Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls Little Flower Catholic

Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls
Parent Newsletter
Summer Edition 2012
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Blessings! First of all, I would like to thank you for your commitment to Catholic education and for making
the sacrifices necessary in order to provide your daughter with the priceless gift of a Little Flower education. We truly
admire you for all you do to make your daughter’s dream of attending Little Flower a reality.
It is summertime, and heat is expected but the recent, lengthy heat wave made it more challenging for our
Maintenance Staff and summer workers who are not in air conditioning as they prepare for the re-opening of school.
Please join us in praying in thanksgiving for their hard work! When you return for Back to School Night, as usual, you
will find the school sparkling!
You will also notice a new Mac Lab on the Third Floor. We have been offering a Graphic Arts Class and this
year we have another elective, Marketing and Media, which will include basic elements of web design. So, it was
incumbent upon us to purchase this new lab in order to give the students the best preparation for these fields.
Once again, the Home and School Association presented us with a generous check in the amount of
$3,500. The only curtains in the Auditorium that still need to be replaced are the side curtains and their cost is
$14,000 so the Home and School agreed to donate the same amount next June sharing the expense with the school
and we will purchase the new curtains NEXT summer. As always, I encourage you to support their Annual Fashion
Show on October 21. Each year they get better and better and everyone has a great time. It is a fun way to spend
your Sunday afternoon.
Speaking of the Auditorium, I would like to thank the parents and friends for helping us and Patrick Masluk,
who is earning his Eagle Scout badge by re-building the lower stage under the supervision of Mr. Ed McGarry.
At this time, I would like to express the school’s gratitude to our parents, parents of our young Alumnae, and
our grandparents for their quick and generous response to the appeal included with the Little Flower address label
mailing from May through June 30. We received over $13,000 from this special group and we are ever so grateful to
you for supporting Little Flower in yet another way.
However, the BEST way you are supporting Little Flower is by entrusting your daughter to us. We consider
this a sacred privilege and honor. We believe that you have made an excellent choice, too! While our Class of 2016
is lower than what we are accustomed, reflecting the tumultuous year it was for the parents in the elementary schools
in particular, we are still a strong school. Not all schools are able to promise the services of 5 administrators, 33
teachers, including a full-time librarian, 3 part-time teachers and a full Fine Arts Program for this 2012-2013 school
year. So, please continue to assist us in getting the “good news” to inquiring parents.
Did you hear the good news? Just before midnight of June 30, the PA legislature broadened the EITC
Program adding $50 million in tax breaks to businesses that donate money for scholarships to students in the state’s
lowest performing schools. More than one-third of these lowest-performing schools are in Philadelphia. While they
have not yet named the schools, certainly some of you live in these areas and eventually, you will receive up to
$8,500 for your child to attend a Catholic school. Preference is given to low-income students; those in a family of
four earning less than $41,348 would get priority. Little Flower has always given priority to families in the income
bracket just mentioned, and this means that in the future, our money will be “freed up” to assist families whose
income is higher and are never eligible for other grants.
All those who submitted a Little Flower Need-Based Grant Application were notified about the amount by
July 7. If you did not receive your letter and yet applied, let Mrs. Foley know and she will tell you the amount over the
phone. The grant application process is over for this school year as we awarded over $725,000 in tuition assistance.
Do try to stay current with your tuition payments. If however, as I always say, you are unable to pay the full
monthly allotment, try to pay something. We have many with the impression they must pay the full lump sum each
month. When some occurrence prevents the payment of the full monthly amount, parents do not make any payment
at all, and this causes the balance to escalate very quickly.
Every president has been asked to uphold the Diocesan policy whereby students may not return for the new
school year if there is still a balance for the previous year. We are not permitted to send the rosters for the new
school year and, if there is still a balance from the previous year, reports have not been mailed either. All past tuition
must be paid by August 31. However, try to pay it off now because already you have missed one payment for this
current year.
Before I close, I would like to invite you to a special assembly on October 9 at 8:15. A new member to my
Advisory Board, Captain Seymour, is coming to speak to the students about what is necessary to be accepted into
the college of your choice. Captain Seymour is a US Naval Academy grad and career naval officer. He is a former
Director of Admissions at the Naval Academy, former President of the School Board at a parochial high school in
Annapolis, MD and is currently an Admissions reader for Johns Hopkins University. Captain Seymour has counseled
hundreds of prospective college students individually and in groups at College Admissions functions and is looking
forward to sharing his expertise with our students and their parents.
May God bless you and guide you in your role as the primary educator of your daughter. I will be on retreat
from August 1-10; you can count on my prayers for you and your families. Enjoy the rest of the summer! God bless
Sister Donna Shallo, IHM
The summer days are passing so quickly. I hope that you are enjoying a change of pace and some extra time for
rest and relaxation in spite of the recent heat wave.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to our graduates and their parents, family members and friends! We celebrated
the Class of 2012 and their many achievements in our inspirational Baccalaureate Liturgy and Graduation
Ceremonies. The Graduating class of 2012 earned $18,537,716 in Academic Scholarships and University Grants
and received acceptances to 116 different colleges and universities. May God continue to bless our graduates in all
their future endeavors!
On behalf of the entire school community, I wish to express our gratitude and best wishes to those faculty and staff
members who will not be returning to Little Flower:
Ms. Deanna Pomarico taught Math and Spanish and coached Cheerleading during her four-years at LF. In addition,
Ms. Pomarico served on the Middle States Math Action Plan Team and the Summer Reading Committee and as
moderator of school clubs. We thank Ms. Pomarico for her efforts on behalf of our students and school community.
Ms. Pomarico will be relocating after her summer wedding. Congratulations and God Bless, Ms. Pomarico!
Ms. Maria Murray, Social Studies teacher and moderator of Model UN, Ms. Antoinette High, Math teacher, and Ms.
Alexandria McCormick, English teacher, were affected by the constriction process in the diocesan secondary school
system and displaced by teachers with more system seniority. Ms. Murray will teach at Monsignor
Bonner/Archbishop Prendergast High School and Ms. McCormick will teach at Cardinal O’Hara High School next
year. Ms. Amy Brooks, Social Studies teacher and moderator of the TV club, will teach at John W. Hallahan High
School next year. We express our gratitude to Ms. Murray, Ms. High, Ms. McCormick and Ms. Brooks for their
dedication to the students and the larger school community and wish them well!
Sr. Marie O’Malley, IHM, served our community so well during the past ten years. Through her service as Assistant
in the Student Services Office and the Main Office, Sr. Marie graciously welcomed and attended to the needs of
many students, parents, faculty and staff. We thank Sr. Marie for her dedication to the LF community. She was
always ready and willing to offer assistance whenever there was a need. We wish her the very best! Mrs. Rita
Malfara served as an assistant in the Fine Arts Department for six years, helping with many tasks associated with the
instrumental and vocal music and art programs. We thank Mrs. Malfara for dedication to the teachers and students in
the Fine Arts Department. Also, we thank Mrs. Evelyn Griffith, English teacher, Ms. Ounan, Health & Phys Ed
teacher, Mrs. Karen Elitz, English teacher, Ms. Laura Klink, Biology teacher, for their dedicated service as substitute
teachers this year. We also express our gratitude to Mrs. Carol Pisicano for her assistance in the Main Office.
Mrs. Cathy Weber, secretary in the Guidance Department, faithfully served our community for eighteen years before
becoming ill earlier this year. Mrs. Weber, a LF alum, began her career of dedicated service to the LF community
as Assistant in the Main Office and later moved to the Guidance Office. In her position as Administrative Assistant in
Guidance, Mrs. Weber offered personal assistance to so many students and parents and coordinated many services
and programs which benefitted the entire community. We offer our loving appreciation to Mrs. Weber and pray that
God will bless her with continued healing and peace!
Congratulations to Mr. William Kuhl, English and Social Studies teacher, who retired after thirty-nine years of
dedicated service in the ministry of Catholic Education. Mr. Kuhl served at Archbishop Ryan High School before
coming to Little Flower in 1976. During his distinguished teaching career at LF, Mr. Kuhl also served as TV Director
and coached varsity track and junior varsity softball and soccer teams. We celebrate with Mr. Kuhl and thank him for
his loving, faithful commitment to the students and community of Little Flower. We offer him our prayers and wish
him the very best in retirement!
Dr. Teresa Hooten, Science teacher, will be out on leave for the first semester. We wish her well and look forward to
her return.
We graciously welcome all faculty and staff members who will join the LF community in September. Our new faculty
and staff members, their last assignment, and the departments or the offices in which they will serve are listed below:
Mr. Thomas Emore
Mr. Jeff Hylan
Ms. Lin Lin
Sr. Roberta Marie Mattox, IHM
Mr. Larry Rosbach
Sr. Rose Yeager, IHM
Archbishop Ryan High School
Father Judge High School
Guest Language Teacher
St. Francis DeSales Parish
Cardinal O’Hara High School
Community Leadership, Sisters,
Servants of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary
English Department
Social Studies Department
World Language Department
Main Office
Math Department
Student Services and Guidance
We welcome and express our gratitude to our newest staff members for their desire to serve our school community.
We thank God for the gift of new life which each brings to our school community.
Ms. Erica Gong, Chinese Language Guest teacher, completed her teaching assignment at LF and returned home to
China last month. Ms. Gong offered an excellent language program to our students and contributed so much to the
World Language program. We thank Ms. Gong for her service and wish her well on her return home. Ms. Lin Lin,
Chinese Guest teacher, will continue the Chinese language program next year. She will teach one class of Chinese 1
and a combined Chinese 2/3 class. The Chinese program is a wonderful opportunity for our school and our students
who are interested in studying Chinese language and culture.
In addition to faculty and staff, we look forward to welcoming our freshman students, the Class of 2016, and all
transfer students and their parents in September. Our prayers are with you in a special way at this time as you
anticipate joining the LF community.
This year we will continue the online Performance Series and Achievement Series standardized testing programs:
Performance Series: replaced the Terra Nova test for the 9th, 10th and 11th grade students. Students will take this
test during class periods three times over the course of the year: September-October, January-February and AprilMay. This testing program will offer students and teachers an opportunity to note achievement gains in Reading and
Math throughout the year.
Achievement Series: will be used for the ELA (English) and Math (Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and Geometry)
assessments at the end of the year. These assessments and all other end-of-year assessments will be taken during
class periods. In addition, the cumulative semester assessments in January will be taken during regular class
Dr. Pace, a specialist in Standardized testing, will conduct the PSAT readiness seminar for juniors in preparation for
the PSAT, and SAT readiness seminars for seniors in preparation for the October and November SAT. We are so
fortunate to be able to offer these seminars during the school day:
PSAT Seminar: October 11 before the PSAT on October 17.
SAT Seminars: October 2 and October 31 for seniors taking the October or November SAT
Additional information and registration forms will be available to seniors and juniors in the fall. Class size for these
seminars is limited, so registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
The faculty and staff will continue their efforts to follow our Middle States action plans, which were developed to
assist the students to achieve the numeracy/mathematics, research/presentation and life skills performance
objectives. Teachers will incorporate a variety of lessons, strategies and assessments in all curriculum areas that will
enable students to achieve confidence and success in each of these targeted areas.
We are truly grateful to God for the many blessings we enjoy every day at LF, and we take great pride in being
members of this special school community. Thank you for all that you give to our school community through your
continued cooperation and support. We could never do what we do without you!
May God bless you and your family throughout the remaining days of summer.
Sister Kathleen Klarich, RSM
The student rosters have been developed after months of preparation. We expect each student to honor the course
selection sheet she and her parents signed in the spring.
The Academic Affairs Office was able to fulfill most student requests for elective subjects. In a few cases, where this
was not possible because of time conflicts and availability of courses, alternatives have been scheduled. In the case
of freshman students, their rosters have been formulated based on the results of standardized tests taken while in
elementary school, the recommendation of the eighth grade teachers, and an analysis of the student's effort and
scholastic achievement over the years.
The Archdiocese is again requiring all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to take the PSAT test on Wednesday,
October 17. Taking this test should help the students improve their SAT scores. The cost of the PSAT is $12.00 and
payment is to be made directly to the Finance Office.
In place of the Terra Nova test the Performance Series Test will be administered to 9th, 10th and 11th grade students
three times over the course of the year.
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia has instituted changes on how honors are determined.
1st Honors
2nd Honors
Average 93
Average 88
no grade less than 90
no grade less than 85
Honors are determined from the grade average, and do not depend on the tracks of the courses which the student is
taking. To calculate the grade average, add together the grades for all tracked courses and divide by the number of
credits. Honors will be calculated on a quarterly basis and will not include semester assessments or the semester
Current research continues to validate the importance of reading to help increase standardized test scores. In order
to encourage our students to read, our summer reading list contains several options for the students. The students
may read as many of the recommended books as they like, but they are required to read only two. A guided reading
tool has been distributed to the students to help them record facts from their book selections. The students will be
assessed on their summer reading when they return to school in September. The students may use the guide sheets
as they take their assessment. Please encourage your children to read over the summer months. This will help to
prepare them for the coming year. If you have any questions, please refer to our website,
Enjoy the remainder of the summer and I look forward to seeing you in September.
Ms. McGovern
A.P. for Academic Affairs
Dear Parents,
First let me thank you for your commitment to our standards of excellence. Your support of our policies and
procedures is obvious from the level of cooperation your daughters exhibit each and every day.
What follows are some reminders regarding those practices which still seem unclear to some students.
1. Please remind your daughter that if an early dismissal is necessary, she must bring a note from you a day in
advance, so that the required form can be prepared. A form to make an ‘early dismissal’ request can be found
on our website, for your convenience.
2. Absentee notes (written on the school form) must be brought to the Student Services Office on the day of
return. If your daughter has seen a doctor during her absence, a doctor’s note must be brought in with the
school form.
N.B. Policy change: Cell phones can now be used after the 8th period bell! This change was made to enable
those who need to contact parents about transportation home to do so without having to come to an office to make
the call. It is also hoped that this change will cut down on the number of policy violations that occur throughout the
school day.
Violation of the cell phone policy is frustrating all around – for the teacher whose class is interrupted, for the parent
who has to come retrieve the phone, and for the student who can’t make that most important call on that most
important evening because the phone has been confiscated.
Therefore, the rest of our policy will remain the same, with the exception of the increase in demerits issued for an
unregistered phone:
cell phones cannot be brought to school until they are registered in Student Services;
once registered the phone must be placed in the student’s locker during the school day;
If a cell phone is confiscated, demerits* are issued and a detention assigned and only a parent or someone
the parent designates can retrieve it.
* 10 demerits if registered and not being used; 15 demerits if registered and
being used; 25 demerits if unregistered.
Again, I strongly urge you to check with your service provider – some are now offering the opportunity to turn the
phones “off” for a certain period of time, thereby limiting usage during the school day; some are removing the texting
feature, etc.
Some phones have music apps and students use them to listen to music in the morning; this usage is acceptable;
however, please remind your daughter that her phone is to be placed in her locker before the school day starts
at 7:55 AM!
Please review this policy with your daughter and help her understand that it will be enforced; thank you for your
continued support!
As you know, the regulation uniform is knee-length; as your daughter grows, you may need to lower the hemline to
keep her in compliance. Please don’t hesitate to request a uniform pass if you need time to adjust the hem.
Requests need to be made in writing.
Uniform passes are issued in response to a note from a parent or doctor. Elevator passes are issued in response to
a doctor’s note.
This coming school year students will be able to bring Kindles/Nooks to school. Please review this new
policy with your daughter; feel free to contact me with any questions. Kindles/Nooks may be used during
the school day for reading only. Cell phones with an e-book app may not be used in place of a Kindle or Nook!
Students found using an e-book to access any website or access email accounts
1. will lose the privilege of bringing the device to school,
2. will be issued discipline consequences -15 demerits if the device is registered, 25 demerits if unregistered,
3. will have the device confiscated; only a parent or guardian can retrieve it.
N.B. E-Books are the sole responsibility of the owner. Parents and student are reminded that LITTLE FLOWER IS NOT
On Dec. 2, 2010 we hosted an assembly for students and an evening presentation for parents on internet safety.
Deb McCoy, a consultant on internet safety, gave our students valuable information on the topic and provided them
with her contact information in case questions/concerns about their online experiences surface in the future. Naomi
Faszczyk, Community Educator for Lutheran Settlement House, presented parents with insights/resources on the
topic. The common theme of both these presentations was the need for continued vigilance and awareness of the
far-reaching effects of inappropriate online behavior.
Last newsletter I gave you information on some sites targeting bullying, safety issues, etc:
♦ (Information on internet safety).
♦ (Article about on of the latest
social networking sites).
♦ (Resources for parents and educators on bullying and other issues).
♦ (Articles on many topics for parents of today’s youth).
You may also want to check out
♦ to learn how to report various types of abuse on
Be aware that more and more teens are checking out and using, a site which has generated
a good deal of controversy because its posts can be anonymous – ( Teens can’t seem to resist reading what others have written about them; most times it’s not
flattering, and is usually harassing, insulting and hurtful.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you become aware that your daughter is involved in a conflict with another
student. And if that conflict is being played out online or through text messages, etc., please print that information
and forward it to me.
Please remind your daughter that any behavior that affects the good order or reputation of our school will have
discipline consequences. For example, if a Little Flower student gets involved in a fight off-campus, a decision
regarding consequences will be made at the administrative level. Such decisions are based on the circumstances
surrounding the physical confrontation.
As I’m sure you realize, conflicts that begin off-campus usually make their way into school, and when they do
discipline consequences are applied, depending on the circumstances surrounding the conflict. For example, if
evidence of cyber-bullying is brought to school, we become involved!
For a more complete understanding, please review the Diocesan Harassment Policy with your daughter (Agenda
Planner, p.10).
If your daughter calls you from her cell phone and asks you to come for her, please contact my office right away –
your daughter is making an unauthorized call, and we must find out what the circumstances are. After doing so we
will contact you and inform you about what is going on and what steps need to be taken!
N.B. Student Services extensions: 125, 128 and 126.
If you have moved or if your phone numbers have changed, you must notify Mrs. Murphy the school secretary, at ext.
113. She will provide your daughter with a form that is to be filled out and returned to her so that your information can
be changed in our computerized system. It is important to keep school records up to date so that in the event of an
emergency we can contact you without delay.
Again, thank you for all you do for Little Flower!!! Should you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached at
ext. 126.
Mrs. Schenk
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope that you and your families are enjoying a very happy and healthy summer. I’m sure that while your daughter is
enjoying the break, she is looking forward to the coming school year and all of the fun activities we have planned.
Our mascot this year is the turtle. Our theme is “Let your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions louder
than your words”. Both were selected by the Class of 2013.
A copy of our school calendar will be distributed to every student during the first week of school. Included in the
calendar are the bell schedules and a list of phone extensions for various school offices. It is very important that you
keep this calendar in a spot where both you and your daughter will have access to it throughout the year. It would
also be a good idea to check our website each month for revisions to the calendar.
Mark Your Calendar!
August 29
7 pm
September 6
September 13
September 25
September 26
September 28
October 1
October 2
October 2
October 12
October 16
October 17
7 pm
7 pm
8:15 am
8:15 am
7 pm
7 – 9 pm
7 pm
October 18
October 18
5 - 7 pm
7 pm
October 19
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 30
7 - 10 pm
1 pm
2:30 pm
8:15 am
Fall Sports Meeting – Mandatory for all athletes, parents,
coaches, and moderators involved in fall sports program
Freshman Parent Meeting
Parents’ Back to School Night
Student Government Installation
Faculty/Staff In-Service Day - students do not report
Big/Little Sister Introduction
St. Therese Feast Day Liturgy
Opening of Chance Drive
Home and School Meeting
Big/Little Sister Night
Ring Mass at St. Timothy Church
PSAT – Grades 9, 10, and 11. Dismissal 11:35 am.
Seniors use this day for college visits
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Mandatory meeting for parents and guardians of all
Juniors and Seniors
Ring Dance
Home and School Fashion Show at Romano’s
LAST DAY to merit prizes/holiday – Chance Drive
Chance Drive Drawing
National Honor Society Induction
November 13
November 15
November 15
November 16
November 21
6 - 8 pm
7-10 pm
Senior Class Photo – HR; School Portraits – lunch periods
(applies only to those who wish to order these photos)
8th Grade Visitation Day – student volunteers only report
Open House and Registration
Harvest Dance
Spirit Day – Dismissal 11 am
Please note: Attendance at the mandatory meetings on August 29 and October 18 is expected of those
involved. Please make arrangements to be available to attend. Parents who miss the Junior/Senior Parent
Meeting on October 18 will be contacted by letter to view the video of the meeting at a designated time
during the school day.
Ring Mass
Little Flower school rings will be distributed to our Seniors at the Ring Mass to be held on Tuesday, October 16 at 7
pm. at St. Timothy Church. If your daughter has not yet ordered a ring, she may still do so. Please be aware,
however, that rings ordered after June 30 are not guaranteed to arrive in time for Ring Mass. Should this occur, your
daughter may still participate in the Ring Mass by borrowing a Little Flower ring from a relative or friend, or from the
Student Affairs Office where we have a limited supply of rings available. Borrowed rings must be brought to the
Student Affairs Office no later than Thursday, October 11. It is our hope that all members of the Senior Class will be
present for this very special celebration.
Graduation Fee
It may seem early to bring up Graduation but we all know how quickly time passes! The Graduation Fee is $195,
however, if paid on or before October 31, there will be a $15 discount bringing the cost to $180. Hopefully, you will be
able to take advantage of the “Early Bird Special.”
As usual, we will have our two major fundraisers this year. The 1st Chance Drive will begin on October 2. The 2nd
Chance Drive will take place in February. The required quota for each student is $75 for each of these drives.
Participation in both of these fundraisers is required of all students.
To help defray the cost of our Activity Buses, we sponsor two optional fundraisers which we hope you will support.
Our Tupperware Sale begins on November 5 (think Christmas!). Our Pizza Sale begins on January 3. More detailed
information will be given to students in homeroom and appear in future newsletters.
Activity Buses
For students who remain after school, we provide two Activity Buses. The first bus leaves Little Flower at 3:30; the
second, at 4:45 pm. Since these buses are not Septa buses, there is a $1 charge for riding them. Students are to be
prepared with $1 which is to be paid before they board the bus. Every afternoon announcements are made over the
P.A. to remind students about the departure times of these buses. Buses run Monday through Thursday. There are
no Activity Buses on Friday. The routes of these buses are listed below and can also be found in the Student Agenda
Planner. Please note that the drivers are instructed not to deviate from the arranged route.
Activity Bus Routes
3:30 Bus
• 9th Street to Boulevard – North on Boulevard
• Stops at 5th St., Rising Sun Ave., Foulkrod St., Pratt St.
• Turns right at Pratt
• Stops at Large St., Oxford Ave., Frankford Ave., Torresdale Ave.
• Turns left at Torresdale, continues to Bridge St., turns right, continues to Richmond St.
• Stops at Lefevre St., Castor Ave., Tioga St., Allegheny Ave.
Turns right at Allegheny
Stops at Aramingo Ave., Frankford Ave., Kensington Ave.
Turns right at Kensington, continues to “I” St., turns left, continues to Hunting Park Ave., turns right
Stops at “J” St., “L” St., and finally at Castor Ave.
4:45 Bus
• 9th Street to Boulevard – North on Boulevard
• Stops at 5th St., Rising Sun Ave., Pratt St.
• Turns right at Pratt
• Stops at Large St., Oxford Ave.
• Turns left on to Oxford Ave., crosses Boulevard, continues on Oxford
• Stops at Levick St., Cottman Ave.
• Turns right at Cottman
• Stops at Castor Ave., Bustleton Ave., Boulevard, Frankford Ave.
• Turns right at Frankford
• Stops at Levick St.
• Continues on Frankford to Pratt
• Turns left at Pratt
• Stops at Torresdale Ave.
• Turns left at Torresdale, continues to Bridge St., turns right, continues to Richmond St.
• Stops at Lefevre St., Castor Ave., Tioga St., Allegheny Ave.
• Turns right at Allegheny
• Stops at Aramingo Ave., Frankford Ave., Kensington Ave.
• Turns right at Kensington, continues to “I” St., turns left, continues to Hunting Park Ave., turns right
• Stops at “J” St., “L” St., and finally at Castor Ave.
Each month there are two extended homeroom periods (T1 and T2) which provide time for club meetings so that
students who are unable to remain after school will have the opportunity to join a club. We believe that interacting
with each other and with faculty/staff members outside the classroom setting is an important aspect of school life.
Each year, there are approximately 40 clubs offered. Hopefully, your daughter will find at least one to join and enjoy.
Specific information about class dances as well as general dance information can be found in the Student Agenda
Planner which every Little Flower student will receive in September, but I would like to address certain issues here as
1. The Junior Dance and Senior Prom are date dances. Young ladies must be accompanied by a gentleman
escort. ESOL students who are gentlemen must be accompanied by a young lady.
2. Parents/guardians of Juniors and Seniors are required to attend the mandatory meeting on Thursday,
October 18 at 7 pm. Those Juniors and Seniors whose parents/guardians do not attend this meeting will not
be permitted to purchase tickets for the Junior Dance or Senior Prom. This meeting is for parents/guardians
3. Students attending our other school dances are not required to be accompanied by an escort. If they chose
to bring an escort, they must follow the guidelines mentioned in #1 above.
4. Students who are absent on the day of an after-school or evening activity are not permitted to attend that
event unless they have the permission of Mrs. Schenk.
5. Refunds are not available for tickets purchased for dances/events.
6. Dress code regulations are published and posted prior to every dance. Students are expected to know
them, follow them, and communicate them to their escorts. Sneakers, casual (“work”) boots, sweats, shorts,
jeans are never permitted for our students or their escorts. Gentlemen are always expected to wear a shirt
and tie.
7. Students and their escorts who are not properly dressed may be asked to leave the dance. In this case,
parents will be called, students will receive demerits, and ticket money will not be refunded. Those students
and their escorts who are not dressed properly but who are permitted to remain at the dance will receive
demerits and will not be permitted to purchase formal photographs of the dance. In this case, parents will
receive a letter informing them of the situation. The consequences stated here will be issued according to
the nature of the dress code violation.
Our goal with regard to dress code is that our students select clothing which reflects the respect they have for
themselves and the values of Little Flower. This can be quite a challenge in light of current fashion trends! I ask your
assistance in making certain that your daughter makes appropriate choices.
Guidelines and Deadlines
Guidelines and deadlines are very important to us in the Student Affairs Office. Please encourage your daughter to
follow guidelines and meet deadlines in order to avoid being disappointed or upset. Please remind your daughter of
her responsibility to check on information she may have missed if absent from school. Important announcements and
reminders are communicated to the students on a daily basis. Our goal is to make certain that the correct information
is available to all students. Our hope is that all students will be attentive to it. It is unfortunate when a student misses
an opportunity to purchase a dance ticket, order a special tee shirt, etc. due to missing a deadline. I would be most
grateful for your assistance in this area.
Closing Comments
Throughout the year, we strive to provide opportunities for our students to balance their academic life with a variety of
social activities which will be safe, happy, and memorable experiences for them. I am very grateful for your past
cooperation and assistance and look forward to a new year of working together on behalf of your daughters. Enjoy
the remaining weeks of summer!
Ms. Patricia McCaffrey
Assistant Principal for Student Affairs
Below is a description of the buses that come to Little Flower. You may come to the Student Services Office with any
questions or concerns.
St. Adalbert, Ascension, Mother of Divine Grace, Nativity B.V.M., Our Lady Help of Christians, St.
Laurentius, Holy Name, Penn Treaty (5 & 60).
428/429 All Saints, St. Anne, Ascension, St. George, St. Joan of Arc,
Visitation (El & 428/429), Penn Treaty (5 & 428/429).
St. Bartholomew, St. Helena (47 & 57), Incarnation, St. John Cantius, St. Martin of Tours
St. Ambrose, St. Cecilia (28 & 59), Maternity B.V.M.,
St. Matthew, Presentation B.V.M., Our Lady of Ransom, Redeemer Lutheran, Resurrection, St. William,
St. Timothy
St. Christopher, Christ the King, St. Cecilia, Maternity, Resurrection
St. Bartholomew, St. Boniface, Holy Innocents, St. Hugh, St. Joachim, St. Joan of Arc, Our Lady of
Consolation, St. Leo, Mater Dolorosa, St. Veronica
St. Athanasius/Immaculate Conception (XH & 53), St. Benedict, Holy Cross, St. Martin DePorres (23 &
53), St. Raymond, St. Therese (XH & 53), Our Mother of Consolation (23 & 53), St. Francis of Assisi (23 &
53), St. Vincent DePaul (23 & 53).
Our Lady of Hope, St. Michael (57 & C), St. Mary Interparochial, (9 or 21 or 42 to C), Penn Treaty (57 to
C), St. Peter the Apostle (15), St. Thomas Aquinas (29).
Goes to Richmond & Westmoreland
428/429 Goes to Richmond & Venango
Goes to Frankford Transportation Center or to Bridge & Pratt
Goes to Castor & Bleigh via Cottman Ave.
Goes to Byberry Rd. on Worthington
Goes along Erie (East) & Torresdale to Cottman Ave.
Goes along Erie (West) to Germantown and West Mt. Airy via Wayne Avenue
South goes down Rising Sun to Broard Street to South
North goes up 9th Street to Nedro
Goes to Germantown, West Oak Lane (pick up at Broad & Erie).
Departure Times as of September 1, 2011
TBA in August
7:10 a.m.
7:15 a.m.
7:09 a.m.
7:09 a.m.
7:16 a.m.
7:18 a.m.
7:01 a.m.
7:02 a.m.
7:03 a.m.
6:50 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
6:53 a.m.
Cottman & Torresdale Ave.
Richmond St. & Westmoreland St.
Richmond St. & Westmoreland St.
Bridge St. & Torresdale Ave.
Bridge St. & Torresdale Ave.
Frankford Terminal Transportation Center
Frankford Terminal Transportation Center
Richmond St. & Venango St.
Richmond St. & Venango St.
Richmond St. & Venango St.
Castor Ave & Bleigh Ave.
Southampton & Worthington Rds.
Rhawn St. & Veree Rd.
Dear Parents and Guardians:
The staff in the guidance department is comprised of individuals who are committed to the well being of your
daughter. The guidance department works to help students achieve their academic and personal goals.
Mr. Jack Fitzsimmons
Mrs. Paula Scott
Mrs. Kate Barker
Mrs. Fran Kuber
Sister Regina Flanigan, IHM
Mrs. Denise Gagliardi-Roach
Ms. Susan Agunsday
Mrs. Marie Murphy
Director of Guidance
Social Worker
Shalom Intervention/Prevention Counselor
Shalom “Adults in the Making” Counselor
Hispanic Apostolate and Connelly Foundation
CORA Counselor
CORA Speech Therapist
Guidance Secretary
The Class of 2012 earned $18,537,716 in scholarship and university grant money. There were 456 scholarships
offered to 127 students. This year’s graduates were accepted to over 116 different colleges and universities.
We encourage the new senior class and their families to take the opportunity to visit colleges over the summer to
help in the college decision process for post high school.
Parents we strongly suggest you use the Naviance web site which was introduced to your daughter during her Junior
year as a tool in the college search. Your daughter has an account already set-up so please take a few minutes over
to the summer to check out college options with her. If you have any questions please contact Mr. Fitzsimmons via
e-mail at:
All freshman, sophomore and junior students will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 17, 2012. This test is
especially important for juniors because not only does it provide firsthand practice for the SAT Reasoning Test, it also
gives the student a chance to enter the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) scholarship programs.
With Fall approaching, seniors should begin to register for standardized college admissions tests. While most
students at Little Flower take the SAT only, some may want to consider taking the ACT. All four-year U.S. colleges
accept the SAT or ACT interchangeably. Admissions officers and educators often describe the difference between
SAT and ACT in these terms: the ACT is a content-based test, while the SAT tests critical thinking and problem
solving. Although one test isn't better than the other, depending on your strengths you may find one to be easier.
Under 5 hours
Just over 4hours
Critical Reading, Writing, and Math.
English, Math, Reading, and Science
The SAT tests vocabulary much plus an optional Writing section.
more than the ACT.
Math section includes trigonometry,
while the SAT does not. The ACT
tests English grammar.
Total score range of 600-2400 based Composite of 1-36 based on average
on adding scores from 3 subjects.
scores from the 4 test sections.
Wrong Answer Penalty
¼ point subtracted from your raw No penalty for wrong answers. Credit
score for each wrong answer.
for right answers.
October 6, 2012
*November 3, 2012
December 1, 2012
January 26, 2013
*March 9, 2013
May 4, 2013
June 1, 2013
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT Only
SAT & Subject Tests
SAT & Subject Tests
September 7, 2012
October 4, 2012
November 1, 2012
December 28, 2012
February 8, 2013
April 5, 2013
May 2, 2013
September 21, 2012
October 19, 2012
November 16, 2012
January 11, 2013
February 22, 2013
April 19, 2013
May 17, 2013
*Test is administered at Little Flower Catholic High School.
Fee is $50.00 and late registration is an additional $27.00 for a total of $77.00
Standby Fee is an additional $44.00 for a total of $94.00
Apply online at
September 8, 2012
October 27, 2012
December 8, 2012
February 9, 2013
August 17, 2012
August 18-24, 2012
September 21, 2012
September 22-Oct. 5, 2012
November 2, 2012
November 3-16, 2012
January 11, 2013
January 12-18, 2013
April 13, 2013
June 8, 2013
March 8, 2013
May 3, 2013
March 9-22, 2013
May 4-17, 2013
The ACT is NOT administered at Little Flower.
Basic registration fee is $34.00. The ACT Plus Writing is $49.50
There is an additional fee of $21.00 for a late registration.
Apply online at
*Some students are eligible for an SAT or ACT Fee Waiver based on financial needs. Students are encouraged to
check the status of their eligibility through the guidance staff before registering for the SATs.
If you or someone you know is interested in speaking with students about his or her career this fall, please email Mr.
Fitzsimmons at:
The goal of the guidance and counseling program here at Little Flower is to facilitate each student’s development and
growth throughout high school. The guidance and counseling program works in partnership with parents, teachers
and administrators and is “guided by St. Therese's spirituality of simple, loving service, empowering young women to
recognize and develop their potential, to deepen their faith, and to grow in awareness of their moral responsibilities to
the global community by creating a supportive, nurturing environment and implementing a comprehensive program
which promotes academic excellence and integrity, moral development, generous service, and civic responsibility”
(Little Flower School Mission Statement).
Mr. Jack Fitzsimmons,
Guidance Director
Dear Parents,
As President of the Little Flower Home & School Association, I would like to welcome all new
LF families to our organization. I anticipate another wonderful and exciting school year and
encourage all of you to share your daughters’ LF experience by joining us as parent
volunteers. Our Officers for the 2012 ~ 2013 school year are:
Kate Steinmetz, Vice President
Greg Witalec, Treasurer
Lola Morgan, Secretary
Kathy Hueber, Hospitality Hostess
We have 4 general meetings throughout the school year; they begin at 7:00 p.m. and are held in the school
auditorium. The dates for this coming school year will be listed on the school website shortly. Please check the
website for any updates or changes.
Please "Save the Date" for our 9th annual Fall Fashion Show on Sunday, October 21st at Romano's Caterers.
Details and ticket information will be sent home with your child the second week of September.
Enjoy a safe and restful summer; I look forward to seeing all of our new and returning families in the fall at our first
God Bless and Keep You All,
Tina Fellenbaum, Home and School President
Welcome to all the new students to Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls. Pennsylvania state law mandates a
9th grade physical. Parents of all 9th grade students have been mailed a physical form to be completed by your
family doctor or completed at any city health center. Completed physicals are to be returned to the school nurse by
September, 2012. Please have your child’s immunization’s updated. . If your child needs health insurance, please
visit or call 1-800-986-KIDS to enroll your child in CHIP, Pennsylvania’s Children’s
Health Insurance Program.
Should your child have a medical condition that requires special consideration a pass may be issued. In order to
receive a pass for textbooks, shoes, water bottle, elevator, or the bathroom, a doctor’s note must be on file in the
Student Services Office in September, 2012. Please contact your doctor over the summer for a current note. A
doctor’s note must be submitted yearly so the school knows the condition is under the care of a physician.
Please contact me in September for any new or any changes in your child’s health. The school needs to be aware of
any of your concerns. Working together will help your child succeed in school. Thank you for your cooperation.
Chris McCarthy, RN
School Nurse
215-455-6900 ext.124
I hope all LF students are enjoying the summer and their summer reading books! Remember to choose
any two books from your grade level book list and to have fun reading them. Students can take notes as
they read by using the Note Taking Tool. Book lists and the Note Taking Tool are available on the LF
website under the Summer Reading Information tab. Summer Reading Assessments will take place at the
beginning of the school year.
Some of the LF Library’s most checked out authors have new releases this summer. Patricia
McCormick’s new book, Never Fall Down, is based on a true story about a child of war who becomes a
man of peace. Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter is the second book in the Heist Society series. Also, if
you loved The Hunger Games, you might want to try Veronica Roth’s book, Divergent. Stop in your local
library branch or bookstore and keep up with your favorite authors and characters over the summer.
I am excited to see all LF readers in the library at the start of school!
Ms. Brooke Hauer, Librarian
It is with great pride and excitement that the staff of Little Flower’s annual musical announces our 2012 show –
“SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN”. This famous 1952 American musical comedy film starring Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor
and Debbie Reynolds offers a lighthearted depiction of Hollywood caught up in the transition from silent films to
"talkies" in 1927. The movie was voted the #1 movie musical in screen history by the American Film Institute. In
1985 the stage version of the musical opened on Broadway. “Singin’ in the Rain” has been revived several times and
is currently running in London's West End and is scheduled to arrive on Broadway in 2013.
This is the perfect musical for young and old alike. The old fashioned, rousing production has something for everyone
– memorable songs, fascinating dances, and a story filled with comedy, romance and intrigue. Featured songs
include “Singin’ in the Rain”, “Make ‘Em Laugh”, “Broadway Melody”, and “You Are My Lucky Star”.
Close to 100 Little Flower students are involved in the production. We hope that everyone will come to Little Flower in
December. The dates of this year’s musical are December 6, 7, 8, and 9 of 2012. Call 215-455-6900, extension 141,
for more information.
I’ve A Smile On My Face!
Dear Parent/Guardian:
All candidates who are trying out for a Sports Team at Little Flower must fill out the PIAA Comprehensive Initial PreParticipation Physical Evaluation forms. This form can be downloaded from the PIAA website, or call the Athletic
Office and we will mail one to you.
TRYOUT DATE FOR YOUR SPORT. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 215-455-6900, Ext.
138. There will be a mandatory Sports meeting on August 29, 2011 at 7:00 P.M. All parents of students
involved in fall sports must attend.
Any Student who would like to play on our NEW TENNIS Club team should attend a meeting on Wednesday,
August 15th at 6pm.
We are taking applications for New Cheerleading and Softball Coaches, anyone who is interested should
send a resume to Little Flower Catholic HS , 1000 West Lycoming Street, Philadelphia PA 19140, C/O Mr.
Adam Buchter.
Field Hockey
Date – Monday, August 13, 2012
Time – 9:00 – 12:00
Location – Little Flower High School
Date – Monday, August 13, 2012
Time – 3:00 – 6:00 PM
Location – American Legion Playground
6201 Torresdale Avenue
Date – Monday, August 13, 2012
Time – 12:30 – 3:00 for Seniors & Juniors
3:00-5:30 for Sophomores & Freshmen
Location – Little Flower Gym
Date – Monday, August 13, 2012
Time – 3:00 – 5:00
Location – Juniata Golf Club
For more information and directions contact the Athletic Office at 215-455-6900, Ext. 138.
Mr. Adam Buchter
Athletic Director
Little Flower Faculty Members, Ms. Laura Stankiewicz and Mrs. Sharon Cornwall received special recognition and
Ms. Laura Stankiewicz, Spanish teacher, was selected by faculty and staff as the LF Distinguished Educator for
2012. Ms. Stankiewicz was the Guest speaker for the Honors Night Celebration.
Mrs. Sharon Cornwall, Science teacher and department chairperson, was awarded the “Harold W. Pote Behind Every
Graduate: Drexel University’s Award for Excellence in Secondary School Teaching Award”. Cathleen Kerr, LF ‘07
and Drexel University ‘12, nominated Mrs. Cornwall “because of her encouragement, role modeling, commitment and
for playing a significant role in her career choices and growth during high school”.
Little Flower Student Awards:
The Graduating Class of 2012 earned $18,537,716 in Academic Scholarships and University Grants and
received acceptances to 182 colleges and universities. 98% of the Class of 2012 will pursue postsecondary education. 74% will attend four-year colleges/universities; 24% will attend two-year colleges.
Graduating seniors Destiny Marquez, Christine Lugrine, Christina Fisher, Megan Guy, Samantha Bastone
and Brianna Gomez attended the Diocesan Academic Honors Mass and Convocation at the Cathedral in
May. Student honorees represent the highest three percent of the Senior Class according to cumulative
ranking at the end of the first semester of senior year. Archbishop Chaput celebrated liturgy for students
and their guests.
Shiza Francis, ‘13 won the National Society of the Colonial Dames Essay Contest on George Washington’s
farewell address. Shiza will participate in the 2012 Congressional Seminar in June in Washington, DC. The
week long program includes a tour of Washington, participation in a Model Congress, and a meeting with
Senators and Congressman.
Sophia Sotomayor, ‘13 received a full scholarship to attend the Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week at
Lycoming College in July.
Little Flower students participated in the Financial Literacy Challenge online exam in the spring.
84,000 high school students participated in the challenge. Graduating seniors Megan Guy, Michelle Miao
and Alyssa Munger were awarded certificates for scoring within the top 20th percentile on the Financial
Literacy Challenge online exam.
One hundred thirty-four students earned First or Second Honors in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarters. The honor
students and their parents participated in our annual Honors Night Celebration.
Diocesan Scholars Dominique Brown, Amanda Costello, Shiza Francis, Megan Himes, Sara Leonetti,
Kathleen McGovern, Natalie Midzak and Alexandria Milligan will take college classes in addition to their
roster of classes at LF next year. These students will attend St. Joseph’s University, LaSalle University,
Holy Family University or Manor Junior College.
Ms. Brooke Hauer and the Community Service Corps engaged our community in a number of service
opportunities over the course of the year. Students and faculty participated in many activities, including
making sandwiches for St. Francis Inn, Hunting Park Clean-up Days, Thanksgiving Drive, Operation Santa
Claus, Young at Heart Luncheon, Souper Bowl Collection, Pennies for Patients, Queens of Clean toiletries
collection for shelters, Alex’s Lemonade and many other activities.
Maura Quirk, ’12 received two special awards at the annual CSC Commissioning Mass at the Cathedral:
the St. Timothy Award, which is “the highest recognition from the National Federation for Catholic Youth
Ministry that a diocese may offer” and the Maria Zielinski Award, which is presented to a graduating senior
who models Christian leadership in deed and spirit.
Taylor Cobb,’12 was selected to represent Philadelphia as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Official Youth
of the Year and advanced to the state competition in Harrisburg. The Youth of the Year program fosters
character, personal growth and leadership qualities in young people.
Rebecca Bannon, ’12 was invited to Harrisburg to receive the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Foundation
Scholarship. Rebecca was nominated for her “exemplary academic achievement, community service and
Maura Quirk, ‘12 received the Mayor’s Scholarship for Academic Excellence and Civic Engagement for her
winning essay in response to the question: In what ways have you used your talents and strengths to
service your community during your high school career? Maura was invited to read her essay during Mayor
Nutter’s Top of the Class ceremony at City Hall Courtyard on Friday, June 1.
Nicole Barth, ‘13 and Kayla Gallagher, ’13 were selected by the University of Notre Dame to participate in
the 2012 Summer Scholars Program. Special thanks to the Connelly Foundation for its support of this
special program.
Gabrielle Turino, ’13 received the St. Timothy Award for “outstanding and enthusiastic service, leadership
and for following the way of Christ, thus modeling for all youth Christian Discipleship”. Gabrielle, a member
of Holy Family Parish, is an altar server, sacristan and member of her parish Youth Group.
Siobhan Grant, ’15 was selected to receive a 2012 Founders Award presented by The Emergency Aid of
Pennsylvania Foundation.
We are so grateful to the following for their help in rebuilding the lower Auditorium stage over the summer:
Mr. Ed McGarry, Patrick and John Masluk, Andrew and Bob Kloter, Peter Campion, Pat Donnelly and his son Pat,
Frank and Pete Bryn, C. J. and Cary Boyde, Mrs. Strup and her husband, Greg, Mr. Leyland and his sons, Kevin and
Joe, Mr. Heart and Jimmo, Justin Convery, John Morgan, Connor Casey, and Sean. We know that there are many
more that may have helped with this project whose names may not appear here but we are grateful to all who took
part in any way in the rebuilding.
The Class of 2016 are invited to attend this picnic on Wednesday, August 29 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Look for
your invitation coming in mid-August. Come and meet your classmates.
Thank You
---For your participation in Target’s TAKE CHARGE of EDUCATION Program. We receive donations based upon
your purchases using the Target VISA REDcard. We encourage you to continue your support of this program.
Please tell others about the Take Charge of Education Program and encourage them to designate Little Flower on
their REDcards.
Dear Parents/ Guardians/Employees,
Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls has developed and maintains an Asbestos Inspection and Managements
Plan as required by the Asbestos Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA). A copy of the plan is available for
your inspection at the school office during regular office hours. KEM Partners, Inc. (610-594-2600 ext. 206) is the
school’s asbestos program manager and Acer Associates (856-809-1202) is the school’s consultant. Inquiries
regarding the plan should be directed to these organizations.
Sr. Donna Shallo, IHM
Sr. Kathleen Klarich, RSM