Annual Report 2009 - Pacific Northwest Ballet

Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Artistic Director,
Peter Boal
Letter from the Chairman,
Carl Behnke
Letter from Executive Director,
D. David Brown
Letter from the President,
Aya Hamilton
Governing and Advisory Board of
Program 1: ALL THARP
Program 2: NEW WORKS
Program 3: Jewels
Program 5: Swan Lake
Celebrating Louise Nadeau
Letter from the PNB Foundation,
Peter Horvitz
Louise Nadeau Endowed Fund
Development Summary
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statement of
New Works
Corporate, Foundation, &
Annual Fund Donors
PNB School
Community Education Programs
Audience Education
Special Events
COVER: Leanne Duge. Photo © Angela Sterling
THIS PAGE: PNB Company dancers. Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Artistic Director
I wonder if we really should look back? The past year has certainly
been one of difficult challenges and painful decisions. Resources were
largely depleted and budgets stretched to the extreme. By June, we
were all relieved to be ending a year that I never imagined experiencing
in my time as artistic director. And sometime in June, we looked at our
collective management during an economic test and realized that, while posting a deficit and
relying on cash reserves to control it, we had actually landed on our feet and, in many cases,
on our toes.
After First Look, our spectacular season opening event, we unveiled Opus 111 and Afternoon
Ball, both world premieres by American original Twyla Tharp. Paired with her winning Nine
Sinatra Songs, audiences and critics were wowed and helped us to breeze past our high
single ticket goal. Two more exciting world premieres followed in November in our innovative
New Works program. A twenty-fifth anniversary celebration of PNB’s signature Stowell/
Sendak Nutcracker looked better than ever. Snowfall was not limited to the stage, but could
be seen several inches deep on Seattle streets. Pretty, yes, but not for ticket sales. With
ticket exchanges in the wake of the storm, inventory was erased for the last week of our run
and left us with a half-million-dollar hole in our revenue projection. A few hundred hearty
fourwheel drivers joined us during the storm and, once thawed, were able to enjoy truly
enchanting performances.
George Balanchine’s Jewels made a welcome return to the repertory in February. Former
ballerinas Mimi Paul and Violette Verdy brought new luster and refinement to Emeralds by
coaching the roles they originated at the ballet’s premiere in 1967.
You could almost forget the economy in March as our ebullient Broadway Festival took over
McCaw Hall. The genius of Balanchine, Robbins, Stroman, and Wheeldon mixed with Richard
Rodgers, Leonard Bernstein, Dave Brubeck, old film clips, and brassy show tunes in the
lobby made for contagious smiles, foot tapping, and finger snapping in the seats. Every now
and then we offer the right program at the right time. The optimism in the air was tangible.
Even the Dow Jones Industrial Average seemed to respond. Audiences couldn’t get enough
and the Festival broke a record for most single tickets sold to a mixed repertory program at
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Artistic Director
Kent Stowell’s exquisite Swan Lake followed by an acclaimed Director’s Choice program ended
another artistically satisfying year. It was a year in which we enhanced collections of works by
the finest choreographers. West Side Story Suite and Dances at a Gathering rounded out an
impressive collection of masterpieces by Jerome Robbins. We performed our fourth and fifth
works by Twyla Tharp and developed a new appreciation for the range and depth of the
choreography of Christopher Wheeldon with the premieres of Carousel (A Dance) and After the
Rain pas de deux.
The end of a season is often a time of retirements. We bid farewell to the glorious career of one
of PNB’s greatest and most loved ballerinas, Louise Nadeau, in an emotional evening.
Fifty-one dancers were employed by the company during the 2008-2009 season, the most ever.
The institution recognized the importance of maintaining the number of dancers and was able to
avoid the difficult, widespread layoffs that many other companies were forced to institute. In
fact, the vital PNB workforce is largely unchanged in numbers in the wake of a tough year.
David Brown’s effective fiscal management coupled with sensible choices made by all leave us
in a cautious but secure place.
It is in hard times that you see true colors. I was so proud of PNB over the course of the past
year. Each individual recognized that the institution was greater than the individual and that
personal sacrifice was needed for the institution to continue not only to thrive but literally to
survive. As a committed group of individuals, we weathered a storm and now once again
looking to a bright future. Included in my appreciation are not only devoted employees, but a
Board of Trustees and a cadre of dedicated volunteers and an audience of subscribers and
single ticket buyers who were forced to make difficult choices themselves and chose to
continue to support and enjoy Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Peter Boal
Artistic Director
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Chairman
The past year has been very challenging for all arts organizations.
should all be very proud of what PNB has accomplished during this difficult
season. Artistically, the year was breathtaking. Economically, the year was
challenging. Many people have worked behind the scenes this year to keep
PNB strong and healthy.
First, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the commitment and dedication of the PNB
staff and our union allies. We have nearly 70 employees on staff at PNB who work very hard to bring
our season to the stage. We are allied with the American Guild of Musical Artists (the dancers’ union),
the Pacific Northwest Ballet Orchestra Player’s Organization (the PNB Orchestra’s union), and the
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 887 representing our wardrobe department
and Local 15 representing our stagehands. We asked our union allies to amend our mutual
agreements to help reduce expenses and they all graciously agreed. We asked our staff to do more
with less, to take up more with fewer hands and they responded. Despite these sacrifices, which no
doubt were layered upon other personal sacrifices made by each individual, the staff and unions
continued to bring their characteristic excellence to the fore until the final curtain fell on the 2008-2009
I would also like to thank the PNB Board of Trustees for their leadership and guidance this year. It is
much easier to make decisions for an arts organization in times of wealth, than in times of economic
difficulty. Our Board of Trustees has shown the same exemplary level of dedication, commitment, and
sacrifice as our staff and our allied unions by continuing to support our art. I encourage everyone to
view this past year as an illustration of how crucial sound leadership is to an arts organization and how
participation at PNB through the Board of Trustees is an opportunity to explore your own leadership
As stable leadership on every level is crucial to PNB, we are proud to report that Peter Boal has agreed
to extend his contract with us as Artistic Director for another five years. We can look forward to the
next stage of his artistic vision and let him inspire us again and again for many more years to come.
We start this next year with renewed strength and determination. You are a vital part of our
organization and we thank you for the passion and support you provide.
Carl G. Behnke
Chairman, PNB Board of Trustees
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Executive Director
Over the past year, Pacific Northwest Ballet continued to make significant
progress towards achieving its prioritized Strategic Plan Goals. Through a
comprehensive and broadly inclusive process, PNB Trustees and Staff
completed the current Strategy which was adopted by the Board of Trustees at
its June, 2007 meeting. That plan details four Strategic Objectives, ordered by
priority, and the similarly prioritized actionable goals identified within each to
achieve success.
1. Strengthen Our Financial Foundation
Build unrestricted endowment assets through a comprehensive effort which may include
additional components for New Works, Cash Reserve, Facility Expansion, Touring, or other
named purposes.
Adhere to reasonable assumptions for the annual operating plan which will ensure Annual
Operating Surpluses with modest risk in order to reduce the PNB accumulated deficit of $2.2
million over time.
Expand Creativity in Dance
Through commissions and acquisitions, build a distinctive collection of choreographic
works that distinguish PNB from other companies, and in so doing, strengthen PNB’s national/
international exposure and interest.
Expand opportunities to bring donors/patrons closer to the artistic creative in-studio
Provide an opportunity for emerging choreographers to create new work at PNB.
Create a choreographer training program to develop choreographic talent.
Broaden and Deepen Dance Education
Expand scholarship and living expense support for the highest level of the PNB School.
Increase National/Local Visibility for PNB
Utilize electronic and other media to provide visibility for PNB programs as well as
convenient accessibility to participation by all.
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the Executive Director
The challenging economic conditions affected our ability to continue to post surpluses as we
have done in four of the last five years. Although an operating deficit of $147,000 is modest on
a $21 million budget, PNB needed to significantly deplete its cash reserves in this year. Caution
and deliberation will be the watch words for the 2010 fiscal year
Despite the economic distractions, PNB raised $1,145,870 in cash and pledges for its
endowment this past year with unwavering commitments from several of its most loyal patrons.
Several other goals saw strong progress as well including the addition of several Signature
Works to the repertory, continued strong momentum for the Choreographers Showcase, and a
myriad of in-studio activities to bring our patrons closer to the creative process.
But all Strategic Plans are just that – a plan. Without committed and passionate individuals to
breathe life into it, it remains just a piece of paper. PNB is fortunate to have such individuals
who support and encourage us with their generosity of time and money, but more importantly,
passionately embrace the growth of PNB to achieve more, and to do so at ever higher
quality. This plan challenges all of us to do more, give more, and more widely promote the
value of PNB to the community we serve. It requires more from all of us. All great challenges
do. Yet with our collective participation, passion for the value of the arts in all of our lives, ability
to dream larger and aspire to higher standards of excellence, we will succeed.
But above all, our greatest challenge is to touch our audience with the beauty, grace, power and
drama of highest quality dance performances; strive for a personally fulfilling experience for our
artists, students, staff and trustees; ensure a rewarding participatory experience for our
volunteers and parents; and enhance the reputation of Seattle as a culturally desirable place to
live and work. In so doing, we will earn the trust and faith of our donors and patrons and
become more deserving of their support.
D. David Brown
Executive Director
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the President
The 2008-2009 season for Pacific Northwest Ballet saw some of its greatest
work, both in front of and behind the curtains. In front of a backdrop of a
challenged and turbulent economy, we continued to build our repertory of
New Works, an important goal in PNB’s strategic plan. By the end of Peter
Boal’s fourth season at PNB our company had added 54 new works to our
repertory under his leadership, with additional works this past year from
Jerome Robbins, Christopher Wheeldon, and Twyla Tharp.
Most notably we opened the season with All Tharp which showcased two world premieres set on
PNB, one of which will go to The Joyce Theatre in New York this coming January. During the
2008-2009 season, the New Works initiative at PNB raised $672,000 from 80 donors. We value
every gift received and are pleased to see our New Works donor base continue to grow at every
giving level.
All of these new works come at a cost; in this past year they came at an increasingly difficult
time. Thankfully, our patrons and our donors came forward, as they often do, to support PNB as
one of the primary beneficiaries for their giving. We would not be PNB without their constant
dedication to helping us grow and define Pacific Northwest Ballet. While the following list is not
conclusive, a special thank you goes to some very passionate individual supporters of Pacific
Northwest Ballet: Dan and Pam Baty, Carl and Renee Behnke, Lyndall Boal, Jeffrey and Susan
Brotman, Jane and David Davis, Peter and Peggy Horvitz, Glenn Kawasaki, Marcella McCaffray,
and Joe Norman.
I want to take this opportunity to thank PNB’s corporate donors as well. Over the years we have
stewarded important relationships with many corporations in our community. Their unwavering
support was especially important in a year of corporate and economic turmoil and they too,
spoke of the value received and given through their contributions to PNB. Corporate support for
PNB during the 2008-2009 season totaled $798,682. In addition, we received almost $500,000
from our in-kind donors including media partners and vendors. Some of PNB’s most significant
support comes from such important organizations in our local community as ArtsFund, The
Boeing Company, and Microsoft.
Lastly, an important thank you goes to our artists and our staff. Doing more with less is an often
requested ask around PNB, but this year our ask was big and they all delivered week after week,
performance after performance. Dancers, musicians, stagehands, costume shop, marketing,
development, finance -- all of them -- performed vastly above and beyond this year, as we were
forced to make difficult decisions behind the scenes without sacrificing the quality of the work on
stage or in the pit.
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the President
As you can see, it takes a large community to run a world-class ballet company. With your
generosity and ongoing support, we promise to be diligent stewards of your resources and
continue to bring you excellence in all our work. We look forward to pushing ourselves towards
greater challenges, larger and balanced budgets, and international acclaim. Thank you for being
our partners in dance.
Aya S. Hamilton
President, PNB Board of Trustees
PNB dancers backstage at McCaw Hall. Photos © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Board of Trustees
-OfficersTreasurer – Hallock W. Beals
Assistant Treasurer – Kim Richter
Chairman – Carl Behnke
President – Aya Hamilt
Immediate Past Chairman – Peter Horvitz 2
Secretary – W. Daniel Heidt
Assistant Secretary – Lynn Lindsay
-Vice PresidentsFund Development – W. Daniel Heidt 2
Government Relations – James Raisbeck
Volunteer Development – Gail James
Board Development – Kay Baxter
Education – Wayne Thurman
New Works – Glenn Kawasaki
Marketing/Public Relations – Pamela Johnson Strategic Planning – Bertrand Valdman Foundation Board Chairman – Peter Horvitz 2
-Ex Officio TrusteesArtistic Director – Peter Boal 1
Executive Director – D. David Brown 1
PNB Stars – Caroline Goedhart
Parents Annual Fund – Cheryl Smith
Backstage Pass – Chavi Hohm & Joerg Gablonsky
Parents Association – Terri Luken
PNB League – Rebecca Wakefield
-Governing Board of TrusteesSusan Brotman2
Diane Burgess
Robert W. Cremin
Joan Fitzmaurice
Stephen E. Fuhs, M.D.
Robin F. Gainey
Lawrence J. Graham
Susan Grinstein
Jan Harper Johnson
Cathi Hatch2
John E. Iverson2
Sara A. Jones
Travis Keeler2
April Kieburtz
Afshan Lakha
Robert I. Lipp
Rian MacLeod
Arthur H. Mazzola2
Jane McConnell
Joe G. Norman, Jr.
Susan Okamoto
Alida Oles
Heidi Orr
Laura Peterson
Richard C. Redman
Barbara Ries
Paula Rose
Esther Rotella
Carolyn Stewart
Suzanne Suneson
David Vaskevitch
Deidra Wager
Linda Warson
Evelyn Zabo
-Advisory Board of TrusteesSue and Bill Grinstein, Co-Chairs
Caroline Goedhart
Mary Jo Levanthal
Peg Hawks
Helen Mawyer
Anne-Marie Hedges
Frederick W. McDonald
Tom Hedges
Kristin Nordstrom Ratzlaff
Cathy Beth Hooper
Annette Parks
C. James Judson
Mimi Richards
Judy Kelly
Brady Richardson*
Jackie Kotkins
Sharon Richardson
Susan Krabbe
Lynn Ries
Firoz Lalji
Sarah Rindlaub
Virginia Leen
Gladys Rubinstein
Nancy Alvord
Kathy Alvord Gerlich
Kate Naderson
Elisabeth Bodal
Barbara Chaplin
Judith N. Clifford
Margaret Dell’Osso
G. John Doces
Sandra Dunn
William J. Dunn
Baraba Fiorito
Lucy Glenn
¹ Advisory/Ex Officio
² Past Chairs
³ Ex-Officio
John C. Rudolf
Laura Selepsky
John F.Shaw
John H. Short
Melba Short
Mel Sturman
Peggy Swistak
Betty Tong
Jacquelyn Toombs
Janet True
Arlene Wright
Jack D. Wulfekuhle
* Deceased
PNB Company dancers backstage at McCaw Hall. Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Board of Trustees
-Trustees EmeritiNorma Cugini
Francia Russell
Jane M. Davis Kent Stowell
Wendy Griffin2
Althea Stroum
Carol Wright
-Board Life FellowsPatty Barrier
Benjamin W. Bevis
Robert R. Braun, Jr.
James A. Elias
Ron Elgin
¹ Advisory/Ex Officio
² Past Chairs
³ Ex-Officio
Don C. Franklin2
Catherine Hobi Hawes
David F. Hill
Helen C. Kloess
Dr. Susan Lindsay
Susan R. Richey
Alexis Phelps
Cynthia Stroum
Maria Postnikoff-Downing David B. Winder 2
Marsha Rich Ingham
Linda Wyman
* Deceased
PNB Company dancers backstage at McCaw Hall. Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Photo © Richard Avedon
Program 1: ALL THARP
Pacific Northwest Ballet
opened the 2008-2009
season with an All Tharp
dance program with two
world premieres and the
return of a popular
classic, all choreographed
by legendary dance icon
Twyla Tharp.
Ms. Tharp spent two months
in Seattle creating Opus 111,
set to music by Johannes
Brahms, and Afternoon Ball,
choreographed to music by
Vladimir Martynov. The two
works, separate but related,
audiences and great reviews
from both local and national
press. The production was
completed by one of Ms.
Tharp’s signature pieces, Nine
Sinatra Songs (1982), a
nostalgic look at 1950’s social
dancing set to nine classic
Frank Sinatra tunes. Staged
by Shelley Washington, Nine
Sinatra Songs also featured
costumes designed by Oscar
de la Renta.
The world premiere of Opus 111 was
generously underwritten by Glenn
Kawaskai. The world premiere of
Afternoon Ball was generously
underwritten by Peter and Peggy
Kaori Nakamura and Charlie Hodges in Twyla Tharp’s Afternoon Ball (left) and Jodie
Thomas, Lucien Postlewaite, and Chalnessa Eames in Twyla Tharp’s Opus 111 (right).
Photos © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Program 2: NEW WORKS
PNB Company dancers in Benjamin Millepied’s 3 Movements (left) and corps de ballet dancer Lindsi Dec in Kiyon Gaines’
M-Pulse (right). Photos © Angela Sterling
In keeping with PNB’s
efforts to support young
artists, November’s New
Works program brought
three new pieces to PNB’s
including two world premiers
by emerging choreographers.
Joanna Berman restaged
Mark Morris’ A Garden which
showcased PNB Company’s
technique in a series of
baroque tableaus. In-demand
Choreographer, and New York
City Ballet principal dancer,
Benjamin Millepied created his
first work for PNB, Three
Movements, set to Steve
Reich’s Three Movements for
Kiyon Gaines, a member of
PNB’s corps since 2001,
with composer
Cristina Spinei to create
M-Pulse. New Works also
included a reprisal of the stark
William Forsythe piece One Flat
Thing, reproduced, first
performed by PNB in the 20072008 season.
The PNB premiere of A Garden was
generously underwritten by Elizabeth
Borchelt, William J. and Sandra Dunn,
and James and Sherry Raisbeck. The
world premiere of M-Pulse was
generously underwritten by Ernest
and Diane Burgess.
Special thanks to the Paul G. Allen
Family Foundation and Key
Annual Report 2009
PNB Company dancers in Stowell/Sendak Nutcracker. Photo © Angela Sterling
The 2008 holiday season
Anniversary of Pacific
B a l l e t ’s
Sendak Nutcracker.
PNB’s Nutcracker is the
brillian t resul t of the
adaptation of the classic
Christmas story, by E.T.A.
Hoffman, choreographed by
PNB Founding
Director Kent Stowell in
collaboration with
children’s book author and
illustrator Maurice Sendak.
The Northwest classic
premiered to national acclaim
in 1983. Pacific Northwest
Ballet’s production uses the
full Company in addition to
200 students from Pacific
Northwest Ballet School and
is danced to the traditional
score by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
A highlight of the festivities
surrounding the 25th
anniversary of the Stowell/
Sendak Nutcracker was its
1,000th performance on
December 24, 2008. Special
décor made McCaw Hall
shimmer with light and
merriment. In addition, PNB
was joined by many special
guests, including Kent Stowell
and Francia Russell, who
served as supernumeraries in
the production.
Special thanks to The Boeing
Company, Macy’s, Bank of America,
Moss Adams LLP, Seattle Times,
Seattle P.I., and Belo.
Benjamin Griffiths and PNB School students (left) and Maria Chapman (right) in
Stowell/Sendak Nutcracker. Photos © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Program 3: Jewels
Emeralds, set to music by
Gabriel Fauré, evokes the
romance and beauty of France.
In the piece, Balanchine
explored the rich heritage of the
French School of dance.
Rubies, the American jewel,
brings to mind the Jazz Age,
with its snappy score by Igor
Stravinsky, stylized flapper
costumes by Karinska, and
Balanchine’s sophisticated
choreography that draws from
his experiences on Broadway.
At its New York City
premiere in 1967, George
Balanchine’s Jewels was
touted as the first “plotless
full-length ballet.”
Ballet legend has it Balanchine
was inspired to create the ballet
after a visit to New York jeweler
Claude Arpels of Van Cleef and
Arpels. While each of its three
ballets—Emeralds, Rubies, and
Diamonds—may not follow any
definitive narrative, like real
gems themselves, each can be
viewed in multiple ways and
from a variety of angles.
Diamonds, set to a striking
score by P.I. Tchaikovsky, is
Balanchine’s homage to his
native St. Petersburg. At the
center of the piece is an
intimate pas de duex, followed
by a grand finale as the entire
cast joins the principal couple
for a glorious polonaise.
Special thanks to Artsfund, Union
Bank, and Dilettante Chocolates.
Leah O’Conner and Jerome Tisserand (top) and PNB Company dancers (bottom) in George Balanchine's’ Diamonds. Photos © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
PNB Company in Jerome Robbins’
West Side Story Suite (left) and Carla
Körbes and Jeff Stanton in Balanchine’s
Slaughter on Tenth Avenue. Photos ©
Angela Sterling
Program 4: Broadway Festival
P N B ’s t h i rd a n n u a l
festival, Broadway Festival,
featured a program full of
PNB premieres...
including Jerome Robbins’
iconic West Side Story Suite,
with music by Leonard
Bernstein, one of the US’s most
popular theatrical productions.
The program also featured the
return of Susan Stroman’s
TAKE FIVE… More or Less. The
ensemble of 11 dancers is set
to two famous jazz scores by
Dave Brubeck and Paul
Christopher Wheeldon’s
Carousel (A Dance) with music
by Richard Rogers and staging
by Damien Smith, distills the
carnival atmosphere and the
theme of tragic romance from
the iconic musical.
The PNB premiere of George
Balanchine’s Slaughter on
Tenth Avenue, with music by
Richard Rogers and staging by
Susan Pilarre, captured the
doomed nature of the dance
hall girl
and the hoofer’s
relationship. Originally part of
the musical, On Your Toes,
Balanchine’s Slaughter on
Tenth Avenue is widely
considered to be the first use
of ballet on Broadway.
The PNB premiere of Slaughter on
Tenth Avenue was generously
underwritten by Dan and Pam Baty.
The PNB premiere of West Side
St or y Su it e w as ge n erou sl y
underwritten by Marcella McCaffray,
Lyndall Boal, Aya Hamilton, and Carl
and Renee Behnke.
Special thanks to the Seattle Office of
Arts and Cultural Affairs, National
Endowment for the Arts, Puget
Sound Energy, and Canterbury
Miranda Weese and PNB Company dancers in Susan Stroman’s
TAKE FIVE...More or Less. Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
PNB Company dancers (left) and Louise Nadeau
(right) in Kent Stowell’s Swan Lake. Photos ©
Angela Sterling
Program 5:
Kent Stowell’s Swan Lake,
generously made possible
by the E. L. Wiegand
Foundation, returned to
the McCaw Hall stage this
Choreographed by Mr. Stowell
in 1981 to the original
Tchaikovsky score and
staged by Francia Russell
after Marius Petipa and Lev
Ivanov, Swan Lake was the
first full length ballet created for
Considered by many to be
the greatest classical ballet of
all time, Swan Lake has
continued to inspire countless
choreographers, who, in their
own productions, seek to
extend the ideas and meanings
suggested in the work of its
Special thanks to Nesholm Family
Foundation, Norman Archibald
Charitable Foundation, UW Medicine,
and Collins Group Design.
A ballet about romance,
sorcery, and betrayal, Swan
Lake is famous for the
challenging dual role of
Odette/Odile. The current
production featured a revised
staging and new designs, and
premiered for PNB’s inaugural
season at Marion Oliver
McCaw Hall in 2003.
Carla Körbes and Casey Herd in Kent Stowell’s Swan Lake.
Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Program 6: Director’s Choice
Director’s Choice featured
two PNB Premieres and
the return of a Balanchine
Artistic Director Peter Boal’s
annual Director’s Choice
programs highlight the addition
of new works to the PNB
repertory as well as favorites
from the great choreographers
of our time.
Jerome Robbins’ Dances at a
Gathering (1969) is an hour
long suite set to the solo piano
works of Frederic Chopin. It
was staged for PNB by Susan
Hendl and Ben Huys and is
considered by many to be
Robbins’ greatest achievement
in ballet.
Carla Körbes and Batkhurel Bold in Christopher Wheeldon’s After the Rain pas de deux.
Photo © Angela Sterling.
PNB also premiered Christopher
Wheeldon’s After the Rain pas
de deux. Set to Arvo Pärt’s duet
for piano and violin, the dancers
in this work explore the shifting
emotions of their relationship
through a series of unfolding
partnering movements.
Balanchine’s classic Symphony
in C (1947) returned, staged by
Francia Russell. Following the
structure of the symphony, the
ballet is in four movements, each
featuring a different ballerina,
cavalier, and corps de ballet.
PNB first danced Symphony in
C, set to Georges Bizet’s score,
in 1987.
The PNB premiere of Dances at a
Gathering was generously underwritten
by Jeffery and Susan Brotman. The
PNB premiere of After the Rain was
generously underwritten by Ernest and
Diane Burgess.
PNB Company in Jerome Robbins Dances at a
Gathering. Photo © Angela Sterling
Special thanks to PONCHO and
Annual Report 2009
A Celebration of Louise Nadeau
The 2008-2009 season came
to a close with a celebration
performance honoring the
extraordinary career of Ms.
Nadeau. She performed
some of her favorite works,
including excerpts from
George Balanchine’s Jewels
and La Valse, and Jerome
Robbins’ In the Night.
Additionally, Ms. Nadeau
added two new roles to her
repertory: Anita in Jerome
Robbins’ West Side Story
Suite, and the pas de duex
Urlicht, generously given
to Ms. Nadeau in honor
o f h er r et ir ement by
the choreographer, William
Photo © Bill Mohn
After a remarkable two
decades with Pacific
Northwest Ballet, beloved
principal Louise Nadeau
retired this season.
“[Ms. Nadeau’s] musicality, her elegant presence,
and her enlightening performances have made her
one of the most unique and special Balanchine
ballerinas. While we are sad to see her leave the
stage, we are grateful for her long and
accomplished career which has brought us such
breathtaking moments.”
Ellen Sorrin, Director of the Balanchine Trust
“Louise Nadeau has long been praised for her
musicality, her ability to link music with movement.
Little wonder she is such a beloved dancer of the
ballets of George Balanchine... She can transform
herself into whatever the choreography demands–
something soft and pliable or fierce and
determined, comic or tragic. It is a dynamic range
that is in constant state of expansion and
exploration, which is among the reasons Louise
has been such a vital force in making Pacific
Northwest Ballet the company it is today.”
R.M. Campbell,
Photo © Bill Mohn
Annual Report 2009
Annual Report 2009
Pacific Northwest Ballet School
PNB School
2008-2009 Academic Year
Students (Creative Movement,
Pre-Ballet, Levels I-VIII and
Professional Division)
Seattle 376
Bellevue 592
Total 968
Seattle and Bellevue
30 Faculty (6 Full-Time)
22 Accompanists
2009 Summer Course
Audition Tour
From January to February 2009
administrators and faculty visited 24
cities, auditioning approximately
1,500 students. The Tour was
underwritten by Freed of London for
the fourteenth year.
PNB School students Robbie-Jean Arbaczewski and Ezra Thomson in George
Balanchine’s La Source. Photo © Rex Tranter.
Petite Finale Performances
350 Creative Movement and
Pre-Ballet Students performed in
Petite Finale Performances in May.
27 classes performed in 9 shows
over 3 days in Seattle (Phelps Center)
and Bellevue (Francia Russell
2009 School Performance and
Choreographers’ Showcase
PNB School students in the Petite Finale. Photo ©
Rex Tranter.
Approximately 540 students
performed at Marion Oliver McCaw
Hall (Levels I-VIII, DanceChance I & II,
Professional Division) in the 28th
Annual School Performance on June
13. This year’s performance featured
the premiere of George Balanchine’s
La Source, along with original works
choreographed by PNB School
faculty. The Choreographers’
Showcase performance that evening
featured Professional Division
students performing original works
choreographed by PNB Company
dancers and faculty.
Annual Report 2009
Photo © Bill Mohn
Community Education Programs
During the 2008-2009 season PNB’s Community Education Programs
activities were led by Community Education Programs Manager Kayti
Bouljon. Administrative support was provided by Community Education
Programs Coordinator Shannon Barnes and Community Education Programs
Assistant Rochelle Rapaszky. Teaching was led by Community Education
Programs faculty, Pacific Northwest Ballet School faculty, and guest
DISCOVER DANCE Performance Partnership
Pacific Northwest Ballet partnered with five Seattle and Eastside schools:
Daniel Bagley Elementary, Graham Hill Elementary, Summit K-12 School
(Seattle Public Schools), Rose Hill Elementary (Lake Washington School
District), and Eastgate Elementary (Bellevue School District). 350 students from these schools participated in long-term in-school
dance residencies that culminated in the DISCOVER DANCE Community Performance at McCaw Hall on March 21, 2009. During the
course of these residencies, students attended an EYES ON DANCE matinee and fieldtrips to PNB studios at no cost.
In addition, over 50 students from Graham Hill Elementary worked with visual artist Darwin Nordin to design and create backdrops for
the performance. The performance featured short excerpts performed by PNB Company dancers, as well as live musical
accompaniment from the Graham Hill Elementary chorus and drummer Adam Kessler.
PNB also conducted DISCOVER DANCE pilot residencies in anticipation of the 2009-2010 program expansion. Nine classrooms
from three schools participated in three-week residencies focused on using classroom curriculum to create choreography.
Participating schools (Arbor Heights Elementary, Broadview Thomson K-8, and Highland Park Elementary) were chosen based on
recommendations from Seattle Public Schools’ Visual and Performing Arts Department.
Other In-School Projects
PNB conducted a six-week residency at Urban Impact (25 students) that culminated in a public sharing and a week long residency at
Wickersham School of Discovery (230 students). PNB held one-day dance workshops at Bright Horizons Summit (15 students),
Bright Horizons Overlake (15 students), Stroum Jewish Center (60 students), The Center School (15 students), and Picnic Point
Elementary (60 students).
REACH Student Dance Group
In 2008-2009 PNB began a partnership with Spectrum Dance
Theater to expand the depth of REACH Student Dance
Group. REACH offered two eight-week sessions in different
dance styles and was open to youth ages eleven to fifteen.
PNB Community Education Programs Coordinator Shannon
Barnes and the Director of School and Outreach from
Spectrum Dance Theater Shawn Hensley, oversaw the
recruitment and hiring of guest artists Jennifer Clark (jazz
dance) and Awal Alhassan (African dance). REACH perform
original choreography created by these guest artists during
the DISCOVER DANCE Community Performance at McCaw
Hall on March 21, 2009 (20 students).
Photo © John Austin
Annual Report 2009
Community Education Programs
PNB’s annual EYES ON DANCE performance was held January
30, 2009, and brought 1,600 students to McCaw Hall for excerpts
of George Balanchine’s Jewels. The hour-long matinee included
open set changes, a lighting demonstration, the PNB Orchestra,
and was emceed by PNB School Eastside Principal and former
PNB dancer, Nicholas Ade.
The EYES ON DANCE program also offered pre-performance and
post-performance in-school workshops for both Jewels and
Nutcracker (910 students).
Photo © John Austin
From The Inside: PNB Fieldtrips
PNB Community Education Programs staff and faculty conducted fieldtrips for seven Seattle area classrooms in the 2008-2009
season. During the fieldtrips, participants observed PNB Company dancers in rehearsal, took an introductory dance class, and
engaged in discussion about ballet that included an opportunity to see and learn about costumes and pointe shoes up-close.
Other activities
PNB again participated in Seattle Center Academy’s annual summer program, offering two weeks of dance instruction to middle
school students (20 students). Community Education Programs Manager Kayti Bouljon was also invited to Adams Elementary
School Arts Career Day to speak about the multitude of careers related to dance (35 students).
PNB continued a partnership with JackStraw Productions and Arts and Visually Impaired Audiences. Select PNB Community
Education Programs faculty and accompanists taught a dance workshop for students and adults with visual impairments.
Participants also attended an audio-described performance of Broadway Festival and participated in a backstage “touch” tour that
enabled them to feel sets and costumes prior to the performance.
Photo © Bill Mohn
Annual Report 2009
Audience Education
Before the Ballet: Pre-Performance Lectures
Pre-Performance Lectures continued in 2008-2009, given by Education Programs Manager Doug Fullington. Lectures
were offered before every regular season performance and served approximately 3,100 patrons.
Post-Performance Q&A
Post-Performance Q&A sessions continued in 2008-2009, led by Artistic Director Peter Boal. Sessions were offered after
every regular season performance, except performances of Swan Lake, and served approximately 4,200 patrons.
PNB $5 Fridays
PNB $5 Fridays continued in 2008-2009. Instituted by Artistic Director Peter Boal, PNB $5 Fridays is a series of public
previews of upcoming ballets in informal open rehearsal settings. Six hour-long events were offered in Studio C at the
Phelps Center. Serving approximately 1,395 patrons, PNB $5 Fridays sold out months in advance and continued to prove
exceptionally popular with audience members of all ages.
PNB Lecture Series
Six events were offered during the hour before dress rehearsal, during which guest choreographers and stagers were
interviewed or Peter Boal led a discussion of current repertoire. Approximately 800 patrons were served.
Conversations with PNB
Five Conversations with PNB events were offered at Elliott Bay Book Company, the event co-sponsor. The hour-long
panel discussions with PNB artists and guests were moderated by PNB Education Programs Manager Doug Fullington
and served approximately 200 patrons.
Ballet Previews
Ballet Previews are sponsored by the Seattle Public Library and presented by PNB Education Programs Manager Doug
Fullington. Six hour-long noontime events were offered at the Central Seattle Public Library, serving approximately 300
Several lecture-demonstrations and related events were offered this season:
Choreographer Twyla Tharp hosted a lecture-demonstration previewing her new ballets for PNB on September 18, 2008,
in McCaw Hall. This event served approximately 1,723 patrons.
A lecture-demonstration entitled “Balanchine’s Petipa” was offered on October 1, 2008, at the Phelps Center. Education
Programs Manager Doug Fullington, Artistic Director Peter Boal, and Company dancers explored the influence of George
Balanchine’s Russian dance training on his subsequent choreography. This event served approximately 63 patrons.
Dance writer and Wall Street Journal dance critic Robert Greskovic presented a seminar entitled Ballet 101 on October 4,
2008, in the Phelps Center. Abbie Siegel, Pacific Northwest Ballet School principal, also led PNB School students in a
demonstration of barre work. This event served approximately 98 patrons.
PNB also presented an “Emeralds Conversation and Studio Rehearsal” on January 15, 2009, at the Phelps Center,
featuring former ballerinas Violette Verdy and Mimi Paul coaching Company dancers in their original roles in Balanchine’s
Emeralds and discussing Jewels and Balanchine with Artistic Director Peter Boal. This event served approximately 118
Annual Report 2009
Special Events
Special Event Highlights
Guests on September 19, 2008, were invited to attend
First Look 2008: A Signature Celebration, PNB’s season
preview performance. The performance included previews
of several dynamic pieces, including a world premiere by
renowned choreographer Twyla Tharp. Following the
performance, guests enjoyed a seated dinner backstage
and danced the night away at the onstage dance party.
Sponsored by Accenture and The Boeing Company, First
Look 2008 raised $89,000 and was attended by over
1,800 people.
Opening Night Dinner guests at The Ruins restaurant. Photo © Alan Alabstro
On January 25, 2009, Louise Nadeau and her daughter Emma hosted the sixth annual Winter Wonderland Ball.
Over 180 guests enjoyed music, dance classes, delicious food, a silent auction, and appearances by PNB dancers in
the beautifully transformed Francia Russell Center. The event raised $12,000 for PNB School.
Ballet lovers traveled to Palm Springs for the sixth annual Desert Sunset Dinner Party and Performance. Guests
enjoyed a savory dinner at the home of Phil and Geda Condit. Patrons also attended a performance by PNB
dancers at the McCallum Theater, which included audience favorites TAKE FIVE…More or less and After the Rain
pas de deux.
PNB’s young professionals group, Backstage Pass, hosted their fourth annual Backstage Bash on March 14, 2009.
Guests dressed to the Feathers and Fedoras theme, dancing the night away with PNB dancers while enjoying hors
d’oeuvres and drinks backstage.
A new event for the ballet was launched on June 19, 2009 with the premiere of the Scholarship Dinner. Taking place
after the School Performance and preceding the Choreographer’s Showcase, the Scholarship Dinner celebrated the
accomplishments of PNB School students during the year and raised $1,000 for future scholarships.
Donor Events
This year included six opening night dinners, 12 studio rehearsals,
and 42 pre-performance and intermission receptions in the donor
lounge. Other events included an Insider’s Tour, Révérence
Society Luncheon, Choreographer’s Reception, hosted by Bill and
Sandy Dunn, President’s Circle Dinner at the home of Peter and
Kelly Boal, Stowell Society reception hosted by John and Kay
Baxter, MOB Garden Party hosted by Carl and Renee Behnke at
the Woodmark Hotel, Board Holiday Party hosted by Steven and
Cathy Beth Hooper, and Scholarship Tea hosted by Steven and
April Kieburtz.
PNB dancer Carla Körbes at Winter Wonderland Ball.
Photo © Alan Alabstro
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the PNB Foundation
Pacific Northwest Ballet Foundation continued to build upon
our current Endowment to strengthen PNB’s long-term
organizational stability. PNB Foundation remains integral to the
financial stability of Pacific Northwest Ballet Association, ensuring
that PNB’s exceptional artistic, educational, and outreach
programs continue to reach a broad continue to reach a broad community. The PNB
Foundation Board manages our investments to earn income that will generate funds for
the Association while also increasing the value of the endowment.
In fiscal year 2009, Pacific Northwest Ballet Foundation received $1,145,870 in new gifts,
pledges, and bequests.
With these donations, assets under management total
$9,431,277 (NOTE: The total of $12,143,097 indicated on the next page includes
receivables which cannot be invested until they are paid to PNB Foundation by the
donor). Although our investments declined by 18% due to the economic recession, we
are confident that we have made responsible long term decisions to preserve our
endowment corpus, ensuring the Foundation’s ability to provide long term support to
I want to thank all of our donors for affirming the importance of building the PNB
Endowment. Your generosity allows PNB to nurture a predictable and stable funding
source that supports long term planning. Endowment supporters ensure that even in
challenging times PNB will enrich lives through its artistic excellence, new works, and
dynamic dance education and outreach programs. Thank you again for your belief in and
dedication to Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Peter Horvitz
Chairman, PNB Foundation
Annual Report 2009
Letter from the PNB Foundation
-PNB Foundation OfficersCarl G. Behnke
W. Daniel Heidt
Hallock W. Beals
Chairman – Peter Horvitz
Susan Brotman
Aya S. Hamilton
C. James Judson
Cathi Hatch
Dan Kingston
Bertrand A. Valdman
July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009
Balance Sheet
Contribution receivables
Charitable Unitrusts Receivable
Investment Returns
Investment Fees
Support of PNB Association
PNB Company dancers in Twyla Thaarp’s Opus 111. © Photo Angela Sterling.
Annual Report 2009
Louise Nadeau Endowed Fund
Louise Nadeau had a world renowned
interpretation of George Balanchine’s
At the end of the 2008-2009 season, Pacific
Northwest Ballet bid farewell to principal dancer
Louise Nadeau after 19 years of elegant
performances in Seattle. Through the generosity of
PNB patron Dr. Joe Norman, PNB established the
Louise Nadeau Endowed Fund to honor Ms.
Nadeau’s invaluable contributions to PNB. The fund
will assist in keeping the works of George Balanchine
central for the Company. The fund will help preserve
Ms. Nadeau’s legacy and further the tradition of
excellence she maintained at PNB.
Pacific Northwest Ballet would like to thank Dr.
Norman and the following individuals who have
honored the legacy of Louise Nadeau with a gift to
the Louise Nadeau Endowed Fund.
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Alexander
Ms. Joan Allen
Patricia L. Ames
Mr. Somchai Asawadilokchai
Mr. and Mrs. George Bertsch
Ms. Lyndsy Kristine Best
Ms. Cheryl Bleakney
Priscilla & J. Ray Bowen
Thomas & Carol Borda
Ms. Katie Braun
Professor & Mrs. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bruce
Ms. Lois Charles
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Barbara Cordova
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cremin
Ms. Anne Derieux
Mr. Gregory A. Dias
Sheila C. Dietrich
Ms. Janey M. Farber
Roberta Frissell
Dr. Stephen & Beverly Fuhs
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Funk
Mrs. Sachiko Glass
Mrs. Inger Goranson
Mr. Benjamin Griffiths
David & Cheryl Hadley
Ms. Aya Stark Hamilton
Ms. Eloise Harris
Ms. Nancy K. Harris
Larae Hascall
Peg Hawkes
Mr. Paul M. Hendrick
Mr. Nicholas Hodges
Peter & Peggy Horvitz
Roy L. Hughes & Julie Davis
Helene Kaplan
Louise Nadeau in Emeralds. Choreography by George
Balanchine © The George Balanchine Trust. Photo ©
Angela Sterling
H. David Kaplan
Ms. Nancy C. Keefe
Mr. Andrew L. Kirsh
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kleweno
Robert E. Krona and Gayle
M. Hawney-Krona
Mr. Michael Lebas &
Ms. Michael Adler
Ms. Marjorie J. Levar
Ms. Inez M. Lindsey
Ms. Amity A. Ludders
Ms. Tamara T. Martinello
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McKean
Karen & Rick McMichael
Mr. Joseph P. Morra
Mr. and Mrs. John Nadeau
Dr. Joe G. Norman Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B.
Richard & Jean Patton
David Pavlick
Jean E. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood A. Rice
Mary K. Rogers
Karen Sherman
John and Elizabeth Sherris
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Neil F.
Ms. Lorraine Toly
Elaine Vona
Mrs. Linda M. BeasleyWarson and Mr.
Toby G. Warson
Ms. Jennifer Wheeler
Mrs. Linda C. White
Judith C. Whitehead
Anne Willoughby Nelson
Anonymous (2)
Annual Report 2009
Development Summary
Corporate Giving Summary
During the 2009 fiscal year, corporate support totaled $798,682, a 14% increase from
fiscal year 2008. Corporate gifts are received in several forms including sponsorships
and corporate foundation gifts. Corporations also contributed over $475,000 for in-kind
gifts of goods and services during the 2009 fiscal year.
Foundation and Government Giving Summary
Foundation support in fiscal year 2009 totaled $932,585. Major foundation donors
included: The Wallace Foundation, The Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural Affairs, and The
Shubert Foundation. From government sources, PNB raised $347,978. Foundation and
government contributions are designated towards specific programs and general
operating expenses.
Individual Giving Summary
During the 2008-2009 fiscal year, individual donors contributed $3,191,815 in support to
the Annual Fund. Annual Fund contributions support numerous facets of PNB including:
general operating support, PNB School, DanceChance, Scholarships, New Works, and
Community Education Programs.
PNB Company Dancers in Susan Stroman’s TAKE FIVE… More or Less. Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Consolidated Statement of Activities
Annual Report 2009
Endowment Supporters
Carl & Renee Behnke
Estate of Ruth Hoffman
Peter & Peggy Horvitz
Dr. Joe G. Norman, Jr.
Samuel* & Althea Stroum
Arlene A. Wright
The Bagley Wright Fund
Ed & Betty Bottler
Estate of Edward S. Brignall
Estate of Evangeline Edwards
Estate of Erma Erickson
Jane Erskine
Mrs Paula S. Friedlander*
Estate of George Franz
Reed & Maren Erskine
The John Graham Foundation
Aya Stark Hamilton
Michele B. & W. Daniel Heidt
Bruce & Carol Hosford
Jim & Diana Judson
The Leslie Fund
Frederick W. McDonald
Rick & Jennifer Redman
John & Elizabeth Rudolf
Ron & Carolyn Woodard
Carol Wright
$250,000 - $499,999
$25,000 - $49,999
$1,000,000 and above
Jeffrey & Susan Brotman
John & Carmen Delo
Kreielsheimer Foundation
David Michaud
Talented Students in the Arts
Initiative, a collaboration of
the Doris Duke Charitable
$500,000 - $999,999
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Dunn
Estate of Gerard L. Hanauer
Glenn Kawasaki
Estate of Gloria Peck-Neils
$150,000 - $249,999
William Randolph Hearst
Anonymous (2)
$100,000 - $149,999
The Auld Foundation
Robert & Joan Cremin
Jane M. & David R. Davis
Robin Gainey & Jerry Sanford, Jr.
In Memory of Jerome
G. Sanford, Sr.
Jeremy Jaech
Henry & Mary Ann James
Travis & Suzanne Keeler
Helen C. Kloess
The Norcliffe Foundation
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
Allen & Kathleen Shoup
Kayla Skinner*
$50,000 - $99,999
Chap & Eve Alvord
Apex Foundation
Robert M. Arnold
The Kenneth and Marleen
Alhadeff Charitable
Jerry Anches
Sharon & Jay Ballantine
Patty & Jimmy Barrier
John & Kay Baxter
Becky & Jack Benaroya
Benjamin Bevis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Braun, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anson Brooks, Jr.
Clise Properties, Inc.
Gail Cottle & Reynold Brown
Derdick Trust
Susan E. Foster & Maurice J.
William Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Griffin
Cathi & Ken Hatch
Mrs. Catherine Hobi Hawes
& Mr. Edward M. Hawes
Luke & Gail Helms
David F. Hill &
Barbara M. Hyland-Hill
Moe & Susan Krabbe
James A. Kraft & Dominique Posy
Dr. Frank & Lynn Lindsay
Michael & Barbara Malone
Marcella McCaffray
Audrey McCoy
John & Ginny Meisenbach
In honor of our parents, Sheffield
and Patricia Phelps
Dr. Mack & Susan Richey
John & Sarah Rindlaub
Mrs. John S. Robinson*
Jan Rogers
Paula Rose
Jon & Judy Runstad
John Charles & Mary R. SellenKlinker
Jan & Jim Sinegal
Delphine & Charles Stevens
John Stokes & Laurie McDonald
Harry C. & Joan Stonecipher
Kent Stowell & Francia Russell
Doug & Janet True
Toby & Linda Warson
Richard L. Weisman
Wyman Youth Trust
Anonymous (3)
Mrs. Mildred K. Dunn
Jim & Ann Elias
Dr. Stephen & Beverly Fuhs
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Galpin
Estate of Mary S. Helmick
Craig & Karen Kennedy
Lee Kraft Cressman & Paul R.
Firoz & Najma Lalji
Joan T. Lasersohn
Patricia & Wilfrid Loeken
Lea Anne & Randall Ottinger
Lynn Ries
George & Nelly Sofer
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Craig Tall
$15,000 - $24,999
The following named
funds have been created
in the PNB Endowment:
Alex & Norma Cugini
Barry & JoAnn Forman
Ruth & Bill Gerberding
Dr. Hellmut & Marcy Golde
Adele Golub
Gerald & Lyn Grinstein
Mark & Julie Hutcheson
Skip & Jackie Kotkins
Diane & Gordon Kuenster
Helen L. Luchs*
Estate of Shirley Callison Miner
Dennis & Linda Mitchell
Heidi Orr
Laura J. Peterson
Cynthia Phelps
Barbara Prestrud, In Memory of
Mr. & Mrs. Louis K. Bye
Estate of Mary Schneidler
Wayne Thurman
$10,000 - $14,999
Erik & Sherilyn Anderson
Betty L. Blakeney
Tom & Jeannie Blank
Bill & June Boeing
Diane Canaday & Daniel Hesse
Mrs. Phyllis B. Clark
Steven & Judith Clifford
Tatiana Davidson
Patricia Barker Endowed
Scholarship Fund
William Randolph Hearst
Foundation Endowed
Education & Outreach
Frank Hobi Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Benjamin Houk Scholarship for
Young Men
Lucinda Hughey Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Kreielsheimer Artistic
Development Fund
Jane McConnell Scholarship
Louise Nadeau Endowed Fund
Patricia Phelps Endowed
Scholarship Fund
Janet Reed Scholarship Fund
Frankie Ladley Wakefield
Endowment for Ballet
Educational Programs
Arlene A. Wright DanceChance
Endowment Fund
Annual Report 2009
New Works Supporters
Itamar & Christine Abrass
Danielle & Ted Ackerley
The Paul G. Allen Family
Chap & Eve Alvord
Mr. Don Ankney
Dan & Pam Baty
Hallock W. Beals & Susan
Carl & Renee Behnke
Charles & Frania Black
Jack Blaylock & Jane Evans
Jennifer C. Boal
Lyndall Boal
Elisabeth Bodal
Elizabeth A. Borchelt
Bossak/Heilbron Charitable
Anita Braker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Braun, Jr.
Jeffrey & Susan Brotman
Amy Moss & Bill Brown
Ernest & Diane Burgess
Kent & Barbara Chaplin
Royce & Aggie Church
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cremin
Alex & Norma Cugini
Jane M. & David R. Davis
Sheila C. Dietrich
Laura & Jim Donald
William J. & Sandra B. Dunn
Patty Edwards
Sharon Falkner & Gene
Ms. Alice Forsythe
Élise Fortin & Richard K. Keck
Dr. Stephen & Beverly Fuhs
Robin F. Gainey
Katharyn Alvord Gerlich
Ms. Beth Glosten
Mr. Gene Grantham
In memory of Dr. Geraldine N.
Susan & Bill Grinstein
David & Cheryl Hadley
Aya Stark Hamilton
Bart Johnson & Jan Harper
Cathi & Ken Hatch
Peg Hawkes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hedreen
Dan & Michele Heidt
Ray Hoekstra & Dan Drummey
Ms. Deborah Hopen
Ray Hoekstra & Dan Drummey
Peter & Peggy Horvitz
Christian Huitema & Neige Gil
Mary Jacobson
Jeremy & Jacquelyn Jaech
Cris & Bruce Jaffe
Tom & Gail James
Ned & Pam Johnson
Helene Kaplan
Glenn Kawasaki
Mr. & Mrs. Travis H. Keeler
Mr. & Ms. Thorpe Kelly
Dr. H. Asuman Kiyak & Dr. D.
Joseph Clark
Helen C. Kloess
Jackie Kotkins
Moe & Susan Krabbe
Mr. Gregory P. Kusnick & Mrs.
Karen Jo Gustafson
Frances J. Kwapil
Amin & Afshan Lakha
Joan & Bob Lawler
Barbara Lewis
Dr. Frank & Lynn Lindsay
Mr. Warren Lucas
Ms. Amity A. Ludders
Rian MacLeod
Leslie & David Mattson
Marcella McCaffray
Bruce & Jolene McCaw
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel McConnell
Frederick W. McDonald
Dr. Antonius and Sonia Mulia
Carol & Paul Neiman
Winona & Robert Nilan
Dr. Joe G. Norman, Jr.
Alida Li Oles
Heidi Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pesner
Alexis & Stewart Phelps
Anne & Steve Phelps
PNBS Parents Association
James & Sherry Raisbeck
Kristin Nordstrom Ratzlaff
Rick & Jennifer Redman
Matthew D. Rehrl
Mimi Richards
Brady* & Sharon Richardson
Kim Richter
Barbara Ries
Michael & Paula Righi
John & Sarah Rindlaub
Esther & Steve Rotella
Phil & Lesli Schlaepfer
Laura & Adam Selipsky
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
John & Melba Short
W. Dyanne Stepanek
Diane Stevens
Gary White & Carole C. Stewart
John Stokes & Laurie
Susan & Philip Stoller
Jane & Chuck Stonecipher
Mel & Leena Sturman
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Wayne Thurman
Mr. Nicholas Utzinger and
Mr. John Rochford
Bertrand & Madeleine Valdman
Deidra Wager
Connie Walsh
Toby & Linda Warson
Eileen & Mark Wesley
Arlene A. Wright
Evelyn Zabo
Anonymous (6)
* deaceased
Annual Report 2009
Révérence Society Supporters
Mr. Robert M. Arnold
Virginia Barkley Surridge
Patty & Jimmy Barrier
Hallock W. Beals
Carl & Renee Behnke
Elisabeth Bottler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R.
Braun, Jr.
Susan Brotman
Lorna Brown
Carol A. Burch
Sally S. Cahill Brookbank
Dorrienne Chinn
Ferrell Nathan Conn
Gail A. Cottle
Tavia Crowder
Michael W. Dabney
Tatiana Davidson
John & Carmen Delo
Sheila C. Dietrich
William J. & Sandra B.
Mrs. Patty Edwards
Jim & Ann Elias
Robin F. Gainey
Deborah Gates
Inger A. Goranson
Wendy Griffin
Aya Hamilton
Bart Johnson & Jan Harper
Cathi & Ken Hatch
Joann Haugerud
Catherine Hobi Hawes
Peg Hawkes
W. Daniel & Michele B.
Paula Hopping
Roy L. Hughes
John E. Iverson
H. David Kaplan
April & Steven Kieburtz
Helen C. Kloess
Edith Kraemer
Joan T. Lasersohn
Candy Jean Lee
Leslie & David Mattson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel
David Michaud
Curt & Mary Mikkelsen
Roger F. Miller
Paul M. Mockett
Dr. Armin & Beverly Mohr
Ann D. Molitor
Jonathan Morris
Phyllis Moss
Carol & Paul Neiman
Dr. Joe G. Norman, Jr.
Ms. Margaret Ordornia
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsell
William & Carol Parsons
Alexis Phelps
Jean E. Phillips
Judith Cushman Quick &
Bob Quick
Richard C. Redman
Mimi Richards
Lynn Ries
Mary K. Rogers
Dr. H. Martin Rosa
John Rudolf
Michael Ann Sagin
Sam Sebesta
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sheetz
John & Melba Short
Sue Ann Smith
W. Dyanne Stepanek
Althea Stroum
Dr. Michael & Peggy
Wayne Thurman
Dr. Darlene A.
Beni Turan
Elaine Vona
Albrecht Widmann &
Kenneth Barlow
Cathy & Ross Wiggins
Mr. John C. Wilson, Jr.
Evelyn Zabo
Anonymous (2)
Annual Report 2009
Corporate, Foundation, & Government Supporters
$300,000 & Above
The Wallace Foundation
$100,000 - $299,999
Belo Corporation*
The Boeing Company
Microsoft Corporation
The National Endowment for the
Seattle Office of Arts and Cultural
The Seattle Times/Seattle PostIntelligencer*
$50,000 - $99,999
4Culture - Kind County Lodging
The John Graham Foundation
Nesholm Family Foundation
Scandinavian Airlines*
The Shubert Foundation
Washington State Arts
Wells Fargo
$25,000 - $49,999
The Paul G. Allen Family
Dilettante Chocolates*
Freed of London
Hedges Family Estate*
Moss Adams LLP*
The Seattle Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Bank of America
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
The Harvest Foundation
Key Foundation
Jean K. Lafromboise Foundation
MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless
The Norcliffe Foundation
Norman Archibald Charitable
Northwest Danish Foundation
Jerome Robbins Foundation
Safeco Insurance Foundation
scan|design by Inger & Jens Bruun
Sherman Clay & Co.*
Starbucks Coffee Company*
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Union Bank of California
UW Medicine
$2,500 - $9,999
Alaska Airlines
AstFund/Mary Helen Moore
Diversity Fund
Bellevue Arts Commission
Canterbury Consulting
Citi Private Bank
Collins Group Design
Fales Foundation Trust
Icon Estates
Macy’s Foudnation
Mark K. Kim M.D. *
The D.V. and Ida J. McEachern
PEMCO Foundation
Puget Sound Energy
Talking Rain*
Ten Mercer*
Peg & Rick Young Foundation
Acordia Group
Bossak/Heilbron Charitable
Kim V. Colaprete - Ms. Real Estate
Elliot Bay Book Company
Charlotte Martin Foundation
Roger F. Miller*
Mirror Image Studio
Nuvo Moda
Eulalie Bloedel Schneider
Alfred & Tillie Shemanski Fund
SuperGraphics, a division of GM
Windermere Foundation
The Harold L. Wyman Foundation
$500 - $999
Grey Gallery*
POCO Wine Bar*
*In-Kind support
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Stowell Society
Artistic Director’s Circle
$100,000 and Above
Jeffrey & Susan Brotman
Peter & Peggy Horvitz
Glenn Kawasaki
Chairman’s Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Behnke
Gladys Rubinstein
President’s Circle
Lyndall Boal
Ernest & Diane Burgess
Jane M. & David R. Davis
William J. & Sandra B. Dunn
Aya Stark Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hedges
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I. Lipp
Bruce & Jolene McCaw
PNB Stars
The MacRae Family Foundation
Marcella McCaffray
Ballet Masters’ Circle
Dr. & Mrs. Ellsworth C.
Alvord, Jr.
Mr. Nicholas J. Bez
Elisabeth Bodal
Elizabeth A. Borchelt
Daniel & Margaret Carper
Royce & Aggie Church
Judith & Steven Clifford
The David & Bette Sprague
Michael & Lois Craig
Chris & Carole Crall
Alex & Norma Cugini
Melonee Daniels & Stuart Platt
Mrs. Patty Edwards
Joan Fitzmaurice
Dr. Stephen & Beverly Fuhs
Robin Gainey
Katharyn Alvord Gerlich
Michele & Dan Heidt
Cathy Beth & Steven W. Hooper
Susanne F. Hubbach
Jim & Diana Judson
Mr. & Mrs. Travis H. Keeler
Steven & April Kieburtz
Mr. Rocke R. Koreis &
Ms. Candy Jean Lee
Mr. James W. Leslie &
Ms. Jeanne E. Tweten
Rian MacLeod
Frederick W. McDonald
Carol & Paul Neiman
Dr. Joe G. Norman, Jr.
John Parchem & Barbara Lycett
James & Sherry Raisbeck
Rick & Jennifer Redman
Brady* & Sharon Richardson
Barbara Ries
John & Sarah Rindlaub
Esther & Steve Rotella
Mr. Scott Scherer
Kent Stowell &
Francia Russell
John & Melba Short
Dr. Michael & Peggy Swistak
Wayne Thurman
Deidra wager
Toby & Linda Warson
Arlene A. Wright
David Vaskevitch
Members of the Barre
Scholarship Patron
Chap & Eve Alvord
John & Kay Baxter
Hallock W. Beals & Susan
Tom & Jeannie Blank
Jack Blaylock & Jane Evans
Ed & betty bottler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Braun, Jr.
Kent & Barbara Chaplin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cremin
Margaret A. Dell’Osso
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fiorito, Jr.
William E. Franklin
Leslie Giblett
Mr. & Mrs. James Goedhart
Larry Graham
Susan & Bill Grinstein
David & Cheryl Hadley
Bart Johnson & Jan Harper
Mark H. & Blanche Harrington
Peg Hawkes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hedreen
Ray Hoekstra & Dan Drummey
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Hohl
John & Marli Iverson
Tom & Gail James
Pam & Ned Johnson
Dr. H. Asuman Kiyak &
Dr. D. Jospeh Clark
Jackie Kotkins
Moe & Susan Krabbe
Mr.Gregory P. Kusnick &
Ms. Karen Jo Gustafson
Firoz & Najma Lalji
Joan & Bob Lawler
Barbara Lewis
Dr. Frank & Lynn Lindsay
Dr. Christina Marra &
Mr. Paul M. Silver
Arthur H. Mazzola
Paul M. Mockett
Dr. Armin & Beverly Mohr
Amy Moss & Bill Brown
Susan & Dennis Okamoto
Alida Li Oles
Heidi Orr
Laura J. Peterson
Cynthia L. Phelps
Mrs. Marda Phelps
Lynn Ries & Rod Proctor
Paula Rose
Rita Rosen
Joseph & Susan Rosenfield
Mr. H. Stewart Ross
John & Elizabeth Rudolf
Phil & Lesli Schlaepfer
Laura & Adam Selipsky
John F. & Julia P. Shaw
Amy L. Sidell
Carolyn & Clive Stewart
John Stokes & Laurie McDonald
Susan & Philip Stoller
Jane & Chuck Stonecipher
Mel & Leena Sturman
Betty Tong
Jacquelyn Toombs
Bertrand & Madeleine Valdman
Glenn & Ann Wallace
Connie Walsh
David & Romayne Watt
John & Jane Woodley
Bagley & Virginia Wright
Carol Wright
Jack Wulfekuhle
David & Linda Wyman
Anonymous (5)
Members of the Barre
Linda & Tom Allen
Lisa & Richard Altig
Jerry Anches
Kari Anderson & Mark
Rev. Mary Petty Anderson
Lucius & Phoebe Andrew
Mr. Robert M. Arnold
Ms. Dorothy Ayers
JK & Sherilyn Bankston
Jane & Peter Barrett
Kevin & Allison Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bender
Dr. Richard & Edwina Baxter
Linda & George Berkman
Mr. Benjamin W. Bevis
Gary & Linda Blume
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Boyce
Anita Braker & Dave Olsen
Gardner & Victoria Brown
Chris & Jasmine Bryant
John & Maralyn Burnley Blume
Joe* & Dorothy Canavan
Ellen C. Carnwath
Pat Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Casselman
Mrs. Phyllis B. Clark
Jon R. Conte & Margaret
Arlene C. Cooper
Judith Cushman
Mrs. Tatiana Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Bertrand de Boutray
Kathryn Del Beccaro
John & Carmen Delo
Sheila C. Dietrich
Mrs. Mildred K. Dunn
Mr. Robert M. Eichler
Mr. & Mrs. William* O. Ellison
Dr. Milton & Nancy English
Ms. Kristina Erickson
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Sharon Falkner & Gene
Jerald E. Farley
Alyce & Lowell Fritz
Caroline Gallee & Frank
Natalie Gendler
The Elizabeth Giblin Designated
Mrs. Stanley Golub
In memory of Dr. Geraldine N.
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Griffin
John, Patty & Leslie Hammar
Dr. Ross Hartling & Ms. Johnese
Mrs. Catherine Hobi Hawes
& Mr. Edward M. Hawes
Stephen & Marie Heil
Mr. Wesley Henrie & Ms. Lisa
Jack and Theresa Hodge
Kalen & Sean Holmes
Ms. Marilyn Huey & Ms. Dorothy
Sloan Huey
Roy Hughes & Julie Davis
Christian huitema & Neige Gil
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Kelly
Daniel Kingston
Seymour & Evelyn Klebanoff
Mr. Paul S. Klingler
Robert & Maureen Kremers
Frances J. Kwapil
Stephen & Marleen Land
Harry & Barbara Lee
Scott & Carrie Lee
Ms. Sharon Lee
Mr. James R. Littlefield
Mary Lowe
Barbara & Michael Luxenberg
Donald & Cecilia MacLaren
Mrs. Jacqueline C. MacRae
Nikki & Mark Mahan
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Marsh
Mr. Fowler Martin &
Ms. Barbara Warren
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel McConnell
June & John Mercer
Nancy & Tom Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Moss
Richard & Jean Patton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Pearce
Dick & Alice Rapasky
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Reed Jr
Sheila Richardson
Landry Slade & Gretchen Van
Dr. & Mrs. George Sofer
Ronald Spaulding
Diane Stevens
Althea Stroum
Sophie Sussman
Michael Temple & Maria
Brig. Gen. R. &
Mrs. James Templeman
Susan Thurston
John & Eileen Tietze
Bonnie Towne
Mimi A. Tutihasi
Mr. Stephen Van Wambeck
The Viniotis Family
Martha and Steve Ward
John W. Westergaard & Allison
Ray & Judy Williams
Mary Zorotovich
Anonymous (6)
PNB Corps de Ballet dancer Stacy Lowenberg in George Balanchine’s Diamonds . Photo © Angela Sterling
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Conductor’s Circle
Mrs. Patricia Ames
Patrice & Kevin Auld
Capt. & Mrs. Paul Bloch
Mrs. Patricia Brayton
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Buck
Mr. Steven Drucker and
Ms. Lourdes Romao
Maren Erickson & Carl Anderson
Genevra & James Gerhart
Mr. Merland Grieb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hall
Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Harer Jr
Cathi & Ken Hatch
Ms. Joann Haugerud
Sara A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Kelly
Mr. E. Peter Kelly
Mr. Dwight McAfee
Mrs. Julie H. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. John F. McLaughlin
Mr. John O'Connell
Ms. Karen Sherman
Mr. Michael Sible and Mrs.
Kristine Schmaltz
Mr. Francis E. Timlin &
Mr. Dean Speer
Mr. Nicholas Utzinger and Mr.
John Rochford
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Zeller
Dancers’ Council
Marie Anderson & John Mitchell
Gail & William Bain
Ms. Eileen Bear
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Belton
Ms. Teresa Bledsoe
C. Pauline Buhler
Mr. and Mrs. Behrooz Chitsaz
Ms. Crissa Cugini
Ms. Pamela Doctor
Robert & Natalie Findlay
Mr. and Mrs. David Foster
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore K. Green
Ms. Laurie A. Griffith
Ms. Amy J. Haugerud
Dr. Francis P. Hunkins & Dr.
Patricia Hammill
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jacobson
Jeremy & Jacquelyn Jaech
Mr. & Mrs. David Kebely
Ken and Nanette Leaman
Ms. Erika Lim
Mr. Peter Brown and Ms. Janet
Suzanne Moery
Mrs. Diana B. Neely
Ms. Kristen Nelson
Jenny & Jeff Payne
Ms. Donna L. Payne-Snyder
Mrs. Ellen Pottenger & Ms.
Simone J. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Raff
Cornelius & Penny Rosse
Ms. Catherine Tedesco
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tenckhoff
Ms. Debbie Vogel
Dr. and Mrs. Brownlee Waschek
Choreographer’s Club
Wolfram & Edith Abicht
Itamar & Christine Abrass
Mrs. Patricia C. Adams
Ms. Virginia Aldrich
Mr. George Allen
Mr. Paul Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Anderson
Jane & Brian Andrew
Mr. Don Ankney
Mr. William E. Anspach and Mrs.
Kari Nelson-Anspach
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Armstrong
Mr. Somchai Asawadilokchai
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aspiri
Ms. Gabriel Aul
Mr. Keoni Smith and
Ms. Nola Jean Bamberry
Ms. Katherine Barclay-Robertson
Mrs. Mary Barrett
Ms. Courtney Bear
Ms. Ellen M. Beck
Dr. Cynthia J. Beegle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bellan
Ms. Carmen Berger and Mr.
James Willems
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Birdwell
Kristi and Stephen Birkhold
Ms. Teresa Bledsoe
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Boberg
Mr. and Ms. Ron Booth
Ms. Erin Borden
Ms. Erin Borden
Mrs. Jo Borden
Dr. Jennifer Bowman
Mrs. Renagene Brady
Dr. Dean K. Brooks & Ms. India
Charles & Darlene Broughton
Ms. Gloria S. Browning
Mr. John B. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Capron
Peggy Casson
Ms. Mary Anne Christy
Ms. Christina Chung
Ms. Lin Ciaramitaro
Mr. and Mrs. David Clark
Ms. Linda Clark
Mr. Peter Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Coles
Kevin & Cheryl Cooney
Barbara Cordova
Mr. and Mr. Brian Countryman
Mr. Glen Cramer
Ms. Gail Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Cronquist
Colonel & Mrs. Dennis M.
Ms. Carole L. Danielson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Davis, Jr.
Mr. Craig Davison
Ms. Leslie Decker
Mr. Joe Denhart
Ms. Paula Diehr & Mr. Frank
Mr. Delvin Dieterle
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Done
Mrs. Patricia Dowd
Albert and Margery Einstein
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Emmert
Gary & Janice Enzmann
Francisca W. Erickson
Mr. James R. Evans Jr
Mrs. Jean B. Falls
Mrs. Ruth Fay
Ms. Deborah Ferguson
Ms. Margaret J. Field
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Finger
Ms. Theresa Fleming
Ms. Anne M. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fotheringill
Mr. Jean Fraley
Mr. Selim S. Franklin
Ms. Arlene Frederickson
Mr. Frederic C. L. Fu
Ms. Susan M. Gardner
Deborah Gates in honor of
Stanko Milov and Julie
Ms. Lindy Gaylord
Mr. David L. Gemes and Mr. Paul
L. Sherfey
Ms. Bonnie B. Gemmill
Ms. Christy George
Dr. Barbara Goff and Dr. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Gores
Mr. Ralph Gorin
Mr. Ross Grazier
Ms. Alison Grevstad
Barbara Miller Haberman
Mr. and Mrs. James M.
Ms. Valerie Hamrick
Ms. Renee W. Harbers
James W. & Yasuko H. Harris
Jenny Hartley
Mrs. Geraldine A. Hashisaki
Dr. Patricia W. Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Hellstrom
Dr. Richard Herzberg
Mr. David Hicks and Ms.
Rebecca Black
Dr. Andrew G. Hilen & Mrs.
Delney N. Hilen
Ms. Suzanne M. Hittman
Toni Hoffman & Rod Hoffman
Ellen Hopkins & Erik Anderson
Norman & Georgia Howe
Mary & Mike Hudspeth
Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Hummer
Mr. Jan D. Carline & Ms. Carol S.
Mr. Arthur Jackson Jr
Ms. Judy Jacobson
Ms. Robin James
Judy L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Johnson
Janet & Shelly Jones
Dr. Perry J. & Karen M. Jones, III
Ms. Joan Julnes
Phyllis Kaiden & Wayne Holt
Jeanne Kanach
Mr. H. David Kaplan
Dedicated to the Estate
of Howard B. Roloff
Mrs. Suzanne Kelly
Mr. David L. Kersey
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Choreographer’s Club (cont’d)
Ms. Janet Ketcham
Ms. Dawn A. Kindred
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Knopp MD
Mr. Robert Koehler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kronenberg
Mr. Jim F. Kruidenier and
Ms. Susan J. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Lake
Ms. Sharon Lamm
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Lee
Ms. Stephanie Lee
Elizabeth and Paul Leiba
Mrs. Nancy M. Lewis
Ms. Judy H. Lewis
Drs. Philip & Susan Lindsay
Mr. and Mrs. John Lippman
Mrs. Lou Lovelace
Ms. Shirley Lovelace
Mr. Martyn Lovell
Ms. Marian A. Lowe
Jerry L. Lundry
John & Mara Luoma
Mr. Glenn Lux
Ms. Linda P. MacCracken
Michael and Alessandra Malanga
Mr. Stephen Manes and
Ms. Susan Kocik
Ms. Anne D. Martin and Ms.
Leslie Martin Kinkade
Ms. Katherine Mason
Mr. Richard Matteo
Mr. David McClellan
Mr. and Ms. J. R. McMichael
Ms. Edith S. Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Mikkelsen
Roger F. Miller
Councilwoman C. Louise Miller
& Mr. Stafford Miller
Ms. Helen Modie
Lisa & Jon Morris
Ms. Emily Morrison
Vic and Mary Moses
Dr. & Mrs. George Mueller
Mr. Glenn Nelson and Ms.
Florangela Davila
Mr. Greg C. Nelson & Ms.
Cynthia Doll
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Ness
Dr. Elmo Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nicolov
Mrs. Linda Nikirk
Winona & Robert Nilan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Nixon
Mr. Lev Novik
Ms. Susan Ostrander
Debbie & Miranda Pabst
Fay Page
Mr. Leo Pallanck and Mrs. Kari
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Parsell
Ward & Lenora Pearl
Ms. Hannah Phelps
Bowman Price Financial Advisors
Velvet & Kevin Raimer
Mrs. Deborah Ramsden
Jim & Sandi Reed
Rochelle & Jesse D. Reingold
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rice
Ms. Elizabeth M. Richardson
Michael & Paula Righi
Ms. Rebecca M. Robar
Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson
Ms. Pamela Rolfe
Susan & Ron Runyon
Barbara Sando
Ms. Angela Scalzo
Mr. Michael Schamens
Bruce W. Schickler
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Schnellman
Max Schreiner
Mr. & Mrs. M. Darrel Sharrard
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldrup
Ms. Leanne Shelton
David & Barbara Sherer
Karla Steele and Dick Siebe
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon Simons Jr
Ms. Evelyn E. Simpson
Ms. Sally Simpson
Dr. & Mrs. Howard A. Slack
Mr. Edward J. Woods and
Ms. Nancy E. Sleight
Ms. Carrie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. G. Kirk Smith
Ms. Michele Soble
Mrs. Janis Sorenson
Mr. Leonard Sorrin and Mrs. Kay
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Spencer
Ms. Diane E. Stark
Mr. Gary White & Ms. Carole C.
Mr. Timothy W. Summers
Mr. and Ms. Mark B. Sussman
Mr. & Mrs. James Suttle
Mr. and Mrs. David Tagney Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tanase
Ms. Maggie Taylor
Dr. Michael P. Theisen and Mr.
Ronald S. Jones
Art & Louise Torgerson
Ms. Christina J. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Turcott
Ms. Devora C. Turner
Ms. Susan F. Valencia
Ms. Maria Vicens
Mr. Anthony J. Vukov
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Walker
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Watson
Sarah K. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Weisman
Roman Welyczko & Laurie
Eileen & Mark Wesley
Mr. Mark Weyna & Ms. Nancy
Bill White
Ms. Linda M. White
Mrs. Margaret A. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Wilson
Ms. Sherrie Wilson
Mr. Owen M. Winter
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wisman
Mr. Perry T. Woo
Mrs. Jennifer Wyman-Clemons
and Mr. Jeffrey Clemons
Tachi and Leslie Yamada
Miss Melissa A. Yeager and Ms.
Alyssa Van Arsdale
Ms. Freda Zimmerman
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Nicholas Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Anderson
Ms. Josie Anderson
Ms. Terri P. Anderson
Kendall and Sonia Baker
Mr. Douglas N. Ball and Ms.
Connie R. Stine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bayley
Mr. Brian Bennink
Ms. Julie Crown Beton
Heidi and Adam Bischoff
Mrs. Diana Blackmore
Kathleen & Jon Blake
Mrs. Betty Blakeney
Michael and Kirsten Blanchat
Ms. Louise V. Blanks
Ms. Jane Boone
Dr. Meath Bowen
Mr. James T. Bowers
Janis Bradford & John Weswig
Ms. Gloria Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Bill D. Breitenstein
Ms. Ann Brice
Ms. Pamela J. Bridgen
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth A.
Brown Jr
Jay & Christine Brown
Drs. Paul Brown & Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brown
Sylvain Brunet and Selva Baltan
Ms. Harriet Bullitt
Mr. Todd Burleson
Mr. William H. Burwell
Lillian V. Cady
H. Rebecca Callison
Steven and Catherine Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R. Cardwell
Mrs. Barbara Carman
Ms. Alicia Carnevali
Mr. Mark Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Chapman
Shirlee Christensen
Brad Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Creighton
Ms. Patricia E. Crockett and Mr.
Keith Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Cromwell
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Crossett
Ms. Tavia Crowder
Ms. Louise A. Daly
Mr. Tom DeBoer
Dr. Mary Delorey
Mr. Robert K. Denney
Mrs. Norma Dermond
Ms. Murel Diamond
Ms. Heidi L. Diem
Mr. and Mrs. James Dillon
Ms. Corinne Dixon Holt
Ms. Patricia Dodge
Mr. Heyward Donigan
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Dowling
James and Anne Dulfer
Mrs. Nancy N. Dunnam
Ms. Milinda Dwyer
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Principal (cont’d)
Ms. Lucia Earl-Mitchell
Eastgate Elementary PTA
Glenn & Janet Edwards
Mr. Neil Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Faulstich
Ms. Pamela J. Fink
Mrs. Betty P. Fisher
Mr. Grant Fjermedal
Richard and Gloria Folsom
Ms. Alice Forsythe
Russell and Nancy Fosmire
Mr. Larry Fowler
John and Karin Fry
Ms. Elizabeth Fujino
Ms. Debbie Galuska
Ms. Rosemary A. Gaynor and
Mr. Toby R. Smith
Sergey Genkin & Anna Nikolaeva
Mr. Eric Getsinger
Ms. Beth Glosten
Ms. Sue Gonzales
Ms. Cathy Goodwin
Laura B. Gowen
Dr. Deborah Graham
Mr. Dana Groff and
Ms. Jennifer Parker
Alice Sixing Gu and Sixing Chen
Mr. Ralph Hagler
Ms. Cathie Hamilton
Mr. Don Fleming and Ms.
Elizabeth Hanna
Mr. Roy Harsh
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Harvey
Mrs. Wilma B. Haslund
Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Hedges
Mr. and Ms. David Heggem
Ms. Vanessa A. Herzog
Patrick & Danya Hill
Mr. Joyce M. Hofer
Mr. Kevin Hoffman
Mrs. Lee Ann T. Holland
Ms. Ione Holmes
Ms. Faith A. Homan
Ms. Maryann Hooper
Ms. Karen Hoven
Daniel & Suzanne Huberty
Jack & Alayne Hudspeth
Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Hulbert
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hustad
Dr. and Mrs. Craig Jackson
Mr. Peter Jenkin
Mr. David W. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Jewell
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Jiganti
Mr. John Doggett and Ms. Chani
Ms. Lyndal Johnson
Mr. Kevin Judson
Barbara & Robert Kabel
Suzanne and Steve Kalish
Ms. Helene Kaplan
Mr. Richard Kay
Ms. Wistar C. Kay
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Keeshan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Kerr
Mrs. Virginia M. King
Mrs. Audrey S. Kirsop
Mr. Bruce Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kramer
Angie Kritenbrink and Colin
Drs. David & Melanie Kuechle
Mr. Kurt Kufeld
Mrs. Linda Leblanc
Ms. Janet Leduc
Ms. Monica Legatt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leonard
Ms. Francesca Leonetti
Ms. Malinda Letts
Ms. Arlene Levy
Ms. Susan Louie
Mr. Arthur Lumley
Mrs. Laura Lundgren
Ms. Barbara J. Maly
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Manchas
Ms. Holly Mangold
Mr. Craig T. Martin
Matthew Schmitter and Teresa
Ms. Mary L. Masterson
Ms. Marguerite E. McCarty and
Mr. Paul D. Joppa
Mr. Edward H. McGuirk
Mr. and Mrs. John McHale
Ms. Cheryl McNees
Mr. Tim McNeill
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Mickley
Suzanne Mignacco & Lois Ricci
Toby Moore-Howard
Mr. & Mrs. John & Mitzi Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Myers
Ms. Irma H. North
Ms. Isabelle Ochsner
Ms. Linda J. O'Gara
Ms. Debbie O'Hara
Dr. Roy Page & Mrs. Patricia
Ms. Vera Papageorgiou
Mr. Robert Parkin
Ms. Rhiannon Parmelee
Ms. Gwendolyn Payton
Mr. David Peda
Ms. Cathy Perry
Alexis & Stewart Phelps
Mr. Kurt Phillips and Ms. Yvette
Ms. Harriet Platts
Mr. Dean A. Pollack and Ms.
Lizabeth A. Wilson
Mr. Steve Poteet and Ms. Anne
Shu-Wan Kao
Mrs. Anna Pree Woods
Ms. Suzette I. Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray
Terri R. Luken & Donald J. Raz
Mrs. Sharon Redeker
Irene & Marc Reguera
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rehberg
Ms. Christina Rich
Ms. Jean C. Robbins
Mark and Sabra Rossman
Ms. Laura Ruby
Ms. JoAnne Rudo
Ms. Linda Sahlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Saunto
Dr. and Mrs. Lester R.
Sauvage MD
Mrs. Audrey Seefeldt
Dr. Solveig Sieberts
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sipple
Ms. Marianna C. Skalley
Leroy & Evelyn Smith
Mr. Douglas Smith
Mr. John Snider and Mr. Todd
Mrs. Patricia Steiner
Delphine and Charles Stevens
Mr. Dennis Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Leonel S. Stollar
Peyton & Carolann Storli
Ms. Lisa M. Strain
Mr. Craig C. Strausz
Ms. Britt Stromberg
Ms. Camille Sugrue
Mrs. Eleanor Sundqvist & Ms.
Vivika Sundqvist
Dr. Sharon E. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taaffe
Ms. Patricia Tall-Takacs and Gary
Ms. Elizabeth A. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Taylor
Ms. Joan E. Thacker
Ms. Amy Theobald
Michael Thompson
Ms. Joann Tobin
Mr. Timothy Tomlinson
Ms. Kathleen Tozer
Dennis & Roxanne Trees
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Trice
Ms. Rosemary Tuengel
Ms. Christine Tweedy
Mrs. Camille Uhlir
Ms. Carol Van Glubt
Ms. Linda Vangelos
Ms. Carol Veatch
Ms. Sharon B. Waldo
Mrs. Mina Waldowski
Ms. Ruth Weber
Ms. Marjorie Weiss
Mr. Christopher Wells & Ms.
Laurel A. Wells
Mr. Pete Whyman
Ms. Cathy Wiggins
Ms. Sandy Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Wilson Jr
Mr. & Ms. Howard L. Wollner
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Woods
Ms. Karen Wosilait and Mr.
Mitch Sundt
Ms. Betty J. Wren
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C Wuensch
Ms. Fengju Xu
Mrs. Diane D. Yokoyama
Christine Zeigler
Anonymous (4)
Mr. Glenn Abe
Mr. & Mrs. Don G. Abel
Ms. Lila L. Abraham
Mr. Lee Acton and Ms. Cindy
Ms. Helen D. Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Alhadeff
Mrs. Carrol Alvarez
Dr. Howard S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ansede
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Soloist (cont’d)
Mr. Mike Anthis & Mr. Raymond
David & Karen Aoyama
Mr. Alan Auerbach
Ms. Elizabeth Baker
Ms. Kacie L. Baldwin
Mrs. Eleanor Barnhill
Ms. Elisa Barston
Aimee & Lowell Bassett
Mr. & Mrs. William Bear
Ms. Diana I. Behler
Maury & Merlyn Bell
Mr. Andrew Benson
Dr. Stephen Berard
Ms. Marcia Binney
Ms. Kelly Bittner
Mr. Sean Blakey
Ms. Rebecca L. Bogard and Ms.
Anne Redman
Ms. Marcia Books
Thomas & Carol Borda
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bowen
Ms. Lee Anne Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Brady Sr
Mr. Fred Bretsch and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Deborah Brown
Ms. Jennifer Brown
Ms. Lora L. Brown
Mr. Joseph Brychell
Ms. Shirley Buck
Ms. Sheila Bukowski
Ms. Sharon Burke
Ms. Barbara J. Burns
Dave & Marcia Butchart
Mr. Jeremy Cahill
Mr. Donn R. Callaway
Mr. Patrick Calliari
Ms. Katherine Calvin
Ms. Corinne A. Campbell
Ms. Harriet Campbell
Ms. Faye Canfield
Karen Carlson-Iffert & Theresa
Dr. Raymond R. Chalmers
Ms. Daira Cilnis
Mrs. Carol A. Clarke
Ms. Miranda Cleveland
Ms. Joanne Clowes
Ms. Linda S. Cohen
Mr. John Colvin
Pat & Chuck Cook
Mr. Daniel Cook
Dr. Sandra Jo Counts
Ms. Carol L. Cowin
Ms. Collett Cox
Ms. Terrell Cox & Mr. Donald
Mr. Dwight Crider and Dr. Donna
Catherine L. Cunningham
Ms. Jessie Cunningham
Ms. Charlene A. Curtiss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'aberle
Ms. Stephanie G. Daley-Watson
& Mr. Christopher Daley
Ms. Suzanne Daly
Mr. Edward Darr and Mr. James
Ms. Rebecca Dean
Ms. Dottie Dedrick
Philip & Lenore Defliese
Denis and Sophie Demandolx
Mr. David Dempster
Dr. & Mrs. R. H. Dickinson
Ms. Carol Dickinson
Mr. Michael Doherty
Ms. Linda Dorn
Ms. Meredith Dorrance
Mr. Wayne F. Doucette
Mr. Roger Downey
Ms. Carlita Dreblow
Ms. Donna Dughi
Henri & Sharon Duyzend
Mrs. Vasiliki Dwyer
Bruce Easter & Cynthia Faubion
Ms. E. Jeanne Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Ebbesmeyer
Ms. JoLynn Edwards
Craig and Catherine Ellis
Ms. Lynn Elmore
Ms. Patricia H. Emerson
Ms. Alice B. Evans
Iris F. Ewing
Mrs. Harriet Farman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Farrar
Lauren Feaux and Jose Oglesby
Heide & Matthew Felton
Ms. Holly Finan
Elizabeth A. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fogelquist
Ms. Winnie Forbes
Mrs. Priscilla A. Fortiner
James & Jean Freeburg
Mr. Jim Freeland
Mr. Michael L. Furst
Ms. Lori J. Garvey
Dr. Terry B. Gernsheimer MD
Ms. Catherine J. Gibson & Mr.
Aleksei S. Krasnokutsky
John and Janice Gibson
Ms. Doreen Gilbert
Sylvia K. Gillette
Dennis & Renee Glauber
Mr. Jeffrey Golub
Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon
Mr. Gene Grantham
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Gresch
Ms. Michele Grimsley
Mr. Tim Groggel & Mrs. Annette
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Gutowski
Sharon & Tim Hansen
Steve Harrell
Mrs. Karen J. Harvey
Mrs. Shinobu Hauge
Ms. Susan Hausknecht
Ms. Dorothy Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hayter
Ms. Grace M. Henley
Mr. Lars Hennum
Mr. Tom Hildebrandt and Mrs.
Adair Dingle
Hilliard-Strothers Family
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan
Mr. Gary Hinman
Ms. Mary Hoagland
Ms. Ruth K. Hoch
Mrs. Patricia Hogaboam
Ms. Patricia A. Hopps
Hedy & Warren Howe
Dr. Catherine Hunter
Ms. Catherine Iles
Dr. & Mrs. Nichol T. Iverson
Stephen and Kerry Louise
Ms. Margaret Jane
Mrs. Jodi Johannsen
Camille & Kristopher Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Don N. Johnson
Ms. Karin Johnson
Ms. Linda Johnson
Mr. Dave Jones and Ms.
Margaret Luke-Jones
Ms. Jennifer Jones
Mr. Paul S. Kassen
Kris M. & Todd Kelsay
Mrs. Christina H. Kirk
Elizabeth B. Kittas
Leslee Kiyokawa
Ms. Susan Knox and Mr. Weldon
Ms. Kathy Kreps & Mr. Mark C.
Mrs. Lisa Kroese
Larry & Evonne Kucera
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Kuehn
The Kuhr Family
Ms. Bobbi Lambert
Ms. Kate Lange-McKibben
Ms. Mary Ann Langland
Cynthia L. Lanners & J. Eugene
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Larsen
Mr. Darrell Lee and Mrs. Gayle
Ms. Vivian Y. Lee
Ms. Erin Leff
Ms. Suzanne L. Leichman
Mi Ae Lipe
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Loh
Ms. Kathy Lopez
Julie Lotz
Mr. Greg Lowney
Ms. Sylvia Lucas
Ms. Sherry Lundgren
Helen Luts
Ross & Lisa Macfarlane
Ms. Priscilla Madsen
Mr. Chris Marsh
Ms. Judy I. Massong
Ms. Marchell Mathes
Mrs. Anne Matsen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCassey
Ms. Jennifer L. McDougall Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McKean
Ms. Nancy Meltzer
Ms. Libby Finch Miller
Mr. Thomas J. Miller and Mrs.
Teresa Olson Miller
Mrs. Dale Mills
Ms. Kitty Mintz
Mrs. Ann D. Molitor
Ms. Marcy Montgomery
Tom and Beth Morgan
Shauna Woods Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Munoz
Donald & Lynn Murphy
Ms. Michelle Murray-Brown &
Mr. Eric Brown
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Soloist (cont’d)
Mr. Robert Mustard
Ms. Mindy Muzatko
Ms. Janet B. Neumann and Mr.
Ricardo Wenger
Mr. Vinh Nguyen and Mrs. Nga
Mr. Lawrence H. Niece
Ms. Teresa Nilsen
Mrs. Barbara Ochsner
Ms. Naomi Oderberg
Ms. Barbara Orcutt
Mrs. and Mr. Tina Owens
Mr. Kenneth P. Paige
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Parker
Dr. Laird Patterson MD
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pavlin
Lin Payton
Samuel and Yvonne Pedersen
Ovidio Penalver
Ms. Martha A. Pendergast & Mr.
Terry Campbell
Ms. Evelyn M. Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. L. Douglas
Martine Pettenaro
Jean E. Phillips
Dr. Nona Phillips
Ms. Christine Pickles
Ms. Irene Piekarski
Ms. Phyllis Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Porter
Ms. Carolynn Prelutsky
Ms. Tammy Preuss
Rosemary J. Price
Ms. Barbara Puddicombe
Ms. & Mr. Linda Quist
Ms. Marjorie Raleigh
Ms. Susan Rasmussen
Dr. Alexandra E. Read
Mrs. Marsha J Reidburn
Ms. Judy Renzema
Lise & Mark Richardson
Mr. Peter R. Rimbey
Philip & Claudia Robbs
Ms. Lynne Robinson
Mrs. Margaret Rollosson
Mrs. Patricia G. M. Ross
Harvey & Robin Rothschild
Ms. Leslie T. Rowen
Ms. Meera Roy
Mr. David Russo and Ms. Valerie
Mr. Paul G. Sabado
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sacrison
Mr. Roger Sale and Mrs. Dorothy
Young Sale
Dr. and Mrs. Jason Schneier
Patrick & Dianne Schultheis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Scott
Sam L. Sebesta
Mr. & Mrs. Allen E. Senear
Mr. Edward F. Sheppard
Ms. Beth Shipley
Vincent & Marie Smith
Ms. Andrea L. Smith
Ms. Judith C. Smith
Ms. Mary E. Smith and
Ms. Ellen Donovan
Norm and Cheryl Smith
Ms. Kathleen Smith-DiJulio
Mrs. Burnley C. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Sorci
Mr. and Ms. John H. Staples
Ms. Lisa Stiffler
Mrs. and Mr. Katherine Stiles
Mr. Michael Summy
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Suzuki
Ms. Ashley Sweeney
Ms. Jaqueline Tacher
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Taylor
Ms. Anna Terp
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Thomas
Mr. C. Rhea Thompson
Ms. Ella Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Timmerman
Mike & Patti Timmons
Ms. Lorraine Toly
Ms. Linda Tomson
Ms. Sharon Trent
Ms. Aimee Truchard
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tuttle
Ms. Diane Vadnais
Mr. Bill Van Dyke
Dr. James Van Zee
Ms. Tiffany Villigan
Mr. Leif Vold and
Mrs. Kyle Durham-Vold
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Walker
Ms. Joan Walsh
Ms. Ruthanne K. Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. William Wesselhoeft
Mr. David Westgor and
Ms. Lana Griffin
Mr. S. Morey Wetherald
Mrs. Judith A. Whetzel
Mrs. Diana K. White
Ms. Judith C. Whitehead and Ms.
Shirley Nielsen
Ms. Judith Wilensky
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Williams
Ms. Patricia A. Willits
Anne Willoughby Nelson
Jodi Marie Wong
Mr. James H. Wood & Mrs.
Martha L. Shapiro
Estelle I. Yamaki & Robert H.
Ms. Cyndi Yeh
Ms. Tina Yentzer
Dr. & Ms. Conrad Yunker
Mrs. Tamara Zaitsev
Igor Zverev & Yana Solovyeva
Corps de Ballet
Ms. Dorothy C. Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Drake Adkisson
Mrs. Marjorie D. Aldrich
Ms. Joyce K. Allen
Ms. Penelope Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alvord
Ms. Judy Amster
Coleen Anderson
Holly Anderson
Jenet J. Anderson
Ms. Virginia L. Anderson
Ms. Yvonne Anderson and Mr.
Karl Beutelspacher
Ms. Marjorie Ando
Ms. Daniela Andrasan
Mr. Anton Andrews
Ms. Sandra Andrews
Ms. Rosalie Antupit
Mr. & Mrs. Sakae S. Aoyama
Mr. Norman Arnold
Ms. Alice Arrington
Ms. DeeAnn Auger
Ms. Kari L. Averill
Ms. Jessica Bach
Mr. Randy Baertschiger
Ms. Kris Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Baker
Ms. E. Louise Baldwin
Mr. and Mrs. Garry W.
Baldwin DC
Ms. Janice Baptie
Ms. Dawne Barela
Dr. Linda Barker
Mr. & Mrs. H. R. Barlow
Ms. Connie Barnes
Mrs. Sandra B. Barney
Sena Baron
Ms. Maura Barr
Dr. Nate Barrett
Mr. Brent Bauer
Mrs. Jane Beamish
Dr. Barbara G. Beatty and Dr. J.
David Beatty
Mr. Christopher Beck
Orlien N. & Margot L. Becker
Ms. Grace Bennett
Mr. Tom Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beresford
Ms. Alice Berg
Mrs. Cheryl R. Berg
Mr. Bill Bergsma
Mrs. Teasha Berman
Mr. Santiago Bernal and Ms.
Jenifer Stambough
Ms. Lisa Bernhardt
Mr. and Mrs. George Bertsch
Ms. Rita Berwick
Barry & Vicki Betsinger
Ms. Carol Ann Bevan
Ms. Carol Lee Bingman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Birdwell
Mr. Kenneth Bischofberger
Mr. Steve Bitner
Mr. R. Lauris Bitners and Mrs.
Betty Torrell
Ms. Gladys Blackwood
Ms. Dorothy Blair
Ms. Shirley Blase
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bledsoe
Ms. Karen Boctor
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Boe
Dr. Jennifer Bolnick
Dr. Jeff Bond DDS
Ms. Cherie Bone
Ms. Lanet Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Boskovic
Ms. Jane Anne Bourlier
Ms. Teresa Boursaw
Ms. Denneace Bowen
Denneace Bowen
Ms. Victoria Brady
Ms. Ann Brand
Ms. Kathleen Bray
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Corps de Ballet (cont’d)
Rod & Nancy Brewster
Mr. Dan Britt
Ms. Suzanne Britt
Audrey E. Brown
Mr. Clyde Brown
Mrs. Lorna M. Brown
Ms. Carol Browne
Mr. Thomas Bruhns
Mrs. Colleen Bruns
Ms. Linda S. Brunson
Ms. Carol Buckingham
Warren Bucy
Steve and Angelica Buri
Ms. Maria Burke
Patti Burke and Brian Conte
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Burkholder
Ms. Jean M. Burnell
Mr. Robert Burnham
Ms. Elinor Busby
Ms. Shirley Bushnell
Lawrence P. Camarda
Ms. Karen Cameron
Dr. Clare Cammarano
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cantwell
Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Caretti
Mr. Dale K. Carlson
The Honorable Kate Carruthers
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Case
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Casteel
Ms. Rebecca Cates
Ms. Helen Chapple
Ms. Barbara Charlton
Mrs. Mary-Jean Chase
Mr. & Mrs. R. Van Chesnutt
Andree & Kermit Chicha
Ms. Teresa Chiftis
Ms. Phelecia Chinn
Ms. Billye J. Christensen
Mrs. Vickie Churchill
Barbara J. Cizek
Jack Clay
Ms. Cynthia A. Clegg
Ms. Lisa Clements
Mrs. Nancy P. Cleveland
Stephen and Barbara Clift
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cockerill
William & Joan Coey
Mrs. Wendy Cohen
Mr. William Cohn
Mr. William T. Colburn and Dr.
Susan T. Marcolina
Mrs. Kaye Cole
Ms. Kristina Byrd Coleman
Ellen & Phil Collins
Ms. Karen Comstock
John & Jodi Coney
Mrs. Eloise Conover
Ms. Maude F. Conrad
Dr. Suzanne H. Conrad
Ms. Kathleen Cooke
Vickie & Dorm Cooley
Mr. Kenneth J. Cooper & Ms.
Christine Sinnott-Cooper
Ms. Claire Cordon
Ms. Donna L. Corey and Mr. Jay
Mr. & Mrs. Lane Corry
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cosme
Mr. John Costello
Ms. Christine Cote
Mr. and Mrs. James Coulter
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. James Craig
Ms. Tracy Cribb
Bruce Cross & Karen Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowder
Nancy Cudlipp and John
Ms. Susan L. Dahl Kanemori
Ms. Martha Darby
Mr. John Darling
Ms. Majda Darling
Ms. Meagan Davenport
Mr. Gordon Davidson
Ms. Dina De Bly
Ms. Angela De Oliveira
Colonel & Mrs. James E. Deal
Mr. and Mrs. Don Decaprio
Mr. Jay Decker
Pat DeGroot
Ms. Dorothy Delaney
Ms. Laurel Dennis
Ms. Barbara Des Champs
Ms. Roberta Devore
Ms. Joan DeVrieze
Mrs. Linda Dierks
Ms. Christine Dimm
Ms. Marian DiPerna
Corinne Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doane
Ms. Marlys Dolney
Ms. Karen Domino
Mr. Joshua Done and Mrs. Yoko
Ms. Ann Donk
Ms. Cathy Doonan
Jorge Miguel Dos Santos and
Ana Claudia Coutinho
Ms. Laura Doughty
Ms. August Drake-Ericson and
Ms. Brenna Ericson
William and Lynnette Duge
Ms. Jennifer Duncan
Mr. J. Richard Dunn
Mr. Martin Durham
Mr. Andy Dutton and Mrs. Robin
Ms. Peggy Eaton
Ms. Marilyn E. Eck
Ms. Orna Edgar
Mrs. Tracey Edou
Mrs. Maxine Edwards
Deborah and Peter Ehrlichman
Ms. Linda Eiseman
Dr. Sadek E. El-Alfy
Mr. Eric Ellefsen
Mrs. Lynne Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elman
Mrs. Margaret Enderlein
Ray and Jessica Erickson
Mr. Thomas Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent L. Evans
Susan R. Everly
Ms. Melana Fairbanks
Ms. Birte Falconer
Mr. Douglas Farnell
Ms. Colleen A. Faye
Ms. Patti Feavel
Ms. Sherri Feeback
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Feist
Ms. Jessie Irene Fernandes
Mr. Gerald F. Fickes
Ms. Kaylyn Fillmore
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Finch
Mrs. Lana E. Finegold & Ms.
Melissa Brown
Gigi Fisch and Victor Chavez
Professor & Mrs. David B.
Ms. Allison Fitzgerald
Ms. Helen Fitzpatrick
Ms. Mollie A. Fitzsimons
Lisa & Todd Floyd
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Fluhrer
Janis Ford
Mrs. Christine Fordyce
Mr. Cyree Forest
Ms. Lisa Forsberg
Ms. Carol Fowler
Ms. Doris Fox
Ms. Anne M. Franke
Carolyn Frankhouser
Mr. William Frantz
Ms. Lucille Frederick
Ms. Jan Freeman
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Freeny
Ted and Alice Frost
Mr. Harry Frudd
Mrs. Beate Funke
Ms. Irene Fury
Ms. Kristin Fuson
Mr. Joseph Gadison
Mr. John C. Gagliardo & Mrs.
Veronica V. Hacker
Ms. Donna Gaines
Ms. Cynthia Gallagher
Ms. Paula Gallagher
Ms. Theresa M. Gallant and Mr.
Edward W. Bulchis
Gandolffi-Levine Family
Ms. Jacqueline Gardner
Ms. Elena Garella
Mrs. Cynthia S. Garlough
Ms. Loredana Gavrilescu
Ms. Susan Gaylard
Ms. Joann L. Gazdik
Ms. Susanne Gees
Ms. Maria Gehl
Ms. Nathalie Gehrke
Ms. Annette Georgakopoulos
Reverend and Mrs. John Gibson
Ms. Katie Gibson
Ms. Beth Gifford
Mr. Mark Gilbert
Ms. Joy Gimlett
Mr. Steven Ginsberg and Ms.
Helen Williams-Ginsberg
Ms. Annalisa Gironi
Elaine Giusti
Ruth & Brent Godding
Dr. Corinne Goellnitz
Ms. Katherine M. Goetter
Mr. James Goldbaum
Mrs. Kathleen Goldstein
Ms. Laura Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Good
Ms. Merrie Good
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goodfellow
Ms. Anne-Marie Gooding
Mr. Kelly Goold and Mr. Stephen
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Corps de Ballet (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Gordon
John and Kathleen Gorski
Ms. Lisa Graham
Ms. Winona Gram
Ms. Carol Grant
Stacy and Frank Graves
Mr. and Ms. Mark Gray
Ms. Patricia Graybeal-Miller and
Mr. Steven Miller
Mark J. Greeley & Gina B.
Ms. Paula Green
Ms. Cynthia Green-Alk
Ms. Inarvis Greene and Ms.
Nicole Lew
Jeff and Kelly Greene
Mr. William Greger
Mr. Robert Griffin II
Mr. Douglas Grimes
Ms. Sylvia Grislis
Ms. Sarah Jane Gunter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Guth
Mrs. Marianne Gutteridge
Ms. Cindi Guyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Haas
Ms. Laura Haas
Ms. Linda Haas
Ms. Shelley Hall
Ms. Margaret Halstad
Mr. Walter Hamann
Mr. Jay Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Hamilton
Ms. Beverly Hammond
Ms. Sharon Hargus
Ms. Terry Harlett
Ms. Rebecca Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hartwich
Mrs. Ellen K. Hawkins & Ms.
Gay O. Hawkins
Ms. Mary S. Hawkins
Mr. Roger Hayden and Mrs.
Jensine Winther
Mr. Joseph Hayes
Ms. Ruth M. Hayes-Short
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Headland
Mr. Chris Heathman
Mrs. Frances M. Heaverlo
Ms. Sara Hemphill
Ms. Diana Henderson
Ms. Mary Hendrickson
Jim & Jackie Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Henry Jr
Mrs. Judith E. Herrigel
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Herring
Mr. Timothy Hicks
Ms. Julie Hill
Mr. and Ms. Mark Hillier
Mary Himple
Ms. Wendy Hinckle
Ms. and Mr. Dale Hogle
Ms. Norah Hogoboom
Ms. Katie Holland
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Holley
Mr. Norman Hollingshead
Ms. Elizabeth R. Hollingsworth
Ms. Anne Holmes
Mr. John Holttum
Mrs. La Vone Marie Holzborn
Jonathan and Jayme Hommer
Mrs. Paula Hopping
Ms. Barbara A. Houplin
Ms. Kay Howe
Mrs. Barbara Howell
Mrs. Marie A. Hubbard
Mr. Thomas Hundley
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon E. Hungar
Ms. and Mr. Donna R. Hunt
Mr. Colin A. Hunter
Roger and Shannon HunterKennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hurt
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hussong
Ms. Ritsu Itoi
Virgil Iverson
Ms. Cynthia Ivey
Mr. John E. Iwersen
Ms. Mary Jackson
Neal M. Jacques
Mr. and Mrs. Mike James
Ms. Marisa Jeakle
Ms. Blythe A. Jensen
Ms. Carol S. Jett Jensen
Mr. Steven Joffe
Mr. Arthur Johnson
Ms. Bonita G. Johnson
Mr. David B. Johnson
Mrs. Joyce E. Johnson
Ms. Kathy Johnson
Ms. Lisa Johnson
Mr. Richard A. Johnson
Ms. Angela Johnston
Ms. Charmian J. Jondall
Mr. Gary Jones
Ms. Nadine F. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin M.
Josephy III
Ms. Susan Joslyn
Ms. Janice C. Julien
Mrs. Suzanne S. Kagen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Kalis
Ms. Gail Karges
Dr. and Mrs. John Karpel
Mr. and Mrs. Tosh Kawai
Ms. Grace Keam
Mr. and Mrs. David Kehrl
Mr. Michael Keim
Ms. Nancy A. Kellogg
Mr. & Ms. Thorpe Kelly
Mrs. Phyllis A. Kelly
Ms. Lise Kenworthy
Ms. Karen Kenyon
Mr. Victor Kepler
Ms. Karen Kernell
Ms. Maria Kesovija
Ms. Anne H. Kiemle
Ken and Claudia Kilbreath
Mrs. Helen D. Kildall
Ms. Gina King
Mrs. Joan M. King
Ms. Mary King
Ms. Lynn M. Kingsley
Ms. Gloria Kinney
Ms. Renee Klein
Ms. Dianna Klineburger
Ms. Nancy Kloster
Ms. Linda Knight MD
Mary M. Knoll
Ms. Sheila Knutsen
Ms. Ada Ko
Ms. Katherine Koberg
Ms. Mayra Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Korell
Ms. Beth Kovacevich
Ms. V. E. Kowalczyk
Colonel P. R. Kringle, Jr.
Ms. Joyce Kroeger
Ms. Sonja Kromann
Mrs. Howard Krouse
Mr. John Kruper
Sara and David Kruse
Ms. Loren Kruse
Mr. Raymond Kubischta
Ms. Georgia A. Kumor
The Kurp Family
Ms. Mascha Kushner
Ms. Denise Laflamme
Mr. Vance LaGrone
Ms. Alexandra LaMarsh
Mrs. Phyllis Lamphere
Keats Landis
Ms. Andrea Lanxon
Ms. Edris Larmer
Ms. Elhri Larsen
Christine and Eric Larsen
Ms. Kristine A. Larson
William & Kerri Lauman
Ms. Elizabeth Lavery
Ms. Lisa Lawrence
Ms. Audrey Laxton
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Leach
Ms. Jacqueline R. Leake
Mr. Michel Lebas and Ms.
Michael Adler
Ms. Eleni Ledesma
HwanSoo Lee & HyeJin Cho
Mr. Jason Lee
Ronald G. Lee and Li Ren Zhu
Ms. Susan Lee
Rosemary A. Lehman
Ms. Adrienne Lehman
Ms. Peggy Leierzapf
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lentz
Ms. Catherine R. Lepoutre
Marjorie J. Levar
Janet Levinger & Will Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levy
Helen I. Lewis
Mrs. Judy L. Lewis and Ms.
Virginia Rathburn
Mr. Davy L. Lilly
Ms. Cheryl Little
Ms. Monika Litzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Liu
Ms. Audrey Livermore
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Loeb
Katherine Logan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Logerfo
Mr. Michael London
Wei-Ling Louie
Charlotte and Charles Lovekin
Ms. Amity A. Ludders
Ms. Barbara Lundquist
Mr. Michael P. Lusby
Ms. Glenna Lynch
Mr. Michael S. Mabrito
Mrs. Jennifer Macaulay
Ms. Bonnie MacNaughton
Ms. Anna E. Madlener
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mahan
Bryannah Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Mandula
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Corps de Ballet (cont’d)
Mr. & Mrs. David Mangels
Ms. Susan R. Mann
Ms. Kim Margolin
Helen Mark
Ms. Marlaine E. Mars
Ms. Joan Marsh
Ms. Sandra Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Martin
Ms. Patricia J. Martin
Mrs. Linda Martinez
Ms. Linda Mason
Carol & Greg Matheson
Ms. Elaine Matt
Christopher Maurer
Ms. Christine Maurich
Mrs. Candice Mauseth
Ms. Carolyn Mawbey
Ms. Carolyn Maxim
Mr. Thom Mayes
Reverend Gerald L. Mayovsky
Ms. Judith McBroom
Ms. Kazuko C. McColley
Ms. Catherine McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary McCormick
Ms. Pauline R. McCoubrey
Ms. Carol J. McCready-Cohn
Ms. Nancy McDaniel
Mr. Brian McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton A. McDonald
Cara Lee McEown
Ms. Karen McGhee-Noble
Joseph J. McGovern
Ms. Mary McGuire
Ms. Carol McKissick
Ms. Anna Marie McKnight
Ms. Edith McLaughan
Mimi McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Ted McLendon
Ms. Carol McMahan
Ms. Joan S. McNeary
Lorraine D. Meitzen
Ms. Pauline Mellon
Ms. Janet E. Merriam
Ms. Cynthia Merrill
Ms. Judy Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Methot
Ms. Leighanne Metter
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Metz
Mr. Steve Millard
Ms. Gretchen Miller
Mr. Heath Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller
Mrs. Karen Mitchell
Ms. Traci Mitchell
Ms. Allison Mizushima
Ms. Anita S. Moceri
Ms. Shari Monson
Carol Monsos
Ms. Nona Moody
Darra Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mori
Mr. Roger J. Morris
Stella Mortensen
Mr. Samuel Moskowitz
Hans and Margaret Mostert
Ms. Sara Mottaz
Ms. Elizabeth Mountsier
Ms. Toni L. Munizza
Ms. Jean M. Murakami
Mr. Richard Murphy
Ms. Virginia H. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nakata
Ms. Margaret Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nangle
Mr. Dale Nash and Mr. John
Ms. Robie Nash
Ms. Randi Nathanson
Mr. Seth Nesbitt
Caroline Nevin
Mr. Tim Newcomb
Ms. Elizabeth D. Newland
Mrs. Shirley Newton
Ms. Mary Newton
Lam Ngo
Ms. Leah Ngoche
Mr. Mac Nguyen & Dr. Thi Cam
Mr. Doru Nica
Ms. Elizabeth J. Nickerson
Ms. Hollie Nikodem
Joseph and Hollie Nikodem
Mr. Jan Noorda
Lois H. North
Ms. Janel North
Ms. Ina-Marie Novak
Janine and Joan Oates
Ms. Barbara Ocskai
Ms. Corinne Odegard
Jim & Mariette O'Donnell
Ms. Becky Oesch
Carl and Erin Oest-Larsen
Ms. Aldryth O'Hara
Ms. Jane Oishi
Ms. Sharon Olds
Ms. Zenaida Olivas
Ms. Michele O'Neil
Ms. Rieko Ooka
Ed Opstad
Mr. Laszlo Orban and Ms. Kati
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Orlando
Mr. William Osmun
Mr. Thomas Ostermann
Jessica Ostrow and Larry
Mr. Michael Otani
Ms. Gayle Otsuka
Ms. Joann R. Overfield
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Owzarski
Mr. Bernard Pack
Mr. Maurice N. Wright and Mrs.
Alison Packwood-Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Page
Mrs. Sharon L. Paine
Ms. Donna M. Pallo-Perez
Ms. Elizabeth Papageorge
Ms. Lingyun Parati
Ms. Sharon Parker
Ms. Nichole Parr
Ms. Rivalyn Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Patten
Mr. Mark Patterson
Ms. Erin E. Pattillo
Ms. Lori P. Patton
Gwendolyn Payton and John
Mr. Richard Payton
Ms. Rachel Pearson
Ms. Karen Peck
Ms. Sharon Peck
Ms. Elaine Peretti
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Perkins
Mrs. Pamela R. Perrott
Mr. Robert Personius
Mr. James Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Petitpas
Ms. Elin Philips
Dr. Zaiga A. Phillips
Ms. Sandra J. Piscitello
Chris Pittack
Kenny & Donna Pittman
Mrs. Cindy Polkingham
Ms. Kathleen Poole
Ms. Susie Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Powell
Ms. Rebecca Presley
Mr. Billy Price
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kim Propst
Ms. Michelle Psyhogeos
Ms. Nancy Puffett
Ms. Mary Pullin
Ms. Kathy I. Putt
Mr. David Querubin
Ms. Alyson Radliff
Wendy and Mark Rafn
Ms. Kathy Raich
Ms. Stephanie Rake
Ms. Mechthild Rast
Mr. Richard Rathbun
Ms. Paula Rattigan
Ms. Carol Read
Ms. Patricia Reddy
Ms. Mary Reece
Mr. and Mrs. Richardson Rehm
Anita Reich
Mr. Harry Reinert
John Reitberger and Bill Dubay
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rempe
Renaissance Horticulture Service
Ms. Elizabeth Rennebohm
Ms. Rosalind Renouard
Mrs. Rita C. Requa
Virginia G. Revere
Ms. Martha Reyneveld
Ms. Laura Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Elwood A. Rice
Ms. Laura Richards
Cynthia S. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Roberts
Ms. Cynthia Robertson
Ms. Jean C. Robinson and
Mr. Kirk Bradley
Mr. Lon Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rodeheffer
Ms. Pat Rodeman
Mrs. Anne Roffey
Mrs. Frances Rogers
Mr. Terry Rogers
Ms. Victoria Romero
Mr. Jeff D. Rosenfeld
Mrs. Shawn Roth
Ms. Suzanne Rowen
Ms. Leslie Rugaber
Dr. John Rusin
Mr. Donald Ryder
Ms. Janice Sakai
Ms. Elaine Sakamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Felipe Sanchez
Ms. Karlla L. Sander
Annual Report 2009
Annual Fund Supporters
Corps de Ballet (cont’d)
Ms. Carol Sanders
Ms. Marilyn Sanders
Ms. Carmel Sasaki
Jeff and Julie Sass
Ms. Andrea Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sausville
Ms. Renee P. Sayatovic
Mr. Thomas Schacht
Richard & Anne Schaefer
Ms. Catherine Scheibner
Mr. and Mrs. David
Mr. & Mrs. Hugo W.
Ms. Joan Schmiege
Douglas L. Schneider
Ms. Jane Schoenleber
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schor
Ms. Jean Schroff
Ms. Sharon Schuffler
Ms. Carol Schultz
Ms. Nancy Schultz
Michael and Pamela Schulz
Ms. Judy A. Schussler
Mr. Jim Schwering
Mrs. Amy R. Scott and Mr.
Stephen C. Alley
Salena Scotti
Ms. Audrey Seale
Ms. Virginia Searls
Ms. Janet Sears
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Seelig
Ms. Yvonne Seidler
Masako Sekimoto
Mr. Wayne Seminoff
Ms. Alexander Semritc
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Settles
Mr. Shawn Shaffer
Carol & Del Shankel
Mr. Harold G. Shapiro
Giles & Sue Shepherd
Mr. John and Elizabeth Sherris
Mr. and Mrs. William Shewell
Stuart & Judy Shorr
Ms. Judith Siefker
Mr. Andrew Siegel and Mrs.
Deborah Ahrens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Siers
Ms. Patricia Siggs
Ms. Erika Sigmon
Ms. Svetlana Simova
Ms. Beverly Simpson & Ms.
Shirlee Hall
Sonia Sine
Ms. Hazel Singer
Mr. Donald Sirkin
Ms. Marilyn Skelly
Ms. Deborah Slack
Ms. Holly K. Sloan-Buchanan
Ms. Janice Smallwood
Ms. Christina Smith
Grace Smith
Mr. Gregory Smith
J. Dimmitt Smith
Ms. Janeen Smith
Mr. Joshua Smith & Ms. Margaret
Ms. Julie C. Smith
Ms. Margaret Smith
Mr. Matt Smith and Ms. Elizabeth
Ms. Mary Snow
Mr. Jacob Sohl
Mrs. Harold Sondheim
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Song
Mr. Marco Soto
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Sparks
Ms. Donna Stanger
Mr. Ray Stark
Ms. Sharron Starling
Ms. Anita Emma Stein
Ms. Sheila S. Sternberg
Mr. Darren Stewart and Mrs.
Heather Van Vleck
Ms. Laura M. Stewart
Ms. Rebecca L. Stewart
Mr. Kent & Cheryl Stock
David and Jane Stockert
Ms. Joy Stohr
Ms. Ethel Story
Patty Stover
Mr. Gordon Strand
Ms. Priscilla L. Strand
Ms. Felicity Stratton
Mrs. Karen Streicher
Ms. Tricia Stromberg
Ms. Mary Stursa
Holly & John Sullivan
Ms. Catherine Sullivan
Ms. Constance Swank
Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Swank
Mr. & Mrs. David Swarm
Mr. Michael Swenson
Ms. Sharon Swift
Tom Sykes and Sarah Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel C.
Ms. Christina Tanner
Ms. Judith F. Tattersall
Ms. Tammy J. Teachout
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Temkin
Mr. and Mrs. Max Thelen
Mr. Joan Thomas
Ian Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Thompson
Ms. Tami Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Neil F. Thorlakson
Mr. Roger Thorson
Ms. Tricia Tiano
Mr. Binh Tran and Ms. Mai Luc
Mr. Donald Treat
Mrs. Sheri Treinen
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Trent
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Trott
Ms. Noelle Troyer
Summer & Brad Truswell
Molly R. Ugles
Mr. Hubert H. Underwood
Katherine P. Ursich
Chad and Tina Urso McDaniel
Mr. Kenneth E. Van Dyke
Ms. Ruth Vance
Ms. Carolyn Vanderslice
Lucy Vanderwende
Ms. Paula R. VanHaagen
Ms. Barbara Vaughan
Rick and Chris Veit
Mr. Lukas Velush
Ms. Dana Vermillion
Elsa & Art Vetter
Mr. George F. Vicker
Ms. Lucy Von Heesen
Ms. Elaine Vona
Mrs. Sally Wager
Ms. Donna J. Waidtlow
Ms. Joyce M. Wakamatsu
Ms. JaneLee Waldock
Mr. James Wales
Ms. Adriene Walker
Ms. Kristine L. Wallace
Ms. Dayle Wallien
Mr. Clark Wallin
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Wallington
Ms. Sheila Walter
Mr. Chris Walters
Ms. Eileen Wang
Ms. Donna Ward
Ms. Dorothy Watson
Mr. Kyle Watson
Ms. Meg Watson
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Webb
Mrs. Laurie Weckel and Mr.
Kirby Dahman
Dr. Paul L. Weiden and Ms. Bev
Ms. Gwen Weinert
Dr. & Mrs. Fred C. Wemer
Ms. Gretchen Werner
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. West
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Wheatley
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Wheeler
Ms. Lynn Whipple
Ms. Ginger White & Mr. Peter W.
Von Christierson
Mrs. Betsy Whitesell
Ms. Donna Whitford
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitmer
Ms. Kim Willard
Ms. Carol Williams Smith
Ms. Lisa Williams
Ms. Phyllis A. Williams
Mr. Walter Williams
Ms. Sharon Williamson
Mr. Zach Winemiller
Ms. Lorinda Wisdom
Ms. Linda Withington
Ms. Cynthia Wold
Mr. Chris Wolking
Ed Woo
Lisa and Jeff Wood
Ms. Melissa Wood
Ms. Martha Woodman
Mr. Roy Woodworth
Ms. Nancy Worssam
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wright
Elaine Wu
Mr. Roger Wylie and Ms. Daiva
Mr. Marvin Yamaguchi
Mr. Zhe Yang
Dr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Yarington
Mr. Leonard Young
Ms. Suzanne Zahniser
Ms. Colleen Zeman
Ms. Maxine A. Zemko
Ms. Ming-Yue Zhang
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Zimmermann
Ms. Jan Zuber
Ms. Wendy Zucker
Ms. Violet Zuvela
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zytnicki
Anonymous (5)
Annual Report 2009