COUNSELING 20: SYLLABUS STUDENT SUCCESS SEMINAR SECTION 1592, FALL 2013/ Fridays 8:00AM-11:05AM BUS 105 1 Professor: Marisela Canela, M.A. Email: (type “C20” in subject line) Office Hours: I am available briefly immediately after class. Or, email me to schedule an appointment. Also available via-email. Email early in the week for the best choices of appointments for the following week. Please let me know if you wish to meet with me but are having trouble scheduling a time to meet. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to help students gain an understanding of the process of learning and acquire the skills and behaviors necessary to be successful in college. Students will learn about the opportunities, resources and support services available at Santa Monica College. This course will provide instruction, guidance and practice in areas essential to academic success. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: By the end of this course you will: Demonstrate awareness and understanding of college resources and ability to access and integrate this knowledge into your college experience. Identify the time management practices that work effectively for you. Demonstrate the self-discipline needed for student success by coming to class on time and turning in work on time. Transfer: UC and CSU (satisfies G.E. Area E requirement) REQUIRED RESOURCES: Textbook: Ellis, D., Dowing., Van Blerksom. (2013). Mastering Student Success, Strategies for College and Lifelong Learning Packet: Counseling 20 Supplemental Packet, 9th Edition SMC Student Handbook & Planner (will be given to all students)* A 3-ring binder containing the class syllabus, the packet, and lined paper for note-taking* 2 different color highlighters and 3 x 5 file cards for the study cards *Bring to each class session COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. Attendance: As this course is a seminar, your participation in each class session is critical. Therefore, you are expected to attend EVERY class meeting, be ON TIME, and REMAIN in class until the end of class. No absence is “excused.”* After 2 absences, 10 points will be deducted from your final grade for each absence.* After 1 late arrival, 5 points will be deducted each time you arrive late OR leave early. You may be dropped from the class after 4 absences. If you arrive after attendance has been taken, at the end of class, request that your absence be changed to a late arrival--otherwise, you will be recorded absent for the day. If you are late or absent, you are still responsible for mastery of the material for any assignments or tests. Good Idea: Get the contact information of a classmate for this purpose. *This absence policy is subject to revision in consideration of the H1N1 flu threat. If you have flu-symptoms, do NOT come to class, contact me BEFORE you are absent, and see me when you return. 2 2. Assignments You will earn maximum points for an assignment turned in on time, and completed in its entirety, with thought and effort. All work will be collected at the beginning of class. Assignments are late if they are turned in after the assignments have been collected. All assignments must be typed, except when answering questions on a form. Points will be deducted for assignments not typed. To avoid losing points, turn in work early, or e-mail work, before class begins if you will be absent. You will be allowed to turn in one assignment up to one week late for any reason. You will be given up to half credit for the assignment. After, NO late assignments will be accepted. MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS: (670 points) Major assignments will be required throughout the semester. These 5 assignments will give you the opportunity to apply or practice using the skills learned in class to your personal or academic life needs. Detailed descriptions of the requirements of each major assignment are found in the Counseling 20 Supplemental Packet or will be given to you in class. 3. Quizzes/Exam The quizzes will cover the lectures (including guest lecturers), and readings in the textbook. The Exam will be an in-class cumulative exam. 4. Extra Credit You may earn up to 70 extra credit points. All extra credit work must be turned in by Thursday, December 6. Write “Extra Credit” on the page – so that is clear that the assignment is extra credit. All extra credit assignments must be typed. See Extra Credit (attached) for details. Each activity may only be completed once. (Unless otherwise noted). Participation: (100 points) As a seminar, your involvement in each class session is expected and includes: practicing strategies, active listening/ note taking, asking/answering questions, volunteering, working in pairs and small groups, presenting orally, completing evaluations & summaries of class sessions, etc. All students will begin the semester with 100 points. Excessive absences &/or late will result in the loss of participation points. GRADING SYSTEM Your final grade will be based on your total points earned for your assignments, quizzes, exam, attendance, and extra credit. See the Grade Monitor (attached) for details. Good Idea: Keep track of all of your points, and dates absent or late. Also, SAVE ALL OF YOUR WORK until your final grade is posted. This is an excellent strategy for ALL your classes. CLASS WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES If you decide to drop the class, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to withdraw officially from the course. Good Idea: Never rely on ANY instructor to drop you from any course, even though you are no longer attending the class. The consequence may be a failing grade on your permanent record. CLASSROOM GUIDELINES: No food or drinks (except water) are permitted in the class. All electronic devices (cell phones, iPods, etc.) are to be turned OFF and stored (not on the desk) before class for the entire class session. Any violation of this rule, intended, unintended, and even if only perceived, will result in the deduction of 20 points for the day. Once the class begins, you are expected to stay in the classroom unless you have an urgent necessity. Side conversations during class are not allowed. Students who are rude or disruptive will be told to leave the class. 3 Classroom Discussions: Our course will involve classroom and small group discussion. It is important for every student to participate in these discussions. At times topics may be personal, some may be emotional. The following are guidelines that are to be used in any discussion during the course. Each person has a right to her or his own opinion. Each person has a right to be respected. Be aware of your own prejudices. Each person has a right to privacy. No one is required to comment on a given topic and if a person requests confidentiality, others agree to not repeat what was said. CODE OF ACADEMIC CONDUCT Santa Monica College promotes academic integrity and does not permit cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty. The Code of Academic Conduct can be found in the 2009-2010 SMC Catalog on page 283. You can access the on-line adobe acrobat version at It is important that you understand this code, as it is the official regulation of the college. All students are expected to do their own, original work and follow instructions with each activity. I will vigorously pursue any suspected cases of plagiarism, cheating or other violations of the SMC Code, whether completed or merely attempted. Even a first offense of academic dishonesty will result in a score of zero on that exam or assignment, and an Academic Dishonesty Report form will be filed with the Campus Disciplinarian. TECHNOLOGY: E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND INTERNET ACCESS We will use e-mail, the Internet, and eCompanion in this course. You will need to have an email address by the 2nd week of class. You may use an account such as Yahoo or Hotmail, or get an SMC account. To get an SMC account (which you will need to use any campus computer), go to, click on Current Students, Student E-Mail Log-In, then follow the prompts and instructions to get an account. If you do not have Internet access from home, go to the Transfer Counseling Complex Lobby, Cayton Center, the Library, or any other computer lab on campus. A complete list of computer labs is at :// You will use eCompanion to access your grades and some documents for the class, and we will use it to communicate. Go to to access eCompanion, or you can access it through the Student Self-Service System. OUTSIDE TIME COMMITMENT As in all academic courses, this course requires that you do work outside of class. The general “rule of thumb” is two hours of study for every hour spent in class; however, some weeks will require less time, and other weeks will involve more. To do better than average (“C”), some students need to spend on average even more time outside of class. Good Idea: Only enroll in this class if you have the time needed outside of class to be successful. In fact, do NOT enroll in ANY class unless you have ample time outside of class to complete it successfully. PEER MENTOR PROGRAM: Past successful Counseling 20 students work as peer mentors for students in this course. The mentors are available to provide support and guidance to you as an SMC student. They can assist you in finding answers to questions, as well as, in providing you with encouragement throughout the semester. CLASS WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES: SEP 8, 2013 – Last Day to Withdraw to Receive an Enrollment Free Refund SEP 8, 2013 – Last Day to Withdraw to Avoid a “W” Grade on the Transcript Nov 17, 2013 – Las Day to Withdraw for “W” Grade on the Transcript ***IF YOU WISH TO WITHDRAW FROM A CLASS YOU MUST COMPLETE THE WITHDRAWAL ONLINE OR BY PHONE. DO NOT ASSUME YOUR PROFESSOR WILL DROP YOU EVEN THOUGH YOU ARE NO LONGER ATTENDING CLASS. THE CONSEQUENCE MAY BE A FAILING GRADE ON YOUR PERMANENT RECORD. 4 Course Outline Class Date Week 1 8/30 Week 2 9/6 Week 3 9/13 Week 4 9/20 Syllabus is subject to change. Instructor will notify you if changes will be made. Topic Assignments & Exams, & Extra Credit Introduction to course / Syllabus Activity: “How Bad Do You Want To Be Successful” video What Are Your Expectations? Student Information Sheet & Success Analysis Handout on Campus Tutoring Centers Academic Integrity Video: Academic Integrity, & Plagiarism Review Reading Assignment Ch 13, p. 386-388, & Ch 14, p.405-409 Campus Resources Review of Campus Resources (Calendar of Events brochure) Learning Styles Due: Academic Integrity Assignment Ch. Introduction, p. 16-26,28-30 Ch 1, p. 36-39, 51-52, 54-55 Learning Styles Inventory (packet, p.187-191) Left-Brain or Right-Brain (packet, p.195, 196) Goal Setting Activity: Where will you be 5 years from today? Video Ch 15, p. 453-459, 462-474 Ch 2, p. 71-73 (the exercise 9 & 10) Writing SMART Goals (packet, p. 91-92) Active Goal Setting (packet, p. 93) Time Management Activity: “Time waits for no one” video Time Management Strategies (packet, 183-184) Evaluate Your School/Work & plan Your Schedule (packet, p.201-202) Your Best Time of the Day (packet, p.193,194) Time Monitor-How do you Spend Your Time? (packet, p.197) Time Wasters (packet, p.199) Time Management Ch 2, p.74-96 Fixed Commitment (packet, p. 175) Lifeline (packet, p. 101) –Discussion Time Planning Exercise (packet, p.177,178) & Sign-up Sheet ABC Daily To-Do List (packet, p.179,180) (Time Management Portfolio; review, packet, p.185) Money Ch.10, p.296-297, 304-305, 314-315. Guest Speaker (packet, p.66-71,73,75) TED TALKS VIDEO or SuzyOrman Money Quiz #1 (Integrity, & Ch.1, 2,10) Lifeline Presentations Dave Ramsey. Online Budgeting Week 5 9/27 Week 6 10/4 Lifeline Presentations Personality Type (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) Exploring Major & Career Due: Lifeline Presentation Personality Type (packet, p.17,18) Personality Type (packet, p.19) 16 MBTI Typologies Handout Research a Career-Discussion (review packet,p.21) O.Net to research a career Guest Speaker Week 7 10/11 Exploring Major & Career Guest Speaker Educational Planning (College Catalog, GE, Electives) (Transfer, AA degree, Certificates) How to choose a transfer school? Strategies for transferring Exploring Major & Careers Projects (packet, p.23) Bring Educational Major & Career Project (packet, p.23-26) Review the Educational Plan-Direction (packet, p.35) *note: bring a pencil, Major & G.E. Sheets Things to Do to Help You Choose a Major (packet, p.37) 5 Educational Planning Week 8 10/18 Week 9 10/25 Week 10 11/1 Educational Planning / Transfer Considerations (Packet, p. 38) Library Reading/ Notes Library Project MLA Style Bibliography (packet, p. 5-6) Questions to ask about source of information (packet, p.31) Ch. 4 (p.127-132; Phase 1,2,3) Textbook Reading & Study Strategy (packet, p.155-169) Ch 4(p. 139-145) Group Presentation-Discussion (packet,p.123-125) Reading/ Notes Ch. 5 (p. 155) Reading/ Notes Test/Study Skills Week 11 11/8 Ten Steps to Giving Great Speeches Group Activity (Time with your group) Week 12 11/15 Week 14 11/22 Week 15 11/29 Week 16 12/6 Week 17 12/13 Due: Long Term Project (packet, p.181,182) Due: Time Management Portfolio (packet, p.185) Ch. 6 Ch 16, p. 490 (Setting up a good study environment) Study Skills (packet, p. 111) Quiz #2: Ch.4,5,&6 Due: Research a Career (packet, p.21) Review Oral Presentation-Directions (packet, p.125,126,127-134) Due: Educational Plan Identifying Priorities Campus Resource Presentation Due: Campus Resource Presentation (packet, p.124-134) Campus Resource Presentation Campus Resource Presentation Presentations Health/ Stress Ch. 11 The Power of Sleep (packet, p. 223) STD’s (packet, p. 219-221) Stress (packet, p. 231) Guest Speaker Nurse Quiz #3. Ch.11 Presentation Meet a Professional Presentation No Class: Campus Close Exam Exam Due: Library Project Build An Irresistible Resume SOL Questionnaire Ch12, p.366-368 Assignment: Search a dream job on “,” what skills, education, technology were required? Print job, and include 1 page write up Start Building Your Network Due: Extra Credit Ch.12, p.369-371 LinkedIn Last Day of Class: Special Project Attendance is mandatory 6 GRADE MONITOR 1. TOTAL #1 2. = (670 POINTS POSSIBLE) QUIZZES AND STUDY CARDS/NOTES Quiz #1: Chapter 1,2,10, Academic Integrity Quiz #2: Chapter 4,5,6 Quiz #3: Chapter 11 TOTAL #2 3. Point Value 70 points 100 points 150 points 100 points 100 points 150 points MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Academic Integrity Life Line Presentation (packet p. 101) Time Management Portfolio (packet p185) Research a Career (packet, p.21) Educational Plan (packet) Exam HOMEWORK/ PRESENTATION Student Information Sheet Long Term Project Success Analysis Library Project Learning Style Inventory Campus Resource Fixed Commitment Calendar Meet a Professional = Points Value 20 points 20 points 10 points (50 POINTS POSSIBLE) Received _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Due Date 9/6 9/20 10/17 11/1 11/8 12/6 ___________ Received _______ _______ _______ _________ Value Received 5 pts 40 pts 10 pts 40 pts 5 pts 45 pts 5 pts 30 pts _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ TOTAL #3 = (180 POINTS POSSIBLE) ________ TOTAL #1 _______ + TOTAL #2 _______ + TOTAL #3 _____ ___ + PARTICIPATION _________ + (100 POINTS POSSIBLE) EXTRA CREDIT _________ Class Grades: = TOTAL CLASS POINTS _______________ 900 – 1000 points 800 -- 899 points 700 – 799 points 600 -- 699 points < 600 points = = = = = A B C D F 7 Extra Credit Opportunities • Write “Extra Credit” on the page – so that it is clear that the assignment is extra credit. • Extra Credit Assignments are due no later than 12/6/13. • No more than 70 points may be earned by extra credit. • All extra credit assignments must be typed. • Each activity may only be completed once. (Unless otherwise noted.) 1. Meeting with a representative from another college during the current semester. These meetings can be scheduled in the Transfer Counseling Office. Meeting schedules can be found on the Transfer Center website. Everything must be completed as on the Meet with Your Professor assignment on page 15 of your Student Packet under Section 3 “Various Assignments.” Follow this format. 20 points 2. Attend the College Fair. Write an "Awareness and Action Statement" about what you gained from this event. Make a copy of the form on page 37 of your supplemental packet to use in completing your write-up.(10 points) 3. Join a club or other campus organization. Write an Awareness and Action Statement describing the club, how you are benefiting from membership and what you will do as a member. Use the format on page 9 of your Student Packet under Section 3 “Various Assignments” to complete this write up. 10 points 4. Attend any activity offered in the Student Services Calendar. Write an Awareness and Action Statement about what you gained from it. Use the format on page 9 of your Student Packet under Section 3 “Various ssignments” to complete this write up. Attach the cut-off from the brochure with the signature of the presenter to your paper. 10 points 5. Meet with a tutor on campus or one of the Counseling 20 mentors and submit proof of your completed appointment (4 maximum). 10 points 6. Meet with a career counselor. Write an "Awareness and Action Statement" about what you gained from this meeting. Make a copy of the form on page 135 of your supplemental packet to use in completing your write-up. 10 points 8 Counseling 20 – Student Success Seminar Student Information Sheet Your name__________________________________________________________________________ Last Name First Name Phone Number________________________________ Email__________________________________ Why did you decide to take this course?___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ What do you want to learn from this course?________________________________________________ Is this your first semester at SMC?_________ If not, how many semesters have you been here?_______ Have you attended any other colleges? Please list____________________________________________ Are you currently on Academic Probation at SMC? Yes_____ No_____ How many hours will you be working this semester? # of hours: On-campus _____ Off-campus _____ Will you have family responsibilities this semester? Yes_____ No_____ Hours per week_______ How long is your commute to Santa Monica College? One way: ______________________________ Have you applied for Financial Aid? Yes_____ No_____ If ‘No’ why not? Don’t know how ____ Didn’t think about it ____ Think income too high ____ Other ________________________________ What subjects do you consider your most difficult? __________________________________________ What subjects have you done the best in? __________________________________________________ 9 How would you describe your academic performance overall? Unsatisfactory Average Outstanding How confident are you in your ability to be successful in college? Circle the number on the scale below. Not At All Confident - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Extremely Confident Did your math skills interfere with your success in high school classes? Yes____ No____ Did your English skills interfere with your success in high school classes? Yes____ No____ Have you ever been diagnosed with a learning disability? Yes___ No___ When?_______________ Do you think you might have a learning disability but have not been tested? Yes____ No____ Is English your second (or third) language? Yes ______ No ______ List any activities you have excelled in or have an interest in. _____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Have you chosen a college major? Yes ___ No ____ If Yes, what major? _______________________ Have you chosen a career? Yes ___ No ____ If Yes, what career? ________________________ If No, list 2 or 3 careers you are interested in. ______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ What is your educational goal? Please check all that apply: Transfer_______ AA degree_______ Occupational Certificate_______ Don't know yet_______ Personal Enrichment_______ 10 Do you have other family members who have attended college? Check family members who have: mother ____ father ____ brothers or sisters ____ Have you met with a Counselor on campus? Yes_______ No_______ If yes, Counselor’s name or location (Counseling Center, TRIO, etc.)____________________________ Do you belong to any clubs, athletic programs or special programs on campus (such as Geo Club, Athletics, Adelante, Scholars, EOPS, etc.)? Please list:_______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Do you use a computer at home? __________ Do you have internet from home? ___________ List all of the classes you are taking this semester and the grade you predict you will get in each course: Class Name and Number Counseling 20 ______________________________ Number of Units Grade You Want to Get 3 ____________________ ______________________ Please add anything you would like me to know about you or your situation or any questions you have: Success Analysis 11 1. Define Success. 2. Describe the differences in behavior between a successful student and an unsuccessful student. What do they DO differently? Be specific (e.g. ask questions in class). 3. Who is responsible for the fact that some students are successful and others are not? Does the school contribute to these differences? Do teachers play a role? Parents? Friends? What role does the student play? (Answer all.) 4. What SKILLS do you think are needed to achieve success in college? (e.g. lecture note taking) 5. What obstacles do YOU need to address or eliminate in order to be successful in college? 6. What do you tell yourself about your ABILITY to learn and succeed in school? 7. How ready do you believe you are to WORK at succeeding in college? 8. What do you VALUE the most? In other words, what is most important to you, or means the most in your life? 9. What TRAITS do the best Athletes, top music artist, successful business people (CEO’s), and successful students have in common? 12 Counseling 20 - STUDENT SUCCESS SEMINAR Instructor: Marisela Canela, M.A. SYLLABI SIGNATURE PAGE: Student’s Copy (keep this copy attached to your syllabus) By signing this page and giving it to my instructor, I am confirming that: 1. I have read carefully, understand and agree with and will follow all of the guidelines, statements and requirements stated in this Counseling 20 Syllabus; 2. I understand that the grade I earn in this class is my responsibility to earn and to track with my Grade Monitor; 3. I understand that our class is a learning community. I will support my learning and the learning of my classmates and instructor by coming to class prepared, participating fully and completing my work; and 4. I commit to giving my best effort throughout the term of the course and seek out my fellow students to support my success. Please sign your name here: _________________________________________________ Print your name here:___________________________________________________ Today’s date__________ Please ask four of your fellow students to write down their names, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses to clarify homework, find out what you missed if you are absent and to support your learning. Classmate #1 Name (first & last): Classmate #2 Name (first & last): Phone# & E-mail: Phone# & E-mail: Classmate #1 Name (first & last): Classmate #1 Name (first & last): Phone# & E-mail: Phone# & E-mail: 13 Counseling 20 - STUDENT SUCCESS SEMINAR Instructor: Marisela Canela, M.A. SYLLABI SIGNATURE PAGE: Ms. Canela. Copy (sign, remove from syllabus and hand in) By signing this page and giving it to my instructor, I am confirming that: 1. I have read carefully, understand and agree with and will follow all of the guidelines, statements and requirements stated in this Counseling 20 Syllabus; 2. I understand that the grade I earn in this class is my responsibility to earn and to track with my Grade Monitor; 3. I understand that our class is a learning community. I will support my learning and the learning of my classmates and instructor by coming to class prepared, participating fully and completing my work; and 4. I commit to giving my best effort throughout the term of the course and seek out my fellow students to support my success. Please sign your name here: _________________________________________________ Print your name here:___________________________________________________ Today’s date__________