Important Americans Web Search

Important People in American History from 1860 – present
Internet Scavenger Hunt
Use the following people to answer the Who Am I Questions. Each person will only be used
Abraham Lincoln
Ulysses S. Grant
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
George Washington Carver
Thomas Edison
Theodore Roosevelt
Langston Hughes
Henry Ford
Herbert Hoover
Duke Ellington
Jesse Owens
Joseph Stalin
Emperor Hirohito
Adolph Hitler
Nikita Khrushchev
Rosa Parks
John F. Kennedy
Robert E. Lee
Jefferson Davis
Orville Wright
Alexander Graham Bell
William McKinley
Louis Armstrong
Babe Ruth
Charles Lindbergh
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Margaret Mitchell
Harry Truman
Winston Churchill
Benito Mussolini
Joseph McCarthy
Thurgood Marshall
Martin Luther King
Robert Kennedy
Use the following links to find the answers to the Who Am I Questions.
Presidents of the United States
Civil War Generals
Confederate States of America
Civil War
Important African Americans
Encyclopedia of Prominent African Americans
Biographies for Kids
Baseball Hall of Fame
A Century in Review
World War II
People of World War II
Cold War Museum
©Raki’s Rad Resources
Fact Monster
Encyclopedia Britannica
Who Am I?
1.) I was the leader of Japan during World War II. Who am I?
2.) My company designed the first car that regular families could afford. Who am I?
3.) During my presidency, the Korean War took place. Who am I?
4.) My trumpet playing helped me to become an important African American Jazz
Musician. Who am I?
5.) Born in Georgia, I worked for Civil Rights for African Americans using speeches, marches and boycotts.
Who am I?
6.) After graduating from West Point, I led the Confederate Army in the Civil War. Who am I?
7.) I was a colonel in the Spanish-American War and then became president. Who am I?
8.) As dictator of Italy, I was in power during World War II. Who am I?
9.) The telephone was just one of many inventions I patented. Who am I?
10.) The movie Gone with the Wind is based off of my Pulitzer Prize winning book. Who am I?
11.) I might have followed in my brother’s footsteps and became president, if I hadn’t been assassinated on
June 4th of 1968. Who am I?
12.) During the 1936 Olympics, I won 4 gold medals in track and field. Who am I?
13.) Many people think that I was the most gifted general in the Confederate army. Who am I?
14.) Although I was a prize winning pilot, I am more often remembered because my son was kidnapped.
Who am I?
15.) The Montgomery Bus Boycott happened in response to my arrest. Who am I?
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16.) Within a year after I became president, the southern states seceded to create the Confederate States of
America. Who am I?
17.) I was an important African American pianist, composer and bandleader who was famous for playing at
the Cotton Club. Who am I?
18.) Less than 8 months after I became president the Wall Street Crash of 1929 triggered the Great
Depression. Who am I?
19.) Before I became president, I was a great general in the Civil War. Who am I?
20.) My brother Wilbur and I created the world’s first successful airplane. Who am I?
21.) As a civil rights lawyer, I helped to argue the famous Brown vs. Board of Education case before I became
the first African American Supreme Court Justice. Who am I?
22.) When I was Prime Minister of England, I worked with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin in order to
win World War II. Who am I?
23.) I was the first and only president of the Confederate States of America. Who am I?
24.) Peanut farmers appreciate the 300 innovative ways I came up with to use peanuts, while I was working
with Booker T. Washington at Tuskegee University. Who am I?
25.) As a soldier, I fought in the Civil War. As a president, I led the country in the Spanish – American War.
Who am I?
26.) Known as the greatest baseball player of all time, I hit 60 home runs in the season of 1927. Who am I?
27.) After becoming Prime Minister of the Soviet Union in 1958, I led my country during the “Cold War”. Who
am I?
28.) Although I was could not walk, I was elected president of the United States four times. Who am I?
29.) I told people that I had a list of people who were communists. Who am I?
30.) My poetry was important during the “Harlem Renaissance”. Who am I?
©Raki’s Rad Resources
31.) The light bulb is one of my most famous inventions. Who am I?
32.) As president, I worked for Civil Rights until I was assassinated. Who am I?
33.) I was the leader of the Soviet Union during World War II. Who am I?
34.) After writing a book in prison, I went on to lead Germany during the second world war. Who am I?
©Raki’s Rad Resources