Burke A Chapter 5 The Quiz

Burke 4th ed
Chapter 05 Quiz
Multiple Choice
1. Based on recent scholars’ views, Darwin’s characterization of evolution as being slow and incremental
A) Entirely wrong
B) Partially correct
C) Completely correct
D) Irrelevant to change in nature
3. Revolutionary change is associated with:
A) Deep structure
B) Periods of equilibrium
C) Both A and B
D) Neither A nor B
5. Equilibrium periods are associated with:
A) Resistance to change
B) Evolutionary change
C) Incremental change
D) Continuous change
7. Organizations that succeed and survive are able to do so, most of the time, by:
A) Continuously fixing and improving the way it operates
B) Adhering to a laissez-faire policy
C) Adhering to a closed system
D) Continuously changing their values and mission
9. Continuous change, kaizen, and organizational learning are all examples of:
A) Revolutionary change
B) Evolutionary change
C) Whole system perturbations
D) All of the above
11. The Dime Bancorp, Inc. case example illustrates:
A) Revolutionary change
B) Culture change
C) Disruptive change
D) All of the above
13. An organization that focuses on realigning skills with jobs in a specific department is attempting:
A) Whole-systems change
B) Action research
C) Revolutionary change
D) None of the above
15. The 1998 Predictive Model for Dime showed that employees’ perceptions of the Dimes’
performance were most positively related to:
A) The business environment; mission and strategy; motivation; and individual needs and values
B) Leadership; culture; management practices; and systems
C) Structure; culture; work group climate; and skills/job match
D) Structure; systems; work group climate; and motivation
17. The initial change at Dime Bancorp was:
A) Accidental
B) Transformational
C) Unsuccessful
D) None of the above
19. Which of the following were considered problems that required change in the “small professional
services partnership” case?
A) The firm did an excellent job of mentoring
B) Leadership treated the firm too much like a club instead of a business
C) Leadership had the skills to lead the organization’s change effort
D) All of the above
25. Deep structure for groups is the structure and process a group chooses to accomplish its tasks.
A) True
B) False
27. An example of value vs. behavioral practice in the table 5.1 is – Value: Solidifying and maintaining
close client relationships vs. Behavioral Practice: Solicits and responds to client feedback on the quality
and service provided.
A) True
B) False
29. Myers-Briggs Indicator (MBTI) assesses a person’s degree of strengths and weakness of preference
along four continua of personality dimensions.
A) True
B) False