E-MAIL, INTERNET AND PUBLISHING INTRODUCTION Safe use of the Internet is of primary concern to all involved in education. Therefore it safeguards need to be in place to ensure that both pupils and staff can safely benefit from the wealth of resources and information available. These guidelines are not only for use in school but to assist in safe surfing at home. Isaac Newton School has a broadband connection to the Internet supplied through the County Council’s Lincolnshire Schools Network system. All pupils and staff have a personal e-mail address and access to the Internet. This document lays down guidelines to ensure that Internet experiences are both safe and enjoyable for all concerned. Any personal information that is collected may be computerised and used for administrative purposes within Lincolnshire County Council or by the Governors at Isaac Newton School. All personal information computerised by the Council has to be registered and may be used and disclosed only as described in the Data Protection Register, which is available for public inspection. Pupils will not access the Internet or Email without permission from either the Class Teacher or the Technician. Pupils will not use any removable media in any school workstation without the media being checked for viruses by the Technician. This includes floppy discs, pen drives, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs, Zip Disks etc. INTERNET The Internet is filtered by Lincolnshire Schools Network using Netsweeper. Although no system is guaranteed 100% failsafe the system is very good at filtering out undesirable sites. Lincolnshire Schools Network will also add to list any undesirable sites that are found accidentally. The filtering software also stops any downloads of programmes and zipped files to any of the schools workstations. Although at times staff will want unrestricted access to certain items, the filtering software will not be turned off for pupils at any time, unless prior permission has been sought from the Head Teacher. Before using any website with pupils it is advisable that teaching staff take time to assess the website for suitability. If any member of staff or pupil finds any website that may cause any distress the Technician should be called immediately, so the matter can be dealt with in the appropriate manner. All pupils will need permission from their parents or guardians before they are allowed to use the Internet or Email. If no reply is sent to school it will be assumed that permission has been given by the parent or guardian. There will be no use of chatrooms or newsgroups for pupils within school unless prior permission from the Headteacher and parents is sought and only after the site has been investigated as to suitability. Teaching staff are encouraged to join any relevant educational newsgroups. Access to resources and email on Lincolnshire Schools Network are available to home users. This needs to be set up within school. For further guidance the Technician will assist anybody who wishes to gain this access. Certain areas of Lincolnshire Schools Network are not available outside of school i.e. Contacts. No files, folders or emails on school systems are private and the Headteacher or nominated person will be allowed to access to monitor contents. EMAIL Every pupil and member of staff has a personal email address as well as a general enquiries account. This account is accessible by the Headteacher, Burasr and Technician. Any emails will be passed on to the relevant person. Pupils will not send any external emails from their accounts, all emails being sent to the Technician for forwarding. This will prevent pupils email addresses being made public. Once a relationship with another school has been verified pupils may be allowed to email directly. No email account except for authorised email accounts will be used by pupils in school and personal accounts will not be accessed. PUBLISHING The school wishes to promote and celebrate achievements by individuals and groups, both in the local press, school publications, and the school website, but to protect individuals no surnames will be used. GENERAL RULES All Users will not: Send or display offensive messages or pictures Use threatening or abusive language Insult others Violate copyright laws Using other peoples passwords Access other peoples work or folders except by delegated staff. Arrange to meet anybody over the Internet without informing an adult first. Give out personal information, including • • • Full name Address Telephone Numbers. REMEMBER IF ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS WHILE USING THE INTERNET GIVES ANY WORRIES OR CONCERNS SEEK THE HELP OF THE TEACHER OR ANOTHER ADULT IN SCHOOL. This Document is a working document and due to the ever changing ICT environment changes will be made as and when appropriate.