Newf Tales V O . 3 , I S S U E 8 A U G U S T INSIDE THIS ISSUE: August Event 1 President’s Note 2 Upcoming Events/ New Members 3 Member Spotlight 4-5 Brags & Announcements 6 Club Member Photos 7 Rainbow Bridge 8 Newfie Swim Photos 9 Bottle Drive 10 Basket Raffle Tickets 11 Poor Little Rich Dog 12-13 Hero Application 14 Recipe 15 Conformation Results 16 Adirondack Chair Raffle Ticket 17 The Adirondack Circuit Dog Show "THE AUGUST PLACE TO BE" Five Days of Shows, Aug 6-10, 2014 Ballston Spa Fairgrounds Newfs are on approximately 10 AM each morning Saratoga (N.Y.) Kennel Club - August 6 Glens Falls Kennel Club - August 7 Mohawk Valley Kennel Club - August 8 Southern Adirondack Kennel Club - August 9 Bennington County Kennel Club - August 10 N orthland supported entry is Saturday, August 9th and we will be hosting a luncheon for exhibitors, club members and fellow Newfie fanciers on Saturday. Donations of salads and desserts for the luncheon are greatly appreciated. The shows start on Wednesday August 6th and run through Sunday August, 10th with each day being a new show. Details will be emailed as soon as judging times are assigned. 2 0 1 4 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE 2 President’s Notes Where has the summer gone?? Here we are looking at the end of July and the Ballston Spa shows are next week!!!! Before we know it, we will be thinking about the Strolls and the Christmas Parade!!! Anyway, a few NNC members took advantage of the summer warmth and practiced their water rescue skills at the July 27th fun swim at Carolyn and Walt Kuhn’s lovely home. See the pictures of Philo and Flounder getting ready for their water tests in a few weeks. Many thanks to Carolyn and Walt for sharing their lovely home and pond and Walt’s grilling skills! There was a short meeting of the Board and also the Rescue Committee discussed and updated the Rescue guidelines. Mary Lou Cuddy President As mentioned earlier, the Adirondack Circuit dog shows will be held at the Ballston Spa Fairgrounds August 6th-10th. There are anywhere from 23-31 Newfoundlands entered each day. Watch NNC’s Facebook page for times which will be announced any day now. Saturday’s show will be a supported entry and we will host our usually luncheon afterwards. The club will supply sub sandwiches and donations of munchies, salads and desserts would be appreciated. The luncheon will be held under the grooming pavilion at Mary Lou’s setup. Come and cheer for NNC members and their Newfs!!!!! Check out the cool raffles elsewhere in this newsletter. The amazing gift basket, which continues to grow with donations from club members, will benefit the 2015 National Specialty Draft Test that NNC is hosting and the hand-painted Adirondack chair by Cindy Stadelmeyer will benefit rescue. Buy early and buy a lot! Enjoy the rest of the “dog days” of summer! Keep cool and hug you Newf! Mary Lou VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 Schedule of Events August 2014 WEATHER PERMITTING EVERY TUESDAY Hussey Home (Ballston Spa) 6:30 pm Drafting Classes EVERY WEDNESDAY Cuddy Home (Ballston Spa) 6:30 pm Rally 7:00 pm Obedience EVERY SATURDAY Hussey Home (Ballston Spa) 8:00 am Tracking 9:00 am Obedience For more information contact Mary Lou Cuddy at or Jim Hussey at FREE RALLY, OBEDIENCE, TRACKING & DRAFT CLASSES AVAILABLE TO CLUB MEMBERS 3 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Wed 6 Thu 7 Fri Sat 1 2 8 9 NNC Luncheon at Ballston Spa Fairground 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Welcome New Members New Members Membership Application Received: Denise & Henry Batko (Family) 559 Pinewoods Ave Troy, NY 12180 518/698-2108 (Denise) 518/526-4307 (Henry) Upcoming Events Sept 7 Draft Workshop—Jim Hussey Residence, Ballston Spa, NY (Board meeting to precede) Sept 28 Northland’s Regional Specialty - Romulus, NY October 19 Dr. Sedeca’s Heart Presentation followed by Halloween Party at Laura Davidson’s home in Stillwater, NY Nov 22 Schenectady Christmas Parade VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 4 Member Spotlight—Denise Batko Our next members are Denise Rogers Batko and husband Henry who are lucky to have three wonderful Newfs including a new puppy named Bubba. I love the description of Bubba tipping the water bowl to get a drink. So typical of a laid back Newf! WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO SHARE YOUR LIFE WITH THIS WONDERFUL BREED? I met my first Newfie at Helen Mancuso’s Kennels when I was returning to Ireland to get married. At the time I had two Pyrenees Mountain Dogs and I wanted a Kennel that could house the two of them together. While I have had Pyrs all of my life, I fell in love with these gentle giants the first time I saw them. HOW LONG AGO DID YOU GET YOUR FIRST NEWF? So 12+ years after meeting Helen and after my Pyrs passed, I decided to look at a Newfie. We went to visit Helen and the puppies she had at the time and discuss a future pup. While visiting with Helen and her crew we met Cricket. Cricket was 2 at the time and Helen was looking for a good home for her. My husband, Henry said the magic words, we can take Cricket AND get a pup. I was sold!!! Cricket joined us in 2004 and was one of the best dogs ever. About a half year later we brought home our goofy newfie Rufus and the two of them were with one another for 8 years. Unfortunately, Cricket passed this year on March 17th (we miss RUFUS her so much)!!! We also unfortunately lost Rufus in July 2013. They were both great dogs and we miss them both so much. CRICKET WHAT ARE THE NAMES AND AGES OF THE CURRENT NEWF(S) YOU OWN? Journey is the oldest girl in the house. She is 8 years old. Maxie is 17 months and full of energy. And we just got a new addition two weeks ago. He is 12 weeks old and his name is Bubba!!! JOURNEY & MAXIE MAXIE AFTER DIGGING OUR NEWEST MEMBER BUBBA “AKA LITTLE MAN” VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 5 Member Spotlight—Denise Batko WHAT IS THE FUNNIEST THINGS YOUR NEWFS HAVE EVER DONE? Maxie likes to bring you things when you get home. She runs through the house trying to find something, anything, she once tried to drag my suitcase out of the room to bring to me. Cute!! The new guy Bubba, sleeps beside his water dish and when he’s thirsty he lifts his head up and leans on the dish so it goes sideways so his tongue can reach the water. Journey while not funny likes to stand on your feet when she is being pet. She weighs a ton!!! WHAT’S THE FAVORITE THING TO DO WITH YOUR DOG(S)? I love going to events such as the Victorian Stroll or Saratoga and showing them off. People always stop us and want to know what they are, pet them and sometimes want to take them home. I love how they react to people and how they love everyone. I never have to fear that they will snap at someone, drown them in drool yes, cover them in hair most definitely, but it is true for a Newf, love me love my drool!!!! WHAT HAS SURPRISED YOU THE MOST ABOUT OWNING A NEWF? How much they enjoy being with us. I move from room to room in the house and they all want to be there with me. As I sit here answering these questions they are all sitting around me waiting for me to move. They are a great companion and I couldn’t even imagine life without them. JOURNEY JUST BACK FROM THE DAY SPA MAXIE WAITING ON HER DADDY TO GET HOME ***HAVE YOU SUBMITTED YOUR ANSWERS FOR MEMBER SPOTLIGHT? PLEASE SEND ME SOME MORE RESPONSES WITH PICTURES SO WE CAN KEEP THIS PART OF THE NEWSLETTER GOING. SEND TO: ALICIAQ@NYCAP.RR.COM THANK YOU! VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 6 Announcements, Brags & Accomplishments HAPPY NEWFIE BIRTHDAY August 4, 2010 August 4, 2010 August 4, 2010 Marina Berlanti Duncan Moll Keira Smith August 13, 2006 Tess Cohen August 20, 2009 Panda Cornell August 24, 2005 Emma Smith August 5, 2002 Scarlet Cornell August 8, 2006 Emma Burlarley August 11, 2004 Riggs Cornell Jane Thibault (Nashua-Auke Newfoundlands) passed away July 15, 2014. Jane’s influence in the world of pure-bred dogs, especially Newfoundlands, is immeasurable. Jane was a charter member of the Newfoundland Club of New England. While her dogs excelled in the conformation ring, they also possessed great working instincts and many of her dogs obtained VN titles. Jane opened her property and pond to anyone who wanted to work their dogs. Her’s is a legacy that will be long remembered. Donations made be made to Ashford Volunteer Fire Dept., PO Box 1, Ashford, Charitable Trust 06278 or the Newfoundland Club of New England Charitable Fund, Elle Katz Fund, c/o Lori Bryant, 40 Durham St, Nashua NH 03063. The club recently stopped by the Arvin Hart Fire House to give them a donation of $240 which was collected from club members who use their firehouse all winter long for obedience training. THANK YOU ARVIN HART! SEND YOUR BRAGS, PHOTOS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO CFREIBE@YAHOO.COM COMING SOON NNC MEMBERS ONLY FACEBOOK PAGE Club members will be invited to join the “Members Only” Facebook page where they can easily find information relating to upcoming club events, the newsletter and much, much more. VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE Club Member Photos Alicia, Rocky & Raven The 4th of July tradition continues Chloe & Daddy chilling out in the park at the North End in Boston, MA Terri Rancatti Clancy at the Green Mountain Dog Club Show in Tunbridge, VT...Lori Eldridge Chloe trying to score a cannoli outside of Mike’s Pastry in Boston, MA Terri Rancatti Chloe & Mommy on top of Mount Cardigan, NH Terri Rancatti Here’s Gracie. Intent on her glove...Mary Nicotera Send your photos to 7 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE Rainbow Bridge VN CH OUR ROWDY BEARSCAMP FRIEND, CD, DD, WRD, CGC, TDI (ROWDY) October 13, 2003—July 15, 2014 Our hearts are breaking. "Rowdy" aka VN CH Our Rowdy Bearscamp Friend, CD, DD, WRD, CGC passed away on Tuesday at the age of 10.5 years. He was the most special Newfoundland I have ever known. Many of you are familiar with Rowdy's work at school as he was incorporated into almost every facet of the school day every day. His owner, Ralph Holzhauer and Rowdy retired from teaching this past spring. Thank you, Ralph, for helping Rowdy to develop and use his special talents. I know how much I will miss him, I can't fathom the hole that he leaves in your heart. Rest in peace, Rowdy-man. You were a great dog.......Mary Lou Cuddy The members of the Tuesday night Draft class have collected and donated $50 to NNC Rescue in memory of Rowdy. 8 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE 9 Newfie Swim A huge THANK YOU to Carolyn and Walt Kuhn for hosting the Newfie Swim on 7/27/14. Although the weather started off rocky it turned out to be a beautiful day. Dave & Amy Supko showed us the water work exercises they have been doing with Flounder and Philo as they get ready to take their water tests in the upcoming months. Great job you guys and good luck at the water test! VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE ALEX THE GREAT BOTTLE DRIVE ALEX Drop off all those unwanted CLEAN cans and bottles at Mary Lou Cuddy’s house in Ballston Spa, NY on Oma delivery dates or obedience class. Not close by, no problem. Redeem your bottles and send your check to Helen Mancuso-227 Roaser Road–Sand Lake, NY 12153 There is a drug bank that accepts medications that are not being used or that have had their usage discontinued. These medications can be sent to: Penny de la Rocha 44 Van Voast Lane Scotia, NY 12302 10 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE 11 This beautiful basket of goodies was put together by several club member donations and will benefit the club’s sponsorship of the 2015 NCA Draft Test. You can purchase ticket(s) at any upcoming club event or just send in your money and completed ticket below to Kathy Cohen, 1483 Margaretville Mt. Rd., Margaretville, NY 12455 or Carolyn Kuhn, PO Box 88, Staatsburg, NY 12580 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE WAS PROVIDED BY LAURA DAVIDSON FOR INCLUSION IN THIS MONTH’S NEWSLETTER. PAGE 12 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE 13 VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE 14 Hero Dog Application Received from Poppy S. Grandin FROM: Poppy S. Grandin TO: RE: Whom It May Concern: Application for Newfoundland Everyday Hero (ine) Dog It has come to my attention that Newfoundland Hero Dog titles are generally bestowed based on one act of heroism. While these single acts are laudable, I believe that acts of heroism happen every single day and just go unrecognized. With this thought in mind, I would like to nominate myself-Poppy Seed Grandin-as an Everyday Newfoundland Hero(ine) Dog. I am a noble Newfoundland and my responsibility within my family household is to safeguard the health and wellbeing of my human and all the critters that live here. (And also to look good while doing it.) I sleep next to my mom’s bed in case she happens to roll off so I can break her fall. It actually happened a couple of weeks ago and I am a lot flatter than I used to be. I am hoping that someday my ribs will spring back into place. When we take our morning walk with my other canine colleagues- Phinneas, Jerry Lee and Ripley- I place myself directly in front of Mom. This way I can adjust her speed so she does not go too fast or too slow. It also gives me excellent opportunity to watch out for dangerous wildlife like rabbits, squirrels, or even demented deer who might charge into her path and cause harm. One day Phinneas was overzealous and actually tripped Mom while in pursuit of a rascally rabbit. There she was-sprawled on the ground and totally vulnerable. I immediately straddled her body in case the rabbit should return with evil intentions. She struggled and tried to stand up but I stood firmly in place. The kitchen offers multiple opportunities to be helpful and heroic. When Mom works at the counter or the stove, I always position myself directly in front. Even though I am putting my body in jeopardy, the benefits are worth it. As Mom straddles and sidesteps my body parts, it improves balance, flexibility and agility. I can even make it more advanced by shifting position or, if I think she is ready, standing up. If she falls, she will land on me so no harm done. Sometimes, during the preparation of meals, Mom handles dangerous substances like chocolate chips. If a chip falls to the floor, I throw my body on top of it. Once I determine its exact location, I quickly eat it. I know it is poison but it is better to put myself at risk than to endanger one of the Chihuahuas who move at lightning speed. They repay me(sometimes) by licking my nose and dancing on my head. Other times they are less grateful and leap snarling at my face when I check on Mom as she sleeps. I just think, a pierced nose is a small price to pay when you can assure yourself that your Mom is still breathing. The Chihuahuas are a constant inspiration for heroism. When they go outside, I accompany them and watch for hawks. I have no idea why a hawk would want a pet Chihuahua and goodness knows, we have plenty to share. One day, I sensed a potential perpetrator lurking in the woods. I barked to warn Mom and to strike fear into the heart of the perp. Then I gracefully soared over the 5’ fence and the coward ran away. Mom was upset that I put myself at risk but that is what I do. I am Poppy, Warrior Princess. Sometimes Mom and I go to a big house with a lot of ladies and men. I let them hug me and kiss my lips, even when they mess up my favorite pink and white candy striped bow. They always offer me delicious treats like Fig Newtons which I am not allowed to take. However, no one ever said being a hero was easy. Thank you for taking the time to review my credentials. I hope this is enough information to obtain an application for Newfoundland Hero(ine) Dog of the Year. Just let me know if you need anything more. I live to serve. Very Truly Yours, Poppy S . Grandin VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 15 Club Member Recipe (Shared by Helen Mancuso) FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE WITH PECAN CRUST Crust: 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 1 cup plus 1 Tbsp. flour 3/4 cup pecans, chopped Strawberry Glaze: 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup water 2 Tbsp. cornstarch 1 (3 oz.) package strawberry gelatin 1 qt. fresh whole berries, hulled cleaned and dried For the crust, mix the butter, brown sugar, flour and pecans with a pastry blender or food processor (I used a spoon). Pat into a 9 inch pie plate. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes. Cool. For the glaze, combine the water, sugar and cornstarch in a saucepan. Cook, stirring until mixture becomes translucent and slightly thickened. Remove from heat and add gelatin. Cool 5 minutes. Fill the crust with the whole strawberries, (bottom up). Pour the glaze over the berries and chill for 4 hours. Serve with whipped cream. VO. 3, ISSUE PAGE 8 16 Club members Helen Mancuso & Mary Lou Cuddy shared the following confirmation results. CONGRATULATIONS OWNERS & NEWFS! Wednesday, 7/2/14 Holyoke Kennel Club Thursday, 7/3/14 Naugatuck Valley Kennel Club Winners Bitch Best of Winners Thursday, 7/10/14 Woodstock Dog Club Friday, 7/11/14 Woodstock Dog Club Saturday, 7/12/14 Green Mountain Dog Club ThreePonds Devil In A Blue Dress (Elvira) Owners: Niki Hardin & Helen Mancuso AOC 1st AOC 1st Reserve Winners Bitch AOC 1st Winners Bitch (3 pt. major) Bearscamp’s Chateau De Bonaguil (Clancy) Owners: Lori Eldridge & Mary Lou Cuddy 1st Open, Black Dog Reserve Winners Dog 1st Open, Black Dog 1st Open, Black Dog Reserve Winners Dog 1st Open, Black Dog Reserve Winners Dog Bearscamp’s White Out (Piper) Owners: Jim Pospisil & Mary Lou Cuddy 1st Puppy Bitch 6-9 1st Puppy Bitch 6-9 Best Puppy Working Puppy Group IV 1st Puppy Bitch 6-9 1st Puppy Bitch 6-9 Glengarry’s Chocolate Tootsie Roll Pop (Tootsie) Owners: Kathryn & Daniel Cohen 2nd BBE 2nd BBE 2nd BBE 2nd BBE Chekrdflags Danica of Bearscamp (Danica) Owners: Mary Lou & Bill Cuddy 2nd Open Bitch, Any Other Color 2nd Open Bitch, Any Other Color 2nd Open Bitch, Any Other Color 1st Open Bitch, Any Other Color Reserve Winners Bitch Friday, 7/18/14 Putnam Valley Kennel Club Saturday, 7/19/14 Putnam Valley Kennel club Best of Opposite Best of Opposite SPRINGFIELD, MA ThreePonds Devil In A Blue Dress (Elvira) Owners: Niki Hardin & Helen Mancuso TUNBRIDGE, VT STORMVILLE, NY ThreePonds Devil In A Blue Dress (Elvira) Owners: Niki Hardin & Helen Mancuso ONE POINT TO GO TO FINISH HER CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Sunday, 7/13/14 Green Mountain Dog Club VO. 3, ISSUE 8 PAGE Want to win this beautiful Adirondack Chair hand painted by Cindy Stadelmeyer? You can purchase a ticket(s) at any upcoming club event or just send in your money and completed ticket below to Laura Davidson, 763 Rte. 32, Stillwater, NY 12170 17 2013-2014 Officers and Committee Chairpersons Mary Lou Cuddy President/Newsletter Co-Editor 1155 Raymond Rd. Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518/885-5030 Starr Willetts Vice President/Rescue Co-Chair 1115 8th Ave. Watervliet, NY 12189 518/233-1222 Helen Mancuso Treasurer/Rescue Co-Chair 227 Roaser Rd. Sand Lake, NY 12153 518/674-3393 Laura Davidson Recording Secretary 763 Rte. 32 Stillwater, NY 12170 518/428-3558 Kathy Cohen Corresponding Secretary 1483 Margaretville Mt. Rd. Margaretville, NY 12455 845/586-4709 Lori Eldridge Member-at-Large 800 Arnold St. Lot 34 Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518/885-1974 Jim Pospisil Member-at-Large 24 Flike Rd. Stillwater, NY 12170 518/664-6758 Charlene Freiberger Newsletter Co-Editor 33 River Crest Rd. Gansevoort, NY 12831 518-338-3138 The contents of this newsletter are the opinion of the author/editor and not those of the Newfoundland Club of America nor the Northland Newfoundland Club. All members are urged to consult with a veterinarian on any and all medical/health information. Northland Newfoundland Club is a recognized regional club of the Newfoundland Club of America. Would you like to join the NCA? If so, contact Mary Lou Cuddy, 1155 Raymond Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020 or email If you have any questions about raising your new puppy, we suggest that you contact your breeder. If that assistance is not available, please feel free to contact any board member for advice. The NNC Board highly recommends that all NNC members take their Newfs to obedience classes; not let their dogs rush into another dog’s space and keep their Newf(s) close to them while at NNC events. While Newfoundland's have wonderful temperaments, they are still dogs first, and all members need to use caution when dogs are meeting/mingling in a small area. Dogs should be trained to walk and sit quietly with their owners when in public. It does not look good to the public to see large dogs lunging and pulling their owners. We have a special breed, let’s present our well-trained beautiful dogs in the best light possible.