does the back of the human eye look like? Why?