Advertising and Sales - Ben Barber Career Tech

Dear Student and Parents/Guardian(s),
I am extremely excited to have you (your child) in class this year. This letter will provide basic
information that will allow you to be successful. Please read over it carefully and share it with your
family. Keep it with you for future reference.
A major key to thriving students is teacher/parent/family/student communication. I want to help all of
my students prosper in this class, preparing them for life after high school by encouraging them to
strive for excellence. With parental/family encouragement and support at home, I believe each
student can achieve his or her maximum potential. Please feel free to call me at school and leave a
message, or email if you or your parents have any questions.
Grades can be accessed through Skyward. (See the District website at for
more information on this grading program.)
Advertising is a nearly 300 billion-dollar business industry in the United States. It is important to
understand the place of advertising in relation to other forms of marketing in our global society in
order to ground our business-based understanding of the ad world. We will study advertising as one
part of integrated marketing communications (IMC), through the lens of integrated brand promotion.
IMC provides a balanced coverage of many communication tools - advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion, sponsorship, direct marketing, point-of-purchase, public relations, and Internet
communications. This is a time demanding, yet exciting class with a commitment to reading and
This is a 6 week course. (0.5 credit)
The course will utilize various resources and materials. Much of the work will be completed with the
use of computers. Each person is responsible for his/her assigned workstation during his/her class
session. Students should bring a pen and paper every day to class. Most of the work will be
generated by the computers, and all related supplies will be provided.
Attendance is extremely important in any Ben Barber course. One missed class is equivalent to three
missed classes at a home campus. There are several daily assignments, many of which build on
prior lessons, and multiple absences make it extremely difficult for a student to perform well in this
*There currently are no state certifications for this course*
• I Pad (this is required daily)
Poster Board (for projects when needed)
Markers, glue (for projects when needed)
GRADING POLICY – Each six weeks will be evaluated as follows:
Daily Work...……………………….…………………………….
(Daily/Classwork – 50%; Participation 10%)
Test/Projects ………………………………………….……………
Final Exam is worth 20% of your final grade
v Ways to earn extra credit – Think Outside the Box (T.O.B.)
a. Participate in Class through extra involvement in discussion, group projects, answering
questions, asking thoughtful questions
b. Participate outside of class by bringing in something related to the current chapter/topic
such as a news article, magazine article, news story, book or novel; journaling your
thoughts about a topic, idea, chapter and submit; or come in and talk to me about your
thoughts on a certain topic chapter, or idea.
Learning Outcomes and Assessment
By the end of the course, successful students should be able to:
(1) Explain the strategic role of marketing promotions
(2) Explain integrated brand promotion
(3) Outline the advertising process
(4) Develop an integrated promotional plan that includes advertising
(5) Explain the process of message strategy and development
(6) Develop a media strategy using traditional and newer venues
(7) Describe the strategic use of non-advertising promotional tools
(8) Explain various promotional tools including event sponsorship, product placement,
branded entertainment, direct marketing, personal selling, and public relations.
The history of Advertising and knowing your consumer
The basic marketing concept and product development
Promotion and Media
Sales and communication
WEEK 5: Advertising plans and careers
WEEK 6: Advertising Campaign
-A retake exam may be taken for any test one time.
-The retake exam will be a modified version of the original exam. It will not be the same test
but length, content, and difficulty will be comparable.
-The grade earned on the retake will replace the original exam grade, for better or worse.
-The retake must be arranged within one week of getting back the original exam and, and the
retake must be completed by the end of the following unit (usually two weeks).
All retake exams will the scheduled by appointment only!
Both you and I will abide by these policies as well as those established by the Mansfield ISD school
board policies.
§ Yourself – come to class prepared with your materials and assignments; be dressed
and groomed so that it will not be necessary to visit dress code during class.
§ Others – participate in the lesson by listening to other students and the teacher and by
commenting on the subject when appropriate.
§ Time – use your time wisely.
§ Environment – no food, drinks, or other pollutants (i.e., perfume, sprays).
§ Property – clean up after yourself and be careful with items that are placed in your
Responsibility – This includes completing classwork in a timely manner, and bringing all
necessary materials.
Reliability – This includes being prepared for and on time for class.
NO WHINING ZONE – All attitudes and negative feelings should be left at the classroom door. You
are taking a course related to business and professional development; therefore, whining will not be
an accepted means of communication.
ABSENCES/TARDIES – It is your responsibility to get any information missed if absent or tardy. This
includes and is not limited to warm-ups, vocabulary, notes and assignments. If you miss a test or
quiz, you will have one week from the date of assessment to arrange and complete make up work;
otherwise, the grade will remain a zero, per district policy.
An absence is defined as missing 20 minutes or more of any class.
Tardy Policy
Tardy 1 &2 Verbal Warning
Tardy 3 Phone call home
Tardy 4 Office Referral
LATE WORK – All due dates will be given at the start of an assignment/project. All work is expected
to be completed, and no incomplete work will be accepted. Ample time will be given for every
assignment/project. Make good use of your time. If extra time is needed, it will be handled on a caseby-case basis. Please do not hesitate to communicate with me concerning any special circumstances.
TEST RETAKES – Students will be allowed to demonstrate proficiency of learning objectives by
means of retest for a maximum of 70% of the original score possible. It is the responsibility of the
student to arrange such retests with the teacher.
TUTORIALS – It is your responsibility to let me know that you are in need of help. It is very
important that you not fall behind. Tutorial times will be set on an individual basis, as arranged with
the teacher.
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY – I believe that honesty is extremely important. Please, give me no
reason to suspect any form of cheating on work that you do in this course. While working with others
on homework/projects is allowed and encouraged, I consider copying all or part of any assignment to
be cheating – both parties are to blame, whether the student(s) is/are currently enrolled in this course
or not. Consequences include a zero on the assignment, parent contact, and a referral to your
assistant principal.
PARENTS, please read the information in this letter carefully. I must receive a confirmation e-mail
and a signed acknowledgement form (sent home via student) from you by Tuesday, September 1,
2015 that includes the following information:
Subject Line: Student’s Name, Session I or II
Parent Names (first and last)
Parent Phone #’s for best contact
Email Addresses:
My email reply will be verification that your student has received a 100 on this assignment. The signed
acknowledgement form will be an additional 100. I look forward to hearing from you. Let’s make this
an outstanding year!
Natalie Wilson
Syllabus: Agreement of Understanding
Mrs. N. Wilson
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Session Enrolled: I
(Please circle one)
I, the student, fully understand the terms of the syllabus and will abide by the classroom
expectations, policies and procedures to the best of my ability.
Printed Name_________________________________________
I, the parent/guardian, fully understand the terms of the syllabus and will encourage my
student to abide by the classroom expectations, policies, and procedures.
Printed Name_________________________________________
1. Sign into with your email address
2. Then enter class code
3. Click on Announcements, Syllabus
SOCRATIVE: Room # 201426 Download the Student Socrative App on IPAD
OTHER APPS: Quizlet, Keynote,
9:45 am
OFFICE PHONE: 682.314.1600