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Health and Physical Education
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This thesis has been approved for the Department of Health and Physical
Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Project Supervisor
Internal Examiner
External Examiner
Head of Department
Dean of Faculty
Ogbu Robert Okechukwu, a post graduate student in the Department of Health
and physical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka with Registration
Number PG/M.Ed/03/34205has satisfactorily completed the requirements for
course and research work for the Masters Degree in Administration of Physical
Education and Sports. The work embodied in this project report is original and
has been submitted in part or in full for any other diploma or degree of this or
any other university.
This project report is dedication to God and my wife Mrs. Ogbu Peace
Amarachukwu, my mother Mrs. Janet Ogbu, my children, brothers, sisters and
This researcher is most grateful to Almighty God for his mercies and
protection towards my sojourn in pursuit of this academic height. I sincerely
express my profound gratitude to my caring and patient project Supervisor Dr.
O. A Umeakuka, whose disposition, wealth of experience, critical judgment and
selfness assistance contributed immensely towards the realization and
completion of this work.
My profound gratitude goes to my lovely wife and mother Mrs. Ogbu P.A
and Mrs. Ogbu Janet respectively. My children, brothers, sisters and friends are
not left out too. My prayer is that, God will continued to bless you all standing
by me when it was very rough and tough.
I sincerely wish to express a special appreciation to my motivator and
respected lecturer, Dr. D. O. Dike and other seasoned lecturers in the
Department of Health and Physical Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka,
Prof. Chuks Ezedum (HOD), Dr. E. .S. Samuel, Dr. A. C. Nji, Dr. J.E
Umeifekwem and Mr. F. Ukwueze. I salute your wonderful and intellectual
contributions to the successful completion of this work. I also thank my
friends/calass mates in the department, Elendu Ifeanyi and Ugwu Jude I. God
bless all of you.
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Research questions
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Adopted Strategies on Interscholastic Sports Programme
Management Strategies in Interscholastic Sports Programme
Related Studies
Summary of Literature Review
Research Design
Population for the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection
Validity of the study
Reliability of the Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
CHAPTER FOUR: Results and Discussion Of Findings
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Appendix I. List of Education Sporting Zones in Enugu State
Selected Education Sporting Zones Used in the Study: Number of
responses Selected in the study
Distribution of Schools Selected for the Study
Letter of Introduction
The purpose of this study was to investigate the strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools of Enugu State. Eight specific objectives and eight research
questions were design, which two hypotheses were formulated and tested at
0.05 levels of significance. A cross-sectional survey design was used for this
study. All the two hundred and one respondents selected from eighteen
secondary schools in the three Education Sporting Zones in Enugu State were
used in this study. A close-ended questionnaire was used for data collection
and the data collected were analyzed using the frequencies and percentages.
The findings of the study were that: the most adopted strategy for fund raising
by sports administrators of schools for interscholastic sports programme is the
sports levy in Enugu State. The most adopted strategy for fund raising by sports
administrators in the procurement and control of sports equipment in secondary
schools is through the principal. It is an assuming seemingly problem in the
secondary schools in Enugu State. The most adopted strategy for supervision of
sports faculties strategy is through the sports master in secondary schools. It is
observed also that the adopted strategy commonly in use by sports
administrators towards motivation of student athletes is the giving of
functionary position to outstanding or best performed athletes. The most
commonly adopted strategy by sports administrators towards accreditation of
student athletes during interscholastic sports programme is the use of student
identify card. It was suggested that similar studies should be carried out in
higher institution in Enugu State. Finally, it was recommended that
procurement and control of sports equipment be carried out by the sports
master who is known as games masters and takes responsibilities of all sporting
activities in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Background of the study
Secondary school sports have been identified long ago as very salient and
crucial for our youths. It most auspicious, according to Morakinyo (2002), to
discuss school sports at a time when the National Association for Physical,
Health Education Recreation, Sports and Dance (NAPHER, SD) has called on
the Federal ministry of Education to fully implement compulsorily physical
Education and Sports programmes at all levels of Nigeria educational system as
prescribed in the National policy on Education, Section I, sub7 section 7-12.
The above concern is predicated on the fact that the sporting status of any nation
can only be sustained by the level of sports development at school levels. The
role of Physical Education and Sports to the overall physical, mental, social and
emotional development of Nigerian school children has dwindled in recent
times (Morakinyo, 2002).
Several reasons have been adduced for the dwindling role of physical
education and sports in schools. Morakinyo (2002) noted that partial
implementation of the National Education Policy of 1986, which made Physical
education an optional subject at the senior secondary school level, hands
reduced students‟ interest in interscholastic sports programme. The regrettable
situation was worsened by lack of enthusiasm by professional colleagues who
prefer to handle other school subjects instead of physical education and sports.
If forced to handle Physical education and sports, they do that with nonchalant
attitude. The end result is that sports suffer. Eke (2002) remarked/that, unless
physical education and sports progrmme is enforced at all levels of Nigerian
primary and secondary schools children of this nation will be denied the great
opportunities of benefiting from numerous values derived from participation.
Morakinyo (2002) AND Eze (2004) affirmed that strong nations in sports
introduce their children to various sporting activities at primary and secondary
schools levels as a means of laying a solid foundation for sustainable sports
achievements. Talcott (1997) revealed that the greatest contribution physical
education makes to school tradition is through sports programme.
The programme of Physical Education in secondary schools according to
Udo (1985) is implemented under the instructional, intramural, interscholastic
and the adapted programme. Instructional programme caters for all students
enrolled in physical education classes and emphasis is on teaching the students,
the fundamental physical education skills correctly. The intramural programme
is made flexible to cater for the needs and interests of the students. It is
popularly known as “sports for all”. (Udo 1985), intramural programme is
designed for use at primary level of education as a basis for mass participation
in sports and practice in the fundamentals of performance with a related interest.
On the other hand interscholastic programme according to Obi (20010, is that
which is carried on between two or more schools for the advanced skillful
students of the school according to Udo (1985), adapted programme is for
students whose medical classification indicates that they cannot take part in the
regular service programme and should be placed in adapted, restricted, or
modified programme.
Interscholastic sports programme is an indispensable programme of
Physical Education in school because of its numerous benefits to the school and
individual development. Interscholastic sports programme, according to Edger
(1979), is a programme organized between two or more schools which cover
both athletics and games. It provides competition at the highest level for the
highly skilled students in the various activities available in the institution.
Similarly interscholastic sports programme, according to Cratty (1981), is
simply all kinds of physical activities contested by various schools within or
outside a particular zone, which eventually produced winners and losers. Obi
(2001) postulated that interscholastic sports programme is designed to improve
skills of the student athletes towards preparation for competitive sports among
other schools, producing virtues of vinning and losing graceful. For the purpose
of this study, interscholastic sports programme is that which involves the
coming of several schools to compete for honours in different sporting
activities, producing interest, fun, social interaction, losers and winners at the
end of the day.
Interscholastic sports programme has a lot of benefit to offer to students.
According to Ikulayo (1990), participation in interscholastic sports has many
beneficial consequences such as enhancing upward social mobility, providing a
healthy outlet for aggression and development of specialist skills and
performances. Others are promotion
of happiness and self-actualization,
tolerance, concern for others, respect for authority and co-operation among
others. According to Ewurum (1993), sports especially interscholastic sports
have assumed a significant position in secondary students life in terms of
fitness, recreation and relaxation.
The inception of interscholastic sports programmme in Nigeria, according
to Edger (1979), dates back to the colonial days during the 1930‟s. at this
period, a lot of regional competitions were held and organized for different
secondary schools in the country, which later gave birth to secondary school
sports. Morakinyo (2002) also noted that since after the Nigerian independence,
secondary school sports in the form of interscholastic competition in the state
has assumed the shape of interschool competition, schools invitational relay
teams (during inter-house sports) among others. This is as a result of growing
awareness of the importance of interscholastic sports programme in the
development of sports among secondary schools in Nigeria.
The growing awareness of interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools could only be realized through effective management. Management is
important for meaningful sports development in all secondary schools in
Nigeria and particularly in Enugu state. In general terms, Enechukwu (1997)
define management as the process by which/ the elements of a group are
integrated, co-ordinate and utilized so as to effectively and efficiently achieve
organizational objectives. In a similar manner, Adesanya (1992), saw
educational management
as a process of working with professionals, non
professional staff and other relevant members of the school as a team to achieve
the set goals and objectives in all education institutions.
This is probably why Fasan (1994) defined educational management as
applied management which focuses on ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in
the utilization of human, materials resources, so as to articulate adequately all
management functions with the set goal which is to optimize the output from
input. According to him, this brings about productive outcome with guaranteed
satisfaction from all actors such as principals, teachers, government, parents as
well as the community.
In sports however, Adesanya (1992) conceptualized sports management
as the co-ordination and utilization of human and material resources to achieve
the goals and objective of sports competitions. Sports management is concerned
with the ability of all those who are responsible in the development of
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools to provide a collective
efforts, energy and interest towards realizing the objectives of interscholastic
programme. The study also considered sports management as the process of
utilizing human and material resources to effectively realize the objectives for
which interscholastic sports programme is geared to achieve. This study
considers sports management as a means of involving all human and material
resources made effective to achieve a functional and a successful schools sports.
Sports management is faced with a lot of problems that always create difficult
times ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the utilization of human and
material resources, in making interscholastic programme a success in our
secondary schools. Obi (1992), expressed concerns with the application of
appropriate strategies towards managing problems affecting sports development
programme. The place and importance of identifying strategies adopted by
sports administrators towards ensuring successful management interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools therefore cannot be over-emphasized.
According to Homby (2001), strategy is a plan that is intended to achieve a
particular purpose. Prahalea (1993) stated that strategy is a plan or technique of
action to achieve result as in secondary school sports programme.
Omoruan (1996) suggested that, to achieve a successful interscholastic
sports prograzmme in secondary schools, required proper planning adequate
personnel for proper supervision of the programme, proper motivation of staff
and athletes as important strategies needed to achieve the set goals of
interscholastic sports management. Prehalald (1993) and Omoruan (1996)
indicated that without putting in place a better strategy, achieving a successful
interscholastic sports programme would always be a failure. They maintained
that better strategy remains the basic factor towards achieving intended
objectives of interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools, especially
as it concerns secondary schools in Enugu State.
Omoruan (1996) listed some variable that have considerable influence on
management strategies. They include location, school type, age and gender.
However, Obi (2001), opined that location and gender have greater influence
on interscholastic sports programme, Based on the above assertion the study
concentrated on location and gender.
The location of a school clearly defines the extent of her success and
failures in terms of infrastructure. According to Ekeh (2002) equipment and
facilities for the preparation of interscholastic sports programme or competition
in secondary schools are easily affordable in the urban areas. Obi (2001)
maintained that an equipped environment stimulates athletes interest and drive
to practice or train for fitness towards interscholastic sports competitions. This,
he noted was realizable without much problems in urban schools than those in
the rural areas. Schools around urban are a close to most sports complexes like
stadium and training centers.
These days, most sports activities are currently handled by both male and
female physical educators. Both genders are equipped with knowledge ad
technical abilities in both coaching as well as
participation. According to
Eke(2002), both male and female actively participate in interscholastic sports
competition in the areas of organizing, officiating, contesting, implementing the
laws of the game, among others, especially as it concerns interscholastic sports
programme in secondary schools. According to Ojo (1999), gender in sports is
considered very important as it concern the use of sports equipment during
competitive sports. He further stated that, there are specifications of some
equipments design for male and female, thus, the Shot put, Javelin, Discus and
others. These specifications designed shows that the use of some equipment in
sports could affect performances of either the male or female athletes, especially
as it concerns interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu
State. Udo (1985) maintained that female athletes should be allowed to use
implement design for their use during sports competition.
Those who are professionally trained to teach physical education in the
school are referred to in this study as physical education teachers or sports
masters, those who co-ordinates physicals education and sporting activities
within their own zones are referred to in this study as Zonal Sports Co-ordinates
or sports officers, those who assist the schools in the running of sports
programme in the secondary schools as students are referred to in this study as
sports prefects or games prefect.
Records with the State Sport Council, Enugu (2006) and the secondary
school sports, Enugu (2007) revealed that the six zone, otherwise called the
education zones, are no longer putting up impressive performances for over ten
years running in the State and at National secondary school Sports
Competitions. It is against the background therefore, that the study is considered
important, to examine strategies adopted by sport administrators in the
management of interscholastic sports programme in Enugu State.
Statement of problem
Available records with the Enugu State Sports Council. (2006) and the
secondary school sports unit, Enugu (207) revealed that the six zones, otherwise
called the education sporting zones, have good athletes that are ready to
participate, sport competition at their local Government level, yet there have
always bee poor performances at the zonal and state.
Although, other factors may have to these situations, but the way and
manner sports especially interscholastic sports programme are managed in the
various secondary schools in the state may have been the most significance of
the factors.
Udo (1985) identified poor officiating, lack of sports equipment and
facilities as the major inhibitor of sports porgramme, especially interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools. Motivation is one thing that is lacking
as well as proper accreditation of athletes to compete with others. Okeke (1995)
identified ineffective management in sports as that which is entirely responsible
for failures experienced in sports programmes, especially as it concerns
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools.
Available information from secondary schools sports, Enugu (2007)
revealed that secondary schools sports lack adequate sports personnel to handle
the various sporting events in sports. Moreso Obi (2001) contended that, in most
secondary schools, non-professionals are assuming position of the sports unit,
due to “god fatherism” among principals of schools. These prevailing
circumstances mentioned above has prohibited a successful interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to identify strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu State. Specifically, this study intends to find out the
1. Fund management strategies adopted by sports administrators in
interscholastic sports programme.
2. Sports equipment monument strategies adopted by sports administrators
in interscholastic sports programme.
3. sports facilities management strategies adopted by sports administrators
in interscholastic sport programme
4. strategies adopted for motivation of athletes by sports administrators in
the management of interscholastic sports programme.
5. strategies adopted for officiating by sports administrators in the
management of interscholastic sports programme
6. strategies adopted fro accreditation of athletes by sports administrators in
the management of interscholastic sports programme.
strategies adopted fro appointment of sports officials by sports
administration in the management of interscholastic sports programme.
8. strategies adopted for handling protests during sports meeting by sports
administrators in the management of interscholastic sports programme.
Research questions
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study
1. What are the fund management strategies adopted by sport administrators
in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports programme
2. What are the equipment management strategies adopted by sport
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
3. What are the facilities management strategies adopted by sport
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
4. What are the motivation management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
5. What are the officiating management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the for interscholastic sports programme management?
6. What are the accreditation management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the for interscholastic sports programme management?
7. What are the appointment of sports officials management strategies
adopted by sports administrators in the for interscholastic sports
programme management?
8. What are the protests management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
The following hypotheses are formulated and will tested at 05 level of
- There is no statistically significant differences in the sports management
strategies adopted by sports administrators based on gender.
- There is no statistically significant differences in the sports management
strategies by sports administrators based on location.
Significance of the study
The findings on strategies for fund management adopted by sports
administrators in interscholastic sports programme will help generate
knowledge and information for easy means of managing fund
raised for
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Nigeria and in Enugu
State in particular. The information will be useful to sports administrators,
physical educators, non professionals in sports affairs as well as coaches
assigned to schools.
The findings on strategies for management of sports equipment in
interscholastic sport programme in secondary schools may provide knowledge
that will sever as a guide to school authorities in planning for provision and
maintenance of sports equipment in schools. The information will be useful to
coaches, physical educators and sports administrators.
The findings of the study on strategies for management of sports facilities
in interscholastic sports program in schools may provide renewed knowledge
that will serve as a guide to managers of school concerned with interscholastic
sports program on repair or maintenance of existing facilities as well as the
construction of new facilities. The information will be useful to sports officials,
athletes/players and sports administrators.
The findings of the study on strategies for motivation of students athletes,
coaches and physical educators may go along way toward enhancing ideas for
sustainable sports development as well as making interscholastic sports
programme functional. The findings will help generate the best forms or ways
of motivating personnel and students athletes, such as better working
relationship among staff, payment of allowances due to all recognized
athletes/players who distinguished themselves in their events. This information
will be useful to sports administrators, principals of schools and sports coordinators for management of interscholastic sport programme in schools.
The findings of the study on strategies for accreditation management
adopted by sports administrators on students athletes/players taking part in
interscholastic sports, on age categories or age brackets, will not only ensure
proper legibility participation of athletes and players within a particular age
limits, but may equally ensure that bonafide athletes and players of the school is
allowed only to participate in the competitions as it concerns interscholastic
sports programme
in secondary schools in Enugu State in particular and
Nigeria in general. The information generated will be useful to sports officials
referee on age brackets competitions in secondary schools, colleges and
universities. In secondary schools for instance, competitions into almost all
sporting event are carried out under the junior and senior categories, both boys
and girls. Information will be useful to sports officials. Coaches, sports
administrators, physical educators, sports coordinators among others, on issues
affecting legibility of students athletes/players participation in interscholastic
sports programme.
The findings of the study on strategies for officiating management
adopted by sports administrators in interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools may provide knowledge that will serve as a guide to sports
officials in the handling of judgment during sports and games competitions
devoid of cheating. The information will be useful to sports officials/referees,
physical educators and sports organizations. It will also be useful to coaches
assigned to schools, collages and universities in Nigeria, non – professionals in
the game of sports.
The findings on strategies for handling protest management adopted by
sports administrators during sports meetings in interscholastic sports
programme in secondary schools will generate knowledge and information on
the technicalities and
procedures for putting up protests when rules and
regulations of the games are infringed upon. As it is expected, that protest must
be written within twenty- four hours of a breach or installment of the said
competition which goes against the laws. The information will be useful to
sports coordinators, games masters, coaches assigned to schools, sports
administrators and sports/games officials.
Finally, strategies on management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu State, adopted by sports administrators will
generate knowledge and information that will be useful in providing a
successful interscholastic sports programme. In the camping of athletes and
coaches for interscholastic sports competition could be seen as a better strategy
or suggestion for enhancing motivation and better preparation I interscholastic
sports competition in secondary schools in Enugu State. The information will be
useful to professionals and non- professional towards the organization of
interscholastic sports program e in secondary schools in Nigeria, it is hoped that
the data from he study will stimulate further research in this area.
Scope of the study.
The study is delimited to strategies adopted by sports administrators in
management of interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu
State. The study is also delimited to existing strategies adopted by sports
administrators in management of interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools in Enugu State. The study is equally delimited to Enugu State, which is
made up of six education zones. The are Agbani education zone, Awgu
education zone, Enugu education zone, Nsukka education zone, Obollo-Afor
education zone ad Udi education zone.
Review of Related Literature
Available literature revealed that not much has been written on
interscholastic sports based on strategies adopted by sports administrator in the
management of interscholastic sports programme in Enugu State. Most of the
studies carried out were conducted outside Enugu State. However, related
literature reviewed is presented under the following subheadings:
- Conceptual framework in Interscholastic Sports programme Effect of
Adopted Strategies Towards Interscholastic Sports programme/ Sports
Management Strategies in Interscholastic sports Programme;
- Theoretical frame work in Interscholastic Sports programme:
- Empirical Studies on Management Strategies Adopted in Interscholastic
Sports Programme and
- Summary of review of Literature.
Conceptual Framework
Interscholastic sports programme is regarded as the third and highest
level of sports programme in the secondary schools. Udo, (1985) viewed
interscholastic sports programme as a competition that involves two or more
institutions. Okurotifia, (1995) defined interscholastic sports as that which
provides competition at the highest level for the highly skilled students in the
various sporting activities available in the institution. Njoku (2001) viewed
interscholastic sports as a competition among skilled students from different
schools. Okeke (1999) viewed interscholastic sports as being selective among
students for various sporting activities. He further viewed it as the screening of
skilled athletes to compete against other athletes from different schools. Ojo
(2002) remarked that interscholastic sports comprises track and field events as
well as major games competed for among selected students from various
institutions. Omoruan, (1996) stated that sports, especially interscholastic sports
programme is a very highly organized track and field events as wells as games
in which sanctions are imposed for misconducts involving various schools with
skillful athletes representing a particular school. Talcot (1997) indicated that the
lofty contribution or great achievement physical education makes to school
tradition is through sports programme, which of course interscholastic sports
programme is geared towards achieving this objectives. A well designed
interscholastic sports programme in schools with students active participation,
helps students to acquire certain training and knowledge that may in turn serve
as a guide to them in the society. Holding the same view, obi, (2002) pointed
out through a well designed interscholastic sports programme participation,
students are most likely to inculcate the virtue of spirit of fair play as well as
losing and winning gracefully during competitions in life.
Obi, (2002) pointed out that the goals of interscholastic sports programme
can only be achieved as well as successful through credible sports management.
Ogbonna (1997) observed sports management as a process of getting things
done or accomplished through people. This means that collective effort is
among people to achieve success. Sports management as
conceptualized by Mcfarland (1994) is an integrating process which carries
several and relevant implication such as management implication. This
statement means that sports management is dynamic by nature. Densensi and
Rosenberg (1996) see sports management as a field interested in the
organization and administration of specific sports related area. It is a field of
endneavour involving leadership, decision making process, staging of athletic
events and marketing sports. Challandurai (1985) explained sports management
via activities and sports organizations. These organizations included those that
offer the use of their facilities and equipment for sport and physical activities
(eg, health clubs), those that schedule activities (eg sports pavilions) those that
offer instruction in specific activities eg. Municipal recreation department, those
that organize competition and promote excellence. He referred the management
of the sports organization to sports management. During (1998) viewed sports
management as the activities of personnel in organization from different
discipline working with limited resources with the aim to accomplished goad of
the organization. Gosper (1994) viewed sports management as that which
involves policy making for the sports that will fulfill the best interests of the
sports organization and then purposes for which it exists. This implies that
without policies, there is little to guide the activities and conduct of the
establishment in the pursuit of its goals. In his own contribution on sports
management, Gouws, (1997) suggested four ways towards s successful sports
management as duties and activities performed by personnel the supervisory
level, activities embracing the incorporation, coordination and utilization of
money, and above all effectiveness and process of adopting relevant areas as it
concerns human, financial, physical and information sources being properly
utilized in order to achieve enterprises objectives which is likened to adopted
strategies towards interscholastic sports programme management.
The implication of the above statement on sports management is that all
coaching, teaching and instructional jobs involving interscholastic sports
programme in academic institutions contain at least some elements of
management functions. Today, the practice among schools according to
Gouws(1997) is that all instructors and teachers (sports masters) who mange
their sports programme lack a level of initiative and best strategy to employ in
the handling of sports activities, especially interscholastic sports programme,
where best strategies, relevant to the area of sports, they only wait to be told by
school heads what to do and how best to go about these adopted strategies.
Their ability to adopt best strategies to discharge functions creditably and at the
appropriate time may be poorly executed or implemented, hence management
problems associated to management strategies could be in some extent the
major result.
Kamiloye (1992) viewed sports management undertow ways, such as,
human resources and material resources. He further stressed that the manager
should make these two things effective, this is much more important than
making them available, it is then that purposeful goal can be set and
consequently achieved. Lola (2004) viewed sports management as that which
deals with the administration of sports in as its ramifications as there are indeed
many specialized areas in sports management.
Aluku (2001) define managements as the act of arranging and organizing
materials and conditions that the goals and purposes of an organization may be
achieved. Maxwell (2004) viewed managements as a process of organizing
contr5oling, coordinating and utilizing human and material resources towards
achieving organizational goals. Maxwell (2004) remarked that how best or
successful the human resources are managed, goes a long way, to determine
how successful the material and financial resources are to be utilized to
adequately achieve the
organization goals and objectives for which the
organization stand for the place of strategy in interscholastic sports management
cannot be over-emphasized. Better strategies coupled with better management
in sports, especially as it concerns interscholastic sports programme will
produce maximum results. It is on this note that Thompson and Strickland,
(1996) conceptualized strategy as an overall plan of what an organization looks
forward to be like. Hornby (2000) defined strategy as a plan to achieve a
particular result. Ojeme (2000) viewed strategy as a technique set to accomplish
an objective successfully. Mintzberg (1990) viewed management strategy as a
technique and policy put in place to ensure maximum utilization of human and
material resources for efficient, successful and profitable output.
Ikhioya (2001) suggested two types of strategies suitable for
interscholastic sports programme. The Composite Strategies, which incorporate
groups of strategies. This simply means that any successful organization may
do best to have strategies in the areas of human, facilities, equipment,
marketing, budgeting and community relations. He further suggested the second
strategy as Contingency Strategies which involve incorporating and alternative
strategy that will look and take adequate care of most likely unforeseen
circumstances or emergency arising. In support, Reber (1985) indicated that
over dependent on one particular strategy may inhibit positive progress and
productivity. According to his view, an organization needs to be dynamic in
planning and the use of strategies towards effective or functional management
of the organization especially as it concerns strategies adopted by sports
administrators for interscholastic sports programme in particular and Nigeria in
Theoretical Framework
Adesina, (2009) suggested that, no one theory is employed in all things,
but that theories must be used according to needs or wants or
providing the groups or individual opportunity to make better choice among
them, based of course on the situation on ground at that moment. This therefore
means that any particular theories of management used by a researcher are
dependent on the nature of the study being carried out.
A lot management theories are found in education, life, sports and other
relevant human activities. Among these theories the most out standing and
suitable for this study, as contain in Lonsdeles (1964) is the systems theory,
which is regarded as designed to collect data on interrelated components that,
when of course employed in a integrated manner, will hopeful assist in
accomplishing a successful and predetermined goal. Then system approach
theory on its own, stressed more on integrating then various components within
an organization. Furthermore, then Barnardian co-operative systems theory and
the Motivational-Hygiene theory are all geared towards establishing a smooth
cordial relationship activities among personnel in an organization which of
course is needed to be employed in the management of adopted strategies
towards interscholastic sports programme success.
The declining rate of interscholastic sports programme in the secondary
schools in Enugu State could seemingly be the non-application of Londsdeles
system theory of management. Interscholastic sports programme in secondary
school have seemingly problems as, Awosika (1997) completely viewed to be
lopsided. The factors attributed to this lopsided condition affecting sports
activities in our various secondary schools in the country today are viewed to
non availability of sports equipment, facilities, poor fund and adequate
motivation to effectively assist in the implementation of a successful
interscholastic sports programme. Other factors are the administrators, physical
education, coaches and students, as well as lack of interest in sports showed by
school authorities and regarding participation in sports as mere wasting in
academic pursuit in school and above all, regarding sports as rather belonging to
those who are not intellectually promising. These factors may as well have
negative influence on adopting strategies for management of interscholastic
sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu State. Davison (1999)
maintained that the system theory is aimed at examining the interscholastic
sports programme in light of those factors unique to each specific institutional
situation, where funding and motivation had always been the greatest problem
confronting the growth and development of interscholastic sports programme
through adopted strategies by sports administrators.
Adopted Strategies on Interscholastic Sports Programme
Hornby, (2001) defined adopted as plan or course of action. A plan
carried out. Udo (1985) viewed adopted as something that has been in existence
for time now. Mark (2004) vowed adopted and making use of what is known to
solve and achieve success. This means that strategies to be employed by sports
administrators to achieve success in interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools are already in existence, but what is remaining, is the
application of the right strategies to solve a particular problem affecting
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools. Mark, (2004) observed
that PTA levy, students sports levy and others are adopted strategies used for
fund raising in secondary school sports. Ojo, (1999) remarked that raffle draw
and sports exhibitions are adopted strategies employed to generate fund for
interscholastic sports programme. What remains is selecting and using the most
appropriate strategy suitable to achieve a successful fund raising towards the
organization of interscholastic sports programme. Motivation management
strategies could be adopted to realize a better organized interscholastic sports
programme. Okeke (1985) emphasized the use of award of scholarship as well
as cash award to student athletes as to ensure improved performance. This
means that a motivated athlete is likely to improve performance in sports than
one who is not motivated. Opone (1997) observed that the athletes that are
presented with material gifted are likely to perform much better in future
sports competition. Obeyemi (1996) considered availability of sports equipment
and facilities to be of importance in motivating student athletes and coaches
towards proper sports preparation ahead of competitions. Success is recorded
among students participation in sports, where there are availability of sports
facilities and equipment, cordial relationship, proper sports accreditation
exercise, appointing the right sports officials (professionals) in the conduct of
sports programme in secondary schools. The failure of most interscholastic
sports programme in our secondary schools, according to Osuoha (1987) is that
non-availability of sports materials on ground. This is because according to him,
students athletes are well motivated in sports activities participation, where
there are availability of the sports equipments and facilities as well as proper
funding of the various logistics.
Accreditation management strategies adopted by sports administrators are
so many and are use, according to Nwachukeu(1988) based on the category of
the sports competition. Ejiogu (1990) emphasized on the use of terminal class
report for the accreditation of students athletes and players for interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools. Nwachukwu (1988) suggested the use
of students identity card as a better process of accreditation of students
participation in interscholastic sports programme. This implies that other
relevant process can be adopted to ensure that students are accreditated before
participation in interscholastic sports programme.
Appointment of officials to officiate during interscholastic sports
programme had always been a factor affecting a successful interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools. Obi (2001) stated that, officiating
should be appointed based on knowledge of the sports. Ikhioya, (2001) stressed
that handlers of sports activities during competition must be professionals,
Morakinyo (2002) emphasized the use of trained or experts in sports to officiate
during sports programme. This means that most failures experienced in sports
competitions, had always been attributed to the handling of sports by non
Management Strategies in Interscholastic Sports Programme
Some management strategies adopted by sport administrators assist
greatly in ensuring success in interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools. Duston (1993) viewed management strategies as that which is to ensure
that the primary functions work together to actually implement the group or
organizations plan to action. Nzeako (1996) conceptualized management
strategies to be the policies and techniques employed by the group or organized
body to bring about adequate utilization of both human and material resources
towards functional interscholastic sports programme in schools. Snyder (1993)
stressed that management strategies embrace the art of co-ordinating the various
elements of production which is geared towards the very attainment of the
purpose of an organization or group which could be likened to the attainment of
functional interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools. He further
stressed that management strategies is viewed as the accomplishment and
implementation of the set of objectives through the use of materials, human
labour and machines. This means that management board function as it
concerns every organization is to co-ordinate all the available resources (human
and material) to achieve the organization objectives. These objectives among
others are to make sure that a more functional approach is employed toward the
realization of a more purposeful interscholastic sports programme that will in
turn provide a plat form for students participation in interscholastic sports. He
further stressed that, if these recourse are readily available on ground and they
are not in use in the school, success cannot be realized, which means that there
is an ineffectiveness of the sports programme, due to lack of management
strategies. Management strategies, according to Ottih (2002) Implies the
reaching of decisions to commit recourse in a given direction in order to achieve
success, especially as it concerns interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools in Enugu State.
Strategies are responsible in some extent in the success of interscholastic
sports programme in secondary schools and his of course why hasting and
Bixby (1994) successfully
proposed the use of a working system called the
super teams. From the angel of team working, super teams according to these
experts, are the combination of individuals of different works of life coming
together or pooling ideas together to ensure progress, success and growth of the
programme of the school. They pointed out tremendous and laudable benefits
derivable from the employment of super teams towards a task, especially when
the enabling environment is provided such as the purpose for embarking on it,
school support, community support, favorable conditions, individual perception
and opportunity. The superteam, according to Bixby (1994) viewed it as a
condition of different organs accepting to work as one body to achieve a stated
objectives. The superteam will likely achieve positive result in secondary school
sports management by incorporating other relevant members of the entire staff
to work for the success of the organization as a team. It is also regarded as
putting a collective effort from different quarters together as a whole, towards
achieving a common goal and objectives set by the organization, which could be
likened to that of strategies adopted by sports administrators in the management
of interscholastic sports program e in secondary schools of Enugu State.
Related Studies
Today, there have been some evidences of empirical research works on
management strategies related to the present study on strategies adopted by
sports administrators in the management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools. Nzeako (1996) investigated the
strategies to improve
accreditation of student athletes competition in Onitsha North Education Zone
of Anambra State. The investigator adopted a survey design study 250 (two
hundred and fifty) respondents. The result of the study revealed that the most
adopted process for accreditation of student athletes by physical education
teachers was the students identity cared with 186 (74.4%) respondents in favour,
while 64 (25.6%) indicated for other ways. The result of Nzeakos‟ study
indicated that e application of student identity cared for accreditation of student
athletes remains the most adopted strategies
during secondary schools
interscholastic sports competition.
Colman (1998) carried out a study on motivational strategies on
Questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. Two hundred and six
(206) physical education teachers and eighty four (84) principals were used as
respondents. The result revealed that strategies adopted for motivation of
athletes are providing cash award, scholarship award, promotion to the next
level, free accommodation. The result further revealed that the availability of
standard facilities and equipment provides enough motivation to athletes as it
assist in enhancing performance.
Okezie (1988) in a study, to examine strategies adopted towards good
officiating in interscholastic sports programme in schools in Nkanu education
zone of Enugu State found that officiating officials were appointed based on
their knowledge of the sports to be officiated. The study further revealed that
appointment of non-professionals to officiate in sports leads to poor standard
set by athletes as well as most sports hooliganism during secondary schools
sports. Three hundred and twenty physical education teachers participated in the
Elobuike (1998) carried out a study on management strategies on
procurement of sports equipment for interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools in Delta State. The researcher used 420 subjects and
employed a survey design for the study. He generated data through a structured
questionnaire. The result showed that the procurement of sports equipment is
through the principals 362 (86.2%) respondents indicated while 58 (13.8%)
showed that sport masters are allowed to procure sports equipment for
interscholastic sports programme. The result further showed that the
procurement of sports equipment by the principals affects the conduct of sports
programme in secondary schools. They study recommend the use of sports
masters and sports committee in the procurement of sports equipment in
interscholastic sports programme.
Opene (1997) conducted a study on adopted strategies for funding
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Delta State of Nigeria.
The investigator collected data from a population of 240 respondents using
survey design and a structured questionnaire as a reliable tool. The result of the
study showed that students sports levy is the most adopted means of raising
fund for interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools, as 198 (82.5%)
respondents indicated, while 42 (17.5%) showed that students sports levy does
not provide sufficient fund for organizing interscholastic sports programme. He
advocated for other likely ways such as sports exhibition, raffle draws, sports
appeal fund.
Summary of Literature Reviews
The concept of interscholastic sports has been conceptualized by many
notable experts in the field. It is viewed as a competition that involves more
than two institutions. It was also defined by Okurotifia (1995) as that which
provides competition at the highest level for the highly skilled students in the
various sporting activities available in the institution.
The concept of sports management has been defined as the process
through which appropriate human and material recourses are
available and made efficient for accomplishing the purpose of an organization.
Sports management as reviewed in the literature to mean organizations included
those that offer the use of their facilities and equipment for sports and physical
activities, those that schedule activities; those that offer instruction in specific
activities; those that organize competition and promote excellence.
The literature revealed that strategy is a plan or techniques used to
achieve a particular result. To achieve, the most adopted strategies used by
sports administrators were award of scholarship, award of cash, free
accommodation, promotion to the next level, providing functionary position.
Other strategies were the use of the students identity card for accreditation,
students sports levy, and PTA levy as strategies for fund raising all to enhance
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools.
The literature revealed that thee are three management models of the
system theory, Barnadian System theory and Motivational-Hygience theory.
The focus of this is on the systems theory and motivational hygiene theory.
Reasons are that every organization that exists operates as a system with of
course a sub-system and that these system within the sub-system and that these
systems within the sub-systems must work co-operatively to achieve the desired
goals and objectives of the organizational, as likened to strategies adopted
towards the management of interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools in Enugu State.
The literature revealed that most researches conducted within and outside
the state of Enugu are not on strategies adopted by sports administrators in the
management of interscholastic sports programme in Enugu State. No study has
been conducted equally in the six education sporting zones of Enugu State. This
gap points specifically to the relevance for the present study on strategies
adopted by sports administrators in the management of interscholastic sports
programme in secondary schools in Enugu State.
This chapter presents a description of the research design, population,
sample and sampling technique, instrument for data collection, validity of the
instrument, reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection and
method of data analysis.
Research Design
The cross- sectional survey research design was used for this study.
Nworgu, (1993) suggested the use of the cross-sectional survey research for
studies which aim at collecting data on a fairly large population. The crosssectional survey research design was therefore considered appropriate for use in
the study because this study involved the collection of data on status of sports
management, especially strategies adopted by sports administrators for
management of interscholastic sports programme in Enugu State. Nsude (1999)
and ogonu (1999) successfully employed the design in similar studies
Population for the Study
The population for the study comprises of three categories of respondents
namely, the physical education teachers, zonal sports co-ordinators and the
school sports/games prefect of state owned secondary schools in Enugu State.
According to available records of the school sports office, Enugu (2007),there
are 446 physical education teachers in the secondary schools in Enugu State.
The records further show that they are six (6) zonal sports co-ordinators in
Enugu State each representing each of the zones of the State. Available records
with schools sports office, Enugu(2007)indicate that, there were two hundred
and fifty-two(252)secondary schools games perfects in secondary schools
Enugu State.
Sample and Sampling Techniques
The sample for this study is two hundred and one (201) as respondents.
The multi-stage sampling will be used in selecting the sample from the physical
education teachers and game perfects of the secondary schools, the three sports
zonal coordinators were selected in the study as they were one sports zonal
coordinator representing each sporting zone. Three educational sporting zones
were selected from the six education sporting zone using simple random
sampling techniques. The selected zones were Enugu education zone. The
drawing of eighteen secondary schools from the three selected sporting zones
out of six education sporting zones; Enugu education zone comprises 1 male
secondary school, 2 female secondary schools 1 mixed secondary school
Nsukka education zones comprises 3 male secondary school, 2 female
secondary schools and 3 mixed secondary school. Udi education comprises 2
male secondary school, 2 female secondary school and 2 mixed secondary
schools. The method in selecting the eighteen secondary schools in the three
zones is the balloting without replacement.
The final stages involve the selection of ten physical education teachers
from the eighteen selected secondary schools in the three selected education
sporting zones.
One hundred and eighty (180) physical education teachers out of the four
hundred and forty six *446) physical education teachers were selected. The
eighteen (18) selected secondary school sports prefects and three sports
coordinators representing each of the three sporting zones were including in the
study. The exercise has as a total sample of two hundred and one (201).
Instrument of data Collection
The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire. The
questionnaire was designed to elicit information on strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary school in Enugu State. The questionnaire contained twenty-five
items. Section A of questionnaire contains four items on question data of
respondents. Section B of the questionnaire was to elicit information on
equipment/facilities use. Section C of the questionnaire was elicit information
on the strategies on the athletes coaches on physical education teachers. Section
D strategies on accreditation of athletes/ appointment of officials. Section E
strategies on handling protest and good working relationship with officials
interscholastic sports programme in secondary school in Enugu State. A close
ended questionnaire was employed (see appendix III) for data collection in this
study. The instrument was constructed by the researcher based on the objectives
and research question of the study. The respondents were provided with a
written instruction on how to fill out the questionnaire.
Validity of the instrument
Enugu State. A close ended questionnaire was employed 9see appendix III)
for data collection in this study. The instrument was constructed by the
researcher based on the objectives and research questions of the study. The
instrument was constructed by the researcher based on the objectives and
research questions of the study. The respondents were provided with a written
instruction on how to fill out the questionnaire.
Validity of the Instrument
The questionnaire was subjected to face and content validity through the
judgment of five experts drawn from the department of Health of physical
education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka and federal College of Education,
Eha-Amufu. Copies of the questionnaire, along side, objectives of the study and
research questions were presented to the experts. This was to ascertain the need
for any possible modification, correction or adjustment of the instrument before
its proper use for the proposal study.
Reliability of the Instrument
The split-half method was used to establish the reliability of the
instrument. The instrument was administered to twenty sports administrators,
comprising the director of sports, coaches and P.E. specialists in Enugu State.
There were divided into two groups of even and odd numbers. The responses
were analyzed to establish a correlation co-efficient of instrument using Pearson
product moment. The questionnaire had reliability co-efficient of .89, which
indicated that the instrument was reliable.
Method of data collection
In order to gain access to the school sports co-ordinators, physical
education teachers and sports prefects, a letter of introduction from the Head of
department, health and physical Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, was
presented to the principal of each of the selected secondary schools and the
zonal sports coordinators.
The questionnaire was administered personally by the investigator to the
respondents on the sport. The investigator waited for the respondents to
complete the questionnaire and collected them back
immediately. All the
questionnaire copies distributed were returned. Thee was a hundred percent
(100%) return rate of the questionnaire which were finally used for data
Method of data Analysis
The data which were analyzed using the statistical package for social
science (SPSS) version. The data will be analyzed on an item to item basis to
show the response frequencies and percentages of the respondents on the
various aspects interscholastic sports programme management. The frequencies
and percentages will appropriately by presented in the tables and used to answer
the research questions. The chi-square statistic will be employed to test the
hypothesis postulated for the study. (The results of the analysis will be
presented in relevant table). To test for the degree of effect of gender, school
location and school type on the sports management strategies adopted by sports
administrators, the stepwise multiple recreation will be computed. The results of
the analysis will be presented in their relevant tables.
Result and Discussion of Findings
This chapter presents the data and findings of the study in tables
according to the research questions
Research questions 1
What are the fund raising management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in secondary schools for interscholastic sports programme
Table I
Strategies for raising funds by sports administrators for interscholastic
sports programme.
n =201
PTA Levy
Sports Levy
Raffle draw
Sports week
Table I revealed that 46 respondents (22.8%) indicated that PTA levy is
an adopted strategies in raising fund for interscholastic sports programme in
schools, 132 respondents (65.6%) indicated sports levy, 13 respondents (6.7%)
indicated raffle draw, while 10 (4.9%) indicate sports week. Therefore, it is
observe that the most adopted strategy for raising fund for interscholastic sports
programme is the sports levy in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Table 2
Other forms of strategies for raising funds by sports administrators for
interscholastic sports programme.
n =201
Interhouse sports day
Send off party
Sports week
Table 2shows that 154 respondents, 77% indicated interhouse sports day as
other forms of strategies for rosining funds for interscholastic sports programme
in secondary schools, 38 respondents (19%) indicated send off party, while 9
respondents (4%) indicated sports week. It is observed that other forms of
strategies adopted by sports administrators for raising fund is mostly during
interhouse sports day in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Table 3
Type of sports fund received for interscholastic sports porgramme.
n = 120
Table 3 revealed that 124 respondents, (61.7%) indicated money as the
type of sports fund received by the school, 48 respondents (23.9% ) indicated
equipment, while 29 respondents (14.4%) indicated faculties. Therefore the
findings shows money is being received mostly as sports fund by secondary
schools in Enugu state.
Research question II
What are the equipment procurement strategies adopted by sprots
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 4
Sports equipment procurement strategies adopted by sports administrators.
n = 201
Sports masters
Table 4 revealed that 176 respondents (87.6%) indicated that sports
equipment are procured and controlled by principal of controlled, while 25
respondents (12.4%) indicated sports masters. The findings shows that
principals of schools does the procurement instead of sports masters. This has
led to substandard purchases of sports equipments thereby affecting the
organization of interscholastic sports in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Research question III
What are the facilities management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 5
Control and Assigning sports facilities for interscholastic sports programme.
n = 120
Sports masters
Sports Committee
Table 3 revealed that 48 respondents (23.9%) indicate that Bursar of
schools supervise the construction of sports facilities in school, 124 respondents
(61.7%) indicated sports master, while 29 respondents (14.4%) indicate sports
Committee. Therefore it is observed that most of the secondary school facilities
are being controlled and assigned by sports masters in Enugu State. This will
enhance the growth and progress in interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu State.
Research Question IV
What are the motivation management strategies adopted by sports
administrator in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 6A
Which of these motivational strategies employed by your school towards
interscholastic sports programme.
n = 102
Cash award
Promotion to next class
Giving functionary position
Table 6A revealed that 46 respondents (22.9%) showed cash award as
employed for motivation of students, 10 respondents (4.9%) showed scholarship
award, 52 respondents (25.9%) showed promotion to the next class, while 93
respondents (46.3%) showed giving functionary position.
Table 6B
Motivational Strategies of Distinguished Officials.
Which of these motivational strategies employed by your school towards
interscholastic sports programme for Officials, Games masters and Coaches
who distinguished themselves in their area of sports?
n = 201
Cash award
Promotion to next grade
Material award
In-service training
Table 6B revealed that 122 respondents (60.7%) indicated cash award as
employed for motivation of officials, Games master and Coaches who
distinguished themselves, 12 (6%) respondents indicated promotion to nex
grade level, 47 respondents (23.3%) indicated material award, while 20
respondents (10%) indicated in-service training. The findings indicated that the
most adopted strategies employed by secondary schools towards motivating
sports officials, games masters and coaches is cash award for excellence
performance in interscholastic sports programme in Enugu State.
Research Question V
What are the officiating management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 7
Which of these officiating strategies employed by your school towards
interscholastic sports programme?
n = 201
Qualified officials
Officiates in Area of
Officiates based on good 45
Table 5 revealed that 49 respondents (24.4%) showed qualified officials
officiate during interscholastic sports programme, 107 respondents (53.2%)
confirmed that officials officiate in their area of specialization, while 45
respondents (22.4%) indicated that officiate based on good health. The most
adopted strategies by sports administrators towards officiating is appointment
officials to officiate in area of specialization in interscholastic sports programme
in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Research question IV
What are the accreditation management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary school interscholastic sports programme
Which of these accreditation strategies employed by sports administrators
towards interscholastic sports programme in school?
n = 210
Use of admission registers
Use of class terminal result
Use of students ID care
Table 8revelated that 51 respondents (25.4%) showed that the use of
admission register is employed for accreditation of student athletes/players for
sports competition in secondary schools, 64 respondents (31.8%) showed the
use of class terminal result, while 86 respondents (42.2%) confirmed the use of
student identify card.
Research Question VII
What are the appointment of sports officials management strategies
adopted by sports administrators in the secondary school for
interscholastic sports programme?
Table 9
Which of these appointment strategies employed by sports administrators
towards interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools?
n = 201
Appointment based on good health
Appointment based on technical
Appointment based on excellent
Table 9 revealed that 68 respondents (33.8%) showed that appointment of
officials to handle interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools is
based on good health, 87 respondents (43.3%) confirmed excellence
performance, while 46 respondents (22.9%) showed technical knowledge.
Research Question VIII
What are the protest management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Which of these protest strategies employed by sports administrators
during the interscholastic sports programme in secondary school?
n = 201
By protest letter
By abandoning participation
By court action
By act of hooliganism
Table 10 revealed that 96 respondents (47.8%) confirmed that problems
during interscholastic sports competition are better handled through a protest
letter, 47 respondents (23.4%) revealed by abandoning further participation, 30
respondents (14.9%) revealed by court action, while 28 respondents (13.9%)
revaluated by act of hooliganism.
Summary of Major Findings
The findings of the study are hereby summarized as follows:
The most adopted strategy for fund raising by sports administrators of
schools is the sports levy, with a percentage score of 65.6%.
The procurement and control of sports equipment in secondary schools by
principals is most adopted strategy with a percentage score of 87.6%.
Sport masters are responsible for the
supervision of sports facilities
construction in secondary school with a percentage score of 61.7%
The most adopted strategy towards motivating student athletes is the
functionary position giving to students, with a percentage score of 46.3%.
The most adopted strategy towards motivating sport master, officials and
coaches that distinguished themselves in their area of sports is cash award,
with a percentage score of 60.7%.
Officiating officials are allowed to officiate in their area of specialization
during interscholastic sports programme as a most favoured strategy
adopted by sports administrators, with a percentage score of 53.2%.
Use of students identity card is most common strategy in the accreditation
of student athletes/players during interscholastic sports programme in
secondary school, with a percentage score of 42.8%.
Appointment of sports officials based on excellence performance is most
favoured strategy employed during interscholastic sports programme in
secondary school with a percentage score of 43.3%
The most adopted strategy by sports administrators over protest during
interscholastic sports competition in secondary school is the protest letter
with a percentage score of 47.8%.
10. The Chi-square value of 6.78 was greater than 3.841 (table value) as could
be seen in table 9, hence the null hypothesis one (1) was rejected.
11. The null hypothesis two (2) was rejected because table 11 revealed that the
Chi-square calculated value of1967 was greater than the table value of
3841 (See page 61-63).
Discussion of Findings
The findings of the study are discussed below according to the research
questions that guided the study.
Research Question 1
What are the fund raising management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in secondary schools for interscholastic sports programme
Table 1 showed that sports levy in secondary schools is the most
appropriate and favoured strategy in raising fund towards sports programme.
This was confirmed by the percentage score of 65.6%.
The findings was not surprising because according to Nwachukwu (2000)
and Arumona (2004) the most appropriate and common means of generating
fund for sports programme in secondary schools is through the collection of
students sports levy. Achugo (1998) observed that one of the constraints to good
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools is that of fund raising
management strategy. The implication is that, if fund are not raised and
managed properly, effective interscholastic sports programme in secondary
school will always be a failure.
Table 2 showed that other forms of strategies adopted for raising fund by
sports administrators for interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools
in Enugu State is during inter house sports day. This was confirmed by the
percentage score of 77%.
Table 3 showed that most fund received for interscholastic sports
programme in secondary schools in Enugu State is through money. This is
confirmed by the percentage score of 61.7%. The implications of both findings
are that interscholastic sports programme will be faced with some setback if
inter house sports no longer take place and money not donated by sports lovers.
Research Question 2
What are the equipment management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports?
Table 4 showed the responses of the respondents on procurement of
sports equipment and control in secondary schools in Enugu State. It is revealed
that the procurement and control of sports equipment is carried out by principals
of schools with a percentage score of 87.6%.
In support of the above, Onuchukwu (2001) revealed that most principals
of secondary schools are responsible in the procurement and control of sports
equipment in their school. The implication here is that if principal procure and
control sports equipment in their school, the tendency is that, they will always
go for inferior (sub-standard) sports equipment. They will not be readily
available to assign such equipment to student athletes when it is needed as well
as ensuring the collection of these equipment in good condition. These factors,
according to Udo (1985) affect effective preparation, which in turn affects
participation and performance level.
In support of the above view, Obi (2001) revealed that student athletes
poor performance in interscholastic sports competition is as a result of the use of
sub standard equipment and facilities during the preparatory stage.
Research Question 3
What are the facilities management strategies adopted by sports
administration in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports programme
Table 5 showed that sports masters were allowed to supervise the
construction of sports facilitates with a percentage score of 61.7%. This is in
line with the view of Udo (1985) sports facilities construction should involve
experts or professional. This is supported by Odigbo (1985) as he linked the
decaying nature of sports facilities within a short time in schools as a result of
non-experts supervision of sports facilities construction. This factor also affects
students effective training and organizing sports competition at interscholastic
level very often.
Research Quesiton 4
What are the motivation management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports programme
Table 6 showed the responses of the respondents on which motivation
strategies employed by sports administrators towards interscholastic sports
programme. It is revealed that the most favoured strategy for motivation is the
giving of functionary position to students athletes with a percentage score of
46.3%. In support, Okpe (2003) observed that it is not surprising because
students feeling is to be accorded prefect position in the school. The method
seems most favoured as most athletes that distinguished themselves in sports
competition are sometimes recommended as school prefect, sports prefect,
hostel prefect, band prefect, labour prefect, hostel accommodation (free) and so
on. The implication of the finding is that most students may not involved
themselves in sports more than ever, since scholarship, cash award and others
are not employed as a motivation strategy.
Research Question 5
What are officiating management strategies adopted by sports
administrator in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 7 showed the response of the respondents on the most strategy
adopted for officiating, it is observed that area of specialization in considered
towards one officiating with a percentage score of 53.2%.
In supporting, Nwachukwu (2005 Observed that it is not surprising
because most school sports, officials are requested to indicate there area of
sports they are expert, before assigning such sports to officiate. Obi (2001)
indicated that, sports officials who are not expert in the area of sports they
officiate, produces faulty results. He further observed that the greatest problem
facing interscholastic sports programmes is that of using unqualified officials
during sports competition which causes to sports hooliganism.
Research Question 6
What are the accreditation management strategies adopted by sports
administration in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 8 showed the responses of respondents on accreditation
management strategies adopted by sports administration in the secondary
schools for interscholastic sports programme management. The most adopted
strategy for accreditation is the use of identify card of the students, with a
percentage score of 42.8%.
In support, Okeke (2003) observed that in the present time
athletes/players are paidas machinery to compete as students or a school they do
not belong to during sports competition. He further observed that, the common
way of way of identifying non-bonafide students for sports competitions is the
use of the student‟s should be issued and signed by zonal sports co-ordinators of
each sporting zones of the state. He maintained that this will help check fake
students identify card during interscholastic sports programme, hence producing
a relevant and valid accreditation process.
Research Question 7
What are the appointments of sports official management strategies
interscholastic sports programme management?
Table 9 showed the responses of the respondents on adopted strategies
towards appoint of sports official. It is revealed that the most adopted strategy
for the appointment of sports official is based on excellence performance of the
individuals, with a percentage of 43.3%. This implies that consideration is the
sports at a reasonable height. This agrees with Okoh (2001) and Oti (2003) that
appointment of officials to every sports should be based on past records and
Research Question 8
What are the protest management strategies adopted by sports
administrators in the secondary schools for interscholastic sports
programme management?
Table 10 showed the responses of the respondents on protest management
strategy during interscholastic sports programme. It is revealed that the most
adopted protest management strategy is the protest letter from the aggrieved
school, with a percentage score of 47.7%.
In support, Ojo (2002) observed that most interscholastic sports
competition among secondary schools end up inclusively because there is no
channel of hearing from schools felt cheated by some official‟s decision.
Nweke (2001) and Obi (2002) recommended that a body must be constituted to
handle all problems arising from sports competitions. The implication is that, if
a body is constituted to handle all protest, sports co-ordinators, coaches,
administrators, sports secretary will not take laws into their hand and this will
ensure a smooth and conclusive sports competition among secondary schools in
Enugu State.
Hypothesis 1
The result of the tested hypothesis indicated that there is significant
difference in the management strategies adopted by sports administrators
towards effective management of interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools in Enugu State based on gender. This agrees with Obi (2002) that men
are favoured most in interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in
terms of management strategies.
hypothesis 2
The result of the tested hypothesis showed that location make a
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Nwachukwu (1999) submitted that most students participate in sports because
of the environmental influences. He further stated that, athletes living in urban
areas are favoured with standard facilities and equipment for training, which
enhances high performance.
Hypothesis 1
Table 11
Summary of Chi-square of no significant difference in the management
strategies adopted by sports demonstrators on interscholastic sports programme
based on genders.
119 101
Table 9 reveal that the X2 value-6.78 was a greater than the critical value
of 3.841 with df = 1 indicated that the null hypothesis that gender has no
significance difference in the management of interscholastic sports programme
was projected. Therefore, gender is significant in the strategies for effective
management of interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu
Hypothesis 2
Table 12
Summary of Chi-square of no significant difference in the management
strategies adopted by sports demonstrators based on location.
101 31
Table 10 revealed that the x2 value -10.67wasagreaterthan the critical value of
3.841 with df = 1 at 0.05 level of significance which in the management
strategies adopted by sports administration on effective management of
interscholastic sports programme was rejected.
Therefore, location is significant in the effective management of
interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Chapter five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Summary of Findings
This study was carried out to identify strategies adopted by sports
administration in the management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools of Enugu state. Eighty objectives and eight corresponding
research question were posed to guide the study. Literature for the study was
received under the following sub-headings conceptual framework in
interscholastic sports programme: theoretical framework in interscholastic ports
programme: benefit of effective management strategies
in interscholastic
sports programme; empirical studies on management strategies and summary of
review of literature.
The sample for the study comprised two hundred and one respondents
selected randomly from the six education sporting zone in Enugu Sate. Three
education sporting zone were selected. The selected zone were Enugu education
zone, Nsukka education zone and Udi education zone. Two hundred
subject as will as two hundred and one copies of questionnaires were distributed
and the same were found usable for data analysis.
The main findings of the study were that:
The most adopted strategies for fund raising by sports administrators in
secondary schools is the sports levy, percentage score 65%.
The strategy most adopted by sports administrators in secondary schools in
the procurement score 87.6%.
The most adopted strategy for facilities management by sports
administrators in secondary schools is sports master, percentage score
The adopted strategy for motivation by sports administrators towards
interscholastic sports programme is the giving of functionary positions to
student athletes, percentages score of 46.3%.
The adopted strategy employed by sports administrators towards officiating
in interscholastic sports programme is officiating in the area of
specialization, percentage score 53.2%.
The strategy adopted mostly by sports administrators in secondary schools
towards accreditation of student athletes is the use of students identity card,
percentage score 42.8%.
The most adopted strategy for appointment of officials by sports
administrators in secondary schools in based on excellence performance
from the individual, percentage score 43.3%.
The most adopted strategy for protest by sports demonstrators in the event
of any problem arising during interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools is protest letter, percentage score 47.8%.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn
Students sports levy should not be the only means of raising fund in
secondary schools for sports programme in Enugu State.
The strategy for the procurement and control of sports facilities and
equipment should not rest in hands of principles of secondary schools, as it
tends to hinder effective sports programme.
Poor motivation strategy affects the success of sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu State.
Non-bonafide students were screened out with the use of students I.D cards
for interscholastic sports programme in secondary schools?
The strategy adopted towards accreditation of student athletes should not
be carried out with one item only towards interscholastic sports programme
in secondary schools in Enugu State.
Appointment of officials to officiate in interscholastic sports programme
must be technical sound and physically fit.
Qualified officials in terms of excellence performance and assigned to area
of specialization must be employed during interscholastic sports
Sports masters should be part of supervision of sports facilities
construction in the secondary schools.
On the basis of the findings and conclusion of the study, the following
recommendations were put forward:
Procurement of sports equipment and supervision of construction of
facilities should be carried out by the sport master and committee
Students, coaches and physical education teachers should be
adequately motivated by cash award, improved salary pay, scholarship
award, promotion, giving functionary positions to students to enhance
and improve interscholastic sports programme.
The school should involved students and the immediate communities
into the school sports committee, to ensure effective decision-making
on sort‟s programme.
Appointment of officiating officials should be based on present form
and knowledge of the area of sports to be employed.
Accreditation of students to compete for honour should be done
centrally to ensure objectivity and transparent exercise.
Suggestion for Further Study
Further studies are suggested in the following areas:
Strategies for effective management of sports participation among
secondary schools students in Enugu State.
There should be a study to compare strategies and adopted in
secondary schools and other tertiary institutions of Enugu State and
There should be a study to identify factors affecting strategies adopted
towards a successful interscholastic sports programme in secondary
schools in Enugu State.
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Agbani Education Sporting Zones.
Enugu Education Sporting Zones
Nkanu Education Sporting zones
Nsukka Education Sporting Zones
Obollo-Afor Education Sporting Zones
Udi Education Sporting Zones.
Selected Education Sporting Zones Used in the Study
S/No. Name of Zones No. of Male No. of Female No of Mixed Total
Enugu Ed Zone
Nsukka Ed Zone 3
Udi Ed Zone
No. of
No of Mixed
S/No. Education Sporting Zone No. of
Enugu Ed Sporting Zone 30
Nsukka Ed Sporting Zone 94
Udi Ed. Sporting Zone
Department of Physical/Health Education
University of Nigeria
Appendix III
Dear Respondent,
Strategies Adopted Sports Administrators for Management of
Interscholastic Sports programme
The questionnaire is designed to seek for information on the strategies
adopted for effective management of interscholastic sports programme in
secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone of Enugu State. Your participation
actively means to ensure proper interscholastic sports programme development
in your school. The information you provide will be a strong guide towards as
the development of the most appropriate strategies for effective management of
interscholastic sports programme in your schools.
Please, you are requested to tick ( ) against the responses you have
chosen. No answer is wrong or right and be fully assured that all your responses
supplied in the questionnaire will be treated with utmost confidence and used
only for the purpose of the research. Please, you‟re the questionnaire presented
to you.
Thanks for your continued co-operation
Section A
Personal Data
Please tick () only one option as it applies to you
Gender (a) [ ] Male (b) Female [ ]
Location of School (a) Urban [ ] (b) Rural
School type (a) Girls only [ ] (b) Boys only [ ] (c) Mixed Boys and
Girls [ ]
P.E.S. Specialist (b) [ ] Non [ ] P.E Specialist [ ]
Section B
1. Which Strategies adopted in raining fund to mange your interscholastic
Sports programme (a) Students Sports levy [ ] (b) PTA Sports levy [ ] (c)
other specify _______________
2. Which of these other strategies have been organized to raise fund to manage
interscholastic sports in your schools? (a) Interhouse sports day [ ] (b) send
off party [ ] (c) sports week [ ] (d) others specify _______________
3. What form of sports fund have your school ever received? (a) Money(b)
Equipment [ ] (c) Facilities [ ] (d) others specify
4. Who controls sports facilities, equipment and supplies in your school? (a)
principal [ ] (b) Equipment [ ] (c) sports master [ ] (c) Sports prefect [ ]
(d) others specify _________________
5. Who assigned sports materials to athletes/players usage in your school (a)
principal [ ] (b) Sports masters [ ] (c) Sports prefect [ ] (d) others specify
6. How long are athletes/players allowed to use equipment assigned to them?
(a) throughout the school session [ ] (b) Weekly basis [ ] (c) Monthly Basis
[ ] (d) other specify ____________________
7. Where does the school equipment and supplies keep in your school? (a)
Principal‟s office [ ] (b) Sports store [ ] (c) Bursar‟s office [ ] (d) other
specify _______________________
Section C
Strategies on motivation of athletes,. Coaches and physical education teachers,
during interscholastic sports programme.
Which of these motivational strategies employed by your school towards
interscholastic sports programme? (a) Promotion [ ] (b) Cash award [ ]
(c) Scholarship award [ ] Sports honour award [ ] (e) Training Course
award [ ] (f) None [ ]
Are student athletes, sports officials and coaches who distinguished
themselves in sports adequately motivated in your school? (a) yes [ ] (b)
No [ ]
10. How do your school ensure commitment to interscholastic sports
programme? (a) providing equal opportunity of being selected for
interscholastic sports [ ] (c) Addressing all problems facing sports
participants in school [ ]
11. Does the school provides adequate sports equipment and supplies to
participating athletes and officials? (a) yes [ ] (b) No [ ].
12. Does the school camp athletes and pay all allowances due to all before
interscholastic sports competitions? (a) yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
Strategies on accreditation of athletes during interscholastic sports porgramme.
13. Does your school ensure that bonafide (students from the school) athletes
represent their school during interscholastic sports? (a) yes [ ](b) No [ ]
14. What method does your school employ during accreditation of students
athletes during interscholastic sports programme? (a) Use of admission
register [ ] (b) Use of Class terminal result [ ] (c) others specify
15. Appointment of officials during the interscholastic sports programme is
based on (a) knowledge of the game of sports [ ] (b) having participated
in such sports [ ] (c) others specify _________________________
16. Do your school employ specialist to officiate during interscholastic sports
programme? (a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
17. Do these officials follow the rules and regulations guiding athletes and
games during officiating interscholastic sports programme? (a) Yes [ ] (b) [
Strategies on handling of protest in interscholastic sports programme.
18. How are problems during interscholastic sports programme being handled
by sports officials or schools? (a) By protest [
] (b) By abandoning
participation [
] (c) By court action [
] (d) others specify
19. Do your school prefer abandoning further participation instead of putting up
a protest letter during any problem in interscholastic sports programme? (a)
Yes [ ] No [ ]
Strategies in enhancing effective management of interscholastic sports
20. Are there good working relationship among staff for functional
interscholastic sports programme in your school? (a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
21. Which ways does your school adopt information flow in an outside the
community? (a) personal contact [ ] (b) Letter [ ] (c) PTA meetings [
22. Are there representatives from the community in your sports committee?
(a) Yes [ ] (b) No [ ]
23. How do you relate with the community with regards to the use of sports
materials, especially equipment and facilities (a) it is free use [
] (b)
Permission must be obtained before use [ ] (c) others specify [ ]
How Hoes parents and athletes being informed of the children and
athletes participation in interscholastic sports programme? (a) By Letter
writing [ ] (b) By oral message [ ] (c) other specify _________________
Enugu Educ. CIC Enugu
Queens Sec. Sch. Union Sec. Sch.
STC Nsukka
St. Cyprian Girls Comm. Sec. Sch.
Educ. Zone
Boys Sec. Sch Sec. Sch. Nsukka Obukpa
Nsukka Fed.
High School
College ejje
Community Sec.
Sch. Ezimo
Udi Educ.
Comprehensive Amaozalla Afa
Comm.. Sec. Sch.
Girls Sec. Sch.
Boys Sec. Sch.
Aguobi Iwollo
Girls Sec. Sch. Comm. Sec. Sch.
Aguobi Owa
Department of Physical/Health Education
University of Nigeria
15th October 2007
The under listed name is a student of the Department of Physical/Health
Education University of Nigeria, Nsukka is carrying out a project on strategies
adopted by sports administrators in the management of interscholastic sports
programme in secondary school in (Administration of Physical Education and
This is to request for your kind co-operation to enable him have access to
information and to provide him with other forms of assistance that may be
useful and required.
Students Name
Ogbu Robert O.
Reg. No PG/M.ED/03/34205
Dike, D.O
Head of Department