Jeffersonian America: Changing US Boundaries Lesson Plan

Jeffersonian America:
Changing Boundaries
ELO 8.15: Students will identify and explain the key events and people that impacted the changing
boundaries of the United States to 1850.
TSS 8.44: Identify on a map the changing boundaries of the United States
 Convention of 1818
 Adams-Onis Treaty
ACTIVITY: Complete Parts 1 and 2 of OneSheet during lecture
Jeffersonian Era:
Changing Boundaries
 American pride and confidence was
overwhelming following the War of 1812 and
many felt it was time for the US to assert itself at
the international level
 Others believed that the US should use its newfound status to address some old grievances
diplomatically, especially with the European
 The first order of business for the Monroe
administration was to settle American border
disputes and land claims
What impact did the Convention of 1818 have on
America’s borders?
 After the war, both Britain and the United
States wished to solidify the US-Canadian
border particularly with the Louisiana
 They also wished to find compromise in the
disputed Oregon Country
 The met in 1818 and agreed on two points:
 The US-Canadian border along the
Louisiana territory would extend to the
49th Parallel
 Both countries would settle the Oregon
country together (both feared advancing
Russian influence)
Describe the significance of the Adams-Onis
Treaty on America’s boundaries.
 Since 1810, the US claimed rights to West
Florida claiming that it was including with the
Louisiana Purchase.
 Spain disputed this claim and protested
American settlement in the region, but did
nothing to stop it.
 In 1818, Andrew Jackson pursued Seminole
Indian into Florida who had been raiding the
frontier of Georgia
 Though his expedition was technically illegal,
it was not stopped by Monroe and he seized
two major Spanish forts
Describe the significance of the Adams-Onis
Treaty on America’s boundaries.
 Jackson’s campaign in this Seminole War
convinced the Spanish that they could not
control or defend Florida
 Monroe sent his Secretary of State, John
Quincy Adams, to negotiate a treaty
 The Adams-Onis Treaty resulted in:
 Spanish ceded all of Florida to US
 Spain gave up all claims in the Oregon
 US agreed to recognized Spanish control
of Texas
Jeffersonian America:
Changing Boundaries
TSS 8.44: Identify on a map the changing boundaries of the United States
 Convention of 1818
 Adams-Onis Treaty
Identify on a map the changes of America’s boundaries resulting from the Convention of 1818 and the
Adams-Onis Treaty
ASSIGNMENT: Tomorrow’s lesson will cover the United States’ emergence in world affairs concentrating on
its relationship with Europe following the Latin American revolutions of the early 1800s .
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