World War II - Dance Notes

Order Teaching Pack
Stage 2
World War II
Michelle Rochester
Key Stage 2
World War II
Lesson Plan for Key Stage 2 Dance
Order Teaching Pack
Use found images as a stimulus for dance movement
Explore the dynamics of movement
Use emotions to motivate dynamic movement
Learn to teach and follow dance instructions
Evaluate and improve dance material
Experience performance and rehearsal
The 4 Strands of the National curriculum:
Acquiring and Developing Skills
Selecting and Applying Skills, Tactics and Compositional Ideas
Knowledge and Understanding of Fitness and Health
Evaluating and Improving Performance
Unit Contents:
Week 1: Picture Stories
Week 2: Turn, travel & Jump!
Week 3: Teaching a Phrase of Movement
Week 4: Unison in Groups
Week 5: Setting the Dance
Week 6: Rehearse & Perform
Tracks Used (click on links below to audition)
 “Or Did She Have Me?”
 “Throw Some Sounds”
 “A Sad Loss”
 “Mixed Emotions”
 “What?... When?”
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 1: Picture Stories
Order Teaching Pack
Find images from World War II to use as stimuli, eg:
 Soldier with gun,
 evacuees on platform,
 children playing street,
 families in shelters.
Scatter the images around the hall floor. Ask the children to walk around looking
at the pictures and focus on what the people may be thiking and feeling.
Warm up
 “Or Did She Have Me?”
Remove the picures.
Pupils walk around the hall, trying to fill all the space all of the time by changing
direction and walking by themselves. Speed up to a jog and, if safe, pupils can run.
 “Throw Some Sounds”
Lay out the picutures so all pupils can see. Discuss how the people are
feeling. How can we perform a movement in a happy, sad, angry way?
This is called the dynamics of movement.
Together, all try to copy each picure and explore how to show feeling in the
movement. Focus on how to get into each position.
 the soldier may move quick, sharp & precise
 Hiding in a shelter may be panicked and nervous
 Evacuee may move slowly to demonstrate sadness.
Each pupil to choose 4 images to be the focus of their own solo dance.
As the movement changes from one image to another, try to exaggerate the varying
emotions using changes of dynamics.
Ensure dancers have a clear start and finish position.
Cool Down
 “A Sad Loss”
To consolidate solo, perform in slow-motion, extending each movement.
Key Vocabulary:
Solo, dynamics
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 2: Turn, travel & Jump!
Order Teaching Pack
Verbally recap first lesson. Discuss the movements seen and performed last week.
Warm up
 “Or Did She Have Me?”
Choose 3 words that can be called out by teacher for the warm-up. E.g. ‘blitz’, ‘hide’,
‘evacuee’, ‘bomb’ or ‘victory’. What type of frozen shapes can we do when words are
called out?
Blitz – hiding shape
Evacuee – sad shape
Bomb – Exploding jump and land
 “Throw Some Sounds”
Perform solos created last week
Half of class perform to rest of class, swap over.
Ask pupils to demonstrate an original turn, a way of travelling and a jump.
Add a turning movement, a travelling movement and a jumping movement into the
Solo is now 7 moves long.
Cool Down
 “A Sad Loss”
Perform solo in slow motion, using deep breaths and ensuring movements are
performed to there fullest.
Key Vocabulary:
turn, travel, jump
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 3: Teaching a Phrase of Movement
Order Teaching Pack
Verbally recap first lesson: solo, dynamics, turn, travel and jump.
Discuss the quality of the movements seen and performed last week.
Warm up
 “Or Did She Have Me?”
Can we develop our warm-up?
Can we make the movements higher with jumps and lower with rolls and slides if
Eg: ‘torpedo’, ‘death’, ‘celebration’, ‘hunger’, ‘war-time dancing’
 “Throw Some Sounds”
Spend 5 minutes remembering and improving the solos.
Half of class perform to rest of class, then swap over.
In pairs, teach your partner your dance and learn your partner’s dance.
Cool Down
 “A Sad Loss”
Perform your partners dance in slow motion using deep breaths and ensuring
movements are performed to there fullest.
Key Vocabulary:
self evaluation, improving
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 4: Unison in Groups
Order Teaching Pack
Verbally recap the great moves found from our warm-up in previous lessons and
our solo dances.
Warm up
 “Mixed Emotions”
Half the class on each side of the Hall: dancers have 20 seconds to arrive on
stage, perform their solo and freeze in their finish position.
 “Mixed Emotions”
In groups of 4, decide on one word to be the focus of your choreography
Each pupil (choreographer) in the group will choose 1 move that expresses
group’s intention.
The choreographer will decide how, when and where the movements will be
performed, until it is the next choreographer’s turn.
Teacher to flag-up creative ideas to share and show to the rest of the class.
Perform 3 groups at a time.
Cool Down
 “What?... When?”
In slow motion, like a stealthy soldier, leave the hall.
Key Vocabulary:
unison, expression, intention, meaning
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 5: Setting the Dance
Order Teaching Pack
Verbally recap the group choreography created last lesson.
How can we put these together in our dance?
 2 at a time,
 1 after each other,
 groups on stage in stillness waiting for their turn.
Warm up
 “Mixed Emotions”
Half the class on each side of the Hall. Dancers have 20 seconds to arrive on
stage, perform their solo and freeze in their finish position.
Add in duets if you wish!
 “Mixed Emotions”
Rehearse unison groups.
Experiment with different groups performing, being off-stage and holding a
position on-stage in stillness.
Whole class to choose 4 – 8 movements from ALL of the moves made and create a
whole-class unison section to finish the dance.
Cool Down
 “A Sad Loss”
To consolidate the whole class unison section perform as slowly as possible.
Key Vocabulary:
setting, stillness, on-stage, off-stage
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291
World War II
Week 6: Rehearse & Perform
Order Teaching Pack
Discuss performance skills and how to ensure the dance is the best it can be. Does
our dance express our intentions to the audience? Talk about:
 areas that need improving
 clarity of movement
 how can we ensure we express our intention to the audience.
 focus
 energy!
Warm up
Mark through the dance (perform using 80% energy)
 “Throw Some Sounds”
 “Mixed Emotions”
Teacher to evaluate and provide feedback.
Discuss focus and clarity of movement.
Ensure each movement is performed effectively.
Perform. Rehearse. Perform
Cool Down
 “A Sad Loss”
Lay on floor taking deep breaths and stretching through whole body.
Key Vocabulary:
mark, focus, clarity, expression, intention
© 2012 Dance Notes
Madmusik, 62 Holcombe Vale, Bathampton, BA2 6UX;; +44 (0)1225 313082; fax: 0871 528 3291