Key Stage 1 - Dance Notes

Order Teaching Pack
Stage 1
Tracy Challenor
Key Stage 1
Lesson Plan for Key Stage 1 Dance
Order Teaching Pack
Improvise to an idea and display an immediate response.
Explore different levels, directions and speeds.
Appreciate the music used for movement.
Choose appropriate movement to convey superheroes.
Explore different methods of travelling.
Work co-operatively to create a short dance phrase.
Work alone, with guidance from the teacher, to create movement ideas in
response to the stimuli.
The 4 Strands of the National curriculum:
Acquiring and Developing Skills
Selecting and Applying Skills, Tactics and Compositional Ideas
Knowledge and Understanding of Fitness and Health
Evaluating and Improving Performance
Unit Contents:
Week 1: Superhero Solo
Week 2: Duet dance
Week 3: Superhero journey
Week 4: The Rescue
Week 5: Finalise Dance
Week 6: Rehearse and Perform
Tracks Used (click on links below to audition)
 “Is There a Doctor in the House?”
 “The Chase”
 “Throw Some Sounds”
 “Follow that Cab”
 “And Then?”
 “Bubbling Under”
 “Lift Me Up”
 “A Tender Moment”
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 1: Superhero Solo
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss superhero characters e.g.
The Green Lantern,
Discuss what they look like and how they move. For example:
Superman: protects Earth from danger, has x-ray vision, ice-breath, can fly.
Elastigirl: wife of Mr Incredible, extremely flexible, can stretch her body.
How would they travel?
Choose your favourite superhero.
Warm up
 “Is There a Doctor in the House?”
When music stops, run to a new space and choose a pose of your favourite
superhero. Encourage change of direction, use of all space and, when familiar,
extend to low, medium and high level. Pick out some good poses and share with the
rest of the class.
 “The Chase”
A Listen to the music and discuss the sounds and instruments used. Pick out a point in
the music and ask the children what movement they could use to interpret it.
Encourage the children to listen and comment on the changes, also expressing which
parts they like and why.
B Ask children to find a space and hold a favourite pose from their warm up. This will
be their starting position. Also think of an ending position, which should be a
different pose. Encourage the children to explore level, direction and speed
through space.
C Encourage children to create one jump, one turn, one roll, one pose that represents
their chosen hero. Ensure the children explore different jumps and turns before
making a choice.
D In turn, each child displays their moves to their partner.
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Order Teaching Pack
E Extension: try movements in a different order, to see which order of moves links
best together
Cool Down
 “Is There a Doctor in the House?”
The cool down is the same as the beginning: when the music stops, shout out a
number between 1 and 5. The children must divide themselves into groups of the
size you called out. They then create a pose together using contact.
Key Vocabulary:
low level, appreciation, jump, roll, turn, pose, contact, links
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 2: Superhero Duet
Order Teaching Pack
What do the children remember about the movements they created last week.
“Can you remember your turn, jump, roll pose from last week?”
“Were they in that order or did you change your order of moves?”
Warm up
 “Throw Some Sounds”
Move in and out of space, thinking of different travelling actions; e.g.
low-level creeping,
weaving footwork.
Split into two groups, each group should congregate in an opposite corner of the
room. One member from each group moves diagonally across the room, one at a
time, alternating between groups. As they move, they perform an interesting
travelling action to represent their superhero.
 “The Chase”
In Pairs, circle your partner keeping eye contact, pause and then reverse.
Recap your own four moves from last week, then add them together with your
partner’s four moves. The idea is to blend each jump, turn and roll together to
create a short sequence.
Begin working with your partner on one interesting travelling action, which will occur
in between each of the jump, turn and roll movements. E.g.
travel -> jump,
jump -> travel -> turn,
turn -> travel -> pose,
Split the class in half or into small groups. Share each pair’s work within each group.
Cool Down
 “Follow that Cab”
Stand in a circle. Each child demonstrates their superhero pose in cannon around
the circle.
Extension: stand in a line: beginning from the front of the line, each child turns out
of the line in cannon and holds their superhero pose.
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Order Teaching Pack
Key Vocabulary:
canon, locomotion, link
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 3: Superhero Journey
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss last week’s lesson; what did you enjoy? Can you remember your and your
partner’s moves?
Warm up
 “And Then?”
In pairs, one performs a movement and the other copies the move, although it can
be at a different level or direction. This is “Question and Answer.”
Use “action-and-reaction” contrasting moves: one pupil performs a movement, the
other responds with a contrasting move. e.g.
first partner spins,
second balances at a low level.
 “The Chase”
Half the group stand in their superhero poses, the other half enter stage area,
weaving in and out of the superhero poses using their travelling action and then
pose themselves.
The previously posed children now weave around the others, remaining in the stage
area, using their travelling action.
All should become still at a specific cue in the music, and then all perform their
superhero solo from week 2.
Children move to the partner they worked with before, by circling each other
making eye contact, then come together and perform their sequence of superhero
duet moves.
Encourage children to assess and improve their journey. They may choose one of:
a) Follow the leader or
b) Meeting and Parting.
Extension: they may choose both; e.g.
travel to meet
jump 1
jump 2
travel apart
pose 1
pose 2
follow the leader
turn 1
turn 2
swap leaders
roll 1
roll 2
(To simplify, just use one jump, turn and pose between the pair and travel in just
one direction.)
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Order Teaching Pack
Cool Down
 “The Chase”
Half the class sit down to watch the other half perform. Applaud each other and
offer constructive comments. Talk about the qualities and dynamics.
Encourage the children to observe and discuss what they are watching. Ask
questions like:
Did it repeat?
What did you like and why?
Describe some of the basic actions you saw in the dance.
Can you remember patterns? (e.g. meeting and parting)
Did they perform well, showing good concentration?
Key Vocabulary:
meeting and parting, weaving, question and answer
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 4: The Rescue
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss the two sections of the dance so far i.e. solo and duet. Inform pupils that
they are going to move into larger groups, which will include a captive, a superhero
character and 2 - 3 baddies. The baddies have imprisoned their captive. The story
will involve the superhero rescuing the hostage.
Warm up
 “Bubbling Under”
As children move in and out of the space call out a special power, the children
create movement to portray this.
a) Able to fly
b) Strong with lots of muscles
c) Able to change shape and size
d) Good at using gadgets and machines
e) Able to control natural things such as fire and ice
 “The Chase”
Revise Solo
Revise Duet
 “Lift Me Up”
The duet pairs remain together and join another pair making groups of four. In the
small groups, children take on different characters: a superhero, 2 baddies and a
captive. The group will then compose a short dance sequence that involves:
a. The baddies surrounding the captive to create a prison with their bodies.
b. The captive uses struggling movements to simulate trying to escape.
c. The superhero uses their moves created so far to travel across the room
towards the baddies.
d. The baddies and superhero create a dance fight sequence. This involves
action and reaction contrast moves practiced in week 3. Be sure to clarify
that this consists of non-contact. Naturally, the superhero is victorious and
the baddies leave the stage area. The superhero rescues the captive. Each
pair creates a short dance sequence displaying the rescue. Encourage the
baddies to help share ideas to create the end sequence.
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Order Teaching Pack
Cool Down
 “Lift Me Up”
Each group is observed, class to give support on ideas for improvement.
Key Vocabulary:
action, reaction, contrast
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 5: Finalise Dance
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss work so far. What have you enjoyed the most?
Warm up
 “Bubbling Under”
Lots of comic books use words to describe the sound a superhero is making. Use as
few or as many of these words as you wish depending on ability and keystage. When
you shout out a word the children perform the action:
a) Woosh!
Arms reach up and swish down as you turn.
b) Splat!
Fall to the floor.
c) Bang!
Full-body jump across, like an explosion.
d) Kaboom!
One arm punches forward, followed by the other.
e) Snap!
Arms go out to the side and then clap in.
f) Kapow!
One arm punches up to the ceiling, followed by the other.
g) Crunch!
Both fists move down as knee comes up.
h) Pow!
Both arms come forward together, palms facing.
i) Buzz!
Spin on bottom.
j) Zap!
Cross arms over in front of body.
k) Thud!
Jump up; slap one foot and then the other.
 “The Chase”
Revise Solo
Revise Duet
 “Lift Me Up”
Revise The Rescue
Discuss an ending following the superhero rescuing the captive.
Cool Down
 “A Tender Moment”
Flexibility stretch, soles of feet together, relax over. Parallel legs directly in front
together, second position straddle, side stretches in each position.
Key Vocabulary:
parallel, flexibility
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
Week 6: Rehearse and Perform
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss real life superheroes. E.g. policemen, doctors and fire-fighters are often
called superheroes, as their jobs are to help people in the community. Also, discuss
soldiers who have been given medals for risking their lives fighting in a war.
Warm up
 “Bubbling Under”
Repeat last week’s warm up. Extension: call out a sound-word, followed by a special
 “The Chase”
 “Lift Me Up”
Evaluate and improve
Cool Down
 “A Tender Moment”
Repeat flexibility stretch. In standing position, slowly roll down the spine, roll up,
breath in using arms and exhale down. Stretch to the side, legs slightly apart.
Key Vocabulary:
rehearse, perform
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291