AUD/USD Exchange Rate Outlook Richard Grace Chief Currency and Rates Strategist & Head of International Economics +(612) 9117 0080 February 2015 Outlook for AUD/USD Exchange Rate AUD/USD is likely to further depreciate to 0.7300 by end-June 2015 for five main reasons – (1) Lower commodity prices - supply-driven declines in Australia’s commodity export prices, are applying downward pressure to Australia’s terms of trade. (2) Narrower Australia-US interest rate differentials – low global and Australian inflation, a weak domestic economy and a terms of trade driven contraction in Australia’s real gross domestic income is generating downward pressure on Australian swap rates. At the AUD/USD EXCHANGE RATE same time, an improving US economy and guidance 1.15 1.15 from the FOMC is generating mild upward pressure Recent Ten-Year Average on US short-term swap rates. 0.8864 1.00 1.00 0.85 0.85 0.70 0.70 0.55 1983 - 2004 Average 0.7040 (3) Slower Chinese growth, lower Asian inflation, rates and currencies, which are applying downward pressure. (4) A stronger USD – in response to a higher US terms of trade, and the prospect of higher US interest rates. 0.55 AUD /USD (rhs) 0.40 Dec-83 Oct-94 Aug-05 0.40 Jun-16 (5) Cross-rate pressure - from a large USD bid in the global foreign exchange market. 2 Importance of Global Growth Revisions Should Not be Underestimated IMF revisions to global growth should be taken note of. 3 Commodity Prices Lower – Led by Increases in Supply AUD being used as a proxy for lower commodity prices and because export prices falling. AUD/USD & RBA COMMODITY Index AUD PRICE INDEX GLOBAL OIL BALANCE (annual % change) 8 %pa 1.25 140 Demand 1.09 4 Supply 0.93 AUD/USD (lhs) RBA Commodity Price Index (SDR Terms) rhs 112 84 0.77 56 0.61 28 0 Average -4 Jan-04 May-06 Sep-08 Jan-11 May-13 0.45 0 Jan-86 Jan-91 Jan-96 Jan-01 Jan-06 Jan-11 Jan-16 Sep-15 4 Lower Global Commodity Prices Impact Australia’s Terms of Trade The Australian terms of trade effect is a major driver of interest rates and especially AUD AUD/USD & AUSTRALIA'S TERMS OF TRADE 1.15 130 AUSTRALIA GDP AND INCOME GROWTH 5.0 8.0 2.5 6.0 0.0 4.0 Australia Terms of Trade Index (lhs) 112 1.01 94 0.87 0.73 76 AUD /USD (rhs) -2.5 0.59 58 Difference between Real Gross Domestic Income and Real GDP Growth YoY% (lhs) 2.0 RBA Cash Rate (rhs) 40 Mar-00 Jul-03 Nov-06 Mar-10 Jul-13 0.45 Nov-16 -5.0 Mar-02 5 Feb-05 Jan-08 Dec-10 Nov-13 0.0 Oct-16 Australia’s Domestic Economy Weak and Australia-US Rates Narrowing US economy firming. Australia-US two-year bond spread currently at 132bpts AUSTRALIA GDP GROWTH % % Annual % Change AUD/USD & AUSTRALIA-US TWO-YEAR BOND SPREAD % 1.15 6.0 8 Domestic Demand Australia-US Two-Year Bond Spread (lhs) 8 GDP 4 0 4.5 1.03 3.0 0.90 1.5 0.78 0.0 0.65 4 150 Bpts Pivot Level 0 0.53 -1.5 AUD/USD (rhs) Net Exports (contribution) -4 Mar-00 -3.0 Mar-92 -4 Dec-03 Sep-07 Jun-11 Mar-15 6 Jan-97 Nov-01 Sep-06 Jul-11 0.40 May-16 AUD Maintains a Very Strong Correlation to Asian Currencies Asia inflation falls, Asian rates decline and currencies depreciate. AUD also declines. AUD AUD & NON-JAPAN ASIA (against USD) 1.25 ASIAN CURRENCIES AND ASIA INFLATION Pts 125 125 8 ADXY - Non-Japan Asia Currency Basket vis-a-vis USD (lhs) 1.10 120 AUD/USD (lhs) 0.95 6 111 4 103 2 115 0.80 110 ADXY - Weighted Non-Japan Asia Currency Basket against USD (rhs) 0.65 0.50 Jan-06 118 105 Asian Inflation (rhs) GDP-Weighted 11 Country Index 100 Jan-08 Jan-10 Jan-12 Jan-14 96 Mar-05 Mar-07 Mar-09 Mar-11 Mar-13 Mar-15 7 0 ADXY Currency W eights RMB 41.2 KRW 12.9 SGD 9.4 INR 9.3 HKD 8.6 TWD 5.6 THB 4.9 MYR 4.1 IDR 2.7 PHP 1.3 Total 100 China’s Interest Rate Cut and Growth Challenges China interest rate cut due to lower inflation and a slowing economy. % 10.0 CHINA SELECTED INTEREST RATES USD/CNY DAILY Mid-FIX and USD/CNH (Historical Spread) % 6.30 29 Benchmark One-Year Lending Rate (lhs) Reserve Requirement Ratio (RRR) (rhs) 8.0 6.25 23 6.0 0.1500 Positive CNH-CNY Mid-Fix Spread Reflecting Expectations of a Weaker RMB (rhs) USD/CNH (lhs) 0.1067 6.20 0.0634 6.15 0.0201 17 Two-Year Bond Yield (lhs) 4.0 12 6.10 2.0 USD/CNH Daily Mid-Fix (lhs) 6 6.05 Benchmark One-Year Deposit Rate (lhs) 0.0 Apr-07 Sep-08 Feb-10 Jul-11 0 Dec-12 May-14 Oct-15 6.00 Jun-13 8 Negative CNH-CNY Mid-Fix Spread Reflecting Expectations of a Stronger RMB (rhs) -0.0232 -0.0665 -0.1098 Nov-13 Apr-14 Sep-14 Feb-15 Jul-15 China Capital Outflows Alarming; But Global Demand for A$Bonds Firm China capital outflows worth watching. Otherwise global demand for A$ bonds is healthy. FINANCING AUSTRALIA'S CURRENT ACCOUNT DEFICIT CHINA'S BALANCE OF PAYMENTS (% GDP, 4Q SUM) 15 15 10 Financial + Capital Account Current Account 10 A$bn 150 Current Account Deficit (inverted) 113 Equities (rolling 4Qtr sum) A$bn 150 Government (Foreigners Buying A$ Bonds) 113 5 5 75 75 0 0 38 38 -5 -5 0 0 -38 -10 -10 Other Flows Reserves -15 Dec-99 -38 Banks 08 09 10 11 12 13 15 Note: Bank flows include derivative, excludes reserve asset flows -15 Aug-02 Dot Com Bust US Recession Apr-05 Dec-07 Aug-10 Global Financial Crisis Other Sectors -75 Apr-13 China Slowing etc. Eurozone Crisis 9 -75 How Much Further Should AUD Depreciate ? Australia’s real exchange rate too high because Australia’s decline in inflation is lagging AUSTRALIA TWI Index 230 Index 120 NOMINAL & REAL 190 SELECTED INFLATION RATES BASE 100 = Q3 2011 (PEAK in AUD) 100 100 80 80 60 60 100 Real TWI (lhs) 150 80 Australia 40 110 40 US 60 Asia 20 Nominal TWI (rhs) 70 Jun-70 Eurozone 40 Aug-79 Oct-88 Dec-97 Feb-07 20 0 Sep-11 Apr-16 Dec-12 Mar-14 Jun-15 Sep-16 0 Dec-17 The Australian dollar …”remains above most estimates of its fundamental value, particularly given the significant declines in key commodity prices. A lower exchange rate is likely to be needed to achieve balanced growth in the economy.” RBA Statement 3 February 2015 10 Partial Disconnect between AUD/USD and TWI Reflects impact of USD strength and very low interest rates in other economies JAPAN, UK, EUROZONE & US TWO-YEAR BOND YIELDS AUD/USD & AUSTRALIA TRADE-WEIGHTED INDEX 1.00 1.00 0.97 74.0 Australia TradeWeighted Index (lhs) 71.2 0.75 0.75 0.93 68.4 0.88 65.6 0.84 62.8 0.79 US Two-Year Bond Yield 0.50 UK TwoYear Bond Yield 0.25 Feb-14 May-14 Aug-14 Nov-14 Feb-15 0.75 May-15 -0.25 Aug-11 Eurozone Two-Year Bond Yield Nov-12 Feb-14 -0.25 May-15 It is helpful to remember AUD cross rates (AUD/EUR, AUD/GBP, AUD/JPY, etc.) can’t remain stretched for too long. The impact of a firming USD in the global foreign exchange market eventually works to bring AUD cross rates back to fundamental value. 11 0.25 0.00 0.00 AUD/USD (rhs) 60.0 Nov-13 0.50 Japan Two-Year Bond Yield USD – Multi-Year Upward Trend Remains Firmly in Place At best the USD could consolidate for a period. But multi-year upward trend is intact. LONG RUN USD CYCLES USD & REAL TWO-YEAR SWAP SPREAD US REAL BROAD TWI Index (Peak=100) Index 110 110 Source: JP Morgan/FRB 4.0 98 US-Major Currency Real Two-Year SwapSpread (lagged 4 Months) lhs 3.0 100 100 Feb-02 to Current Jan-70 to Mar 85 USD TWI (Major Currency) rhs 2.0 90 90 94 90 1.0 86 0.0 82 -1.0 79 -2.0 75 80 80 70 Mar-85 to Feb 99 70 -3.0 Jan-06 Signifies end of depreciation cycle 60 60 -6 11 28 45 62 79 96 113 130 147 164 Months from peak 12 71 Jul-07 Jan-09 Jul-10 Jan-12 Jul-13 Jan-15 USD – Lift in US Terms of Trade is USD Supportive Lower commodity prices tend to lift the US terms of trade because US is net oil importer US TRADE BALANCE US TERMS OF TRADE & USD (Annual US$b) 110 160 USD Major Currency TWI (rhs) USD 200 bn USD 200 bn Trade Deficit ( 106 134 0 103 108 -200 -200 99 82 -400 -400 96 56 -600 30 Dec-87 Dec-94 Dec-01 Dec-08 -600 Energy Trade Deficit (ex. gas) USD Terms of Trade (lhs) 92 Dec-80 0 Gas Trade Balance -800 Jan-00 Jan-03 Jan-06 Jan-09 Jan-12 Jan-15 Dec-15 13 -800 Major Observations and Risks Observations (1) Markets are likely to remain range-bound until we get some fresh direction from the FOMC. - ECB unlikely to announce fresh policy easing; BoJ unlikely before end-April; BoE on hold. - The ball remains in the FOMC’s court to decide near-term USD direction/correction. (2) Developments in Greece remain volatile but is unlikely to result in another Eurozone Crisis. (3) History suggests we will get another emerging market event within 12 months of Fed tightening. Risks to AUD/USD Outlook (1) Fed doesn't raise interest rates in 2015 and USD softens. (2) Australia’s commodity export prices lift and generating a rise in Australia’s terms of trade. (3) China’s economic growth slows more than anticipated. 14 Some Long-Run Considerations on Commodity Prices REAL COMMODITY PRICES OVER THE LAST 214 YEARS 15 Forecasts – Exchange Rates End-Pe riod Fore cas ts Curre nt 11-Feb -15 M ar-15 Jun-15 Se p-15 De c-15 End-Pe riod Fore cas ts Curre nt 11-Feb -15 M ar-16 M ar-15 Jun-15 Se p-15 De c-15 M ar-16 Se le cte d Cros s Rate s M ajors A UD 0.7778 0.7800 0.7300 0.7600 0.7700 0.7800 EUR-JPY 135.33 131.08 134.20 136.53 141.36 147.20 EUR 1.1327 1.1300 1.1000 1.1100 1.1400 1.1500 EUR-GBP 0.7422 0.7584 0.7586 0.7500 0.7600 0.7616 JPY 119.48 116.00 122.00 123.00 124.00 128.00 EUR-CHF 1.0491 1.0150 0.9900 1.0100 1.0400 1.0500 GBP 1.5262 1.4900 1.4500 1.4800 1.5000 1.5100 Se le cte d Global-Quote d Cros s Rate s CA D 1.2578 1.2700 1.3400 1.2900 1.2800 1.2500 EUR/A UD 1.4563 1.4487 1.5068 1.4605 1.4805 1.4744 NZD 0.7300 0.6700 0.6800 0.6800 0.6900 GBP/A UD 1.9622 1.9103 1.9863 1.9474 1.9481 1.9359 0.7433 EUR/NZD 1.5239 1.5479 1.6418 1.6324 1.6765 1.6667 CHF 0.9262 0.8982 0.9000 0.9099 0.9123 0.9130 GBP/NZD 2.0533 2.0411 2.1642 2.1765 2.2059 2.1884 A UD-NZD 1.0464 1.0685 1.0896 1.1176 1.1324 1.1304 A UD-EUR 0.6867 0.6903 0.6636 0.6847 0.6754 A UD-JPY 92.93 90.48 89.06 93.48 A UD-GBP 0.5096 0.5235 0.5034 A UD-CA D 0.9783 0.9906 A UD-CHF 0.7204 A UD-CNY A UD-SGD AUD Cros s Rate s A ustralia TWI Non-Japan As ia Countrie s USD-CNY 6.2428 6.2300 6.2500 6.2000 6.1500 6.1000 0.6783 USD-SGD 1.3554 1.3200 1.3300 1.3100 1.3100 1.3100 95.48 99.84 USD-HKD 7.7537 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 7.7500 0.5135 0.5133 0.5166 USD-THB 32.64 32.00 33.00 32.50 32.00 32.00 0.9782 0.9804 0.9856 0.9750 USD-IDR 12,705 13,000 13,000 12,500 12,500 12,000 0.7006 0.6570 0.6915 0.7025 0.7122 USD-TWD 31.48 31.50 32.00 32.00 31.00 31.00 4.8594 4.5625 4.7120 4.7355 4.7580 USD-KRW 1,097 1,125 1,150 1,100 1,100 1,100 4.8556 USD-MY R 3.5880 3.4500 3.5000 3.4000 3.3500 3.3500 1.0542 0.9828 0.9636 1.0032 1.0241 1.0218 USD-V ND 21,335 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 64.2 65.29 62.09 63.96 64.37 65.18 USD-PHP 44.361 45.00 46.00 45.00 44.50 44.00 USD-INR 62.195 64.00 64.50 63.50 62.50 61.50 16 Important Disclosures & Disclaimer The information contained in this document is made available for persons who are wholesale clients, sophisticated investors or professional investors as defined in the Corporations Act 2001. This document is not to be construed as a solicitation or an offer to buy any securities or financial instruments. This document has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, financial situation (including the capacity to bear loss), knowledge, experience or needs of any specific person who may receive this article. All recipients should, before acting on the information in this report, consider the appropriateness and suitability of the information, having regard to their own objectives, financial situation and needs, and, if necessary seek the appropriate professional or financial advice regarding the content of this report. The information does not purport to be a complete statement or summary of a transaction. Financial markets products have an element of risk. The level of risk varies depending on the product’s specific attributes and how it is used. 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If you would like to speak to someone regarding securities related products, please contact Commonwealth Australia Securities LLC (the “U.S. Broker–Dealer”), a broker–dealer registered under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the “Exchange Act”) and a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) at 1 (212) 336-7737. The information contained herein is not intended to be an exhaustive discussion of the strategies or concepts mentioned herein or tax or legal advice. Investments and strategies are discussed in this report only in general terms and not with respect to any particular security or securities transaction, and any specific investments may entail significant risks including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and prepayment risk among others. There also may be risks relating to lack of liquidity, volatility of returns and lack of certain valuation and pricing information. International investing entails risks that may be presented by economic uncertainties of foreign countries as well as the risk of currency fluctuations. Investors interested in the strategies or concepts described in this report should consult their tax, legal or other adviser, as appropriate. This report is not intended to provide information on specific securities. The Bank’s New York Branch and its Houston Loan Production Office provides its clients access to various products and services available through the Bank and its affiliates. In the United States, U.S. brokerage products and services are provided solely by or through the U.S. Broker-Dealer. The U.S. Broker-Dealer is a wholly-owned, but nonguaranteed, subsidiary of the Bank, organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S., with limited liability. 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