2012 INDUSTRY VALUATIONS ThenumberofU.S.andCalifornia‐headquarteredbankscontinuedtodeclinein2012.Atyear‐end2012,there were 4% fewer banks and thrifts in the U.S. than had existed 12 months earlier. The number of California inancial institutions at the end of 2012 was down 5.5% compared to year‐end 2011. The volume of merger announcementsofU.S.institutionspickedupslightlyin2012.Bankingfailuresweresigni icantlylessthanin 2011. The number of California publicly‐traded banks and thrifts tracked by Carpenter & Company equaled 144,sixfeweroverthecourseoflastyearandsigni icantlybelowtheyear‐end2008highof181.Bankstock pricesralliedlastyearandoutperformedthebroaderequitymarket.ForCalifornia’spublicly‐traded inancial institutions,nearly78%ofthe144CaliforniastocksintheCarpentertrackingreportshowedstockpricegains fortheyearendingDecember31,2012,asigni icantimprovementfromthe41%shareofstockpricegainsin 2011. There were no failures of California publicly‐traded banks and thrifts last year. The pace of California mergerannouncementseasedslightly. NOTE:ThefollowinganalysiswaspreparedutilizingdataavailableasofDecember31,2012. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: MERGER AND ACQUISITION ACTIVITY ThenumberofU.S.mergerannouncementspickedupslightly in 2012, relative to the 2011 volume. A total of 240 mergers were announced in 2012, including 12 mergers that were subsequently terminated. Of the remaining 228 announced mergers, 147 acquisitions had been completed by year‐end, and81mergersremainedpendingasofearlyJanuary2013. During 2011, 182 mergers were announced, including 30 mergers that subsequently were terminated. As of early January 2013, 145 of the 152 non‐terminated 2011 merger announcementshadbeencompleted,whileseventransactions werestillpending. Non‐terminated merger announcements represented $180.2 billion in target institutionassets in 2012, downfrom $193.6 billion in target assets involved with the merger announcementsmadein2011.In2011theacquisitionofING BankFSBbyCapitolOneaccountedfor48%ofthetotaltarget assets.In2012,twomergerstransactionsaccountedfor47% of the total assets under merger announcements. The two largest2012mergersweretheacquisitionbyM&TBankofthe $43.6 billion Hudson City Bancorp and Bank of Nova Scotia’s acquisitionofthe$40.4billionofINGBankofCanada. Of the 228 merger announcements in 2012, 125 transactions reported speci ic deal ratios. In comparison, for the 2011 announcedtransactions,,89ofthe152mergershadreported dealratios.In2011,these89transactionscarriedanaverage pricetotangiblebookvalue(P/TBV)ratioof1.06X.The2012 average P/TBV ratio equaled 1.18X, a 12 basis point improvement. The reported P/TBV merger ratios in 2011 Carpenter & Company -- CONTENTS Mergeractivity...................................................1 Nationalstockprices.......................................2 Californiabankstockprices.........................3 CAbanksunder$125million.......................4 CAbanks$125‐$250million.........................5 CAbanks$250‐$500million.........................7 CAbanks$500million‐$1billion................9 CAbanks$1‐$5billion..................................10 CAbanks$5‐$10billion...............................11 CAbanks$10‐$100billion..........................12 CAthrifts.............................................................13 Californiamergers..........................................14 LTMP/Eratios.................................................16 Price/Bookratios............................................17 Ratiocomparisons..........................................18 Stockperformanceunder$125million 19 Stockperformance$125‐$250million..20 Stockperformance$250‐$500million..22 Stockperformance$500mln‐$1bln......23 Stockperformance$1‐$5billion..............24 Stockperformance$5‐$10billion...........24 Stockperformance$10‐$100billion......25 Stockperformancethrifts...........................25 Returnsrankings.............................................26 Industry Valuations rangedfrom0.08Xto2.30X,whiletheratioextremesfor2012reportedmergerannouncementsrangedfrom 0.14X to 2.60X. The highest P/TBV deal ratio in 2012 was tied to the acquisition of a $78 million bank in Texas,whereasthelowestratiowasfora$282millionFloridabank. In201140ofthe89acquisitionswithdealtermssoldforlessthantangiblebookvalue.In2012,thenumber of transactions with deal values under tangible book equaled 40, while 85 deals were priced in excess of tangiblebookvalue.In2012eightmergerscarriedpricinginexcessof2Xtangiblebookvalue,whilein2011 only one such transaction was valued over 2.0X TBV. During the past two years, acquisitions involved inancialinstitutionsheadquarteredin45states.OnlyAlaska,Hawaii,Mississippi,UtahandVermontdidnot participateinthemergeractivity.Themostmergerannouncementsoverthepasttwoyearsweremadefor inancial institutions in Texas, a total of35 mergers. California wassecond with 34 merger announcements madeoverthe2011‐2012period. ThenumberofmergerannouncementsinvolvingCalifornia inancialinstitutionseasedslightlyin2012,with four fewer mergers than in 2011. The respective counts for the past two years were 19 in 2011 and 15 in 2012. The 19 California acquisitions announced in 2011 involved $3.8 billion in target assets, while the 15 announced acquisitions of 2012 involved $11.4 billion in assets, including two targets with more than $1 billioninassets.Theselargertransactionsinvolvedtheacquisitionsofthe$5.8billionSantaBarbaraBank& Trustandthestillpendingacquisitionofthe$2.0billionFirstCaliforniaBank. Available deal ratios for the 2011 California acquisitions carried an average of 0.86X tangible book value, comparedwiththe2012averageof1.22X.In2011onlyfourofthe14deal‐reportingCaliforniamergerswere priced above book value, while in 2012, nine of the 13 mergers with reported terms carried valuations in excessofbookvalue,includingthe2.24XtangiblebookvalueofferedforSantaBarbaraBank&Trust. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: NATIONAL STOCK PRICES The stock market performed better in 2012 than in the prior year. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 8.7%overthecourseof2012,comparedwiththe5.3%advancein2011.In2011theDowindexwasnegative yeartodate(YTD)in59ofthe252tradingsessions.For2012theDowhadnegativeYTDoutcomesinonly threeofthe250tradingsessions.Inlargemeasure,thedebtceilingimpasseandthecreditratingdowngrade forU.S.governmentdebtcontributedtothesubstantialnumberofYTDdowndaysfortheDowin2011. Thebankingindustryputinanimpressivemarketperformancein2012.TheKBWbankindex(consistingof 24exchange‐listedstocksofnationalmoneycenterbanksandleadingregionalinstitutions)plunged24.7%in 2011 and rebounded 30.2% in 2012. Throughout last year the bank stock index consistently outperformed thebroadermarket,inlargepartduetotheindustry’sturnaroundinearningsandassetquality. YTD Change in DJIA 12/31= 1.0 2012ChangeinStockIndices 35% 1.15 30% 1.10 25% 20% 1.05 15% 1.00 2011 10% 2012 5% 0% 0.95 ‐5% J 0.90 J F M A M J J A S O Carpenter & Company N D F M A M J DJIA -- J A KBWBank S O N D Industry Valuations INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: CALIFORNIA STOCK PRICES ThenumberofCaliforniapublicly‐tradedbanksandthriftscontinuedtodeclinein2012.Afterthereductionof teninstitutionsin2011,thepopulationofpublicly‐tradedbanksandthriftsdroppedbysixtoatotalof144,as ofyear‐end2012.Thenumberofthriftswasunchangedatsix.Thenumberofpublicly‐tradedCaliforniabanks fell to 138 from 144 in 2011. During 2012, only one California inancial institution failed, the privately held PalmDesertNationalBank. Bankstocktrendsweremorefavorablein2012thanin2011.In2012thenumberofCaliforniabankandthrift stockswithrisingorunchangedpricesgreatlyexceededthenumberofcompanieswithdecliningstockprices. In2012,112institutionsreportedstockpricegainsandthepriceofonebankstockwasunchanged.Only31 institutions suffered a stock price decline. In 2012, less than 22% of the inancial institutions experienced a declineinstockprices.In2011,88stocksor59%ofthetrackedcompaniesreportedstockpricedeclinesona year‐end to year‐end basis. There were 61 stocks with price gains in 2011, and one stock was unchanged in pricing. At the end of 2011, 39 of the 150 publicly‐traded inancial institutions carried stock valuations that were in excess of tangible book value. There were 23 companies that were priced at less than 50% of tangible book valueattheendof2011.Incontrast,in201254ofthe144publicly‐traded inancialinstitutionswerepriced abovebookvalue,representing37.5%oftheinstitutionscomparedwith2011’s26.0%share.Therewereseven banksvaluedatlessthan50%oftangiblebookvalue,areductioninthiscategoryofnearly70%. Bankstockpricingrelativetotangiblebookvalueimprovedin2012comparedwith2011.Onlyoneassetclass, thesmallestassetsize,hadalowerpricetotangiblebookratiothanin2011.Nonetheless,alloftheassetclasses had signi icantly lower P/TBV ratios than in 2006, that is, prior to the recession and inancial crisis. The following table displays P/TBV averages for the eight asset classes used in the Carpenter & Company stock analysis. Larger institutions tended to carry higher valuations. The $5‐$10 billion class turned in the best performance.From2006through2010,thethriftclasshadbeenthelowestperforminggroupintermsof P/ TBV. Thrifts were tied as the third lowest in performance in 2011 and climbed to fourth best of the eight in 2012.ThriftrecordedthelargestbasispointincreaseinP/TBVamongtheassetclasses,rising26basispoints lastyear.Thesmallestbasispointincreaseregisteredin2012wasthe5basispointriseintheP/TBVforbanks between$10and$100billion. ThemarketcapitalizationforallofCalifornia’spublicly‐tradedbanksandthriftsequaled$26.8million,an18% gain over the $22.6 billion capitalization of 2011. On a per‐bank basis, the average market capitalization climbed23%overtheprioryear. Average Stock Price to Tangible Book Value (At Year-end) CA Bank Size <$125 million $125-$250 million $250-$500 million $500 million-$1 billion $1-$5 billion $5-$10 billion $10-$100 billion All Thrifts 2006 1.81 1.92 2.28 2.62 2.54 2.09 2.49 1.40 Carpenter & Company 2007 1.29 1.37 1.57 1.65 1.58 2.10 2.11 0.80 2008 0.83 0.77 0.76 0.80 1.04 1.89 1.66 0.41 -- 2009 0.73 0.70 0.65 0.62 1.01 1.11 1.47 0.42 2010 0.77 0.70 0.71 0.85 1.23 1.76 1.88 0.59 2011 0.72 0.77 0.79 0.81 1.07 1.49 1.50 0.79 2012 0.69 0.93 0.87 0.97 1.23 1.62 1.55 1.05 Change 2006-12 -61.9% -51.6% -61.8% -63.0% -51.6% -22.5% -37.8% -25.0% Industry Valuations INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS UNDER $125 MILLION Asoftheendof2011,therewere16publicly‐tradedCaliforniabanksreportingassetsbelow$100millionand 62 banks with between $100 and $250 million in assets. Due to market changes, such as the lack of bank formations and the on‐going acquisitions of smaller banks, it seemed appropriate to increase the asset threshold for the smallest class from $100 million to $125 million to increase the number of banks in the smallestgroupandmorecloselyequilibratethenumberofbanksanalyzedinthenexthigherassetclass.With theincreaseinthesmallestgroup’sassetmaximumto$125million, ifteenbankswereaddedtothisclassfrom the next larger group. Over the course of the year, six of those ifteen banks grew over the $125 million thresholdtorejointhenextlargerassetclass.Onesmallbankwasacquired,and ifteenbankswerecarriedover inthesmallestclassfrom2011.Thenumberofbanksunder$125millioninSeptember2012assetsequaled24. StellarBusinessBankwasacquiredbyAltaPaci icBankin2012,anacquisitionthatpropelledAltaPaci icinto the $125‐$250 asset class. In addition to AltaPaci ic Bank, American California Bank, Capital Bank, Founders Bancorp, Folsom Lake Bank, and Golden Valley Bancorp rejoined the $125‐$250 million class based upon September30,2012data.Movingintotheunder$125milliongroupduetorede initionofthisassetclasswere Americas United Bank, Chino Commercial Bank, Delta National Bancorp, Friendly Hills Bank, Mojave Desert Bank,MissionOaksBancorp,NorthernCaliforniaNationalBank,andPaci icAllianceBank. Thegroupof24banksunder$125millioninassetsreportedthat13bankshadannualgainsinstockpricesat theendof2012,while11banksexperiencedpricedeclines.Forthebankswithunder$125millioninassetsat September 2011, stock price trends showed that nine banks had 2011 annual gains in stock prices, while 22 reporteddeclines.Thesteepestpriceadvancein2012onapercentagebasisoccurredforSaigonNationalBank, as the $0.23 increase in stock price represented a 937% gain. Other signi icant gains were reported by Tri‐ ValleyBank(94%),CornerstoneCommunityBank(82%),AmericasUnitedBank(77%),Paci icAllianceBank (59%), Suncrest Bank (44%), and Mojave Desert Bank (27%). The steepest stock price decline was 77% for CaliforniaBusinessBank,followedbydeclinesof69%forGoldenStateBankand65%forMissionOaksBank. Onlytwobanksinthisassetclasstradedabovebookvalue,while ivebankstradedatlessthan50%oftheir bookvalue.ThehighestmultipletotangiblebookvaluewasreportedbyChinoCommercialBancorpat1.12X andVibraBanktradedat1.02X.ThelowestP/TBVwas0.08XforGoldenStateBank.Therewerefouradditional bankstradingbelow50%ofbookvalue,speci icallyCaliforniaBusinessBank,DeltaNationalBancorp,Mother LodeBank,andSecurityFirstBank.Asagroup,theaverageP/TBVequaled0.69X,downfromtheaverageP/ TBVof0.72Xin2011.The0.69XP/TBVratiorepresentedthelowest2012ratioforanyoftheassetclassesand wasthelowestratioforthisreclassi iedcategorybaseduponhistoricdatabeginningin2002. Asarule,whenaP/Eratioexceeds50X,itisdeterminedthatpro itsaretoolowrelativetopricingtoyielda meaningfulratio.Hence,P/Eratiosinexcessof50XarecitedasNMornotmeaningful.Inaddition,ifthebank sustainslosses,theP/EratioisalsoshownasNM. Thirteenofthe24banksreportedpro itsforthelasttwelvemonths(LTM)endingSeptember30,2012.Ofthe 13pro itablebanks,tenofthebankshadmeaningfulpriceearningsratios.ThereportedpricetoLTMearnings ratiosforthisassetclassrangedfromahighof41.2XforSuncrestBanktoalowof4.9XforSutterCommunity Bank.TheaverageP/Eforthisclassequaled16.3X,downfrom19.4Xin2011.TheaverageP/Eratioin2012 wasthelowestratioforthisrede inedassetclassoverthepastten‐yearperiod. Trading activity for this asset class was limited, due the generally illiquid market for small bank stocks. Nonetheless, all but one bank reported trading activity during the month of December, and all of the stocks Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS UNDER $125 MILLION (continued) LargestPriceGains SaigonNationalBank +937.3% Tri‐ValleyBank +93.7% CornerstoneCommunityBank +81.8% SteepestPriceDeclines CaliforniaBusinessBank ‐76.7% GoldenStateBank ‐69.2% MissionOaksBancorp ‐65.4% Price to Book ‐‐CA Banks under $125 Million 2.5 2.1 2.0 1.7 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 traded in the fourth quarter. The combined volume of shares traded over the course of the year equaled 4.4 million shares, or an average annual volume of 184,000 shares per bank. The stock with the highest annual volumeoftradesin2012wastheover1millionsharestradedforMissionOaksBancorp.Thelowestvolume wasthe5,300sharestradedforPaci icAllianceBank. Thehighestmarketcapitalizationattheendof2012wasthe$17.4millionmarketcapofSaigonNationalBank. The smallest market capitalization was $368,920 for Golden State Bank. Total market capitalization for this categoryequaled$172million,comparedwith$245millionatthestartof2012whenthisassetclasshad30 banks.Marketcapitalizationperbankaveraged$8.1millionat thestartoftheyearand$7.1millionbyyear‐ end. Fourteen banks reported increases in marketcapitalizationover the courseofthe year, while ten banks reportedannualreductionsinmarketcapitalization.Sixbanksintheunder$125millionassetclassobtained additional new capital in excess of $1 million during the irst nine months of 2012. These six banks were MissionOaksNationalBank,Paci icAllianceBank,PanAmericanBank,PanPaci icBank,SierraVistaBank,and Tri‐ValleyBank. TheacquisitionofStellarBusinessBankbyAltaPaci icBankwascompletedinFebruary2012.The$17.4million dealwasvalued,asoftheannouncementdate,at98.8XTBVforStellarBusinessBank.Atthecompletionofthe transaction,thedealvaluationequaled102.4XTBV. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION Bankswithassetsintherangeof$125and$250millionatSeptember30,2012representedthelargestgroup ofCaliforniapublicly‐traded inancialinstitutions.Raisingtheminimumassetsizeforthissecondclassofbanks contributed to a reduction in the number of banks. At year‐end 2011, when the asset class was de ined as between$100and$250million,therewere62banks.Withthechangetoa$125‐$250millionassetclass,nine banksrejoinedthesmallestassetclass.Overthecourseof2012,fourbankswithinthisgroupwereacquiredby otherbanks,makingthisclassthemostactivetargetgroupformergersandacquisitions.Fivebanksgrewinto thenextassetclass,andtwobankswereaddedtothetrackingreport.Therewere45banksthatcarriedover fromtheprioryear,andatyear‐end2012therewere47banksinthisclass. Due to the realignment in the two smallest asset classes, Americas United Bank, Chino Commercial Bancorp, Delta National Bancorp, Friendly Hills Bank, Golden State Bank, Mojave Desert Bank, Mission Oaks Bank, NorthernCaliforniaNationalBank,andPaci icAllianceBankrejoinedthesmallestassetclass.Growingintothe next larger class were Bay Commercial Bank, 1st Capital Bank, Mission Community Bancorp, Manhattan Bancorp,andMissionBancorp.Thetrackingreportbegancoveragein2012forCoronadoFirstBank(NADO) andVisaliaCommunityBank(VSMU). Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION (continued) Theacquisitionsoffourbanksinthisassetclasswerecompletedin2012.Theseacquiredpublicly‐tradedbanks were Desert Commercial Bank, Inland Community Bank, Security Business Bank, and California Community Bank.TheacquisitionofDesertCommercialBankby1stFoundationBankwascompletedonAugust15,2012in a mixed stock and cash transaction valued at $20.1 million. At the time of the deal announcement, this transaction was valued at 1.26X tangible book value. At completion, the deal ratio was 1.20X TBV. SKBHC completed the acquisitions of two banks fromthis assetclass in 2012. SKBHC,throughitsWashington‐based subsidiary American West Bank, closed the merger of Security Business Bank on July 3, 2012 in an all‐cash transaction valued at $26.9 million. The deal value represented 1.35X TBV as of both the announcement and completiondates.TheSKBHCsubsidiaryAmericanWestBankclosedontheacquisitionofInlandCommunity BankonNovember2,2012.The$23.7millionall‐cashdealwasvaluedat93.9%ofTBVatclosing,compared with the announcement valuation of 94.7%. Grandpoint Capital acquired California Community Bank and mergedthatbankintoRegentsBank,N.A.onNovember30th.The$30.8millionall‐cashtransactionwasvalued at114.5%ofTBV,comparedwiththeannouncementpricingof116.0%ofTBV. Inadditiontothecompletedtransactions,CoronadoFirstBankagreedinlateNovembertoacquireSanDiego Private Bank. Upon completion of the acquisition, Coronado First Bank will operate under the name of San DiegoPrivateBank.Thetransactionwillbeanall‐stockacquisitionvaluedat$15.5million.Thepricetotangible bookvalueatannouncementequaled1.18X.CentralValleyCommunityBancorpannouncedonDecember19th itsintentiontoacquireVisaliaCommunityBankinamixedcash‐stocktransactionvaluedat$21.3million.The announcementpricingequaled1.10XTBV. FirstCaliforniaBankannouncedinDecember2011itsintentiontoacquirePremierServiceBankina$2million all‐stocktransaction,valuedatannouncementat0.31XTBV.AfterPacWestBancorpenteredintoatransaction toacquireFirstCaliforniaBank,theacquisitionofPremierServiceBankwascancelled. Attheendof2012,annualstockpriceadvanceswereexperiencedby36ofthe47banks.Tenbanksreported pricedeclines,andthepriceofonebankwasunchangedovertheyear.BankonIt,Inc.reporteda190%price appreciation, based up its $1.14 annual increase in share price. Ojai Community had the second largest percentage gain at 106%. Twenty three other banks reported price advances in excess of 20% for the year, speci icallyAmericanCaliforniaBank(71%),AmericanRivieraBank(61%),BankofNapaNA(35%),CalWest Bancorp (55%), Community Business Bank (41%), Community Bank of the Bay (41%), Community 1st Bank (50%), Commerce National Bank (48%), Community Bank of Santa Maria (55%), Founders Bancorp (43%), FocusBusinessBank(23%),FirstMountainBancorp(55%),F&TFinancialServices,Inc.(51%),GoldenValley Bancorp(26%),MissionValleyBancorp(21%),NewResourceBank(29%),OpenBank(62%),PinnacleBank (62%),PremierServiceBank(61%),Paci icValleyBank(54%),RiverValleyCommunityBank(22%),Redwood CapitalBancorp(22%),andSantaClaraValleyBank,NA(50%). LargestPriceGains BankonIt,Inc. OjaiCommunityBank AmericanCaliforniaBank SteepestPriceDeclines ValleyCommunityBank UnitiFinancialCorp AltaPaci icBank Price to Book ‐‐CA Banks $125‐$250 Million 2.5 2.2 1.9 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.4 2.1 1.9 1.4 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Carpenter & Company -- +190.0% 105.9% +70.7% ‐57.6% ‐22.5% ‐22.1% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $125 AND $250 MILLION (continued) The steepest price decline was the 58% drop in the price of Valley Community Bank. There were no other declinesinexcessof50%.AlthoughthestockofSeacoastCommerceBanktradedduringtheyear,thebank’s stockpricewasunchangedoverthepastyear. Sixteen of the 47 banks in this class were priced above tangible book value. Capital Bank carried the highest price to TBV at 2.81X. The valuation for Capital Bank was the second highest P/TBV for all of the publicly‐ traded banks. Of the 31 banks priced below book value, there were ive banks valued at less than 50% of tangiblebookvalue.ThelowestvaluedstockwasValleyCommunityBankat13%ofTBV.Theaveragepriceto tangible book value for the entire class equaled 0.93%, up from 0.72% in 2011 and the highest average valuationforthisclasssince2007. Ofthe47banksinthisclass,36or77%ofthegroupreportedpro itsforthelast12monthsendingSeptember 30, 2012. Of the 36 pro itable banks in the class, three banks (Liberty Bancorp, Paci ic Commerce Bank, and Visalia Community Bank) carried price/earnings ratios in excess of 50X, thus were deemed to have a not meaningful P/E ratio. The highest relevant P/E ratio was 43.4X for Orange County Business Bank, while the lowestreportedP/Ewas3.6XforOpenBank.TheaverageP/Eratioforthisassetgroupequaled17.2X,down from17.6Xin2011andtherecenthighof34.7Xin2009. Therewasatotalof8.7millionsharestradedforthisassetclassin2012.Thissharevolumetranslatedintoan averageannualvolumeof185,131,only0.7%higherthantheaveragesharevolumeforthesmallestassetclass. Thesetrendsre lectedthelimitedmarketliquidityformostofthestocksintheclass.Thelowestsharevolume was the 500 shares traded in Liberty Bancorp. New Resource Bank reported the highest trading volume at 807,090shares.Fiveofthe47banksinthisclassreportednotradesinthemonthofDecember2012.Whileall ofthebanksreportedtradesduringtheyear,thelasttradeforBankofSouthernCaliforniaNAwasinMay,and merger‐targetVisaliaCommunityBankreportednotradesinthefourthquarter. ThebankwiththehighestmarketcapitalizationinthisgroupwasAltaPaci icBankat$38.6million.Thelowest marketcapitalizationwasforNorthernCaliforniaBancorpat$714,356.Totalmarketcapitalizationforthe$125 to$250millionassetcategoryequaled$760million,comparedwith$673millionatthebeginningof2012.The marketcapitalizationonaper‐bankbasisincreasedfrom$13.7millionatthebeginningof2012to$15.0million by year‐end. The following banks completed signi icant capital raises during the irst nine months of 2012: Community Bank of San Joaquin, Paci ic Commerce Bank, New Resource Bank, Fresno First Bank, and AltaPaci ic Bank. A total 40 of the 47 banks in this class reported increases in market capitalization over the courseof2012. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $250 AND $500 MILLION The number of banks in the $250‐$500 million asset class was unchanged in 2012 at 23. The stability in the number of banks masked considerable variation in the composition of this asset group. Seventeen banks remainedinthisclassfrom2011.Fivebanksgrewintothisassetclassfromthesmallerclass.CaliforniaFirst NationalBancorpwasaddedtothetrackingreport.Growingintotheclassfromthe$125‐$250milliongroup were Bay Commercial Bank, 1st Capital Bank, Mission Community Bancorp, Manhattan Bancorp, and Mission Bancorp.GrowingintothenextlargergroupwasCaliforniaRepublicBank,whileNorthernCaliforniaBancorp declinedinassetsizetorejointhesmallerassetclass. American Perspective Bank was acquired by PacWest Bancorp in an all‐cash transaction valued at $58.1 million.ThetransactionclosedinAugust2012andwasvaluedatcompletionat130.5%oftangiblebookvalue, comparedwiththeat‐announcementvaluationof131.6%ofTBV.TheacquisitionofBeachBusinessBankby Carpenter & Company -- Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $250 AND $500 MILLION (continued) First PacTrust Bancorp was completed in July 2012. The $37.5 million all‐cash transaction was valued at 115.3%ofTBV,comparedwiththeat‐announcementvaluationof119.1%.PremierCommercialBancorpwas acquired by California United Bank inan all‐stocktransaction thatclosed on July31st. The $40.8 million deal wasvaluedat101.3%ofTBVattheclose,upfromtheannouncementvaluationof91.6%.GrandpointCapital announceditsintentiontoacquireNationalBankofCalifornia,thesubsidiaryofNCALBancorp,inanall‐cash transactionvaluedat$11.1million.ThistransactionwasterminatedinlateJanuary2013. Eighteenbanksreportedannualstockpricegains,while ivebanksexperiencedpricedeclines.Thestockprice ofCommonwealthBusinessBanksurgedhigherby120%.Othernotablestockpriceadvancesinthiscategory wereexperiencedbyAvidBankHoldings,Inc.(52%),CaliforniaBankofCommerce(26%),CommerceWestBank (60%),1stCenturyBancshares(30%),GreaterSacramentoBancorp(59%),ManhattanBancorp(29%),Norcal CommunityBancorp(20%),PlumasBancorp(37%),PlazaBank(51%),SummitStateBank(30%),andValley CommerceBancorp(48%).Thesteepestpricedeclinewas55%formerger‐targetNCAL. Theaveragepricetotangiblebookvalueforthisassetclassequaled0.87Xin2012,upfrom0.79Xin2011and 0.71Xin2010.Sevenbankscarriedpricingthatwasatorabovetangiblebookvalue.ValleyRepublicBankhad the highest valuation at 1.38X tangible book value. Only one bank traded below 50% of tangible book value, speci icallyUnitedAmericanBankat0.07Xtangiblebook,thelowestvaluationofthepublicly‐tradedbanks. Onlyfourofthe23banksinthe$250to$500milliongroupreportedlossesforthetwelvemonthperiodending September2012.Ofthe19bankswithLTMpro its,theP/EratiosforMissionCommunityBankandSecurity CaliforniaBancorpexceeded50%andthuswerereportedasnotmeaningful(N/M).Oftheremainingseventeen relevantP/Eratios,theaverageratioequaled15.31X,downfrom15.61Xin2011and22.49Xin2010.TheP/E ratiosrangedfromahighof34.1XforValleyRepublicBanktoalowof3.9XforBayCommercialBank. Banksinthisclassreportedthatatotalof9.2millionsharestradedin2012.Thistradingvolumerepresenteda per‐bank average of 401,562 shares or more than double the average trading volume for the two smaller classes.All23banksreportedstocktradesinDecember2012.Theannualtradingvolumesrangedfromalowof 28,794 shares for Mission Community Bancorp to 1,466,887 shares for CommerceWest Bank. Also reporting morethan1millionsharesintradingvolumeswereCaliforniaFirstNationalBancorpandSummitStateBank. Themarketcapitalizationfortheclassequaled$830million,upfrom$525millionin2011and$618millionin 2010.Onaper‐bankbasis,theaveragemarketcapitalizationin2012was$36.1million,a52%gainoverthe averagemarketcapitalizationin2011.Therangeofmarketcapitalizationinthisassetclassranfrom$604,799 for United American Bank to $156.2 million for California First National Bancorp. Only four of the 23 banks reporteda year‐over‐year reduction in market capitalization. United American BankandMission Community Bancorpraisednotableadditionalcapitalin2012. LargestPriceGains CommonwealthBusinessBank CommerceWestBank GreaterSacramentoBancorp SteepestPriceDeclines NCALBancorp UnitedAmericanBank SecurityCaliforniaBancorp Price to Book ‐‐ CA Banks $250‐$500 Million 3.0 2.6 2.5 2.0 2.2 1.7 2.6 2.3 1.6 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Carpenter & Company -- +120.2% +59.8% +59.0% ‐55.2% ‐28.6% ‐2.3% Industry Valuations INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $500 MILLION AND $1 BILLION ThenumberofCaliforniabankswithassetsintherangeof$500millionand$1billionwasreducedbytwoin 2012 to a total of 16 banks. California United Bank, Heritage Oaks Bancorp and Paci ic Premier Bancorp crestedoverthe$1billionassetthresholdinthecourseoflastyear,whileCaliforniaRepublicBankgrewinto thisassetclass.Fifteenbanksremainedinthisclassfromtheprioryear. OrganicgrowthandtheacquisitionofPremierCommercialBankpropelledCaliforniaUnitedBanktoover$1 billioninassets.Paci icPremierBancorpacquired$130millioninassetsfromthefailedPalmDesertNational BankinApril2012,thuscontributingtotheriseofPaci icPremierBankover$1billion.HeritageOaksBank greworganicallytoexceed$1billion. FirstPacTrustBancorpannouncedinAugust2012itsintentiontoacquirePrivateBankofCaliforniainamixed stock and cash transaction equaled to $52 million. The acquisition was valued at 1.22X tangible book value. Upon receipt of regulatory and shareholder approvals, Private Bank of California will merge into Beach Business Bank and the resultant entity will operate as The Private Bank of California. Central Valley Community Bancorp offered to acquire Visalia Community Bank in a cash‐stock transaction valued at $21.3 million.Thepricetotangiblebookvalueatthedealannouncementequaled110.5%. Lastyearbroughtimpressivemarketperformancesforbanksinthisassetclass.Fifteenofthesixteenbanks recordedstockpricegainsoverthecourseoftheyear.OnlySaehanBancorpexperiencedafull‐yeardeclinein stockprice.ThestockofCommunityWestBancsharesshowedthesteepestpriceadvance,up125%,followed by the 100% rise in stock price of Paci ic City Financial Corp. Other price gains in excess of 20% were experienced by the following eight banks: American River Bankshares (52%), Bank of Commerce Holdings (37%),CaliforniaRepublicBank(57%),CentralValleyCommunityBancorp(43%),1st EnterpriseBank(61%), FNBBancorp(53%),NorthValleyBancorp(48%),andPrivateBankofCalifornia(36%). Within the $500 million to $1 billion asset class, ive banks traded above book value, speci ically California RepublicBank,1stEnterpriseBank,PremierValleyBank,PrivateBankofCalifornia,andSaehanBancorp.No bank in this class was valued below 50% of book value. The lowest price to tangible book value ratio was carried by Community West Bancshares at 0.56X. The highest ratio was 1.72X for California Republic Bank. Theaveragepricetotangiblebookvalueforthisclassequaled0.97X,upfrom0.81Xin2011and0.85Xin2010. FifteenofthesixteenbanksinthisclassreportedLTMpro itsthroughSeptember2012.OnlyCommunityWest Bancsharesreportedalossforthisperiod.Amongthe ifteenpro itablebanks,CaliforniaRepublicBankand SaehanBancorpreportedP/Eratiosinexcessof50XandtheirratioswereconsideredtobeN/M.Thehighest meaningfulP/Eratiowas26.0XforUnitedSecuritiesBancshares.ThelowestreportedP/Ewas7.8XforPaci ic LargestPriceGains CommunityWestBancshares Paci icCityFinancialCorp 1stEnterpriseBank OnlyPriceDecline SaehanBancorp Price to Book ‐‐CA Banks $500 Million‐$1 Billion 3.0 2.7 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Carpenter & Company -- +124.8% +100.0% +60.9% ‐32.7% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $500 MILLION AND $1 BILLION (continued) CityFinancialCorp.TheaverageP/Eratioforthisassetclasswas14.2Xin2012,comparedwith17.3Xin2011 and13.3Xin2010. During2012,thetotaltradingvolumeforallbanksinthisclassequaled20.6millionshares,representinga1.3 millionshareper‐bankaveragefortheyear.Thisaveragesharecountwasmorethan220%greaterthanthe averagetradesforthe$250‐500millionassetclass.Thenumberofactualsharestradedshowedwidevariation, inlargemeasureduetoSunwestBank’s$27,000averageshareprice.Thenexthighestsharepriceinthisclass was$18.55forFNBBancorp.Theannualsharevolumesrangedbroadlyfromthe12sharestradedforSunwest Bank to the 4.6 million share volume for Bank of Commerce Holdings. Within this class, eight banks, representing50%ofthegroup’sbanks,reportedtradingvolumesinexcessof1millionshares. The market capitalization of this class in 2012 totaled $988 million, up from $947 million in 2011. With two fewer banks than in 2011, the average market capitalization of banks in this category climbed from $52.6 millionin2011to$61.7millionin2012.Thelowestmarketcapitalizationwasthe$20.1millionofCommunity WestBancshares,andthehighestwas$97.3millionforNorthValleyBancorp.OnlySaehanBancorpreporteda reductioninmarketcapitalizationoverthepastyear.Thefollowingbanksraisednotableadditionalcapitalin 2012:1stEnterpriseBankandPrivateBankofCalifornia. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $1 AND $5 BILLION Thenumberofbanksinthe$1‐$billionassetclassincreasedbytwoin2012toatotalof20.Threebanksgrew intotheclass,speci icallyCUBancorp,HeritageOaksBancorpandPaci icPremierBancorp.BBCNBancorp,the bankholdingcompanyformedfollowingthemergerofCenterBankandNaraBank,grewtoexceed$5billionin assets. Seventeenofthetwentybanksinthisclassreportedannualgainsinstockprices.Tenoftheseseventeenbanks experienced price increases in excess of 20%, with First California Financial Group, leading the stock price advance with an annual gain of 137%. The other nine banks with notable gains in stock prices were Bridge Capital Holdings (50%), Sierra Bancorp (30%), Hanmi Financial Corp (84%), Heritage Oaks Bancorp (64%), Heritage Commerce Corp (47%), Preferred Bank (91%), Paci ic Mercantile Bancorp (93%), Paci ic Premier Bancorp (62%), and Wilshire Bancorp (62%). Of the three banks incurring stock price declines, the steepest dropwas8%forMechanicsBank. LargestPriceGains FirstCAFinancialGroup Paci icMercantileBancorp PreferredBank PriceDeclines MechanicsBank WestAmericaBancorp BankofMarinBancorp Price to Book ‐‐ CA Banks $1‐$5 Billion 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Carpenter & Company -- +136.8% 92.9% +90.6% ‐8.1% ‐3.0% ‐0.4% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $1 AND $5 BILLION (continued) Sixofthe20bankscarriedvaluationsthatwerebelowtangiblebookvalue.Noneofthebankswerevaluedat lessthan50%oftangiblebookvalue.ThehighestP/TBVforthisclasswasreportedbyWestAmericaBancorp at2.83X,thehighestP/TBVofallthepublicly‐traded inancialinstitutions.WestAmericaBancorpleditsclassin P/TBVforsixconsecutiveyears.Forthisassetclass,thelowestpricetotangiblebookvaluewasthe0.68Xratio of Mechanics Bank. The average ratio of price to tangible book value for this class equaled 1.23X, compared with 1.07X in 2011 and 1.23X in 2010. The average price to tangible book value for this class was the third highestoftheeightassetclassesanalyzed. Allofthebanksinthisgroupreportedpro itsforthetwelve‐monthperiodendingSeptember2012.Allofthe banks reported meaningful price/earnings ratios, except for CU Bancorp, with its P/E in excess of 50X. The meaningful P/E ratios ranged from 4.97X for Wilshire Bancorp to 26.85X for Heritage Commerce Corp. The averageP/Efortheclassequaled12.2X,downfrom13.4Xin2011and22.8Xin2010.TheaverageP/Ewasthe lowestoftheeightassetgroups. The total volume of shares traded for this asset class equaled 282.8 million, representing an average share volumeof14.1millionshares.Threeofthebanksintheclass,speci icallyFarmers&MerchantsBank,Farmers & Merchants Bancorp of Long Beach, and Mechanics Bank, had share prices that were in excess of $400, a pricingthathelddownthevolumeoftradesforthesethreebanks.Hence,MechanicsBank,withitsyear‐end closingpriceof$10,800pershare,hadthelowestannualtradingvolumeofthisclassat629shares.Thehighest volumetradingwasthe102.3millionsharestradedinWilshireBancorp. Themarketcapitalizationfortheentireclassequaled$5.4billion,anincreasefrom$4.4billionin2011and$4.8 billionin2010.Marketcapitalizationonaper‐bankbasisequaled$267.7million,a10.6%gainfromthe$242.0 millionaveragein2011.Themarketcapitalizationforthisgrouprangedfrom$86.4millionforRiverCityBank to$1.2billionforWestAmericaBancorp.ThemarketcapitalizationofWestAmericawasthesixthhighestofall theCaliforniapublicly‐tradedbanksinthisanalysis.Twoofthetwentybanksreportedadeclineyear‐over‐year inmarketcapitalization,notablyMechanicsBankandWestAmericaBancorp. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $5 AND $10 BILLION At the end of 2012, the number of banks with assets, as of September 2012, between $5 and $10 billion remainedunchangedatthree.Thecompositionofthisclasswaschangedoverthecourseofthepastyear.BBCN Bancorpgrewintothisassetclass.Paci icCapitalBancorpwasacquiredbyUnionBankofCalifornia.Atyear‐ end2012,thegroupconsistedofBBCNBancorp,CVBFinancialCorp,andPacWestBancorp. PriceGains PacWestBancorp BBCNBancorp CVBFinancialCorp Price to Book ‐‐ CA Banks $5‐$10 Billion 3.3 3.5 3.0 2.6 2.5 2.0 1.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.1 1.0 0.5 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Carpenter & Company -- +30.7% +22.4% +3.7% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $5 AND $10 BILLION (continued) Allthreebanksreportedstockpricegainsin2012.PacWestBancorprecordedthesteepestincreaseat31%. Allthreebankswerepricedabovetheirtangiblebookvalue.The1.9XpricetoTBVforPacWestBancorpwas thehighestofthegroup.TheaverageP/TBVequaled1.62Xin2012,comparedwith1.49Xin2011and1.76Xin 2010.TheaverageP/TBVwasthehighestoftheeightassetclasses. The three banks all reported pro its for the twelve months ending September 2012, and each bank had meaningful price/earnings ratios. The P/E ratios ranged narrowly from 14.1X for CVB Financial Corp and 18.1X for PacWest Bancorp. The P/E for BBCN Bancorp was 15.0X. The average P/E for this class equaled 12.2X,downfrom13.1Xin2011and17.0Xin2010. Thecombinedannualtradingvolumeforthethreebanksequaled22.8millionsharesin2012foranaverage volume per bank of 7.6 million shares. CVB Financial reported the most trades at 10.3 million shares, while PacWestBancorpwasbelowtheaveragesharevolumeat4.5millionshares. Thetotalmarketcapitalizationforthisgroupequaled$2.9billion,upfrom$2.7billionin2011and$2.6billion in2010.Allofthebanksreportedincreasesinmarketcapitalizationoverthecourseoftheyear.Theslowest growthinannualmarketcapitalizationoccurredforCVBFinancial. INDUSTRY VALUATIONS: BANKS BETWEEN $10 AND $100 BILLION ThenumberofCaliforniapublicly‐tradedbankswithassetsbetween$10billionand$100billionheldsteadyat iveatyear‐end2012.Thecompositionoftheclassremainedunchanged.All ivebanksreportedstockprice gains in 2012, with the advances ranging from 7.1% to 30.8%. Cathay General Bancorp experienced the steepestpriceadvance,whileFirstRepublicBankhadthesmallestgaininstockprices. Allofthebankswerepricedabovetangiblebookvalue,withvaluationswithinanarrowrangeof1.40XforSVB FinancialGroupto1.64XforEastWestBancorp.Theaveragepricetotangiblebookvalueequaled1.55X,the secondhighestratiooftheeightassetclasses.The2012pricetoTBVaverageratiocomparedto1.50Xin2011 and1.88Xin2010. All of the banks reported meaningful price/earnings ratios. The P/E for the entire group averaged 13.59X, downfrom13.89Xin2011and18.80Xin2010.TheP/Eratiosrangedfrom11.74XforEastWestBancorpto 15.59XforSVBFinancialGroup. Due to the signi icant market liquidity for these banks, the combined annual trading volume equaled 724.1 millionsharesforanaveragevolumeof114.8millionshares.OnlyEastWestBancorpandFirstRepublicBank hadtrading valuesabove the average. The lowesttrading volumewas 85.8 millionsharesforSVB Financial, andEastWestBancorpreportedthemosttradesat265millionshares. Price to Book ‐‐ CA Banks $10‐$100 Billion LargestPriceGains CathayGeneralBancorp SVBFinancialGroup CityNationalCorp 2.5 2.5 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.6 2011 2012 1.5 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Carpenter & Company -- +30.8% +17.4% 12.1% Industry Valuations BANKS BETWEEN $10 AND $100 BILLION (continued) Total market capitalization for the $10‐$100 billion asset group equaled $14.0 billion, compared with $12.5 billionin2011and$13.2billionin2010.Onaper‐institutionbasis,theaveragemarketcapitalizationequaled $2.8billion,upfrom$2.5billionin2011.ThehighestmarketcapitalizationwasheldbyFirstRepublicat$4.3 billion.FirstRepublicBankalsoranked irstinmarketcapitalizationin2011.Thelowestmarketcapitalization was$1.5billionforCathayGeneral. Industry Valuations: California Thrifts At the end of 2012, the number and composition of publicly‐traded California thrifts held steady. The only changeinthisclasswasthenewnameandtickersymbolforastock.KaiserFederalFinancialGroup(KFFG) changeditsnameandtickertoSimplicityBancorpandSMPL,respectively. Fivethriftsreportedstockpricegainsin2012.Thelargestannualadvancewasthe88%increaseinthestock priceofProvidentFinancialHoldings.Othernotableincreaseswerethegainsof71%forBOFIHoldings,Inc. and34%forMalagaFinancialCorp.TheonlypricedeclinewasrecordedforBroadwayFinancialCorp. BOFIHoldingsandMalagaFinancialCorptradedabovebookvalue.BOFIcarriedthehighestpricetotangible bookvalueat1.70X.ThelowestP/TBVwas0.55XforBroadwayFinancialCorp.Theaveragepricetotangible bookvalueratiofortheentireclassequaled1.05X,upfrom0.80Xin2011and0.81Xin2010. Five thrifts reported pro its for the last twelve months ending September 2012. The P/E for First PacTrust Bancorpexceeded50X,causingittocarryaN/Mratio.TheresultantfourmeaningfulP/Eratiosrangedfrom 8.40X for Malaga Financial to 19.93X for Simplicity Bancorp. The average P/E for this asset class equaled 12.75Xin2012,comparedwith12.43Xin2011and7.56Xin2010. Thethriftclassisbaseduponchartertype,notassetsize.Thepublicly‐tradedCaliforniathriftsrangedinsize fromBroadwayFinancialat$384milliontoBOFIat$2.6billion.Asaresultofthewideassetsizedifferential, therewasasigni icantvariationinthemarketcapitalization withinthegroup.BroadwayFinancialcarrieda market cap of $1.2 million. The market cap of BOFI equaled $361.7 million. Total market capitalization of Californiathriftsequaled$931million,upfrom$578millionin2011and$403millionin2010.OnlyBroadway FinancialCorpshowedareductioninmarketcapitalizationoverthepastyear. Thetotaltradingvolumeforthethriftsequaled37.8millionsharesforanaverageof6.3millionsharestraded annually.ThehighestannualtradingvolumewasforBOFIHoldingsat15.0millionshares.Thelowestvolume of trades were the 295,404 shares for Malaga Financial. First PacTrust Bancorp announced its intention to acquire two institutions in 2011. First PacTrust completed its acquisitions of Gateway Bancorp at a closing priceof0.67XTBVandofBeachBusinessBankataclosingpricingof1.15XTBV.FirstPacTrustannouncedin 2012itsintentiontoacquirePrivateBankofCaliforniaatavaluationof1.22XTBV. LargestPriceGains ProvidentFinancialHoldings BOFIHoldingsInc. PriceDecline BroadwayFinancialCorp Price to Book ‐‐ CA Thrifts 2.5 2.1 1.9 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.4 2008 2009 0.8 0.0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Carpenter & Company 2010 2011 2012 -- +87.8% +71.1% ‐57.7% Industry Valuations CaliforniaBankandThriftAcquisitionsAnnouncedin2012 RankedbyDealValue DATES Announced Completed orStatus Buyer(City,State) BuyerAssets($M) Seller(City) SellerAssets($M) MitsubishiUFJ(Tokyo) PacificCapitalBancorp(SantaBarbara) $2,739,624.7 PacWestBancorp(LosAngeles) $5,850.2 195.6# 14.5 # 235.2 169.8 21.1 4/30/2012 8/1/2012 58.1 130.5# 21.0 # $638.7 8/21/2012 pending 52.1 122.3 50.0 $227.3 7/19/2012 30.0 93.9# NM 30.0 114.5# 34.7 27.8 84.5# N/A 3/23/2012 7/3/2012 26.4 135.0# NM 8/29/2012 11/15/2012 24.9 149.1# N/A 12/19/2012 pending 21.3 110.5 N/A 11/27/2012 pending 15.5 118.7 NM 7/23/2012 pending 7.1 79.6 NM 10/21/2012 pending 6.5 50.7 N/A N/A N/A $1,990.8 11/6/2012 pending AmericanPerspectiveBank(SanLuisObispo) $5,448.1 FirstPacTrustBancorp(Irvine) 1,516.3 FirstCaliforniaFinancialGroup(WestlakeVillage) $5,538.5 PacWestBancorp(LosAngeles) 3/9/2012 12/1/2012 DealValue Price/ Price/ ($M) BookValue LTMEPS (x) (x) $259.2 PrivateBankofCalifornia(LosAngeles) $1,115.1 SKBHCHoldings(Seattle,WA) ICBFinancial(Ontario) $2,314.8 11/2/2012 GrandpointCapital(LosAngeles) CaliforniaCommunityBank(Escondido) $1,179.0 $243.8 FNBBancorp(So.SanFrancisco) OceanicBank(SanFrancisco) $715.6 $169.4 SKBHCHoldings(Seattle,WA) SecurityBusinessBancorp(SanDiego) $2,299.1 $233.4 UmpquaHoldings(Portland,OR) CircleBancorp(Novato) $11,521.9 $322.2 CentralValleyCommunityBancorp (Fresno) VisaliaCommunityBank(Visalia) $887.7 $200.4 CoronadoFirstBank(Coronado) SanDiegoPrivateBank(LaJolla) $166.0 $129.2 MissionBancorp(Bakersfield) MojaveDesertBank,N.A.(Mojave) $262.2 $103.8 SterlingFinancial(Spokane,WA) AmericanHeritageHoldings(LaMesa) $9,599.5 $149.6 GrandpointCapital(LosAngeles) NCALBancorp(LosAngeles) $1,551.9 $382.9 Carpenter & Company -- 1/19/2012 11/30/2012 3/25/2012 9/21/2012 6/11/2012 N/A cancelled Industry Valuations CaliforniaBankandThriftAcquisitionsAnnouncedin2011andCompletedin2012 RankedbyDealValue Buyer(City,State) BuyerAssets($M) CaliforniaUnitedBank (Encino) $791.7 FirstPacTrustBancorp (Irvine) $882.3 FirstFoundation,Inc. (Irvine) $456.2 Seller(City) SellerAssets($M) DATES Announced Completed Price/ Price/ BookValue LTMEPS (x) (x) PremierCommercialBancorp(Anaheim) $449.8 12/8/2011 7/31/2012 38.1 101.3 # 23.3 # BeachBusinessBank(ManhattanBeach) $304.2 8/30/2011 7/1/2012 37.1 115.3 # 17.4 # DesertCommercialBank(PalmDesert) $153.0 3/22/2011 8/15/2012 20.1 120.2 # NM 9/14/2011 2/17/2012 17.4 102.4 # NM 6/3/2011 8/17/2012 15.5 67.1 # N/A N/A N/A AltaPacificBancorp(Santa Rosa) $92.9 StellarBusinessBank(Covina) $85.4 FirstPacTrustBancorp (ChulaVista) $1,083.1 GatewayBancorp(SantaAna) $181.4 SCJ,Inc.(Irvine) N/A DealValue ($M) ManhattanBancorp(ElSegundo) $146.8 11/21/2011 5/31/2012 # at announcement. Carpenter & Company -- N/A STOCK PERFORMANCE: 2012 Annual Report Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Average LTM P/E Ratios by Asset Group Average LTM* P/E Ratio Total Assets: Under $125M $125M - $250M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2012 Previous Month 12/31/2011 % Change Monthly % Change YTD 16.27 17.19 15.31 14.19 12.21 15.72 13.59 12.75 16.68 16.90 16.20 16.64 12.03 16.08 13.29 12.10 20.36 17.60 15.61 17.28 13.40 17.01 13.89 12.43 -2.43% 1.77% -5.49% -14.76% 1.49% -2.22% 2.25% 5.34% -20.08% -2.30% -1.94% -17.90% -8.90% -7.56% -2.20% 2.59% 25 20 15 10 5 0 Under $125M - $250M - $500M - $1Bn $125M $250M $500M $1Bn $5Bn 12/31/2011 $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2012 *LT M= Last T welve Months. LT M P/E calculated based on last twelve months earnings through 9/30/2012 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Price/Book Ratios by Asset Group Average Price/T. Book Ratio Total Assets: Under $125M $125M - $250M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2012 Previous Month 12/31/2011 % Change Monthly % Change YTD 0.69 0.93 0.87 0.97 1.23 1.62 1.55 1.05 0.67 0.92 0.87 0.93 1.21 1.69 1.52 1.05 0.76 0.80 0.77 0.81 1.07 1.49 1.50 0.80 2.04% 1.61% -0.08% 4.56% 1.95% -4.16% 1.92% 0.17% -9.87% 16.75% 13.96% 19.21% 15.21% 9.31% 3.27% 31.91% 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Under $125M - $250M - $500M - $1Bn $125M $250M $500M $1Bn $5Bn 12/31/2011 $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn CA Thrifts 12/31/2012 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company—Stock Performance Report Industry-wide Ratio Comparisons Carpenter California Banks - SNL Bank Index: Price/Tangible Book Ratio (x) 12/31/2012 California Banks SNL Banks Total Assets: Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts 0.86 0.86 0.87 0.97 1.23 1.62 1.55 1.05 Previous Month California Banks SNL Banks 1.12 0.93 0.92 1.01 1.48 1.48 1.36 1.32 0.86 0.87 0.89 0.97 1.23 1.72 1.55 1.07 12/31/2011 California Banks SNL Banks 1.06 0.93 0.92 1.05 1.49 1.54 1.39 1.34 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.81 0.95 1.49 1.50 0.80 0.77 0.87 0.89 0.91 1.44 1.68 1.29 1.25 3 3 2012 Comparison 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M $500M $500M $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn California Banks $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts SNL Banks Carpenter California Banks - SNL Bank Index: Price/LTM EPS Ratio (x) 12/31/2012 California Banks SNL Banks Total Assets: Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M - $500M $500M - $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn $5Bn - $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts 16.99 16.52 15.31 14.19 12.21 15.72 13.59 12.75 Previous Month California Banks SNL Banks NA 14.86 14.86 12.16 13.79 13.15 14.42 17.13 16.85 16.67 16.20 16.64 12.03 16.08 13.29 12.10 NA 15.37 15.37 12.14 13.66 13.26 13.25 17.25 12/31/2011 California Banks SNL Banks 18.76 18.15 16.34 17.28 13.35 17.01 13.89 12.43 13.41 15.09 15.21 12.02 14.23 15.48 10.19 17.56 2012 Comparison 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Less than $250M Less than $500M $250M $500M $500M $1Bn $1Bn - $5Bn California Banks $5Bn $10Bn Over $10Bn Thrifts SNL Banks Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- - STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Under $125 Million Total Market Capitalization: $172 Million Symbol Name Last Trade Date AUNB CABB CCBC CKTM CMUV CRSB DEBC FHLB GSBB MOJA MOKB MOLB NCNB PAMB PFBN PPFC SAGN SBKK SFRK SUTB SVBA TRVB USMT VBBK 31-Dec 31-Dec CHINO COMMERCIAL BANCORP 31-Dec COMMERCE BANK OF T EMECULA VA 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y VALLEY BANK 31-Dec CORNERST ONE COMMUNIT Y BANK 26-Dec DELT A NAT IONAL BANCORP 31-Dec FRIENDLY HILLS BANK 31-Dec GOLDEN ST AT E BANK 27-Dec MOJAVE DESERT BANK 17-Dec MISSION OAKS BANCORP 31-Dec MOT HER LODE BANK 28-Dec NORT HERN CALIFORNIA NAT IONAL 27-Dec PAN AMERICAN BANK 5-Dec PACIFIC ALLIANCE BANK 27-Dec PAN PACIFIC BANK 31-Dec SAIGON NAT IONAL BANK 31-Dec SUNCREST BANK 26-Dec SECURIT Y FIRST BANK 27-Dec SUT T ER COMMUNIT Y BANK 11-Dec SIERRA VIST A BANK 27-Dec T RI-VALLEY BANK 31-Dec US MET RO BANK 19-Nov VIBRA BANK 27-Dec AMERICAS UNIT ED BANK CALIFORNIA BUSINESS BANK Annual Price ($) Volume 5.30 0.35 10.50 4.25 5.00 8.00 6.00 4.50 0.20 14.55 0.09 0.57 8.15 0.30 3.81 1.91 0.25 6.12 3.50 6.00 1.55 0.41 3.10 18.51 816,422 146,229 128,921 50,303 99,539 61,130 15,938 379,488 23,023 9,339 1,005,401 189,726 15,009 8,500 5,300 689,163 142,200 67,120 10,510 8,964 19,429 501,912 5,600 11,868 Mkt Cap ($) 15,254,195 1,246,900 8,710,821 6,385,090 8,107,840 9,600,000 2,281,818 7,272,000 368,920 6,338,969 967,347 2,529,651 11,027,765 456,031 7,077,784 9,341,730 17,356,539 11,700,075 5,950,000 5,710,068 5,012,184 9,650,481 6,138,000 13,676,391 Average Median High Low LTM Price/ P/E T. Book 8.83 N/M 12.80 N/M 17.24 9.30 N/M 16.16 N/M N/M N/M N/M 29.41 N/M N/M N/M N/M 41.20 14.03 4.88 N/M N/M N/M 8.88 16.27 13.42 41.20 4.88 0.90 0.46 1.12 0.70 0.96 0.84 0.28 0.62 0.08 0.80 N/M 0.48 0.80 N/M 0.51 0.67 N/M 0.90 0.48 0.66 0.52 0.98 0.64 1.02 0.69 0.67 1.12 0.08 Annual Change ($) 2.30 -1.15 1.50 -0.75 -0.50 3.60 -2.50 0.25 -0.45 3.05 -0.17 -0.13 -1.85 -0.20 1.41 0.31 0.23 1.87 0.10 0.10 -0.10 0.20 0.50 -4.49 (%) 76.67% -76.67% 16.67% -15.00% -9.09% 81.82% -29.41% 5.88% -69.23% 26.52% -65.38% -18.57% -18.50% -40.00% 58.75% 19.38% 937.34% 44.00% 2.94% 1.69% -6.06% 93.67% 19.23% -19.52% Carpenter and Company— 2011 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $100 and $250 Million Total Market Capitalization: $847 Million Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $125 and $250 Million Total Market Capitalization: $706 Million Symbol ABNK ACAL ARBV BKOT BNNP BSCA CALW CBBC CBJC CBYAA CFBN CNBF CNYB CTBP CYSM FBBN FBCP FCSB FMBP FOLB FSNF FTFS GVYB LGHT LIBC MNBO MVLY NADO NRLB NWBN Name Last Trade Date Price ($) 28-Dec 11-Oct AMERICAN RIVIERA BANK 28-Dec BANK ON IT INC 26-Dec BANK OF NAPA NA 31-Dec BANK OF SANT A CLARIT A 28-Dec CALWEST BANCORP 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y BUSINESS BANK 18-Dec CAPIT AL BANK 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y BANK OF T HE BAY 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y 1ST BANK 31-Dec COMMERCE NAT IONAL BANK 27-Dec COUNT Y COMMERCE BANK 31-Dec COAST BANCORP 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y BANK OF SANT A MARIA 31-Dec BANK OF SOUT HERN CALIFORNIA NA 11-May FOUNDERS BANCORP 26-Dec FOCUS BUSINESS BANK 27-Dec FIRST MOUNT AIN BANCORP 28-Dec FOLSOM LAKE BANK 13-Dec FRESNO FIRST BANK 28-Dec F&T FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 14-Dec GOLDEN VALLEY BANCORP 29-Nov LIGHT HOUSE BANK 31-Dec LIBERT Y BANCORP INC 8-Oct MNB HOLDINGS CORP 18-Dec MISSION VALLEY BANCORP 31-Dec CORONADO FIRST BANK 27-Dec NORT HERN CALIFORNIA BANCORP IN 21-Dec NEW RESOURCE BANK 31-Dec ALT APACIFIC BANK AMERICAN CALIFORNIA BANK Annual Volume 7.40 3.50 7.50 1.74 7.40 7.15 0.45 6.12 21.00 2.90 3.00 9.96 16.00 1.35 7.35 5.65 10.00 7.70 5.80 6.81 9.69 63.00 8.49 11.00 10.03 18.67 4.95 9.15 0.40 4.00 357,667 5,814 398,643 43,147 176,896 458,098 774,655 182,927 62,527 583,135 132,663 373,625 125,511 252,360 491,719 600 42,238 110,290 239,423 30,179 166,798 10,426 71,884 78,776 500 3,085 179,304 64,010 90,978 807,090 Mkt Cap ($) 38,612,231 5,030,246 18,993,465 2,708,012 16,937,742 15,869,489 1,086,989 13,178,796 32,270,112 11,934,106 16,347,726 26,499,506 19,481,888 1,143,289 17,442,182 18,438,967 11,317,000 21,399,863 9,076,571 10,849,086 18,005,648 18,373,509 17,315,635 22,421,564 8,892,718 8,546,622 12,946,171 23,891,977 714,356 22,247,696 LTM Price/ Annual Change P/E T. Book ($) (%) 23.15 N/M 16.66 10.24 8.92 26.48 N/M 4.60 42.24 22.60 N/M 19.92 12.03 N/M 25.10 15.69 14.08 6.42 N/M 16.94 14.66 7.72 15.64 12.94 N/M 8.48 19.81 27.35 N/M 34.85 0.79 0.49 0.91 0.54 0.95 0.81 1.38 0.80 2.81 1.13 1.01 1.00 1.24 N/M 1.05 1.09 1.12 0.92 0.73 0.90 1.22 0.82 1.11 1.22 0.93 0.64 0.96 N/M 0.19 0.89 The remaining 17 banks in this asset class are listed on the following page. Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- -2.10 -22.11% 1.45 70.73% 2.85 61.29% 1.14 190.00% 1.90 34.55% 1.06 17.41% 0.16 55.17% 1.77 40.69% -1.00 -4.55% 0.85 41.46% 1.00 50.00% 3.21 47.56% 2.40 17.65% 0.19 16.38% 2.60 54.74% -0.35 -5.83% 3.00 42.86% 1.45 23.20% 2.05 54.67% -0.69 -9.20% 0.94 10.74% 21.40 51.44% 1.74 25.78% 1.25 12.82% -2.07 -17.11% 0.87 4.89% 0.85 20.73% 0.10 1.10% 0.05 14.29% 0.90 29.03% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $125 and $250 Million Total Market Capitalization: $706 Million (continued) Symbol OCBB OJCB OPBK PBNK PFCI PMRA PSBK PVBK RVVY RWCB SCCB SCVE SDBK SMAL UIFC VCBC VSMU Name ORANGE COUNT Y BUSINESS BANK NA OJAI COMMUNIT Y BANK OPEN BANK PINNACLE BANK PACIFIC COMMERCE BANK PROMERICA BANK PREMIER SERVICE BANK PACIFIC VALLEY BANK RIVER VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BANK REDWOOD CAPIT AL BANCORP SEACOAST COMMERCE BANK SANT A CLARA VALLEY BANK NA SAN DIEGO T RUST BANK SUMMIT BANCSHARES INC UNIT I FINANCIAL CORP VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BANK VISALIA COMMUNIT Y BANK Last Trade Date Price ($) 31-Dec 31-Dec 5-Dec 27-Dec 31-Dec 28-Dec 28-Dec 14-Dec 14-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 28-Dec 31-Dec 24-Dec 6-Dec 24-Dec 21-Sep Annual Volume 3.91 7.00 2.10 4.48 2.40 3.59 0.90 10.00 15.00 7.10 4.50 5.99 14.20 7.50 0.55 0.70 31.00 392,814 209,961 63,633 102,908 282,946 79,238 72,615 88,411 32,417 92,919 350,236 139,903 99,903 101,149 70,041 202,601 4,500 Mkt Cap ($) 18,473,092 14,565,446 15,005,516 14,743,716 10,707,012 9,876,090 1,135,153 32,699,550 25,764,360 12,685,087 19,935,869 8,818,280 30,477,403 9,751,335 6,776,416 1,315,206 11,789,982 Average Median High Low LTM Price/ Annual Change P/E T. Book ($) (%) 43.44 14.90 3.56 19.48 N/M N/M N/M 18.87 19.38 9.22 4.50 16.64 17.40 10.71 N/M N/M N/M 17.19 16.17 43.44 3.56 0.53 1.39 0.67 0.96 0.69 0.59 0.20 1.75 1.45 0.97 1.21 0.89 1.31 0.53 0.34 0.13 0.76 0.93 0.92 2.81 0.13 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- -0.14 3.60 0.80 1.72 -0.50 0.34 0.34 3.50 2.70 1.30 0.00 1.99 -0.45 1.05 -0.16 -0.95 0.50 -3.46% 105.88% 61.54% 62.32% -17.24% 10.46% 60.71% 53.85% 21.95% 22.41% 0.00% 49.75% -3.07% 16.28% -22.54% -57.58% 1.64% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $250 and $500 Million Total Market Capitalization: $830 Million Symbol Name Last Trade Date AVBH BCML CABC CFNB CWBB CWBK FCTY FISB GSCB MISN MNHN MSBC NCAL NCLC PDOB PLBC PLZB SCAF SCZC SSBI UABK VCBP VLLX 31-Dec 26-Dec CALIFORNIA BANK OF COMMERCE 19-Dec CALIFORNIA FIRST NAT IONAL BANCORP 31-Dec COMMONWEALT H BUSINESS BANK 26-Dec COMMERCEWEST BANK 31-Dec 1ST CENT URY BANCSHARES INC 31-Dec 1ST CAPIT AL BANK 26-Dec GREAT ER SACRAMENT O BANCORP 31-Dec MISSION COMMUNIT Y BANCORP 26-Dec MANHAT T AN BANCORP 31-Dec MISSION BANCORP 31-Dec NCAL BANCORP 31-Dec NORCAL COMMUNIT Y BANCORP 31-Dec PRESIDIO BANK 28-Dec PLUMAS BANCORP 31-Dec PLAZA BANK 31-Dec SECURIT Y CALIFORNIA BANCORP 28-Dec SANT A CRUZ COUNT Y BANK 27-Dec SUMMIT ST AT E BANK 31-Dec UNIT ED AMERICAN BANK 28-Dec VALLEY COMMERCE BANCORP 27-Dec VALLEY REPUBLIC BANK 27-Dec AVIDBANK HOLDINGS INC BAY COMMERCIAL BANK Annual Price ($) Volume 9.25 8.20 7.63 14.95 12.00 8.95 4.61 10.75 15.90 3.40 3.75 24.75 1.95 1.86 7.50 3.26 2.05 8.01 13.90 6.75 0.25 10.35 15.00 122,080 210,768 239,065 1,121,745 161,787 1,466,887 983,757 177,209 340,360 28,794 353,218 37,190 77,535 873,202 189,846 781,983 85,240 247,907 129,988 1,107,681 235,831 223,386 40,476 Mkt Cap ($) 24,179,500 39,608,411 20,982,500 156,186,044 37,187,604 38,407,663 42,042,987 34,948,282 41,351,623 26,707,224 45,699,124 31,386,638 4,602,478 19,735,932 30,922,965 15,570,865 35,009,798 45,278,736 27,330,597 32,026,860 604,799 28,820,538 51,873,975 Average Median High Low LTM P/E 7.71 3.92 15.51 19.67 5.22 11.62 15.90 27.72 16.22 N/M N/M 13.98 N/M N/M 25.00 16.30 14.64 N/M 10.22 13.50 N/M 9.08 34.09 15.31 14.64 34.09 3.92 Price/ T. Book 0.77 0.79 0.82 0.79 0.81 0.86 0.87 1.05 1.16 0.81 1.02 1.18 1.27 1.00 0.89 0.53 0.79 0.80 0.94 0.72 0.07 0.78 1.38 0.87 0.82 1.38 0.07 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- Annual Change ($) 3.15 1.35 1.57 -1.13 6.55 3.35 1.07 -0.75 5.90 0.05 0.85 1.50 -2.40 0.31 0.90 0.88 0.69 -0.19 2.10 1.55 -0.10 3.35 1.75 (%) 51.64% 19.71% 25.91% -7.03% 120.18% 59.82% 30.25% -6.52% 59.00% 1.49% 29.31% 6.45% -55.17% 20.00% 13.64% 36.97% 50.74% -2.32% 17.80% 29.81% -28.57% 47.86% 13.21% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $500 Million and $1 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $988 Million Symbol Last Trade Name Date AMRB BOCH CRPB CVCY CWBC FENB FNBG FNRN NOVB OVLY PBCA PFCF PVLY SAEB SWBC UBFO 31-Dec 31-Dec CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC BANK 31-Dec CENT RAL VALLEY COMMUNIT Y BANCOR 31-Dec COMMUNIT Y WEST BANCSHARES 28-Dec 1ST ENT ERPRISE BANK 31-Dec FNB BANCORP 31-Dec FIRST NORT HERN COMMUNIT Y BANCOR 28-Dec NORT H VALLEY BANCORP 31-Dec OAK VALLEY BANCORP 28-Dec PRIVAT E BANK OF CALIFORNIA 31-Dec PACIFIC CIT Y FINANCIAL CORP 31-Dec PREMIER VALLEY BANK 28-Dec SAEHAN BANCORP 28-Dec SUNWEST BANK 29-Jun UNIT ED SECURIT Y BANCSHARES 31-Dec AMERICAN RIVER BANKSHARES BANK OF COMMERCE HLDG Annual Price ($) Volume 6.91 4.60 16.50 7.76 3.35 15.30 18.55 5.20 14.24 7.45 11.80 1.80 5.30 0.35 27,000.00 2.56 2,023,166 4,581,456 383,755 1,582,808 1,236,835 179,404 386,033 806,270 2,640,249 582,960 973,978 583,804 1,299,474 2,325,745 12 1,046,469 Mkt Cap ($) 64,455,927 74,155,432 85,800,000 74,540,744 20,064,859 58,362,447 68,519,508 48,091,935 97,333,134 58,924,136 45,710,852 45,214,205 67,845,300 83,019,256 60,048,000 35,691,052 Average Median High Low LTM LTM EPS($) P/E 20.32 10.45 66.10 10.21 NM 14.85 8.66 18.56 12.38 10.96 24.08 7.76 11.04 NM 9.16 25.99 Price/ T. Book 20.32 10.45 N/M 10.21 N/M 14.85 8.66 18.56 12.38 10.96 24.08 7.76 11.04 N/M 9.16 25.99 0.83 0.81 1.72 0.86 0.56 1.20 0.86 0.70 0.99 0.95 1.08 0.96 1.26 1.42 0.71 0.57 14.19 11.04 25.99 7.76 0.97 0.91 1.72 0.56 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- Annual Change ($) (%) 2.36 51.87% 1.25 37.31% 6.00 57.14% 2.33 42.91% 1.86 124.85% 5.79 60.88% 6.45 53.31% 0.60 13.04% 4.63 48.18% 0.70 10.37% 3.10 35.63% 0.90 100.00% 0.15 2.91% -0.17 -32.69% 923.40 3.54% 0.37 16.89% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $1 and $5 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $5.4 Billion Symbol Last Trade Name Date AMBZ BBNK BMRC BSRR CUNB EXSR FCAL FMBL FMCB HAFC HEOP HTBK MCHB PFBC PMBC PPBI RCBC TCBK WABC WIBC 28-Dec 31-Dec BANK OF MARIN BANCORP 31-Dec SIERRA BANCORP 31-Dec CU BANCORP 31-Dec EXCHANGE BANK 31-Dec FIRST CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL GROU 31-Dec FARMERS & MERCHANT S BANK 31-Dec FARMERS & MERCHANT S BANCORP ( 31-Dec HANMI FINANCIAL CORP 31-Dec HERIT AGE OAKS BANCORP 31-Dec HERIT AGE COMMERCE CORP 31-Dec MECHANICS BANK 26-Dec PREFERRED BANK 31-Dec PACIFIC MERCANT ILE BANCORP 31-Dec PACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP 31-Dec RIVER CIT Y BANK 31-Dec T RICO BANCSHARES 31-Dec WEST AMERICA BANCORP 31-Dec WILSHIRE BANCORP INC 31-Dec AMERICAN BUSINESS BANK BRIDGE CAPIT AL HOLDINGS Price ($) Annual Volume Mkt Cap ($) LTM P/E Price/ T. Book 26.55 15.56 37.46 11.43 11.71 53.75 7.72 4,310.00 405.00 13.59 5.80 6.98 10,800.00 14.20 6.29 10.24 70.50 16.75 42.59 5.87 382,084 4,853,498 2,834,236 5,090,887 1,000,865 61,900 38,095,346 4,247 17,206 44,147,900 10,269,111 15,625,988 629 7,632,208 6,352,792 5,414,490 24,099 8,089,559 30,596,632 102,336,133 117,678,388 245,017,750 201,099,740 161,206,994 126,013,348 92,145,990 225,580,492 564,299,680 315,042,210 427,938,242 146,672,894 183,714,884 209,304,000 187,919,349 104,858,722 105,916,764 86,370,467 267,880,958 1,166,785,674 418,492,223 11.39 18.31 12.32 21.57 N/M 9.36 20.32 8.83 13.52 5.15 11.84 26.85 9.62 8.40 5.07 7.53 9.83 12.88 14.20 4.97 1.17 1.72 1.36 0.95 1.15 0.72 1.64 0.79 1.53 1.18 1.39 1.25 0.68 1.03 0.91 1.09 0.71 1.27 2.83 1.30 Average Median High Low 12.21 11.39 26.85 4.97 1.23 1.18 2.83 0.68 Annual Change ($) (%) 3.55 15.43% 5.16 49.62% -0.13 -0.35% 2.63 29.89% 1.66 16.52% 5.54 11.49% 4.46 136.81% 270.00 6.68% 45.00 12.50% 6.19 83.65% 2.26 63.84% 2.24 47.26% -950.00 -8.09% 6.75 90.60% 3.03 92.94% 3.90 61.51% 8.50 13.71% 2.53 17.79% -1.31 -2.98% 2.24 61.71% Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $5 and $10 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $2.9 Billion Symbol Name Last Trade Date BBCN CVBF PACW BBCN BANCORP CVB FINANCIAL CORP PACWEST BANCORP 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec Price ($) 11.57 10.40 24.77 Annual Volume 8,025,896 10,321,529 4,479,550 Mkt Cap ($) 902,648,128 1,090,059,246 926,894,019 Average Median High Low LTM P/E 15.03 14.05 18.08 15.72 15.03 18.08 14.05 Price/ Annual Change T. Book ($) (%) 1.41 1.57 1.90 1.62 1.57 1.90 1.41 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 2.12 0.37 5.82 22.43% 3.69% 30.71% STOCK PERFORMANCE Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Banks with Total Assets Between $10 and $100 Billion Total Market Capitalization: $14.0 Billion Symbol Last Trade Name Date CATY CYN EWBC FRC SIVB CAT HAY GENERAL BANCORP CIT Y NAT IONAL CORP EAST WEST BANCORP INC FIRST REPUBLIC BANK SVB FINANCIAL GROUP 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec Price ($) 19.53 49.52 21.49 32.78 55.97 Price/ Annual Change T. Book ($) (%) Annual Volume Mkt Cap ($) LTM P/E 91,202,565 92,813,250 264,946,247 189,350,389 85,773,038 1,537,876,570 2,633,969,493 3,015,064,880 4,292,524,971 2,491,254,028 15.26 13.07 11.74 12.28 15.59 1.51 1.61 1.64 1.61 1.40 Average Median High Low 13.59 13.07 15.59 11.74 1.55 1.61 1.64 1.40 4.60 5.34 1.74 2.17 8.28 30.81% 12.09% 8.81% 7.09% 17.36% Carpenter and Company— 2012 Annual Stock Performance Report California Thrifts Total Market Capitalization: $931 Million Symbol BANC BOFI BYFC MLGF PROV SMPL Name FIRST PACT RUST BANCORP INC BOFI HOLDINGS INC BROADWAY FINANCIAL CORP MALAGA FINANCIAL CORP PROVIDENT FINANCIAL HOLDINGS INC SIMPLICIT Y BANCORP, INC Last Trade Date Price ($) Annual Volume 31-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 21-Dec 31-Dec 31-Dec 5,932,450 15,049,087 2,469,103 295,404 7,421,033 6,653,005 12.27 27.81 0.66 16.80 17.50 14.95 Mkt Cap ($) LTM Price/ Annual Change P/E T. Book ($) (%) 143,071,697 361,698,059 1,170,245 99,610,846 195,121,168 130,623,995 N/M 11.44 N/M 8.40 11.22 19.93 0.98 1.70 0.55 1.13 N/M 0.89 Average Median High Low 12.75 11.33 19.93 8.40 1.05 0.98 1.70 0.55 Information is gathered from sources believed to be reliable, however, the accuracy of the data cannot be guaranteed. Carpenter & Company -- 2.02 19.71% 11.56 71.14% -0.90 -57.69% 4.30 34.40% 8.18 87.77% 2.13 16.61% INDUSTRY RANKINGS: Returns year ending 9/2012 PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON Change in Year Assets S-Corp Adjusted Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE 1st Capital Bank 1st Century Bank, N.A. 1st Enterprise Bank AltaPacific Bank America California Bank American Business Bank American Continental Bank American Plus Bank, N.A. American River Bank American Riviera Bank American Security Bank Americas United Bank Armed Forces Bank of California, N.A. Asian Pacific National Bank Avidbank Balboa Thrift and Loan Association Banamex USA Bank of Agriculture and Commerce Bank of Alameda Bank of America California, N.A. Bank of Feather River Bank of Hemet Bank of Manhattan, N.A. Bank of Marin Bank of Napa, N.A. Bank of Rio Vista Bank of Sacramento Bank of San Francisco Bank of Santa Barbara Bank of Santa Clarita Bank of Southern California, N.A. Bank of Stockton Bank of the Orient Bank of the Sierra Bank of the West Bank of Whittier, N.A. Bay Commercial Bank BBCN Bank Beach Business Bank 2007 2004 2006 2006 1972 1998 2003 2007 1983 2006 1990 2006 1999 1990 2003 1980 1963 1965 1998 1984 2007 1974 2007 1990 2006 1904 1998 2005 2005 2004 2001 1867 1971 1978 1874 1982 2004 1986 2004 Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank 302,689 474,343 661,829 222,070 136,539 1,272,610 144,543 293,604 584,767 162,365 451,966 108,381 18,775 53,457 414,578 200,981 1,508,444 461,418 271,554 16,871,118 55,972 447,090 465,258 1,435,263 134,342 183,756 433,493 133,641 118,999 219,044 193,295 2,079,669 528,184 1,420,438 63,037,284 52,716 316,480 5,329,220 312,197 0.47 0.60 0.58 0.69 -0.02 0.87 0.53 1.49 0.64 0.78 0.47 1.67 0.63 0.71 0.97 2.29 -0.24 0.13 -0.34 1.88 1.80 1.84 -0.09 1.20 1.39 0.38 0.68 0.73 0.92 0.25 0.61 0.83 0.23 0.69 0.87 -0.02 3.10 1.54 2.19 4.08 5.82 6.22 3.29 -0.18 11.32 3.74 14.71 4.10 5.14 3.88 9.71 2.55 4.46 10.06 17.23 -1.20 1.33 -3.14 15.64 12.85 15.67 -0.79 12.39 10.05 2.93 6.97 6.89 7.29 2.51 5.00 6.64 3.09 4.83 4.77 -0.10 17.66 11.23 18.89 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shared in orange. Carpenter & Company -- 148 131 133 117 194 93 143 35 125 106 149 26 127 116 78 8 202 185 206 16 20 19 197 51 40 162 119 114 87 174 129 97 179 118 94 195 6 30 10 142 111 104 158 195 39 150 18 141 120 148 57 170 132 50 11 200 183 206 15 29 14 197 32 51 165 96 98 91 172 122 101 161 125 128 194 9 41 6 224 39 159 139 52 181 143 45 102 229 134 16 230 153 144 123 200 193 109 100 54 116 22 180 59 108 164 122 42 137 53 133 9 160 124 196 14 81 31 220 38 165 123 54 203 138 36 107 228 127 22 215 148 132 180 187 200 94 171 58 126 32 179 65 110 153 111 42 125 56 141 4 156 133 190 23 91 30 Industry Rankings: LTM through Sept. 2012 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON S-Corp Adjusted Change in Year Assets Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE BofI Federal Bank Borrego Springs Bank, N.A. Bridge Bank, N.A. Broadway Federal Bank, F. S. B. California Bank & Trust California Bank of Commerce California Business Bank California First National Bank California Pacific Bank California Republic Bank California United Bank Capital Bank CapitalSource Bank Cathay Bank Centennial Bank Central Valley Community Bank Chinatrust Bank (U.S.A) Chino Commercial Bank, N.A. Citizens Business Bank City National Bank Coast National Bank Commerce Bank of Temecula Valley Commerce National Bank CommerceWest Bank Commercial Bank of California Commonwealth Business Bank Community 1st Bank Community Bank Community Bank of San Joaquin Community Bank of Santa Maria Community Bank of the Bay Community Business Bank Community Commerce Bank Community Valley Bank Community West Bank, N.A. Cornerstone Community Bank Coronado First Bank County Commerce Bank Delta Bank, N.A. East West Bank Eastern International Bank EH National Bank El Dorado Savings Bank, F.S.B. EverTrust Bank Exchange Bank 2000 1982 2001 1947 1972 2007 2005 2001 1980 2007 2005 2008 2008 1962 1979 1980 1965 2000 1974 1954 1997 2007 2003 2001 2003 2005 2006 1983 1999 2001 1996 2005 1976 2007 1989 2006 2006 2003 1973 1973 1985 2005 1957 1995 1890 Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank 2,615,952 141,970 1,248,493 384,382 10,899,012 341,032 57,910 380,486 103,515 585,762 1,264,386 130,800 7,285,953 10,594,527 581,807 886,891 1,456,398 119,083 6,310,234 25,877,700 141,996 54,080 241,720 339,774 227,100 450,047 190,732 2,909,228 123,340 165,338 148,555 147,244 279,831 95,227 554,801 106,945 166,159 192,346 99,255 21,802,275 130,196 190,111 1,799,317 522,300 1,633,849 1.48 0.41 1.08 -0.33 1.17 0.50 -4.69 1.12 1.01 0.37 0.06 0.67 1.68 1.11 0.91 0.94 2.22 0.76 1.25 0.86 -0.92 -0.44 0.56 1.10 -0.10 1.76 -0.44 0.95 0.33 0.43 0.41 1.98 0.56 0.57 -1.14 1.12 0.48 0.89 -1.15 1.29 0.80 -0.48 0.55 0.79 0.76 17.92 4.25 9.63 -4.08 8.41 4.42 -85.89 5.03 4.34 3.46 0.60 5.20 11.23 7.28 6.21 6.94 11.82 7.58 9.91 8.96 -17.26 -2.38 4.71 7.37 -0.79 14.64 -3.94 9.36 4.46 3.86 3.69 14.25 4.17 4.80 -12.53 10.38 2.73 10.00 -11.86 11.96 6.63 -3.43 5.65 3.37 7.42 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- 36 160 64 205 53 145 236 57 70 163 189 122 25 60 89 86 9 109 48 96 217 208 136 62 198 23 209 81 166 156 161 13 137 134 220 58 146 90 221 44 101 210 138 102 110 8 138 58 210 77 135 235 121 137 156 189 116 40 92 105 97 37 83 53 66 222 203 129 87 198 19 209 62 133 149 151 21 140 126 220 45 168 52 219 35 102 207 112 157 86 125 219 84 32 149 221 13 218 167 69 117 217 161 110 63 119 27 115 151 152 21 74 95 55 197 20 72 158 15 163 99 37 185 66 225 93 222 148 62 130 168 4 177 166 162 109 226 79 24 149 224 40 208 152 71 98 221 140 128 80 120 39 112 161 137 13 95 88 66 198 19 59 167 6 158 83 46 196 70 231 78 197 145 63 118 159 2 174 157 144 Industry Rankings: LTM through Sept. 2012 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON Change in Year Assets S-Corp Adjusted Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE Far East National Bank 1974 Farmers & Merchants Bank of Central CA 1916 Farmers & Merchants Bank of Long Beach1907 Finance and Thrift Company 1925 First American Trust, FSB 1985 First California Bank 1979 First Choice Bank 2005 First Commercial Bank (USA) 1997 First Community Bank 2005 First Credit Bank 1983 First Federal S&L A of San Rafael 1963 First Foundation Bank 2007 First General Bank 2005 First Mountain Bank 1981 First National Bank of Northern California1963 First National Bank of Southern California1984 First Northern Bank of Dixon 1910 First Republic Bank 2010 First Security Business Bank 1988 Five Star Bank 1999 Focus Business Bank 2007 Folsom Lake Bank 2007 Founders Community Bank 2005 Fremont Bank 1964 Fresno First Bank 2005 Friendly Hills Bank 2006 Frontier Bank, FSB 1998 Gateway Bank, F.S.B 1990 GBC International Bank 1976 Gilmore Bank 1955 Golden Pacific Bank, N.A. 1986 Golden State Bank 2003 Golden Valley Bank 2006 Grandpoint Bank 2007 Hanmi Bank 1982 Heritage Bank of Commerce 1994 Heritage Oaks Bank 1983 Home Bank of California 1981 Independence Bank 2004 International City Bank, N.A. 1984 JPMorgan Bank and Trust Company, N.A. 2008 Liberty Bank 1982 Lighthouse Bank 2007 Los Angeles National Bank 1973 Luther Burbank Savings 1982 Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank 1,130,136 1,883,897 4,871,602 127,697 1,515,728 1,993,696 286,102 479,031 612,356 428,009 170,549 835,276 511,356 136,350 897,683 161,198 805,565 32,576,170 131,462 523,220 189,612 127,372 128,361 2,475,528 195,043 100,109 246,803 247,144 452,675 174,538 129,447 92,346 125,939 861,059 2,836,923 1,352,637 1,053,968 123,070 295,627 143,824 15,255,490 211,935 171,533 198,942 3,685,672 -2.09 1.26 1.35 1.85 0.74 0.79 1.00 0.92 0.31 4.14 0.54 0.94 1.43 -0.74 1.16 -0.44 0.47 1.29 1.94 1.51 2.00 0.54 0.67 2.14 0.78 0.46 -3.17 -1.07 0.89 0.18 -0.22 -2.33 0.95 0.26 3.20 0.99 1.40 1.77 0.37 0.02 1.17 0.03 1.15 0.24 1.65 -9.02 11.77 9.32 8.38 8.68 5.95 9.91 4.66 3.06 14.10 2.57 11.95 16.06 -7.09 9.77 -3.66 4.42 13.71 10.09 14.54 14.22 4.98 5.61 20.37 7.07 3.58 -90.22 -25.93 9.29 1.69 -2.52 -38.78 6.70 1.89 24.11 7.29 10.16 11.22 2.87 0.15 14.19 0.30 9.06 1.70 14.91 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- 225 46 42 18 112 103 73 88 169 1 140 85 38 215 55 207 150 45 14 33 12 142 123 11 107 153 231 218 91 180 201 227 82 173 4 76 39 22 164 193 54 192 56 176 28 216 38 63 78 72 106 54 130 162 24 169 36 12 214 56 208 136 26 49 20 22 123 113 5 94 153 236 227 64 180 204 231 100 177 2 90 48 42 166 193 23 192 65 179 17 213 150 171 76 170 214 89 131 11 216 189 207 205 209 64 211 165 183 51 82 28 129 86 46 212 101 228 17 210 198 18 8 132 49 23 176 44 83 186 58 98 6 145 179 203 184 154 162 105 186 210 82 136 9 209 177 217 192 216 67 212 155 185 213 76 33 122 90 49 214 92 236 12 219 204 14 5 121 60 35 163 50 147 188 61 142 7 108 170 206 Industry Rankings: LTM through Sept. 2012 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON Change in Year Assets S-Corp Adjusted Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE Malaga Bank F.S.B. Manufacturers Bank Mechanics Bank Mega Bank Merchants Bank of California, N.A. Merchants National Bank of Sacramento Metro United Bank Metropolitan Bank Mission Bank Mission Community Bank Mission National Bank Mission Oaks National Bank Mission Valley Bank Mojave Desert Bank, N.A. Montecito Bank & Trust Monterey County Bank Mother Lode Bank Murphy Bank National Bank of California Neighborhood National Bank New OMNI Bank, N.A. New Resource Bank North Valley Bank Northern California National Bank Oak Valley Community Bank Ojai Community Bank One PacificCoast Bank, FSB OneWest Bank, FSB Open Bank Opus Bank Orange County Business Bank Pacific Alliance Bank Pacific City Bank Pacific Coast Bankers' Bank Pacific Commerce Bank Pacific Enterprise Bank Pacific Mercantile Bank Pacific Premier Bank Pacific Valley Bank Pacific Western Bank PacTrust Bank, FSB Pan American Bank Pan Pacific Bank Partners Bank of California Pinnacle Bank 1985 1962 1905 2008 1989 1921 1991 1983 1998 1997 1982 2000 2001 1991 1975 1977 2004 1984 1982 1997 1979 2006 1973 2006 1991 2005 2007 2009 2005 1982 2002 2006 2003 1997 2002 2007 1999 1983 2004 1982 1941 1971 2005 2007 2006 Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank 834,699 2,094,851 3,118,314 255,229 81,059 190,845 396,019 127,062 264,714 438,238 175,084 110,615 245,372 103,724 1,047,091 223,220 64,168 113,950 356,942 105,092 198,890 190,882 889,364 122,231 627,765 135,843 291,208 25,826,535 169,740 2,670,621 172,547 124,611 607,063 665,765 163,800 291,586 1,096,483 1,084,565 176,977 5,523,839 1,351,383 37,783 114,124 122,941 162,545 1.53 0.25 0.73 0.75 1.05 0.95 -0.20 -0.88 0.78 0.16 1.04 -3.45 0.42 0.10 0.79 -3.02 -0.56 1.78 -2.48 -2.02 0.47 0.32 1.10 0.32 1.01 0.82 -0.08 1.24 3.87 0.81 0.24 0.05 1.24 0.61 0.37 1.92 1.86 1.53 1.03 1.01 1.02 -4.60 0.04 0.12 0.48 12.07 1.82 7.31 5.16 5.87 9.40 -1.32 -8.95 7.30 1.92 10.20 -39.67 3.04 1.27 7.26 -45.47 -6.35 10.50 -34.38 -26.30 3.20 2.38 8.48 2.53 8.68 7.65 -0.69 7.55 24.70 3.94 1.07 0.44 11.07 5.83 3.16 18.88 17.47 15.82 8.81 8.71 8.17 -60.78 0.40 0.85 4.58 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- 31 175 115 111 66 83 200 216 108 183 67 233 159 187 104 230 212 21 228 224 151 167 63 168 71 98 196 49 2 99 177 190 50 130 165 15 17 32 68 72 69 235 191 186 147 34 178 88 119 108 60 201 215 89 176 46 232 164 184 93 233 213 44 229 228 159 173 76 171 71 82 196 84 1 145 186 190 43 110 160 7 10 13 69 70 79 234 191 187 131 140 178 118 208 233 173 215 226 187 78 56 201 191 61 127 232 41 138 34 227 43 40 90 194 174 65 112 71 10 2 1 195 26 111 7 68 30 80 94 91 67 103 36 57 136 160 169 96 205 225 173 211 230 183 69 57 223 191 44 131 234 37 164 101 232 52 41 87 193 166 64 100 84 16 18 11 194 21 97 8 53 29 77 93 89 73 17 31 55 130 Industry Rankings: LTM through Sept. 2012 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON Change in Year Assets S-Corp Adjusted Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE Plaza Bank Plumas Bank Preferred Bank Premier Business Bank Premier Service Bank Premier Valley Bank Presidio Bank Private Bank of California ProAmérica Bank Provident Savings Bank, FSB Rabobank, N.A. Rancho Santa Fe Thrift & Loan Assoc. Redding Bank of Commerce Redwood Capital Bank Regents Bank, N.A. River City Bank River Valley Community Bank Royal Business Bank Saehan Bank Saigon National Bank San Diego Private Bank San Diego Trust Bank Santa Clara Valley Bank, N.A. Santa Cruz County Bank Savings Bank of Mendocino County Scott Valley Bank Seacoast Commerce Bank Security Bank of California Security First Bank Sierra Vista Bank Silicon Valley Bank Silvergate Bank Simplicity Bank South County Bank, N.A. State Bank of India (California) Summit Bank Summit State Bank Suncrest Bank Sunwest Bank Sutter Community Bank TomatoBank, N.A. Torrey Pines Bank Trans Pacific National Bank Tri Counties Bank Tri-Valley Bank 2005 1980 1991 2006 2001 2001 2006 2005 2006 1956 1981 1982 1982 2004 2001 1963 2006 2008 1991 2005 2006 2003 1998 2004 1903 1912 2003 2005 2007 2007 1983 1988 1953 1999 1982 1982 1982 2008 1970 2006 2000 2003 1984 1975 2005 Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Industrial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank 413,159 468,799 1,484,216 108,449 138,397 540,303 415,329 685,073 146,046 1,271,390 11,942,000 31,696 941,158 246,393 362,451 1,114,723 143,522 626,654 618,357 54,154 129,198 219,639 135,458 352,001 930,941 524,892 160,954 485,013 96,027 77,902 20,332,174 630,008 915,113 151,498 806,317 189,769 429,722 103,659 620,205 69,824 430,126 1,888,668 112,783 2,514,243 93,709 0.62 0.43 1.66 0.46 -0.72 1.18 0.47 0.31 -0.48 1.38 0.57 3.12 1.00 0.68 0.89 0.98 1.00 1.30 0.18 -2.77 -1.09 0.97 0.45 0.81 0.97 0.68 3.08 0.18 0.43 -0.57 0.95 1.12 0.73 -0.29 -0.27 0.53 0.79 0.29 1.07 1.58 0.60 1.26 0.23 0.87 -2.26 4.78 4.03 13.26 3.60 -9.56 9.45 3.93 3.95 -2.94 12.52 3.04 3.47 7.78 6.88 7.00 8.58 7.47 8.84 1.36 -17.73 -10.48 8.65 3.94 9.84 5.86 5.89 23.79 1.58 3.57 -5.73 12.98 8.82 5.35 -4.51 -1.76 5.17 5.17 2.21 8.09 12.73 4.43 14.10 1.97 8.49 -23.85 All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company -- 128 157 27 154 214 52 152 170 211 41 135 5 74 120 92 77 75 43 181 229 219 79 155 100 80 121 7 182 158 213 84 59 113 204 203 144 105 172 65 29 132 47 178 95 226 127 143 27 152 217 59 147 144 205 31 163 155 81 99 95 74 85 67 182 223 218 73 146 55 109 107 3 181 154 212 28 68 115 211 202 118 117 174 80 30 134 25 175 75 226 121 114 25 184 60 126 231 157 220 70 106 234 104 156 97 154 147 73 33 79 88 92 96 172 142 128 48 206 29 87 182 113 199 50 192 146 105 35 175 85 24 107 77 135 38 116 106 25 172 45 115 229 135 218 75 119 222 117 175 103 151 150 68 34 48 51 102 85 168 143 124 81 202 28 72 195 134 199 26 189 139 114 43 181 99 27 86 74 113 15 Industry Rankings: LTM through Sept. 2012 Returns on Average Assets and Average Equity PERFORMANCE OF CALIFORNIA FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 2012 LTM RANKING BASED ON Year Assets S-Corp Adjusted Change in Company Name Est Type ($000) ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE ROAA ROAE Tustin Community Bank Union Bank, N.A. United American Bank United Labor Bank, F.S.B. United Pacific Bank United Security Bank Uniti Bank Universal Bank US Metro Bank Valley Business Bank Valley Community Bank Valley Republic Bank Vibra Bank Visalia Community Bank Wedbush Bank WestAmerica Bank Wilshire State Bank 1981 1953 2003 1990 1982 1987 2001 1954 2006 1996 1998 2009 2008 1977 2008 1884 1980 Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank Savings Bank Commercial Bank Commercial Bank 57,126 87,417,794 260,540 282,805 121,440 634,740 186,713 373,566 87,526 339,029 169,098 334,199 115,502 200,373 252,446 4,811,421 2,611,010 1.50 0.67 -1.44 0.54 0.64 0.14 -0.14 -1.38 -3.44 1.11 -3.95 0.55 1.45 0.08 0.29 1.70 3.23 10.19 5.49 -23.02 6.30 4.97 1.17 -1.20 -14.14 -22.41 9.36 -36.04 4.24 12.14 0.83 2.76 15.56 23.39 34 124 223 141 126 184 199 222 232 61 234 139 37 188 171 24 3 47 114 225 103 124 185 199 221 224 61 230 139 33 188 167 16 4 169 204 5 155 47 19 12 223 236 141 235 120 75 202 190 188 3 176 201 1 146 47 20 10 227 233 129 235 104 62 207 182 178 3 ABOUT THE RETURN RANKINGS Rankings of the 2012 returns on average assets and average equity are based upon data for California financial institutions as of September 30, 2012, obtained from SNL Financial. Removed from this analysis are California non-depository trust companies. Wherever possible, the rankings used estimates adjusted for S-Corporate treatment. These returns, however, were not available for savings associations. The rankings were based upon the following metrics: Returns on assets and equity for the LTM (last 12 months) ending 9/30/2012. Year-over-year change in the two measures Note: No adjustments were make in the return data and, therefore, in the rankings for the following factors that may cause a distortion in the return ratios relative to other financial institutions: A savings association that is a Sub-chapter S corporation. A financial institution with a high dependency on fee income. A financial institution that is owned by a holding company, especially a holding company absorbing a portion of the operating expenses of the individual financial institution. A financial institution with a large income tax loss carry-forward or for a number of reason does not have earnings that are not taxed at the full tax rate for California corporations. All rankings in the top 25 are shaded; multiple top 25 rankings are shaded in orange. Carpenter & Company --