IB History Y2 SL/HL

IB History SL/HL Y2 Summer Assignment 2015 By now, you should have done the following in preparation for your IA, the Historical Investigation: (1) Brainstormed twelve viable ideas for a topic; (2) Selected 4­6 of those topics to conduct some preliminary research; (3) Based upon your preliminary research, selected one topic and conducted some additional research; (4) Worked with me to refine your topic and develop a working research question Write your research question here: As I mentioned in the introduction to the Historical Investigation, there are six components: A. a plan of the historical investigation [3 marks] B. a summary of evidence [6 marks] C. an evaluation of sources [5 marks] D. an analysis [6 marks] E. a conclusion [2 marks] F. a list of sources using a standard format and a cover page that meets all requirements [3 marks] For your summer assignment, you will complete ​
A, B,​
and ​
F (list of sources only). This assignment is worth 50 points and will be included as part of your Summative Assessments, though you will be able to make changes to it before submitting it as part of your final draft. The final draft grade, however, will not replace this grade. You are encouraged to email me for assistance over the course of the summer. Your ​
Plan of the Investigation​
must: ● State your research question ● Define the scope of the investigation ­­ what are the topical and chronological boundaries of the investigation; what is to be included and what is not to be included in order to serve the research question ● Explain the method of the investigation ­­ what kinds of sources will you seek out and for what purpose; what will you do with the sources to help you answer your research question? To earn full credit, your ​
Plan of the Investigation​
must exhibit the following qualities: The research question must be clearly stated The scope and method of the investigation must be fully developed and closely focused on the research question Here’s the rubric (15 points): Research question Scope of the investigation Method of the investigation 3 6 6 Sharply focused research question that is translated in the scope and method of investigation to provide guidance for both of those components Makes clear both the topical and chronological boundaries of the investigation and explains why these boundaries serve the research question well 2 4 Sharply focused research question 1 Describes a range of at least eight sources that are mostly academic or archival and explains how these sources help to answer the research question 4 Makes clear both the topical and Describes a range of at least chronological boundaries of the eight sources that are mostly investigation academic or archival 2 2 Vague research question Makes clear either the topical or chronological boundaries of the investigation Describes a range of at least eight sources but they include three or more that are non­academic/archival 0 Not included 0 Does not make clear the topical or chronological boundaries of the investigation 0 Describes fewer than eight sources Your ​
Summary of Evidence​
must: ● consist of factual material that is drawn from sources that are appropriate to the investigation ● be fully referenced (referenced to your ​
List of Sources​
) ● be organized thematically or chronologically, based upon your research question To earn full credit, your ​
Summary of Evidence​
must exhibit the following qualities: All material included must be relevant to the investigation, thoroughly researched and consistently referenced and cited The material must be organized in a manner that serves the research question well Here’s the rubric (30 points): For each specific item of historical evidence included (choose at least fifteen) you will earn: 1 point if it is relevant to the research question and falls within the boundaries defined in your scope and method of investigation 1 point if it is embedded in an organizational structure (chronological or thematic) that serves your research question well ­1 point if it is not properly referenced and cited Your ​
List of Sources ​
must: ● align fully with your ​
Summary of Evidence​
(that is, all sources referenced in your ​
Summary of Evidence ​
must appear in your ​
List of Sources​
and all items in your ​
List of Sources​
must be referenced in your ​
Summary of Evidence​
) ● Employ a consistent, standardized method of referencing and citation To earn full credit, your ​
List of Sources​
must exhibit the following qualities: It must be fully aligned with the sources referenced in your ​
Summary of Evidence It must employ a consistent method of referencing and citation Here is the rubric (5 points): This rubric is binary; you either earn full credit or no credit. 5 points awarded if List of Sources is fully aligned with Summary of Evidence and employs a consistent method of referencing and citation 0 points awarded if there is any deviation from the requirements 