THE WORSHIP OF GOD Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen . Transfiguration Sunday February 7, 2016 A Prayer as We Gather Anthem O God, most Sundays we slip into the pew feeling somewhat less than radiant, somewhere south of shining. Knowing well our own falseness and duplicity, we reduce Moses’ glowing face (as he descended from encountering you on Mt. Sinai) to the level of religious fairy tale, having nothing to do with the practical reality of our daily lives. The only time we see people lit up is when they’re intoxicated, and our tame orthodoxy renders us incapable of beaming with spiritual ecstasy, during worship or any other time. Perhaps in the holy hour before us we might risk an encounter with you that lingers in our hearts and shines from our faces. Amen.* -inspired by Exodus 34 Prelude Christ Whose Glory Fills the Skies Pastoral Greeting arr. Berry Spirit Song Prayer of Confession Ash Wednesday - This February 10 5:15p Monthly Meal for Missions Community Room 6:00p Conferring of Ashes Pepper Sanctuary Jon Beyle Forgive us, Lord, our unquenchable thirst for elite standing. Like Peter, John and James swelling with arrogant chosen-ness when Jesus summoned them to join him on the mountain top, we simply cannot leave a tender moment alone when Holy Spirit suddenly interrupts our ordinary lives, so we go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “What Would Jesus Do?” We already know what Jesus would do, because we already know what Jesus did, and what he said we should do: Deny ourselves, take up the cross daily, and follow him. Next question? Amen.* -inspired by Luke 9 Father/Daughter Valentine Dance February 13 from 6:30p-8:30p Great Hall Mitchell Simpson Call to Worship Lillian Brooks Leader: God rules. On your toes, everybody! People: God towers in splendor over all the big names. Leader: Strong King, Lover of justice, People: God laid things out fair and square. Leader: Moses and Aaron prayed to God, and God spoke from a pillar of cloud. People: God, our God, answered them. Leader: But God was never soft on their sins. People: Worship at God’s holy mountain, for holy is our God! * -inspired by Psalm 99 The Message Assurance of Pardon Jordan Beyle I have good news that can set you free, but it’s bad news first: The cost of following Jesus is as high as it ever was, and the first people you’re likely to offend include your family members and people you thought were your friends. They all think they know you, and they have strict expectations for how you should behave and the personal boundaries and limitations to which you should adhere, so when you start acting like Jesus they will be puzzled, then appalled. Never mind. Jesus is still casting out demons, familial and societal, and he fully expects this generation to be as faithless and crooked as all prior generations, so don’t lower yourself to the dumbed-down level of the crowd. Let Jesus heal you, and then shine on! * -inspired by Luke 9 Valentines Covered Dish Luncheon Sunday, February 14 Great Hall Following Worlship Bring a covered dish and join some other sweetheart-diners in the beautifully-decorated Valentine Room (Great Hall). We may crank up a few fun tunes to dance to as well. Chicken Dance ,anyone? All ages are welcome! Chiming of the Trinity [To honor the Word of God, please stand as the one carrying the Bible passes.] Opening of the Bible Sermon Hymn of Praise 155 We Are Singing, for the Lord is Our Light SIYAHAMBA “A Harsh Healing” Pastor Luke 9:28-36 Catherine Kennedy Hymn of Faith 161 See Our Lord in All His Glory CWM RHONDDA The Carolina Choir from the singing, marching and praying Children’s Sermon Offertory Response to Offering Pastor Simpson Bouree Kirnberger OLD 100 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him, all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. Morning Prayer Passing of the Peace Statement: The peace of Christ be with you. Response: And also with you. Postlude Let All Things Now Living University of North Carolina Sunday, March 6 arr. Larson ______________________ * Mitchell Simpson Jackson Boone God, you are Spirit, and where you abide there is freedom. We long to be free, forever rid of society’s fear-driven veil of threatened scarcity. Help us shed the American economic lie that there is not enough to go around, the hollow myth driving us to shamefully elevate ourselves by education and ambition toward the false niche of financial security, heedless of the suffering unleashed when one group grabs more than its fair portion, leaving the voiceless poor hobbled and hungry. May we hear the apostle Paul’s plea to reject shameful secrecy, choosing instead to live in the light of God, whose love for us took human form in a Galilean carpenter imploring us to talk to you, saying...* -inspired by 2 Corinthians 3 Worship Next Sunday, February 14 Thought for a Sabbath Morning: “Discipleship involves going on, not by freezing a moment but by following on in confidence that God is leading, and that what lies ahead is even greater than what we have already experienced.” - R. Alan Culpepper Dean, McAfee School of Theology Mercer University First Sunday in LENT Sermon: “ Lead Us Not” Luke 4:1-13 Anthem: And Can It Be Lectionary Readings for Today: Exod.32:29-35 Ps.99 2Cor.3:12-4:2 Luke 9:28-36 Next Week - February 14 Deut.26:1-11 Ps.91:1-2,9-16 Rom.10:8b-13 Luke 4:1-13 CONCERNS OF THE COMMUNITY Prayer Concerns: Chris Anderson; Ethan Brown, friend of Allison James. Please remember to pick up your 2016 Offering Envelopes and 2015 End of Year statements, located in the Office Gathering Area. Church Conference - Wednesday, February 17, Great Hall - 6:00p Interested in ringing Handbells? Contact Craig McCoy OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY 2/7 Transfirguration Sunday 9:45a Bible Study for Children and Adults 10:40a Chancel Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00a Worship - Sanctuary Extended Session Chinese Christian Church - Community Room 12:00n College Bible Study and Luncheon - College Room 12:15p Handbells - Handbell Room 7:00p Chin Family Worship - Community Room MONDAY 2/8 7:30p AA Meeting - Community Room TUESDAY 2/9 6:00p Zumba Class - Community Room WEDNESDAY 2/10 Ash Wednesday 5:15p Monthly Meal for Missions - Community Room 6:00p Conferring of Ashes - Sanctuary 6:45p Chancel Choir - Choir Room Bulletin & Newsletter Info: Please send any bulletin information to the church office by Wednesday mornings at 10a. All newsletter information must be sent by the 17th of each month, Retire the Mortgage: UBC has designated the RTM as our emphasis for special gifts and offerings. Retiring the mortgage in 2016, will relieve UBC of its monthly mortgage payment and open doors to many new, exciting ministry opportunities. The Budget/Finance Ministry Team has established a special account for the collection and disbursement of gifts designated for this very important purpose. Please designate to the “Retire the Mortgage” campaign or RTM. You may give regularly, gifts of stock or designate special offerings. “Friend us” on Facebook to find the latest about University Baptist Church UniversityBaptistCH Members in Service This Week Greeters: Katie & Shawn Evans Teller: Nadene Koon, Ted Barrow, Thomas Toms Extended Care: Katie Evans, Jan DeSpirito, David Kennedy Deacons at the Door: Lee Richardson, Lillian Brooks, Andy Meyers Outreach: Donna Brooks Membership: Donna Brooks Next Week: Greeters: Katie & Shawn Evans Tellers: Donna Harward, Sue Adams Extended Care: Megen & Michael Vesser, Rhonda Bangert Deacons at the Door: Lee Richardson, Lillian Brooks, Andy Meyers Outreach: Donna Brooks Membership: Donna Brooks “A Harsh Healing” Luke 9:28 - 36 FRIDAY 2/12 10:00a Zumba Class - Community Room 7:00p Chinese Christian Church - Community Room SATURDAY 2/13 6:30p Father/Daughter Valentine Dance - Great Hall SUNDAY 2/14 First Sunday in Lent 9:45a Bible Study for Children and Adults 10:40a Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room 11:00a Worship - Sanctuary Extended Session Chinese Christian Church - Community Room 12:00n Valentine - Covered Dish Luncheon - Great Hall 1:00p Handbells - Handbell Room 7:00p Chin Family Worship - Community Room ESL Classes 9:30a Mondays - Thursdays - Community Room Transfiguration Sunday In Christian teachings, the Transfiguration is a pivotal moment, and the setting on the mountain is presented as the point where human nature meets God: the meeting place for the temporal and the eternal, with Jesus himself as the connecting point, acting as the bridge between heaven and earth. The Transfiguration not only supports the identity of Jesus as the Son of God , but the statement "listen to him", identifies him as the messenger and mouth-piece of God. The significance of this identification is enhanced by the presence of Elijah and Moses, for it indicates to the apostles that Jesus is the voice of God. Transfiguration Sunday February 7, 2016 UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH 100 South Columbia Street - Chapel Hill, NC 27514 phone: 919-942-2157 MINISTRY STAFF Mitchell Simpson - Pastor Craig McCoy - Minister of Music Allison James - Director of Children’s Ministry Paul Yoder - University Ministry Coordinator Catherine Jackson - Jordan - University Ministry Intern Nathan Fiore - Youth Ministry Coordinator Catherine Crone - Organist/Accompanist UniversityBaptistCH