2009-2010 Annual Report
Our Mission
Messmer Catholic Schools dedicate
themselves to serving a diverse,
urban population and providing their
students with an education that
represents the schools’ Catholic
heritage. Messmer Catholic Schools
prepare their graduates to excel in
college, to succeed in the workforce,
and to become productive citizens.
Greetings from the President
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to present to you Messmer Catholic Schools’ Annual Report for
fiscal year 2010. We are even more pleased to share with you examples of how
your support has positively impacted the lives of over 1,500 students at three
campuses: Messmer High School, Messmer Preparatory Catholic School and St.
Rose and St. Leo Catholic School.
While the majority of Messmer students live below the federal poverty level,
our students buck the trend of poor achievement among at-risk populations
by consistently making gains in academics. We are often asked what makes
Mesmer Catholic Schools special. We attribute our success to the following
concepts, The Messmer Way:
• Rigorous academics
We expect the best from our students and do not settle for less. We support
our students with the tools they need, ranging from Honors and Advanced
Placement opportunities to academinc support and tutoring.
• Present, focused and prepared
The first step in success is being present, focused and prepared. Messmer
has mandatory student attendance requirements, holds high expetations
for student, faculty and staff professionalism, and provides opportunites for
parents to be active participants in their child’s education.
• Catholic, faith-based education
We see our students as individuals and we work to cultivate our students’
gifts for their own leadership development, but also for the greater good.
And it is our Catholic, faith-based curriculm that transforms our students
from within.
On these pages you will find examples of The Messmer Way in action. You will
also see that our students’ achievement is the direct result of a strong network of
friends, volunteers and donors, all united to Lead the Way. You have our sincere
thanks for helping us advance our important mission in urban education.
With warm regards,
Br. Bob Smith, OFM Cap
President and CEO
The Messmer Way
6 Rigorous Academics
7 Present, focused and prepared
8 Catholic, faith-based education
9 Leading the Way
Donor Honor Roll
Board of Directors
Financial Statements
The Messmer Way
“The Messmer Way refers
to the culture and expectations Messmer
establishes to ensure every student’s academic success, cultivating
student gifts and talents around service, and empowering students to
implement a Christian lifestyle.” Alea Cross ’07
T h e M e s s m e r Wa y
Rigorous academics
We expect the best from our students and do not settle for less. We support
our students with the tools they need, ranging from Honors and Advanced
Placement opportunities to academic support and tutoring.
Messmer High School
Graduate Matriculation
Many of our grade school students go on to
Messmer High School. Over 85% of Messmer
High School graduates go on to colleges and
universities across the country; our graduates
typically earn millions in scholarships to support
the high cost of college education.
Honors, Accelerated Programs,
and Academic Support
We believe that all students can achieve excellence.
Our dedicated faculty go above and beyond to
make sure that students are not only challenged,
but given the support they need to meet our high
expectations. Messmer High School offers an
Honors Program and Advanced Placement
Classes for high achieving students. Both Messmer
Prep and St. Rose and St. Leo offer Accelerated
Reader Programs for high achievers. When
students need additional academic support,
many find the help they need by working with
their teachers after school or participating in our
formal support programs including Messmer 101,
Tutoring, 5th Hour, Peer Mentoring and Saturday
Data-Driven Instruction
The concept of Data-driven Instruction (DDI) is
simple: educators use what they know about
their students to make decisions about what
and how to teach them. One way Messmer uses
data to drive student performance is through the
Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) Test. Each fall
and spring, Messmer students in grades 2 through
11 take the MAP Test. This is a computerized test
that adjusts questions and level of difficulty based
upon student responses. The interactive nature
of this test allows teachers to gather very
specific data on each student’s strengths as
well as areas in which more support is needed.
MAP Test data provides teachers with a snapshot
of each student’s target growth areas and shows
annual rate of growth.
Another key element of Messmer High School’s
DDI approach is a quarterly interim assessment.
The interim tests have three primary purposes: 1)
provide teachers with actionable data about
areas of student need, 2) ensure that all ACT
content is covered in Messmer’s curriculum,
and 3) familiarize students with the format
and timing structure of the ACT. Teachers meet
quarterly to discuss data gathered from the interim
tests and tailor instruction to meet student needs.
are high because the stakes are high. Raising test
scores is not optional. We need to hold ourselves accountable and
show our students the multitude of opportunities available to those
who rise up and master tough academic standards.”
Jon Stern, Messmer Teacher
T h e M e s s m e r Wa y
Present, focused and prepared
The first step in success is being present, focused and prepared. Messmer
has mandatory student attendance requirements, holds high expectations
for student, faculty and staff professionalism, and provides opportunites for
parents to be active participants in their child’s education.
Daily attendance rates:
High School
St. Rose and
St. Leo
Parent participation:
Parents and Students use PowerSchool, an online tool used to track
grades and communicate with teachers. In addition, parents participate in
a number of free workshops as well as mandatory biannual Parent/GuardianTeacher Conferences.
is known for it’s expectations. As Messmer students, we
know what we’re supposed to do because it has been made clear.
Academically and behaviorally, a bar has been set and we are
meeting it.”
Briana Stewart, Messmer Student
Professional Development
Accreditation is a method of quality
assurance for private schools. It requires a
lengthy, systematic process of self-evaluation
and peer review of a school’s academic rigor
as determined by an examination of outcomes
and data. Accreditation is an indicator of
high performing schools. We are proud to be
accredited by:
professionalism and demonstrate this by
actively participating in both individual and group
professional development opportunities. New
teachers participate in peer mentoring with
more experienced teachers in order to receive
support in their first year. Each year, all teachers
create a professional development plan
specifically tailored to their personal development
goals. In addition, all faculty attend workshops,
seminars and all-school gatherings designed
to increase efficacy in instructional best
• Archdiocese of Milwaukee
• Independent School Association of the
Central States (ISACS)
North Central Association (NCA)
Wisconsin Religious and Independent
Schools Accreditation (WRISA)
T h e M e s s m e r Wa y
Catholic, faith-based education
We see our students as individuals and we work to cultivate our students’
gifts for their own leadership development, but also for the greater good.
And it is our Catholic, faith-based curriculum that transforms our students
from within.
Faith and Leadership in Action
Our bond with The Province of St. Joseph of the
Capuchin Order continues to grow with our service
to their many charisms around Milwaukee.
In 2009-10, we participated in a holiday food
drive and fulfilled our commitment of filling 200
meal boxes for the House of Peace. Some of our
students were honored to assist in the distribution of
meal boxes at Thanksgiving alongside Archbishop
Jerome Listecki. We also raised over $1,000 for
the House of Peace toy drive.
Serving the guests at St. Benedict Community
Meal has now become a year round activity with
student and faculty/staff participation continuing
through the summer months. During school year
2009-10, students were responsible for raising over
$400 for St. Ben’s. We also initiated a new tradition
of making holiday treats and packaging them
to give to St. Ben’s guests with warm greetings
and blessings during the weeks of Thanksgiving,
Christmas and Easter. Additionally, over 40 seniors
participated in the St. Ben’s Plunge Retreat.
Other ways Messmer students, faculty and
staff demonstrate faith in action:
• Created peace garden at the high school
• Collected clothing for an orphanage in
• Collected clothing for the people of Haiti
• Volunteered at the School Sisters of
St. Francis Annual Pancake Breakfast and
Fall Festival
• Volunteered at Susan G. Komen Race for the
• Participated in The Riverwalk for Breast Cancer
• Raised money for Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International
• Raised money for Children’s Hospital of
Other partnerships with the Capuchins include
contributions to the food pantry at St. Martin
de Porres and our continued involvement in
Pebbles of Peace.
“It is the Christian component which gives Messmer the feeling that
one is part of a family. Students are constantly reminded that they are
members of the family of God.”
Cortez and Mari VanFelder, Messmer Parents
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Leading the Way
“There is no better way to have an impact on the future than to help
a student today. As a Messmer student, I benefitted many times
from the generosity of those who had come before me, so I feel an
obligation to share those same opportunities with the students of
Greg Borowski ’85
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Donor Honor Roll
Our important mission in education would not be possible without the
support of our network of alumni, friends and donors. We thank you for
your generous support!
President’s Cabinet
$10,000 and above
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Metalcraft of Mayville
Business Marketers Group
Mr. Francis M. Metz ’53
Hon. and Mrs. Robert Cannon
Partners Advancing Values in Education
Mrs. Mary C. Corcoran ’49
Mr. Michael Cudahy
David & Julia Uihlein
Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth A. Brinn Foundation
Fleck Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Gallun Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Goldammer ’52
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Helen Bader Foundation
Krause Family Foundation
Lakeview Foundation
Perkins Malo Hunter Foundation
Province of St. Joseph of the
Capuchin Order
R.A. Stevens Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Schumaker
Standard Process
Mr. and Mrs. John Stollenwerk
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Touchett ’51
Wisconsin Energy Corporation Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Mattacotti ’58
President’s Executive Branch
$9,999 - $5,000
CG Schmidt Construction
Northwestern Mutual Foundation
Gesu Parish
The Price Foundation
Mrs. Jodi L. Joerres
Mr. Thomas L. Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kass ’63 ’64
School Sisters of Notre Dame
Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. David Springob ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Munson ’62
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Stahl ’32 ’36
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
President’s Circle
$4,999 - $3,000
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Abdoo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Doyle ’67
Mr. Bernard F. Osterkorn ’58
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Hon. and Mrs. Paul F. Reilly
The Hibernian Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Saeger
John and Suzanne S. Jacobus
Family Foundation
Mr. Emil Shelendich
Marquette University
Ms. Chris McAuliffe
Fr. Thomas Suriano
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tushaus
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
President’s Committee
$2,999 - $2,000
Class of 1959
Erica P. John Fund
Fred Muth
Goldammer Family Foundation
Ms. Laurie A. Ocepek ’66
Mr. Jeremiah J. Hegarty
Rev. Donald F. Quartana
John and Virginia Horning
Mr. Robert A. Schaefer ’55
House of Peace
Mrs. Joyce A. Schuenke
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kaltenbach ’66
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mr. Gale Klappa
Sensient Technologies Foundation
Knights of Columbus Council
Sprint Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Krause ’59
St. Mary’s Congregation,
Menomonee Falls
Legacy Capital Partners
Lumen Christi
M & I Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Majszak
Mr. James E. McCormack
Metavante Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Meyer
Ms. Mary K. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Steffes
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Stintzi ’47 ’48
The Northern Trust Company
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
US Bancorp Foundation
Mr. Edmund J. Vojtik
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Messmer Club
$1,999 - $1,000
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Balistreri
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Baudhuin ’55
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Beste
Mr. Clemor Bettinger ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Binzak ’45
Ms. Denise R. Bowens Muhammad
Ms. Elaine Burke
Mr. Roy Butter
Cardinal Stritch University
Catholic Knights Insurance
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Collopy
Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Collura ’72
Mr. and Mrs. David Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeLonge
Mr. Ernest J. Desautels
Mr. Roger J. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Ericson
Rev. Paul M. Esser
Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation
Mr. Gilbert Fox
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fox
Ms. Rosemarie Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gratz
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hartmann
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Howley
Mr. Jim Hughes
Hydrite Chemical Co.
James E. & John A. Keyes
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Kelling ’59
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Klein ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kohls
Ms. Mary E. Kolanko ’57
Mr. Gerald Krause ’63
Mr. William R. Laidig ’44
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maersch
Marcus Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McGinn
Milwaukee Insurance Company
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mr. Robert T. Monday
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Monroe Jr.
Mr. Edmond J. Nielsen ’55
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Otto ’74
Philip William Orth & Mariette C. Orth
Rev. Anthony K. Polyak M.M. ’52
Mrs. James Rasmann
Ms. Margaret Reilly
Ms. Sheree K. Robertson
Ms. Mary Roidt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Ryan
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Milwaukee
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Schneider ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schramka ’55
Security Insurance & Financial Services
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sowell
St. Martin de Porres, Milwaukee
St. Stephen Congregation, Milwaukee
Ms. Josephine A. Steinberg ’71
Mrs. Jean Steinhafel ’46
Ms. Lois A. Stolz
United Way of Greater Milwaukee
Waukesha West High School
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wheeler Jr.
Mr. Frank J. Wintersberger ’54
Dr. George J. Worm
Bishop’s Club
$999 - $500
Ms. Mary A. Andritsch ’52
Mr. and Mrs. George Archibald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Arend ’69 ’69
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Arnold ’68 ’69
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas Berry Jr. ’50
Hon. David L. Borowski ’84 and
Ms. Jodie Tabak
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Brummer ’54 ’55
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cauley
Class of 1948
Coleman & Williams, Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Darnieder
Eaton Corporation
Eppstein Uhen Architects, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Fasi
Feld, Schumacher & Company
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Foley
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Friedrichs
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Frommell
Mr. Thomas M. Gazzana ’60
Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hartmann
Mr. James A. Hebel ’74
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Heffernan
Heiden Plumbing
Ms. Jeanne M. Heinzen
Capt. and Mrs. Carl H. Horst USN (Ret)
’58 ’58
Ms. Judith Kampe ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kapp ’58 ’58
Ms. June M. Kelm
Mr. Rockne Koch ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Koepke
Dr. and Mrs. William Kortsch D.D.S. ’43 ’44
Ms. Mary Koziboski
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kub
Mr. Thor R. Lieungh ’59
Mrs. Eunice Lipski Frieseke ’50
Mr. George Lutz and
Mrs. Mary Anne Borowski-Lutz
Mr. James E. Lyons
Mr. Jerry Lyons
Marcus Hotels and Resorts
Marquette Jesuit Associates, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn F. Megal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mei ’62
Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation
Mr. Bruce C. Michalowski ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Mielcarek ’61 ’62
Mr. Tom Miller’s Economic &
Finance Class at Messmer High School
Mrs. Susan Morgan ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Muenzberg ’58 ’59
Mr. Philip G. Neary ’74
Mrs. June E. Needles ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niggemann ’56
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Keane ’63
Ms. Jeanne O’Keane ’68
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Priebe
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rakocy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rauen
Mr. Kevin Riordan and
Mrs. Martha J. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Robertson
Ms. Stephanie Sander
Ms. Joan B. Schallack ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schneider ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schreiter ’56 ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Schueller ’36
Shorewest Realtors
SPX Foundation
St. Benedict Community Meal
Mr. Stephen F. Storch ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Strand
Wellpoint Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Mr. Thomas L. Wirth ’44
Wisconsin Province of The Society of Jesus
Capitol Drive Club
$499 - $250
Anderson, Rasor & Partners, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Aschenbrenner ’55
Astronautics Corporation of America
Ms. Kay S. Batta
Mr. Thomas E. Berg ’61
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergh ’68 ’68
Mrs. Mary A. Biernat ’70
Ms. Nancy B. Bonesho ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bonesho ’61
Mr. Theodore J. Bosch
Mr. E. G. Bruckner USN ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Juergen Bruckner ’61
Ms. Mary Bubanovich
Mr. and Mrs. Herm M. Buechel
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bultman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Burke ’51
Mr. Daniel J. Carmody ’61
Catholic Knights Branch 318
Catholic Knights Branch 89
Ms. Patricia Chadwich
Mr. Gregory Cook ’67
Mr. Jerry DeQuardo ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dermody
Mr. Jeffrey J. Domach ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Norman T. Domach ’47
Drs. David and Virginia Driscoll ’63
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Capitol Drive Club
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Dunai ’59
Mr. Francis Esser ’53
Ms. Joann Feagles
Mr. Andrew J. Fleckenstein
Ms. Marlene R. Gilbert ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Glunz ’51 ’55
Mr. Lucas M. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Grogan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Guse
Mr. John H. Gusmer
Mr. Dennis E. Hajewski and
Ms. Kathy Serena ’66
Mrs. Carol Hale ’58
Mr. James Hanus ’54
Mrs. Ellen A. Hartmann
Ms. Katherine Hartmann
Mr. Michael E. Hartmann
Hau & Associates, CPA
Herb Kohl Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Jensen
Ms. Theresa B. Johanek
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaczmarek ’70 ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kane ’68
Key Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Klug ’60
Mr. Ronald W. Klug ’54
Mr. Leonard Koronkowski
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kortsch ’57 ’57
Mr. Henry J. Kosidowski ’51
Mr. Frank J. Ladky
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ledvina
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Leggio
Mr. and Mrs. Gary J. Levenhagen
Ms. Kathleen M. Maag
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mathews
Rev. Erwin H. Matt ’45
Mrs. Sylvia Mattes ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McDermott
Mr. Christopher W. Meyer
Mr. Roger J. Mohr ’49
Mr. Thomas Moriarty ’65
Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison
Mr. Ronald J. Muchenberger ’56
Ms. Janet H. Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Napoleon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neja ’52 ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Nellis
Mr. James A. Nelson
Mr. Anthony G. Neuser ’41
Mr. Joe Nienhaus
Mr. Paul Noack and Ms. Penny Williams
Notre Dame Middle School
Mr. Dennis J. O’Keefe ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Osborn
O’Sullivan’s Public House
Mr. and Mrs. Elio A. Pascutti ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pederson
Mr. G. H. Phipps ’61
Ms. Angeline Pipia
Piranha Promotions
PJ Murphy and Associates
Ms. Judith M. Plute ’63
Professional Communication Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Zachary Pruhs
Mrs. Bernadette M. Raasch ’63
Mr. Thomas J. Regan
Mr. James P. Rhemer ’57
Ritt-Beyer & Weir, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogalinski ’55
Ms. Carol B. Rouiller ’48
Dr. Erika Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Geroge Schaefer
Mr. Peter J. Schneck
Mr. Paul Schramka ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schroll ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Schumann ’61
Mrs. Kathleen A. Serena ’66
Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sobczak ’59
St. Florian Congregation, West Milwaukee
St. Jerome Congregation, Oconomowoc
St. Monica Parish
Mr. Thomas Starks
Ms. Barbara J. Steinberg ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Steinhafel ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Stoll ’36
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strycharske
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Thelen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Tushaus
Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Weber
Mr. Richard P. Wester ’54
Ms. Penelope M. Williams
Ms. Camille Winston
Mrs. Penelope Woodcock ’63
Mr. Dale A. Yerkes ’73
Mr. Thomas C. Zacharias ’59
Blue Club
$249 - $100
A/C Service, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Abresch ’73 ’74
Mrs. Irene Adams ’56
Mr. Carl Alberti ’65
Mr. Joseph M. Ales
Ms. Patricia A. Alexander ’76
Mr. Dana Alioto ’71
Mr. Paul Amrhein ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Anderson ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald V. Anzia
Mr. Miles M. Aquino ’81
Mr. John Arndt ’58
Mr. Frank A. Aukofer ’53
Mr. Donald J. Bagin ’59
Mr. Michael A. Bagley ’90
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Ignatius Balistrieri ’55 ’56
Mr. John A. Baltes ’62
Mr. Kenneth P. Barczak
Mr. Michael Basile ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Baughman ’45 ’45
Mr. Edward M. Baumann ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Baumgartner ’51 ’51
Mrs. Maureen Bean ’55
Mr. Richard R. Beck ’49
Mrs. Rose Marie Berg ’53
Bertnick’s Car Care
Boeing Matching Gift Program
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Boemer
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Bohacek ’71 ’71
Mr. Donald J. Bohn ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Borgen ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Borowski ’85
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Borowski ’87
Mr. Larry J. Bossman Ph.D. ’53
Mr. and Mrs. B. Philip Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Boyce
Mr. Thomas Boyer ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Brahm ’55 ’59
Ms. Joan Braun
Mr. Mike Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert L. Braza ’49 ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Brogan
Bubrick’s Complete Office
Mr. Robert W. Buntrock ’44
Mr. Frederick Burczyk ’60
Mr. John R. Burns
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Buszkiewicz ’67 ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calabrese ’76
Mr. Steven J. Carini
Mrs. Beatrice Carrigg ’60
Cassiday Schade LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Chmielewski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cira ’52 ’52
Mr. Robert E. Clemency
Mr. James R. Coenen
Coin Appliances
Mr. Terry Colburn
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Collins ’49 ’50
Concours Motors
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conigliaro ’59 ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Conrad ’55 ’55
Mrs. Edith M. Cope ’37
Mr. James L. Coppersmith Esq. ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Coursin Jr. ’49 ’50
Ms. Deborah J. Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Czech ’53 ’53
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Dagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg J. Dati ’69 ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Daun
Ms. Elizabeth A. Davies ’67
Ms. Paula Davies
Mr. Ronald E. Davies ’60
Ms. Michal A. Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. DeMers ’49
Mrs. Frances Dencker ’44
Mrs. Shirley J. Dentinger ’58
DeQuardo Insurance
DeRosa Corporation
Mr. John Desing ’81
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dick
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Mr. Donald J. Dierbeck ’54
Mr. Jerome T. Dieringer ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dillon ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dineen
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Dineen
Mr. William Ditscheit ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Antone Dobrauc
Mr. Robert Doerfler ’56
Mr. David M. Domach ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Domach ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Downs
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Doyle ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Draney ’55
Ms. Polly E. Drew
Mr. William R. Drew
Ms. Eugenia Dries ’49
Mr. Patrick J. Drury ’37
Dublin Contractors
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Dunn
Mr. Richard V. Durand and Ms. Erin Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Dwyer
Mr. Ronald Ebly ’52
Mr. Harry W. Ebmeier ’48
Ms. Judith Eckert
Ms. Vivian Ehren
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Emmerich ’41 ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Emmerich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Engel ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Etzel ’46
Mr. Frederick L. Evers ’65
Mr. Nicholas S. Fabina ’37
Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Fieweger
Mrs. Corinne M. Flahive ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flahive ’50 ’51
Ms. Mary M. Fleischman
Ms. Judith A. Fleiss ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Floryance ’77 ’77
Mrs. Bernadine L. Frank ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frohmader ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Fromm
Mr. LeRoy Fullwood Jr. ’97
Fund Development Corporation
G & G of Delaware
Mrs. Ruth Ann Gahn ’45
Ms. Michelle Garcia
Mr. Elroy Gerschke ’37
Ms. Therese M. Glueckstein
Mrs. Frances Goff ’64
Ms. Mary Goldammer ’55
Ms. Kathleen Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Albert P. Gorecki
Mr. Dennis A. Gorecki ’66
Mr. Ken Gorecki ’65
Mr. Donald L. Grall ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Greguska Jr. ’76 ’79
Mrs. Margaret M. Greis ’59
Mr. Randy Grippe ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Groeschl
Mrs. LaVonne L. Groff ’48
Mr. James R. Gruenwald ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haase ’60 ’60
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Haberstroh
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Haines ’52 ’52
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Haislmaier
Mr. Mark Hajewski ’68
Mr. Patrick J. Hall ’59
Mr. Richard J. Harder ’59
Mr. James Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hartenstein ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Harth
Mr. Robert C. Hartwig
Hatco Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hauber ’60
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hausch
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hebein ’57
Dr. John M. Hecher ’58
Mr. Dennis Hennessey
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Herrmann ’57
Mr. and Mrs. John Herrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Herro ’47 ’49
Ms. Nancy Heun ’71
Fr. Jerry Higgins
Mr. Charles M. Hill Sr. ’54
Mr. John P. Hinz ’62
Ms. Mary L. Hobert
Mr. Joseph J. Hoeller ’62
Mr. Wayne G. Hollenstein ’66
Mr. Fred A. Hoepfl ’60
Mrs. Mary Holliday ’75
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Hollman
Ms. Angie K. Honeycutt
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Honkamp
Mrs. Catherine M. Hoppe ’35
Mr. Robert Horning ’47
Mrs. Lucille B. Hornung ’50
Very Reverend Jerome Hudziak
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence A. Inda ’53 ’53
Ms. Debra Jackson
Ms. Rosemary Janicki ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Janzer ’48
Ms. Lorraine Janzer ’48
Mrs. Geneva Johnson
Ms. Margaret H. Kaczmarek ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Kaczmarek
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Kastenholz ’44
Mr. Paul Kastenholz ’38
Mr. John Keber ’76
Mr. Terrence P. Kelly
Ms. Jeanette R. Kempter ’55
Mr. Gary Kerns ’70
Mr. Robert F. Kirst Esq. ’46
Mrs. Constance Klatt ’56
Mr. James M. Klein ’74
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Klein ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Klisch ’60 ’61
Mrs. Caroline Knetsch ’55
Knights of Columbus Council 6646
Charity Fund
Ms. Mary Ellen Kolanko ’57
Mr. and Mrs. William Kolanko ’65 ’65
Mrs. Margaret Konet ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Konieczny
Mr. Edmund G. Kosobucki ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kramoris ’57 ’57
Mr. Richard Krauss ’43
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kroeger ’54 ’56
Mr. Donald Krueger ’61
Mr. Eugene Krueger
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Krueger ’60 ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Kubiak
Mr. Jeffrey P. Kubiak ’70
Mr. Thomas Kubiak ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Kucharski ’66 ’66
La Lune Collection
Mr. Richard Lambert ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Lang
Ms. Collette V. Laubach
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Layman
Mrs. Theresa Leack ’61
Mr. James Leahy ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ledebur ’48
Mr. Richard Leising ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Leitel ’53 ’56
Mrs. Carol Lenhoff ’59
Mr. Leonard W. Leniewski ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Leszczynski Jr. ’67
Mrs. Susan Leszczynski ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Lewry
Mr. and Mrs. William Listwan
Mr. Vincent J. LoCoco
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Luber
Mrs. Barbara Lucas ’52
Mr. Thomas Ludorf ’74
Mr. David A. Lueck ’71
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mages ’55
Mr. Michael T. Maley ’77
Mr. Patrick H. May
Mr. and Mrs. E. Michael McCann
Mr. Denis J. McCauley ’79
Mrs. Elizabeth S. McDermott ’47
Mr. David McGrath and Ms. Guida Brown ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQuillen
Ms. Mary S. Mellinger ’45
Menomonee Falls Junior Indians Football
Ms. Pamela J. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Michalski
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Miller
Mrs. Patricia R. Miller ’40
Milwaukee Belt-Tech Co., Inc.
Milwaukee Gear Company
Milwaukee Metropolitan Association
of Commerce (MMAC)
Mrs. Carol E. Montoto ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moore ’51
Mrs. Anne M. T. Mortensen ’48
Mr. Thomas C. Moser ’66
Mr. William F. Murray ’47
Mr. Frederick A. Muth Jr.
Mrs. Arlene Nedobeck ’57
Mr. Terry L. Needham
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Neugent ’65 ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Neureuther
Mr. Lee J. Neustedter ’56
Mr. Mark P. Nicolini
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Blue Club
Mrs. Henrietta Niemann ’61
Mr. David Niggemann ’62
Northway Fence, Inc.
Mrs. Mildred Nowak ’46
Ms. Wilma J. Nygaard
Mr. Robert E. Okonek
Mr. Kevin O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. James Olinger ’48 ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Ollerman Jr. ’53
Mrs. Nancy A. O’Malley ’54
Col. and Mrs. Donald S. O’Neil USA (Ret) ’36
Dr. John J. O’Neil ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Allen J. Onopa ’72 ’72
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Orlando
Ms. Barbara A. Ostrowski ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ostrowski ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Pampel ’59 ’59
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Patrick ’70 ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Paulsen ’47 ’49
Mr. Jerome J. Pelczynski ’61
Penske Truck Leasing
Mr. Douglas J. Petesch ’80
Mrs. Kathleen Pinter ’56
Mr. Robert T. Plum ’69
Ms. Mary Ann Poole ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Posnanski Sr. ’41 ’43
Ms. Angeline H. Post ’48
Mrs. Gloria Pucek ’58
Ms. Mildred Puechner ’48
Mrs. Diane S. Pugal ’66
Mrs. Mary J. Rademacher ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Recob ’64
Mr. Charles Rehberg ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Resetz ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Tom J. Reuteman Sr.
Mrs. Patricia J. Reuter
Mr. James D. Riddell
Mr. Robert A. Riegler ’66
Mr. Thomas E. Riegler ’71
Rockwell Automation
Trust Matching Program
Mr. Michael S. Romans ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Rooney
Mrs. Betty Roorda ’37
Mrs. Karen Rufus ’61
Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Ruppin
Ms. Jean M. Rutkowski ’62
Mr. Jack Ryan
Ms. Mary Anne Sadler ’43
Mr. Carlos R. Sanabria and
Mrs. Debra S. Duncan
Mr. Richard Sanger
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sattler ’62
Ms. Kelly M. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Schaefer ’60 ’60
Mr. Michael J. Schaefer ’64
Ms. Rosemary Schaefer
Mr. Richard R. Schallack ’58
Ms. John Schloegel
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Schmidt ’77
Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Schmidt ’58 ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneeweis
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Schneider ’42
Mr. Thomas P. Schneider ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schommer ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Schramka Jr. ’47 ’48
Mr. Paul E. Schramka ’45
Schramka Funeral Home
Mrs. Joyce Schramkowski ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Schroeder ’53
Mrs. Mary E. Schubilske ’53
Mr. John M. Schueller ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Dan P. Schwabe
Ms. Margaret R. Schwacher ’43
Mrs. Marilyn Schweinert ’76
Mr. Donald J. Schwingel ’52
Mr. and Mrs. George Searing ’64 ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Russell P. Sells ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Semrad ’43 ’44
Mr. Paul Senger
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Shwaiko
Dr. Mary A. Siderits ’53
Ms. Paulette Siebers ’68
Mr. James F. Siegner ’65
Mr. Richard K. Simeth ’51
Mr. Ishmael A. Simmons ’00
Mr. Thomas Sisson ’69
Bishop Richard J. Sklba
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Smaglick ’49 ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Smith ’68 ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sobczak
Mr. and Mrs. John Sobrado
Ms. Nancy Soellner
Rev. Gregory Spitz
St. Benedict the Moor Alumni Association
St. Benedict the Moor Parish, Milwaukee
St. John the Evangelist, Kohler
Mr. Harry B. Staffileno
Mrs. Patricia A. Steffek ’55
Ms. Bonnie L. Steindorf
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steininger
Mr. Christian Steinmetz
Mr. Bernard F. Stich ’53
Mr. Ralph E. Stockhausen ’54
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Strobel ’62
Mr. Robert J. Strupp ’75
Mr. Michael J. Sullivan ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Germain J. Suminski
Mr. Thomas H. Swiderski ’74
Mr. Harlan Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Taibl ’64 ’65
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tauer ’72
The Schoenauer Family Foundation
Ms. Patricia Theriault ’59
Mrs. Anne Thomas ’63
Mr. Robert L. Thomson ’48
Mr. Ronald H. Thur ’54
Mr. Jerome D. Traeder ’44
Mr. Andrew S. Trokan ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Truss ’71
Mrs. Marlene A. Turner ’54
Mr. David C. Vahl ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Van Beek ’66 ’66
Mrs. Catherine Van Domelen ’61
Ms. Teri A. Van Ert ’72
Mr. Thomas E. Vaughan ’47
Video Wisconsin
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Viviani ’53
Mr. and Mrs. James Vogel
Mr. Patrick Vogelsang ’77
Mrs. Cindy Voissem
Mrs. Marion Von Rueden ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wachs
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Wagner ’51’51
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wagner ’46 ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Walsh ’53
Mrs. Sharon L. Wamser ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wanner ’53
Mrs. Eileen M. Weber ’59
Mrs. Annabelle J. Weggel ’45
Mr. Gary R. Weida ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Weiler ’47 ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Wells
Mr. John C. Werner ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Wettstein ’47 ’48
Mr. Donald C. Wheir ’59
Mrs. Jo Ann Wiedenhoeft ’59
Mr. Robert C. Wilberscheid
Mr. Moses A. Williams
Mr. Adolph A. Wuester
Mrs. Judith J. Zetting
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ziener ’63 ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Zimmermann ’68 ’68
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Zinecker ’59 ’59
Friends of Messmer
Donations to $99
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Adlam
Mr. Barton Adrian
Mr. William L. Allen ’56
Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Anderson ’62
Mr. Ronald J. Anderson ’50
Mrs. Sharon Anderson ’61
Ms. Elizabeth Angsten ’39
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Antoine
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Antonneau
Mrs. Jean M. Arnold ’43
AT&T United Way
Employee Giving Campaign
Mr. John E. Aukofer ’55
Ms. Samantha Austin ’83
Ms. Margaret Axt
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bachand
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Backus
Mr. Thomas E. Bakke
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Barbieri ’55
Mrs. Patricia Barbieri ’55
Mr. Thomas J. Barnes ’72
Mrs. Patricia J. Barron ’47
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Mr. Phillip Bartness ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard A. Baumgartner ’71
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bautch
Ms. Mary Bechmann ’52
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Becker
Mr. William A. Beebe ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Beine
Mr. and Mrs. Christian R. Beisser
Mrs. Rosemary H. Bell ’40
Br. Joseph Berg CSC ’49
Ms. Josetta A. Berg ’57
Fr. Robert J. Berghammer
Mrs. Mary C. Bessette ’59
Mr. Robert G. Besting ’47
Mr. Donald G. Betlej ’70
Ms. Sharon Biel ’61
Mrs. Elaine Bjerregaard ’67
Mr. Earl Blaubach ’53
Mr. Robert G. Blazek ’46
Mr. Robert N. Block ’49
Ms. Carol F. Blommer ’43
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Boehm ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Boelk ’42 ’48
Mr. William M. Bomm ’56
Mr. Thomas A. Bonesho ’75
Ms. Emilie L. Borgmann
Mrs. Phyllis Boyden ’53
Mr. John A. Boylan
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Boysko
Mrs. Kristine Brah ’80
Mr. James F. Brahm ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney S. Brajdic
Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Braun
Ms. Mary K. Brengosz ’73
Mrs. Patricia T. Brester ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Brosseau ’60 ’60
Mrs. Margareth R. Brumsted ’41
Mrs. Joan Bryant ’47
Mrs. Joan H. Budzien ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Budzynski
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Burfeind
Mr. Richard K. Burkard ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burkhardt ’47 ’47
Mr. and Mrs. William Burkhardt II
Mrs. Dolores Burr ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Byrne
Ms. Rose A. Cahill ’53
Mr. Filippo Carini ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Carpentier ’42
Ms. Jeanne Carter ’69
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Casper ’54
Ms. Dorothy Castelaz ’43
Ms. Sheila Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Cera
Ms. Susan Cesar
Mr. Joseph R. Chesen ’51
Mr. and Mrs. John Christianson
Ms. Margaret Christman
Mrs. Katherine Cleary ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Coates ’52 ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Conell ’57 ’58
Mrs. Betty Conlon ’47
Mrs. Patricia A. Craft ’58
Mr. Francis J. Crechard ’47
Mrs. Elizabeth Crotty ’71
Mr. Robert P. Crowley
Ms. Megan A. Cullin
Mr. Ronald R. Czecholinski ’61
Ms. Kathleen A. Daily
Mrs. Judith Dannenbrink ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dassow ’53
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. Gary De Vries
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Delisle
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Dellosso
Mr. Kenneth R. DeMuth ’62
Mrs. Carol Depies ’51
Ms. June Depies ’51
Ms. Mary O. Dermody
Ms. Lynda M. Di Pierro ’76
Ms. Eva Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Diehl ’48
Mr. Donald Dierkes ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Domach ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Dombek ’56
Mrs. Sharon Dooley ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doty ’76
Mr. Thomas I. Doucette
Mrs. Barbara J. Drai ’64
Dr. Michael J. Drews ’63
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Duchow
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Duffy
Sister Mary Catherine Dundon, SSND ’45
Mrs. Anne L. Dunst ’59
Ms. Dolores M. Dupont
Mr. James Duquaine
Mrs. Roxanne Dwyer ’57
Mrs. Jean E. Dye ’44
Mrs. Karen M. Eben ’80
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ehlen
Ms. Marge Elkins
Mr. Don W. Ellingsen
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelbert
Ms. Sally J. Fanning ’59
Mrs. Margaret E. Fetterer ’33
Mrs. Sue Feuerstein
Mr. Daniel Feyrer ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome L. Filo ’55 ’55
Mr. Robert A. Filo ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Filsinger ’66 ’66
Mrs. Agatha Fingland ’51
Ms. Ann C. Fink
Ms. Joan D. Finley ’49
Ms. Rosemary Fischer
Mr. John H. Fisher
Mrs. Lucy Fisher ’38
Mr. Robert P. Flanagan ’56
Ms. Nancy R. Flanner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flierl
Mr. Michael Foti ’71
Sister Ann Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Fox
Mr. Harry Francis ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Friede
Ms. Elizabeth Frieske
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fritsche ’52
Mrs. Margot Fuchs ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Furtmann ’52 ’53
Mrs. Nancy Gara ’67
Mr. Guenther Gartner ’71
Mrs. Joan J. Gates ’49
Mrs. Dolores Gaveras ’49
Mr. Michael Geary
Mr. John C. Gemeinhardt ’52
Mr. Thomas J. Genske ’54
Mr. Ronald E. Geraghty ’48
Mr. Patrick D. Gerrits ’53
Mr. Donald Gilbert ’53
Mr. Nathaniel Gillon
Ms. Patty Giuffre
Mrs. Nanette M. Gleason ’58
Mrs. Janet Gleaves ’56
Mr. Jerome F. Glembin
Ms. Hildegarde M. Glueckstein
Sister Francine Goodman, OSF ’47
Mr. Richard Gordon ’73
Mr. Curtis J. Gorecki ’75
Mr. John Gorenc ’47
Ms. Donna Gorman ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Gorski ’51
Mrs. Grace A. Grabowski ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Grade
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Grant ’60
Mr. John M. Greilinger ’51
Mr. Herbert R. Grospitz
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Grota ’47
Mrs. Joan E. Gruszewski ’55
Ms. Vivian Gust ’51
Ms. Mary E. Haberman
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hahm ’51
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Halaska ’56 ’56
Ms. Alice Hanson-Drew
Ms. Carol L. Harthun ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Bert E. Hartinger
Ms. Rosalie B. Hartmann
Mr. Waldemar A. Haselbarth ’49
Mr. Daniel Hauber ’89
Mr. Frank J. Haubner ’48
Mrs. Nancy A. Haupt ’51
Mr. Jerald A. Hauser ’59
Mrs. Cecilia M. Hawley ’50
Mr. and Mrs. George N. Hecimovich ’57
Mrs. Kathleen Hegedus ’59
Ms. Mary Hegeman
Mr. Donald A. Heiden ’50
Mr. John G. Heiden ’48
Mr. and Ms. Frank Heimerl
Ms. Audrey C. Heine ’37
Mrs. Catherine Heinen
Ms. Lucille Heinz ’38
Mr. William E. Heinz
Mr. Phillip W. Hendricks ’64
Mrs. Mary E. Henke
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hennum
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Heon ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Herbert
Ms. Eleanor Heritsch ’30
Ms. Mary Herman ’54
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Friends of Messmer
Mrs. Mary J. Hertz ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Heun ’49 ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Heuser
Mr. James Higgins ’53
Ms. Rosemary Hilling Cavaluzzi
Mr. Robert J. Hilmer ’66
Mrs. Dorothy Hochschild ’45
Ms. Jean Hoffman
Ms. Rose M. Hoffmann ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Hoffmeister ’49 ’49
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Holm
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Holmes
Mr. Theodore Holt ’57
Mrs. Ivona Holubowicz ’52
Mrs. Martha Horky ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hottinger ’60 ’60
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hotz
Mr. Gerald L. Houk ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hubert
Ms. Bernard Hurley
Mrs. Laurie A. Hushek ’83
Mr. Christopher Huth ’67
Ms. Mary Ellen Huwiler
Mr. William J. Immer ’71
Mrs. Evelyn A. Ingish-Richter ’51
Mr. Leon Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. William J. James
Mrs. Carol Jansen ’47
Ms. Cecelia A. Janssen
Mr. and Mrs. James Jarosz
Mrs. Marlene R. Jasen ’51
Ms. Alice Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Jermain
Ms. Carol L. Johnson
Mrs. Connie Johnson ’66
Ms. Patricia M. Johnson ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Johnson ’77
Mrs. Jennifer Johnston
Mrs. Kathleen B. Johnston
Ms. Carol July ’58
Mr. Thomas Kaiser
Mrs. Mary V. Kallenbach ’59
Mrs. Frances Kaminski ’43
Ms. Mary Ann Kampe ’66
Mrs. Nancy Kazmierczak
Mr. Paul J. Keber ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Keenan
Mr. James F. Keller
Mr. Robert W. Kelm ’41
Mrs. Katherine Keppert ’52
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kerstein
Mrs. Marilyn A. Kessler ’50
Mr. and Mrs. William Keyes ’49
Mr. and Mrs. David King
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kinsella
Mr. Carlton P. Kirst ’42
Mrs. Maria E. Klasinski ’75
Mrs. Elaine Klassen ’55
Mr. Sheldon R. Klein ’43
Mrs. Kathleen P. Klement ’60
Ms. Lois G. Kluth ’48
Mr. Ted Knap ’36
Ms. Janice L. Knecht
Mrs. Carolyn Knott ’59
Mrs. Dolores Knueppel ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Knuese ’52 ’55
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric M. Koblenzer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Koch
Mr. Robert J. Koeferl ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Kogler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kohls
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Konkol
Mr. Karl Kopp ’56
Mrs. Jane Kornburger ’59
Mrs. Margaret Kosobucki Jorgensen ’68
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kotlarek
Ms. Tonia Kountz ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kowalewski
Dr. Robert Kowalski ’49
Mrs. Marcella F. Kozuh ’38
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Krainz
Mrs. Eileen M. Krall ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kresse
Mrs. Helen Kreuser ’51
Ms. Magdalene Kreuser ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kreuzer ’42
Sister Rose Kreuzer, CSA ’40
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Krupo ’69 ’69
Mr. Joseph R. Kuenzli
Mrs. Kristine M. Kurtz ’67
Mrs. Margaret La Brot ’54
Ms. Geraldine Lachacz ’52
Mrs. Helen R. Lang ’55
Mr. Robert Lanza ’62
Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Laritson
Mr. James J. Lass ’54
Mrs. Patricia Lassa ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Laumann
Mrs. Patricia Lauth ’46
Ms. Dorothy F. Lee ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Lehmeyer
Ms. Christine A. Lenske ’80
Ms. Wilma Leonard
Ms. Elizabeth Levar
Mrs. Dolores H. Levy ’46
Mrs. Deone B. Lewis ’47
Mr. James A. Lewis ’76
Ms. Mary Frances Lewis ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Lewis
Mrs. Rita K. Lindner ’50
Mrs. Alice J. Linnabary ’65
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Linnemanstons ’50 ’50
Ms. Mary G. Lippert
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Litzau
Mrs. Marie A. Loden ’56
Ms. Carol Loop ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lorenz
Mr. Thomas N. Lorsung ’56
Mrs. Judith M. Loth ’57
Ms. Marguerite B. Lucas
Mrs. Mary Lucas ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Luther ’53 ’65
Mrs. Jane H. Mack ’73
Mrs. and Mr. Rosann M. Madden ’46 ’46
Mr. Thomas Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Makal Sr. ’35 ’35
Mr. and Mrs. James Makouske
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Malone
Ms. Kathleen Malzewski ’65
Mrs. Josephine Manchester
Mrs. Mary A. Marangon ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Markwardt ’40 ’42
Mrs. Sharon Marquardt ’65
Mr. Donald R. Martin ’39
Mrs. Kathleen Masarik ’65
Mrs. Mary Masse ’61
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Matusinec ’59
Ms. Catherine McCoy ’80
Mrs. Barbara McDaniel ’54
Mr. and Mrs. James E. McEnaney
Mr. Donald P. McGee ’58
Mrs. Marguerite P. McGovern ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKale
Ms. Carol McKay ’63
Ms. Juliet M. McKenna & Mr. Peter Reiners
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. McMullen
Mr. John G. Melchior
Ms. Sylvia A. Melkers ’57
Sister Mary Joyce Merten, SSND
Ms. Holly D. Messmer
Mr. Russell H. Meyer ’43
Ms. Gabrielle Michal ’66
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Michalski
Mr. John Miers
Mr. Dennis Mikulec ’72
Dr. and Mrs. G. Daniel Miller
Milwaukee Admirals
Mr. Robert J. Misey ’41
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mitter
Mrs. Mary M. Mizer
Mr. Ralph E. Moeller
Mr. Peter K. Moldovan ’65
Mrs. Mary Molter ’79
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard C. Monday
Mrs. Laverne Montroy ’47
Ms. Marilyn M. Morgan
Mrs. Joan S. Mulligan ’38
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mulligan
Mrs. Caroline Murphy ’62
Ms. Evelyn Murphy
Ms. Karen M. Murphy ’62
Mr. Robert Nadeau
Dr. Joan F. Nault ’52
Ms. Margo A. Neimon ’54
Ms. Katherine Nelson
Ms. Margaret Nelson
Mr. Eugene F. Netzel ’48
Mr. Leonard J. Netzel ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Neubauer ’52
Ms. Dolores Neumeyer
Mrs. Joan M. Nickel ’51
Ms. Chris Nienhaus
Mr. Martin Norden ’83
NVR Racing
Mr. Patrick O’Hara
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ostrowski ’77 ’77
Mrs. Carole Panaro ’49
Mrs. Nancy Parbs ’83
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Patmore ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Patscot Jr.
Ms. Mary Claire Patscot
Ms. Kathleen Paul ’57
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pavlik
Ms. Barbara A. Pelton
Mrs. Kathleen Pemberton ’60
Mrs. Lois Pendergast ’51
Ms. Patricia Pergoli
Mrs. Joan M. Perry ’56
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perszyk ’72
Ms. Janet A. Peters ’53
Mrs. Margaret R. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson ’53
Mr. Thomas E. Peterson
Mr. Gregory J. Petesch ’82
Mr. John C. Petrykowski ’70
Mr. Lawrence J. Pierzchalski ’64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Pipp ’55
Mr. James F. Pitterle ’40
Mr. Donald Placzkowski ’64
Mr. Gary W. Poindexter
Mr. Harry F. Polaski
Sister Carol Polczyn ’50
Ms. Renee L. Polubinsky ’81
Mr. Alfred Pompe ’31
Ms. Anita L. Ponik ’59
Mrs. Mary J. Powalisz ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Powers
Mrs. Carol Pritzl ’39
Mr. and Mrs. Caesar Prospero ’49 ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Puechner
Rev. John Pulice
Mr. Frederick S. Puza ’57
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Radomski
Mrs. Nettie M. Raue ’66
Mr. Doreen W. Reardon
Mrs. Barbara Refinski ’54
Mr. Peter Reiners and
Ms. Juliet M. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert J. Reis ’53
Ms. Patricia Reis ’60
Mr. Thomas A. Reis ’56
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Reiter ’54
Ms. Jean A. Repinski
Mrs. Patricia A. Repp ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Riedl ’48
Mrs. Mary Anne Ripple
Mrs. Rita T. Robertson ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest P. Roemer
Mr. Jack E. Roensch ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Roettgers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Rohde
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Roman
Mr. George Roohana ’63
Mr. Robert L. Rosin ’53
Mrs. Betty Rossbach ’70
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roth ’65 ’65
Mrs. Dana L. Rudolph ’70
Mrs. Patricia Ruetz ’57
Mrs. Marilyn J. Ruffing ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryan ’49 ’49
Mr. Timothy T. Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Saladin
Mr. Robert C. Salamone ’76
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Sanders Jr.
Mrs. Joan H. Sauer ’48
Mrs. Kathleen R. Saunders ’54
Mrs. Eleanor Scaffidi ’52
Mr. Leonard J. Schaefer ’67
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Schelfhout ’48
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schickert ’62
Mrs. Ruth M. Schieffer ’59
Mr. Donald Schimmels ’38
Ms. Luanne Schipper ’68
Ms. Carol Schlehlein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Schlidt ’56 ’56
Ms. Mary Schlueter ’54
Mrs. Joanne Schmanski ’66
Mr. Donald J. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Schmidt
Ms. Molly M. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Schmidt
Mrs. Mary Schmitt ’59
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmitz
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Schneider
Ms. Patricia Schneider
Ms. Patty Rose Schneider
Mrs. Dolores R. Schrage ’42
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Schrandt
Mr. Bob J. Schrimpf
Ms. Joan Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schueller ’77 ’79
Mr. William J. Schueller ’44
Ms. Elaine M. Schuenemann
Mr. and Mrs. Werner T. Schurman ’44
Mr. Ken Schwaerzler ’63
Mrs. Jeanette A. Schwandt ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Earl M. Schwarzhuber ’56 ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Seibel
Mr. Thomas R. Sells ’54
Ms. Judith Semrad
Sentry Insurance Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Sereika
Mrs. Evelyn B. Shaughnessy ’41
Ms. Jeanne F. Sherburne ’44
Mr. Arthur J. Siedler ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert G. Siegel
Mrs. Mary Sieglaff ’70
Mr. James Simons
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sindorf ’53
Rev. Bernard Sippel
Mrs. Nancy V. Sipperly ’47
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Skiba ’54 ’54
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smaglik ’65
Mr and Mrs. Gerhard Smeiska ’46
Mr. Orrin L. Smith ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Smith ’57 ’58
Mrs. Diane Sobotik ’56
Sister Martha Solms
Mr. Frank J. Sommer ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Sommers ’49 ’49
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Spaude
Mrs. Harriet Spohr ’50
Mrs. Joan Squire ’55
Mrs. Carolyn Staszewski ’74
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Steil
Mr. Richard G. Stein ’52
Mr. and Mrs. William Stekiel ’45
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stolz
Mr. Lloyd A. Strauss ’57
Ms. Mary A. Stroebel
Ms. Gertrude C. Strupp
Mr. Robert M. Strupp ’43
Mrs. Sylvia Styron ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Suminski ’54
Mr. Thomas J. Sweet ’75
Mrs. Ann Bonita Swirth ’56
Mrs. Susan Syvock ’81
Mr. Thomas P. Tadyshak ’70
Mrs. Susan B. Tatsak ’72
Sister Mary Claude Telderer
Temple-Inland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Tessmer ’48 ’48
Mrs. Frances E. Thelen ’57
Mr. and Mrs. H.A. Thelen Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thom ’50 ’50
Mrs. Shirley L. Thomson ’50
Ms. LyAnne Thorman ’50
Mr. Raymond Toelle
Ms. Carol J. Tomor
Mrs. Margaret Tower ’62
Mrs. Gloria R. Tracy ’45
Mrs. Bernice J. Treis ’40
Ms. Nancy H. Trettin
Mr. Thomas V. Trokan ’73
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Tylinski
Mr. Arnold Uglum ’63
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Van Groll
Mr. Robert Verzal ’53
Mr. and Mrs. Elio Vicenzi ’46 ’50
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Voelz ’51 ’51
Ms. Mary Voerman ’39
Mr. Michael F. Vogl ’51
Ms. Abigail E. Vogt
Mr. Frank J. Vogt ’43
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Vosswinkel
Mrs. Bonnie Wagner ’59
Mrs. Kathleen I. Wagner ’60
Mr. Raymond R. Waldman ’41
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Wall
Mr. Patrick T. Wall ’66
Mrs. Colleen Walt ’73
Mrs. Barbara A. Wasylyk ’65
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weber
Ms. Mary A. Weber
Ms. Mary K. Weigel
Mrs. Esther Weitekamp ’48
Mrs. Dona Wentzka ’51
Mrs. Carol Wenzler ’42
Ms. Nancy L. Wesling
Westfahl & Westfahl
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Wettstein ’50 ’50
Mrs. Joyce Weyer ’51
Wheaton Franciscan Sisters
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Friends of Messmer
Mrs. Kathleen White ’60
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Widder
Mr. Richard R. Widder ’50
Mr. Bernard J. Wilting
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winiarski ’76 ’76
Mrs. Dolores Winkler ’47
Mr. James Winter ’52
Ms. Margaret C. Wiske ’50
Ms. Catherine Wittig-Eisch
Mr. Jack G. Witzel ’46
Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Woloszyk ’53 ’56
Mr. Donald A. Wolterstorff
Mrs. Marie C. Woppert ’49
Ms. Mary L. Worley
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Wrobbel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Wrobleski
Mrs. Grace Wytmar ’50
Ms. Jean A. Zabloudil ’47
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Zacher ’57
Mr. John E. Zainer ’58
Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Zanoni ’51 ’53
Mrs. Mary A. Zauner ’49
Mrs. Marilyn M. Zervic ’46
Sister John Ann Zettelmaier
Mr. Gerald J. Ziebert
Mrs. Alice Zinky ’46
Ms. Carol Ann Zywicke
In Kind Gifts
Aquinas Academy
Ms. Anne Barland
Bertnick’s Car Care
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Borowski ’85
Brady Corporation
Ms. Jane Braun
Bubrick’s Complete Office
Mr. Jim Burns
Deer Run Golf Course
DeRosa Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelbert
First Security Credit Union
Ms. Alexa Fryjoff
Ms. Michelle Garcia
Gesu Parish
Ms. Phyllis Haevers
Mrs. Carol Hale ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Harrington ’58
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hauser
Sister Sylvia Hecht
HM Graphics, Inc.
Ms. Chante Hollinshed
Mr. Mikel Holt
Ms. Debra Jackson
Ms. Theresa B. Johanek
Mr. Dave Kapp
Mr. Mike Kapp
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kapp ’58 ’58
Legacy Bakehouse
Mr. Vince Lombardi Jr.
Mr. Thomas Ludorf ’74
Marcus Hotels and Resorts
Marquette University
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGivern ’77
Mr. Joe McGraw
Mr. Tom Miller’s Economic and
Finance Class at Messmer High School
Milwaukee Admirals
Milwaukee Brewers
Milwaukee Bucks, Inc.
Mr. Vince Moldenhauer
Mr. Robert T. Monday
Mr. Joe Nienhaus
North Shore Bank
NVR Racing
Panera Bread
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Patrick ’70 ’70
Piranha Promotions
Ms. Mary Claire Patscot
Ms. Margaret Reilly
Robert W. Baird & Co. Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogalinski ’55
Ms. Mary Roidt
School Sisters of Notre Dame
St. Dominic’s
St. John Vianney
St. Leonard Congregation
St. William Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schmid ’58
Mr. Paul E. Schramka ’45
Ms. Gina Silvidi-Cairns
Mr. Ishmael A. Simmons ’00
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Storch ’72
Ms. Mary Lou Stebbins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Strycharske
Sunrise Cruise and Travel
Mrs. Susan Syvock ’81
Mr. Michael S. Tucker ’86
Ms. Penny Walther
Ms. Camille Winston
Wisconsin Energy Corporation
Ms. Linn Woodard
Mr. Thomas C. Zacharias ’59
The Gift of Time
Ms. Julie Acciardo
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baehler
Mr. Tim Bartel
Ms. Nancy Bonesho ’73
Mr. Tom Bonesho ’61
Mr. Michael Bredeck
Mr. Herm Buechel
Ms. Mary Buth
Mr. Ed Byaliy
Mr. Brian Clendening
Mr. Salvatore Collura ’72
Mr. Walter Cullin
Ms. Mayda Crites
Sister Shawnee Daniels-Sykes, SSND
Ms. Libby Dardis
Mr. Ronald E. Davies ’60
Mr. Dan DeFriese
Mr. Jerry DeQuardo ’60
Mr. Roger Dickson
Mr. James Duncan
Mr. Chuck Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engelbert
Mr. Bill Goldammer ’52
Br. Stephen Greco
Ms. Penny Hansen
Mr. Dennis Hennessey
Sister Annette Herr
Mr. Mikel Holt
Ms. Carolyn Humphries
Ms. Martha Johnson
Mrs. Margaret Kaczmarek ’70
Mr. Tom Kapp ’58
Mr. Dave Kelling ’59
Mr. Jim Klein ’74
Mr. Robert Klein
Mr. Dave Lehman
Mr. Thomas Ludorf ’74
Mrs. Terri Malta
Mr. Al Mattacotti ’58
Ms. Chris McAuliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCarville
Mr. Michael McNeary
Ms. Suzy Mei
Mr. Eugene Miller
Mr. Robert T. Monday
Ms. Anne Odya
Ms. Ellen Ostermann
Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick ’70 ’70
Mr. Henry Peters
Mr. Peter Salza ’60
Mr. Bill Stilley
Ms. Pat Tasker
Ms. Kayla Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tushaus
Sister Carol Jean VanDenHenel, OSB
Mr. Dick Wester
Mr. Thomas C. Zacharias ’59
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Our Alumni
In fiscal year 2009-10, 8.9% of our alumni family contributed to Messmer
Catholic Schools’ annual fund for a combined donation of over $300,000.
We thank you for your continued support. Messmer pride is alive!
Alumni Support by Class Year
Top 10 Classes
by dollars contributed
Top 10 Classes
by percentage of participation
“I support Messmer in gratitude for the education, foundation and
enduring friendships garnered during my high school years. ‘Faith
and honor, virtue, knowledge,’ just as voiced in the Alma Mater…
these principles still ring true.”
Margaret Kaczmarek ’70
L e a d i n g t h e Wa y
Board of Directors 2009-10
Roger Dickson
Al Mattacotti ’58
Mikel Holt
Chris McAuliffe
Vice Chair
Sister Shawnee Daniels-Sykes, SSND
Peter Salza ’60
Br. Bob Smith, OFM Cap
President and CEO
Bill Goldammer ’52
Jeff Monday
Executive Vice President
and Principal
Financial Statements 2009-10
Revenue Sources (Fiscal Year 2009-10)
Tuition & Fees
Other Operating Income
$ 965,420.00
Scholarship & Restricted Contributions
$ 696,547.00
Unrestricted Contributions
Total Income
operating expenditures (Fiscal Year 2009-10)
Wages & Benefits
$ 552,265.00
Building & Grounds
Central Services
Total Expenses
Messmer Catholic Schools conducts quarterly and year end accounting through Hau & Associates. In
addition, a yearly audit is conducted through Feld, Schumacher & Company, LLP to assure the highest level
of financial integrity for our students, staff and benefactors. On a daily basis the President receives reports
through the Business Office to coordinate expenses and revenue and make regular reports to the Finance
Committee and the Board of Directors.
Absorbs high levels of information.
Open to instruction
and new ideas.
Sees opportunity
in challenges.
Found in a Messmer education;
used to change the world.
Worn proudly by our
confident students.
Broad enough to carry any
burden placed upon them.
Open to others.
When you support Messmer Catholic Schools, you help us develop our
students—mind, body and soul. Your gift supports:
• Student scholarships and financial aid
• Technology innovations to support achievement
• Student faith and character formation
To make a gift today, please return the enclosed envelope or donate securely online at Messmer Catholic Schools is a 503(c) charitable orgainzation and your
gift is tax-deductible. We thank you for your support!