Whatever is Lovely - MICHELE WAGNER MUSIC

By Michele Wagner/Shawn Craig)
Reference: Philippians 4:4-9, Psalm 105:4, Ephesians 6:10-18
Verse 1
Loosing faith again
Waited down with daily pressures
It can be such a struggle to trust His promises
In our anxious days
There’s a lamp to light our pathway
And we’ll see all our troubles and cares through different eyes
And we’ll find there’s a way of peace through His words of life
Whatever is lovely and pure
Whatever is noble whatever is true
Anything excellent and worthy of praise
Think upon these things
Verse 2
When you feel afraid
Unsure of where the Lord is leading
So many voices with good intentions can cloud your mind
In His word we find a truth to guide us through tomorrow
And there is a way to leave your fears behind, all behind you
Peace will come as you fill your mind with His words of life
Don’t ever turn away from all He’s given you
Keep your heart resting in His promises
His word will see you through
Anything excellent and worthy of praise
Think upon these things
Whatever is lovely and pure
Whatever is noble whatever is true
Whatever is honorable whatever is right
Whatever is gracious, gracious Whatever is kind
Think upon these things why don’t you
Think upon whatever is lovely whatever is lovely
©1991 Paragon Music Corp/ASCAP