Mendham Borough Library Audio Book List- Fiction A CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CASS CD CD Abbott, Jeff Acito, Mark Adams, Douglas Albom, Mitch Albom, Mitch Albom, Mitch Alcott, Kate Allende, Isabelle Allende, Isabelle Archer, Jeffrey Archer, Jeffrey Austen, Jane Auster, Paul “Panic” “How I Paid For College” “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” “Five People You Meet In Heaven” “For One More Day” “The Timekeeper” “The Dressmaker” “Daughter of Fortune” “Portrait in Sepia” “False Impressions” “Sons of Fortune” “Pride and Prejudice” “Brooklyn Follies” B CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CASS Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Baldacci. David Baldacci, David Baldacci, David Bank, Melissa Barbery, Muriel Barr, Nevada Barr, Nevada Barr, Nevada Benjamin, Melanie Binchy, Maeve Binchy, Maeve “Camel Club” “Christmas Game” “Christmas Standing” “The Collectors” “Deliver Us From Evil” “Divine Justice” “First Family” “Hell’s Corner” “Hour Game” “Last Man Standing” “One Summer” “Saving Faith” “Simple Genius” “Simple Truth” “The Sixth Man” “Stone Cold” “True Blue” “The Whole Truth” “Zero Day” “The Wonder Spot” “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” “13 ½” “Flashback” “Hard Truth” “Alice I Have Been” “Nights of Rain and Stars” “Quentins” CASS CASS CD CD CASS CASS Binchy, Maeve Binchy, Maeve Bissinger. Buzz Blake, Sarah Blanchard, Alice Block, Lawrence CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CASS CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CASS CASS CASS CD Block, Lawrence Bloom, Amy Bloom, Amy Bohjalian, Chris Boyle, T.C. Bradford, Barbara Taylor Bradford. Barbara Taylor Bradford, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Barbara Taylor Bradley, Alan Braun, Lillian Jackson Braun, Lillian Jackson Braun, Lillian Jackson Braun, Lillian Jackson Braun, Lillian Jackson Braun, Lillian Jackson Brooks, Geraldine Brown, Dan Brown, Dan Brown, Dan Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Brown, Sandra Burke, James Lee Burke, James Lee Burke, James Lee “Tara Road” “This Year It Will Be Different” “3 Nights in August” “Postmistress” “Darkness Peering” “Burglar Who Liked To Quote Kipplinger” “Hope To Die” “Away” “Where the God of Love Hangs Out” “The Night Strangers” “Wild Child” “Everything To Gain” “The Heir” “Ravenscar Dynasty” “Triumph of Katie Byrne” “Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie” “Cat Who Dropped a Bombshell” “Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers” “Cat Who Moved a Mountain” “Cat Who Talked Turkey” “Cat Who Wasn’t There” “Cat Who Went Bananas” “Caleb’s Crossing” “Angels & Demons” “Da Vinci Code” “The Lost Symbol” “Chill Factor” “Envy” “Exclusive” “In a Class by Itself” “Lethal” “Play Dirty” “Ricochet” “Seduction By Design” “Smash Cut” “Smoke Screen” “The Switch” “Temperatures Rising” “Tough Customer” “Unspeakable” ‘Whole New Light” “Words of Silk” “BitterRoot” “Cadillac Juke Box” “Pegasus Descending” CASS CD CD CD CD Burke, James Lee Burke, James Lee Burke, James Lee Burroughs, Augusten Byrne, Rhonda “Sunset Limited” “Swan Peak” “Tin Roof Blowdown” “Running With Scissors” “The Secret’ C CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Caldwell, Ian Cannell, Stephen Castillo, Linda Castle, Richard Chabbon, Michael Chevalier, Tracy Chevalier, Tracy Chevalier, Tracy Chevalier, Tracy Chevalier, Tracy Child, Lee Child, Lee Child, Lee Child, Lee Child, Lincoln Christie, Agatha Clancy, Tom Clancy, Tom Clark, Carol Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark, Mary Jane Cleave, Chris Coben, Harlan Coben, Harlan Coben, Harlan Coben, Harlan Collins, Jackie Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael “Rule of Four” “Cold Hit” “Sworn to Silence” “Naked Heat” “Yiddish Policeman’s Union” “Burning Bright” “Girl With a Pearl Earring” “Lady and the Unicorn” “Remarkable Creatures’ “Virgin Blue” “61 Hours” “Nothing to Lose” “A Wanted Man” “Worth Dying For” “Death Match” “Hollow” “Dead or Alive” “The Teeth of the Tiger” “Fleeced” “Daddy’s Little Girl” “Dashing Through the Snow” “Deck the Halls” “I Heard That Song Before” “Just Take My Heart” “The Lost Years” “Nighttime Is My Time” “No Place Like Home” “Santa Cruise” “Two Little Girls in Blue” “Where Are You Now?” “Nowhere to Run” “Little Bee” “Hold Tight” “Live Wire” “Stay Close” “The Woods” “Drop Dead Beautiful” “The Brass Verdict” “The Closers” CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Connelly, Michael Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Cornwell, Patricia Coulter, Catherine Crais, Robert Crais, Robert Crais, Robert Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Crichton, Michael Cunningham, Michael Cussler, Clive Cussler, Clive Cussler, Clive Cussler, Clive Cussler, Clive Cussler, Clive “Darkness More Than Night” “The Drop” “Echo Park” “Lincoln Lawyer” “Lost Night” “9 Dragons” “The Overlook” “The Reversal” “The Scarecrow” “Void Moon” “Black Notice” “The Front” “Isle of Dogs” “Port Mortuary” “Predator” “Red Mist” “Scarpetta” “Trace” “Unnatural Exposure” “The Sherbrooke Twins” “Chasing Darkness” “Taken” “The 2-Minute Rule” “Micro” “Next” “Pirate Latitudes” “Prey” “State of Fear” (2 Parts) “Terminal Man” “Specimen Days” “Dark Watch” “The Navigator” “Polar Shift” “Spartan Gold” “Valhalla Rising” “The Wrecker” D CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD Davidson, Diane Mott Davidson, Diane Mott Davidson, Diane Mott Davies, Robertson Deaver, Jeffrey Deaver, Jeffrey Deaver, Jeffrey Deaver, Jeffery “Double Shot” “Fatally Flaky” “Sweet Revenge” “High Spirits” “The Burning Wire” “Carte Blanche” “Cold Moon” “Roadside Crosses” CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD Dekker, Ted DeMille, Nelson DeMille, Nelson DeMille, Nelson DeMille, Nelson DeMille, Nelson Dickens, Charles Diffenbaugh, Vanessa DiRobilant, Andrea Doctorow, E.L. Doding, Richard Donoghue, Emma Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan “Thr3e” “The Gate House” “The Lion” “Night Fall” “The Panther” “Plum Island” “Great Expectations” “The Language of Flowers” “A Venetian Affair” “The March” “White Man’s Grave” “Room” “The Sign of Four” E CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD Elliot, George Erdrich, Louise Eugenides, Jeffrey Eugenides, Jeffrey Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evanovich, Janet Evans, Nicholas Evans, Nicholas Evans, Nicholas “Middle March” “The Painted Drum” “The Marriage Plat” “Middlesex” “Explosive Eighteen” “Fearless Fourteen” “Four To Score” “Full House” “Full Tilt” “Hot Stuff” “Lean Mean Thirteen” “Metro Girl” “Motor Mouth” “Plum Lovin’” “Plum Lucky” “Plum Spooky” “Sizzling Sixteen” “Ten Big Ones” “To the Nines” “Twelve Sharp” “Wicked Appetite” “Wicked Business” “The Horse Whisperer” “The Loop” “The Smoke Jumper” F CD CD CASS CD Fergus, Jim Fforde, Jasper Finch, Janet Finder, Joseph “1000 White Women” “The Big Over Easy” “White Oleander” “Company Man” CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD Finder, Joseph Finder, Joseph Fitzgerald, F. Scott Flynn, Gillian Flynn, Vince Flynn, Vince Flynn, Vince Flynn, Vince Follett, Ken Follett, Ken Follett, Ken Follett, Ken Follett, Ken Ford, Jamie CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD Fowler, Karen Jay Francis, Dick Francis, Dick Franklin, Ariana Franklin, Ariana Franzen, Jonathan Frazier, Charles Frey, James “Power Play” “Vanished” “The Great Gatsby and Other Stories” “Gone Girl” “American Assassin” “Kill Shot” “The Last Man” “Pursuit of Honor” “Code To Zero” “Fall of Giants” “Modigliani Scandal” “Pillars of the Earth” “World Without End” “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” “The Jane Austen Book Club” “Dead Heat” “Under Orders” “Grave Goods” “The Serpent’s Tale” “Freedom: A Novel” “Cold Mountain” “Bright Shiny Morning” G CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD Gabaldon, Diane Gardner, Lisa Garwood, Julie Garwood, Julie Garwood, Julie Garwood, Julie George, Elizabeth Gerritsen, Tess Gerritsen, Tess Gerritsen, Tess Giffen, Emily Glass, Julia Godden, Rumer Golden, Arthur Golding, William Grafton, Sue Grafton, Sue Grafton, Sue Grafton, Sue Grafton, Sue Great “The Outlander” (2 Parts) “Catch Me” “Ideal Man” “Murder List” “Sizzle” “Shadow Music” “Believing the Lie” “Bloodstream” “The Bone Garden” “The Silent Girl” “Heart of the Matter” “Three Junes” “Kingfisher’s Catch Fire” “Memoirs of a Geisha” “Lord of the Flies” “R is for Ricochet” “S is for Silence” “T is for Trespass” “U is for Undertow” “V is for Vengeance” “Great Classic Stories” CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CASS Green, Jane Griffin, W.E.B. Griffin, W.E.B. Griffin, W.E.B. Griffin, W.E.B. Grimes. Martha Grippando, James Grippando, James Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Grisham, John Gruen, Sara Guterson, David “Dune Road” “Black Ops” “Double Agents” “The Honor of Spies” “The Hunters” “Dust” “Last Call” “Lying with Strangers” “The Appeal” “The Associate” “The Brethen” “The Broker” “The Client” “The Confession” “Ford County” “The Innocent Man” “The King of Torts” “The Last Juror” “The Litigators” “The Partner” “Playing for Pizza” “The Street Lawyer” “Water for Elephants” “Snow Falling on Cedars” H CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD Hammett, Dashiel Hannah, Kristin Harbach, Chad Harkness, Deborah Harkness, Deborah Heinlein, Robert A. Hiaasen, Carl Hiaasen, Carl Hiaasen, Carl Higgins, Jack Higgins, Jack Higgins, Jack Hilderbrand, Elin Hilderbrand, Elin Hilderbrand, Elin Hilderbrand, Elin Hill, Joe Hillerman, Tony Hillerman, Tony Hillerman, Tony “Maltese Falcon” “Night Road” “The Art of Fielding” “Discovery of Witches” “Shadow of Night” “Starship Troopers” “Nature Girl” “Lucky You” “Star Island” “A Darker Place” “Midnight Runner” “The Violent Enemy” “The Island” “Silver Girl” “A Summer Affair” “Summerland” “Heart-Shaped Box” “The First Eagle” “Skeleton Man” “Wailing Wind” CD CD CD CASS CASS CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD Hoag, Tami Hoag, Tami Hoffman, Alice Hoffman, Alice Holden, Craig Holt, Victoria Holt, Victoria Hooper, Kay Hosseini, Khaled Hosseini, Khaled Howard, Linda Howard, Linda Hunter, Stephen “The Alibi Man” “The Last White Knight” “The Ice Queen” “Turtle Moon” “Four Corners of Night” “The Captive” “The Shadows of the Lynx” “Blood Dreams” “The Kite Runner” “Thousand Splendid Suns” “Cry No More” “Open Season” “The 47th Samurai” I CD CD Isaacs, Susan Irving, John “Past Perfect” “Until I Find You” (2 Parts) J CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD Jackson, Lisa Jackson, Lisa Jacobs, Kate Jakes, John James, E L James, E.L. James, E.L. James, P.D. James, P.D. James, P.D. Jance, J.A. Jance, J.A. Jance, J.A. Jin, Ha Johansen, Iris Johansen, Iris Johansen, Iris Johansen, Roy Johnson, Denis “Absolute Fear” “Malice” “Knit the Season” “Homeland” “50 Shades of Grey” “50 Shades Darker” “50 Shades Freed” “Death of an Expert Witness” “The Lighthouse” “A Mind to Murder” “Dead Wrong” “Fire and Ice” “Justice Denied” “A Free Life” “Face of Deception” “Final Target” “Stalemate” “Answer Man” “Tree of Smoke” K CD CD CASS CD CD CD Karon, Jan Karon, Jan Karon, Jan Keillor, Garrison Keillor, Garrison Keillor, Garrison “In the Company of Others” “Light From Heaven” “Light in the Window” “The Adventures of Guy Noir” “Lake Wobegon Summer 1956" “News From Lake Wobegon” CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD Keillor, Garrison Kellerman, Faye Kellerman, Faye Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Kellerman, Jonathan Keyes, Daniel Keyes, Marian Khoury, Raymond Kidd, Sue Monk Kidd, Sue Monk King, Lauren R. King, Stephen King, Stephen King, Stephen King, Stephen King, Stephen Kingsolver, Barbara Kingsolver, Barbara Kinsella, Sophie Kinsella, Sophie Kinsella, Sophie Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Koontz, Dean Kostova, Elizabeth Krentz, Jayne Ann Kwok, Jean “Pontoon” “The Forgotten” “The Merceded Coffin” “Bones” “Deception” “Double Homicide” “Compulsion” “Dr. Death” “Gone” “Mystery” “Obsession” “Private Eyes” “True Detectives” “Victims” “Flowers for Algernon” “The Brightest Star in the Sky” “The Last Templar” “The Mermaid Chair” “The Secret Life of Bees” “O Jerusalem” “11/22/63” “The Cell” “From a Buick 8" “Song of Susannah” “Wolves of the Calla” “The Lacuna” “The Poisonwood Bible” “Confessions of a Shopaholic” “I’ve Got Your Number” “Remember Me?” “Brother Odd” “Darkest Evening of the Year” “Forever Odd” “The Good Guy” “The Husband” “Sole Survivor” “Velocity” “The Swan Thieves” “Sizzle and Burn” “Girl in Translation” L CD CD CASS CD Lamott, Anne Landay, William Lardo, Vincent Larsson, Steig “Imperfect Birds” “Defending Jacob” “McNally’s Dare” “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest” CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CASS CD CASS Larsson, Steig Larsson, Steig Lawrence, D.H. Lawson, Jenny Le Carre, John Lee, Chang Rae Lee, Harper Leon, Donna Leon, Donna Leon, Donna Leonard, Elmore Leonard, Elmore Lindsey, David Liss, David Ludlum, Robert Ludlum, Robert Ludlum, Robert “The Girl Who Played With Fire” “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” “The Captain’s Doll” “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened” “The Constant Gardener” “Aloft” “To Kill a Mockingbird” “Doctored Evidence” “A Question of Belief” “Uniform Justice” “Be Cool” “Tishamingo Blues” “The Color of Night” “The Coffee Trader” “The Ambler Warning” “The Cassandra Compact” “The Sigma Protocol” M CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS CD CD CASS CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CASS CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD Macintyre, Ben Macomber, Debbie Maguire, Gregory Mantel, Hilary Margolin, Phillip Margolin, Phillip Margolin, Phillip Martel, Yann Martel, Yann Martin, George Martini, Steve Martini, Steve Maugham, W. Somerset McBain, Ed McBain, Ed McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCall Smith, Alexander McCarthy, Cormac McLarty, Ron McLarty, Ron McLain, Paula McLaughlin, Emma “Double Cross” “92 Pacific Boulevard” “Wicked” “Wolf Hall” “The Associate” “Proof Positve” “Ties That Bind” “Beatrice and Virgil” “Life of Pi” “The Game of Thrones” (2 Parts) “The Arraignment” “Critical Mass” “The Razor’s Edge” “Fiddlers” “Money, Money, Money” “Blue Shoes and Happiness” “Careful Use of Compliments” “Espresso Tales” “Full Cupboard of Life” “The Kalahari Typing School For Men” “Morality For Beautiful Girls” “Tears of the Giraffe” “The Road” “Memory of Running” “Traveler” “The Paris Wife” “Nanny Returns” CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CD CD McMillan, Terry McMurty, Larry Meacham, Leila Meltzer, Brad Meltzer, Brad Meltzer, Brad Mendelshon, Jane Michaels, Fern Miller, Sue Morgan, Richard K. Morrison, Toni Morrison, Toni Morrison, Toni Mosse, Kate Mosely, Walter Murakami, Haruki “The Interruption of Everything” “By Sorrow’s River” “Roses” “Book of Lies” “The Inner Circle” “The Millionaries” “I Was Amelia Earnhart” “The Marriage Game” “The Lake Shore Limited” “Thirteen” “Love: A Novel” “Paradise” “Song of Solomon” “Labyrinth” “Six Easy Pieces” “1Q84” N CD CD CD CD CD CD Nemirovsky, Irene Nesbo, Jo Nicholls, David Niffenegger, Audrey NPR NPR “Suite Francaise” “The Leopard” “One Day” “Time Traveler’s Wife” “Driveway Moments: All About Animals” “Favorite Driveway Moments” O CD CD CD Obreht, Tea Orringer, Julie Owen, Mark “The Tiger’s Wife” “The Invisible Bridge” “No Easy Day” P CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Packer, Ann Palmer, Michael Palmer, Michael Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. “Swim Back to Me” “The First Patient” “The Last Patient” “Appaloosa” “Bad Business” “Cold Service” “Double Play” “Hundred-Dollar Baby” “Night and Day” “Now &Then” “The Professional” “Resolution” “School Days” “Sea Change” “Spare Change” CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Parker, Robert B. Parker, Robert B. Patchett, Ann Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, James Patterson, Richard North Patterson, Richard North Pavone, Chris Penny, Louise Penny, Louise “Split Image” “Stranger in Paradise” “State of Wonder” “2nd Chance” “4th of July” “5th Horseman” “6th Target” “7th Heaven” “8th Confession” “9th Judgement” “Alex Cross’s Trial” “Beach House” “Big Bad Wolf” “Cat + Mouse” “Cross” “Cross Country” “Don’t Blink” “Double Cross” “Four Blind Mice” “Guilty Wives” “Honeymoon” “I, Michael Bennett” “Judge & Jury” “Kill Me if You Can” “Lake House” “London Bridges” “Mary Mary” “MAX” “Now You See Her” “The Postcard Killers” “Private” “Private: #1 Suspect” “The Quickie” “Run For Your Life” “Sail” “Sundays at Tiffany’s” “Swimsuit” “Tick Tock” “Worst Case” “You’ve Been Warned” “Zoo” “Balance of Power” “Conviction” “The Expats” “Beautiful Mystery” “A Trick of the Light” CD CASS CASS CASS CD CD CD CD CD CASS CASS/CD CD CASS CD CD CASS Perrotta, Tom Peters, Elizabeth Peters, Elizabeth Peters, Elizabeth Phillips, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Susan Elizabeth Picoult, Jodi Picoult, Jodi Picoult, Jodi Pilcher, Rosemunde Pilcher, Rosemunde Plain, Belva Plain, Belva Preston, Douglas Preston, Douglas Proulx, Annie “The Abstinence Teacher” “Borrower of the Night” “Hippopotamus Pool” “Thunder in the Sky” “Natural Born Charmer” “What I Did For Love” “Change of Heart" “Harvesting the Heart” “Vanishing Acts” “Coming Home” “Winter Solstice” “Fortune’s Hand” “Promises” “Cold Vengeance” “The Wheel of Darkness” “That Old Ace in the Hole” Q CD CD CD Quindlen, Anna Quindlen, Anna Quindlen, Anna “Blessings” (2 Parts) “Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake” “Rise and Shine” R CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD Reich, Christopher Reichs, Kathy Reichs, Kathy Reichs, Kathy Reichs, Kathy Reichs, Kathy Rice, Anne Robards, Karen Robards, Karen Robb, J.D. Robb, J.D. Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Roberts, Nora Robinson, Marilynne Robinson, Patrick Rollins, James Rosnay, Tatiana de Rosnay, Tatiana de “Rules of Deception” “206 Bones” “Bones to Ashes” “Cross Bones” “Devil Bones” “Spider Bones” “Merrick” “Guilty” “Obsession” “Born in Death” “Divided in Death” “Brazen Virtue” “High Noon” “The Hollow” “The Perfect Hope” “Morrigan’s Cross” “The Search” “Gilead” “Kilo Class” “Altar of Eden” “Sarah’s Key” “A Secret Kept” CD CD CD CD CASS CD CASS Roth, Phillip Roth, Phillip Rowling, J.K. Ruiz Zafon, Carlos Russo, Richard Russo, Richard Russo, Richard “Everyman” “Plot Against America” “The Casual Vacancy” “The Angel’s Game” “Straight Man” “That Old Cape Magic” “The Whore’s Child and Other Stories” S CD CD CD CD CD CASS CASS CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Sandford, John Saul, John Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Scottoline, Lisa Sebold, Alice Sebold, Alice Sedaris, David CD CD CD CD CD Sedaris, David See, Lisa See, Lisa Shaara, Jeff Shaffer, Mary Ann CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD Shaw, George Bernard Sheldon, Sydney Shreve, Anita Shreve. Anita Shreve, Anita Shreve, Anita Shreve, Anita “Bad Blood” “Broken Prey” “Dark of the Moon” “Dead Watch” “Heat Lightning” “Hidden Prey” “Night Prey” “Phantom Prey” “Rough Country” “Secret Prey” “Storm Prey” “Wicked Prey” “Devil’s Labyrinth” “Daddy’s Girl” “Dead Ringer” “Dirty Blonde” “Killer Smile” “Lady Killer” “Look Again” “Think Twice” “The Almost Moon” “Lovely Bones” “Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim” “When You Are Engulfed In Flames” “Shanghai Girls” “Snow Flower and the Secret Fan” “Rise to Rebellion” “The Guernsey and Potato Peel Pie Society” “Pygamallion” “Sky Is Falling” “Body Surfing” “A Change in Altitude” “Light On Snow” “Rescue” “Testimony” CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD Siddons, Anne River Siddons, Anne River Silva, Daniel Silva, Daniel Silva, Daniel Silva, Daniel Silva, Daniel Silva, Daniel Simmons, Dan Simonson, Helen Slaughter, Karin Smith, Betty Smith, Lee Smith, Scott Smith, Zadie Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Sparks, Nicholas Stedman, ML Steel,Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steel, Danielle Steinbeck, John Stockett, Kathryn Stout, Rex Strout, Elizabeth “Low Country” “Sweetwater Creek” “The Defector” “The Fallen Angel” “Moscow Rules” “Portrait of a Spy” “The Rembrandt Affair” “Secret Servant” “The Terorr” “Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand” “Undone” “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” “The Lost Girls” “The Ruins” “On Beauty” “3 Weeks With My Brother” “At First Sight” “The Choice” “Dear John” “The Last Song” “The Lucky One” “Night in Rodanthe” “The Notebook” “The Rescue” “The Light Between Oceans” “Big Girl” “Bungalow 2” “Coming Out” “Cottage” “A Good Woman” “Honor Thyself” “H.R.H.” “The Kiss” “Legacy” “Matters of the Heart” “Miracle” “One Day at a Time” “Rogue” “Second Chance” “Sins of the Mother” “Sisters” “Toxic Bachelors” “Grapes of Wrath” “The Help” “Before Midnight” “Olive Kitteridge” CD Sullivan, J. Courtney “Maine” T CD CD CD CD CD CD CD Thayer, Nancy Tolkien, J.R.R. Trigiani, Adriana Trigiani, Adriana Turrow, Scott Tyler, Anne Tyler, Anne “The Beachcombers” “The Lord of the Rings” “The Shoemaker’s Wife” “Very Valentine” “Innocent” “Amateur Marriage” “Noah’s Compass” U CD CD Updike, John Updike, John “Terrorist” “Villages” V CD CD CASS Verghese, Abraham Vreeland, Susan Vreeland, Susan “Cutting For Stone” “The Forest Lover” “Girl in Hyacinth Blue” W CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD CD CD CASS CD CD Walker, Mary Willis Walls, Jeanette Waters, Sarah Weiner, Jennifer Weiner, Jennifer Winchester, Simon Wodehouse, P.G. Woodiwiss, Kathleen Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Woods, Stuart Worrall, Jay Wroblewski, David “All the Dead Lie Down” “Half Borke Horses” “Night Watch” “Fly Away Home” “The Next Best Thing” “Krakatoa” “My Man Jeeves” “The Reluctant Suitor” “Beverly Hills Dead” “Dark Harbor” “Fresh Disasters” “Lucid Intervals” “Kisser” “Mounting Fears” “The Run” “Santa Fe Dead” “Shoot Him If He Runs” “Swim to Catalina” “Two-Dollar Bill” “Worst Fears Realized” “Sails on the Horizon” “The Story of Edgar Sawtelle” Y CD Young, William P. C: /Desktop/Lists/AudioBookList.docx “The Shack” 12/5/12