Logic and Rhetoric Level Course Descriptions

Logic and Rhetoric Level Course Descriptions
Ancient Literature (L)
8:40 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Course Fee: $140 for Omnibus I with teacher’s (i.e., parents’) CD, $100 (used for both Logic
Ancient History and Ancient Literature classes). Supplementary reading kit (paperbacks used as
required additional reading; instructor will make efforts to ensure that any appropriate materials
available free on the internet will be used) approximate cost $40. If your student registers for
both Logic Ancient Literature and Ancient History, only one Omnibus I book is needed and will
be noted in your invoice, the supplemental reading books are the only extra fee required.
Description: Recommended for students in grade levels 7 through 12, this class and the Ancient
History class will utilize the same text: Omnibus I: Biblical and Classical Civilization.
‘Omnibus’ is a Latin term meaning “all encompassing,” and students in this class will learn to
interact with timeless material in a wise and godly way; they will also further develop and apply
logic in making vital connections between composition, history, and aesthetics, prepping them
for the rhetorical stage of their Classical Education. Entire works (or excerpts) from the
following books will be included in the syllabus: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar; Virgil’s Aeneid;
a trio of Greek tragedies by Aeschylus titled Oresteia; Homer’s The Odyssey; C. S. Lewis’ Till
We Have Faces, The Magician’s Nephew, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Horse and
His Boy, Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Silver
Chair, The Last Battle, and The Screwtape Letters; and Peter Kreeft’s The Best Things in Life.
You may view the table of contents, introduction and preface to this book at this address:
Donald Lindsey received his Bachelor degree in English (Creative Writing) from Webster
University (St. Louis, MO) in 1998. He received a Legal Assistant Certificate from Lansing
Community College in 2007. This is Mr. Lindsey's third year teaching at Coram Deo
Academics. He lives with his wife, Dawn, and their 6 year-old Australian Shepherd, Molly, in
Ancient History (R)
8:40 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Course Fee: $140 for Omnibus IV with teacher’s (i.e., parents’) CD, $110 (used for both
Rhetoric Ancient History and Ancient Literature classes). Supplementary reading kit
(paperbacks used as required additional reading; instructor will make efforts to ensure that any
appropriate materials available free on the internet will be used) approximate cost $30. . If your
student registers for both Rhetoric Ancient Literature and Ancient History, only one Omnibus IV
book is needed and will be noted in your invoice, the supplemental reading books are the only
extra fee required.
Description: “Omnibus” is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Completing Omnibus IV
will provide the student a full credit in Ancient World History II, Doctrine and Theology, and
Ancient Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in six disciplines
exposing students to various other disciplines to consider for courses of study in college and
careers. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of
all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview
The student text leads the student through the study of the great works from the dawn of time to
the fall of Rome, teaching with the emphasis on ideas, not simply information. This daily
approach will make teaching and interacting with the greatest works of Western Civilization both
enjoyable and profitable. Students will also apply and further develop their skills in
composition, logic, and aesthetics.
This Omnibus IV text is used for both the Coram Deo Academics Ancient History II and
Ancient Literature II (this class). This provides an academic approach that covers two classes,
and if used conscientiously by parents will provide an impressively high level of understanding
in history and ancient literature. Parents will certainly enjoy and appreciate learning from this
book along with their students. Literature students will be reading such selections as Aesop’s
Fables, Troilus and Cressida, Greek and Roman Mythology, Greek and Roman plays.
Additional emphasis in this class will be on becoming an independent learner in preparation for
college, training school or any additional education. This emphasis will come through reading
and study guides for the more difficult reading; instruction on note taking for reading and in
lectures and a gradual transferring of responsibilities for these functions from the teacher to the
student. Care will be taken to walk the fine line between challenging the students and their
thinking and overwhelming them.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents are expected to engage the students for approximately
20 minutes per day, overseeing the students’ completion of reading requirements and asking
discussion questions from the teacher’s CD, reviewing their writing and challenging them on
their thoughts. This parental engagement is a very important and necessary part of the student’s
success in mastering the material. Estimated time outside of class will be 4 to 6 hours per week,
depending on the student’s abilities. This includes 20 minutes per day with the parent.
Charlotte Hoshal Charlotte received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mac Murray College in
Jacksonville, IL with majors in biology and secondary education. She went on to take Business
classes at Eastern Michigan University, begin a Masters in Public Health at the University of
Michigan, and take additional psychology and education classes through Central Michigan
University in order to obtain teacher certification in the State of Michigan which was granted in
life sciences, physical sciences, psychology, history, and geography. She taught office courses,
computer science, geography, business writing, and speech for Baker College for 25 years. She
is currently employed by Covenant Eyes and lives in Owosso with her husband Steve and her
daughter Annelise. She is a member of Community EPC church. She is happy to be back in
school as education is a way of life for her.
Ancient History (L)
9:35 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
Course Fee: $120 for Omnibus I with teacher’s (i.e., parents’) CD, $100 (used for both Logic
Ancient History and Ancient Literature classes). Supplementary reading kit (series of
paperbacks used as required additional reading), estimated cost $20. If your student registers for
both Logic Ancient Literature and Ancient History, only one Omnibus I book is needed and will
be noted in your invoice, the supplemental reading books are the only extra fee required.
Description: Omnibus I: Biblical and Classical Civilizations
“Omnibus” is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Completing Omnibus I will provide the
student a full credit in Ancient World History I, Doctrine and Theology I, and Ancient Literature
I. Combining these disciplines will have the students grow in their appreciation of the unity of
all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a Biblical world view.
The student text leads the student through the study of the great works from the dawn of time to
the fall of Rome, teaching with the emphasis on ideas, not simply information. This daily
approach will make teaching and interacting with the greatest works of Western Civilization both
enjoyable and profitable. Students will also apply and further develop their skills in
composition, logic, and aesthetics.
This Omnibus I text is used for both the Coram Deo Academics History (this class) and Ancient
Literature. This provides an academic approach that covers two classes, and if used
conscientiously by parents will provide an impressively high level of understanding in history
and ancient literature. It is worth the price! Parents will certainly enjoy and appreciate learning
from this book along with their students.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents are expected to engage the students for approximately
20 minutes per day, overseeing the students’ completion of reading requirements and asking
discussion questions from the teacher’s CD. This parental engagement is a very important and
necessary part of the student’s success in mastering the material. Estimated time outside of class
will be 2 to 5 hours per week, depending on the student’s abilities. This includes 20 minutes per
day with the parent.
Jeanne DeHaas wife of Ron and mom to Hannah and Collin Rose, Andrew and Rachel
Wideman, Thomas Wideman and Abbie DeHaas, and grandma to Connor and Logan Rose, and
Caleb Wideman, has just finished her homeschooling career of twenty six years. She studied
Christian Education at the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and Music (now Cornerstone
University in Grand Rapids, MI,) graduating with a diploma in 1980. She and her husband, Ron,
founded Coram Deo Academics in 2010.
Ancient Literature (R)
9:35 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.
Course Fee: $140 for Omnibus IV with teacher’s (i.e., parents’) CD, $110 (used for Ancient
History and Ancient Literature classes). Supplementary reading kit (paperbacks used as required
additional reading; instructor will make efforts to ensure that any appropriate materials available
free on the internet will be used), estimated supplementary costs $30. . If your student registers
for both Rhetoric Ancient Literature and Ancient History, only one Omnibus IV book is needed
and will be noted in your invoice, the supplemental reading books are the only extra fee required.
Description: “Omnibus” is a Latin term meaning “all-encompassing.” Completing Omnibus IV
will provide the student a full credit in Ancient World History I, Doctrine and Theology I, and
Ancient Literature II. An additional feature is the inclusion of six essays in six disciplines
disposing students to various other disciplines to consider for courses of study in college and
careers. Combining these disciplines will have students grow in their appreciation of the unity of
all knowledge, and all the material is taught through a biblical worldview
The student text leads the student through the study of the great works from the dawn of time to
the fall of Rome, teaching with the emphasis on ideas, not simply information. This daily
approach will make teaching and interacting with the greatest works of Western Civilization both
enjoyable and profitable. Students will also apply and further develop their skills in
composition, logic, and aesthetics.
This Omnibus IV text is used for both the Coram Deo Academics Ancient History II (this class)
and Ancient Literature II. This provides an academic approach that covers two classes, and if
used conscientiously by parents will provide an impressively high level of understanding in
history and ancient literature. Parents will certainly enjoy and appreciate learning from this book
along with their students.
Additional emphasis in this class will be on becoming an independent learner in preparation for
college, training schools or any additional education. This emphasis will come through reading
and study guides for the more difficult reading; instruction on note taking for reading and in
lectures and a gradual transferring of responsibilities for these from the teacher to the student.
Care will be taken to walk the fine line between challenging the students and their thinking and
overwhelming them. History class students will read such selections as Plato’s Republic,
selections from Ovid, The Iliad, An Introduction to Aristotle, Some, Euclid, Cicero and Josephus.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents are expected to engage the students for approximately
20 minutes per day, overseeing the students’ completion of reading requirements and asking
discussion questions from the teacher’s CD. This parental engagement is a very important and
necessary part of the student’s success in mastering the material. Estimated time outside of class
will be 4 to 6 hours per week, depending on the student’s abilities. This includes 20 minutes per
day with the parent.
Charlotte Hoshal Charlotte received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mac Murray College in
Jacksonville, IL with majors in biology and secondary education. She went on to take Business
classes at Eastern Michigan University, begin a Masters in Public Health at the University of
Michigan, and take additional psychology and education classes through Central Michigan
University in order to obtain teacher certification in the State of Michigan which was granted in
life sciences, physical sciences, psychology, history, and geography. She taught office courses,
computer science, geography, business writing, and speech for Baker College for 25 years. She
is currently employed by Covenant Eyes and lives in Owosso with her husband Steve and her
daughter Annelise. She is a member of Community EPC church. She is happy to be back in
school as education is a way of life for her.
Earth Science (L & R)
10:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.
Course Fee: $75.00
Description: Earth Sciences will provide students with an understanding of the scientific
method, the geological sciences, meteorology, and the relation of earth to the solar system.
Parents of students in this class are also invited to attend a two-hour meeting with Mr. DeHaas
that will precede the first day of classes, at which Mr. DeHaas will discuss some of the contents
of the class. There are no pre-requisites for this class.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents are expected to maintain accountability with their
students, overseeing their work and ensuring that the students are diligent at completing their
work on a daily basis.
Ron DeHaas has a B.S. and M.S. in geology from The Ohio State University, and is a Ph.D.
Candidate in geology at the University of Michigan. He has taught many geology, earth science,
environmental, and other science classes. He also has a lifelong career as a petroleum
Introductory Spanish (L & R)
10:30 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.
Course Fee: $82.00 for books, CDs, and other resources
Description: LIFEPAC Spanish 1 from Alpha Omega teaches students how to read, write, and
speak the Spanish language. Through dialogue practice, students learn Spanish vocabulary and
basic word order. School, family and home, around the town, pastimes, in the restaurant,
personal care, traveling, and idioms are just some of what we will be learning.
Parental engagement necessary: Students will need to plan a minimum of 45 minutes daily for
studying language. A syllabus will be provided to set the course on a schedule and students will
be graded on overall competency, self tests, reports and oral work.
Anna Holmes has a Bachelor's Degree from Michigan State University in Material's Handling
in Purchasing and Operations Management. She helps manage the families businesses. Anna
has two children, Emilia age 5 and Carmi age 1. Anna works out of her home and
homeschools. She is also the music director and pianists for St. Michael's Catholic Church in
Oakley and a treasurer and teacher for Families Educated Through Christian Homes
(FETCH). This will be her third year teaching at Coram Deo.
Physics Class and Lab(R)
10:30 a.m. – 12:15 a.m.
Course Fee: $80.00
Description: The physics course will be taught using the textbook, Exploring Creation with
Physics (Apologia). Topics will include one and two dimensional motion, Newton’s Laws,
circular motion, gravity, work, energy, momentum, periodic motion, waves, optics, circuits, and
Parental engagement necessary: Students should be comfortable with algebra to be successful
in this course. There will be labs, some of which will be done in class, others will be done at
Audrey Webb is a homeschooling mother of three boys, ages 5, 6, and 8. She received a degree
in Mechanical Engineering from MIT and worked as an engineer in both product development
and manufacturing for a total of 9 years. She has tutored math from 5th grade up through
college calculus.
Art History (L & R)
Western Visual Art: Prehistory – The Enlightenment
11:25 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Course Fee: $36.00
Description: Students of Art Appreciation will investigate the production, form, and reception of
images and objects, incorporating painting, sculpture, and architecture as conventionally defined
by art history. This is a Survey of traditions and major developments in visual expression in the
Art Appreciation poses questions regarding the social, economic, and religious influences
affecting those who consume, and produce images and objects, asking how values and beliefs are
given material form and how these forms themselves can be interpreted.
Course Outcomes:
Obtain knowledge of great works of Western art and culture (knowledge of human
cultures and the physical and natural world)
Be able to analyze works of art in terms of subject matter and style. (critical and creative
Be able to communicate ideas about art using the appropriate vocabulary in both written
and oral formats. (Communication)
Heather Deason lives in Owosso with her husband, Jeffrey and dogs, Cosmo and Willow. She
received a B.A. in History from Michigan State University in 2006. Her research emphasis was
in Medieval English history with cognates in archaeology and Latin. In 2009, she returned to
MSU for a B.A. in Art History, focusing on Ancient and Medieval architecture. In 2012 she
finished her M.A. in Art History at Wayne State University writing her thesis on Athenian burial
customs as evidenced in vase painting (10th – 4th c BC). Currently, in addition to working as a
CSR at Covenant Eyes, Heather teaches Humanities for Southern New Hampshire University –
Online. This is her first year teaching for Coram Deo.
Grammar & Latin: The Essentials (L & R)
11:25 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Course Fee: $30.00
Description: This class is designed for students: a) of any age who have previously completed
Coram Deo’s Latin 5/6 class; b) in 7th grade or higher who have never studied Latin; or c)
whose only Latin experience consisted of using Latina Christiana. There are no age restrictions
on this class.
In this class the students will focus initially on grammar: our English grammar originated in
classical Latin, and an understanding of this is necessary to any student who wants to write well,
who wants to understand English vocabulary (both common, scientific, and technical), and who
wants to study other romance languages. The students will then use this solid grammatical
foundation to step easily into translating, reading, and writing Latin. Each student should expect
to spend a solid 30 minutes daily (not a 3 ½ hour weekly block.) on Latin in order to learn.
Parents who sit with and study with their children daily will be able to learn Latin as well!
Parental engagement necessary: Since all major translations for this class are available online,
students and parents will be asked to sign an honor code for Latin translations completed in
homework and take home exams.
Elizabeth Dallam Ayoub graduated from West Chester University with a B.S. in Elementary
Education, minor in French, and taught middle school English and French in Chadds Ford
School District and Downingtown Area School District in Pennsylvania before moving to
Michigan. She studied Latin and Spanish for 3 years each in college. She and her husband
homeschooled their three children who are now adults. She graduated from Michigan
State University - Detroit College of Law and has practiced law for 10 years in St. Johns,
Michigan. Her husband, George, is an ordained United Methodist minister, currently serving as
the chaplain at Masonic Pathways Retirement Home in Alma, Michigan.
Exploring Economics (L & R)
First Semester only
12:45 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.
Course Fee: $60.00 for Texts:
 Exploring Economics, Ray Notgrass.
 The Stewardship of God's Riches, a collection
of essays and speeches, compiled by Ray
 A Quiz and Exam Book is required
Description: Exploring Economics is a one-semester rhetoric course that helps students
understand economic terms and issues that have an impact on the United States and its citizens.
Students will examine economics from a perspective of faith in God and trust in His
Word. Students will survey what the Bible teaches about money and finance and survey the
economic history of the United States. Key terms and concepts used in economics will be
learned and economic issues confronting our country today will be examined. Students will
learn how economics affects them every day. The course will emphasize the importance of the
free market system and enable students to take part in the economy with knowledge and faith.
John Skidmore is a practicing engineer. He holds several advanced degrees including a Master
of Arts in Religion and a Master of Arts in History. He is currently finishing a Master of
Theology, in which his focus is Post-Reformation Church History.
Civics (L & R)
Second Semester only
12:45 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.
Course Fee: To Be Determined
Description: Students will achieve a practical knowledge and understanding of American
government and its relevant connection to them. Students will gain an understanding of
important American documents as well as study the roles of local, state, and national
government, and the responsibilities of individual citizens.
Rick Ross
Latin 2: Advanced Latin (L & R)
12:45 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.
Course Fee: $42.00 for $30.00 Latin Notebook and $12.00 (Wheelock's Latin, 2000 edition)
Description: This class is designed for students who have studied high school Latin at Coram
Deo previously, or who have taken Latin in a private or public school setting.
Latin translation of ancient Roman authors, of Roman and Greek mythology as well as the study
of ancient Roman life and culture are the thrusts of this class. Grammar will be taught on an asneeded basis for more advanced translations. Students in this class most often will work at an
individualized pace.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents should make certain that students have a LatinEnglish, English-Latin paperback dictionary. Students will need the book, not a computer based
dictionary. Since all major translations for this class are available online, students and parents
will be asked to sign an honor code for Latin translations completed in homework and take home
Elizabeth Dallam Ayoub graduated from West Chester University with a B.S. in Elementary
Education, minor in French, and taught middle school English and French in Chadds Ford
School District and Downingtown Area School District in Pennsylvania before moving to
Michigan. She studied Latin and Spanish for 3 years each in college. She and her husband
homeschooled their three children who are now adults. She graduated from Michigan
State University - Detroit College of Law and has practiced law for 10 years in St. Johns,
Michigan. Her husband, George, is an ordained United Methodist minister, currently serving as
the chaplain at Masonic Pathways Retirement Home in Alma, Michigan.
Easy Grammar Ultimate (L & R)
12:45 p.m. – 1:35 p.m.
Course Fee: $35.00
Description: This series takes up where Easy Grammar Plus leaves off. To quote
from www.easygrammar.com: "...the course is divided into 180 daily 10 minute lessons but
these are teaching lessons as well as review lessons. Each of these lessons include the familiar
capitalization, punctuation and sentence combining exercises. The remaining two exercises per
lesson vary. Content includes parts of speech, phrases/clauses, analogies, sentence
fragments/run-ons, prefixes/suffixes/roots, dictionary, spelling, simple/compound/complex
sentences." Parents will be required to correct the daily homework for the student.
Parental engagement necessary: For the student to get the most out of this class it is essential
that each day's homework is corrected before the student moves on to the next lesson. This way
the student learns from their mistake immediately instead of repeating the mistake for several
days in a row.
Kelly Heslip has been married to Paul for over twenty-two years and have four children. They
have home educated since the fall of 2000. Kelly has always enjoyed reading, math, science, and
anything electronic. Our family enjoys attending church, playing games together, and visiting
with friends and our large extended family.
Math 8/7
1:40 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Course Fee: $80.00
Description: This math class will use the Saxon 8/7 book. Students in this class must have
successfully completed Saxon 7/6 at Coram Deo with at least an B grade or have tested into 8/7
on our placement test.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents will be required to be sure students are completing
homework daily and parents will also be responsible for correcting daily homework.
Edward Cook grew up in Durand and graduated from Durand High School. He went to Ferris
State University and then transferred to Baker College in Owosso. He received his Associates in
Business Management and his Bachelors in Business Administration with a minor in
Marketing. During college and after college he worked for Nabisco and Walmart. He currently
works for Covenant Eyes. He is married to Krista and they have a three year old daughter
named Josie. Edward enjoys spending time with his family and friends and riding all over with
ATV’s. He has always liked math, solving problems, and spending time with kids.
Algebra II
1:40 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Course Fee: $60.00
Description: This math class will use the Saxon Algebra 2 book. Students in this class must have
successfully completed Saxon Algebra 1 at Coram Deo with at least an B grade or have tested
into Algebra 2 on our placement test.
Parental engagement necessary: Parents will be required to be sure students are completing
homework daily and parents will also be responsible for correcting daily homework.
Joe Chrysler graduated debt-free from Saginaw Valley with a Bachelor of Science degree. He
gives presentations on nerdy technical subjects all over the state. He has assistant-coached
homeschoolers in high school debate for many years. His parents taught him at home from his
first steps to his last final exam, so he has been through the ups (and downs) of homeschooling
through high school.
Writing Level I for Logic and Rhetoric
2:35 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.
Course Fee: $32.00
Description: The lessons in this class are designed to teach structure and style in writing. The
lessons incrementally introduce and review most of the models of structure and elements of style
found in the Institute for Excellence in Writing’s Teaching Writing: Structure and Style. Students
should spend a minimum of one year taking a Level 1 writing class and must have instructor
approval prior to moving up to level 2 classes.
Megan Rabideau is a wife to Don and mom to Lydia, a kindergartener, and Charlotte, who is
three. She is expecting another baby in January. Megan spent four years working in childcare
and going to school for an associates in early childhood development before becoming a stay at
home mom. Megan is currently a certified childbirth educator and carseat technician.
Writing level II: Writing Research Papers (R)
2:35 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.
Course Fee: $32.00
Description: **Register only by permission from instructor. Student must have successfully
passed Introductory Writing. The focus of this course is to equip students with the tools needed
for writing college level research papers, in three parts: 1) the basics; 2) doing the research and
refining it; and 3) applying what has been learned in a final project. This curriculum is excellent
for upper-level high school students who have been using Excellence in Writing Structure and
Style and are ready enter the realm of writing collegiate papers. Prior approval by the instructor
is required for enrollment. Please review the course overview and materials required for this
class before enrolling, at this address:
Donald Lindsey received his Bachelor degree in English (Creative Writing) from Webster
University (St. Louis, MO) in 1998. He received a Legal Assistant Certificate from Lansing
Community College in 2007. This is Mr. Lindsey's third year teaching at Coram Deo
Academics. He lives with his wife, Dawn, and their 6 year-old Australian Shepherd, Molly, in
Art (L & R)
2:35 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.
Course Fee: $100 (Tools & materials are provided)
Class size is limited to 12 students.
Description: Students will explore and gain experience working a variety of mediums/materials.
The class fee covers the cost of materials and or tools needed.
Homework: We will attempt to do most of the projects during class time but there may be
instances where projects that need to be completed will be allowed to be taken home. Some
materials & tools may be allowed to go home with the student but are required & expected to be
returned to the classroom the next time class is in session.
Projects: Projects must maintain a perspective that honors God in content. Nothing with graphic
violence or mature themes (nudity and/or an obscene nature) will be tolerated. Instructor
encourages students to ask questions about projects and reserves the right to redirect students.
Parents are encouraged to support student with ideas, but the work needs to be done by the
student. The best lessons learned in a craft/skills trade are by trial & error. Experience cannot be
created, it must be lived.
Student projects will sometimes be displayed for public viewing in an attempt to further
awareness of Coram Deo Academy. I would also like to try and do a project or two with the
motive of donating back to our community, for example, a project for the residents at Pleasant
View Senior care facility or for display in a local restaurant. Most projects will be for the
students to keep for their own at the end of the school year.
Projects can be messy, so it would be a good idea to have a “cover” shirt to protect your
Grades: I will not be grading any of the projects but may note on the diligent attempts made,
student attitude during the learning process, & adherence to rules (due dates, guidelines, etc.).
Artistic “skill” varies greatly and is acquired mainly by experience with the varying mediums.
Bridget Ordway has resided in Michigan most of her life. She graduated from Corunna High
School in 1983. She is married to Kyle Ordway, who runs the family business, Ordway’s Body
Shop in Corunna. She works full time as office manager there and homeschools 2 children. She
has created large dramatic props for several vacation bible schools, Christmas & Easter
programs and dance studio recitals as well as for the community. She enjoys painting and is
familiar in working with a multitude of mediums. Although she has had no formal schooling, she
is willing to volunteer time to help students discover their creative side and let them glean from
her experiences.
She is planning to help the students explore and gain knowledge working with a variety of
mediums. It will be almost exclusively hands on learning in order to expose them to these
Off Campus Debate Class (L & R)
Students must be 14 years old By Jan 1, 2014
6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. on Mondays
Course Fee: $50.00 Paid directly to the Kairos Debate Club through Cyndi Hammersely. This
fee will not be included in your Coram Deo Books and Materials fees.
Description: Next year Coram Deo will be offering an off-site, year-long class in debate as an
adjunct to their regular offerings in Owosso. Christian Communicators of America (CCA) is a
national speech and debate organization that "assists parents who are home-educating their
children with the development of communication and critical-thinking skills."
Kairos Debate Club meets every Monday evening in Saginaw from 6-9 pm, beginning at the end
of September. The Hammersley family has participated in this program for six years and makes
the weekly commute and is willing to shuttle/carpool with interested families. The Spencer
family participated in it for several years as well.
For the first half of the year, classroom instruction focuses on speaking extemporaneously,
learning and recognizing logical fallacies, rhetorical situations, the debate process, and
introduction of the year's topic/resolution. Students will be assigned a partner in early November
to form a debate "team". The second half of the year involves practice debates, training, and four
tournaments ( 1 each month in Feb, March, April, and May) with competitors from Michigan,
Ohio, and Indiana. No prior speech or debate experience is necessary; each year new
students/novices join the club with no prior knowledge or exposure to debate.
Students must be 14 years of age by January 1, 2014 in order to compete in debate tournaments.
They may also prepare and compete in individual speech events like: Impromptu, Persuasive,
Informative, Prose, and Dramatic Duo. Younger siblings are also able to participate in speech
events at the tournaments.
The cost for the class is $50.00. Students will need to find or purchase a box to carry their debate
information in, a 3 x 5 file card box to hold their evidence, and lots of unlined 3x5 cards to make
evidence cards. There is a registration fee for each tournament which depends on how many
events they enter, and costs involved for housing at the out-of-town tournaments. The four
tournament dates will be: Jan 24-25, (in Wayne, MI) March 7-8,(in Wayne, MI) April 11-12,(at
Hillsdale College) and May 16-17 (at SVSU).
The class is taught by Mr. David Schubert who has over 13 years of experience as a
homeschool/debate father and debate coach with HSLDA Speech and Debate, NCFCA (National
Christian Forensics and Communications Association) and CCA. He is currently the president of
The Hammersley family will be making the commute weekly and would love to transport/share
in carpooling with interested families. Several parents/instructors from Coram Deo have helped
as judges at our tournaments and may be willing to share their observations. (Ron Dehaas,
Donald Lindsey, Jabe Thomas, Charlotte Hoshal) In addition, Joe Chrysler participated in this
debate club during high school, and has served as the assistant debate coach for the past four
Please contact Cyndi or Scott Hammersley if you are interested or would like more information
at byfaithmom@centurytel.net