FUTURE OF ENERGY SUMMIT Shanghai 4 November 2015 Michael Liebreich Chairman of the Advisory Board Twitter: @mliebreich NEW INVESTMENT IN CLEAN ENERGY 2004–14 ($BN) +3.5x in 10 years 400 600 350 7% -7% 35% -8% 12% 500 300 12% 400 250 -9% Expected 27% Large hydro 200 300 Other 50% Solar 150 200 30% Wind 100 100 50 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 20122012 20132013 20142015 Q1 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2014 Note: Total values include estimates for undisclosed deals. Includes corporate and government R&D, and spending for digital energy and energy storage projects (not reported in quarterly statistics), as well as a BNEF estimate for large hydro investment. Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 1 NEW INSTALLATIONS IN CLEAN ENERGY 2004–14 (GW) +7x in 10 73% years 160 140 57% 120 44% 100 36% 80 22% 16% 60 -3% 40 12% -8% 20 -18% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Include large hydro Michael Liebreich 2012 2013 2014 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 2 IEA FORECASTS, CUMULATIVE INSTALLED CAPACITY (GW) WIND SOLAR Source: IEA; Ecofys Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 3 CLEAN ENERGY INVESTMENT BY REGION 2004 – 2014 ($BN) Europe United States $119 $129 $98 $87 $89 $72 $28 04 $38 $66 $66 $52 $65 $48 $44 $35 $35 $41 $52 $48 $52 $10 $17 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 04 05 06 China 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Asia ex-China $89 $3 $17 $9 $11 04 05 06 07 $26 08 $40 $43 09 10 $53 $67 $68 $24 $26 $25 $15 $17 $20 11 12 13 14 04 05 06 07 08 09 $36 10 $46 $46 11 12 $59 $65 13 14 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 4 ESTIMATED GLOBAL WIND TURBINE SUPPLY 2011-14 (%, GW) 63.6 62.8 61.3 74.1 21% 20% 19% 17% 9% 10% Asia = 55% 15% 14% 3% 9% 3% 9% 13% 3% 12% 9% 8% Asia = 62% 13% Rest of world 3% Germany 13% US Other Asia India 43.1% 44.3% 44.1% 45.6% 2011 2012 2013 2014 China Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Note: Nameplate capacity represents the companies' announced production capacity. Discounted capacity represents our best estimation of actual available capacity. For details see our Wind Turbine Manufacturing Supply Model Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 5 PV MODULE PRODUCTION BY COUNTRY 2011-2014 (%,GW) Asia = 79% 29.7 30.1 38.7 45.0 9% 7% 11% 11% 4% 7% 3% 7% 3% 2% 6% 3% 10% 5% 9% Asia = 91% 18% Germany USA Other Asia 64.3% 2011 71.0% 69.5% 78.0% Japan China 2012 2013 2014 Source: Company reports, statements and Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 6 NEW CLEAN ENERGY INVESTMENT IN OECD VS NON-OECD 2004-Q3 2015 ($BN) 60 50 Q3 2015 40 $37.6bn 30 $32.4bn 20 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 10 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Non OECD 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 OECD Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 7 RENEWABLE ENERGY (INCL. LARGE HYDRO) AND FOSSIL FUEL INVESTMENT VOLUMES 2008-14 $BN 350 2014 300 Renewable energy $295bn Fossil fuel $289bn 250 200 150 100 50 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 8 LAUDATO SI There is an urgent need to develop sources of renewable energy Pope Francis Picture: Wikimedia Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 9 LEVELISED COST OF ELECTRICITY 2014 ($/MWH) Marine - wave Marine - tidal STEG - LFR STEG - parabolic trough STEG - tower & heliostat Wind - offshore PV - thin film PV - c-Si PV - c-Si tracking Biomass - anaerobic digestion Biomass - gasification Biomass - incineration Municipal solid waste Geothermal - binary plant Wind - onshore Small hydro Large hydro Landfill gas Geothermal - flash plant Natural gas CCGT Coal fired CHP Nuclear 1037 844 PV projects as low as $58/MWh Onshore wind as low as $40/MWh 0 100 200 300 Q2 2013 central Fossil technologies: US 400 H1 2014 central China Europe Australia Note: LCOEs for coal and CCGTs in Europe and Australia assume a carbon price of $20/t. No carbon prices are assumed for China and the US. Michael Liebreich 500 Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 10 OIL AND GAS PRICES: HENRY HUB, NBP, BAFA, AND NE LNG, 2004–15 (US$/MMBTU) 20 18 20 16 18 14 16 12 14 10 12 8 10 6 8 4 6 2 North East Asia LNG BAFA (Germany NBP (UK) border price for Russian gas) Henry Hub (US) NBP (UK) BAFA (Germany border price for Russian gas) North East Asia(US) LNG Henry Hub 4 0 2 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 Note: Japan-Korea Marker is based on broker assessments of the spot price of un-contracted LNG cargoes delivered into the Northeast Asia market. Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, ICAP, Platts @MLiebreich 11 US SHALE GAS PRODUCTION BY FIELD 2000–2015 (BCFD) 45 40 35 Marcellus Haynesville 30 Eagle Ford 25 Fayetteville Barnett 20 Woodford Bakken 15 Antrim Utica 10 Other Shale 5 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, EIA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 12 US NATURAL GAS PRODUCTION, 2007 - 2015 Natural Gas Rotary Rigs in Operation Gas output per operating rig (Number) (MMcf/day/rig) 1800 400 Rig count down 6-fold 2007-2015 1600 1400 Output per rig Up 8-fold 2007-2015 350 300 1200 250 1000 200 800 150 600 100 400 50 200 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: EIA, Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: Range Resources, 28 July 2015 , Bloomberg New Energy Finance Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 13 MAJOR GLOBAL SHALE FIELDS Canada Norway Poland UK China Algeria Libya USA Mexico Brazil Australia 200 trillion cubic feet South Africa Argentina Note: Technically recoverable shale gas resources shown Michael Liebreich Source: EIA Assessment of World Shale Gas Resources, April 2011 Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 14 LNG EXPORT CAPACITY BY COUNTRY/REGION 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Note: For the underlying data to this chart, go to BI LNGGG<GO> Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 0 Other North America Russia East Africa West Africa Australia Other North America Russia West Africa North Africa Indonesia Malaysia Australia Qatar Demand Operational, under construction or post-FID 800 Pre-FID (MMTPA) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 15 AN AGE OF ENERGY PLENTY… … AGE OF COMPETITION Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 16 ARA AND NEWCASTLE COAL PRICE 2007–2015 (2014 US$/TONNE) 300 300 250 250 200 200 150 ARA 150 Newcastle 100 100 50 50 0 2007 0 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 Note: Prices have been adjusted for inflation according to YoY CPI Index from UK Office of National Statistics Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 2013 2014 2014 2015 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, ONS @MLiebreich 17 NEX CLEAN ENERGY INDEX 2013 – 2015 YTD 200 150 S&P 500 Oil & Gas NEX 100 Stowe Global Coal 50 0 Jan 13 Apr 13 Jul 13 Oct 13 Jan 14 Apr 14 Jul 14 Oct 14 Jan 15 Apr 15 Note: Values as of 26 October 2015; Stowe and S&P 500 rebased to 100 on 01 Jan 2013 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Jul 15 Oct 15 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 18 COAL BANKRUPTCIES Investment Pte Image: various company sources Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 19 US NET COAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS 2013-40 (GW) Forecast 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance NEO 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 20 GERMANY NET COAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS 2013-40 (GW) Forecast 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance NEO 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 21 CHINA NET COAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS 2013-40 (GW) Forecast 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 22 INDIA NET COAL CAPACITY ADDITIONS 2013-40 (GW) Forecast 25 20 15 10 5 0 2013 2018 2023 2028 2033 2038 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance NEO 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 23 POWER SECTOR CO2 EMISSION TRAJECTORY 2012-40 (MtCO2) 电力行业碳排放轨迹,2012-40 (百万吨二氧化碳) EU, US, CHINA AND INDIA (INDEX, 2012 = 100) GLOBAL EMISSIONS 18,000 400 16,000 350 14,000 300 India 12,000 250 10,000 200 8,000 150 6,000 China 100 4,000 2,000 50 0 0 2012 2020 2030 2040 US Europe 2012 2020 2030 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 24 INDIA LCOE ($/MWH NOMINAL) 150 Onshore wind 100 Utility-scale PV Natural gas 50 Coal 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Note: Capacity factors – onshore wind: 25-35%; solar PV: 10-15% Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance: @MLiebreich 25 TOTAL INVESTMENTS PER TECHNOLOGY, 2015-40 (US$ REAL) RENEWABLES TAKE 65% OF THE $12.2 TRILLION POWER INVESTMENT TO 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 26 RENEWABLE ENERGY PROPORTION OF POWER GENERATION- INCLUDING HYDRO, 2014 (%) France 16.3% UK 19.5% Germany 26.7% US 13.3% Japan 13.6% Mexico 16.7% China 20.5% No data <5% 5-10% 11-20% 21-40% >50% Brazil 71.7% ME + Africa 12% India 24.8% Australia 16.2% Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 27 RENEWABLE ENERGY PROPORTION OF POWER GENERATION- INTERMITTENT ENERGY (WIND & SOLAR), 2014 (%) France 3% UK 9% Germany 16% US 4% Japan 5% Mexico 3% China 5% 0 1-5% 6-10% 11-25% 26-50% 50+% Brazil 3% ME + Africa 0% Note: This only shows the combination of wind and solar energy generation. All numbers come from BNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 India 3% Australia 8% Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 28 RENEWABLE ENERGY PROPORTION OF POWER GENERATION- INTERMITTENT ENERGY (WIND & SOLAR) , 2040 (%) France 30% UK 63% Germany 77% US 24% Japan 20% Mexico 32% China 37% 0 1-5% 6-10% 11-25% 26-50% 50+% Brazil 34% ME + Africa 26% Note: This only shows the combination of wind and solar energy generation. All numbers come from BNEF’s New Energy Outlook 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 India 32% Australia 52% Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 29 LAUDATO SI – INTEGRATION There is still a need to develop adequate storage technologies. Pope Francis Picture: Wikimedia Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 30 MANAGING INTERMITTENCY Efficiency Forecasting Demand management Interconnection Storage Backup Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 31 MANAGING INTERMITTENCY Save money, reduce the scale of the problem Efficiency Forecasting Demand management Markets and Interconnection Storage Backup Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 32 MANAGING INTERMITTENCY Efficiency Forecasting Demand management “Bits are always cheaper than kit” Markets and Interconnection Storage Backup Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 33 MANAGING INTERMITTENCY Efficiency Forecasting Demand management Markets and Interconnection Eliminate curtailment Storage Backup Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 34 INTERMITTENCY MANAGEMENT MERIT ORDER Efficiency Forecasting Demand management Markets and interconnection “Only needed at 70% renewable penetration” (CEO, 50 Hertz Germany) Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Storage Backup @MLiebreich 35 MANAGING INTERMITTENCY Efficiency Forecasting Demand management Markets and interconnection Storage Last resort Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 Backup @MLiebreich 36 THE ROAD TO PARIS Image: UNFCCC Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 37 CUMULATIVE GLOBAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS (GTCO2) 65 Pre-COP21 pledges 60 55 INDC trajectory 50 45 Historical 2 C 40 35 30 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Notes: includes INDCs submitted to 1st October 2015 Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: Climate Action Tracker @MLiebreich 38 FORECAST PRIMARY ENERGY DEMAND 2015-30 (MTOE) 19,000 Shell Oceans 18,000 17,000 Shell Mountains 16,000 BP 15,000 IEA NPS 14,000 Exxon 13,000 12,000 2015 2020 2025 2030 INDC scenario Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, Shell, BP, IEA, Exxon Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 39 RENEWABLES GENERATION CUMULATIVE CAPACITY 2020 – 2040 8,000GW IEA 450 7,000GW IEA Current Policies 6,000GW 5,000GW IEA New Policies 4,000GW World Energy Council Symphony 3,000GW +50% 2,000GW World Energy Council Jazz 1,000GW BNEF 0GW 2020 2030 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, World Energy Council, IEA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 40 COAL DEMAND UNDER DIFFERENT SCENARIOS 2015-30 (MTOE) 4,500 +14% +14% 4,000 3,500 0% IEA coal demand excl INDCs IEA coal demand inc INDCs 3,000 -20% -20% IEA coal demand inc INDCs and BNEF NEO estimates 2,500 2015 2020 2025 2030 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, IEA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 41 ELECTRIC VEHICLES – THE PROMISE Prices on electric cars will continue to drop until they're within reach of the average family. The Washington Post , 1915 Images: BMW, Detroit Electric, 2015, courtesy of EVASD Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 42 ELECTRIC VEHICLE – THE UPTAKE SO FAR CARS AND TRUCKS IN USE WORLDWIDE, 2013 1.2 billion ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN USE WORLDWIDE, 2014 0.75 million (to scale) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 43 EV LITHIUM-ION BATTERY PACKS & CRYSTYALLINE SI PV MODULES: HISTORICAL COST REDUCTIONS Cumulative lithium-ion EV battery pack production (MWh) 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 100 10 10 m=26.3% 1 EV LI-ION BATTERYPACK PRICES HAVE FALLEN 60% SINCE 2010 m=15.5% 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cumulative crystalline PV module production (MW) 100,000 Note: Values from 2010-2014 are based on BNEF’s annual battery price index, *2015 based on H1 data. For more see here: https://www.bnef.com/Insight/10299. Cumulative production is based on total EVs sold and their respective battery pack size. Michael Liebreich 1 Lithium-ion battery pack price (USD/Wh) Crystalline Si PV Module price (USD/W) 100 Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 0 1,000,000 Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 44 SHANGHAI, CHINA Photo: Michael Liebreich Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 45 BEIJING, CHINA Photo: Reuters/NASA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 46 HONG KONG Photo: Greenpacks Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 47 AIR QUALITY - DELHI Picture: Wikimedia Commons Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 48 DELHI, INDIA Photo: JE Poirrier, Creative Commons Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 49 SINGAPORE Photo: Bloomberg Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 50 CAIRO, EGYPT Photo: Matt Champlin / Flickr Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 51 MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Photo: Shinil GCP Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 52 SAO PAULO, BRAZIL Photo: Thomas Hobbs Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 53 MOSCOW, RUSSIA Photo: EarthInTransition Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 54 LOS ANGELES, USA Photo: UCLA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 55 LONDON, UK Photo: HHRCA Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 56 PARIS, FRANCE Photo: D€NNI$/Creative Commons Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 57 URBAN TRANSPORT REVOLUTION Images: Transport for London, Zipcar, Uber, Proterra Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 58 IEA OIL SUPPLY FORECAST 1990-2040 MILLION BARRELS PER DAY 130 120 110 100 130 Pre-2000 2000-2008 120 WEO WEO1994 1994 1994 WEO WEO WEO1996 1996 1996 WEO 110 WEO WEO1996 1996 1996 WEO WEO WEO1998 1998 1998 WEO 2010-2013 Current WEO WEO2002 2002 2002 WEO WEO WEO2003 2003 2003 WEO 100 WEO WEO2006 2006 2006 WEO 90 80 70 60 Transport transformation scenario? 90 80 70 WEO WEO2007 2007 2007 WEO WEO WEO2009 2009 2009 WEO WEO WEO2010 2010 2010 WEO WEO WEO2011 2011 2011 WEO WEO2012 WEO2012 WEO2012 WEO WEO2014 2014 2014 WEO Actual Actual Actual 60 1990 1995 1990 2000 2000 2005 2005 20102010 201520152020 2030 2035 1995 2020 2025 2025 2030 2030 2035 2035 Note: Includes NGL and processing gain, but excludes biofuels Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 2040 2040 2040 Source: IEA; Bloomberg New Energy Finance @MLiebreich 59 G7 JUNE 2015 – SCHLOSS ELMAU Emissions must be cut 40-70% by mid-century and phased out entirely by 2100 Picture: Wikimedia Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 60 APEC BLUE Asia Blue Picture: Michael Liebreich Michael Liebreich Shanghai Summit, 4 November 2015 @MLiebreich 61 Thanks! MARKETS Renewable Energy Energy Smart Technologies Advanced Transport Gas Carbon and RECs SERVICES Americas Service Asia Pacific Service EMEA Service Applied Research Events and Workshops Unique analysis, tools and data for decision-makers driving change in the energy system sales.bnef@bloomberg.net Michael Liebreich Twitter: @mliebreich