Credit Sales: Open-Ended vs. Closed-Ended In dealing with credit transactions and the extension of Closed-End Credit Sales credit to consumers, Credit Sales are often identified as Closed-End Credit Sales are extensions of credit to a “Open-End” or “Closed-End”. It is important to know the consumer for an agreed upon amount. distinction between the two and the regulatory schemes transactions, the consumer is not allowed to add to the that govern them to ensure compliance. account balance but rather is expected to make payments In these on the account at a specified payment amount for a What is a Credit Sale? specified period of time. Creditors can also impose a A Credit Sale is simply an agreement by a consumer to finance charge on the outstanding account balance.3 make payments in exchange for the sale of a product or service.1 At Healthcare Finance Direct, all of the transactions that we process are classified as Closed-End Credit Sales. The Open-End Credit Sales transaction documents that we offer to our clients have An Open-End Credit Sale is most commonly found in the been certified as compliant with the applicable regulatory credit card transaction. schemes that govern Closed-End Credit Sales. A business or a bank offers (“Creditor”) a consumer the ability to open an account with a set credit limit. Then the consumer is allowed to Our transactions documents ensure that consumers are add to the balance of their account for the purchase of provided with all the necessary disclosures mandated by products or services. In most Open-End Credit Sales the the federal Truth In Lending Act (“TILA”). In addition, we Creditor imposes a finance charge on the outstanding guarantee compliance with State specific regulations that account balance and the consumer is expected to make apply payments on the balance.2 regulations sometimes differ for each of the fifty States. to consumer finance transactions. These We navigate the regulatory maze for you so you don’t have to worry about being up to date on the latest changes to the consumer finance laws that apply to your business. 1 2 12 Code of Federal Regulations (“CFR”) §226.2(16) 12 CFR §226.2(20) 3 12 CFR §226.2(10)